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/lit/ - Literature

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17910875 No.17910875 [Reply] [Original]

Awakening the Great Old Ones Edition
Previous Thread:>>17879875

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



Never going to be created.

>> No.17910883

everybody who posts below is sucking my cock and balls

>> No.17910923

Based anime OP, worst thread without anime died before bump limit lmao
I'm a Bakker fan, your tricks don't phase me

>> No.17910930


>> No.17910955

>Bakker fan
Choke on TUC ending.

>> No.17910967
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>Choke on TUC ending.
You mean that the best fantasy series ever made also had the best ending bar none? I completely agree.

>> No.17910982

Is The Culture worth investing time in? What's the reading order? Maybe some books may or should be skipped

>> No.17910983
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>"The play is from producers Simon Painter and Tim Lawson (The Illusionists), in partnership with Kilburn Live, and will have a story by Martin, who is working alongside award-winning playwright Duncan MacMillan (1984) and acclaimed director Dominic Cooke (The Courier). The team’s goal is to debut productions in New York City, London’s West End and in Australia. The first show is expected to launch in 2023.
>will have a story by Martin, who is working


>> No.17910996

>best ending bar none?
Cliffhanger ending is good conclusion to a series?

>> No.17911004
File: 138 KB, 700x650, 29718352819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if American but it's not a cliffhanger child, your reading comprehension is sorely lacking. I know it's hard to believe but sometimes the "bad guys" achieve their objectives, you can go back to the Marvel Universe if it bothers you that much.

>> No.17911011

>Bakker on TUC ending: Khellus is dead but not done
That's a fucking cliffhanger mate.

>> No.17911024

Debatable, sure we could have a sequel, but as it is the ending is flawless. If anything, it means that Bakker can write a perfect ending without even trying.

>> No.17911031

>Consult triumphant is the actual ending
Then what was the point of Mimara's entire arc? Or Cnauir striding towards the No God?

>> No.17911041

I like to imagine that this is how it would read if the Book of Revelations had been interrupted by the Apocalypse it was supposed to compile; it's an abrupt ending, with no satisfactory conclusions to some characters' stories because this is what would happen if the Consult was triumphant.

>> No.17911059

>Immortal Mortal
>The Geared Immortal
>Renegade Immortal
>Dominating Sword Immortal
>Immortal Path to Heaven
>The Immortal Player
>Returning from the Immortal World
>Rebirth of the Urban Immortal Cultivator
>Spirit Immortal
>Immortal Cultivator System
>Immortal Cravings
>Immortal: Immortal
>The Daily Life of the Immortal King
>Sword Immortal System
What the FUCK is wrong with chink lit?

>> No.17911070

Like isekai LNs keywords make it easy for genre readers to know what they're getting.

>> No.17911145

fad chasing. and hoping someone confuses your work with another more popular one so they read it instead. could also just be simplified translation. they're not at japanese level yet where titles have become full sentences at this point.

>> No.17911153
File: 208 KB, 813x1200, the-years-of-rice-and-salt-kim-stanley-robinson-1st-edit-2908-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon in a previous thread mentioned he was reading The Years of Rice and Salt. Have you finished it yet? I'm considering picking it up, but I heard it's a rather dull book where interest primarily lies in the premise of Muslim and Chinese becoming sole dominant powers.

>> No.17911174

at this point just hope for the fucker's death so someone picks up where he left off. it'll be unsatisfying, but at least it'll end.

>> No.17911284

the link for reading charts doesn't work

>> No.17911285

What does /lit/ listen to while reading chinkshit? I need something that fits Reverend Insanity

>> No.17911301

GRRM has left orders for his notes to be burned when he kicks the bucket

>> No.17911303

is bakker's work legit or just a meme?

>> No.17911309

now write all of the "god" ones

>> No.17911323

>vtuber OP
>Bekkar reddit cocksucking
>GRRM reddit hate
whoa, what a dumpster fire

>> No.17911333

Fuck off, George
Write the damn book

>> No.17911355

He is right though.

>> No.17911362

GRRM is far superior to Bakker. Don't even try to argue with it

>> No.17911511

Alright, I've had enough of this faggotry and recommending the same books over and over again. /lit/ generals suck.

>> No.17911516

Read the Book of the New Prince of Ice and Fire, by R Scott George Martin Wolfe

>> No.17911579


>> No.17911673

is malazan good?

>> No.17911689


A friend made it two books in and stopped because it was too graphic and main characters kept dying.

For me, it's Joe Abercrombie.

>> No.17911745

I liked it. Rarely do you see such settings in alternate history. Some of the short stories were a little hard to believe (there's one where a LOT of modern tech/science is invented by the same group of people), but most are great. Might as well try it.

>> No.17911814

There's some interesting aspects to it, but it's a ten or so book series that has zero planning and makes up plot and lore as it goes long, so nothing fits together properly and major points are simply discarded when the author realizes they don't work anymore.

The author writes some fun character types, but after a couple books you keep noticing that they keep repeating. And they keep repeating because he throws out the core cast every book or couple books and if they do show up again they become bizarre alien versions of themselves that you can't relate to their old self anymore.

I dropped it two books before the last one because he was still introducing new dumb shit and never properly resolving old character arcs or plot strands, and all the characters I ever cared about were replaced by weird clones that are basically the same but with a new name and face, or had been transformed into something unrecognizable after he forgot about them for a couple books.

>> No.17911821

good vampire books?
or books about immortality

>> No.17911931

It’s worth a read

>> No.17911933
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Why are you like this?

>> No.17911961

Simping is an epidemic.

>> No.17911976

The problem with sites like this is that the most retarded autist will always win, because the more mentally sound a person is, the less energy they are willing to expend wrangling with literal retards.

>> No.17911989

>because the more mentally sound a person is, the less energy they are willing to expend wrangling with literal retards.
This is what made /b/ so infamous back in the day (and what made /pol/ so interesting during the elections), its not that they're especially smart or anything, they're just autistic. I read somewhere that the reason parents often feel outsmarted by their children is not because the children are smarter, its because they have nothing better to do

>> No.17911991

Might I recommend the epic Sword and Sorcery and Sword Sorcerer series Conan of Mars & the White Elric?

