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/lit/ - Literature

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17859735 No.17859735 [Reply] [Original]

Read Schopenhauers essays.

A brilliant collection of down to earth incredible views on everything from women to the dangers of reading too much.
It is written in fantastic prose that is both genius, down to earth and a joy to read.

Can you say the same about damn near any other philosopher? Those philosophers, lost in the jargon and masturbatory academic language in smoke and mirrors, fooling themselves with the notion that writing using a thesaurus somehow makes your thoughts more creditable.

The GIANTS that have been deeply influenced by these essays and the man himself are staggering.

Albert Einstein, Erwin Schrödinger, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Friedrich Nietzsche. Just to name a few. Einstein kept a bust of Schopenhauer in his study.

What are you waiting for?

>> No.17859749

do i have to read kant before schopenhauer?

>> No.17859755
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based Shakira

>> No.17859763
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>> No.17859769


>> No.17860151

She can Shak hir ass for me.

>> No.17860868

Easily the most readable philosophy book I’ve read. I remember his views on death and on art being particularly lucid and probably 100% accurate.

>> No.17860871


>> No.17860948

Schop was a bitter asshole but he was right about pretty much everything

>> No.17860959

Which translations? I'm very careful of (((translators))) perverting the original texts.

I can also learn German. Prolly worth it.

>> No.17860976


>> No.17861424

The Shakira/BAP debate series will be kino

>> No.17861943

It's great

>> No.17862275
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It was not for nothing that Schopenhauer, like Rousseau before him, studied the English empiricists. From them he learned to misread Kant in the spirit of megalopolitan utilitarianism. The intellect as instrument of the will-to-life, as weapon in the struggle for existence, the ideas brought to grotesque expression by Shaw in "Man and Superman" - it was because this was his view of the world that Schopenhauer became the fashionable philosopher when Darwin's main work was published in 1859. In contrast to Schelling, Hegel and Fichte, he was a philosopher, and the only philosopher, whose metaphysical propositions could be absorbed with ease by intellectual mediocrity. The clarity of which he was so proud threatened at every moment to reveal itself as triviality. While retaining enough of formula to produce an atmosphere of profundity and exclusiveness, he presented the megalopolitan view of the world complete and assimilable. His system is anticipated materialism, and the speech of Kant and the concepts of the Indians are simply clothing.

>> No.17862289

good for her

>> No.17862303

Indeed. One of the most enjoyable authors to read. I read him when I was 16,, but to this day I keep coming back to him.

>> No.17863137



>> No.17863304

which book exactly?

>> No.17863336

ok this is based

>> No.17864145

parerga and paralipomena

>> No.17864164

>4 weeks
Is any course that long any good? Who even recognizes that as an employer?

>> No.17864567

I don't think employers care how extensive your philosophy knowledge is. They see you have a degree in it and immediately put your CV in the waste bin.

>> No.17864578

Great ass and legs.
Didn't read your post.

>> No.17864582

I never understood how Schopenhauer inspired artists and people like Einstein. I don't know anything about schopy except the memes, so what is it in his work thats so inspiring?

>> No.17864596

sCOPEnhauer lmao

>> No.17864619

I know you shut-in incel NEETs are desperate for a role model, but come on

>> No.17864673

More like wide SCOPEenhauer

>> No.17864783

I'm not even focusing on philosophy, I meant any course.

>> No.17864813

Where do you start with Schopenhauer? Where do you end

>> No.17864861

>Those philosophers, lost in the jargon and masturbatory academic language in smoke and mirrors, fooling themselves with the notion that writing using a thesaurus somehow makes your thoughts more creditable.
Tell that to Jordan Peterson fanboys

>> No.17864872

1. Push some lady down the stairs
2.fuck schelling
3.fuck fichte
4.fuck hegel twice the fucking pseud bastard
5. Love me poodle, Atman. Simple as

>> No.17864881

Start with Critique of Pure Reason and read World as Will and Representation. It's metaphysics mostly, pretty good to know what reality is made off.

>> No.17865208


Start with Plato.

>> No.17865254

He's very emotionally gripping and confident. He says shit like "When I look into an empty vase, I can easily see, feel and know every possible permeation of reality."