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18128492 No.18128492 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books on anti-semitism?
I am fascinated by how Jews consistently whip people around them into rabid, frothing at the mouth frenzies. To the point, people around them don't see them as human anymore, but project superhuman characteristics onto them and treat them as teleological nefarious forces.

>> No.18128512 [DELETED] 

>project superhuman characteristics
why do kikes always pretend hating them is some admition of inferiority?
do people ahte niggers because they are so super human? No!
They are all subhuman. A nieche group that sticks to itself, is dysgenic, lacks solid footing, feeble, insecure insidious is subhuman not superhuman.

>> No.18128557

>he thinks I'm a jew trying to subvert his cartoon image board
Proving my point. You think Jews are everywhere, like an evil miasma that has seeped into everything. It's quite fascinating how Jews create this effect in people, which is why I want to know more.
But watch how now you will continue to insist I'm Jewish.

>> No.18128580 [DELETED] 

they are like simply rats. Dont make too much of that.
jesus, kike faggot project their desires onto the hate of others.
>But watch how now you will continue to insist I'm Jewish.
you certainly are ticking a lot of the kike boxes.

>> No.18128585 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18128588

The fact you even describe them as animals and not humans, particularly as disease and plague spreading animals, only again proved my point. Now watch once more as you continue to insist I'm Jewish.
Already read it.

>> No.18128590

>Already read it.
What did you think of it?

>> No.18128596 [DELETED] 

>you not accepting non people as people is... its jsut wrong. ok?
>t. faggot

>> No.18128613 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 558x362, Screenshot_2021-04-28 pol - Politically Incorrect » Thread #318903918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other day some anon on /pol/ wrote this in reply to something I posted.

It's fascinating. I don't even love the Jews or anything. But how can you even argue with someone like this? Literally everything that contradicts their worldview can be attributed to Jewish forgery.

>> No.18128626

You can't argue with it. I've spent time arguing with /pol/tards. It ends either/and
>You're a Jew yourself trying to shill and subvert
>The Jews manipulated/controlled the contradictory information
It's impossible because the Jew hate is at the level of religiosity.

>> No.18128634

That post reads like a fever dream holy shit. I don't like Jews that much but saying that everything bad is bad because Jews isn't convincing.

>> No.18128643

Jews are a bad influence in general, but it's not true that they're behind everything. Greedy (non-jewish) elites, for example, are also a cancer to society, and so on.

>> No.18128660

/pol/tards believe the greedy non-jewish elites are controlled by the jews

>> No.18128665

Or they'll say you don't have to be ethnically Jewish to be a "spiritual Jew".

>> No.18128679

Even if someone's great-grandparent was Jewish, not even practicing, that to the /pol/tard means that person is basically a mindcontrolled by his 25% Jewish genes to subvert the aryan race. I kid you not, they view any amount of Jewish blood as some metaphysical, predestined sign of evil.

>> No.18128703 [DELETED] 

I think money is the root of all evil, and Jews are the masters of manipulating money

>> No.18128705

It's funny how poltards are to you what jews are to poltards lmao.

>> No.18128722

Uhhh, no?

>> No.18128727

Bloodpassover by Toaff
Libido Dominandi
The Jewish Revolutinary Spirit
The Babylonian Talmud

>> No.18128730
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>Libido Dominandi

>> No.18128760

>oh no Jones isn't redpilled on the nazis, this disqualifies his whole book
Imagine being that much of a brainlet.

>> No.18128796

>What are some books on anti-capitalidm?
>I am fascinated by how capitalists consistently whip people around them into rabid, frothing at the mouth frenzies. To the point, people around them don't see them as human anymore, but project superhuman characteristics onto them and treat them as teleological nefarious forces.

>> No.18128818

asked this a thousand times: what is the best non biased book about Nazism? I'm tired of "Nazi bad because I said so". Not a Nazi though, I just think that history is written by the winners.

>> No.18128858

There's an Anglo author, forgot his name, that made a sympathetic book. He later did holocaust revisionism and got into legal trouble. He has been associated with people like Richard Lynn.