>> No.17911998

They don't even really outsmart people, they just persist until everyone with half a brain gives up. If the behaviour is obnoxious enough sensible people will leave altogether. It's why boards on 4chan get worse and worse over time. The retards actively drive away other people because they spam inane post after inane post, dumb copy pasted thread after dumb copy pasted thread.

An example with these threads is that someone started to use anime bullshit for the OP, people complained and explained why it's inappropriate. OP had no retort to that, and instead just insulted them. OP is online 24/7 and always makes a new thread with a new anime OP.
That's the way this site works and why moderation is necessary to online communities to thrive.

>> No.17912002

We've reached the point where subcultures and even fandoms are truly dead. All we're left with is an amorphous pop-culture soup were the new "popular thing" is what everyone everywhere wants to see more off. Vtubers are the new hotness so they need to be forced into literature, because the Almighty Dollar forbid that anyone not be "in with it."

>> No.17912020

>OP is online 24/7 and always makes a new thread with a new anime OP.
The fact that the old thread fell off the board really shows up just how hollow these threads have become. Obviously there isn't enough actual discussion to get to 300 posts without a perpetually spamming autist bumping the thread over and over again.
All generals have this problem sooner or later but it's a shame /sffg/ had to go this way.

>> No.17912028

Bakkerfags drove away many of the original posters by spamming him for months on end. I like Bakker, but that doesn't mean the thread can be nothing but him and still stay alive.

>> No.17912038

It wouldn't be a problem if the board moved slower; they have a general for GURPS on /tg/, and the thread rarely dies under 250 posts (except on rare occasions, mainly the weekends) even though there aren't that many people using the general in the first place; if /lit/ would fucking slow down we wouldn't need the autists to keep it bumped for days on end

>> No.17912070

If you need autists then the thread has already outlived its purpose. 4chan lost its way with generals.

>> No.17912112


>> No.17912164

Is LOTR a meme? Reads like a children book and the setting is bland. I have just started though, when does it get good?

>> No.17912167

What is interesting is the glossary for TUC is obviously post-ending.

>> No.17912251

Where have you been the last three weeks? Bakkerposting died down and the thread went back to its usual gay self.

I personally miss the halcyon days of Bakkerposting. The memes! The copypasta! The speculation! The glories I witnessed, Proyas, would beggar the heart for seeing...

>> No.17912281

We need the crazy whore to post a new pic of her tits with a different book, that might revitalize the threads. If cooming was a stock, I would put all of my government checks on it, it's a sure bet.

>> No.17912292

book 2

>> No.17912316

>None of them have best girl Mori.
I know /lit/ had shit taste in literature, but I thought they would redeem themselves in picking Mori over Ina.

>> No.17912359

it has extremely good moments and characters and the climaxes of many of the books are 10/10 pure kino
but it's also heavily weighed down with dumb meandering shit, has too many characters (and constantly adds more) and fizzles out by the end of the series

>> No.17912432

At least this OP image is kind of relevant. Seems weird to get upset about it.

>> No.17912462

>At least this OP image is kind of relevant
No it's just their favourite ewhore.

>> No.17912477

Everyone's already gotten refreshing this thread out of their daily routine because of it, and you still have retards unprompted posting quotes from his books just to make sure that people don't come back

>> No.17912512

Who’s Mori and is she /lit/ approved?

>> No.17912585

it starts off good

>> No.17912843

I genuinely don’t see a problem? Is there something wrong?

>> No.17912857

Stop bumping your thread.

>> No.17912868

I ain’t the fucking OP.

>> No.17912870
File: 1.34 MB, 2544x1900, sffg in a nutshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when /lit/ used to be good? Is it just because there's nothing new or good coming up in fantasy today?

Do you know if saging even works anymore? Dunno if anyone's still even competent enough to remove it from the site's codebase.

>> No.17912885

>Remember when /lit/ used to be good?
No, I don't.

>> No.17912890

>Remember when /lit/ used to be good?
It was never good and if anyone who says otherwise is a newfag.

>> No.17912904

what an absolute trash fire. bakkerfags saved /sffg/ from itself.

>> No.17912931

>unprompted posting quotes from his books
Does it trouble you?

>> No.17913003

I have just finished old mans war saga. That ending was shit. I am sad.

>> No.17913005

what do I read next?

>Revelation Space
>The Diamond Age
>Snow Crash (re-read from like 20 years ago)
>a collection of Kafka short stories

>> No.17913313

dude weed lmao

>> No.17913352

Most distinctive fantasy series in recent times. Shows you how trash the genre has become.

>> No.17913441

Most people in here only seem to really like Player of Games

>> No.17913478

Bakker clearly had TNG in mind. The other anon's headcanon is pure COPE.

>> No.17913500

Bakker might write more books sometime later down the line, but as it stands, TUC is The End, the last word. Resumption was the finale of the original D&D campaign on which I based the series.

>> No.17913550
File: 485 KB, 799x1010, answerthequestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bakker fags illumine and invigorate sffg
>Shill Bakkers books hard
>People leave to read Second Apocalypse, or to avoid spoilers.
>Threads starts dying
Bakkerchads, we just CAN'T STOP WINNING.

>> No.17913653

This is the actual previous thread:

>> No.17913669

behead vtubers and their simpathizers

>> No.17913683
File: 26 KB, 600x322, 034958234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non-Anime thread
>dies before bump limit
OP is right, he's being graceful and merciful by not acknowledging the embarrassing failure of west*id anti-Anime fags

>> No.17913693

>Jesus Khellus and the Devil both getting BTFO by the No(True) God
I can live with this.

>> No.17913724
File: 720 KB, 1127x1500, incu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>miles and miles of alien gold...

>> No.17913728

Scifi and fantasy are zombie genres, no good releases except from our usual suspects.

>> No.17913753

It makes me wonder what genre is the most popular of all times Sci-fi vs Fantasy? Considering every medium (movies, games etc.) and not only literature. Personally I think sci-fi is overall more popular.

>> No.17913821

She was just driving by. We need femboys to pose with their books.

>> No.17913861

Science fiction for sure unless you count all the pulp fantasy short stories written back in the day.

>> No.17913880

Serious question, is there any new author after Bakker that writes decent fantasy?

