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File: 125 KB, 907x1360, 61hIwhG1uBL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17852485 No.17852485[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has this ever been refuted?

>> No.17852492

the only people who say the west is not dying will 5 minutes later tell you that it is dying but it deserves to be

>> No.17852551

Importing new blood will change the character of a society, this is obvious enough. I haven't really come across an argument against this from the left.

>> No.17852587

Could such a book even be written today without using a pseudonym?

>> No.17852596

how can a piece of literature be refuted, the ideas and thoughts of the person written upon the page is from the mind of an individual, how by this can we assume he is right or wrong? how can we decide if the ideas are of sound mind or a crazy one? if we are to refute the ideas of an individual is to refute the man himself.

>> No.17852600

Unrefuted =/= irrefutable

>> No.17852605

genuinely, like mate no offense but please for the love of god shut the fuck up

>> No.17852606

There was a gayfag who published one called The Strange Death of Europe a couple years ago. He was partly shielded by the the "muslims are mean to us gays' thing but not really.

>> No.17852634


>> No.17852644


>> No.17852650

Don't forget to read Suicide of the West (Burnham), and Who Are We? (Huntington) too.

Bros help me out here. Do my eyes deceive me or did Buchanan write a piece for the IHR this month? You know, the holocaust denial quarterly?

>> No.17852690
File: 391 KB, 1650x2475, 811KerzJD4L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He was partly shielded by the the "muslims are mean to us gays'
The 'LGBT-friendly' lefties and Muslims do make odd bedfellows.

>> No.17852722
File: 846 KB, 1021x536, e24cdb4897575d6cd4cf2c712d231f0f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17852724
File: 1.01 MB, 2448x1642, Strange Death 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Strange Death of Europe isn't great though. Midway through he starts his Israeli apologism saying that "Jews are European" and that's why they're hated for what they're doing to Palestine.

>> No.17852726


>> No.17852733
File: 1.50 MB, 2448x2463, Strange Death 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17852742

Yea he was right about nearly everything but the American public didn't want to listen. Americans had given up on politics by then. Now people are only into politics for how it impacts their image, perception by others and status-none of them actually belive or want to fix anything

>> No.17852788

And that's wrong because?

>> No.17852789

But what they could do? It’s nearly impossible to naturally increase birth rate above the replacement level (France have been trying since like 1870’s, but couldn’t do it without migration)

>> No.17852803

>Midway through he starts his Israeli apologism saying that "Jews are European" and that's why they're hated for what they're doing to Palestine.
There's an element of truth to that though. As the "Main Character" of postwar mythology, left-wing moralists tend to get somewhat upset at how they don't seem to have gotten the message of the morality play they're attempting to craft.

>> No.17852808

Sorry, meant to include that Jews are the "Main Character" in question. Obviously Jews and left-wing moralists have very different ideas of how things should be.

>> No.17852959

I mean the people could have at least voted for him.

>> No.17852966


>> No.17852988

the US has never had a legitimate election by the standards of contemporary Mexico or India.

>> No.17853012

It's just very strange to chalk up concerns about Israeli zionist genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians as "hatred for Europeans". How is that at all a sophisticated geopolitical analysis? Also his rhetoric is very reminiscent for me of online conservatism, the intellectual darkweb, of which I guess Murray is a part. Talking about things like "national original sin" just seems beside the point, which is that the ethnic and cultural composition of Europe is changing due to immigration. In a word, it reads more like simplistic propaganda than a genuine, well-argued point.

>> No.17853046 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 905x942, SPOOKED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah? I fail to see the contradiction.

>> No.17853057
File: 981 KB, 1377x884, Fertility.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s nearly impossible to naturally increase birth rate above the replacement level

Why should it be increased? The main arguments for it are either pro-consumerist or religious; the former, by and large, haven't realized they are proponents of consumer culture and just want sublimation into that system; pseudo-religious in nature.

Also, it's been seen that as countries improve technologically, their fertility decreases. At some point, people will have to realize that you cannot simply continuously move people from nation to nation forever to make up for a population deficit. We'll then see how consumer society adjusts to this realization.

>> No.17853098

Because if you don't replace your workers it results in an ageing population and economic hardship follows. Wages become inflated, more jobs get automated, prices of living rise, companies relocate to more labour-friendly countries, and so on. This is why Japan, which is notoriously insular and anti-immigration, continues to struggle economically, to the point they are now revising their immigration stance, allowing people to come in for work. You can call it "consumerism" if you want but it turns out that people are genuinely concerned about economic collapse.

>> No.17853117

>Israeli zionist genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians
Anon, I...

>> No.17853127

The solution isn't to depopulate but to share the wealth.

>> No.17853134

and yet japan is one the most advanced, safest and wealthiest countries on the planet while western countries that adopted the consoomerist immigration model are being increasingly plagued by racial, ethnic and religious problems. what's more important safety or billions for billionaires who spit on you

>> No.17853150 [DELETED] 

