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File: 76 KB, 1088x735, CB8B19B0-3D21-41E7-8BB3-299EAFAC8546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17824092 No.17824092 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17824397
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>Not calling it the green pill

>> No.17824438
File: 1.31 MB, 500x280, 66.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>assume anarchist friend and i will disagree on everything
>ask him how anything works post-revolution, how human association occurs and how communities defend themselves
>just sounds like volkisch fascism

>> No.17824457

What, community coming together?
Fascism is about centralized personality cults.
You even read News from Nowhere?

>> No.17825704

No and get out.

>> No.17825814

nigga you just posted on 4chan. you're still in the matrix.

>> No.17825819

Whoever made that doesn’t have an eye for beauty, and thus doesn’t have an eye for truth. So I will have to pass, anon.

>> No.17825821

wait, as fascism? or anarchism?

>> No.17826452

>splitting Technological Slavery and ISAIF

You never even looked at the contents, did you?

>> No.17826475

Fascism is centralized dictatorship
Is “volkish” “ecofashism” a variety that dispenses with the ethnostate and just wants to shoot at anyone who looks different?

>> No.17827018

Legible text in a non-AIDS font might help

>> No.17827717

The elite wants you to fear technology or be pessimistic about it and let it to them, who controlls the technology will control the world. Examples: the cyberpunk comeback, black mirror, eco-anarchoprimitivist movies in Netflix, mr Robot

>> No.17828450

> just wants to shoot at anyone who looks different?
That's what will happen in any "future primitivist" society. It's one of the most basic human instinct (to be hostile to other tribes/genetic opposition).

>> No.17828474

>Fascism is about centralized personality cults.
lmao wrong. it's about actualizing virtue in politics, however i realize that upon saying this you are fundamentally incapable of understanding what i mean.

>> No.17828493

I like the irony of having Zerzan below Ted, considering Zerzan ended their relationship after Ted's critique of AnPrim came out.

>> No.17828511
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Empty headed oaf

>> No.17828512

>actualizing virtue in politics
Well, what virtues? I understand fascism as an aesthetization of politics, trying to turn the country and it's people into a work of Art (and tearing it to pieces in the process).

>> No.17828522
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No irony. The maker of the chart just doesn’t know much else

>> No.17828526
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>> No.17828542

ironic butterfly posts this since Jensen hates trannies

>> No.17828565
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Still no irony, since I’m a “terf” apparently

>> No.17828608

>baseless mockery of the godless
>unaware that they are in fact bugmen pseuds

ah yes, ...

>trying to turn the country and it's people into a work of Art

>(and tearing it to pieces in the process)
was that second bit a mic-drop moment? holy shit you're a little baby, aren't you?

>> No.17828692
File: 3.23 MB, 2530x2291, Red Pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you posted the wrong colour friend

>> No.17828735

Derrick Jensen is pretty good but very repetitive

>> No.17828759

This is a blue pill chart. Always has been blue

>> No.17828777

You're missing Against History, Against Leviathan which needs to be up there. I'm also reading Endgame by Derrick Jensen which is pretty good.

>> No.17828783

Just saw this. It makes me happy that butters and I have similar taste

>> No.17828801
File: 67 KB, 664x677, civtard. origins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a little, maybe a crumb of greenpilled literature has been taken and will continue to be taken.

>> No.17828817

fucking hate this facebook zoomer meme shit, it's not even distinct jokes it's just a shallow argot for zoomers to go "hehe ur in internet culture too? what subset? nice i watch nazbol pewdiepie myself"

>> No.17828824
File: 89 KB, 922x453, David-Graeber-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real question as someone who has only read like, half an article by Graeber and his wiki page, do any of you think he'd belong on a list like this? not just because of the anti-civ but he seems to talk alot about non-industrial or even hunter-gatherer societies.

>> No.17828834

there's got to be a way we can make it more obnoxious, don't you think?

