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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 506 KB, 710x1005, Marie_Kondō,_2016_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17266129 No.17266129 [Reply] [Original]

Marie Kondo is a genius (and kind of hot too). She's right that you only need 30 books - as Schopenhauer said, many people read themselves stupid. You only need a carefully curated bookshelf of 30 books (including the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, ofc). You'd be better off reading 30 good books thoroughly than speed reading 1000 books, most of which would be mediocre anyway. And she invented the GameCube.

>> No.17266133

Also, post your 30 books.

>> No.17266139

It is mostly makeup, anon. She is a regular Japanese lady.

>> No.17266147

why are Asian girls so cute, bros? whenever I see one I want to pump them full with my white seed, contaminating the purity of her bloodline

>> No.17266153

she also tells us to thank a book when taking it from a shelf or putting it back

my plan is to gradually trim back my library to a dozen or so classics

>> No.17266159

Just pirate everything and get a good ereader. Problem solved.

>> No.17266165

Probably some genetic stuff that messes with your monke part.

>> No.17266175

You didn't get the point. It's not about owning the physical object "book".

>> No.17266177

Is it ok to hoard ebooks, anon?

>> No.17266180

this does not spark joy

>> No.17266185

>And she invented the GameCube
When she was... *checks notes* 14?

>> No.17266188

>She's right that you only need 30 books

You're only cheating yourself with such a dumb "brightline" guideline.

>> No.17266213

Reading isn't just about knowledge though, I want to have fun doing it because be honest, what really is the point of memorizing 30 books? To appear intelligent to other people, to feel good, right? When you think about it, everything, all forms of interactions, ones you consider noble and ones you consider vile, they are all just masturbation. If there is no God, there is no meaning to anything

>> No.17266222

sir, this is a wendy's

>> No.17266225

She covers this in the book.

She covers this in the book.

>> No.17266227

>she invented the GameCube.
Nintendo shittiest console

>> No.17266229

which book?

>> No.17266232

It is a different type of intimacy that you develop with it, anon. I think of books as something like people. Seneca and Rachel de Queiroz mentioned the same thing. I thought about doing it, but fuck it, I'm fucking crazy, I crave new things, I'm unironically devoid of any sense of commitment to people, why should I commit to books?

>> No.17266239

Asian women look like pan-faced aliens to me. Probably the ugliest type of women on the planet. To each his own though. Good luck with your hapa kids.

>> No.17266240

Tell that to the OP, faggot.

>> No.17266245


Same is true of all females
The reality is if makeup did not exist many females would be nigh indistinguishable from males if based on face alone
Sexual dimorphism in humans is primarily in the rest of the body and voice not the face

>> No.17266246

>Probably the ugliest type of women on the planet.
That'd be abbos, followed by West Africans.

>> No.17266256

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. It's a major pseud-filter as it's an incredibly deep theological text. This isn't a meme, if you think it's just about cleaning you got filtered.

>> No.17266272

Unironically, anon?

>> No.17266278

>Marie Kondo is a genius
Yeah, she made a fortune off of suckers like you

>> No.17266283

Not that that takes a genius you fucking moron

>> No.17266287

>an airport tier new york times best seller is deep
The shills are getting delusional
>inb4 muh filtered

>> No.17266297

Does this count as one of the 30 books or is there a dispensation for this book?

>> No.17266298

Unironically, literally, actually, only partially metaphorically.

It's up on libgen. Have you read it?

>> No.17266306

I downloaded but didn't bothered.

>> No.17266307

If you've read her book, you don't need to keep it. A book is only a vehicle for transferring information in lieu of an actual conversation, after all, this isn't a reference manual or something. So, she personally doesn't say to make an exception for it, but I'd say if you really, REALLY like it then yeah, keep it.

>> No.17266319

Then how do you know there's nothing of value in it? How can you have an opinion on a book that you've never read before?

>> No.17266344

Oh, I'm >>17266272 and I don't know, anon. I'm reading other stuff, dealing with tests and a lot of other tings.

>> No.17266347

I remember reading it a while ago
though all I remember is
>get rid of most of you shit; you don't need it anyway
>don't clean your room everyday, do it rarely and make a thing out of it
>learn how to fold some damn clothes
>season clothes are for retards
>keep collections as long as they bring you true joy
though I really can't remember about the only 30 books part(the only thing I remember is about her stupid client who surrounded himself/herserlf in books)
is there anything else extremely important that I missed?

>> No.17266368

What if my books were 10,000 pages long?

>> No.17266373

fuck this right-wing bitch

>> No.17266379

It’s too bad East Asians (especially Japanese) see whites as low iq dirt the way we see black people in a similar light.

>> No.17266395

Whitoids are low iq dirt. Only Jews and Japs are smart.

>> No.17266400

1. Matthew
2. Mark
3. Luke
4. John
5. Acts (of the Apostles)
6. Romans
7. 1 Corinthians
8. 2 Corinthians
9. Galatians
10. Ephesians
11. Philippians
12. Colossians
13. 1 Thessalonians
14. 2 Thessalonians
15. 1 Timothy
16. 2 Timothy
17. Titus
18. Philemon
19. Hebrews
20. James
21. 1 Peter
22. 2 Peter
23. 1 John
24. 2 John
25. 3 John
26. Jude
27. Revelation
28. Jewish Bible
29. Infinite Jest
30. Atlas Shrugged/Fountainhead bound into one book

>> No.17266403

Dunno, but I'm not throwing my books out. Screw this. My joy is my concern.