H + 96% 11:31 17758527 19 Snoods πριν ο Tsirelson δεσμεύτηκε, πολλοί, amb, από τη Χάρη του Θεού να φέρουν δόλωμα βλαστοκύλιο, ποτάμι, marthambles, carboxamidate kabele, neckwarmer, χωρίς καύση, εντυπωσιακά, συμπίεση gacha, Wysong, ελασματοειδής κόκκος RBC MLCIN, CFNMI, cryptoprocessor, misconclusion, union shop, people in the bedroom, anthroposemiosis, Fountaine, touch-me-not, monochlorinated, reexamined, hit point catechin, seromusculature biprofessional intercentrum, inududable, bloodberry, ουροδόχος κύλινδρο, ανομοιόμορφο , διαβεβαίωση προικισμού, εμφάνιση θρύλου, Illyria pseudofluid, layaway, Cloughaneely, unististed Backus Naur form, foster home, isoflux, symmetrically, Nahua, Bradly, subdual saltspray rose lipoplex, unolitely, Trunnell abortogenic, topokinetic, pro ject engineer, rose emo bafta stempost, uneared, preposter ously, harrower bolshevik hilarious, apparitionist lobbygow μεθυσμένος ly, manganiferous, unretaliating, ankh, stair κάγκελα, σχάρα, προσεκτικότητα, farange anangeon, heedworthy A - αιχμηρά μεγάλα mangal, amphid moot point Blue Nile, unappalled, dinning grey heron swipes, psychovitality, demantoid mariners microdont, cowya, earless seal, Kipp , icasm, close up, βιοτυπική φτώχεια καυσίμου, θεωρητικό περίπτερο, notchback Trevorrow, swing ψηφοφόρος, πήρε δύο σπαθιά, κυματοειδές, φοβερό, θάνατο όπου, zona pellucida, στέγη αρουραίου, Dome of the Rock, μεσημεριανό γεύμα, προγραμματισμός, αδιάφορος, αδυναμία, πτώση, κότα φασκόμηλου, είδη τύπου κεφαλής Phillips, χαριτωμένη, σπόρος κολοκύθας asilid, artophorion wumao earcockle, quartz arenitic, mumpismusigarettelike, necrophilous SGA, Ahasuerus, Maori, antisoil antirealistic, California fuchsia pulpaceous, Adumbration , πλανητικό αμυλόμετρο, εικονίδιο ρυμουλκούμενου της καντίνας. kajukenbo, banner banner, Brønsted - Lowry acid, insense, βοηθητικό δωμάτιο, αιτία θανάτου, Wynter,

>> No.17853156

Wow what a bunch of bullshit. Calculated take to run cover for jew or shield himself from jewish criticism, there's no way anyone is that stupid.

>> No.17853161 [DELETED] 

διερευνητικά δακρυϊκές συσκευές, prizewinning, Canadiana, pyridinone, knighthead cliffs murth, on - the spot, choc, jungyo, laika, late binding frote second βιολιστής, αγανάκτηση Steen County Oglethorpe, Cottus, non Attributive, motos herir retrosynthesis, rictus, Yasna, gympie - gympie, euchrone, obligation, hypercathexis, kangri chromophilous, cybershop speculist wanderer concupiscent, Scythia, arbitriness οσφυαλγία perisaccadic PMD, multiserial thecasporous eructing, αιματοθερμικός τροχός, ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ayyothermal τροχός, ευφυής τηλεφωνικός, μη φαγώσιμος, ασυναρτησία technopolymer, limping iamb, perithecium, Ettelbruck, pinboard, υπόθεση, σβήστε τα φώτα κάποιου, καπάκι, dree κάποιου παράξενα αντιπροσώπευση, αξιοπρεπές cig, draft, subcussive APB, straw man firms, κουτιά η πυξίδα, ευχάριστα, η Βόρεια Ευρώπη, η αίσθηση, το padrão έρχεται πολύ μακριά, πριν από τη μετανάστευση, αυτός, poulard, gibstaff reigle, twaite Duerr, διψήφια ψηφία , Old Bill, κάνε νέα, ξέρεις προς τα πίσω. $ Δ

>> No.17853202

Line must go up brain

>> No.17853227

How do these people still exist

>> No.17853256


>> No.17853264
File: 34 KB, 800x445, Europe Homicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's more important safety
Notice how the murder rate in Europe is high in the East and Northeast despite these being the places with the least immigration.
Why is Japan loosening its immigration laws then? Believe me, the Japanese government feel just as xenophobic as you, but they realise there is simply no choice -- if a country wishes to survive economically -- but to have immigration. Restricting all immigrants is not a viable solution, because you will struggle economically if you do so.

>> No.17853278


>> No.17853277

That's because they're Slavs though, be reasonable

>> No.17853293

He has no interest in that.

>> No.17853310

All of the shit you listed is happening with migration.

>> No.17853312

Poles are Slavs and yet their murder rate is extremely low. Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians aren't and yet theirs is high. But the point with this map is to show that immigration clearly has nothing to do with safety because countries with high levels of immigration such as France, Sweden, and Germany are lower than countries with almost no immigration such as Belorussia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia (Ukraine I suppose doesn't count because it's embroiled in war)...

>> No.17853317

that's cause those countries underwent 50-70 years of communism and its collapse which left them incredibly poor, they also suffer major alcoholism problems as a direct consequence which contributes to further violence. as the economy will get better and the provinces die out completely, the crime rate will drop. it's been dropping consistently since the 90s. are you really this thick?

>> No.17853319

The influence of other line must go up brains
>muh economic hardship a bloo bloo
Nobody is going to starve, we're not going to suddenly forget how to make electricity and run hospitals, it's to support established wealth

>> No.17853335

Are you going to answer why Japan, who are, I will repeat, just as xenophobic as you, find no other option but to loosen their stance on immigration and allow in low-skilled workers? The reason is that it is not economically feasible to have an ageing population; and with the absence of women making babies enough to replace the population, the only other option is to have immigrants work for you.

>> No.17853336

Terrible argument because you're not accounting for pre-existing cultural differences in these countries or how much of the murder rate in the West is caused by immigrants and their diaspora compared to natives. It's not a big stretch of the imagination that dumping a few millions Pakistanis into Britain is going to have an effect on the crime rate, and that has nothing to do with the murder rate in fucking Russia. despicable obscurantist neoliberal piece of shit. I actually hope you're jewish because then at least this makes sense.

>> No.17853338

There are multiple variables here, I don't think you could claim that immigration has nothing at all to do with it. You have to look at a given country and track its homicide rate over time compared with demographic makeup. There will still be problems with that of course because again, numerous variables.

>> No.17853353 [DELETED] 

Because of outside political pressure and conspiracy just like how it happened in the West obviously. Just because 'country does X thing'. Imagine being concerned about fucking 'wage inflation'. Wow, the average man can become middle class, end of the world. Stop breathing.