>> No.17828859


>> No.17828875

It’s a wise path for humanity to consume less energy, but don’t give up on say making fusion energy a reality, if we can. Don’t throw away all this knowledge and run away into the woods.
An-prim is a very reactionary ideal, and I get from a few things he’s said he’s not at all for that. He wanted the flying cars when he was a kid. There’s a balance I, and Graeber, think is better. Be more ecologically sane, but don’t give up advancing knowledge.

>> No.17828953

That's because a lot of premodern societies, especially "primitive" one's where, by material conditions, very anarchic.
Im confused by what opinions fascists have about rhis because they simultaneously say "woah epic based pre-modern societies without alienation and muh local village" and also "Grassroot democracy in any form will never work. We need a hypercentralized authority. The centralized fascist state ruled by the dictator must force itself onto everyone."
I guess it depends on what flavor of fascism you're into... But simultaneously it seems fascism usually ends up the same way and does not create some sort of localism but instead dictatorships.

>> No.17828959
File: 307 KB, 1280x849, traditional anarcho-primitivism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>name fag
opinion discarded

>> No.17829010

That's The problem, no fascist will ever attempt to defend virtue ethics as opposed to utilitarianism. They always jump the gun and assume "virtue" is good a priori

>> No.17829018

This comments has like 5 layers of irony

>> No.17829026

Never read any primitivist literature but how does it solve problems such as medicine or large populations? it seems like a core part of it must be letting a lot of people die of a lot of whom will be innocent

>> No.17829029
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>Doesn’t understand the Matrix
After all these years

>> No.17829031

He looks evil here

>> No.17829049

That's what happens when you get all your political information from jreg

>> No.17829058
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Weird take.

>> No.17829063

Explain it to a brainlet reef momma

>> No.17829098

Nigger what? Hierarchy and Arche in general have existed since humanity itself
>Muh egalitarian pre-agricultural utopia
Absolutely false, pre-agricultural societies are incredibly clannish and hierarchical, they demarcate along age and sex

>> No.17829143


>> No.17829153

Yeah Ted turning into a meta ironic zoomer meme is probably the exact opposite of what he wanted

>> No.17829167

The anprim thing is that civilization is inevitably going to collapse anyway so that’s gonna happen regardless afaik

>> No.17829359

>it seems like a core part of it must be letting a lot of people die of a lot of whom will be innocent
We all have a hand in making civilization what it is. No one, not the CEOs or anprims, is innocent. Being born into civilization is our original sin and we all will bear the brunt of it.

>> No.17829429

well I mean there are a ton of illnesses that're fatal that people would have got regardless of committing the 'original sin' if we go full anprim people will continue to die from diabetes (not the type caused by lifestyle factor) for eternity unless anprim has some incorporation of modern medicine and technology

>> No.17829516

Namefag fag. Go grobble for attention elsewhere.

>> No.17830063
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>> No.17830376

First off, what will happen if we save these people from their diseases? Will they live forever? Everyone will die at one point or another. Maintaining a destructive civilization that turns everyone into a cog so some people can live a little longer is not a solution.
Second, the natural world is full of medicine. There are a large number of herbs and techniques out there that alleviate and cure illnesses. You don't have to make your life dependent on a giant pharmaceutical company pumping chemicals into you.

>> No.17830404

so children that get diabetes through no fault of their own should just die because technology is such a great burden? is there any books that address this in more detail?

>> No.17830419

There is no "go back" button, it just sounds cool to say that you are anarcho-primitivist.

>> No.17830447

>so children that get diabetes through no fault of their own should just die because technology is such a great burden?
Yes. You are completely ignoring how many lives need to be destroyed, how many countries need to be invaded, and how much destruction is necessary in order for that technology to exist. People will die one way or another. What I am more concerned about is how people will live. Are we going to live in a way connected to the land or be cogs in a machine?
is there any books that address this in more detail?
Yes, Endgame. The author has Crohns disease and is advocating exactly what I am saying

>> No.17830465

There's no way forward for civilization either.