>> No.17913931
File: 903 KB, 1125x1037, 1611774271232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crazy whore here. i picked up Bakker because of the endless shilling and enjoyed the religious, philosophical and literary overtones in his writing and the overall insanity of the text. i mostly read literary fiction and not that much sff... if you guys have another recommendation that comes close to Bakker i will consider lending my bosoms to its cause

btw can someone explain why whores are second to only sorcerers in damnation? what exactly in Eärwa's metaphysics to whores violate to earn this kind of damnation? sorcerers pervert the will of god by imposing their own subjectivity on objective reality. whores just meme our bodies – surely there are much worse sins. was Bakker just making a point about the Inrithi/historical Abrahamic religions being misogynistic, or am i missing something metaphysical here..?

>> No.17913943

>crazy whore here.
post another (not lewd preferably) pic with another book or timestamp

>> No.17913990

>4chan filename
I think it's because Abrahamic religions have such a hard on for whores. I don't remember any metaphysical reason.

>> No.17913992

People hate whores in general so the Gods hate whores too.

>> No.17914005

Men don't hate whores, they love fucking them. Women resent them, but they have no power.

Actually now that I think about it, did that yatwerian witch ever comment on them? She's probably the only person who might say something that goes beyond "we live in a society".

>> No.17914007

I think mimara mentions something about it. How belief on the inside causes Damnation on the outside. Similar to how eating pork gets you damned in Earwa

>> No.17914009

>Bakker just making a point about the Inrithi/historical Abrahamic religions being misogynistic
yes this is Bakker we're talking about, so bible bad is the most likely explanation

>> No.17914017

I read his other books, and he does have a strange thing about women. They're always dumb bimbos or 2smart4u sluts, and he is very interested in their bodies.

>> No.17914029

He only writes one-handed

>> No.17914035

>enjoyed the religious, philosophical and literary overtones in his writing
Ever tried Wolfe? He filters a lot of women but that's okay because YWN

>> No.17914115

Fantasy needs another hit series else we're stuck with bakkerposting for another decade.

>> No.17914123

I'm working on it, Anon. Patience...

>> No.17914404

Can you read with noise, or do you need complete silence?
Do you have a 'reading playlist'?

>> No.17914418

I make a playlist for each book I read (mostly soundtrack music), though often books of the same genre overlap

>> No.17914426

My brain turns off outside info, so it doesn't matter

>> No.17914432

Wasn't he promised to get his body restored? I think that's what will do the trick. Ziel will probably become loyal to Eithan after he's restored. Or, he'll become some kind of berserker, unable to control his emotional state due to the immense amount of Madra coursing through him. Which, btw, Eithan could help nullify.

>> No.17914443
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Your novel's main character meets the Creator God of your world. What transpires during this meeting?

Does your hero curse this god for making the grim dark world he lives in? Does he thank the god for making this wonderful world?

>> No.17914504

Judging by the glossary I suppose it is then safe to assume that TNG is stopped by Drusas Achamaian.

>> No.17914601

Akka is pretty obviously set up to be the seswatha of the second apocalypse

>> No.17914629

Did Kellhus name Cnauir's kid that just to make fun of him? I figured he'd be above something so petty.

>> No.17914645

I got a chuckle out of that. Never underestimate the power of a Dunyain's quip.
>Her plummet.

>> No.17914653

I think Cnaiur is the one person Kellhus genuinely hates, at least as much as a Dunyain can hate something.

>> No.17914661
File: 789 KB, 2448x2448, cnair-kellhus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems more like a love/hate thing between those two desu

>> No.17914691

That was Akoji trolling.

>> No.17914725
File: 171 KB, 648x772, mog_pharau_4444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Mog-Pharau operate on a similar principle to the Chorae? Its merger of subject and object seals the World from the Outside, ie. re-objectifies creation. A chorae restores the World to the will of the creator, thus re-objectifying reality by removed the "mark" of sorcerous subjectivity.

Is Mog-Pharau essentially a giant chorae, created by the science of the Progenitors? Is the Aporos a form of the Old Science, or at least inflected by it?

>> No.17914740

I agree with the anon that Resumption succeeds

>> No.17914758

Who cares series is over anyway.

>> No.17914849
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Im looking to get into writing and appreciating more pulp fiction. Sci-Fi & Fantasy. Where do I go, what do I read first? I read a lot of Conan, Elric and Leiber.

I like the simplicity and have evolved past the need for recognition and fear of lowbrow.

>> No.17914902

Started book 3, around 150 pages. Why is Kellhus such a piece of shit?
I guess his true morality and personality will appear later on. Two full books and the guy is basically human winning apparatus. Even seems like he unironically larps this Tusk religion BS despite knowing it to be bullshit. Jeez

I hate everyone in these books except Akka. I used to be neutral towards him, but I actually like the guy.

>> No.17914910

also do you guys have a Telegram?

>> No.17914999
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>> No.17915187

Lads, the ULTIMATE COLLOSSAL CALIBRE SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY COLLECTION that has been a staple of /t/ torrents for six years and that was archived a couple of days ago because it had reached the bump limit is back up again, in its third iteration.


>> No.17915340
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I can't remember the last time I've finished a book, so forgive me if this is a stupid request, but can anyone recommend fantasy works that have a similar feel/themes/aesthetics as the Rider-Waite Tarot deck?

>> No.17915351
File: 48 KB, 375x500, 51zHaC8cACL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me some edgy and fucked fantasy books or short stories in vain of The Throne of Bones by Brian Mcnaughton or The Barrow by Mark Smylie.

>> No.17915508

John Carter of Mars

>> No.17915516

Princess of Mars series.

>> No.17915579


I wouldn't call the sword and sorcery stuff by Howard, Moorcock, or Leiber simple or lowbrow at all.

If you liked that stuff and want more, I'd try Jack Vance's Dying Earth.

Burroughs is really much more simple and lowbrow than any of them, which is probably why his stuff hit the mainstream while the others' didn't.

>> No.17915707
File: 58 KB, 394x576, 16f28ed8a155d1227eb810c88504dc97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wuxiafags, I know you're in here; when does Renegade Immortal get good? I'm on chapter 45 and I'm still utterly bored out of my mind. Nothing challenges Fang Yuan and the actual plot progression is painfully slow despite me being over 50 chapters in, and yet nothing has happened. There are whole chapters padded with inane filler of the author saying shit over and over again in a thousand different way, usually in painfully minutiae detail - a great example would be when the author spent a whole fucking chapter having Fang Yuan debate on what fucking stone to buy.
I could tolerate this if the fights and the cultivation were well written, but so far they're not. The choreography in the fight scenes is weak and barely described, and the cultivation boils down to hoarding consumables for Fang Yuan to consume like a crackhead. And speaking of Fang Yuan, he's just a edgelord murder hobo with no sympathizable qualities. So why is this so well acclaimed among the wuxia community? It's not good, like at all.

