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File: 411 KB, 724x519, isYouStupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1786036 No.1786036 [Reply] [Original]

So I heard you like philosophy?

Well I have news for you, Plato would tell you to fuck off.

>"No one may enter The Academy who is ignorant of mathematics"

>> No.1786040

plato is pretty strange

>> No.1786052 [DELETED] 

Plato can't be trusted, he thought he the world was flat. I'm a more credible philosopher than Plato.

>> No.1786047

Math iz 4 nerdz tho

>> No.1786050

>implying any modern man that completed highschool isn't 10x better at mathematics than the ancient greek layman Plato was talking about

>> No.1786055

lol i'm a mathematics graduate student but lol this board is for lusers

also aristonle had the acadamy you nub

>> No.1786060


modern man has no idea what pi means or how to calculate it

greeks would own you pretty easily at anything with geometry and sequences

>> No.1786064

Wow, thats crazy. He must of been high on weed.

>> No.1786070 [DELETED] 

Do you really have to bring that into this
my day was bad enough, I don't need to hear about how obsessed you are with pot

>> No.1786068


i bet i could beat any of them at blockdude on my graphing calculator though

>> No.1786075


what happened?

>> No.1786080
File: 8 KB, 470x344, video_gamer_toledano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw one day they realize that the world was actually flat all along

>> No.1786082

I despise philosophy, nothing more than an escapist fantasy for the weak and incapable to put a mark on this Earth. I've associated with a number of "Philosophers", whose arrogance and elitism is truly nauseating.

A true man finds joy through the grace and glory of our world.

>> No.1786091


But you hate Nietzsche too right?

>> No.1786095

You're very good at sarcasm.

>> No.1786097

look up sartre, he had a pretty awesome life brah

>> No.1786099

>Mathfaggot appeals to authority
>thinks people who have actually studied philosophy are affected by his fallacy

lol op go back to /sci/. you're no match for us over here.

>> No.1786107

lol that wut phenomenology did. 100 years ago. lololol faggot. you have no clue what philosophy is.

>> No.1786120 [DELETED] 

a group of cholas and their boyfriends were sitting in my spot at lunch today and they wouldn't move when i asked them too they just yelled at me so i had to sit beside them with their loud obnoxious talking
I felt so bad

>> No.1786118


I get into an argument with my Solipsist friend every day, and it is a hair-tearing experience.

>> No.1786134

you have to become better at arguing heidegger's being-with-others. that or shouldn't talk to the dipshit.

>> No.1786142

they're just stupid kids

you don't need them!

if you went to my school i would let you come eat with me in my english teacher's room

>> No.1786158

keep in mind, back when Plato said this imaginary numbers and all that bullshit didn't exist. Anyone with a basic understanding of geometry could compete with the great Euclid.

>> No.1786166

>mfw you havent heard about the elements

euclid would srsly tear most people a new one brah

>> No.1786167

plato isn't that good at maths

>> No.1786174

where all the neo-platonists at?
Fuck you.

>> No.1786175

>"No one may enter The Academy who is ignorant of mathematics"

Isn't this the same motherfucker who said you should only be good at once thing? Because trying to succeed in multiple things will only hinder your ability to truly master one thing?

>> No.1786177



Well, there's your problem! You just need to befriend less retarded people.

>> No.1786179

nah he basically said any man needs to first learn maths to get his mind all logical and rational and shit, then do philosophy.

>> No.1786193

>implying my degree doesn't have a ridiculous amount of mathematics

>implying there isn't math throughout Plato's works
The stomachion is described in the Meno for one.

>> No.1786195

>everyone must practice one of the occupations in the city for which he is naturally best suited

Ah nope. He definitely said that.

Plato would defend that people who study math are better off being mathematicians than philosophers.

>> No.1786201
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studying math made me convert to catholicism

>> No.1786206

didn't imply that. just that he wasn't very good at maths.

>> No.1786209 [DELETED] 

i wish we could i get so lonely at lunch sometimes, half the time no one hangs out with me
Next year I will be on yearbook so i can eat in my english teacher's/yearbook room, so then I won't have to worry about hanging out with people during lunch and can just dedicate myself to work

>> No.1786210

and why exactly can't i call plato an idiot while still treating him seriously

>> No.1786214

Everyone here knows more about mathematics than was known in Plato's day.

>> No.1786219

I'm studying real analysis right now

>> No.1786221

>Plato would defend that people who study math are better off being mathematicians than philosophers.
What has Plato himself said? Or are we to believe, for example, that Shakespeare believed everything stated by one of his characters.

