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18165921 No.18165921 [Reply] [Original]

>It is no coincidence that those who demonstrated against fur-farming by sabotage were fox-girls instead of fox-boys. The "official", legal animal protection movement is also strongly a women's movement. There are five women and one man in the administration of the Green Cross. In the governing body of the animal protection coalition Animalia there are seven women and four men. Chairpersons are women.
>It is an assumption brought forth countless of times in various contexts that the world would be better, drifting slower towards the ruin, if women had the "power"; if political leadership, decision making, government and economic life was in the hands of women. I think reality, the observation material, supports the assumption.

>> No.18165961

You can't always be right.

>> No.18165998

If women were to run some nation, they would almost certainly not engineer their population to go towards the amazon female small male master race, which means they would only render their nation and people materially and militarily inefficient and noncompetitive against the nations that do, which would speed up their societies destruction and subjugation by the superior amazon female small male master race.

>> No.18166018

This is the key element that Marija Gimbutas forgot to factor in. This is why matriarchies fell.

>> No.18166031

Yeah but "animal rights" movement has little to do with actual environmental protection and ecology. It consists of middle class suburban kids who want to impose a grid of bourgeois rights-based morality on nature. Industrial farming is a modernist concoction but so are rights including animal rights.

>> No.18166041

>Industrial farming is a modernist concoction but so are rights including animal rights.
Start with the Greeks

>Plutarch - On Meat Eating

>Porphyry - On abstinence from animal food

>> No.18166054

redpill me

>> No.18166064

Linkola was a sexhaver and wifehaver, which blinded him from seeing the cruel nature of women

>> No.18166077

I'm planning to go vegan myself anon. I'll read these books you provided but I'm 100% sure that neither of them contains a rights-based defense of vegetarianism which is characteristic of modernity and modern environmental movements. To be sure vegetarianism predates modernity by hundreds of years but wherever it was practiced it was defended by spiritual and religious arguments like the doctrine of reincarnation and metempsychosis. average Native American knew more about nature and lived in greater harmony with nature than your average Greens-voting city dweller despite that fact that Native Americans hunted animals

>> No.18166082
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It's called mother nature for a reason
The masculine is destructive and the feminine is healing, two halves of an endless cycle, inseparable
Even ancient people understood this basic concept

>> No.18166095

>The masculine is destructive and the feminine is healing, two halves of an endless cycle, inseparable
You owe 99% of commodities of life you own and enjoy to men. What did "healing" feminity create?
He knew that women are animals and extended animal rights so as to include them

>> No.18166109
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>What did "healing" feminity create?


>> No.18166128

Everyone that actually gets anything done in the world of ecology is a man

>> No.18166331

Nigger do you even yin and yang

>> No.18166531

Mental Ilness

>> No.18166551

Having a high IQ is not a mental illness.

>> No.18166591

The founding figure of vegetarianism is always male.

>> No.18168065

>If women ruled some nation they would not engineer.

>> No.18168532

and howmany of those women don't have children?

Women are evolutionary attracted to the cuteness of a baby. When you're barren/ugly/unmarriable or for whatever other reason don't have kids, sad little animals in cages are you next best bet.

>> No.18168541

You’re not refuting him though, you only provide the explanation.

>> No.18168569

I'm vegetarian, going vegan soon simply because I loathe death and I loathe pain, and I want to contribute as little as possible of those to the world. I prefer a humanity that challenges nature and takes upon a role of guardian over a humanity that embraces this shitty hellish reality and only believes that right makes right. There's nothing in this world that is capable of changing its ways except human beings, and we can't make use of this perhaps only freedom we have because we're too enamored with pleasures.

>> No.18168577

I am refuting that it is in anyway a good thing that women run these movements. When you look at what type of women they are you should also see the poor state of these movements.

>> No.18168617
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>I'm vegetarian, going vegan soon simply because I loathe death and I loathe pain, and I want to contribute as little as possible of those to the world.
Your aversion to pain is symptomatic of a weak constitution and will lead you nowhere except for hatred of life itself. You aren't being merciful, you're turning into an enemy of all living things.

>> No.18168676

>It's called mother nature for a reason
Doesn't equate to this:
>The masculine is destructive and the feminine is healing,

>> No.18168710

Why is it bad? What should ugly barren women do instead?

>> No.18168735

You are right on the money, I hate nature and I hate existence. I don't think of myself as merciful, I just don't want to be the hand of an evil nature.

>> No.18168758

kill themselves

>> No.18168803

not bother the rest of us

>> No.18168845


>> No.18168865

>cries over a horse
Shut the fuck up you brainlet, the overman is supposed to have the strength of Caesar and the heart of Christ.

>> No.18168886

>He thinks horses don't have the strenght of Caesar and the heart of Christ

>> No.18168904

Read Heretic's Feast (for an historical overview, including Plutarch) and Tom Regan for a modern rights-based theory (in opposition to Singer's utilitarian position).

>> No.18168927

In Russia most judges, lower- and mid-level state officials, school and college teachers, doctors, social workers are women. Women actually exercise the immense power of the Russian quasi-socialist state. Obviously, it makes the life here only worse, because female judges are easy to intimidate, female teachers make bad role-models for boys, female doctors are conforming to the horrible standards of our universal healthcare system and so on.

>> No.18169007

You're just veiling your hatred for men in a bunch of pseudospritual nonsense.

>> No.18169127

This is true. The condition of Eden is deathless and/or without ecological destruction (and so will be the condition of Paradise). Eve was made inside Eden so her condition is the same. Adam, however, was made outside Eden and placed into the environment foreign to his Birth. Adam and man's natural condition will never be the same as Eden (or Paradise) by design.

>> No.18169220

Yes, women love fascism. What else is new?

>> No.18169309

I am eating veal liver cooked with bacon and caramelized onions today. Makes me feel energized for days. Meat is good for you but really if you're not eating organs and eggs primarily you are not living in accordance with natural law

>> No.18169320

>Halting all industrial progress because of some Ill defined values system around looking at trees
Why would I want this?