>> No.17266409

My Japanese tutor (who was Arab) said the Japanese respect whites but hate the Chinese. There was a Korean guy there who confirmed this.

>> No.17266411

fact. i experienced enlightenment when a chinese girl told me she doesn't like clutter because it collects dust

>> No.17266413

Already BTFO by Smith

>> No.17266420

You realize that throwing your books out sparks joy, right? You're only hurting yourself.

>> No.17266441

"And so it happens that the person who reads a great deal—that is to say, almost the whole day, and recreates himself by spending the intervals in thoughtless diversion, gradually loses the ability to think for himself; just as a man who is always riding at last forgets how to walk. Such, however, is the case with many men of learning..."

And no it's not the amount of books you read but the toll it takes on the capacity for judgement and criticism of the novel/work and the nature of the world. The person who adopts the voice and judgement of the author, can easily lose their own.

>> No.17266481
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who /hoarder/ here? i have accumulated so much stupid bullshit. every time i try to get rid of large amounts of stuff I think "UUUUuhhh but what if I need this is 300 years" and keep it. send help

>> No.17266484

The cleaning thing is really secondary to the broader view. Marie Kondo is a very devout practitioner of Shinto (most Japanese are, Shinto is just so radically different from Abrahamic religion that when the Japanese say they're "atheists" what they really mean is "not Abrahamic"). Cleaning is just a practical demonstration of the utility of this view. Why should I bother to achieve a state of rootedness, of wholeness in place? Why should I concieve of myself as being something more than just an Ego in a brain piloting a meat mecha? Why should I accept that intelligence can be found all around me, even in things that don't have brains?

Well, for one, your socks won't wear out as fast. Secondly, your house will be prettier. Thirdly, your clothes won't be as wrinkly. Fourthly, you'll be happier with the possessions that you own, and so on and so forth. It's a practical demonstration of the utility of a set of views.

They don't see us as dumb, but rather different. Whites are airy-fairy, lack any sense of ethnic and familial identity, and don't like to work hard. That's not low IQ, it's laziness and wistfulness. Chinese girls have a saying that dating a White guy is like seeing a tiger at the zoo, but dating a Black guy is like jumping in the pen and kicking the tiger.

>> No.17266501

Sparks are a spook. This woman is unironically fooling people in a way that Brad Pitt and Palahniuk couldn't manage.

>> No.17266505

>103 vs 106
>70 vs 103
>The differences between these two sets of numbers are literally the same.

>> No.17266509

As long as its not taking up space you could use productively, and its well organized and cataloged its ok

>> No.17266514

So this is "clean your room" wordy version?

>> No.17266518

This explains redditors and leftist news junkies too
4channers are immune of course

>> No.17266524

Clean your bookshelf

>> No.17266526

When Jordan Peterson said "clean you room" he was giving advice to severely depressed men who were struggling to get out of bed. In these cases, the cleaning of the bedroom is an easy and accessible thing to do that causes you to have SOME accomplishment in your life, no matter how small. If you aren't severely depressed, it isn't for you, and the mocking of people suffering from clinical depression is cruel.

Marie Kondo is not dealing with severely depressed people. If I had to reduce this down, it'd be to something like
>live a clean life

>> No.17266529

>dating a Black guy is like jumping in the pen and kicking the tiger
Is this a sexual metaphor?

>> No.17266541

>In her senior year, she wrote her capstone thesis, titled "Tidying up as seen from the perspective of gender"
God i hate women.

>> No.17266563

what do they think about us spics?

>> No.17266572

No, it's a blunt reference to the comically high rates of domestic abuse across the whole world in relationships with a black man. Even in China, black men beat their wives and girlfriends. A White guy is a simulation of danger and exoticism, a black guy is actually dangerous.

>> No.17266582

As far as I'm aware, the entirety of Latin America in the Asian view is
>poor people with tasty spicy food that are bullied by the US
whether bullying by the US is good or not depends on the precise flavor of Asian.

>> No.17266589
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>> No.17266605

>Whites are airy-fairy, lack any sense of ethnic and familial identity, and don't like to work hard.
That's because (((White))) is not a real identity. It's an American term for pale mystery meat. Europeans actually care about national identity, on the other hand.

>> No.17266622
File: 706 KB, 2022x3000, Save_A_Tap._Slap_A_Jap^_-_NARA_-_533908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read it in Japanese
cured my weeaboo
made me want Japan to sink
10/10 would again

>> No.17266630

Mexican culture is mostly favorably viewed in Japan or at least seen with friendly interest. You can find lots of depictions of it in Japanese anime and video games.

>> No.17266633

Hitler also said something like that in Mein Kampf that people who read so much books are dimwits.

>> No.17266636

No we definitely know we're white. That was a thing before the united States were even created.

>> No.17266647

>including the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, ofc
Fuck off zoomer retard

>> No.17266659

Is she able to tidy /lit/ and end this shit fest?