>> No.17915716

>edgy and fucked fantasy books
easy. Bakker.

>> No.17915741

>Renegade Immortal
*Reverend Immortal
The titles for these series all tend to just blend together in my mind

>> No.17915759


Garth Nix usually does YA stuff, but his Sir Hereward and Mister Fitz short stories by Garth Nix are very adult and can get pretty fucked up.

>> No.17915822

I find Bakker's worldbuilding to be too consistent to be pure edge.

>> No.17916134

Three Hearts and Three Lions

>> No.17916523

Nice going.

>> No.17916586

Do they have necrophilia, grave robbing, incest, etc? I want serious edge.

>> No.17916595

It's legit. I started Second Apocalypse a couple months ago because of the shilling in this board and it's been great. I'm half way through the 4th book

>> No.17916603

Isn't it just the crusade history?

>> No.17916749
File: 819 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2021-04-01-03-49-47-868_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based

>> No.17916831
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Well finished this tonight.

Not super great and not terrible enough for me to hate.
Mediocre fantasy book. Main character was a bit too much of a mary sue. The entire main party was a bit too strong without really logically being that strong or having a reason to other than "but they're the strongest party"
Characters in general were pretty lackluster. Nothing really existed beyond what gave them reason to be there. Everything else was pretty tacked on and often at odds with itself.

Did like some of the overall lore, but admittedly plot holed as fuck.

Overall I'd say 5/10. Good enough for a read, but there's better books out there to read first.

>> No.17916911

yes, the stuff I write, also wh40k a bit, there's a short story in 40k called the lightning tower

>> No.17917039

World building is more than reference real history. The intertwining of his philosophy with the plot, characters and themes. People shitpost Bakker here simply because there isn't another fantasy series since that reached it's peak.
Prince of Nothing will be reflected upon as one of the fantasy greats.

>> No.17917065

The Steel Remains

>> No.17917163
File: 1.99 MB, 2000x2000, bakkercompass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bakker has all of this and more (woundfucking rape monsters, grandmother/son incest, cannibalism, futa, etc.)

>> No.17917261
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What killed the hype? Literally, no one after december spoke about this book. Fuck.

>> No.17917291

I've stopped reading male authored books. They're always too setting and action focused and let the characters go to waste. Women are truly the best writers because they know how to focus on the aspects of a story that truly matter, the characters and their relationships. The setting is just the medium in which we can see the characters interact and grow.

>> No.17917556

any books about working on a large (mega?) industrial sites like mines, building dams, megastructures? i keep having a recurring dream about it and would love to read some SF if anyone has written anything from the perspective of a normal person working on something gigantic like that, probably incredibly miserable being a peon, even if you're an engineer or something
if there isnt any maybe i should write it

>> No.17917682

worst post itt, especially ridiculous statement in a thread about fantasy novels

>> No.17917685 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 1080x1350, 1080full-zandria-theis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any fantasy authors as good as Wolfe or Bakker?

>> No.17917690

“A Brief History of the Trans-Pacific Tunnel” (short story, not a novel though)

>> No.17917741

I just got done reading sleeping giants by Sylvain Neuvel, It was pretty good, a little short, but that's ok. Has anyone else read it, what did you think of it?

>> No.17917898

anyone know any good mermaid fantasy lore that isnt YA

>> No.17918310
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I've eying Xeelee novels for a while and first one is short enough. Is the series worth it, though? I heard it goes to some rather hard to believe mental extremes.

>> No.17918487
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Are fantasy races unecessary?

Sometimes I read old mythos or tales and wonder why is there a knight fighting a dragon instead of another human. Or why is Leviathan namedropped in the Bible? Why is the Hydra even there? Why is Fafnir a dwarf or a dragon? Why do people imagine those sorts of creatures?

ngl I like em tho

>> No.17918510

Because a dragon might not be another human, it might be a stand in for organization/belief/even some natural disaster. Also, form might follow function, like elves being lithe and nature lovers because it underlines their way of life.

For example, Bill Burr had an interesting opinion on One Punch Man anime about shapeshifting everyday events into fictional characters.

>> No.17918513

It is. It's kind of depressing. I kinda got use to it so all I can really say is that I feel helpless with the situation humanity finds itself in. Every book is a nightmare scenario for actual potential extraterrestrial meeting.
They're good books. Kind of similar to War of the Worlds in the sense that there are no characters to speak of. It's more like a general history of humanity reacting to their strange surroundings. Especially when you know that shit like the Qax, literally an amalgation of cells almost covering the entire ocean, is the least frightening thing in the series. Or even the titular aliens themselves and how their immense non-baryonic glory puts us under their meticulous concern, the only mercy they give being at the end of it all.

>> No.17918554
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> it might be a stand in for organization/belief/even some natural disaster
I agree with that idea, but still, some people may ask what's even the point of portraying a whole other race to represent an idea or a concept that could be represented by another human.
I think people like the idea of dragons, elves and dwarves and what not because it's appealing. I think people see in elves and dwarves a sort of humanity we all wish for. Humanity is, all in all, flawed, beautiful but equally as disgusting. I mean we still hate each other's guts for our moral and philosophical differences, some small nepotistic groups try to play games with others below, corruption is a thing, people keep voting for the same lame old geesers with no actual agenda, etc.
The idea of a fantasy race that has some sort of blue and orange morality, or at least instincts different from that of humans is much more appealing. And like Elves and Dwarves look like humans, but aren't quite like them, which is why they're so prominent in fantasy literature despite being cliche. One represent essentialism, the return to nature and appreciation of sacred things. While the latter represents contempt in craftmanship, a greater sense of community and creativity. Though humans are much more complex than that, we all wish, deep down, it was all that simple.
But then again, some people fail to see the interest. I can get it. I can dig it. After people on boards like /tg/ just put dwarves and elves in their setting because they just like the aesthetics.

>> No.17918563

Pretentious wank. People put dwarves and orcs and elves in things because everyone else does, and because if you try and make an original fantasy race invariably they end up being not!dwarves or not!elves or not!orcs because the archetypes they represent are extremely broad.
In other words people use them because there's no reason to reinvent the wheel.