>> No.18128879

E Michael jones is like a catholic psychoanalyst, is there anyone else like this silly Irishman?

>> No.18128894

i think it’s completely understandable. they have been a relitively insular stateless group for a long time dispersed across many countries, both societally and in a sense, politically to some extent (having different fiscal laws to other parts of society) Its hard to imagine them not being seen in such a way from a societally developmental pov. of course some currents take it more extreme than others.

However, the ramifications of the very relation should be self evident to a degree. Like a mix of Gypses and masons given their station (in aperance). The question shouldnt be why extremests (now) look sidelong at jews, its rather evident.

>> No.18128904

meds. now.

>> No.18128910
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Examines Jews from a Catholic perspective and accurately explains what anti-semtitsm is

>> No.18128918

>e this silly Irishman?
He's more German than Irish

>> No.18128929
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>> No.18128934

It’s this faggot again. You’re really not as clever as you think you are.

>> No.18128936

Why are you defending them so?

>> No.18128940

He’s absolutely right.

>> No.18128943


> Btfos antisemitism
Heh nothing personnel kid

>> No.18128965

wtf I love lenin now

>> No.18128978

>The Babylonian Talmud
Why do people always mention the Babylonian one to show Jews in an unfavourable way? I've read the Jerusalem version, is the Babylonian one much worse?

>> No.18128979

They were a convenient scapegoat in both western and eastern Europe. That's literally it.

>> No.18128989

The babylonian one is that which explains the jew, the jerusalem one is the one sold to westernized jews and normies.

>> No.18128990

but they were also an insular people who were also very distinct, yes scapegoatism was a thing, but it hardly follows that there was not some clash or in group bias that caused mutual resentment to some degree.

>> No.18128993
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>140 expulsions later all around the world but everyone else but myself is at fault

>> No.18129014

Read Marx, especially his private letters: that should give you an insight into how some ivory tower intellectuals can come to hate capitalism for absurd reasons.
Then read Rand to understand how people can become anti-capitalist as a reaction to complete fucking retards such as Rand herself.
You'll probably read neither because baiting is easier than formulating actual objections.

>I just think that history is written by the winners.
Read some of the post-war trials and maybe you'll begin to understand something of history.
Winners were both split in two sides, each more than willing to scrutinize the other, and their own judges stepped in to keep them in line.
The US had to admit that they were guilty of the same naval crime (shooting on red cross ships) they wanted Japan punished for, for example.

>> No.18129029

>I don't even love the Jews or anything
Jews don't even love themselves now? Wow, this /pol/ demoralization is paying off nonetheless

>> No.18129040

Everyone who makes a lot of people seethe hard is based ergo jews are based. Poltards talk like they are always on suicide watch and havent taken their meds in months.

>> No.18129097

I guess your constant seething about the holohoax makes uncle Dolphe based af.

Also, it didn't happen but it should have had!

>> No.18129210

imagine the mental gymnastics using actions caused by prejudice as a reason for you prejudice

>> No.18129219

I don't think you know what that word means.

>> No.18129229

Why do you insult rats?

>> No.18129423

Anyone know any books about white people?
I am fascinated by how White people consistently whip people around them into rabid, frothing at the mouth frenzies.
To the point, people around them don't see them as human anymore, but project superhuman characteristics onto them and treat them as teleological nefarious forces.

I mean just look at the world right now, Islamism, China, Indians, Aborigines, Blacks, it's like something about these white people makes them be hated, even almost a hundred years after they became sweethearts.

>> No.18129483

hey that's a good idea, I wanted to read that Hannah Arendt book, even though she's juice anons told me she is incredibly based. Do you know any other good trial book?

>> No.18129512

Arendt wrote a good book, but it is more about human behaviour than it is about history.
I'd suggest reading official transcripts where you can, history books where you can't, and other books only later.

>> No.18130156

consider my interest piqued

>> No.18131128

Just WTF is going on here? Who is the pussy who keeps deleting his posts?