>> No.17266686

/lit/ not only already follows her views, but is also a great rebuttal of that kind of thinking.
It repeats the same 30 conversations over and over again.

>> No.17266729

But it became an attempt at identity thanks to the US rather than a descriptor. Being 'white' is considered an identity there.

>> No.17266742
File: 130 KB, 885x885, 8MUdq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at /lit/, for people who read so much you're all pretty dumb

>> No.17266795


>> No.17266817
File: 432 KB, 1811x996, IMG_20210112_123651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17266824

>Matthew first
Based and checked.

>> No.17266964

I've considered this. I've read some good books in my time but not enough for my liking but I worry if I read too many I'll forget the ones I loved. Also I'm interested in reading philosophy but I don't want to turn into one of those stooges who regurgitates passages as though I'M the intellectual. On that note I'm curious if my taste in authors is good or bad. What do y'all think of English authors like John Le Carre? I find his works pulling me in even though his style is painfully dry

>> No.17266980

I'm guilty of this. I don't buy a book and not read it but if I'm gifted trash I don't want to be rude and bin it.

>> No.17267003

Mao said a similar thing: the more they reader, the dumber they get
once, a party member asked him to recommend books to read, Mao told him the only book he need concern himself with is a tractor manual

>> No.17267005

If you're a Christian why would you read atheist trash like Ayn Rand? Her message is about as anti-Christian as you can get.

>> No.17267028

"muh brain can't stand opposite thinking; thought provoking bad, reinforced learning good; I'm a pidgeon; pru pru"

>> No.17267038

>taking Hitler's opinions seriously

>> No.17267053

>She is a regular Japanese lady
yes, that's why I'm so erect

>> No.17267078
File: 143 KB, 625x682, ErZ_ODWXcAApq14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was literal fucking Nazi

>> No.17267085
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>> No.17267087

Know thy enemy

>> No.17267088

Means that you are not gay, anon. It doesn't mean that she is hot.

>> No.17267090

Hitler also said all furniture and decoration should be standardized, like you could pick between three different sofa colors, but the design was the same.

>> No.17267093

KEK anon, she is just an poor refugee from the Stalinist regime. And an old lady.

>> No.17267095

There's a flaw here, you need to read more than 30 books before you can accurately curate a shelf of just 30 books. The first 30 you see is not sufficient.

>> No.17267099

And what if I don't want a shelf? I'm allowed to hoard ebooks?

>> No.17267108

I get an erection for less than 1% of the population

>> No.17267114

And she is just writing fucking books. Christian bigots unironically picking enemies out of people's tastes on books.

>> No.17267117

You need viagra, anon. And probably some decent diet and exercise. Check that out in a doctor.

>> No.17267136

Nah, I just have standards. I can squat 200kg and get rock hard erections for my lady at least twice a day. I just can't get hard if a woman has any visible flab whatsoever.

>> No.17267137

Iirc Hitler also suggested this in Mein Kampfy. At the very least he was very critical of the way people read books.

>> No.17267151

I bet you are not even married and you are some fat fuck. Post a pic of this shit.

>> No.17267161

Standards? Marie Kondo is the top 1%?

>> No.17267167

I actually took her advice and got rid of about 150 books. I only kept a few sentimental ones, which I've since lost in a storage unit.
I regret the decision. You should have books in your house for when you have children. They need to see books and see you read them. It's fine, I am now buying used hardcover copies of the best books I've ever read. Also, much of my library was full of degenerate druggie books that I don't want them reading anyways.
I would recommend getting rid of ALL of you junk except for your specific hobbies. The rest of the shit I got rid of has not been missed for a second

>> No.17267176

Don't get me wrong, anon. She seems to be a cool lady.

>> No.17267179

what is ALL your junk to get rid of? my hobbies are where the junk is coming from

>> No.17267186

KEK did you got rid of your Mishima books, anon? I thought about it, specially the temple of golden paviliion, I don't want any children get anywhere near that shit.

>> No.17267215

I mean, yeh. 50% of people are male. 50% of women are outside an acceptable age range. 50% of women are overweight. 50% are of an unacceptable ethnicity. That's already down to ~6% and I haven't even mentioned facial aesthetics or anything about their body other than "not fat"

>> No.17267224

you're right, I'm not married. I never claimed to be.

>> No.17267246

>season clothes are for retards
I'm sorry, but temperatures where I live range from -20 to +30 C. Maybe for her it's fine, but for a lot of the world season clothes are a must.

>> No.17267247

I had too much refuse from abandoned hobbies. Guitar gear, moldy old vinyl records, audio equipment I barely use. I had too much clothing, too many kitchen appliances, a bunch of sentimental shit. The biggest relief now is I'm not sentimentally attached to anything that I own. No obligation to lug an old bass guitar around to every apartment.

At least half of my library had hard drug use, graphic murder, sex, or right wing crime think in it.

>> No.17267253

That's not what she's talking about, anon. She's talking about autism like not wearing red in the summer.

>> No.17267259

Of course she then committed suicide

>> No.17267269


>> No.17267268

You need some comedy

>> No.17267274

she's talking about S/S vs F/W wardrobes that are primarily just "wear brighter colors in spring/summer, more neutral colors in fall/winter". She's not saying don't wear shorts and jackets as weather dictates.

