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/lit/ - Literature

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17753540 No.17753540 [Reply] [Original]

This bitch will win the Nobel prize in 20 years. Remember you heard it here first, folks.

>> No.17753575
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12 years.
Screenshot this and remember it was Replyanon, and not OP, who got it right

>> No.17753582

20? More like five.

>> No.17753591

yes, and that's a good thing, bigot

>> No.17753627

Literally who?

>> No.17753636

If this whore takes the spot of youngest winner from Kipling I swear to god I will make destroying the Swedish academy my purpose in life.

>> No.17753654

In a year

>> No.17753820

slam poetry is the lowest form of poetry.

>> No.17753860

don't care, they gave one to Bob Dylan

>> No.17753882

Is that the so-famed Sickle cell disease I keep hearing about niggers suffering of?

>> No.17753956


>> No.17753980

Kipling is shit and why do you care so much about what the swedes think? The nobel prize has meant nothing sunce faulkner won

>> No.17754167

The nobel prize is an instant ticket to worldwide recognition. It guarantees you will be reedited, translated and widely read. They could use it to actually uphold literary values and enrich our cultural lives. Giving it to talentless hacks like Glück when people like Krasznahorkai, Marias or Kundera are alive is an insult to contemporary literature.

>> No.17754178

based retard

>> No.17754188
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>> No.17754269

she cute, I'd drink her body juices

>> No.17754290

She would still be more deserveing than Bob Dylan, but less deserveing than Russell, Churchill, or those two Swedes who gave it to themselves.

>> No.17754307

flash-in-the-pan, will be forgotten by 2024.

>> No.17754316

She's already forgotten. She's the one telling her publisher to create the translation controversy because she's afraid of being forgotten. She tweeted the other day about how oppressed she is for living in a gated community.

>> No.17754395

>how oppressed she is for living in a gated community
lol post it, sounds funny

>> No.17754415

She came home late at night from partying (DURING A HECKIN PANDEMIC I MIGHT ADD) and the security guard followed her on foot and asked her what she was doing here late at night. She cuntily responded by refusing to answer him, flashing her keys, and letting herself into her gated community. She then had the gall to say the secruritu guard was racist and didn't even apologize to her after she was a cunt to him.

>> No.17754420

Just like 'bombing Obama got a preemptive award for peace?

>> No.17754421
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>> No.17754437

Who knows if the emperor is still wearing no clothes in 20 years

>> No.17754448

How do people get off on making themselves out to be the victim like this? My sister does the same thing, is it just a martyr fantasy?

>> No.17754461

This is bordering on heresy and blasphemy

>> No.17754475

Maybe say hello to your guards once in a while so they recognise you.
If I go to some random upper-class complex they'll also think I'm suspicious.

>> No.17754482

I’ve seen some insufferable shit, but this has cake-takin potential

>> No.17754491

That poem she read at the inauguration was pretty much all right, so I thought. She's cute too.

>> No.17754494

fake as hell, no security guard is going to confront someone who looks suspicious by saying they look suspicious. i work in a building in an area with massive amounts of homeless, and the security would not approach someone in that manner. i was indifferent to her before, but now that she's doing the standard leftist thing of making up lies to suit her narrative, i actively dislike her.

>> No.17754502

Very good point.

>> No.17754512

imagine going around all day, every day thinking like this. what a waste of a life.

>> No.17754526

It's amazing just after her second national performance no one could defend her work anymore.

>> No.17754545

lol, defeating rayciss supremaciss yt by way of Joe Biden. If she wants to be a threat why doesn't she join one of those retarded militias and storm the Capitol or something.
yeah that's pretty funny ty anon

>> No.17754555
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In her original tweet she quotes a tweet trying to call attention and praise on herself over some 9 year old who got pepper sprayed. She's an attention whore who thinks she is hot shit because she got diversity hired for the inauguration.

>> No.17754563

>takes the spot of youngest winner from Kipling
That would be fitting, one imperialist stooge replacing the other once their particular vision of the white mans burden no longer matches the desires of international power.