>> No.17830472

abolishment of nation states

>> No.17830479

betting on the end of the world is a sucker's game

>> No.17830481

I agree but am confused how this won't turn into something related to anprim

>> No.17830487

Techno capital

>> No.17830492

I'm not betting on the end of the world, I'm betting on the end of civilization. The world is not civilization. It's what I am trying to get back to.

>> No.17830499

What are you saying, retard? All changes are beyond our control. Bomb the West and China will come and slave us, and put technology back. You would have to bomb everything simultaniously or wait for collapse. Being primitivist won't change shit even if half of the world believed in it.

>> No.17830505

You have no understanding how technology works or where it comes from. It is based off limited resources and you need infinite growth to make it work. Eventually diminishing marginal returns takes over and it collapses

>> No.17830515


>> No.17830533

I like technology.

>> No.17830536

>All changes are beyond our control. Bomb the West and China will come and slave us, and put technology back. You would have to bomb everything simultaniously or wait for collapse. Being primitivist won't change shit even if half of the world believed in it.
Where the fuck did I say any of this? Why do you think if I am against civilization I want China to ram their microdicks down my throat? I'm not looking to change the world or to save you. I've got a plot of land and people in town I'm close to. I'm going to hunker down, plant my own food and watch the shit come down. Will even give it a push if I can.

>> No.17830542

Nice meme word friend

>> No.17830547

>autistically misrepresent my statement
>complains at meme response

grow up, civilization is not going to "collapse"

>> No.17830551

Yeah, like a piece of paper stating ownership will make any difference after it collapses hahah. I hope your close friends are truly close tho, always for crisis.

>> No.17830556

>Yeah, like a piece of paper stating ownership will make any difference after it collapses hahah.
No but my guns will

>> No.17830557

I’m well aware of your talking points primmie. People have been predicting resource shortages for 100s of years.

>> No.17830574

You're statement was fucking dumb. You equated the world to civilization. The world has been around 4.8 billion years, civilization a measly 6000. You're statement was already misrepresented.

>> No.17830596

>people have made wrong prediction before, that means we will never run out of resource

>> No.17830597

The people whining about civilization are almost all larping. Go fuck off to Africa and get off your computer if you hate technology so much.

>> No.17830601 [DELETED] 

I remember in the 90s people said we would run of copper by 2010 or something. copper is currently 26 cents an ounce. imagine some doom prepper fool in the 90s buying pounds of copper to save till now, haha. ok, i just looked at a spot chart, and that is 2x from the 90s, but you could have put your money in amazon or apple stock instead and gotten a 10,000x return, but the key point is there is no shortage of copper even if crackheads do occasionally steal the pipes out of abandoned buildings because crackheads steal anything.

>> No.17830615

We've set into motion an evolutionary arms race by wiping out diseases on the scale which we have currently done. The global population is still skyrocketing, people are living closer together, we're encroaching on natural spaces and the bacteria and viruses therein, and meanwhile creating superresistant bugs by treating the pathogens we already know. COVID is the free trial, eventually some disease will come and cut our species down to size - if not that, then climate catastrophe. We shouldnt abolish medicine, or intentionally cull the population, but if/when nature catches up to us, it wont be in our power to choose

>> No.17830617

right. there must be a half dozens areas with failed states that have no centralized government, but by some unfortunate coincidence they all happen to be extremely poor and violent. bummer.

>> No.17830623

>be in a plane that's in a tailspin
>lol people have been saying that this plane is going to crash for the past two minutes
>it hasn't crashed yet and never will lmao
100 years is a massive exaggeration. At most it's been fifty. Either way, you missing my key point that a 5 year old could figure out; there are limited resources and they are going to get harder and harder to get as time goes own. This will require more investment and energy. The EROI of oil was 100:1 in 1920, it is down to 20:1 now. Eventually diminishing marginal returns takes over and you are spending more energy than you are getting out. This is not sustainable.

