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/lit/ - Literature

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18005407 No.18005407 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /lit/ hate her?

>> No.18005426

Don't know who she is, but I hate you because you keep posting her. No matter how many times you post, I will not google her, read her, or do anything.
Stop posting her.

>> No.18005429

Her poetry is that kind of "fake-deep" that art hoes and "feminist" women love, and its not very good.

>> No.18005436

I don't hate her. I don't even know her.
But I hate her poetry. He poetry sucks.

>> No.18005441
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You seem upset, Anon.

>> No.18005451

I hate you and wish the 10 plagues and 9 hells upon you and your family line. Knowing the immensity of your future suffering will ensure I sleep blissfully tonight.

>> No.18005455

Who defines what's actually deep or fake deep?

>> No.18005462

Skipping the anger management meds is no good for you.

>> No.18005463

I don't know who she is but I imagine she writes things that are detrimental to my way of life.

>> No.18005478
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I'm sorry anon. I don't get enough attention from friends and family so I make bait threads on 4chan as a coping mechanism.

>> No.18005485

I dont hate her, I just like meming her poems

>> No.18005493

You should be bullied.

>> No.18005494

"Fake-deep" is mostly semantics–wordplay that sounds "deep" in passing, but once you actually think about it, is devoid of any meaningful or thought-provoking ideas.

Let's take one of her poems titled "i am water":

>i am water
>soft enough to offer life
>tough enough to drown it away

First off, this poem is not aesthetically pleasing in the slightest. At a glace, the metaphor sounds profound, but once you think about it, there's nothing there. What are the implications? She "offers life?" to whom? What is the connection between "softness" and "offering life?" What does it mean to "drown" life away? Is she an alcoholic–does she have a drinking problem? Do you see the problem here?

>> No.18005497

because shes pretty woman and lit virgin as usual

>> No.18005504

She's a woman that writes successful and accessible poetry while the majority of /lit/ is aspiring male writers that thinks erudition is a signifies of quality and forgets literature is an arbitrary canon arising from the ability to resonate with cultural moments.

>> No.18005518

So, it doesn't matter if it has a meaning to millions of people because you didn't like it? The implications of the poem are really straight forward.

>> No.18005524

Nothing would bring me more joy than watching you as the central character in a snuff film.

>> No.18005584
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>it's 2021 and people still think acting like "internet tough guy" makes them look badass and not whiny red-faced kids

>> No.18005591

Appealing to the authority of the masses is not an argument. Sure, the "intention" of the metaphor is straightforward, but the central metaphor falls apart when read attentively. Not only that, but it is also commonplace, derivative (water is life but is also drowns is as old as it gets, and Eliot did it much better in The Waste Land). It doesn't do anything interesting with its language, syntax or rhythm. It's not even interesting as prose, although it does have the apparent force of an epigram or aphorism by means of its short length, while not taking advantage to what makes those two forms actually interesting to the poet and the reader. The fact that, as you say, millions of people have found meaning in it speaks more about their poor poetic sensibilities than about the poem's poetic merit.

>> No.18005603

I genuinely believe you're autistic and physically incapable of understanding poetry. It's not mathematics. It's not about measuring out exact equal portions of Webster's dictionary-approved "meaning".

>> No.18005615

>I genuinely believe you're autistic
look at what website you're on

>> No.18005629

It's just so tiring trying to explain things that are intrinsic to human nature to robot-people who have no chance of ever being able to comprehend them.

>> No.18005640
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>> No.18006299

I don't hate, I just believe that her existence is a Israeli psyop

>> No.18006302
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>Why does /lit/ hate her?
I loved her but she
never loved me back
I waited for her
but she never came

>> No.18006325

Hubristic vulgarity, and none of the life experience to back it up in its cargo cult Bukowski enjambments and children’s book illustration format

>> No.18007163

Based interpretation, you hit the nail on the head with this one. There is hardly anything poetic in it. Ironically for the water poem, it isn't potable at all.

>> No.18007206

Dont know who she is but already hate her for the pretentious picture. Who would read like that? Someone with hemorrhoids, sitting on a inflatable cushion?

>> No.18007335
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>> No.18007376

Beautiful, made me cry.

