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/lit/ - Literature

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17892048 No.17892048 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ equivalents of this? especially pseud phil

>> No.17892082

>start with the Greeks

>> No.17892085

>Towards a Theory of ___
>____: A Defense

>> No.17892096

You have to go back.

>> No.17892101

FPBP Fuck SWTG posters

>> No.17892122

I wish I could bro.

>> No.17892132

>Why ___ Is A Problem And How We Can Solve If

>> No.17892143

I watched one of those video essay things a couple times. One on soundtrack in marvel movies and movies in general these days and one on jackie chan's stunt choreography
Only like 10-15 minutes each though

>> No.17892153

I like some of these video essays but sometimes they're retarded

>> No.17892168
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> On the __ Question
> __: A __ of __

>> No.17892169

Zen and the art of ___.

>> No.17892174

>Towards a Queering of X

>> No.17892180 [SPOILER] 
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All right Jacques, we cool.

>> No.17892184

Aww, Marx triggered you?

>> No.17892185
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> On the Jewish Question

>> No.17892190

My God, I hate that word so much.

>> No.17892202


>> No.17892206

>___ And The Close of His System

>> No.17892214
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 54DEAAE7-5946-4D37-907D-38F95C6C5E13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why you should be______
>How to be______
>The new emerging______

>> No.17892245

Well anon? I'm waiting...

>> No.17892248

this is really very redundant

>> No.17892260

Not him but if you know what the definitions of those those things are you would be ashamed to even ask.

>> No.17892267

Not this again. You'll summon the Catholics

>> No.17892271

Not him but every time this comes up it ends in a circular argument with both sides calling each other retards for not being on the same page.

>> No.17892278


>> No.17892295

Tried and tested this argument countless times, including with priests (t. live in an uber catholic country). Whenever I tried my best, used the best arguments, the conversation always ended up in the:
>God's ways are mysterious and unknown..
dead end

>> No.17892299


>> No.17892303

>both sides bad

>> No.17892337
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>Morality is subjective (no further explanation)
>muh cultural relativism
>Queering _____
>_____: A reappraisal of _____

>> No.17892354
File: 750 KB, 1725x1800, marco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brother, the world is blind, and you come from the world. You living ones continue to assign to heaven every cause, as if it were the necessary source of every motion. If this were so, then your free will would be destroyed, and there would be no equity in joy for doing good, in grief for evil. The heavens set your appetites in motion; not all your appetites, but even if that were the case, you have received both light on good and evil, and free will, which though it struggle in its first wars with the heavens, then conquers all, if it has been well nurtured. On greater power and a better nature, you, who are free, depend; that Force engenders the mind in you, outside the heavens' sway. Thus, if the present world has gone astray, in you is the cause, in you it's to be sought; and now I'll serve as your true exegete.

Issuing from His hands, the soul, on which He thought with love before creating it, is like a child who weeps and laughs in sport; that soul is simple, unaware; but since a joyful Maker gave it motion, it turns willingly to things that bring delight. At first it savors trivial goods; these would beguile the soul, and it runs after them, unless there's a guide or rein to rule its love. Therefore, one needed law to serve as curb; a ruler, too, was needed, one who could discern at least the tower of the true city.

The laws exist, but who applies them now? No one, the shepherd who precedes his flock can chew the cud but does not have cleft hooves; and thus the people, who can see their guide, snatch only at that good for which they feel some greed, would feed on that and seek no further. Misrule, you see, has caused the world to be malevolent; your nature is not corrupt, not prey to any fatal astral force. For Rome, which made the world good, used to have two suns; and they made visible two paths: the world's path and the pathway that is God's. One has eclipsed the other; now the sword has joined the shepherd's crook; the two together must of necessity result in evil, because so joined, one need not fear the other: and if you doubt me, watch the fruit and flower, for every plant is known by what it seeds.

>> No.17892358
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>Ephebephilia: A Defense

>> No.17892361

My wife is currently yelling loudly into her headset microphone playing some mmo and it's rather distracting upon my thoughts.

>> No.17892365

>_____ for modern living

>> No.17892370


>> No.17892497

stop posting in this board

>> No.17893143
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Retvrn to howler.

>> No.17893175

Boethius answered this in 'the Consolation of Philosophy.'

>> No.17893396


>> No.17893408
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"In scientism, truth and value are quite literally in numbers. "Many people believe X." "The consensus is X." "My colleagues agree." "There are a number of books on the subject." "I have received no complaints." "There is much support." Truth is by popular vote. The more Nature does it, the more right it is. It is the authority of DNA - the authority of the tradition of Nature itself. And whereas in ordinary religion the logical fallacy of choice is the appeal to the authority of some holy book, in scientism it is the appeal to the authority of the *number* (*argumentum ad numerum*). For the adherents of scientism, numbers represent the only real value, and these become the very substance of their life.

>People become numbers. The numbers become their horizon - their all. They are just copies.
- Kierkegaard

"If you explain to these numerous fellows that they are constantly, in every waking moment, appealing to the fallacy of the number, you are wasting your breath, because they don't know anything except the number. They cannot hear you, because existence requires contrast. And for this same reason such people don't exist as individuals. They have no self, and no soul, since the soul is precisely the self, and is the genius in man."

-Kevin Solway

>> No.17893427


>> No.17893433

>redpillme on _____


>> No.17893446

99% of them say nothing of substance and certainly nothing to warrant their gradiosity and pretend intellectualism. Universities have ruined intellectualism by replacing it with retards posturing and saying little to nothing in entire essays.

>> No.17893614

This. You may as well use ai dungeon to write your essays at this point.

>> No.17893632

Almost every subtitle that starts with "How"

>> No.17893670

>____ and _____

>> No.17893672
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>> No.17893684


>what is /lit/ equivalent of ________

>> No.17893742
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Even suggesting this should net you a ban

>> No.17893746

Well I mean to post that in a different thread, on a different board but this is fine too