>> No.17830635

Never said we’ll never run out. It won’t be catastrophic collapse though and it’ll be much later than preppers say. Plus it’ll harm the third world way more.

>> No.17830645

So your argument is basically
>it won't happen to me so fuck everyone else

>> No.17830665

Wtf are you talking about? Copper is going through an insane shortage right now

>> No.17830670 [DELETED] 

and when that happens alternative energy will become cost efficient. shit bro, as you were early to notice the need to switch to alternative energy you must have made a killing off tesla. i sold too early and only made 10x, still it was a good right. where are you putting your money now? as i'm sure you really have skin in the game and aren't just full of shit of course.

>> No.17830673

How’s peak oil going? I remember people in the 90s saying we would collapse by now.

>> No.17830677

you can still buy copper.

>> No.17830688

Why are all the “anprims” even here? Stop using technology

>> No.17830690

>alternative energy
What do you think is the back bone of alternative energy? Where do they get the resources? How is it assembled? How do they operate day to day? How are they maintained throughout their lifetimes? What happens at the end of their lifetimes? Are they recycled or do we just start back at the beginning when they are done?
Every single step here requires fossil fuels>>17830670

>> No.17830701

your argument is that we will run out of oil not that coal is causing beach front properties to flood occasionally, that is a different issue

>> No.17830715

Do you not understand EROI? The US only made it through the past 10 years because of Shale oil, but that is quickly coming to a halt. Coventional oil (which peaked in 2005) depletes wells at 2-3% each year, Shale oil depletes its well at 60-70%. It requires a very high and constant investment of new wells. All major plays outside the Permian are in terminal decline.

>> No.17830719

uh oh, i guess we'll just have to use nuclear. this problem has been solved for like 70 years, but fossil fuel lobby successfully used wacko hippies to stop us from switching, but we can always switch later.

>> No.17830724

I have at no point argued about global warming. It's all about resource consumption to me.

>> No.17830731
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If yall posting fash recs at least make it interesting. Where’s schizo devi?

>> No.17830738
File: 105 KB, 1140x570, naess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>green anarchism
>deep ecology

>> No.17830745
File: 1.29 MB, 1109x1556, 5BADB119-0E22-460F-87E9-E823D7720F82.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pilled as they say

>> No.17830749

>civilization is about to collapse
>well we better spend the next 10 years constructing a bunch of nuclear bombs on our land
For what it's worth, if we did heavily invest in nuclear energy decades ago, things may have a better outlook.

>> No.17830756
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>> No.17830761

>actually believes civilization is about to collapse
all i say is "lol"

>> No.17830765
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>> No.17830769
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>> No.17830777
File: 452 KB, 1200x1500, C4CBFA7F-0E93-4F46-AA5E-84F867FD6D0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the magnum opus

>> No.17830787

I got John Seymour's book.

>> No.17830790

Go back

>> No.17830810

cant handle it?

>> No.17830821

Make me faggot

>> No.17830857

K keep larping faggot

>> No.17830870

>something is both horrid and wonderful

>> No.17830930

Thanks I don't really have a position on this but since anprim is rising I want to be a bit more well read on it, thanks for the response

>> No.17830955

The whole point of deep ecology is it's a worldview and not an ideology, or have you never read naess?

>> No.17831054

Anprim is cringe. Nobody is gonna adopt anarchism after collapse. They’ll flock to the first strongman who can protect them, no matter how authoritarian.

>> No.17831060

I think national primitivism is better

>> No.17831067

Sadly I agree with the second part. After the collapse people will immediately try to figure out how they can get their old lives back which caused the collapse in the first place

>> No.17831410
File: 105 KB, 423x600, B3B9D350-4016-4DA0-9389-3205D2B729BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why we organize.

>> No.17831549

Can you give me a quick rundown on this book butterfly?