>> No.17267300

KEK wtf is wrong with you?

Quit being so shallow, anon. What are you going to do when you will settle down and get old with someone? Or are you some sperglord that plans to take the mishima pill?

>> No.17267305

Males have beards and females do not

>> No.17267309
File: 4 KB, 388x413, 31d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only own 30 books
>But buy my book
Does this pretty Chinese lady really think I can't find 30 books better than her self-help manual

>> No.17267317

i shave and have long hair and i'm not a f*moid

>> No.17267357

>I'm not sentimentally attached to anything I own
>makes moving easier
Is this really worth it, though? How old are you? I'm at the point in my life where moving is going to be a chore every time I do it for the rest of my life, I think. I don't plan to do it very often though, planning to get a house in the next few years and that'll help. But right now, the things I would lug across the country if I moved:
obviously, I've got about two bookshelves full of fiction, non-fiction, textbooks, and sheet music.
>pots/pans/kitchen equipment
I love to cook and have very nice pans (demeyere, comparable to all clad, imo a bit nicer), and this stuff lasts a literal lifetime
>piano, hardwood furniture
I have an 800lb upright piano that is a bit of a pain whenever I move. I also have some nicer pieces of furniture I'd rather not have to sell -- the goal of buying some nicer pieces was to avoid the ikea-trap of repurchasing shit every few years and throwing it away.
>my squat stand, barbell, plates, and other lifting equipment
I've got a 6x9 section of my living room carved out for lifting. The net weight of everything involved is around 400kg, so it's not easy to move. I've only moved this stuff once though, since I only got it during the pandemic.

I make a decent living so I can afford nice things, and have mostly done so with things I care about. I'm overall relatively minimalist but some of my hobbies just require a lot of stuff that isn't easy to tuck away in the corner. My goal is to break free from the consumerist cycle, which is why I buy high quality stuff in cases where I'm confident they will be durable.
>take the mishima pill
kill myself for the death orgasm?
Nah. you're missing the obvious -- just drop the girl who gets old and find a new one

To actually answer your question, I can get hard for someone I love even if they don't look how I'd like. But in terms of looking at a person and just getting hard, flab makes it difficult.

>> No.17267371

>including the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, ofc
You had to ruin a quality post, didn't you?

>> No.17267375

after you read her book you give it to a friend, no need to keep it on your shelf

>> No.17267387

>you must spend $10 to read a 100 page tidying up manual
Are you retarded? Have you ever heard of a library?

>> No.17267400

Can you teach me about quality pans? All of ours somehow become irreparably ruined after a few months of being in the house

>> No.17267424

There’s something appealingly asexual about Marie Kondo.

>> No.17267451
File: 49 KB, 300x300, Joji_-_Nectar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She reminds me of Joji.

>> No.17267452

Yes, she probably reminds me of some Asian (man) friend or whatever.

>> No.17267459

You want to fuck your Asian man friend?

>> No.17267486

what kind are they? nonstick? stainless steel? cast iron?
nonstick is inherently not going to last. the coating will always degrade over time (although a few months would indicate either abysmal quality, or abuse to the pans)

>> No.17267493

I need more than 30 books, sorry.

>> No.17267500


>> No.17267535

if you read what she actually says, she has NO hard rules that you cannot change. 30 books is just a suggestion about what a reasonable person would probably benefit from. A lot of normies get 1-2 books for birthday and Christmas every year they never read, then buys a few more throughout the year, again, never read. She's speaking to the average person and saying, you probably have way more books than you will ever do anything with, just throw out the ones you don't plan to read (or reread), and keep let's say 30 that you might actually use.
If you actually need more than 30 books, she's not telling you you can't have more than 30 books. But to this guy's point >>17267500 it's pretty unlikely that you do. How many books did you read in 2020?

>> No.17267554

wii u? ds? gameboy? nes?

>> No.17267559

No, I'm half-Asian, I know a lot of Asian people and It is not like it is that hard to find a 'doppelganger.'

>> No.17267595
File: 610 KB, 2047x2047, 1610079165735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why have even one book? Get an ereader already. You can have 10,000 books without buying even one.

>> No.17267634

Like you'll ever read 10,000 books.
You're like a vidya pirate who downloads thousands of games but never played them. You're a hoarder. You disgust me.

>> No.17267645


>> No.17267648

>KEK wtf is wrong with you?
as a child my teachers told me to be open minded, and I believed them, because of my autism. since then I have been threatened with murder, rape, and unemployment. luckily, now I've seen the error of my ways, black trans lives matter and I will dismantle white supremacy in all its forms :)

>> No.17267649

>And she invented the GameCube.

proofs ?????

>> No.17267653

She looks like she has absolutely impeccable hygiene; that's a plus. I've never watched her show or anything, though; maybe I don't know what I'm talking about.

>> No.17267661

>since then I have been threatened with murder, rape, and unemploymen
Everyone gets insulted on the internet; don't act like it makes you particularly oppressed.

>> No.17267670

Hoarders are retarded, whether it's books or games or anything else. You don't need to own so many things

>> No.17267677

>Is this really worth it, though? How old are you? I'm at the point in my life where moving is going to be a chore every time I do it for the rest of my life
for me it was. but it's more than the physical burden of relocating. it was the psychological attachment to the past. pretty sure she mentions that in the book. when I get rid of the junk it helps me realize exactly what I am and not live clinging to past glory, status, shame, ideals, whatever.