>> No.17918568
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I'm trying to be a little optimistic anon, that is all

>> No.17918695

if you dont like it by now just give up. What chinkshit do you like if these things bother you btw? literally every chinkshit is like this.

>> No.17918707

And yet I'm still right. All the fantasy novels are best when written by women.

>> No.17918719
File: 26 KB, 660x371, 005939852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over for you and your homosexual BDSM erotica Bakker, hiroshimoot has decreed this is a leaf-free site now, get raked degenerate

>> No.17918778

You will never be a woman

>> No.17918797

Not really. Elves dwarves and so on are fairly specific saying anything long lived and superior to humans is just a reskinned elf is the same as saying elves are just reskinned humans.
Which if they're done right they shouldn't be. You can be reductive and paint it all with the same brush, but thats just you being a dipshit.

>> No.17918804

"immortal" has a similar connotation to "hero" in the west

>> No.17918818

Embassytown is ok
Diamond Age is very cool but I read it a while ago
Snow Crash is fun but is kind of top heavy and is basically a meme
Kafka shorts will stay with you forever and are by far the best of the lot.

Read BotNS, only one better than Kafka (except the Trial which might be even better than Wolfe)

>> No.17918827

Culture is fun - it doesn't have the weight of Wolfe or Lafferty or Vance. Start with Consider Phlebas, then Player of Games and then just follow the normal order. PoG is the best one, but there are highlights throughout. None of them are like MINDBLOWN tier but they're fun, thoughtful scifi adventures with some very original ideas and a very comfy universe. If it comes to the point of "investing time" you're doing it wrong (probably whatever fantasy / scifi you're "investing time" into is not worth it, save time investment for Proust and Dosto and Nabokov, not this lol)

>> No.17918871

Thanks, anon. I'll give it a go. Seems weird that Raft book description spoils what might be an interesting revelation about the setting.

>> No.17919077


This Ed Greenwood novel for the boardgame Folklore the Affliction was scrubbed off the internet in 2017 and was lost media until now.

>> No.17919154

Why should I care about this

>> No.17919334
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>> No.17919448


>> No.17919594

Based YA hag

>> No.17919603

people too dense to get it after oathbringer finally realized he's a hack

>> No.17919722

How do we feel about Martin openly no longer working on Winds of Winter?

>> No.17919766

where the fuck is bloodline, i know some of you already have it

>> No.17919932
File: 12 KB, 172x293, 2Q==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started Valis but it hasn't really clicked for me yet. I don't really like those books where it's just some guy rambling about the universe, life, and God. Couldn't really get into Book of Disquiet for the same reason. Does this pock up later or no?

>> No.17919959

>reading Philip K. Dick
You need to be a schizophrenic on drugs to get it

>> No.17919981

Somebody recommended Eddings' Tamuli and Elenium to me a while ago and I'm nearly finished with the Elenium. It's pretty good, so thanks for the rec.

>> No.17919994

Ubik is one of my top ten books of all time, though. Thats why I'm disappointed here.

>> No.17920093

Sanderson is legit one of the best writers of this century

>> No.17920158

I want to argue with this but I've been reading the Farseer trilogy and it's true

>> No.17920176

Boy you're going to regret it.

>> No.17920196

Read other Philip k dick books first. Ild only recommend valis to more diehard fans

>> No.17920197


>> No.17920206

Hobb consistently proves she can't write masculine characters which results in Fitz constantly veering between a tough guy and a blubbering bitch, and it just consistently gets worse with every book. Also everyone dies and Fitz gets an extremely undignified end. At least Nighteyes went out like a champ.

>> No.17920221

> veering between a tough guy and a blubbering bitch
So like a real person who acts tough when things are easy and turns into a blubbering bitch when any danger presents itself? Seems pretty realistic to me.

>> No.17920244

No, he just often makes decisions that make no sense based on his actual character, and cries a lot for no reason. Like for example towards the end of the second trilogy Some chick is holding the fool hostage, and he's right there with an axe, and when she demands he drop his weapon or she'll kill the fool, he makes no issue of the fact that if she kill the fool there's nothing stopping him killing her, and instead drops his weapon and starts crying.
Hobb clearly made an effort because sometimes Fitz does come across as a believable man, but then he'll do something that is just completely out of character for any man, let alone someone as masculine as Fitz is supposed to be, and it leads to heavy whiplash.

Then there's fucking Molly...

>> No.17920383

I was going to ask where the female Gene Wolfe is, but then I remembered Ada Palmer. Then I laughed because I was thinking of arguing with someone who would probably say that her attempt at imitating him is superior to his own work.

I'd love to read more female authors of genre fiction, honestly. You can certainly tell the difference between male and female writing in long form, so it would at least be different enough to be interesting. It's just that the sample size of the ones who venture outside of YA is too small to have produced someone really worth reading. Maybe someday.

>> No.17920414

Wait, you're seriously saying he should've just let the Fool die? Are you a fucking psycho or something?

>> No.17920470

No, the point is he was in a position of power and it makes no sense he let it go. She COULDN'T kill the fool because the fact that the fool was alive was the only reason SHE was still alive. The fact that he just rolls over like a bitch is extremely at-odds with the majority of his characterization which paints him as a hot-blooded, act first think later type (when he wasn't straight up foaming at the mouth and impersonating a human wrecking ball).
Throughout most of the series, Fitz is portrayed as a terrible assassin, because his response to people trying to play games is to flip the table and break things (such as when Regal tries to play games, and Fitz responds by getting hopped up on Carris seed, stripping naked and storming the feast with a sword). That particular point with the Fool stood out to me because it was a complete betrayal of Fitz as a character.

>> No.17920484

I see, so you're upset Fitz doesn't do the the thing you as an emotionally dethatched reader think is the ideal action.
I can understand that.

>> No.17920494

No, I was upset Fitz didn't do the thing that Fitz would do. You on the other hand can't defend your position so you're resorting to acting bitchy because you know you're wrong but don't want to admit it.

>> No.17920507
File: 2.40 MB, 2894x4093, 99772296-5FD6-4E8E-87D1-9645A9B4E889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any romance between a mortal man and a female Reaper? Bonus if the female reaper is possessive.