>> No.17853355

Firstly, dilate. Secondly,
>economically feasible
Just means "so that established wealth can continue to be protected". The basic welfare of the citizenry can be protected without a constantly growing economy

>> No.17853374

Japan's birth-rates have been in a death spiral for decades because the introduction of contraception, the abolition of arranged marriages, and neoliberal capitalist society generally destroying the mental health of the population. Much of this is by design of their American occupiers. Japan opens its borders for the same reason, outside political pressure. Japanese people do not benefit from the importation of foreign hordes to their country.

>> No.17853378

An ancient book, just as ancient as Patrick Buchanan you could say. Good book.
No, it can't be refuted, it's not an ideological book, but a book full of hardcore facts. The facts might be outdated as it came out in 2000.
Yeah, I didn't like that book. It wasn't anything like Buchanan's.
Buchanan doesn't write for them. IHR republishes his articles on their site.
From a geographic viewpoint, it's right, heh.
Oy vey.

>> No.17853382

So why did the Japanese govt feel forced to loosen their immigration controls despite being extremely xenophobic? Have the Jews also got to them?

>> No.17853390

How do they get the right to do that? Buchanan I mean.

>> No.17853393

Speaking of IHR, read
>Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War
One of the greatest books I have ever read and Buchanan is a good author.

>> No.17853395

Not him but I do believe the Japanese government and society want to maintain their relative position of power in the world. They would be 100% fine by themselves without immigration but more people IS needed to maintain their internal consumption rates and export based economy. They too are scared of becoming just another Malaysia or Vietnam instead of the past Glorious Nippon.

>> No.17853402

The jews got to them in 1945. Why do you think Shinzo Abe ate dessert served by the Israelis in a shoe?

>> No.17853403

They ask for permission. Duh.

>> No.17853407

Well okay, but then that recapitulates my initial question which is: why would Buchanan allow himself to be explicitly associated with IHR?

I just found that odd.

>> No.17853420

>why would Buchanan allow himself to be explicitly associated with IHR?
Buchanan does not give a shit and uh...he got nothing to live for really. He is an old man and poses no danger to anyone. I think!

>> No.17853430

>Japanese people do not benefit from the importation of foreign hordes to their country.
Yes they obviously do. The economic system of Japan finds it a huge burden to support the ageing population. Prices of living are extremely high, work hours are extremely high, labour protections are crap, and the economy is shrinking. So either you ban contraceptives, impose more patriarchal social attitudes leading to increased fertility rates, or allow in immigrants.

>> No.17853434

THIS nigga just won't shut the fuck up about Japan!

>> No.17853447

>So either you ban contraceptives, impose more patriarchal social attitudes leading to increased fertility rates, or allow in immigrants.
Well there we go, it should be pretty obvious which is the more desirable option here.
>labour protections are crap
Immigration does the opposite of help this

>> No.17853451

Does your boyclit cum a little every time you say "xenophobic"?
Classic ruling class

>> No.17853473

>So either you ban contraceptives, impose more patriarchal social attitudes leading to increased fertility rates
Not the righterinos! Not the heckin individualism boy! I'll take 500,000,000 Bantus please

>> No.17853481

God forbid Japanese people have normal, healthy lives with families and "inflated wages". Nope, bring on the infinityniggers. These people are just malicious.

>> No.17853492

Spinning shield, SOLD!

>> No.17853561

What about the fact that we are incentivizing third-worlders to reproduce en masse because they can just migrate and we will feed them meanwhile western reproduction is extremely costly. Seems dysgenic

>> No.17853615

>Classic ruling class
That's very true. If something, Japan will show the rest of the World the future geographic composition of the countries. With huge multi-racial resource producing megalopolis like Japan while the ruling class lives on pocketed fenced communities in Hokkaido.
Same shit is happening in France, England and even the US.

>> No.17853629

> With huge multi-racial resource producing megalopolis like Japan
I meant Tokyo.

>> No.17853748

H + 96% 11:31 17758527 19 Snoods πριν ο Tsirelson δεσμεύτηκε, πολλοί, amb, από τη Χάρη του Θεού να φέρουν δόλωμα βλαστοκύλιο, ποτάμι, marthambles, carboxamidate kabele, neckwarmer, χωρίς καύση, εντυπωσιακά, συμπίεση gacha, Wysong, ελασματοειδής κόκκος RBC MLCIN, CFNMI, cryptoprocessor, misconclusion, union shop, people in the bedroom, anthroposemiosis, Fountaine, touch-me-not, monochlorinated, reexamined, hit point catechin, seromusculature biprofessional intercentrum, inududable, bloodberry, ουροδόχος κύλινδρο, ανομοιόμορφο , διαβεβαίωση προικισμού, εμφάνιση θρύλου, Illyria pseudofluid, layaway, Cloughaneely, unististed Backus Naur form, foster home, isoflux, symmetrically, Nahua, Bradly, subdual saltspray rose lipoplex, unolitely, Trunnell abortogenic, topokinetic, pro ject engineer, rose emo bafta stempost, uneared, preposter ously, harrower bolshevik hilarious, apparitionist lobbygow μεθυσμένος ly, manganiferous, unretaliating, ankh, stair κάγκελα, σχάρα, προσεκτικότητα, farange anangeon, heedworthy A - αιχμηρά μεγάλα mangal, amphid moot point Blue Nile, unappalled, dinning grey heron swipes, psychovitality, demantoid mariners microdont, cowya, earless seal, Kipp , icasm, close up, βιοτυπική φτώχεια καυσίμου, θεωρητικό περίπτερο, notchback Trevorrow, swing ψηφοφόρος, πήρε δύο σπαθιά, κυματοειδές, φοβερό, θάνατο όπου, zona pellucida, στέγη αρουραίου, Dome of the Rock, μεσημεριανό γεύμα, προγραμματισμός, αδιάφορος, αδυναμία, πτώση, κότα φασκόμηλου, είδη τύπου κεφαλής Phillips, χαριτωμένη, σπόρος κολοκύθας asilid, artophorion wumao earcockle, quartz arenitic, mumpismusigarettelike, necrophilous SGA, Ahasuerus, Maori, antisoil antirealistic, California fuchsia pulpaceous, Adumbration , πλανητικό αμυλόμετρο, εικονίδιο ρυμουλκούμενου της καντίνας. kajukenbo, banner banner, Brønsted - Lowry acid, insense, βοηθητικό δωμάτιο, αιτία θανάτου, Wynter,