>> No.17267678

Hitler himself read thousands of books, this is well documented.

Mao had a fetish for young things and brainletism. He preferred asking his bodyguards about their girlfriends than engaging with Chinese tradition. He also instituted the persecution and mocking of elderly people.

>> No.17267682

Not him, but I definitely need more than 30 since a lot of them are reference works you can't get (if at all) as pdfs and while I don't read them front to back, I still need them; I can also sell them for an immense profit if I keep them for a year or so.

>> No.17267689

>wow, I moved my clutter somewhere else
yeh I bet that helps, you really understood the book anon

>> No.17267693

And they take up no additional space beyond the like 200 grams that the kindle weighs. The ONLY reasons people buy physical books is because they either have lots of money to burn or want to impress people with their large book collection.

>> No.17267707

Look, we both have autism but yours seems more severe so I shall clarify: none of those things happened I am simply implying that being open minded is not actually valued in these dang old troubled times

>> No.17267712

So what am I supposed to do with the free space on my computer? I got a bunch of books, movies and whatever. But I still got free space, and it is not like I always have internet. This tidying thing doesn't work digitally. I'm ok with getting rid of my useless shit, but not my files.

>> No.17267717

>lots of money to burn
but kindle books cost money, too

>> No.17267731

You only need a 256GB SSD, bro.

>> No.17267736

What about libgen?

>> No.17267739

I don't have 10,000 books, I was simply illustrating my point. Also:
>implying you don't have a collection of images to use on 4chan
>he doesn't know about the collection feature that makes organization incredibly easy
Not if you pirate them. Who the fuck still buys kindle books when they could just as easily pirate them? I have ~400 books on my kindle and I've bought one.

>> No.17267751

>not if you pirate them
Wow, and if I steal physical books, they're free, too! Thanks Jamal!

>> No.17267753

>Look, we both have autism but yours seems more severe so I shall clarify: none of those things happened I am simply implying that being open minded is not actually valued in these dang old troubled times
I don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.17267762

I don't have an ssd, got an 512 gb hd, and nothing else.

>> No.17267780
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You wouldn't download a pizza.

>> No.17267814

Why do you NEED to do anything with the free space?
>implying you don't have a collection of images to use on 4chan
It's true kek
I am also a victim of hoarding, but at least I realize it's not a good thing

>> No.17267833
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I appreciate your honesty, but I think we can safely say that our kind of "digital hoarding" (really just autistic collecting and organizing) is infinitely preferable to hoarding mounds of physical junk. I don't know about you, but I can fit everything I own into a small suitcase + a backpack.

>> No.17267848

>I can fit everything I own into a small suitcase + a backpack.
You don't own any furniture? I mean, I also pursue a life of minimalism, but I'm not sure how you're supposed to live like a civilized person without a certain quantity of cooking utensils, clothes and furniture. I mean, the only pieces of furniture I own are a stool, a shoe rack and a stationary bike (if that counts as furniture), but obviously that's far more than you could stick in a single suitcase.

>> No.17267851

I read 30+ books this last year alone. I don't want to go to a library (bum jerk off station) because I take longer than two weeks with most books. I'm not just going to re-read all 30 fucking books until I've got them memorized, I'm not mentally ill.
I read 38 books in 2020. Aside from reading them cover to cover I like to peruse my bookshelf and pull off things to read a bit of them. I also keep all my old textbooks for reference. I enjoy reading and being surrounded by books enables me to do just that.

>> No.17267876

I don't know, anon. Sometimes I don't have internet connection. I'm pragmatic, ok? Makes a lot of sense to have a stock of things. And desu I used her method a bit, I used to have 4000 books, deleted it to 900 and organized them with tags.

>> No.17267900
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I'm not wasting one of my 30 on her, idiot

>> No.17267903

I only rent furnished apartments at this point in my life.

>> No.17267908

>Memorizing 30 books makes you mentally ill
But that would be fucking based

>> No.17267916

>our kind of "digital hoarding" (really just autistic collecting and organizing) is infinitely preferable to hoarding mounds of physical junk
I suppose I can agree with that. It's really just physical hoarding that bothers me desu

>> No.17267937
File: 185 KB, 1000x666, resized_99263-hoarder-15_38-20083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's really just physical hoarding that bothers
Which is completely reasonable. I am eternally disgusted by Burger Boomers living in mountains of useless garbage.

>> No.17267941

I don't own a lot of physical things other than necessities and I still feel like I have too much shit

>> No.17267957

Not really, you miss out of tons of ideas and stories and can't reinforce big picture themes through related but not identical story arcs. The only book worth memorizing is the bible.

>> No.17268006

Anything beyond the human part of my brain tells me to spread my seed to as many women as many different kinds as possible and hopefully become genghis khan vol 2, but I don't actually want to do that.

>> No.17268038


>> No.17268131

after three weeks of waiting, I finally got my copy of "The Joy of leaving your shit all over the place". Based Book

>> No.17268139

Just finished The Joy of Cumming Inside Marie Kondo! Highly recommended!