>> No.17831641
File: 227 KB, 1215x628, F5E1AEEE-235E-4CA4-BEFC-54C6721DB3ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anthropologist Graeber takes part in several actions with his tribe. Their origins, how they operate, their temperaments etc. It’s really in depth and full of keen observations.
I t shows how well direct democracy can work. This group however are wasting their time and energy on protesting instead of establishing the alternatives to the status quo. After OWS (the book doesn’t cover it) they seemed to have melted away again.
I post it with the other two to accent the need for a next step. They need to think bigger now.

>> No.17831769

>Maybe if I sandwhich my library of indignant schlock between the classics of history people will think they’re related!
>Then when my fellow idiots fail to read any of the classics, they’ll jump to my neo-fascist drivel!
>Then I’ll have some friends to larp with!

>> No.17831899

>submitting to the authority of nature

>> No.17832990

Nature is anarchy though

>> No.17833038

Anarchism is a challenge to all unjustifiable hierarchies. No no hierarchies.

>> No.17833043

nature is literally hierarchical

>> No.17833091

Emperor penguins aren’t really ruling emprires

>> No.17833106

Unspeakably cringe

>> No.17833141

Anarchism is a worldview.
It infuriates people that it wants a social revolution and not a simple political one.

>> No.17833186

nature doesnt have authority, it is an absolute that you can either deny or accept.

>> No.17833374

Which hierarchies are (or might be) justifiable in your opinion?

>> No.17833710

We can whittle it down to parent/child, teacher/student, expert/novice.

>> No.17833735

It literally isn't

>> No.17833747

Greenpill is a term used for shit like Hermeticism and Gnosticism

>> No.17833775


>> No.17835137

Are there any books that criticize Industrial Society and its Future?

>> No.17835156

no for it is irrefutable

>> No.17835231

Anarchism is anything goes; the non-sense that is spewed by ancoms is a result of their communistic morality and decadence. Anarchism is to be actively destructive and nihilistic.

>> No.17835575

yes, anti-tech revolution by ted kaczynski

>> No.17835894
File: 57 KB, 375x500, 23C08510-999A-40C9-8969-F44E35EB3B0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a war zone, women might need a strong man as a utility, but are they sane enough to help raise the sons while she gets a nap in? Nah. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Males and women should be equals and play off of each others strengths.

>> No.17835950

As long as guns are around, it makes sense having men and women fighting together. If there are no guns and the population is getting low, men are expendable and women aren't.

>> No.17835978

...you make a case for my book (idea+notes)

>> No.17836019

Why greenarchism the redpill? You can do like Ted and just live in the woods, nobody is stopping you.

>> No.17836041

Civilization will just encroach more and more. People have tried exactly what you are saying since Civilization began, it doesn't work in the long run.

>> No.17836059

Sure, it will to *some* extent, but if the Amish manage to live without cars, cellphones, health insurance and Social Security, so can you.

>> No.17836078

Amish have health insurance and social security numbers and occasionally contact English people they know for car rides to town.

>> No.17836104

Well it depends on what group of Amish. The most conservative of them don't have health insurance, and they won a Supreme Court case in order to be allowed to not pay into Social Security because of their religious beliefs.

>> No.17836108

That wasn't tedk's solution to the problem though

>> No.17836175


>Use Lord of the Rings to redefine your lifestyle and plan your future

Nerd conventions already exist, Anon

>> No.17836186

They’re intricately linked to the modern world. The US allows them, like a privileged classification of Native American.
The only way to achieve this simplified world is to pull the linchpin of capitalism out of the encroaching state

>> No.17836232

Yeah but nobody is completely delinked from the modern world, because they live in it.

The question is whether it's possible to live as a primitivist yourself without you needing to change the world to fit your image, and I submit that it is, it just requires more work than anyone in this thread are willing to accept.

>> No.17836234

Are surrogate activities things to be avoided or is it enough to merely recognize them for what they are?