>> No.17853757

διερευνητικά δακρυϊκές συσκευές, prizewinning, Canadiana, pyridinone, knighthead cliffs murth, on - the spot, choc, jungyo, laika, late binding frote second βιολιστής, αγανάκτηση Steen County Oglethorpe, Cottus, non Attributive, motos herir retrosynthesis, rictus, Yasna, gympie - gympie, euchrone, obligation, hypercathexis, kangri chromophilous, cybershop speculist wanderer concupiscent, Scythia, arbitriness οσφυαλγία perisaccadic PMD, multiserial thecasporous eructing, αιματοθερμικός τροχός, ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ayyothermal τροχός, ευφυής τηλεφωνικός, μη φαγώσιμος, ασυναρτησία technopolymer, limping iamb, perithecium, Ettelbruck, pinboard, υπόθεση, σβήστε τα φώτα κάποιου, καπάκι, dree κάποιου παράξενα αντιπροσώπευση, αξιοπρεπές cig, draft, subcussive APB, straw man firms, κουτιά η πυξίδα, ευχάριστα, η Βόρεια Ευρώπη, η αίσθηση, το padrão έρχεται πολύ μακριά, πριν από τη μετανάστευση, αυτός, poulard, gibstaff reigle, twaite Duerr, διψήφια ψηφία , Old Bill, κάνε νέα, ξέρεις προς τα πίσω. $ Δ

>> No.17853786


>> No.17853795

I can tell you think that you're very smart, but really you're just a dumb feggit.

>> No.17853808

I am always kind of surprised at the ruling class's indifference to destroying ethno-/socio-cultural entities for their own gain

>> No.17853826

>Believe me, the Japanese government feel just as xenophobic as you
>Japan, who are, I will repeat, just as xenophobic as you
>extremely xenophobic?

westoid chauvinist brain. they aren't nearly as xenophobic as your government. i dont know where you're from, assuming america because you're a fucking retard, in which case obviously that's true because the US government is the most evil and xenophobic institution on earth, but even if you're from europe it's still true. the "le japs are super nationalistic" meme is an orientalist myth

>> No.17853851

Why can't people just admit they want to remove all the brown people and they believe Jews are behind it all as revenge on white people for the Holocaust? If you sincerely believe that, which a lot of you clearly do, why not just be upfront about it?

>> No.17853858

They're psychopaths, no other way you get to the top of or help create such grossly unjust structures. The best rulers are Monarchs simply because there is an off chance the guy is not a psychopath given that he was just born into the job, but monarchs are still surrounded by secondary power structures full of psychopaths, and the sort of genetic lineages that end up as royals are also probably high in psychopathy.

You might get the exceptional guy sometimes who doesn't suck and manages to gain power, but not very fucking likely considering what you have to do to win in those games. Periods of prosperity for the people are when the elite's incentives just happen to align with most of the people's incentives for a while, often because of technological changes altering dynamics, so the level of exploitation is briefly reduced.

>> No.17853864

Reconsider your life choices, dude.

>> No.17853873

If you've been to a city that has experienced high migration, and lived there, you would understand. It is unpleasant, especially if you are native to that nation

>> No.17853904

Nobody's trying to hide it, that's my belief.

>> No.17853912

Also, just check UK crime stats for example. Its not hard

>> No.17853921

i dont believe it's jews, i believe it's a mixture of clueless boomer politicians who will never interact will brown people and capitalist billionaires who need a steady flow of brainless consoomers

>> No.17853929
File: 81 KB, 750x920, 1616451284154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17853970

The problem is that their sons probably won't be psychopaths but still handle that much power. Or worse, they might have utopic naive ideals and fuck up society even more.
Don't forget workaholic autist too. They too get into positions of power but don't know what to do either.

>> No.17853979

Nice bionicles

>> No.17853987

Check out Lebedoff's The New Elite. Very short. He draws a distinction between traditional elites who are still fundamentally tied to some kind of particularity as their point of origin, whether a local aristocracy or religious or ethnic background, and elites whose identity IS simply "I am an ELITE." The latter came about post-WW2 when Fordist and scientistic governments tried to great an expert class, defined by being experts, as judged by experts, who expertly design exams to vet experts to vet more experts.

Now the upper class is a kind of Outer Party of nigger-rich philistine coastal elites who think they're god's gift to humanity because they went to fancy schools because their family has used its connections and absurd wealth to grease the wheels to get them into fancy schools for several generations. They see themselves as qualified because not because of any actual qualifications, but because they are "qualified people." That's their essence.

The Inner Party is all psychotic sex hedonists who haven't seen real humanity since their family got megarich generations ago. This psychosis is also spreading to their Outer Party smokescreen though. Where do you think most of the tranny shit and general woke hysteria is coming from? Upper and upper middle class elite children.

It's actually a good thing. Imagine if they made themselves more elite and smarter with their ill-gotten power and influence, instead of self-sabotaging like this. Imagine if the masses finally turned on this class in a big way. The entire class is on three different kinds of meds just to cope with the ennui of being a rich genderfluid hipster with a dad who pays your $2400 a month rent.

>> No.17854138


>> No.17854208

>It's actually a good thing. Imagine if they made themselves more elite and smarter with their ill-gotten power and influence, instead of self-sabotaging like this. Imagine if the masses finally turned on this class in a big way.
Doesn't the Time Machine from H. G. Wells revolves around this?

>> No.17854357


>> No.17854481
File: 8 KB, 300x295, R-2152639-1437175111-2296.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reactionaries -- and I mean that in a descriptive sense -- like Pat Buchanan recognize real phenomena but there are larger structural forces driving them that they can't do much about. White nationalism in the West might as well by like German nationalism in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. They're a privileged group that can't indulge in an identity politics of their own without threatening to bring down the whole polity.


