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/lit/ - Literature

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17347500 No.17347500 [Reply] [Original]

Use these free tools to generate, deplagiarize, modify, and produce text and put it in the the Google Doc:


After it is finished, we will publish it. There are already several works in the canon made by anons this week.

>> No.17347516

Check these essentials made very recently:


>> No.17347523

Philosophy is not literature, get this shit out of here.

>> No.17347556
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This will be the most advanced philosophy yet;
Anonymous Artificial Pseudointelligence

>> No.17347590

Keep in mind, there are no rules.

>> No.17347592

bump why not

>> No.17347612

As if the world isn't filled with shit.

>> No.17347650

This isn't what /hyperlit/ was about bros.
We were supposed to put genuine effort into creating these works, not rely on robots.

>> No.17347653

Yes but it's OUR shit.

>> No.17347664

*EXTENSIVE* footnotes required.

>> No.17347671

Queering Hegel: A Hegelian Critique of Western Heteronormative Hegemony

Derrida, Simpsons, and Family Guy: Deconstructing the Nuclear Family

Appropriating Quirkiness in an Age of Hyper-Individuality

Phallus and Time: Rethinking the Concept of ‘Sex’ in Marxian Discourse

Creating a Postmodern Dreamworld in Dystopia

The Uncanny: A Robotic Tale of Postfeminist Nightmare

Hitchhiking in South Korea: The Politics of Self-Determination in Coincidental Stories

It was shocking when I discovered that my thesis committee did not have a single male student.

>> No.17347674

There must be every type of degenerative metawork in the canon of postpostmodern superfiction.

Once this work is complete I'll set myself to writing another serious treatise on the new threads, et al.

>> No.17347684

*Marxist ffs, fix that fucking bot.

>> No.17347691

I'm calling the Turing cops on you OP this stops now

>> No.17347696

the day creativity died
why don't you die with it OP?

>> No.17347715

Dialectical thinking is a way of thinking that goes beyond everyday experience and captures the wisdom that life itself offers—that is, the real meaning of things.

Dialectical thinking also means that we need to slow down and get to know the other person's point of view, which requires making direct contact. Otherwise, one can never make any progress. It requires seeing things from a radically different angle. It also involves mutual consideration, mutual questioning, and mutual deepening. There is no room for people to think either in a me-first or in a others-first way. To enter into dialectical thinking requires us to be patient. To understand the other, it requires acknowledging the negative—the way in which they might see things differently. The dialectician wants to see things from the other person's perspective, but it is a kind of translation, not an original thought or intuition. The dialectician's method is that of an interpreter.

>> No.17347740


>> No.17347876


>> No.17348552

you're killing /hyperlit/ we need to pace ourselves

>> No.17348564

>using AI when the entire point of /hyperlit/ is unrestricted expression

>> No.17348717

okay bois i cut its throat.
no more procedurally degenerative works.
there is now a large bed of background material to add truly inspired works to.
btw PSEUDÆ by Brecker is originally researched and contains no artificially pontificated philosophical research.
guess i got addicted to publishing unsubstantiated pseudoscientific textbooks.

>> No.17349257


how on earth was /hyperlit/ so quickly befallen by machines?

>> No.17349360
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Marios Poupipeipalos touches on something similar in his landmark analysis of automation in the "soft skills" space, Tales from the Silicon Chip: How Machines Will Remember Us. The gist is that whenever we hand a task over to robots which involves creative thought or problem, we never get it back. In his opinion, offshoring is the early forerunner of this phenomena, where even if the resources exist on paper to perform a return-to-region, in practice it is unlikely to happen because of resistance from those who would now be made to take on additional responsibilities. Tasks granted to robots (or offshored) further acquire the attributes of refuse, provoking a disgust reaction toward them as being "beneath" someone.

>> No.17349380

That sounds so real

>> No.17349381

i think i actually got a computer virus. i published seven books is five days. i'm better now. we can let nature takes its course and give the movement space to breathe on its own. i'll continue to publish researched commentary on the threads and hopefully more anons publish works of their own.

>> No.17349390
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That is so true.
It happened after the magazine got involved so they probably had the virus and spread it to /hyperlit/.

>> No.17349397

It's the law of inertia. What's in motion will likely stay that way.

>> No.17349421

i would like some primary Bantic resourses really badly right now but sigh. its all good.

>> No.17349428

It did seem a bit like overblown pop-sci but that's typical of Poupipeipalos. Supposedly he's a much better lecturer in his MIT courses.