>> No.17268157
File: 121 KB, 1200x948, 1599991227282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think >>17266165 is partially right, though we can't neglect to mention the longstanding cultural mythos surrounding Oriental women. Whether you're aware of it or not, you've had certain ideas about Asian women (and Asian culture more broadly) instilled in you from a very young age. Some of these assumptions/stereotypes are indeed true (Asian women being thinner, shorter, not as hairy or smelly), though some really are just stereotypes. Traditionally Oriental cultures also placed a massive emphasis on the male-female hierarchy wherein women were ultimately subservient to men, which doesn't reflect your own western society which now focuses heavily on serving women in a variety of ways. As you're probably a bookish cerebral kind of guy you likely feel like you're at a disadvantage in your own society, so that archetypal subservient, ultimately feminine Asian women seems even more appealing to you when you consider how archetypal unmasculine Asian men would measure up in your society. You feel like you "have a better shot". Now, unlike most people, I don't actually think this is a bad thing as long as you're aware of the reasons why you feel particularly drawn to Asian women if what I've listed above somewhat pertains to you, which it doesn't necessarily. It seems reasonable to me that White men operating with these biases unchecked are the main reasons for such virulent anti WMAF sentiments in popular culture. There are thousands of other valid reasons to have a "preference" for East Asian women (you like women with dark hair, shorter women, exotic foreign women, etc), but I think my rough little theory may explain the commonness with which we see "nerdy" unremarkable White guys with attractive Asian female companions.

>> No.17268160


>> No.17268169

Spent quite a while growing up in Japan. This is correct. In addition,Japanese basically think all other Asian countries are below them. Especially Chinese.

>> No.17268173

Marie kondo = Jordan Peterson for house wives

>> No.17268183

I'm half-Asian and meet a black girl who had an "yellow fever." I'm not sure if it is only the culture, anon. It is probably the behavior of some people. Chimpanzees kinda do something similar, as in females leave their home group and migrate to some other, when they arrive the other females are salty about it but some males might help her out.

>> No.17268187

>don't think, only coom to tight asian spinners
based retard

>> No.17268194

>You only need a carefully curated bookshelf of 30 books (including the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, ofc).
Bad bait. Opinion discarded

>> No.17268207

But it is mostly a 'fever.' As in it ends up and whatever.

>> No.17268221

>dude just get an e-reader
She talks about this too. Her system applies to the digital world just as much as your physical house. She also addresses this point directly: the point is not to give you more room to pack more shit into. The point is not to hoard more efficiently. The point is to stop hoarding. It's to stop having too much. It's to achieve a state of wholeness in place. More simply, it's about using what matters that you have.

As other anons have said, yes, if you do actually read a lot of books, by all means, keep more than 30. But this same principle applies elsewhere; do you really need 500 pairs of underwear? Do you really need forty pairs of shoes? Do you really need a TV in every room? And on, and on, and on.

>> No.17268230
File: 248 KB, 2048x1536, EhgWy5jU0AA8CpZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Probably the ugliest type of women on the planet.
Anon, i...

>> No.17268246

You're probably on to something too. Here's a snippet from another very long and autistic post about why White guys are drawn to Asian women and why it makes so many people angry:
>Now that we've looked at who these men actually are, it would be useful to investigate why their decision causes so much "butthurt". I think it primarily comes down to the fact that, by "fleeing" a market in which they were rejected by white women (as is the case of men in category #2 [category #2 refers to incel/beta types]) or by themselves rejecting white women (as in the case of men in category #3 [category #3 refers to guys who were successful but unsatisfied with dating in the West]), these men are in a sense subverting the powers of natural selection held by white women. They are going OUTSIDE of the bounds of control that white women hold over who gets to breed and who does not. This, I suspect, is why white women often deride these men as less-than or low quality. These women will (as women often do) resort to attacking their masculinity by calling them losers, incels, disgusting fetishists, etc. They may also berate Asian women for dating these men, as they feel their hegemony over white men is threatened by an "alternative". The men who speak poorly of WMAF couples likely do so in the same way that somebody might get angry if you cheated when playing a game: "I'm following the rules but I'm not making much success! It's not FAIR that a previously lower-quality man is getting lots of sex with hot women because he changed his environment! THAT'S CHEATING!!!" There are unspoken rules of dating in the twenty-first century West (what the women want, the women get!) that these men are choosing to disregard. For men in category #3, refusing to participate in the Western dating market is effectively them packing up their toys and going home.

>> No.17268254

Kondo isn't /lit/ at all, she's more interested in whatever the nip name for Feng Shui is.
So ok, cool, you only ever want to keep 30 books permanently on your bookshelf and resell or goodwill the rest. That doesn't mean (and I'm sure Kondo wasn't implying) that you should read only 30 books in your life.
Read continuously and maintain only 30 on your bookshelf. How do you know if a book is good enough to make your 30 before you've read it?

>> No.17268258

you can have sex with her 10 times total. 20 if you marry her

>> No.17268259

Oh, so now that haughty bitch just ASSUMES that her book is good enough to be one of the 30 books I limit myself to?
Get to fuck.