>> No.17854508

I haven't read it but he was certainly on the money with the premise

>> No.17854674
File: 78 KB, 1008x1024, Gigachad cosmic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just the result of the overthrow of the old monarchies of Europe which upset the balance.
Th ruling and priestly castes were deposed and demoted harshly, respectively, while the (((merchant))) caste became the one in power.
The rulers have accountability because they are beholden to their vassals and to God because they can only rule by consent of the governed, the merchants have no loyalty to anyone except their pockets. The modern world is the result of the merchant class not getting the appropriate amounts of getting kicked around like they did in the past because there is no ruling class to do so anymore.
If society is to recover the order has to be restored. Impoverished patricians of noble pedigree like me have to take back our rightful place and put the merchants back in theirs.

>> No.17854826
File: 114 KB, 1024x685, 1615911370555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FPBP, literally so many articles that go like "Replacement theory is a CONSPIRACY THEORY" then 5 seconds later it's an article titled "How we can replace the racist aging whites in the US with 3rd world migrants"

>> No.17854838

rightists belong in camps.

>> No.17854853
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>rightists belong in camps.

>> No.17855110

Uncle Pat is based and redpilled. He doesn't give a fuck at this point

>> No.17855142
File: 37 KB, 554x380, patbuchanan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As you may have heard in my last campaign, I am called by many names. “Protectionist” is one of the nicer ones; but it is inexact. I am an economic nationalist. To me, the country comes before the economy; and the economy exists for the people. I believe in free markets, but I do not worship them. In the proper hierarchy of things, it is the market that must be harnessed to work for man – and not the other way around.

>To its neocon architects, Iraq was always about empire, hegemony, Pax Americana, global democracy – about getting hold of America’s power to make the Middle East safe for Sharon and themselves glorious and famous.

>The hearts of many on the Right are in cutting marginal tax rates and eliminating the capital gains tax. Good causes to be sure. But what doth it profit a man if he gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his country? Is whether the GDP rises at 2 or 3 or 4 percent as important as whether or not Western civilization endures and we remain one nation under God and one people? With the collapsing birthrate, open borders, and the triumph of an anti-Western multiculturalism, that is what is at issue today — the survival of America as a nation, separate and unique, and of Western civilization itself — and too many conservatives have gone AWOL in the last great fight of our lives.

Was Uncle Pat too pure to be President?

>> No.17855145

>people actually disagree with this somehow

>> No.17855154

>The Left has found the Ho Chi Minh Trail around democracy...to impose its views and values upon our society without having to win elections or persuade elected legislators.

>Ten years after NAFTA, Mexico's leading export to America is still — Mexicans. America is becoming Mexamerica.

>If America is about anything, she is about freedom. We have seen in the burgeoning Department of Homeland Security and at our airports and in the color-coded alerts the beginning of the erosion of that freedom.

>Israeli and U.S. interests often run parallel, but they are not the same. Israel is concerned with a neighborhood. We are concerned with a world of 300 million Arabs and a billion Muslims. Our policies cannot be the same. If they are, we will end up with all of Israel’s enemies, who are legion, and only Israel’s friends, who are few.

>Though blacks are outnumbered 5-to-1 in the population by whites, they commit eight times as many crimes against whites as the reverse. By those 2007 numbers, a black male was 40 times as likely to assault a white person as the reverse. If interracial crime is the ugliest manifestation of racism, what does this tell us about where racism really resides — in America?

>Like materialism, consumerism and socialism, transnationalism suffers from the same fatal flaw. It feeds the body and starves the soul. And eventually bored people hear the old calls again.

>> No.17855171
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>Americans are already deep in a culture war over morality—marijuana, abortion, same-sex marriage. We are already racially polarized over affirmative action and income inequality. And when we have ceased to be an English-speaking, Christian country and become instead an Asian-Hispanic-African-American-white nation, with large Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, agnostic and atheist minorities, and no defined borders, or common faith and culture, what holds us together?

>What is the moral argument for an affirmative action that justifies unending race discrimination against a declining white working class, who have become the expendables of our multicultural regime?

>> No.17855195

>We may deny the existence of ethnonationalism, detest it, condemn it. But this creator and destroyer of empires and nations is a force infinitely more powerful than globalism, for it engages the heart. Men will die for it. Religion, race, culture and tribe are the four horsemen of the coming apocalypse.

>With secularism’s triumph, we Americans have no common religion, no common faith, no common font of moral truth. We disagree on what is right and wrong, moral and immoral. Without an agreed-upon higher authority, values become matters of opinion. And ours are in conflict and irreconcilable. Understood. But how, then, do we remain one nation and one people?

>While our forefathers would have not hesitated to do what was needed to secure our borders and expel intruders, it is not a settled matter as to whether this generation has the will to preserve the West. Progressives may parade their moral superiority as they cheer the defeat of the "zero tolerance" policy. But they have no solution to the crisis. Indeed, many do not even see it as a crisis because they do not see themselves as belonging to a separate tribe, nation or people threatened by an epochal invasion from the Third World. They see themselves as belonging to an ideological nation, a nation of ideas, whose mission is to go forth and preach and teach all peoples the gospel of democracy, diversity and equality.

last quote hits pretty hard considering Biden's current border issues

>> No.17855234

but butterfly poster, the japs ARE xenophobic as fuck. To the point that ugly japanese kids are bullied for "looking korean." Japan's probably the only major industrialized country on the planet that still believes in scientific racism. They're not taking the foreign vaccines cause they haven't been tested on the unique "japanese physique."

>> No.17855241

Too idealistic.

>> No.17855262
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>Germans have been dying out for forty years and this has been covered up by counting Turks, East Europeans, and Arabs as Germans. Now, not even immigrants from the Muslim lands, Eastern Europe, and the Third World can mask the reality.
Astonishing. Not long after World War II, West Germany boasted the world's second largest economy. Now a united Germany is on schedule to become a retirement center, nursing home, and cemetery for the Germanic peoples, whose origins date back to before the birth of Christ.

