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File: 451 KB, 2000x1333, inception.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1771620 No.1771620 [Reply] [Original]

How do dreams affect your writing?

Have you ever written a story completely based on a dream?

>> No.1771693

Dreams haven't ever affected my writing, but I had a bud in high school who got all of the inspiration for his writing from his dreams.

>> No.1771707

I am the same, but over the past couple of weeks my dreams have suddenly become increasingly more vivid and I retain a lot of what happened in said dreams.

I cannot really explain why this is happening to me so suddenly (no change in diet or sleep schedule). Now i'm slowly getting to the point where I feel I have to write about them.

>> No.1771715

Listen bitch I bet you still wear diapers and get fucked by you "BIG" daddy and makes you cum every time he sticks your finger up your asshole. But after he dipped his asshole on your nose you feel the need to be an absolute cunt in a virtual realm because you cannot cope with reality.

>> No.1771718

Only on weekends.

>> No.1771725

Go ahead, man. I'd love to read some of your work. My friend was able to write everything from Tokienesque fantasy to Carrol style surrealist humor by keeping journals of all his dreams, and then writing about them.

>> No.1771729

When you mentioned "big daddy," I couldn't help but think of Bioshock. As a read on about the fucking and fingering, thoughts of anal drilling, in a quite literal sense, were conjured. Thanks a lot, asshole.

>> No.1771773

Usually I don't get much inspiration for writing from dreams, but very recently I've written a story entirely about a dream of mine.

>> No.1771793

Writing a book based on a character who writes books based on his dreams.

>> No.1771817

>dream about having pins and giant stitches made of wood pushed into my arms to graft skin to bones to muscles
>intense pain and horror
>see jesus being put on the cross, spikes through his back and arms, giant needles attatching his arms to the crucifix

>> No.1771818

Sometimes dreams give me an idea but they never write for me. They help when I have writer's block.

>> No.1771834
File: 24 KB, 600x359, eric_beetBIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dreams in internet-speak

>> No.1771838

That dream when your teeth start to fall out.

>> No.1771843

Keeping a dream journal sounds handy, I think I might actually do that.

>> No.1771874

Everything I write is based on dreams, OP. The only exceptions are stories where I'm essentially writing about myself and how shitty my life could be if item A or person B were removed.

>> No.1771939

>Read H.P. Lovecraft during the day
>Watch Twilight Zone at night
>Have awesome dreams
>Write a book

>> No.1771984

I fucking hate having that dream. Always makes me extremely uncomfortable when I wake.

>> No.1772007


I hate that dream, I read somewhere it's a lack of vitamins. :/