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17860404 No.17860404 [Reply] [Original]

when you talk to women about philosophy, who are their favorites/go-tos. I always see that its marx, rand, jung, etc.

>> No.17860409

>when you talk to women
>reading philosophy
i have never done either of these

>> No.17860424

you need to stop living in your head anon...

>> No.17860426

That meme is obnoxious

>> No.17860442

I have never a woman phil student

>> No.17860445

there are no women interested in philosophy within 1 lightyear of this planet

>> No.17860462

i know someone who minored in phil for a little bit but she dropped it.

>> No.17860473
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I cannot think of a more useless degree to have than philosophy.

Read it for yourself, sure, but why the fuck would you want to have a qualification in it?

Genuine question.

>> No.17860474
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>when you talk to women about philosophy

>> No.17860478

i dont know, i guess if you enjoy it alot and you want to go to law school it might be decent prelaw.
to get laid, anon.

>> No.17860479

how i feel when talking to biophysics ppl

>> No.17860483

I've never tried to talk to a chick about philosophy

>> No.17860491

I have a friend who is interested in phil and she's female, but she's also schizophrenic and depressed.
I think her favorites are postmodernist authors, not sure which ones specifically.

>> No.17860497

try it. its hilarious.

>> No.17860535

> to get laid


>> No.17860544
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>when you talk to women about philosophy
No thank you

>> No.17860576

In that case philosophy is the last thing you want to talk about. Unless you want to bullshit your way through either Starbucks Marxism or pozzed Identity politics. You deserve better, anon.

>> No.17860591

yes anon?

>> No.17860601

dont play with him like that, he might actually want to have sex at some point

>> No.17860611

hey, i could be swimming in psuedo intellectual art hoe egirl daddy issue pussy, you dont know.

>> No.17860616

Merleau-Ponty ime

>> No.17860628
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I don't know dude, but as a philosophy major then graduate student, the females I knew tended to either be into pragmatism, into early modern history, or into analytic metaphysics. The only time I met anything close to a stereotypical /lit/ continental girl was also someone who did their undergraduate in English but came to grad school to do philosophy. But she was also very different from the stereotype, she was just the closest in that she actually read the stereotypical stuff a bit more than all the other female philosophy students I've known.

>> No.17860637

My metaphysics class was filled with more women than any other class I attended. I was shocked.

>> No.17860715

I like talking to women about philosophy because they just listen and agree cause they know your right. Men have fragile egos and will try to one-up you even if their opinions are retarded

>> No.17860732

My mom only talks about Aristotle because she got her masters in rhetoric, but she basically uses contextual material dialectics mixed with an extremly well versed use of rhetorical tools to get everyone to believe what she says. Every proposition or idea she has is "reasonable" and everyone of our friends eventually succumbs to her never ending Aristotelian autism.

>> No.17860737
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ive only ever talked to trannies about philosophy. this is why im gay

>> No.17862045

>start talking to girl
>she asks what I studied in uni
>English major, Philosophy minor
>start rambling about Pynchon to preempt her talking about Harry Potter and shit to try to prove to me that she's smart enough to like books
>she tries to switch subject to philosophy
>I end up constantly refuting myself by passing x philosopher's views as my own then shifting to y philosopher with contradictory views
>get too caught up in rambling that I almost forget I'm supposed to try to get laid
>end up saying something edgy and cockblocking myself
At least three times this has happened in my life. Now I just talk to girls about Baby Yeed.

>> No.17862055

I minored in philosophy but ended up taking so many Buddhism / Hinduism classes that I could have easily claimed Religious Studies or even Asian Studies instead. So I usually don't talk to women about the subject because I'm not into girls who think they like Buddhism.

>> No.17862068

What are those?

>> No.17862086
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>reading women
>talking about philosophy
I have never done either of these

>> No.17862098

You don’t want a 1st year Phil gf, you want a 4th year patristics gf

>Now I just talk to girls about Baby Yeed
A good trick like spinning

>> No.17862186

>more into foucault

>> No.17862284

If you're studying for the qualifications you're doing it wrong.

>> No.17862309

>tfw first semester of philosophy
>girl from class asks professor for my email and messages me asking for tips for the first reading because it seemed like i understood better than most of the class
>send her a wall of text with study tips, outside references, articles and links
>she never replies to me
>never speak again

>> No.17862523


>> No.17863010
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Yeah honestly the stereotype that women are always into the literary postmodern stuff isn't entirely true. There's a lot of women into metaphysics (ontology in particular) and a lot of women into history. For whatever reason.
I remember a girl who would sometimes ask me to study together with her in review for tests. Since she was actually smart and contributed I didn't feel annoyed and we also got along more generally, sometimes talking philosophy and working together in the philosophy club.

>> No.17863149

A beautiful, raven-haired woman I went to college with and who was well out of my league teaches phil.
She's a widow now and I'm making plans to snatch her up.

>> No.17863184

de Beavoir or w/e

>> No.17863238

I'm a girl (male) but I've read more political theory than philosophy
stirner, evola, marx, lenin, mao, kaczynski, zerzan etc.

>> No.17863278

Mysticism generally is the way to go, in my experience. The more feminine they are, the more likely they are to be into philosophy in order to grasp the oneness of things, and to be less interested in analysis and spergy systematizing. The more metaphysical, the better. Eastern philosophy, and generally non-european philosophy, is great for this. Spinoza is good. Jung is good. Plotinus should be good, although I haven't personally seen it.