>> No.17754578

Security guards are often people of color and by definition working class. I find this "punching down" on her part problematic, if I do say so.

>> No.17754594

love to hear the security guard’s version of the story
>can I see your keys?
>shows keys
>the end

>> No.17754633

This is self-parody level stuff

>> No.17754649

Victim culture which feeds narcissism.

>> No.17754688

This is what social media has done plus the current cultural zeitgeist. Making yourself out to be a victim will give you the most praise. So if you ever need a self-esteem boost, just post about how a normal interaction made you feel victimized.

Reading the comments on that tweet are hilarious most are
>Have 911 ready to dial on your phone for situations like this!
>Did you call the cops on him? He should be arrested and jailed!

>> No.17754708

This is the dumbest of right-wing pundit talking points. Drone strikes are incredibly effective at killing the desired targets and have a very low rate of civilian casualty compared to troop deployment. To use them in wars that weren’t started by your administration is totally excusable, and even desirable.

>> No.17754746

no they're giving it to her as soon as possible

>> No.17754747

Considering Obama got a Nobel Prize for being black, that sounds about right. I remember at the time everyone was saying they should have waited to give it to him in a few years, but he didn't actually do much of anything during his presidency, so it wouldn't have been any better.

>> No.17754780

>Giving it to talentless hacks like Glück when people like Krasznahorkai, Marias or Kundera are alive is an insult to contemporary literature.

I agree. Every year when I hear dumb faggots here say Murakami is going to win it I cringe in horror because I know the Nobel's standards are so fucking low Murakami might actually win it.

>> No.17754950


>> No.17755042

Twenty years? Doubtful, probably within the next 5. The bar is so low for black people

>> No.17755057

I hate this point being made that “Obama did nothing”. So not true... He did a lot actually - basically the exact opposite of everything he claimed he was going to do while campaigning! That’s something!

>> No.17755185

She cute

>> No.17755243


That they crave persecution is what's perverse here.

>> No.17755308

It's probably worse than that.
>Sorry ma'am there have been reports of suspicious activity around the building so we have to check all residents' keys.
Believe me she is probably far more pissed he called her "ma'am" than suspicious.
>black girls
>black girls
>black girls
Lady, if you're old enough to vote and get drunk, you're a woman not a girl.

>> No.17755404

What compels someone to go on 4chan to defend status quo ideas?

>> No.17755607

The belief that they're right.

>> No.17755691

You'd change your tune right quick if the Chinese were droning California.

>> No.17755730

Dylan is unironically a far better writer.

>> No.17755734
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>> No.17755749

retard tripfaggot

>> No.17755798
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>> No.17755884

Dylan killed folk music in the English speaking world. Whether he's a better writer or not doesn't change the fact that his influence has been far more harmful to the arts than Gorman could ever hope to be.

>> No.17755917
File: 11 KB, 280x220, 779B5C25-1463-465E-9770-F84E586CCE9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reminder that Robert Frost was the 1961 poet laureate.

>> No.17755918

How did he 'kill' folk? It's besides the point anyway; he deserves it more as a better writer.

>> No.17755955

He won’t.

>> No.17755977

She'll always be a negro, that race that does not know pure beauty.

>> No.17756085

retarded take

>> No.17756178

Because he (like the Weavers before him) turned folk music into nothing more than particular style of pop music.

>> No.17756248

By turning folk into a variant of pop.

>> No.17757230


>> No.17757247

What an egotistical cunt

>> No.17757248
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they caused a controversy around the dutch translation of the poem simply because it was done by a white male

>> No.17757268

wasn't it a white female? not like she wrote an 800 page epic or anything. Google translate probably does a good enough job

>> No.17757274

how so? the role of poetry spitting angry black woman has been played to death much like the roll of black woman on welfare with several abortions under her belt.