>The Constitution and Bill of Rights are the foundational documents of the republic and the organic documents of American union. And the word "equality" does not appear in either. Nor does the word "democracy." Can these be the ends for which the United States was established if they are not even mentioned in the nation's founding documents?

>Our corporate elite demands and gets an endless supply of low-wage foreign labor. Our cultural elite, contemptuous of the old America, wishes to see it drowned in wave after wave of immigrants, and tars as racists and nativists those who wish to preserve that country. ... If, by 2050, America is a souk of squabbling nationalities united only by a common lust for consumer goods, the guilty men will be our unpatriotic elites who put money and power ahead of country and culture.

>> No.17855269
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>by 2050, America is a souk of squabbling nationalities united only by a common lust for consumer goods

>> No.17855282

typical rightoid rhetoric; identifies the symptoms of a failing America as the causes.

>> No.17855288
File: 37 KB, 441x387, jtv9u1o0jkk51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To traditional conservatives, this "creedal nation" exists in the minds of men of words. It is an intellectual construct, to which men can render neither love nor loyalty. For two centuries, men have died for America. Who would lay down his life for the UN, the EU, or a "North American Union"? When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, college students stood beside sharecroppers' sons to enlist. These men were not volunteering to defend abstract ideas. For democracy was not attacked. Equality was not attacked. America was attacked.

>We are trying to create a nation that has never before existed, of all the races, tribes, cultures and creeds of Earth, where all are equal. In this utopian drive for the perfect society of our dreams we are killing the real country we inherited — the best and greatest country on earth.

>> No.17855362

Sounds dumb

>> No.17855365

The west will never die. As long as the United States continues to have a complacent, brainwashed population then it will continue forever. The only reason you hear about the fall of the west so much is because China is seeing extreme economic growth, and it really underscores the US mindset. Americans think not being "the greatest nation in the world" is comparable to the collapse of their civilization, despite the fact that wealth was always distributed better in other countries throughout the 20th century. The legacy of the United States is cheap, with citizens praising their country for winning wars with technology that relied on nicked, foreign mathematical discoveries. The US isn't dying, it's just that other countries are more intelligent and growing faster. I guess that's what happens when you defund education and raise a generation of idiots.

>> No.17855438

>that relied on nicked, foreign mathematical discoveries

this is kind of a "cope"

>> No.17855472

Russian experts were integral to developing the atom bomb and nuclear fission was discovered in Berlin. How is this a cope?

>> No.17855488

>Russian experts were integral to developing the atom bomb


>> No.17855499

this is kind of a "cope"

>> No.17855560

this book was actually called "death of whitey" with an even worse sub heading. "how foreign birthrates and dying populations imperil our race and white civilization."
in an interview taken off of youtube or atleast that im unable to find again pat buchanan talks about why the publisher refused to publish what he had and how he had to change up not only who he quoted, but also the main message of the book. he mentioned the original title. there is this conference however that confirms the book was originally titled differently.

>> No.17855562

Yikes, I can smell the incel tears from your comment

>> No.17855582

>america is the most xenophobic institution
lmao. listen to this fucking retard. name a single first world country where 90% of the population growth is driven by immigration for 20 years straight. name a single country that has taken in 1 million immigrants every year for 60 years straight not even counting chain migration

>> No.17855604

>americans are already in a deep culture war
i remember the first time i heard his speech at Cpac when he said america was in a spiritual war for the soul of the country and its vital that we win this war over our enemies. the amount of pearl clutching and shock feigned by the establishment which knew full well how hostile politics was at that point was palpable. to use such words as war and enemies when talking about american politics was something that didnt happen very often, much less the idea that it was a spiritual war that one had to win instead of perpetually fight. sadly conservatives still havent gotten the message and still treat progressives as some loyal opposition that has no intentions of victory and domination of the country. serves them right for becoming all but irrelevant now a days.

>> No.17855678

it does tho

>> No.17856147

This post can not be refuted.

>> No.17856178

>there is simply no choice -- if a country wishes to survive economically -- but to have immigration
No. This is straight from Satan's Talmud. Japan will be fine as long as it doesn't import immigrants. If it does we'll have to wait and see.

Economies could have a controlled reduction in size. The government could do this in Japan.

Enabling family formation and encouraging large families could also be done. Japan could also do this.

Saying immigration is necessary is like saying billionaires and globalists are entitled to billions in yearly revenue. This is a Jewish talking point which makes it false.

>> No.17856204

These guys get it. This is really what is going on. Normie can't handle this level of truth, they are too addicted to their comfort and safety to want to think about this and what must be done.

>> No.17856530
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> Postwar Japan had economic renaissance under a highly centralized continuation of the war economy, the Zaibatsu system
> policy of the Ministry of Finance was to avoid national debt (!) while leveraging trade surplus to grow local markets and invest in foreign markets
> Japanese "closed society" comes under open fire in the West from leading economists, key point is literally nepotistic centralized economy that runs counter to Western sensibilities, plus not selling out to creditors like the West

> Bank of Japan (central bank with foreign ties baked in since postwar reestablishment) intentionally promotes "bubble economy" through predatory regulation
> from mid 70s - late 80s commercial banks are obligated to provide ever larger loans, to increasingly dubious creditors

> in 1990 BOJ hikes interest rates and overinflated asset bubble (that they created) is wilfully popped
> economy collapses, suicide rate skyrockets, purchasing power of populace tanks, the Lost Decade narrative is in full swing
> commercial banks are practically slaughtered
> Bank of Japan could remedy the situation by ramping up credit volume (pic related); keeps it anemic and cuts rates as a smokescreen instead
> allows them to claim good faith while blaming their strangulation on a "liquidity trap" throttling supply of credit

> this serves to drive the point home by keeping the economy stagnant longer than any other in modern history
> BoJ Director during this time, Yasushi Mieno, is promoted to board of BIS (international cooperative body of central banks)
> Japan is now like any other late-stage neoliberal economy and needs the same life support they do
> but it happened there first
source: "The Princes of the Yen" by Richard Werner

Note that the "liquidity trap" phenomenon came to prominence in 2008 after very similar measures endorsed worldwide by the IMF. It had been a largely theoretical concept before the "Lost Decade". Many economists blame the trap exactly on low / negative interest rates which discourage lending, or consider it a fiction to divert from bad policy.