>> No.17863351

>I'm a girl (male)
Of course you read philosophy

>> No.17863379
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There are four types of women in undergrad philosophy:

Type A: Fat and/or ugly, tattoos, piercings, any ethnicity, smokes, typically a lesbian. Likes: Marx, Foucault, sometimes Hegel, maybe Marcuse, Nietzsche anything French past idk 1900
Type B: skinny, firdgid, attractive, white or east asian, expensive but conservative clothing. Likes: Anything that gets her into law school, analytic phil., Kant
Type C: nerdy, attractiveness varies, dresses modestly, often religious, reads literature, asocial as a norm. Likes: Ancient Philosophy, Medieval Philosophy, really any historical period
Type D: extremely hot, psycho, dresses eccentrically. Likes: Jung, Weil, mostly stuff outside of philosophy, Hildegard von Bingen

If you've ever met a girl who doesn't fit one of these, I'll eat my shoe.

>> No.17863396

i’m a woman and i like kirkegaard. i suppose marx, camus, foucault, and jung are the most common choices

>> No.17863403

Are you a christian?

>> No.17863485

yes. and btw i haven’t read a lot of theology yet so once i do kirkegaard will probably stop being my favorite

>> No.17863535

rationalism was a mistake

>> No.17863574

too bad pic rel doesn't exist

>> No.17863595

20th ce female philosophers who talk about gender and few know about Hypatia thanks to that one movie about her

>> No.17863687

I fell in love with a girl like this in college. She friendzoned the life out of me.

>> No.17863698

Is Weil really that popular?

>> No.17863749

Women often dislike christians and idealists.
Big fans of constructivism, nominalism, existentialists.

God I hate women bros.

>> No.17863819

Are there women that like Rand? I always thought her audience was primarily autistic rationalists, autistic programmers, and businessmen.

>> No.17864093

I'm currently having a bdsm friends with benefits arrangement with a psychologist with whom I talked about Foucault and Deleuze with on our first date

>> No.17864123

I don't even want to talk to fucking philosophy students about philosophy, never mind female philosophy students

>> No.17864542

does anyone actually read this shit? one's politics ought to be entirely determined by their metaphysics

>> No.17864787

>one's politics ought to be entirely determined by their metaphysics
the fact that it isn't for most people is why political discourse is a waste of time, because you are just talking to pseud retards with no basis in their convictions

>> No.17864896

Whoever made this has no fucking clue what's currently taught in academic philosophy.

>> No.17865446

in creative writing club i met a woman who loved rand, said she got her into deeper reading.

>> No.17865612

I don't talk to anyone about philosophy irl besides my professors.

>> No.17865640

You're lucky if they have an idea of what Plato is about.

>> No.17865668
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Any philosophy that allows them to exclude bottom 80% of men from the dating market

>> No.17866517

ancient phil is taught, and euthyphro is always taught in ancient phil

logic is a requirement for many degrees

wittgenstein is taught, usually in upper level courses

foucault is the scourge of the non-philosophy humanities

analytic philosophy IS dry

conties are very hard for first years to grasp

many high school students read neesha

>> No.17866523

i knew a girl who loved ayn rand but unironically became a communist

>> No.17866544

>promiscuous arthoes are into Weil, a Christian philosopher

>> No.17866563

Why are all millennial psychologists such degenerates? To think people will turn to them for help with mental health issues. Kek.

>> No.17866629

>contextual material dialectics
Such as?

>> No.17866633

She expected some kind of easy answer or for you to do all the work. Many shitty students like that.

>> No.17866972

existentialism, pseudo-spirituality. it's quite easy to impress women who are "into philosophy" if you have a basic grasp of existentialists in case of the earlier ortheology/meme mysticism in case of the latter.

>> No.17867279

true. It's better not to hand out with women that like philosophy.

>> No.17868215

There's an 19 year old Eastern European girl at my uni that is genuinely the most well-read fresher I know. Speaks with ease about Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Montaigne, Rousseau, Cioran. I honestly think she browses here so I won't write too much about her bc she'll know who I am.

>> No.17868222

Your mother sounds incredibly powerful.

>> No.17868249

Probably because you study at some dry analytic shithole department. My UG so far has covered (at different lengths) Plato, Aristotle, Parmenides, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Heidegger, Deleuze, Spinoza, Leibniz, Schmitt, Agamben, Aquinas, Hegel, Marx, Kant, Berkley, Locke

>> No.17868261

This is for sure a thing. Add David Lynch, Tarkovsky, and Bergman

>> No.17868366

I actually know a couple, but I know them all from partying a few years back. They are really sharp and not ostentatious however, so you might not think that they studied philosophy. I believe one of them is majoring in math now.

>> No.17868470

>I honestly think she browses here so I won't write too much about her bc she'll know who I am.
You are delusional. No one cares about your fanfic either.

>> No.17868524

>He hasn't met girls that browse /lit/
Sorry to hear that anon. While you are probably 35 years+ and haven't spoken to a girl in years, I am 21, have a vibrant social life, friends with a couple of girls that are not autistic and browse /lit/, do a philosophy masters a top 10 uni and have a comfy trust fund. It's okay anon... It's okay...

>> No.17868681

Why do a masters in Philosophy? It's not as though the employability prospects are that different from a bachelors.

>> No.17869042

Because I enjoy it, not really worrying about employability.