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18188477 No.18188477 [Reply] [Original]

Post based quotes

>> No.18188479
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>> No.18188497
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>> No.18188517
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>> No.18188525
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>> No.18188567

"Not to be constantly correcting people, and in particular not to jump on them whenever they make an error of usage or a grammatical mistake or mispronounce something, but just answer their question or add another example, or debate the issue itself (not their phrasing), or make some other contribution to the discussion—and insert the right expression, unobtrusively." - Marcus Aurelius

I feel like more people need to take this advice

>> No.18188597

lol I write down rules every now and then which help me to improve certain aspects of myself and I wrote almost the exact thing a week ago

>> No.18188606

You should use punctuation.

>> No.18188614
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>> No.18188625

God gave the paradise to Adam and Eve and they rejected it. He's not malevolent, to the contrary.

>> No.18188630

fart humour tier

>> No.18188659

This is not phrased in a way that presents a complete idea, which makes his anti-correcting admonishment even funnier.

God, I hate illiterate little fucks, have refused and WILL KEEP ON refusing to continue conversations solely based on certain grammatical fuckups people commit.

>> No.18188666

This is basically some self-help motivational quote stuff.

>> No.18188667

filtered. Reddit take.

>> No.18188673

the man who lead to the downfall of the Roman Empire.

never become a breeder, anons

>> No.18188706

You should suck my dick. ;)

>> No.18188771
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Yeah, sure...

>> No.18188790
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And people say China got rid of it's old culture

>> No.18188799

Only if it's feminine

>> No.18188820

He is not in control of our every action

>> No.18188840

What do you mean ?

>> No.18188854

you're right, it says so when he mind controls somebody, like all those time he hardened pharaoh's heart so that he may kill more people

>> No.18188863

Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius

>> No.18188876

Eve did. It's unfair to castigate all of mankind for the actions of a single wench.

>> No.18188877

It's something I would expect to see under an Instagram post made by a thot.

>> No.18188890

>He is the creator of all things
>He is All-knowing
Seems like he has absolute control of our actions.

>> No.18188893

wtf I love instagram thots now

>> No.18188899
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>> No.18188906
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Mao quotes are very based

>> No.18188910
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>> No.18188911
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>> No.18188913

>insanely rich junkie commie

>> No.18188916


>> No.18188920

Religion is considered true by the ignorant, false by the wise, and by those in power as useful - Seneca

>> No.18188922

yes, he was extremely based wasnt he

>> No.18188925

based, if they are weak enough to commit suicide they aren't useful

>> No.18188929
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extremely based grifter, yes

>> No.18188937
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>> No.18188940

holy based

>> No.18188944
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>> No.18188948


>> No.18189019

>when the game is about feeling pain instead of feeling nothing at all you know you got it made

>> No.18189025

epicurus never said this

>> No.18189049

He gave the Pharoah a good 3 warnings before he started mind controlling him
Actually read the Bible next time you try to deboonk it, redditor.

>> No.18189065

The famine really made a dent on this graph

>> No.18189082

why did he mind control him at all retard

>> No.18189087

He was forcing what would have inevitably happened

>> No.18189092

Scripture says to Pharaoh: “I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden. One of you will say to me: “Then why does God still blame us? For who is able to resist his will?” But who are you, a human being, to talk back to God? “Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this? Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use?

>> No.18189107

bet he regrets that now

>> No.18189116

the problem with the problem of evil is that it implies God should be moral by human standard to be God, if you are all poerful you can do what you want

>> No.18189128
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>> No.18189131

“It is difficult to free people from the chains they revere.” - Voltaire

>> No.18189162

Philosophy really hasn't progressed much past Epicurus

>> No.18189234

China is about 58% men and 42% women

>> No.18189278

*tips fedora*

>> No.18189291


>> No.18189342

It's hilarious how easy it is to make christfags seethe. It's like a bunch of kids who refused to accept Santa isn't real and get triggered whenever somebody asks how he gets his fat ass down the chimney.

Crack open a history book lads, you'll be happier for it.

>> No.18189350

what book enlightened one

>> No.18189380

They contradicted an obviously false argument and your response is 'christfags'; do you happen to be American?

>> No.18189401

> Crack open a (((history book))) lads
No thanks, I'd rather endure a punch to the testicles.

>> No.18189419

They aborted too many female babies and now have an actual incel problem. This is compounded by their rapid modernization which sees many young women realizing they have a lot of power in sexual selection.

>> No.18189432

>liberal "humor"

>> No.18189439

I love how the Bible is essentially
"a scandalous women is the source of all problems",
but modern christians pussy up in public like "no, wait ignore that part of the Bible, ignore all those parts which make us look ancient, no wait but still read those Old Testament parts about faith".