>> No.17757329

Nonbinary transwoman

>> No.17757342

>people are still seething about Dylan going electric

>> No.17757367

that might be giving her too much credit

>> No.17757368

>Dylan killed folk music in the English speaking world
Someone should tell the deadheads

>> No.17757698

Does that mean they have penis or a vagina? I'm not up to date on newspeak.

>> No.17757712

I'm not an amerimutt and I'm not racist (except against amerimutts), but that shit is not poetry. I read it today. It's shit. Utter shit.

>> No.17757771

You don't have to be a racist to accept the reality of IQ distributions. It's highly unlikely that she has a higher IQ than an average lawyer (that would be something around 35 points above her group average) and the product will reflect that. Her beauty actually makes it much more likely that she is to be situated far below that. So you're possibly reading something that could've been produced by the average high school teacher.

>> No.17757781

Skin color is now more important for becoming successful in literature than anything else, so she'll probably win the Nobel, yeah.

>> No.17757789

When you meet a black person who seems intelligent, realize that you're probably talking to someone with an IQ of around 100, but they just seem smart compared to other black people.

>> No.17757839

It's actually somewhat confusing because blacks have different talents. They're verbally talented in the sense that the part of their brain dealing with rhythm is more capable on average than that is the case for whites. So to us in conversation they will appear much more competent in the general sense than they are. These advantages completely collapse when you test for abstract reasoning and that's considerably more true for females. So you get these seemingly intelligent black females who are borderline retarded in abstract reasoning. Very odd.

>> No.17757840

If you want to understand everything that is going on in America right now, just read the culture of critique trilogy

>> No.17757848

being jewish

>> No.17757851

>So to us in conversation they will appear much more competent in the general sense than they are.
bro their dialect of english is missing like half of our grammatical constructs lol

>> No.17757857

i hope they unleash those same drones on you and your banker cousins in new york soon

>> No.17757874

You have to recall this is a literal teenager, who has been brainwashed their whole life, and is now in a mass media/political narcissism skinner box. She isn't the problem

>> No.17757883

oh look its the upper class larping as the oppressed savior of humankind again

>> No.17757897

They have the ability to seem compelling in speech the same way that some charismatic preacher would be, but if you pay close attention you realize that there's no substance, yes.

>> No.17757914
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>the part of their brain dealing with rhythm is more capable on average than that is the case for whites

>> No.17757915

Again we're talking about a differential distribution. The average black female will appear not smart but if you meet one with an IQ of a hundred you might intially misjudge her as considerably smarter than she is. Just think how succesful black artists in music are, especially in relation to their population size. This rhythmic talent goes a long way. This should also be true insofar as that relates to poetry but the problem is the inability to infuse it with challenging intellectual content.

>> No.17757937

Do you mean to say that the Nobel committee is corrupt? If so, colour me shocked!

>> No.17757943

>wasn't it a white female?
Apparently a born woman calling herself non-binary, I stand corrected.
Still, the entire controversy resolves around her being white. Not a single mention of the quality of the translation itself.

>> No.17757949

It's true, just look at random African children singing. Their IQ would be classified as mildly retarded in the west but they sound better than the average western choir. It's amazing how strong that is. It also translates into boxing for example. It's a very cool ability.


>> No.17757953

Have you not read the study that exists?

>> No.17757974

can anyone tell me if she was actually riased upper class, i need to know how upset i should be

>> No.17757979

>they sound better than the average western choir.
I mean no they don't lol. I wouldn't be surprised if they do have higher average ability though

>> No.17757991

>Believes he has a high IQ because he's white
>Is retarded

>> No.17758004

I'm really talking about church/village choirs. Maybe they just sound better than the average German choir idk.

>> No.17758017

Oh wow privileged girl gets to live in a secured complex! Sheltered from the world, the worst thing that could happen is someone looks at her wrong.
If this bitch was from the projects maybe I'd listen to her. But not with that level of privilege, she's detached from the struggles of the majority of the black community.

>> No.17758026

Whitey can't dance

>> No.17758065

That's retarded. Folk isn't a complex sophisticated form anyways. The best folk arguably came out of and after Dylan.