>> No.18007384

Curry munching shitskin whore

>> No.18007406

I am cum

soft enough
to offer relief
tough enough
to injury your dick

>> No.18007407

Because her "poetry" is exactly what the modern reader expects from poetry. It's short, it's uncomplicated, and you get the "point" of it on the first read, and that's what people unfamiliar with poetry want: The point. Something like Eliot is offputting to them because there's a thousand references and allusions but Kaur is right up their alley because all she did was chop up a woke Tweet about body positivity or whatever into something that vaguely resembles a poem. It's poetry for people who hate poetry.

>> No.18007427

i don't really hate her.
her poetry meme sometimes entertain me a little

>> No.18007431

I am cum

soft enough
for your bum
tough enough
for your eyes

>> No.18007470

Let me try...
>i am fire
>Gentle enough to warm your stuff
>Quick enough to burn it away

I think you nailed it.

>> No.18007675

Because of her troglodyte face

>> No.18007740

Go to /sp/ and start following some sports, you can post in the gamethreads when the game is on and it's a lot of fun sometimes.

>> No.18007751

It's commercialised poetry bland enough to not offend as many palettes as possible.

>> No.18007757

flowers got me KEK

>> No.18007762

Someone post the freebleeding pic of her in bed. I want to fuck that monkey butt

>> No.18007873

Good advice! Watch the NBA, anon. It's fun.

>> No.18008289

>>i am water
>>soft enough to offer life
>>tough enough to drown it away

>First off, this poem is not aesthetically pleasing in the slightest. At a glace, the metaphor sounds profound, but once you think about it, there's nothing there. What are the implications? She "offers life?" to whom? What is the connection between "softness" and "offering life?" What does it mean to "drown" life away? Is she an alcoholic–does she have a drinking problem? Do you see the problem here?

Comparing herself to water is a simile. The fact that she says she’s soft and offer life is also metaphor. She’s a woman, hence physically soft like water and just like how water gives life to all living beings, she, as woman, gave life to humans. And also just like a water destroy lives (flood, hurricane, tsunami) woman rekt men’s life if they want.

>> No.18008318

I don't like her because she's pretentious and egotistical, the brew of which creates a rather difficult person to deal with.

>> No.18008345

> At a glace, the metaphor sounds profound,
actually, the problem is that it doesn't sound profound at all. even with a basic knowledge of poetry, you'd know these metaphors are as old as the artform itself. you can tell someone isn't a good poet if they make on basic 1-dimensional nature imagery. that isn't to say nothing can be done with them, but you have to be a particular genius to make use of tired cliches. think of how many bird poems or lines relating birds to "freedom" or "love" or some platitudinous shit have been crated in the history of poetry? it took stevens' 13 ways of looking at a bird, or rilke's swan, or moore's no swan so fine to finally transform the bird into something poetic.

>> No.18008356


>> No.18008554

>Comparing herself to water is a simile

Nuh uh she didn’t use “like” or “as”

>> No.18008556
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We should be grateful to these stunning, brave Wymxn of Color for bringing poetry into the 21st Century. No more will we have to suffer reading boring, irrelevant dead white men like Shakespeare or Milton now that we have poetry that speaks to our fierce, feminist, brown, inclusive, anti-racist, diverse modern day society.

>> No.18008568

I don't hate her. She is a beautiful queen

>> No.18008597

>people like thing so it must be good

>> No.18008634
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From the last thread.

>> No.18008693

Hate is a strong word, I find her “poems” boring. It feels like she’s just trolling everyone, and the *acceptance* of her poems as art is actually the real art form, like a performance, designed to be a commentary about how fake and bullshit the world of art is. If that’s the case, she’s actually pretty dang smart, but I doubt that’s true.

>> No.18009638

nooooo! you can't tell me something i like sucks!!!

>> No.18009659

>Comparing herself to water is a simile
Please look up what a simile is.

> The fact that she says she’s soft and offer life is also metaphor

the comparing of herself to water is the metaphor, "soft" and "offer life" aren't metaphors in of themselves. The commenters point stands, being soft doesn't offer life.

>> No.18009730

Guess harry potter is amazing too and any criticism of it is just pretentious misogyny.
I'd tell you to go back to re ddit, but even they're intelligent enough to find Rupi shit