>> No.18189445
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>> No.18189466

women btfo

>> No.18189473
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Based! Now get in

>> No.18189480

this only scratches the surface

>> No.18189502

Literally any world history book will do. You can read all about how old Akkadian stories like the flood myth were basically stolen, had all the Akkadian gods scratched out, and replaced with the Hebrew one.

You can read about the ways in which the Romans co-opted Christianity and rewrote it so it wouldn't be a threat to their empire, and how they rolled up random Roman and barbarian/druidic holidays and repainted them as Christian holidays.

You can read about how a million different sects split off based on their own political and power motivations and rewrote their doctrine to better control their congregations.

Modern Christianity would be completely unrecognizeable to anybody who actually followed Jesus, and the bible is largely a collection of repackaged fables and old-world political allegories.

It's all made by people, for the purposes of controlling other people.

What's false about the argument? The Problem of Evil is basically gradeschool-tier philosophy, but Christianity has yet to come up with a better response than "God works in mysterious ways," which is just a fancier way of saying "idk lol."

If you have a refutation of the problem of evil please share it, you could probably make a fortune off publication.

Most ignorance is willful.

>> No.18189529

> let me tell you about your religion (even though I think it's complete bullshit for retards), le post
Cool story, bro.

>> No.18189542

You can tell how stupid these people are by how they never actually have any arguments whatsover in defense of their ass-backward worldview. When challenged they just resort to le reddit tier insults and seething.

>> No.18189549

Multiple historical books from Greece and Rome write about how there was a darkness and earthquake on the Earth the same time as the crucifixion. So thank you, you’re right. Please pick up a historical book, one from the time these things actually occurred.

>> No.18189578

Just to pretend like this isn't complete bullshit for five seconds:

Yes half the earth is always dark at any given time it's called night lmao
Do you know how many earthquakes happen every day in your country alone, much less the entire world?

>This is what Christians *actually* think is proof

>> No.18189594

The Hebrews at the time were incredibly Hellenized. Philo of Alexandria was using Plato to write Torah commentaries before anyone had ever heard of Jesus. Jews lived in Rome and Ovid thought you could pick up girls at the synagogue. Everyone who lived in Jesus's time would be surprised at the state of things today, mostly because they'd have never believed that Rome would've become Christian.

>> No.18189600

> expecting 'arguments' in response to pinheaded shitposting
Keep those hot takes comin' brotha.

>> No.18189602

You sound a bit flustered after learning this. I bet you didn’t realize this was a thing. I bet you’re thinking I’m lying.

Do you know how many earthquakes which destroy buildings happen simultaneously during eclipses? except it’s explicitly written in the texts by the historians, who were learned and would be aware of the movement of the moon, that the eclipse was not aligned with the normal movements of the moon.

>> No.18189621
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My favorite Poet

>> No.18189647

One for the Francofags.

>> No.18189648

Holy crap, Napoleon was a Jew?

>> No.18189650

Hopefully your relationship to him has developed beyond his antisemitism. He's much more than that.

>> No.18189657
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>tfw you realize most great men in history hated Jews—even other Jews

>> No.18189665

I am convinced that the Khazar Turk meme is true, but that there are still true semitic chad jews. The difference between Michel de Montaigne and Ben Shapiro, it is the Khazar Turks who sully that once great tribe. They are a split people and only a few know this.

>> No.18189674

Happy to keep letting you prove my point homey.

I think the funniest part is that 99.9% of Christians have never read their own holy book. A lot will say they have, but let's be real. It's like 600,000 words of archaic prose, most of which is fairly boring. Your average podunk Christian has never read anything longer than a billboard ad. Even a midwit Christian probably thinks a 100,000 word plain-english airport novel is a meaty read. Hell I doubt most members of the clergy have actually read it cover to cover.

We have hundreds of millions of people swearing by a book whose contents they don't even know, and acting smug and self righteous about it to people who don't buy into it. Out come the quotes about how gays are evil, but then suddenly it's not meant to be taken literally when we get to the parts about how it's OK to sell your children into slavery or how wearing polyester is a one way ticket to hell.

It's hilarious, you can't make this shit up.

>> No.18189675

Of course, of course. It’s only one part of him that I happen to not be able to think about without laughing. Whether I am laughing at him or with him, I couldn’t tell you

>> No.18189682

>I think the funniest part is that 99.9% of Christians have never read their own holy book
that's a stupid exaggeration

>> No.18189684

Bobby Fischer one of the past centuries legitimately great geniuses might have been a Jew and got exiled for the JQ.

