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18172449 No.18172449 [Reply] [Original]

When I take a break from time-wasters I am overwhelmed by existential dread and the knowledge that nothing I did ever mattered, nor any future effort I'll do will matter, and that I failed at everything I wanted to do with the most diligent dedication and that I was gas station attendant material all along, and I feel like killing myself because I tried so hard and the projects I had for myself were so grand. Everything I do outside of this shithole is still a waste of time, just as bit more elegant maybe. I think this website has kept me alive like the bottle keeps the drunkard alive sometimes.

>> No.18172476

whenever i get the past life urge to play a videogame i mentally run through what it'd be like and realise it's totally pointless and so never end up doing it

>> No.18172534
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Stop asking us and see experts for help. 4chan’s ideal man would never have these problems then kill the person who caused them, even if that person is himself. Useless advice for an actual human. My honest advice is to go to rehab- you’ll hate it for the first few months, but honestly, the best thing I got out of rehab was knowing my boring life of day-to-day work is such a kushy ceiling of living compared to the guys I met who would happily tell me they’re going to go overdose after rehab. Some opioid addicts literally get a chip in their brain to stop themselves from enjoying their drug of choice. Trust me, you haven’t fallen that far. Below the floor you’ve descended to is an infinite number of new lows you’ll never have to stoop to.
Having said this, just because your problems are objectively pretty good problems to have doesn’t make them vanish: so, to reiterate my first point, get some help. Go to therapy. Remember that accomplishing ‘grand’ things won’t actually make you happy, and that you don’t owe the world anything, but do owe the people who love you your life. It’s not fair to the people who put time into making sure you become good to die and leave them shredded to pieces for years.

>> No.18172563

Play Disco Elysium. Get to play a game and read a good novel all in one.

>> No.18172572

Maybe stop spending time on "time wasters"

>> No.18172603

>4chan’s ideal man would never have these problems then kill the person who caused them, even if that person is himself.

>> No.18172636

I loved the last bit anon nearly cried

>> No.18172801

>It’s not fair to the people who put time into making sure you become good to die and leave them shredded to pieces for years.
But my parents are narcissists who didn't want the best for me and won't give a shit when I die.

>> No.18172810

“Is it conceivable to adhere to a religion founded by someone else?”

Cioran, “Anathemas and Admirations”

>> No.18172851

Worthwhile skepticism of the powers that be, but if a therapist will keep you alive you should go to one- even if what he’s saying is lies.
Maybe so, but there must be someone who cares about you or put time into you who would be wounded if they knew you died. And even if you can’t name anyone, that someone is me. I care.
Thanks anon

>> No.18172876

haha at least i got the item i needed in monster hunter haha

>> No.18172887

>Play Disco Elysium.
Not a pseud redditor faggot millennial who can only think in ideological dichotomies, sorry.

>> No.18172900
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Never played it, but I hear it’s more nuanced than that. Couldn’t force me to buy things nowadays if you put a gun to my head

>> No.18172902

>go to rehab
>Go to therapy.
Why the FUCK would any self-respecting man debase himself in such a manner?

>> No.18172907

A cuckold faggot

>> No.18172916

No man is an island. Honestly, rehab is a pretty extreme step, but 90% of modern people need therapy nowadays. Opening yourself up to another human being isn’t debasement, it’s what separates us from simple beasts. We survived as a species for so long because we share bananas. We’ll continue to survive because we share that same common warmth. If nobody truly knows the confines of your heart, you barely exist.

>> No.18172923

You never learned what it means to work, and to dedicate yourself and your focus entirely to that work. You failed to adapt to this realization so far, which is why you waste so much of your time. Writing and Art is a vocation for hard workers. If you can not live up to this, then seek a different kind of freedom and escape your cage.

>> No.18172973

>but 90% of modern people need therapy nowadays.
>Opening yourself up to another human being isn’t debasement
This outlook on life, this constant desire to seek a cure for whatever ails you at any given moment is exactly why every young adult today is an oversocialized infantilized forever child who whines on twitter all day long. If a man wishes to express his emotion honestly, then he should do so within the personal company of a friend and none else, not a shrink or subculture or your Discord ERP group. What you're suggesting is mass-scale feminization of men like the commie homo faggot who believes societies should function as family units you are.

>> No.18172983

>who believes societies should function as family units you are.
I meant to type something else but my insomnia got the better of me and I can't remember what. Just put in globohomo as a placeholder.

>> No.18172994


>> No.18173074
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Therapy takes fucking years. It's not one dose cure all life caulker.
Is there really an international gaystapo descending on us all, or do you personally feel emasculated by day-to-day life?