>> No.17349494

We've got Cranaesthetics, and the Gorkoniker Biography is coming soon

>> No.17349520

oh yeah stoked for that.
i'd like to read a Pugliesi bio as well.
or see some rare editions of major works by either.

>> No.17349599
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When we consider what constitutes the religion of Maoists, we see that it constitutes, by its very nature, its own God, and not the God of the rest of us. We find this is evidenced by the constant demands for the establishment of a new religion which it is supposed to represent. It’s as if Maoists, who were taught that they are (or should be) a high form of humanity, felt the need to proclaim that they are now the new kind of God and this new religion must be considered the one true religion.

>> No.17349611

wow absolutely checked.
well said.

>> No.17349644

Y'know I'm also a little against the degree to which the stuff we came out with recently has been automated, but we can just post in these threads as if they were normal /hyperlit/ threads. This anon >>17349360 posted one of the more interesting ideas in the recent /hyperlit/ threads for instance. Just go on as usual and create shit bros.

>> No.17349731

>three dubs in a row
everything's gonna be okay isn't it?

>> No.17349735

Anyone read Dudeli Sotenburg's most recent work, Falling Through Characters? It's a work on the nature of the character/real person distinction, basically claiming that the "complexity" in humans is really our inherently contradictory traits that we've taken from our surroundings being seen as a whole. In this manner, any descriptions of someone's whole personality is simply the transformation of that person from a "complex" set of contradictions, into a character. Beyond being a surface level claim that we "aren't our true selves" around others, Sotenburg takes a cue from Lacan and says there is no true self. Rather, traits pass through people as uf we're vessels for multiple clashing characters. Sotenburg says this transformation from the Lacanian real into character-being is a form of rhetorical alchemy. Sotenburg's earlier works were on that very concept, read The Letter Stone if you want to hear more about rhetorical alchemy.

>> No.17349746

Just gotta work to make that happen anon.

>> No.17349807 [DELETED] 
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Which, by the way, is now officially available in paperback, first edition:

>> No.17349814
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Which, by the way, is now available in paperback, first edition:

>> No.17349835

Imo OP it might be A good idea to keep all your procedurally generated stuff to one author, and I think I have a good idea for this. Cyberkant is an AI obsessed with finding the thing in itself, and does this by taking many positions and arguing with itself. It does this by adding to one continuous work called Exploring the Boundaries of Reason. This way you can be creative with your generated stuff and not cross into the other anons works, so we can both be creative. Sound good?

>> No.17349852

Pretty sweet. I've organized the computer generated ones separately from the handwritten onces. Cranaesthetics was an actual collab and i know was largely written by hand, specifically the parables. i'm not going to produce anymore, i became possessed by the simulation but i'm going to focus on a new work of original philosophy.

>> No.17349875

You can do as you please but in the future I think generated works should be the domain of Cyberkant alone. Maybe at some point he reaches singularity and combust, leaving behind a one page argument finding the thing in itself through synthesizing materialism and idealism.

>> No.17349883

its also still possible to have a collaborative google doc at some point where we are contributing original handmade content.

>> No.17349888

O that's a good idea i see what you mean.
yeah i'll adopt that. thanks.

>> No.17349889

This as well though I don't know if I trust our coordination skills lol

>> No.17349900

i could have managed it today if i wasn't possessed by the virus. i'd just camp the thread and build hype and back up the file and let anons go in and add to the document over time instead of trying to jam it all together in a day.

>> No.17349926

Check'd and yeah anon, that sounds good. I'll be watching the thread to bump it since there seems to be no interest atm, go read some actual literature to ground you bro.

>> No.17351058


>> No.17351217


This is nuts, I'm legitimately impressed that anons have managed to write and publish full works in such a short space of time.
I'm still scratching my head over what is real and what is fabricated, and I can't even begin to think of a way into this. The whole project makes me think of the short story 'Uqbar, Tlon, Orbis Tertius' by Borges.

>> No.17352627
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> Collaborative Great Work™ of Philosophy

>> No.17353258


>> No.17353849

What do you guys think about the essayist Thomé Cadieux? I recently read an essay of his titled The results of artificial structures of speech, within the essay he argues that all advances in language since the 20th century have not been organic, but rather imposed by an advanced method of media distribution. He differentiated between pre-modern media and modern media in that, while media of the pre-modern era used to have a clear division between aristocratic and peasant originated media. He says that now there has been a conquest of media in that the aristocratic model of media creation has taken over. He believes that, while this may not be inherently a negative thing, outside of it's context and without a contradictory opposing force aristocratic media has deteriorated.