>> No.18131232
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I spend my time quietly, in the background, happily helping out as needed. I only step up to the fore when I feel it is necessary to do so.

It's no secret that I'm a Furry. The Furry fandom, for example, has had their own history of fighting off the alt right over the past few years, and has also had trouble with Neo Nazis and pedophiles trying to sneak in and groom minors.

I'm one of the people who fights that sort of thing. I go out of my way to defend and protect the people I care about, not only from external threats, but also from internal ones.
I decided I was not going to stand for that sort of bigoted bullshit and I did everything I could to stop it.

I mentioned the Furries earlier; the alt right have threatened to kill several of my local friends because our former con chair upset them in some way. I did everything I could to prevent that. That took me almost three years, but I got it done. I'm one of the nicest people you will ever meet, but I will not stand for people who hurt children. I don't like people who go out of their way to hurt others. That's just who I am.
I'm pretty slow when it comes to making a decision sometimes. I figure if something is worth doing, then it's worth doing right. This doesn't always make me the most active mod or the quickest to respond. I always like to get all the information and review things from all the angles before making a decision. That slows me down, and it doesn't always make me very popular when a group of people are angry and demanding something must be done right now.

>> No.18131236


>> No.18131245
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Keep in mind that the Dunyain are basically Jews, bread for intelligence over millenia and walking among men as among children.

>> No.18131295

>doesn't even link the deleted posts directly
You're a fucking phoneposter, aren't you?

>> No.18131304

Furries need to be executed en masse.
Furry used to be a cute word, but thanks to your sexual issues, you made it associated with mental sickness.

>> No.18131314
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>> No.18131318

Real schizo hours

>> No.18131338
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Free Palestine שחררו את פלסטין US-Israeli Collusion קנוניה אמריקאית-ישראלית Julian Assange ג'וליאן אסאנג ' The Five Eyes חמש עיניים Khazar Milkers חולבי כוזר Moazzam Begg מועם בג Iran Air Flight 655 איראן טיסה אווירית 655 NSA Spying Scandal שערורייה Johnny Garrett ג'וני גארט PRISM פריזמה Idefinite Detention מעצר בלתי מוגבל Shaker Aamer שאכר Guantanamo Bay מפרץ גואנטנמו Shooting of Philando Castile ירי של פילנדו קסטיליה Safiq Rasool שליח עליז Tuskegee syphilis experiment ניסוי טוסקגיי עגבת Child Hormone Replacement Therapy With Penectomy טיפול הורמונלי של הילד עם טיפול בכריתת רחם Edward Snowden

>> No.18131461

Somebody post those furred reich pics, I can't find them in my /b/ folder

>> No.18131465

i'm jewish, we aren't rulers of the world we're just a small ethnoreligious group where everyone has autism

>> No.18131483

It’s just a religious thing. The christards are endlessly jealous, but the father religion is equally adversarial

>> No.18131758

>You'll probably read neither because baiting is easier than formulating actual objections.
Missing the point completely.
Maybe Marx was right maybe he wasn't but my paraphrase of OP post is just as much of a valid criticism of anti-capitalism as OP is of antisemitism.

>> No.18131810

Your extremely lazy find and replace isn't as interesting not only for being a lazy find and replace, but also because jew-related bickering is an order of magnitude older than capitalism-related bickering, and because jew-related bickering managed to start a ridiculous world war while capitalism-related bickering didn't go past proxy wars.
Your find and replace is at least marginally interesting, unlike the "muh white ppl" one.

>> No.18131870

You got me there

>> No.18131888

Capitalism related bickering caused a bunch of famines and bloody civil wars but let's forget about that.

>> No.18131903

>Maybe Marx was right
Are you retarded lmao

>> No.18131916

Capitalism didn't start World War I?

>> No.18131923 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18131933 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18131947 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18131953 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18131959 [DELETED] 
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Me and Anne when tranny bipoc nazis find us

>> No.18131971

It was an inhibitor to it. Put down Lenin, who was completely irrelevant to the politics of 1914 and grab Bloch, who's book on the future of warfare and its consequences was one of the reasons for the humanitarian conventions from the start of 20th century were even a thing. And he was the railroad baron of Russian Empire, so in other words an insider.

