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File: 281 KB, 1650x2475, 47496818-CA4E-4FA9-BC8B-D9E090E6EF44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17937399 No.17937399 [Reply] [Original]

Everything just makes sense today when you realize Liberalism is devouring the world but can’t sustain itself. Where do we go from here?

>> No.17937504

Please tell me this isn't about you not getting laid.

>> No.17937511

>has to frame everything as sexual


>> No.17937521


>> No.17937568

this, but ironically

>> No.17938037
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>> No.17938057
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>> No.17938123

You’re the one keeping that on your HD, kid.
Why would a liberal promote communism? They wouldn’t.

>> No.17938148
File: 600 KB, 2140x2604, jean-baptiste_regnault_freiheit_oder_tod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liberalism is good

>> No.17938165


>> No.17938176

No it’s not

>> No.17938192

>Where do we go from here?
Free market capitalism.

>> No.17938193
File: 933 KB, 1000x1250, DDHC carnavalet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks pretty based to me

>> No.17938200

that's just another type of the cringe that is liberalism

>> No.17938199
File: 40 KB, 720x468, communism doesnt work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*crumbles under its own weight*

>> No.17938210

Jacobins were fags. The only good liberal was Napoleon.

>> No.17938227
File: 411 KB, 1200x1574, Nanine_Vallain_-_Liberté.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like both desu

>> No.17938234

You can see his floppy dong.

>> No.17938252
File: 461 KB, 2752x1094, 6F1C2C0A-7F2E-4902-9751-F26D03734D62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Phrygian cap? That’s a symbol of freedom. Liberalism doesn’t free anything but capital. I swear, if bitcoin can help destroy banks, we shouldn’t let it survive much longer than that or we’ll have techno-feudalism ruling us till extinction.

>> No.17938284
File: 98 KB, 400x634, 8ACA6FD9-05BA-47FE-AA2A-82CB40D917DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOT Sovietism. Commune. Community owned and operated through direct democracy and a free economy

>> No.17938298

Fuck democracy.

>> No.17938307

I'll fuck your ass nigga

>> No.17938319

You can have a commune within capitalism, what's stopping you right now?

>> No.17938329

You can go live innawoods if you want. Or are you a Muskovite Grimesotarian?

>> No.17938341
File: 17 KB, 177x279, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont know bout you but I'm feeling pretty free dog. Smoking a cigar naked rn

>> No.17938343

It creates unjustifiable hierarchies and instability. Which is why they all toppled to authoritarian or Republican forms

>> No.17938366

Bourgeois NEET screwing off while us middle aged women waste their lives in dead end jobs for minimum wage. It’s unsustainable.

>> No.17938378

>It creates unjustifiable hierarchies and instability.
So it's flawed then.

>> No.17938394

Communism has literally been reduced to an internet meme aesthetic. The most numerous communists in the West are 15 year old white girls on twitter who think that Marx wrote about how much he loved trannies and hated white people. China is the most powerful Marxist country in history and it’s literally capitalist in practice. Your ideology is obsolete and nothing compared to Liberalism

>> No.17938407

State-capitalism, modern and olden styles, all collapse. Money and power, the creation of unjustifiable hierarchies, causes this more than natural disasters ever did.

You’ve posted a literal fart into a hurricane

>> No.17938423

>Bourgeois NEET
>screwing off
Enjoying life isn't screwing off. Take some time out of your day to enjoy things.
>while us middle aged women waste their lives in dead end jobs for minimum wage. It’s unsustainable
Why are you wasting your life?

>> No.17938427

I’m sure you’ll usher in communism while marching together with Mitt Romney and Barack Obama in the revolutionary BLM movement — or maybe by promoting “sex workers” coalescing with corporations as your primary brand of activism. That seems to be what most communists care, or is there something else happening here?

>> No.17938455

>State-capitalism, modern and olden styles, all collapse. Money and power, the creation of unjustifiable hierarchies, causes this more than natural disasters ever did.
Don't see what this have to do with your shitty commune.

Leftism has done more harm to humanity than any one natural disaster.

>> No.17938552

Wasting it to make money. I’m planning an escape, but the cost of everything goes up and up.
I do try to enjoy my free time. Peace

Hehe. You just get here? I’m not a liberal. I just spoke out against prostitution in another thread a minute ago.

Well, you don’t know what you’re talking about is all. Sorry.

>> No.17938559

>I do try to enjoy my free time. Peace

>> No.17938583

>Well, you don’t know what you’re talking about is all. Sorry.
How so? Nothing is stopping you from starting a commune, a co-op or whatever deranged ideas you leftists harbor in your pea brain in a capitalist society. You have no excuse.

>> No.17938587
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cant wait till the new stalin puts most of /lit/ against the wall

>> No.17938593


>> No.17938612

>I just spoke out against prostitution

Who cares? The vast majority of self-proclaimed communists today support it, that’s the point. We’re nowhere near communism or any sort of external threat to Liberal hegemony, even the fucking communists are liberals.

>> No.17938693

>Nothing is stopping you from starting a commune, a co-op or whatever deranged ideas you leftists harbor in your pea brain in a capitalist society. You have no excuse.
See? You have no idea at all.