While OP's quote is likely a myth, it would have been one of the few quotes directly attributable to Plato, being, allegedly, the writing on the front of his academy. Your quote is from the character of Socrates in the Republic.

>> No.1786228

Who knows? It's geometry anyway, so it's what can you do with a straight line and compass deal anyway.

>> No.1786230

oh god, the butthurt in the thread.

Go ahead and contemplate useless questions like what makes a man a man, plebians.

>> No.1786234

Just because pi was known at the time doesn't mean anyone knew what the fuck pi even meant in mathematics.

It's like saying any modern man knows about quantum physics derp

>> No.1786236
File: 82 KB, 400x379, Awesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plato was a retard. Read his books, think logically and you'll see HE the dumb-ass... Basically he was the source for christianity, the worst thing the world has ever seen. Read Nietzsche, oh and btw you fuck the hell off OP.

>> No.1786239
File: 87 KB, 388x349, 12 year old hipster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying people who want to be professional philosophers can be good at anything

>> No.1786240

it was actually geometry

>> No.1786255 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 1400x1050, atheism death toll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worst thing in history
haha no

>> No.1786260
File: 78 KB, 913x811, bridgeof fools.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe the test of the day was your knowledge of euclid's 5th proof in book I of the elements.

In medieval times, this theorem was the end of the road for courses in mathematics or philosophy. It was known as "the bridge of fools" because the figure looks like the truss of a bridge and also because only a fool couldn't make it across.

I was a math major and one of the courses i took required students to perform all of the proofs from books 1 &2 of Euclid's elements

>> No.1786263

lol can't believe someone is this dumb

>> No.1786265


if anyone posts a serious reply to this troll bar graph i will literally murder them. literally

>> No.1786269

>HE the dumb

sage for existential bullshit

>> No.1786270

>I believe the test of the day was your knowledge of euclid's 5th proof in book I of the elements.
>Plato was dead around 25 years before Euclid was born

>> No.1786271


Your bar graph is full of shit.

>9 million people died in the Russian Civil War

>implying all Russians are atheists
>implying that that number is not distorted

Just thought you should know before you post more dumb shit.

You're welcome.

>> No.1786278 [DELETED] 
File: 813 KB, 1000x928, atheists-vs-theists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's your excuse for the 200 million+ others?

>> No.1786275
File: 204 KB, 400x591, 1273034750103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1786281


actually...for years...the academy did use euclids prop 5 as a measure of intelligence.

If students could understand it...they could stay...if not ...they were booted...study history of mathematics ..there is some truth in what OP is saying

>> No.1786283


fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you

>> No.1786292


The worst thing in history is not Christianity, it is Islam. Christianity restored and reinvented civilization during the dark ages. Many of our greatest philosophers, statesmen and scientists were Christian or from a Christian background.

The worst thing in history is not Christianity, it is Islam. Christianity leads to a more enlightened civilization. Islam leads to suicide bombings, ignorance and terrorism. One need only look at a newspaper to see that.

>> No.1786305


Atheism =/= Communism

Just because Atheism is a cornerstone of Communism does not mean that it applies the other way around.

1/10 for making me reply, faggot.

>> No.1786306


Stagoooleeeeeee! you posted more dumb shit!

I am doubtful as to whether the combined kill count of all of the atheists in that picture reached 6 million.

>Richard Dawkins
>(founder of atheism)


Overall, you should be ashamed to have posted it.

Also, 200+ million is a very arbitrary estimation.

>> No.1786317

permaban everyone who has ever posted the word atheism

>> No.1786322 [DELETED] 

atheism =/= communism, correct. but communism = atheism. of course you would never understand this since you probably have not taken a history course yet

>> No.1786324

>actually...for years...the academy did use euclids prop 5 as a measure of intelligence.
And for years Plato worked as a party clown.

The academy wasn't about "intelligence", it was about cultivating original thought and reasoning. You could study there so long as you could afford to live.

>> No.1786333

>he doesn't know that equality is symmetric

>> No.1786334
File: 32 KB, 400x332, 1243309636920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Theist murders: 2,229,074,100
>Atheist murders (including Stalin's victims): 95,000,000.

>> No.1786342


no.....the term 'bridge of fools' originated from those failing to understand euclids prop 5.