>> No.17836260

What's a primitivism exactly? Living in hunter gatherer groups? Living in a farmer's village? Living as a pastoralist and raising cow and horses (i know this one is popular with the lads)?

>> No.17836299

Anon let's say you wanted to live a simple life in the woods. You don't have any money, but you know how to survive on your own and get a small piece of land and survive off the land. Now let's say another person sees all the trees there and wants to log them. He presents his business case to a bank and they give him a loan to cut trees because they know he will turn a profit on that. All those resources you were using to live are gone now.

>> No.17836334

In other words, you literally want to destroy modernity because it might not allow you to live like a hunter-gatherer on public property or on other people's private property.

Well tough shit. I have a hard time feeling sympathy for this position, make some money and buy your own land and life off it instead.

>> No.17836417

Africa has technology virtually everywhere. Most people have a smartphone you imbecile. I'm not anprim, I think it's retarded, but outside of the literal Amazon and areas of Siberia, a 'non-technological' world does not exist.

>> No.17836426

It's an example anon. Multiply a thousand times over, apply it to over fishing, pollution, and the industrial agriculture business. Once you do that you'll find that civilization is destroying every way that you can escape it, preventing you access to clean water and the biodiversity necessary to get your food from the woods.
Additionally, you completely ignore the point I am making in my example. Anyone looking to preserve the natural environment will be out bid by a person looking to exploit it. Saving trees is no where near as profitable as cutting them down.
I have every right to fight for this preservation. Civilization does not have any right to poison my water and air.

>> No.17836450

>Once you do that you'll find that civilization is destroying every way that you can escape it

But it doesn't though, you're just projecting this onto it. There's plenty of places that are so remote as to barely register as civilization, such as where my brother lives here in Norway. Up until 3 months ago, he didn't even have internet access.

>> No.17836471

Not sure if you're fake or real butterfly, but either way you're pretty based and probably one of the more well read people on this piece of shit website full of pseuds. Always appreciate your posts.

>> No.17836521

>Try to live a h&g lifestyle
>Nestlé steals all your water
>Bolsoñaro cuts down every tree in a 150 mile radius
>Bayer pumps all your rivers full of antibiotics and estrogen
>Monzanto kills all your local Fauna with pesticides and herbicides
>Just exit capitalism bro it's not hard

The game really was rigged from the start

>> No.17836546

Norway is a rich country you imbecile, that's why you can afford to protect your nature. Try asking Amazonians how they like what's leftover of their rainforest. Or virtually any other poor nation raped by multinationals.

>> No.17836620

Literally good by"butterfly"

>> No.17836621

I'm not sure why it always comes down to hunter-gatherer. If you're huwite your ancestors gave that up 7-10k years ago. Wheels and dairy are good.

>> No.17836687

>bro just live in the most inhospitable places on earth lmao
>lol what do you mean that a Chinese mining company found a deposit of rare earth metals near your property and will start destroying land and putting all the poisonous run off in your water.

>> No.17836692

>Fascism is about centralized personality cults.
is as libelous as saying
>communism is about making everyone the same
you tard

>> No.17836728
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I, too, have fallen behind.

>> No.17836803

no meme answers please

>> No.17836885

It really goes to show how serious the ideology is when all its adherents use are low-hanging fruit examples and freak occurences of eminent domain.

Nobody gives a shit about your 10 acre forest in Ohio retard, least of all the Chinese.

>> No.17836907

Ted says they shouldn't be avoided. It's somewhere on TS.

>> No.17837547

Reminder, it is a slave's mentality to want to live in civilization

>> No.17837699

It shouldn't be, that's stupid.

>> No.17837717

I'm almost 100% sure that anyone with this opinion is oh-so-truthfully butt ugly that it hurts. Ugly is beauty, art more faggot

>> No.17837738

>Ugly is beauty
Your "education" has ruined your brain.

>> No.17838198
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>Ghost in the Shell
>Lord of the Rings