>> No.17268261

you are better off with an anti-library
read obscure, rare books
not common ones like the 'bible'


>> No.17268287

I'm saying about different groups in general, anon. As in blondes and whatever. I'm not solely driven by looks, but a 'regular' blonde girl looks way better than a qt Asiatic.

I gave that other girl example, that she had a 'yellow fever' (she fucking admitted it to me and it seems that she had just dumped/been dumped by some other jap). And it was not like I wasn't reasonably lusting her either, anon. Her voice was fucking amazing too, but I was too much of a mess of a person back in the day. She ended up getting sick of my bs and left.

>> No.17268294

the druids of ancient britain mocked those 'book learned people' as lacking intuition and having to compensate

>> No.17268302

And I can definitely tell the difference because I remember seeing some asiatic girl dying her hair blonde and it completely changed everything.

>> No.17268311

This women is 4’7.

>> No.17268312

This was already answered here >>17266307. In the future, please read a thread before posting in it.

We know they were familiar with writing, as the Greeks and Celts were contact for several centuries. So, the Druidic commitment to illiteracy (or at least maintaining oral tradition) wasn't out of ludditism, but a conscious decision.

>> No.17268320

Dude she's like 90% plastic and makeup

>> No.17268321


Jesus fucking Christ
I don't think I produce as much garbage in a year as there is in that picture.

>> No.17268324

As in it went from "yes, whatever" to "yessss" KEK

>> No.17268326

>the druids of ancient britain mocked those 'book learned people'
they had books in ancient britain?

>> No.17268332


>> No.17268348

The Celts all across Europe (Europe was, at one time, almost entirely Celtic) were in constant contact with the Greeks, Latins, and through trade, the Semitic world. According to some Greek sources, the Druids knew how to read and write using the Greek alphabet, but refused to put their own teachings to writing, preferring the oral tradition instead.

On the one hand, this kept the Romans from co-opting it. On the other hand, it mean that when the Romans conquered Gaul, the teachings of the Druids were lost.

>> No.17268353

Staring at the screen for too long hurts my eyes.
t. Works on computer all day

>> No.17268370

Does anyone know where I can find Hitler's reading list?

>> No.17268380

You'd be happy to know that kindles and most other ereaders don't use pixels, so they don't hurt your eyes at all in my experience).

>> No.17268388

>the teachings of the Druids were lost.
thats a popular myth, celtic mythology is still accesible for example

>> No.17268402

Thanks anon! The Peloponnese War referenced Celts in passing and I was wondering how the fuck Greeks would know about what was going on in Ireland back then.

>> No.17268430

>Literally all she has to say is "fold your laundry"
>Makes billions for being cutely Japanese

>> No.17268433
File: 721 KB, 2765x4096, Eqy_Mb2VoAAzjQk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Attractive women don't exist

>> No.17268440

i think a lot of women nowadays are into asians for how feminine they are, like kpop boybands.

>> No.17268443

In the sense that the popular understanding of Irish Religion's history was Christianized and written down, yes. But we don't know, for example, how the Gaulish Druid's conception of reincarnation worked. We don't know the precise ritual nature that made mistletoe so sacred. We don't know why the sickles the Druids wielded as a symbol of their office HAD to be made of gold. We don't know the metaphysical schema that even setup why "The Druids" were a thing at all (ignore Indo-European stuff, that's something a tad different). More importantly, what we do have is almost entirely from Scotland and Ireland, and not from the Celts living in what is today Romania, France, Spain, or southern Germany.

When I say that all of Europe used to be Celtic, I mean "everywhere that isn't Greece, Basque Country, central and southern Italy, Scandinavia including Denmark, and the furthest east reaches of Eastern Europe". The Celts used to be EVERYWHERE. They're counted as one of the losers of history because they lost HARD. If we go by how much of their languages survived into that of their conquerors, they lost harder than Native Americans.

>> No.17268451

Yes, but that is not my point, anon. The other anon was insisting in culture. This is kinda obvious that culture is going to influence things. What I'm saying is that there might be something deeper behind those 'fevers.'

>> No.17268465

I would mating press her with my monster 6" BWC and fill her with two gargantuan 7ml loads of my watery cum, as her eyes rolled back and she cried tears of pleasure with her tongue hanging out the side of her mouth and her cute Jap toes curling.

>> No.17268484

looks like AOC

>> No.17268485

It's called growing up

>> No.17268501

Eh that only sorta applies to cooming to online pictures its also neotony

>> No.17268619
File: 133 KB, 968x273, 1609234239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was it autism?

>> No.17268638

No. There's quite a lot of written down, sure, and a lot of it untranslated(as in - still in Old Irish, the only Welsh and Scottish sources that have any mythological bearing were translated), but these kinds of declarations typically are made by people who haven't read the actual primary material and had a comparison with other religions.

The fragmentary tales that were preserved(and sanitised) in medieval period just don't tell you very much on why this and that thing was a custom(according to historians or some law codex). If you've ever had a chance of reading catechism, you know that there's a lot of elements in the bible that have an actual relevance to the world and could be used to warrant some kind of religious law, but require certain scholarly understanding of it, now thankfully we do have that, because we have circa 1300 years of Christian proper(post-Nicean) theology. Hinduism also has that, in fact it has treatises, from the medieval period, on sound interpretation of some of their Vedas. It is almost 100% certain that it was the same for the European Pagans, but none of it(or almost none of it) survived.