If they’re saying things like “don’t sex worker shame” that’s anarchist/socialist. If they’re talking about legalizing it so they can unionize and get a city tax base, that’s a fucking liberal

>> No.17938705


>> No.17938749

Communism is generally equated with materialism nowadays. Transgenderism is a spiritualist thing.

>> No.17938803

>See? You have no idea at all.
All I'm hearing is excuses. Even with everything going for you, you retarded leftists can't get anything done.

>> No.17938830

This is my idea of a perfect system, an alternative to liberalism:
1: A strong nation-state with a dictatorial leader.
2: The state should be ruthlessly totalitarian in the purest sense of the world: the state should encompass the TOTALity of public and personal life. It should also be universal: local institutions should destroyed and remade as state institutions. For example, the cub scouts might be disbanded and created anew as one state entity for the youth.
3: The state should view itself as both the representative and the architect of its people. It should have a vision of the ideal citizen and should form the people like clay into that mould. For instance, the strictest fitness regimes should be implemented in schools, and anyone above a certain BMI should be sent to fat camp, imprisoned, or exiled for offending against public decency. All citizens should also have a high level of education, and stupidity eradicated.
4. Eugenic policies should be implemented to heighten the level of the race.
5. The state should work on beautifying the country in accordance with its people's ideals. Architecture should NEVER be left to private interests as we see what kind of results they produce.
6. The economy should be regulated but there should also be some freedom in the market as pure socialist systems have repeatedly shown themselves to be inefficient.

>> No.17938885

>1: A strong nation-state with a dictatorial leader.
Been tried millions of times. Always fragile. Always hurts the majority like hell. Always hurts more as it crumbles apart.

>6. The economy should be regulated but there should also be some freedom in the market
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH You’ve already explained that it’s a totalitarian state. It will have control of the economy. You want something like China’s?
>no, socialist systems have repeatedly shown themselves to be inefficient.

>> No.17938944

>pure socialist systems have repeatedly shown themselves to be inefficient
ah yes, because liberal capitalism is a beacon of efficiency and rationality

>> No.17938957

>Where do we go from here?

a holistic view that is not currently defined and can't fit into a neat label because the word has yet to be invented.

intergalactic unity

>> No.17938992

>Been tried millions of times. Always fragile. Always hurts the majority like hell. Always hurts more as it crumbles apart.
Wrong. Nationalist dictatorship in Europe is a relatively new concept and it only failed because of the over-ambitious imperialism of the Nazis. If Hitler never invaded Poland, he would have been the greatest statesman in German history. But if you look at a state like Spain which never got involved in that frenzy, they had a very stable nationalist dictatorship.
>totalitarian state. It will have control of the economy.
Yes the state should ensure that the rot of consumerism is expunged but having a fully state-controlled economy is unrealistic, as history has shown. But there must be some state initiative to destroy consumerism. For example more social programs which focus on culture and the ennoblement of the people. Architects and city planners should be told to give more consideration to social areas, parks, and nature in cities rather than turning city centres into huge shopping malls where the only thing you can do is spend money. (Barcelona is an adequate but not perfect example of this type of city planning).

>> No.17938993

Is that a fasces?

>> No.17939838

>If Hitler never invaded Poland, he would have been the greatest statesman in German history.
yes, if the state that needed conquest (loot and slaves) to survive didn't conquer it would've prospered
brilliant analysis

>> No.17940105

>everything going for you
nigga do you see any coomunists in government closest thing is Bernie and he's even more liberal then socialist.

>> No.17940544
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Capitalism is too efficient and expedient for its own good, while communism is an unreachable standard of human behavior which will never work in the long run.

Eventually, all this petty ideological bullshit will be surpassed and we’ll have something akin to 1984 or a (((Utopia))) as the worst case scenario; with a universal empire like Rome ensuring the continual existence and healthy struggle of its people as the best case scenario. Hopefully it’s the latter and we can meaningfully reach the stars, but idealism is only idealism.

>> No.17940577
File: 427 KB, 931x1024, external-content.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, it was a common republiccan symbol before the fash started using it. It's still used in France.

>> No.17940690

Huh, you learn something new everyday. Thanks, anon!

>> No.17940727
File: 263 KB, 1200x1553, Portrait_de_madame_de_Verninac_by_David_Louvre_RF1942-16_n2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The libs in general were massive romaboos back then. A lot of them saw themselves as restoring Roman republicanism

>> No.17941281

I hope you Jews get what you want and are finally able to see your own retardation.

>> No.17941403

It was common already in Roman times.

>> No.17941431

I don't want to starve to death

>> No.17941451


>> No.17941483

can't tell if based retard or just shitposting

>> No.17941645

Not true. You have to look at where Liberalism is headed. At the moment we are absolutely deadlocked in a liberal capitalist hegemony, and even a global pandemic didn’t cause people to revolt against it. The largest protest movement was to fight racism within the system as to refine it, and that’s because Liberalism had evolved into Progressivism. All of our mass culture is progressive now, there’s not gonna be an end in sight for it, we literally just have to deal with declining material conditions and deterioration of our society since Progressivism is completely hedonistic and individualist, based on a very slavish morality of victimhood. Our future is more akin to cyberpunk; irredeemably degenerate, commodified, stagnant, environmentally dead.