Hence...you exited the academy

>> No.1786347

i personally hate each and every one of you who are posting serious responses to stagolee's bar graph you are worse than the tripfucks and if you had any trace of a sense of dignity or shame you would be taking a ball peen hammer to your modem as we speak


>> No.1786355 [DELETED] 

the = sign was only there to simplify it for the retards that try to argue with me.

what a well thought-out list. good thing he listed his sources, oh wait

>> No.1786349


>take a ball peen hammer to your head

No, I'll be taking a peen with balls to your ass

>> No.1786350

somebody's ignorant of their history, search u[ the golden age of Islam. Also guess where the Italians got all the classical Greek books to get them out of The Dark Ages.
*pssssssssssssst it's the middle east

>> No.1786358



>> No.1786364

Cool story bro,

>> No.1786370


You do understand that Islam was based on a violent culture that threatened to murder people en masse if they didn't convert, right? That's how the "golden age" of your precious Islam came about. Research the history of Christianity and the early days of its conversion - Paul sending letters to the Greeks and the Romans adopting Christianity as their religion. Christians were persecuted for years in their early days. In Islam's early days, Islamics were the ones who did the persecuting of other people, because they were based on a culture fueled by hatred and violence, founded by a man who reveled in killing his enemies. Mohammad and his followers were fucking savages, and his writing in the Koran reflects that. I'm glad there are some Muslims who don't take it literally but a simple reading of the Koran shows the amount of hatred and violence they advocate towards other religions. How can you tell me that isn't a major source of problems in the world when so many of these people are actively hell bent on killing Christians, Jews, defiling Buddhist sacred sites, declaring entire WAR on the Christian world because they think the "purity" of their violent religion is being "corrupted" by a society with more liberties and more freedoms than they will ever even want to know.
You truly are ignorant.

>> No.1786373

What a racist faggot.

>> No.1786377


Well, since you apparently cannot fucking read the English language, I will post it again for you.

>Just because Atheism is a cornerstone of Communism does not mean that it applies the other way around.

You then replied to my post by rewording exactly what I said.

2/10 I replied, but your level of retardation makes it hard for me to hold you accountable for your post.

>> No.1786379

So, are you gonna tell me the bible isn't full of gore and carnage, or God wasn't portrayed as a douchebag in the old testament. I'm sorry but you obviously are biased. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Christians were just as barbaric the Muslims were, and as retarded too. *cough Fourth Crusade *cough

>> No.1786381


>implying having legitimate complaints about another religion and culture makes you racist

I don't believe any racial slurs were used. That covered Muslims in general, not any one race. Muslims are made up of several races, including Africans, white people (though for the life of me I can't understand why any civilized European or American would convert to such a fucked up religion), west Asians, east Asians, etc. But they are all equally deluded fucking whackos.

>> No.1786386


what about sufis

>> No.1786395

>sorta starts claiming to not be racist
>though for the life of me I can't understand why any civilized European or American would convert to such a fucked up religion
You dumbass.

>> No.1786396


>implying the pre-cursor to Christianity didn't already exist

>implying Plato created God.

>> No.1786398


The Muslims stole the basis of all their academia from the Byzantines, and in that argument, it must be said that Greek scholars were essential to the renaissance.

After the Muslims are attacked by the Mongols, everything becomes dour fundamentalism, while we adapted and innovated

>> No.1786404


Christianity was founded on the teachings of Jesus, the son of God and earthly form of God who believed in peace and charity to the poor. The word was later spread by Paul, a good man in his own right. Islam was founded on the teachings of a man who was all too eager to kill and vandalize most of Mecca before he scared people into accepting the religion he invented. He was a tyrannical nutjob who created a fucking monster. So what you have now is a religion that tells women they'll be raped and stoned if they don't cover their faces in public, a religion that still executes homosexuals well into the 21st century, a religion that doesn't let women drive, and a religion where fucking batshit terrorists actively use numerous passages from the Koran as justification to declare war on Europe and America so they can kill us for their precious God Allah. I'd bet Mohammad would be fucking proud to know his religion is the fastest growing faith in the world, spreading across the Earth like a cancer.

>> No.1786411

>problem with something unrelated to race
>must be racism

>> No.1786413

>The word was later spread by Paul, a good man in his own right.
Uh... that's just retarded.

>> No.1786414

"If I have seen further its only by standing on the shoulders of Giants" Isaac Newton

>> No.1786422


Why? Explain yourself.

>> No.1786424

>itt muslims, jews, christians getting raped

>> No.1786425

since, you didn't get it I'll say it again, Christians were just as barbaric during the Dark Ages as the Muslims were during the beginnings of Islam and present day

>> No.1786427

Look, if you're going to be racist on an anonymous site, you may as well be out about it.

>> No.1786428

Problem of Induction, the religious win!