>> No.17920514

I have no idea what you're talking about because I'm still reading the second book, why you so mad boy?

>> No.17920515

Yeah i seriously doubt she's any good. What would you recommend by her?

>> No.17920534

>character goes completely against his characterization.
>"lol why you mad"
Imagine if all of the sudden Sam from LoTR decided to rape some farmers daughter.

>> No.17920545

Then pretty soon you should be getting to the point where Fitz establishes himself as fucking terrible at anything resembling subtlety or assassination and EXTREMELY good at inflicting violence upon anything in his general vicinity, to the point Verity tells him to not even bother trying to learn how to use swords because he's too much of a brawler for it. Fitz is heavily characterized as a pure bred warrior, but there are several instances in the series where Hobb betrays that for no reason. Another example being literally the entire third trilogy which is atrocious in every regard.

>> No.17920558

Yeah, this wouldn't make any sense.

>> No.17920567

Wow you really are mad. If this series was written by a male you wouldn't give a shit, incel.

>> No.17920580

Weak bait, you're resorting to pretending you were pretending to be retarded because you were wrong and don't want to admit it.

>> No.17920608

Wrong about what? I told you I haven't read more than 1.5 books of the series so far. But it's obvious you're mad about this and the only reason to take something this personally is if you hate women.

>> No.17920627

That's stupid. I hate women, so I just don't read Farseer.

>> No.17920643

Now this is based. Also applies to Le Guin

>> No.17920879

Don’t think that’s a thing.

>> No.17920944
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Seethe more sandersoy

>> No.17921000
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>> No.17921006

>mfw VALIS was my first Dick and now I'm ~80% through his bibliography

>> No.17921008


>> No.17921010


>> No.17921014

>Remember when /lit/ used to be good?

>> No.17921018

>What chinkshit do you like if these things bother you btw?
Desolate Era
Coiling Dragon
Renegade Immortal (before the MC became a psychopath who massacre like a million people for having the surname or his enemy)
Against the Gods (before the MFA became a psychopath who massarced 300,000 innocent people)
So I'm no stranger to wuxia, considering I've probably read almost 3,000 chapters of this shit

>> No.17921458

Well you're a faggot.
But the LN a girl who ate a death God has a somewhat similar plot. Not a real romance and he's more of a friend. But main girl is a reaper and as a weeb I know that's what you want.

That said, pretty shitty book overall as most LNs are.

>> No.17921486

thanks anon..good point about the Kafka. I really want to read 'The Trial', which this selection of stories doesn't have..but I'll start with this first. read BotNS only ONCE many many years ago, hardly understood it..so I will revisit that too sometime.

>> No.17921651

All this gookshit aboot climbing a tower of various tests is quite fun as settings go. Have any superior literary cultures done this with actual writing ability?

>> No.17921708

Do you think being the No-God is comfy?

>> No.17921711

are there any fantasy novels that has a similar handling of violence as Blood Meridian?

>> No.17921732

bamping his own shitty thread does not mean anything faggot

>> No.17921810

TELL ME......
>when you realize it was nau-cayuti the whole time, lost and confused as to what was happening

>> No.17922087
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I don't really remember that scene in all honesty. But generally speaking, comprehending power dynamics in the heat of a moment is often difficult to do. People don't have the luxury of time and a calm head to assess these things.

But also, Fitz cared about the fool. And so the idea isn't whether or not the woman lives. It's whether or not the fool lives. If the woman is crazy enough, she could just kill the fool, regardless of her own safety. Again, people aren't good at assessing power dynamics within the heat of the moment. So SHE might not even realize the danger she would put herself in if she killed the fool. Working by desperation, she bargained whatever she had at hand in order to turn the situation in her favor. Not thinking two steps ahead like you, the reader, might.

You're right about Fitz being impulsive. That can manifest in being quick to anger, but also quick to grieve. Throughout the series, Fitz is teeter tottering through emotions. This isn't an unrealistic portrayal of men. Many men operate like this. It's made worse by the influence of wolf. The emotions of the wolf always push him toward the aggressive. But Fitz himself understands the necessity for calm. Fitz himself is more of a beserker type character. Where he flips from someone who is hyper sensitive, to someone who is completely detached from fear. But he has triggers for the latter. That's not who he is at the core.

You'll find very manly men cry more often than you think. Most notably sports players will cry at the end of an intense game. Both the winning side and the losing side. Because they go through such a heightened emotional state in order to play as hard as they do.

>> No.17922166

The point of holding a hostage like that is that the person on the other side, in this case Fitz, cares more about keeping the hostage alive than they do about killing you. Hypothetically Fitz could attack the girl and thus have the fool die with certainty. Or he could let the girl live and save his friend. The question is does he want the girl dead more than he wants the fool alive?

And the point of showing weakness in a moment like this is to show that they do care for a person more so than they would normally do. In a case like this I'd presume, Fitz doesn't care about his own well being, he's okay with risking his life doing something stupid because his own life is meaningless. But when someone else's life is on the line now the measurement takes a different meaning. His own life might be meaningless, but the fool's is important.

(I don't know the book you're talking about so generally speaking)

>> No.17922365


>> No.17922421
File: 291 KB, 600x604, bakkerjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw raked

>> No.17922557

Bakker posting should be banned to promote exciting new and upcoming sff novels.

>> No.17922662

I'm about to read the main series of Malazan for the second time soon. Is this a bad idea?

>> No.17922669

I'm reading Heinlein's "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress".

It has an odd cyberpunk feel to it. Nice.

>> No.17922689

Name three

>> No.17922798
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>does in one book what bakker tried to do in 7
Is Watts the superior philosophy phd?

>> No.17922913

Wise move, it was boring.

>> No.17922923

only webnovels on royal road or the like

>> No.17922929

Fitz is always reactive instead of proactive, which is a very gay womanly trait

>> No.17922934
File: 704 KB, 714x509, egan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still can't fucking believe Jemisin is Greg Egan.. who would have thought? article below. she seems to suggest that if she used her real identity, people would not have been as receptive to the Egan stories.


>> No.17922963
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, vinge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is Vinge? I've got copies of Fire Upon the Deep and Rainbows End, neither of which I've read. I just want some strong, thought provoking sci-fi.