>> No.18131992

World War I was started purely by capitalism. California bean farmers had Franz Ferdinand killed in order to start the war making bean prices skyrocket.

>> No.18132108

>trying this hard
We get it, you're a marxist, now fuck off

No, open an history book once in your life.
WW1 was the result of increasing tensions between nations combined with widespread overconfidence: everyone believed they and their allies would be able to escalate a conflict fast enough to crush their opponents, and by the time the mistake was clear it was too late to back off.

>> No.18132129

Why were the Jews selected for intelligence and others not? Arguably Europeans have had a greater creative ability.

>> No.18132135

Is this bait

>> No.18132141

>New York City
>20% Jewish
>Very low levels of antisemitism

imagine being this retarded of a qcumber

>> No.18132246

That's not true. World War I was started by California bean farmers who had Franz Ferdinand killed. They then forged the Zimmerman telegram and slipped it to British intelligence in order to get the States to join the war, at which point bean prices skyrocketed. World War I was a capitalist scheme.

>> No.18132272

Nah, intersectional queer bipoc intervened after too many systematic injustices were drawn against them. They famously forged the poc pact with egypt and went to war

>> No.18133038


>> No.18133386

Whatever someone's opinion on Jews are, Israel was an objective mistake.

>> No.18133742

>Hitler, according to Igra, was a homosexual prostitute in Vienna. The Naziswere also notoriously homosexual, so much so that Mussoliniwas scandalized by their behavior. As a result the homosexual issue wassomething that he would have to use against his opponents lest hisopponents used the issue against him. Politically, however, the situationwas unambiguous. The major parties of the Left, the SPD and theCommunists, both espoused gay rights and came close to fulfillingHirschfeld’s dream in the late ’20s of abolishing Paragraph 175. This leftHitler only one option in exploiting the average German’s revulsion at theWeimar Republic’s version of gay liberation. In addition to that, Hitler,largely as the result of his stay in prison following the abortive MunichBeer Hall putsch, had decided that he needed to come to power in Germanyby democratic means, not by military force. That meant taking into accountpublic opinion and manipulating it to his advantage. That meant tappingthe huge amount of resentment against the punitive Versailles Treaty, thethreat of Communist revolution, and Kulturbolsche-wismus or modernityof the sort practiced by Schoenberg in music, Gropius in architecture, and,most of all, Hirschfeld in sexology.

>In 1945, Samuel Igra, a German Jew who had spent the war in England,[22] published a book, Germany's National Vice, claiming that "there is a causal connection between mass sexual perversion" and German war crimes during both world wars.[23] This was a new element not present in the 1930s antifascist discourse.[22] Igra approvingly quoted British diplomat Robert Smallbones, who wrote in 1938 that "The explanation for this outbreak of sadistic cruelty may be that sexual perversion, in particular homo-sexuality, are very prevalent in Germany."[23] He argued that since both Judaism and Christianity have traditionally condemned homosexuality, "the Jews were the natural enemies of homosexual Nazi leaders such as Hitler and Röhm".[22] Igra wrote:

> I think it is reasonable to hold that the psychological forces that let loose the sadistic orgies of the concentration camps, the mass murders in Germany, . . . and the subsequent atrocities in the occupied countries may be attributed mainly to one source and that this source is the moral perversion which was rampant among the Nazi leaders and which had its typical embodiment in Hitler himself.[24]

>> No.18134049

Bro the Bible literally says Jews deserve the good or bad that happens to them. This is their own scripture

>> No.18134055

God says we deserve it, he doesn't say we have to like it

>> No.18134141

Go work for them for a couple of years. Then come back and tell me it's bullshit.

>> No.18134158

Ernst Nolte's "The Three Faces of Fascism". It's about italian fascism, the action francaise, and the nazis.

>> No.18134276

The International Jew - Henry Ford

>> No.18135572

So what u be sayin is that