>> No.1786432

>Oh shit, coherent and reasonable argument vs Islam
>I got no reply

>race card trollface.jpg

>> No.1786437



Depends on the Christians I guess. Catholics are okay. Unitarians are just faggots. Mormons are fucking shitheads, too much like Muslims only without the terrorism. Uggh.


They do such great stand up it's hard to take them seriously


The loud scribble language people who think dynamite is a fashion accessory

>> No.1786439
File: 32 KB, 250x237, ca_eureka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Curiously...when I studied history of mathematics...i was informed that Newton was referring to Archimedes ( shoulder of the giant) when he said this....

especially when the method of exhaustion used by archimedes was the pre-cursor to calculus

...a lot of people belief that archimedes probably would have 'worked-out' various aspect of modern calculus if he hadn't been killed

>> No.1786451

Paul went around killing and persecuting Christians before his conversion. He was anything but a good man. This is what makes his conversion and message of equality all the more amazing.

>> No.1786453
File: 8 KB, 200x200, MoonMaster[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godel Incompleteness theorem
Headshot! Rampage! Killing Spree! Congratulations Islam, you have mastered Moon Master. Congratulations, you are the Moon Master.

>> No.1786458


He was not a good man at first, however, he later become one. That is part of Christ's message, a message of redemption.

>> No.1786460

All of the Abrahamic religions are political tools bereft of any spiritual element. A different flavor for different colors of people, yet they all preach the exact same shit. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have accomplished nothing but to pacify the masses while a select few rise to absolute power.

Come at me intelligent gentlemen.

>> No.1786467


Why did I think that was the album cover of The White Room at first?

>> No.1786475


Atheism is a tool of the bourgeoisie and the intellectuals used to sever the ties between Man and God, and Man and Man.

Atheism breeds discontent and arrogance, since a man with no overlord falls into malice and greed.

>> No.1786476

It's a message of redemption for all, not just for Christians.

>> No.1786488


what connection between man and God?

all we get are faggot men pretending to be prophets, and the gullible suckers who believe them

>> No.1786494


Theism has proved itself through history to be far better tool for controling the minds of the peasants than Atheism.

>> No.1786498

>died for everyone's sins*
>eternal redemption for all*

*offer only applicable to those who subscribe to the religion.

>> No.1786500


The same could be said of all atheist writers.

You are not very learned in Christianity are you? Man and God are bound together by the Holy Spirit. When a man denies God, he denies his grace and spirit, condemning himself to sin and misfortune.

>> No.1786512


>he thinks all christianity is trinitarian

>> No.1786518

As Paul wrote:
>There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus
Jesus doesn't give a fuck, neither should you.

>> No.1786526


hmm? Not believing in your religious dogma does not mean that I havn't read your religious texts.

Accept it.

>> No.1786532
File: 8 KB, 252x237, evolvision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I hope you guys arguing against atheism are trolling.

>> No.1786535
File: 81 KB, 1400x1050, apocalypse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1786538

Stag killed this thread real good.

>> No.1786572
File: 27 KB, 412x352, 1292185379297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I lol'd real fucking hard, thanks.

>> No.1786597
File: 73 KB, 800x560, why are you replying to a non-vidya thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it picture time?

>> No.1786606

>implying evolution has anything to do with helping or not helping people

What are these dumb fucks smoking?

>> No.1786618


>> No.1786620

idk but i saw one drinking gasoline the other day

>> No.1786624


I thought Islam killed this thread, the same way it killed 3000 hardworking Americans on 9/11.

>> No.1786629
File: 212 KB, 720x479, 2384592756916198.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1786638

*if you believe in what he did*

*if you "accept" what he did*

>if you subscribe to the cult.

>> No.1787595


I wasn't trolling you stupid shit

>> No.1787602

Plato also hated fags, and most of you fags love dick.

>> No.1787604

Diogenes>Sextus Empiricus>Tacitus>Epictetus>>>Plato
Plato was a fraud.

>> No.1787608

>bawww christianity is the worst thing that ever happened

sure is underage in here

>> No.1787627
File: 87 KB, 469x428, trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I hear you, bro

>> No.1788059

bawww religion is the worst thing to happen to mankind

you all know this to be true :(

>> No.1788063

i don't know. people both killed and saved because of religion i bet. i wonder how much the cons outweigh the pros? it's probably saved many areas of our planet from chaos as well. or no? i don't know.

>> No.1788167

>implying one can "choose" to start believing in God.

>> No.1788173


>> No.1788191

>implying God can choose to believe in you