>> No.17922968
File: 567 KB, 1500x2250, between2fires.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Between Two Fires is not as edgy and fucked up, but it's a horror set during the Black Death with lot of religious manifestations

>> No.17922980
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Egan fucking blows

>> No.17922996

This is an oddly specifically targeted kind of spam. You wanted us to read some new about Q-anon, but you presented it using real genre fiction authors?

>> No.17923004

Haven't read Rainbows End, but I liked A Fire Upon the Deep a lot.

>> No.17923012

look up Sufficiently Advanced Magic

but please, keep escapist wish fulfillment weebshit out of /sffg/

>> No.17923035

People speak well of Fire Upon the Deep. I've only read Rainbows End and I fucking loathed it, in places its surprisingly prescient/forward thinking but time has eroded most of that novelty and it can't support itself on the strength of its writing

>> No.17923092
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A question not worth it's own thread, nonetheless, why did none of you tell me pic related was KINO AF? HBO will never top this. They'll be trying too hard to please the normies and quips will replace the edgy one liners, they'll get someone other than HP's Luna Lovegood to play Alyssane, they'll make Maegor a bad boy toughy instead of a Chad.

Adaptation aside, why were we fed lies in ASOIAF about the Targaryens being assholes even though the Year of the Three Brides was the happiest time in Westeros? Even though old (then young) Jahærys's Kingsguard was the greatest ever team made of high and lowborn heroes? Even though most Targaryen princessess (and, in some cases, queens) were qt lolis and the pride and joy of the smallfolk?

It was literally only the Warrior's Sons, the Poor Fellows, and Dorne's Vulture Kings who like to fuck everything up.

>> No.17923244

The entire setting is an overrated jerkoff fest.

>> No.17923430

Do you mean his novels, or everything he wrote, short fiction, and everything else?

>> No.17923441

Huh, that's neat how you can put anything in front of that and it will redirect to the proper article.

>> No.17923462

yeah fuck me, kinda ruined the joke a little. I wasn't trying to get anyone to read some Q-anon article..it's just the first article on io9 I found. just trying to spice up this dead ass thread

>> No.17923476

I concede.

>> No.17923546


Vinge is consistently excellent, but I would not call his work thought provoking for the most part.

Maybe try Swanwick's Stations of the Tide.

>> No.17923559


C.J. Cherryh is prolific and consistently excellent.

>> No.17923565


The Eschaton Sequence

>> No.17923730

>April 10 - Worlds of Speculative Fiction: R Scott Bakker [links coming soon]
Kino incoming Bakkerchads. Stay tuned.

>> No.17923802

based Sadler...

>> No.17923907
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Bakkerfags, how would you have responded here?

>> No.17923915

nice to see a considerate analysis of bakker's work beyond the usual "le grimdark XXXtremity" reviews

>> No.17924030
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Have you read the Canadians?

>> No.17924120
File: 677 KB, 1500x1034, asoiaf houses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's are key ingredients for the most compelling accessible fantasy stories with widespread appeal?
The more I think about it the more I think it's all about having multiple conflicting factions with special traits: humans/orcs/elves/dwarves, griffindor/hufflepuff/slytherin/ravenclaw, stark/lannister/baratheon/targaryen, water tribe/earth kingdom/fire nation/air nomads, etc

Am I onto something? Or does it come down to something else?

>> No.17924163

this and multigenerational family drama with flawed but charming protags who must risk everything to prevent the rise of an ancient, world-threatening power of evil.

shit literally writes itself anon

>> No.17924188

>What is a foil?

>> No.17924190

The only correct response is to show her the Gnosis.
>And then death came swirling down.

>> No.17924280
File: 1.60 MB, 960x679, letsgomap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you said is just a part of the most important thing: Worldbuilding.
It's not about having a really deep plot and characters, some run of the mill hero's journey with a chosen one and familiar archetypes work just fine. Do you think people care about LOTR, Harry Potter and Avatar because of how much they love Frodo, Harry and Aang? Of course not, they are merely plain vessels to present really cool worlds the audience can immerse themselves into and envision their own stories in it.

Good worldbuilding =/= exhaustive descriptions of jargon lore about irrelevant fluff. Vagueness is good, let the audience wonder and fill in the gaps, it's all just about laying down a sandbox playing field rich enough with the maximum potential of adventuring situations

Amirite guise?

>> No.17924283

Factions are very easy to get wrong. Most authors who fail to publish try to do the faction thing, I think. In my opinion, the key is to have a world where your reader never knows what's around the corner. The whimsical nature of fantasy is really the only thing it has going for it, in terms of appeal. (People who don't know what they're talking about think they like stories because "wow, cool magic system," but that's really never the case.) The more you can make them accept bullshit, and the more bullshit you can throw at them, the better. Even ASOIAF has a lot of whimsical bullshit; it's just spaced out more with intrigue and violence accounting for the remainder of its wordcount. LOTR opens with a wizard putting on a fireworks show for little people that live in the hills. Whimsy is king and everyone has forgotten this in the last ten years or so.

>> No.17924332

>Worldbuilding is King, Characters are just self-insert vessels to explore an incredible world, bla bla bla lore and fluff are meh.
> keep everything vague and let readers fill in the blanks

Then by your definition, good Fantasy must all be like Dark Souls then. The MCs are just hollow vessels for the reader and the game/story can be finished without knowing a damn thing about the world unless you vigorously read all them vague item descriptions and dialogue. Basically the lore and fluff should just be adlibbed by readers then with most of the descriptions going to appearances if places, characters and enemies?

It works in a game like Dark souls but i don't think that’s going to work well in literature unless you can give me some examples.

>> No.17924409

The only thing I've seen from her are the images posted in these threads, those bookcovers with catmen on them, and so I just assumed she was a crazy cat lady he decided to invent heroic adventures for her cats

Are you telling me that I've been wrong this whole time?

>> No.17924417

you missed the point. dark souls is a bad world to cultivate wonder about self insert adventuring because everything is ruins populated by brainless evil, there's little room to be anything other than the knight

>> No.17924461

>crazy cat lady decided to invent heroic adventures for her cats

Maybe, but if so her cats are more interesting than Herbert's humans

>> No.17924541
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Hit the 10 chapter mark for my RR story.


Would prefer a better site than RR to be honest. If anyone knows any good places to share work that isn't anime or video game inspired I'd like to know. I know of Wattpad already.

>> No.17924552

Don't deny who you are, animefag. The pseuds in the Writing General will never accept you, so don't shun the only group who has been supporting you from the beginning.