What does it mean that the globohomo GDP-at-all-costs policies that Japan has reluctantly adopted 30 years down the line were massively pushed through in the West, on this exact same basis within years of 2008, even after those policies had already been active in the West for decades at a low level? Has it ever fixed anything? You tell me.
Those approaches to socioeconomic policy is not a solution, it is not sustainable, and it is coordinated for the benefit of a few. It is an economic narcotic.

>> No.17856546

I support this.
The more I interact with the white people here, the more I think they’re some of the stupidest people I’ve ever known.

>> No.17856565

> the more I think they’re some of the stupidest people I’ve ever known.
yep it takes a really stupid person to fail at ingroup-outgroup detection, something even the cavemen could successfully accomplish
Western whites tried to get too clever and in the process completely lost touch with reality. hubris is an eternal danger

>> No.17856590

Those whites were clever though. The ones leftover are not.
I don’t give a single fuck about any of the whites here, that’s for certain.

>> No.17856612

>The more I interact with the white people here, the more I think they’re some of the stupidest people I’ve ever known.
Honestly, yeah. A people who do nothing and sometimes even celebrate their own destruction deserve no sympathy. Were Arabs, Blacks, or Asians targeted the same way Whites are, they would quickly disabuse their enemies of the idea such a thing would happen peacefully, much less with their consent.

>> No.17856614
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>retard doesn't realize 90% of the people on this board are niggers larping as whites

>> No.17856624

I mean here as in this country.
The ones on this website are retarded too, sure.

>> No.17856632

Enough with these pointless discussions of the death of western civilization, instead of complaining go write something great!

>> No.17856638

I’m not talking about liberal whites. I mean all the whites here. I don’t know their political persuasions or care.

The rightwing ones are even more stupid.

>> No.17856663

I wonder how life is like in China, in this aspect. They are a resurgent, optimistic civilization which reveres its history and its classics (modern China does) and has a bright future. They love their culture and defend it. They are united, and their media/government supports them in this.

I guess one of the reasons I truly am jealous of them is because contemporary China is everything I wish the West was. An optimistic place that loves itself and is making progress, instead of self-flagellating itself to death.

>> No.17856669


Tearing down cultural safeguards to advance the interests of your social class, which is essentially what the Early Modern philosophers did & were employed to do by their patrons, is clever in the same way that corruption or tax fraud is clever.

It is an underhanded self-serving attack on the society itself. The endpoint of those practices as they are found today, is an enlightened egalitarian feminist Earth where fertility rates are universally near-zero, and it can only lead to extinction, or the reassertion of a nakedly coercive patriarchy.

For all the kvetching against the strawman of modern patriarchy, these retards clearly don't truly think about any of their actions. Their worst nightmare is that horrid Atwood setting but all of their practices - social and environmental - are causing us to careen precisely to that point.

>> No.17856671

I think you have a distorted view of reality and don’t have a clue how the average Chinese person lives.
But if you like it so much, you should go live there. I definitely don’t want you here.

>> No.17856673

Where is "here", anon?

>> No.17856684

The West.

>> No.17856685

I did say "In this aspect", I am sure other factors are at play which make life not as rosy as I imagined it. All the same, I find it hard to think that the narrative regarding "the arc of civilization" there is anything but bright. It would be a welcome break from the defeated one we have here in the West

>> No.17856686

> liberal countries embracing the rhetoric of "love it or leave it" in defense of their mutted rotten atomized dystopias while hysterically screeching against fascism, which concocted that rhetoric in its modern form
you love to see it

>> No.17856690

I don’t feel any particular affinity with other whites, maybe vague cultural ones.l and that’s about it.
> The endpoint of those practices as they are found today, is an enlightened egalitarian feminist Earth where fertility rates are universally near-zero, and it can only lead to extinction, or the reassertion of a nakedly coercive patriarchy.
There’s no danger of this except by pollution.

>> No.17856695

Again, I think this is a distorted view of reality and you let the media, whatever media you are into, shape your perception.

>> No.17856699

>buzzwords, buzzwords, buzzwords
How come you don’t want to live there?
It sounds like the perfect place for you.

>> No.17856717

Nobody in the West is any good though

>> No.17856721

In all fairness, you are probably right about my perception being skewed. I dunno. The idea of a place with a society and a civilization which doesn’t hate itself or its past seems wonderful. And if my admittedly idealistic dream found itself projected on a China which isn’t actually like that, oh well. It’s not like I’m moving to China or anything. I just want to live where I can express optimism without people calling it cope, and where I can explore art and history without the underlying narrative of these things being the products of evil, which in my eyes is a perspective that has grown very common here in liberal circles of American society.

>> No.17856734

>There’s no danger of this except by pollution.
Why is there no danger? Nothing is unthinkable in the long term, that's my whole point.

>> No.17856741

not an argument and furthermore my observation is correct & pertinent. you have to cope

>> No.17856745

Nobody is stopping you from appreciating whatever art and history you like. I’m pretty sure museums and such are all about this.
You take too seriously what some people on Twitter say.

>> No.17856749

Why would it not be an argument?
You hate the West, yet you live here.

Maybe China is too far. Why not Eastern Europe? They LOVE their own cultures there.

>> No.17856756

>You hate the West, yet you live here.
>Why not Eastern Europe?
I do live in eastern europe retard

>> No.17856763

Because people are not going to stop having sex under any circumstances, lol

>> No.17856767

>You take too seriously what some people on Twitter say.
Not an unfair thing to say at all, this is something I do. But then again woke people on Twitter are the opinion making class in our current culture; their views are bound to become the norm and then turned into policy.

>> No.17856773

Then your perception is skewed by media. You don’t even fucking live here.