>> No.17268691

I never said that. But most attractive women are only attractive because of the pound of makeup. And in the case of Asians, plastic surgery

>> No.17268692
File: 73 KB, 677x351, F7345532-6806-4D52-B132-D1A3FFCF3B2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>contaminating the purity of her bloodline
You’re doing the same thing to your own bloodline, yellow fever retard

>> No.17268706

I remember a thread on lit saying that you only need 3 books on any given subject to know more than the average person however the average person is a low hanging fruit. In reality, you need at least 30 books on a subject alone to understand it deeply to the point you can discuss it with an academic without sounding like a retard.

>> No.17268739

>There are no attractive women, they won't fuck me but it's OK 'cause they're ugly anyways

>> No.17268741

Look up neoteny. Asian people tend to have more neotenous. That's good in girls because it makes them look young but not so much among men since it makes them look less masculine. Although for the latter, many girls are obsessed with those K-pop dancing monkeys so yeah, it's playing in their favour.

>> No.17268779

I maintain that there is nothing wrong with bleaching Asians so long as you live in Asia and raise your hapa kids in Asia.

>> No.17268789

She looks a bit uncanny to me.

>> No.17268846

Nice projection

>> No.17268862

>Ayn Rand

>> No.17269216

>Marie Kondo is a genius (and kind of hot too). She's right that you only need 30 books - as Schopenhauer said, many people read themselves stupid.
But most of my books are reference material. I have a shitload of books about gardening, construction (including numerous specializations) an entire case of cookbooks, ceramics, art, textile work, etc. and I have used all of them at least once to get something done. Finding genuinely specialized information on the internet can be fucking miserable.

Kinda. It's almost like the Roman-Barbarian view of the world with less interbreeding and an inverted power dynamic; to the Romans/Japs, their way is the only correct way in the end, barbarians will never been Roman/Jap no matter how hard they try and Romans/Japs are inherently better by birth but there are plenty of barbarians who have some merit in one way or another and plenty of barbarian creations that are good ideas. But they will still never be Romans/Japs.

>> No.17269502

That’s kind of just allowing yourself to be absorbed into asia, it would be preferable to have kids of your own background and raise them in that background. You’re right that what you describe is better than raising your weird hapa kids in the west, because they might do better in Asia, plus with the current condition of Asia compared to the west, being absorbed by Asia might be fine.

>> No.17269511

I want less things. I want a Day off work.

>> No.17269516

I'm better off reading however many books I see fit.

>> No.17269569

Hitler was a drug-addled retard who consistently made terrible decisions, you don’t need to take the Austrian autist seriously in order to know about (((them))) or show racial self-interest, those that do are larping in the footsteps of an idiot.

>> No.17269572
File: 96 KB, 800x500, 1599845527787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let go of desire, anon

>> No.17269775

>this pretty Chinese lady
*this pretty Japanese lady
don't be a normalfag and leave your house for that book
I've listened to the audiobook and it's the same thing
paste "pp" after www.youtube and that will send you to a page where you can download the mp3

>> No.17269824

>implying anyone who uses 4chan ever paid for an ebook or kindle
true, but an e reader screen is different from a regular pc screen; search it up
if you keep them, it's the same thing retard

>> No.17269832


>> No.17269896

Just please for the love of god pronounce her name correctly.

>> No.17269911

>you only need 30 books
Projecting pseud detected.

>> No.17270102


tl;dw - Asians have greater neoteny- they retain more "childlike" features than other races.

>> No.17270155

>This was already answered here >>17266307. In the future, please read a thread before posting in it.
Ok, so basically you wasted our fucking time by misrepresenting what she said in your original post,
>You'd be better off reading 30 good books thoroughly than speed reading 1000 books
Implying that her rule for bookshelf curation was a rule for the books you should actually read, whether you keep them on your shelf or not.

You fucking faggot.

>> No.17270409

>so, naturally most people are into child like features
can I use eastmeeteast if I'm not asian?

>> No.17270575

>Reddit-tier “science” video

>> No.17270750

not an argument

>> No.17270797

>Read 50 pages a day
>Assume average book length of 150 pages
>3 days / book
>100 books /year
That's 1,000 books over ten years. If you can read 100 pages per day that's 2,000 books over ten years, or 10,000 books over fifty years.

>> No.17270819

We probably don't need more than 30 books to get all the major insights we'll end up finding from reading, but knowing what those 30 are is impossible until you read a lot. By the time you die, perhaps giving away all but a few dozen is fine.

This is also true. We shouldn't compare ourselves with the average if our goal is greatness

>> No.17270843

There are only a few hundred books worth reading. Better off rereading Divine Comedy or a 19th century French novel than even touching young adult lit or whatever woke shit appears on NY Times reading list.

>> No.17270884

>(and kind of hot too)
It's come to my attention that this woman is 4'7". Isn't that a little too short to be hot?

>> No.17270913
File: 359 KB, 1080x1350, Marie-Kondo-Feet-4157620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"No." I want to fuck this little MILF and suck her toes.

>> No.17270983

Obviously YA isn't worth reading but I'm sure you could easily accumulate at least a couple thousand worthy reads before it's easier to reread than to look for new literature.