>> No.17758069

It would be silly to believe you have a 'high IQ' because you're white unless you are born in a black enviroment. And you don't have to believe anything in this regard you can just have it tested. Btw, just us being here and having a conversation through constructing written sentences like this puts us both in probabilistic terms above like 105. Since this is a literature sub and given the content I see I think the average should be around 110, although that's more of a guesstimate.

>> No.17758071

Even Gorman herself was fine with it so idk what kind of woketards made the fuss.

>> No.17758083

>muh IQ

>> No.17758090
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>2021 AD

>> No.17758100

She went to a private school, no idea how expensive one is in America.

>> No.17758116

It's the most predictive individual variable in pretty much anything, meaning you're just becoming less accurate by refusing to think in those terms.

>> No.17758148

You know what I read a while ago I found fascinating, apparently one of the most predictive measures for violent criminality is low resting heartbeat. It must have to do with general lack of emotion or something

>> No.17758199

That's very cool but I would have to look at the studies. It's always depressing to see how carelessly these are constructed.

>> No.17758225

>A prospective, population-based birth cohort study was conducted in Pelotas, Brazil. Heart rate was measured using a wrist monitor at ages 11, 15 and 18 years. Violent crime and non-violent crime were measured at age 18 in self-reports and official records ( N =3618). Confounding variables were assessed in the perinatal period and at age 11, in interviews with mothers and children. Logistic regression was used to estimate associations between quartiles of heart rate at each age, and violent and non-violent crime at age 18, separately for males and females.

it could easily be a meme study of course, but it makes a certain amount of intuitive sense

>> No.17758304

Based, we can finally recognize that Literature and Poetry are dead art forms and move on, with the side bonus of exposing contemporary art as the American equivalent of Socialist Realism that it is

>> No.17758324

black people are feminine. women lash out so that their boyfriend will put them in their place, blacks lash out so that whites will put them in their place.

>> No.17758382

The clothes she's wearing here are probably worth more than my monthly income.

>> No.17758398

Why since faulkner won?

>> No.17758409

Probably because his writing was shit.

>> No.17758421

>He demanded if I lived there
Propa inglish

>> No.17758425

when an American manages to win a prize in the humanities that prize should be considered worthless

>> No.17758434
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I'm more interested in the abomination on her finger.

>> No.17758518

Reminder that the worst rap song is better than the best slam poem.

>> No.17758691
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>obvious and fatal danger to the powers that be
>National Youth Poet Laureate
>Spoke at the presidential inauguration

>> No.17758708

>we live in a society

>> No.17759810

You see, the fact that they recognized her as the National Poet Youth Laureate only proves the terror that angry black folk strike into the heart of white supremacy and cements their role as the conscience of the country.

>> No.17759875

Honestly, she has a flawless complexion. She positively glows. I don't think she's a good poet, granted I've read about .001% of what she actually wrote, but I guarantee you she's no Maya Angelou. You can tell Angelou had some talent because she was largely ignored during most of her lifetime. Meanwhile she is just being trotted out for ideological purposes to demonstrate that Biden is "cool with the nigs."
She is merely an instrument to project the idea that Biden gives half a fuck about black people because he was vice president to Obama, while Obama himself could give half a fuck about the average impoverished AA, he was a manufactured ideological component. An illusion of racial equity while he shovels in half a million dollar speaking engagements from Goldman Sachs speaking engagements, the same people who sell unwitting poor African Americans subsprime mortgages and profit off the racialized class system. This woman is not a sign of racial progress, but of racial betrayal. Just like Kopmala.

>> No.17759916
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How do women survive all the daily oppression?

>> No.17759950


>> No.17759972

bro she looks like a fucking pickaninny you blind retard lmao

>> No.17759981


>> No.17760002

don’t mind me, just here to release a sigh of dismay from the fact this thread is still up

>> No.17760646
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The peace prize is a joke and a dishonor. The other prizes are worth a damn.