>> No.17924554

Jeez, I've been away for quite a while I guess..

What's with the "report user for being Canadian" thing?

>> No.17924577


>> No.17924640

No, not really. I just haven't been on /lit/ for three or four months.

>> No.17924666

What is the best sci fi novel of the last three years?

>> No.17924704

What day is it newfriend

>> No.17924755


>> No.17924775

"why are you such a godamn prick?"

>> No.17924781


>> No.17924800


>> No.17924806

Or do you literally mean out reality?

>> No.17924957
File: 43 KB, 900x900, AngryPepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I mentally block out stupid lore expansions that ruin the mystery of the original series by answering everything with generic shit?

>> No.17924973

Maybe Harry Potter fits the self insert bill but LoTR and Avatar would be nothing to me without the characters.

>> No.17925040
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Will Hugo awards unfuck themselves in our lifetime?

>last five years
>have to be a woman and /or black to win

>> No.17925075

I haven't yet, but I might simply because I've grown tired of long ass series and protracted trilogies that shouldn't exist as such in the first place. standalone novels are much more to my liking these days.

>> No.17925145

I like all these for the most part.
If you're feeling more Stephenson, Anathem is probably my favorite work of his.
Otherwise Diaspora by Egan is fairly short and very unconventional- there's far future posthumans, questioning sentience's relationship with reality, and other good stuff. The Thing Itself by Adam Roberts if you're feeling for something more philosophy-based and grounded in more current humanity.

>> No.17925196

not that anon, but The Trial is great. What short story collection did you get? I haven't read any of Kafka beyond the Trial.

>> No.17925244


>> No.17925280

Anon, I had the same thoughts, but I realized most of the new stuff is shit anyway, you don't need award to notice good stuff and I still haven't read a lot of old books. Fuck rewards. Ignore them, because those who grant them are only waiting for the triggered males.

>> No.17925364
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>You're making a fantasy book anon?
>Oh cool, what's the setting?

god sake

>> No.17925384

how is that not a valid question?

>> No.17925422 [SPOILER] 
File: 64 KB, 546x390, 1617348505130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So. Medieval forest it is.

Hey Honk poster. Did you know there was a Clown Bloc?

>> No.17925437

I mean, it is. Honestly. Lore is a basic element of the genre.
It's just that I have this impression that I always have to provide extensive lore to my books. Though the way I write them is more akin to mythology than traditional fantasy, so instead of mentionning a tale of ould in long journey epic, I would literally talk about that piece of mythology that solidifies the book's universe.
But all in all, I'm much more interested in thematics than extended deep lore. I know that while I'm saying this, I sound like I'm just giving some "holier than thou" vibe.But you know, lore-dropping isn't too much of my thing. I mean, it depends, if it's well done, but I don't usually like it.

That plus the fact that I feel like nobody would like what I'm doing.

>> No.17925442

I'm the kinda clown who's self aware, I don't make a joke out of myself.
Well, most of the time.

>> No.17925465

>But you know, lore-dropping isn't too much of my thing. I mean, it depends, if it's well done, but I don't usually like it.
Just say this then to this person and stop being such an authist.
>That plus the fact that I feel like nobody would like what I'm doing.
Don't think about it. You write book that you would want to read.

>> No.17925488

Problem is modern readers really just consume whatever is the latest release and whatever receives the most controversy. To them the current trends of Hugo Award are perfectly normal representations of state of things.

>> No.17925490

>Just say this then to this person and stop being such an authist.
I fear that I would disappoint people, that is all.

>> No.17925512

>another anime/vtuber op
straightbros, I don't think I can take it anymore

>> No.17925526

Then say 'The setting isn't important, it's more about...'. And don't worry about their disappointment.

>> No.17925553

oki, thanks anon

>> No.17925767

I don't know what you're bitching about. It's on-topic.

>> No.17925790

>on topic
Oh, hi Retard. I didn't know it was you.

>> No.17925799

Man has a way with words.

>> No.17925807

That's based, poor Herbert should have done that too.

>> No.17925809

Which books should I get as a first timer?

>> No.17925811

What does that even mean?

>> No.17925819

Just answer her question

>> No.17925822

Prince of Nothing, first.

It means he's a good writer.

>> No.17925823

His prose is terrible despite that.

>> No.17925827

>Prince of Nothing, first.
Alright. thanks

>> No.17925830

That's a damned lie and you know it.

>> No.17925831

Does prose really matter in the end?

>> No.17925843

It shouldn’t, but for some, it does.

>> No.17925852

really good or really bad will stand out. it's part of the reason why the book of the new sun gets praised, for example.

>> No.17925857

I mean, I know that, but I just don't get why people are so hung up on it.

>> No.17925868

No, this is a damned lie. What is good about his purple, bruised prose?

>> No.17925873

Same reason people are hung up on worldbuilding or narrative or symbolism. It adds depth.

>> No.17925876

>good words bad

Fuck off you styleless twat.

>> No.17925894

This. Beige prose is king.

>> No.17925899

I just find it distracting to be honest with you.

>> No.17925904

More like
>bad, useless words bad
There is style, then there is Bakker, king etc.

>> No.17925909

Go Sandersoi!

>> No.17925911

New thread.


>> No.17925919

Yeah, I agree, why the fuck would an artist adorn his work with art, what a fucking retard.

>> No.17925936

>retard is still missing the point
Lovecraft adorned his work too. Doesn't make him a good stylist.

>> No.17925938

But he was, you're just a tasteless shit that wants to read news bulletins in prose form.

>> No.17925945

No I don't. Bakker and Lovecraft have terrible prose and it has nothing to do with them jewelling their passages.

>> No.17926001


>> No.17926066

Read Gass and his over ornate prose and compare it with Bakker.
>"No no no! You can't compare with literary fiction"
That's no excuse. Bakker's jewels his prose with the necklace on the forehead and anklets on the wrist. It's not ornate, it's purple. It's stumbly and strained and reads like he is trying too hard.

>> No.17926171
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>> No.17926261

>filtered by bad writing
So be it.

>> No.17926875

>Bakker's jewels his prose with the necklace on the forehead and anklets on the wrist.
Opinion discarded.

>> No.17927115

Just finished this one. Cooked through it in a day because I couldn't put it down. Are the follow-ups any good?