The worst thing about the West are reactionaries and the government, as far as I’m concerned.

>> No.17856775

Women are not going to stop taking the pill under any circumstances. Modern women have lots of sex and fewer kids than ever.
enjoy the sterility and hormone pollution

>> No.17856803

You can still have kids even if you took the pill in the past.
And pollution is a worldwide problem. It’s affecting developing countries too.

>> No.17856814
File: 535 KB, 1127x963, 1596516314405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aha, but I have lived there. That's why I'm able to use this board.
The worst thing about the West is how it fetishizes dysfunction, even promotes it, and blatantly insists that it is true morality to do so. Nobody even opposes this. Its chief adherents are also its victims, like the LGBT who only exist because of widespread hormone disruptors.
The next worst thing is the all-encompassing blind god of consumerism, and the main people who oppose that are failures who are chiefly motivated by their own inability to consume.
Altogether this means that society worships the effects and causes of decay, a self-evidently horrid smelly concoction, and it has no way out. All members deserve to be rendered unto the sewers, like at Tiananmen.

>> No.17856830

This picture has always been the closest thing from turning me from a leftist into a full on nazbol.

>> No.17856831

>Aha, but I have lived there.
pfff, hahaha
Nigger, nobody is buying your lies.
> The worst thing about the West is how it fetishizes dysfunction, even promotes it, and blatantly insists that it is true morality to do so.
If you had actually lived here, you’d realize it’s barely anywhere in real life.
It’s given attention so the general public will tolerate it.

I don’t give a fuck what fags do. I want my freedom from the government, and if I were a fag, I’d want freedom to be a fag too.

>> No.17856832

Do you think a mandatory breeding programme would work today, if it was necessary?
Do you think it will work after another century or two of "progress"?
Please understand that lots of people TODAY openly hate society and claim that having children in today's world is immoral, now consider a society about to collapse from underpopulation. Who's gonna self-sacrifice in that context when the idea is only losing its hold??
denialism like this got us where we are today, and it will destroy us, too bad

>> No.17856847

Mandatory breeding program?
You live in scifi world, it sounds like.

>> No.17856875

> If you had actually lived here, you’d realize it’s barely anywhere in real life.
Look at Biden's health secretary. Look at his inauguration. And that's the "moderate" candidate.
I was there for university, so admittedly it was more overt, but make no mistake, that's the future. This same cope has been at play for 20 years, "that shit won't fly in the REAL WORLD", and the madness has only ever gotten worse among the general public.
> I want my freedom
Indeed, your faggot constitution is to blame. "freedom" can only mean "freedom from all restraint" and a descent into vain self-pitying hedonism. Imagine denying this while it is coming to fruition.
your grandkids will be trans and brown and your societal legacy will be twerking mulattoes in any case, and they will only be free to the extent that it suits the corporate hegemony. Where is the freedom? Fucking morons.

>> No.17856880

> "if it was necessary"
> terminal depopulation was the whole context of the previous comments
Functional illiterates who don't understand cause-and-effect need to get off my board / commit suicide

>> No.17856889

>And that's the "moderate" candidate.
Because it’s a big tent which includes progressives. Progressives lost a lot of clout after the last election though.
> the madness has only ever gotten worse among the general public
I think the general public is as uneasy about extremism as you are.
> "freedom" can only mean "freedom from all restraint" and a descent into vain self-pitying hedonism. Imagine denying this while it is coming to fruition.
lol, have you ever met a traditional conservative? Hardly hedonists but they talk about freedom more than anybody.
>your grandkids will be trans and brown and your societal legacy will be twerking mulattoes in any case, and they will only be free to the extent that it suits the corporate hegemony. Where is the freedom? Fucking morons.
I don’t think any of that is unique to the West. We just tolerate it more.

>> No.17856892

Even bringing it up at all shows us how bizarre your perception of the world is.

>> No.17856919

No shit, of course it's unusual to have a perception of the world encompassing demographics hundreds of years from now, what kind of criticism is that? That's the whole problem!
People can't even give up a little bit of their living standard when they think the environment will imminently collapse and destroy humanity, and they won't be able to have kids (a substantial cost) in a depopulation scenario, unless coerced. That's all. And the depopulation scenario is coming for any number of socioeconomic reasons.

>> No.17856929
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>> No.17856934

> Progressives lost a lot of clout after the last election though.
I somehow get the sense that Pride Month will go ahead as planned, anyways.
> the general public
The general public is radicalizing to the left or trying to cope from the right, the entire reason Q exists is because the right couldn't handle the fact that their society was spiraling out of control and they would have to do something to stop it, so they offloaded it onto a desperate conspiracy theory instead.
>lol, have you ever met a traditional conservative?
What have they conserved? I'm not about to follow their example.
> I don’t think any of that is unique to the West. We just tolerate it more.
Well of course, because humans aren't perfect anywhere. But the fact that you tolerate and export it is a massive problem, other places don't do that indeed. And even if it did happen everywhere, that wouldn't make it tolerable or functional.

>> No.17856937

> rapidly dropping birthrates everywhere
> this is openly advertised as a progressive win
this is a matter of fact

>> No.17856950

This truly is the final redpill. And yet liberals will spin the same old Chomskyite conspiracies that somehow all of this is the result of a white supremacist plot laid by German emigres via operation paperclip. Or something else just as preposterous

>> No.17856952

>I somehow get the sense that Pride Month will go ahead as planned, anyways.
>The general public is radicalizing
uh, no, they’re not
In the US anyway, the far-left was soundly rejected last election.
>What have they conserved? I'm not about to follow their example.
They like traditional values, but they also like the freedom to do what you want.
The reason America is like this is because it’s a giant, open wilderness. And having a central authority try to tell you how to live from day-to-day in such an environment doesn’t work very well, especially a hundred years before telephones.
> But the fact that you tolerate and export it is a massive problem, other places don't do that indeed.
I don’t think it’s a massive problem. They’re just trying to make it so that people tolerate it.

>> No.17856965

I wish they got a move on already

>> No.17856972

Yeah, really.