>> No.18173439

If you are willing to believe that your life and your future does not matter you have to face the reality that maybe the lives of everyone you know also did not matter. Was the life of your parents meaningless? Was the life of your ancestors who died in terrible wars for your sake also meaningless? The lives of the people you admire as well might have been meaningless.

If that were to be the case, there could have never be emotions such as respect, admiration, emulation or inspiration. Your life's meaning is not something that you can spot and observe, no, it is something that you emanate for others to feel and sense. Your life has meaning and everyone but yourself can see it.

>> No.18173652
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If the universe was truly infinite or all people were immortal, nothing would matter, because you would have unlimited time and unlimited opportunities.

However, our universe has a definite end. You will die and not come back. This is the only reason that everything has meaning.

>> No.18173749


>> No.18174411

Do you feel like a failure or is life just inherently pointless?

You can't fail life in materialistic terms so who cares if your job reduces you to a meat weight? Maybe you could have achieved more but so could everyone else have and that is not what is important. If existence in general makes you feel despensible that is completely different and overcomable aswell.

I need to know the difference if you would give me any chance at helping you in any way. Just remember, I am only a retard on the internet. I cant give you an aforism that solves such a complex problem. You would at least need someone to talk to for a longer time, perhaps a therapist or similar.

>> No.18174432

Pro tip. Don't bother trying to find a palpable meaning in life. Your efforts will be futile and all you will do is lay down in bed and feel worse. Try at least to take care of yourself so you are physically well. A healthy body is a healthy mind. Do not believe you are beyond any of this.

>> No.18174729
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>> No.18175006

If you have to go to rehab/therapy and you're not a genuine schizo then you have failed as a man, having to get someone else to take responsibility for your very own self is the grandest dereliction of duty you can commit. Not saying you shouldn't but just you objectively fucked up if you got to that point to begin with

>> No.18175126
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>but 90% of modern people need therapy nowadays.

>> No.18175131

>Give up your attachment to comfortable ways of living - show yourself in the gymnasium (gymnos = 'naked'), prove that you are not indifferent to the difference between perfect and imperfect, demonstrate to us that achievement - excellence, arete, virtu - has not remained a foreign word to you, admit that you have motives for new endeavours! Above all: only grant the suspicion that sport is a pastime for the most stupid as much space as it deserves, do not misuse it as a pretext to drift further in your customary state of self-neglect, distrust the philistine in yourself who thinks you are just fine as you are! Hear the voice from the stone, do not resist the call to get in shape! Seize the chance to train with a god!

>> No.18175133

haha yeah maybe you should kill yourself

>> No.18175142

Is hylics good?

>> No.18175204
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Unlike the hyper /pol/arized reactionaries ITT I have actually used a therapist - a CBT counselor to be exact; meaning a problem-goal oriented session that I ended after 4 months, not some free form Soprano's confidant you can whine to twice a month forever.

My issues were not dissimilar to yours OP. A counselor will identify that you have some kind of imposter syndrome and self-esteem issues. They'll encourage you to keep a journal to purge your incessant negative thoughts (posting here doesn't count). They will do some exercises like asking you to name things you're good at, things you wish you were better at, identify concrete goals etc. They'll have you walk through the thought process you laid out in OP and make you stop and expand on certain assumptions and doubts. Basically making you confront yourself and aiding the process.

These are of course not magical cures, they are meant to identify potentialities that you can manifest but it'll still be up to you to do the work. Hopefully it will pull you out of your misanthropy and nihilism enough to arm you with the tools and head space to begin.

With all that said, I've had much better success with eastern philosophy, religion and psychedelics in the past for finding contentment and inner peace with existence. To be able to live in the present and be appreciative of the little things like nature, health, a good meal, shelter, hobbys, relationships etc. Only you can imbue those with meaning and be at peace.

>> No.18175234

>It’s not fair to the people who put time into making sure you become good to die and leave them shredded to pieces for years.
If you ask me they didn't try hard enough.

>> No.18175250

The real blackpill is that emotion is entirely arbitrary, and that your happy moments come on a whim and your darker moments are simply your brain running out of enough chemical slop to produce the happy moments.

I noticed this chemical determinism must be true after realizing I didn't have any reason to be happy in my happy moments, it just be like that.

>> No.18175288

>And even if you can’t name anyone, that someone is me. I care.
Not the anon you're replying to, but I have to say, one of the things that piss me off the most is complete strangers tell me they care about me. I was having a good day but I made the mistake of entering this thread and reading your post and now I'm angry, I'm gonna have to get off 4chan to calm down.

>> No.18175289

yes but no

>> No.18175310


Such solipsism.


Good album, a bit edgy and a little too well-produced but still a solid 7.5/10

>> No.18175837

Plant a fruit tree or something you giant baby

>> No.18175988

If you cant help yourself,help others.You might find something else to be dread for helping people.

>> No.18176037
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Take the nature pill.