>> No.18189690
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>> No.18189692

>I think the funniest part is that 99.9% of Christians have never read their own holy book. A lot will say they have, but let's be real. It's like 600,000 words of archaic prose, most of which is fairly boring. Your average podunk Christian has never read anything longer than a billboard ad. Even a midwit Christian probably thinks a 100,000 word plain-english airport novel is a meaty read. Hell I doubt most members of the clergy have actually read it cover to cover.
It's the only book my redneck grandfather has ever read multiple times. KJV of course, and hence he uses words like 'yonder' in casual speech. Stop projecting and do some reading yourself.

>> No.18189693
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>> No.18189703

no he's right, most Xtians look at the Bible like a long-lasting self-help book or personal comforter, they don't actually practice it or else their would be more controversy, a large amount of Christians just let their pozzed church leaders read the Bible for themselves and sing a hymn and call it a day

>> No.18189705

>Did you know that when Jesus was born a starling shit the perfect word-for-word text of the serenity prayer on his manger
>It's true bro the Romans wrote about it
>Lmao you don't need a source just trust me bro
>Wow you seem super shook by these facts I'm spitting

:^) OK friend

>> No.18189743
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>> No.18189749

>He thinks "yonder" is a special bible word and not a relatively common word, especially in the South

Might want to take your own advice on reading there, chum. Sounds like you need some vocab flashcards.

>> No.18189766

those weren't meant to be taken literally retard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rn50_pjn5Cg

>> No.18189772

Wow Mr. Smith, very smart.

>> No.18189803
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>> No.18189815
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>> No.18189829
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Sure thing, faggot.

>> No.18189833

yoo we rising

>> No.18189867

Confucius didn't say either of those things

>> No.18189876
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proofs or it didn't happen

>> No.18189879

I mean, honestly based.

>> No.18189889

It was revealed to me in a dream.

>> No.18189897
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>> No.18189910
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>> No.18189920
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>> No.18189950
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more spengler quotes?

>> No.18189957
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>> No.18189958

No Spengler, the man who those bones belonged to was a retard.

>> No.18189972
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all Jews (Idumaeans) are genetically distinct group that descend from Herods people. Herod is the perfect patriarch for modern Jews, he's half Canaanite (Idumaean) and half Israelite. You're kinds of mistaken.

>> No.18189977

You can research it if you’re interested, I’m getting off this site which is a waste of time like everything online. Not just Romans and Greeks, middle easterners, Native Americans, etc.

>> No.18189980

>sign of the master of the second veil
just another proof this twat was a Gnostic, Masonic tool

>> No.18190062

>God be mean, thus, he not be God

>> No.18190107
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>> No.18190111
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>> No.18190119
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>> No.18190129


>> No.18190159

yeah but the problem with that counterargument is the following:
1) If God's morality is unintelligible to us, then who's to say that I shouldn't eat babies? The Bible? The bible cannot intelligibly represent God's divine morality because if we humans may understand it, then its not divine.
2) If God's morality is intelligible to us, then who's to say we ought not attempt to understand it from a human perspective? If we can understand God's morality, then what's so divine about it?

>> No.18190168

this nigga got an 8head

>> No.18190182

takes one to know one i guess

>> No.18190304
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>> No.18190313
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>> No.18190323

>I think the funniest part is that 99.9% of Christians have never read their own holy book.
Someone that merely goes to mass on Sundays will, over the liturgical course of three years, hear the entire new testament and all the relevant parts of the old (they skip some of the old Hebrew history in the mass cycle, but you'd have it in the liturgy of hours).
If you think that isn't reading, it's like complaining that people are retarded for seeing a stage performance of Hamlet instead of reading it (aside from the fact that they will obviously read it too in both case). The canon of the bible was drawn for liturgical purposes in the first place.

>> No.18190327

define evil

>> No.18190359

>While the book was not received negatively, it did not create the expected stir. Weininger was attacked by Paul Julius Möbius, professor in Leipzig and author of the book On the Physiological Deficiency of Women, and was accused of plagiarizing.

Truly a man born in the wrong era. He eclipsed into obscurity because everybody agreed with him already and felt pointing out the obvious was ugly and unseemly

>> No.18190417

>masons pick one of the most aesthetic posses because it look good on paintings and photographies
>brainlet 4channer: anyone who uses that posse is a mason chill

>> No.18190425


>> No.18190435

he was a member of the Lodge of the Grand Orient, but stupid faggot
back to r/books

>> No.18190444

It is

>> No.18190663

Impeding life, liberty, estate without just compensation or recourse.

>> No.18190791

absurdly based and redpilled

true morality is selfish

>> No.18190825

take your meds

>> No.18190838

take your meds

>> No.18190847

>judging a belief system by the dumbest person you can find who believes in it
i can tell you are both very smart and also genuinely interested in truth and not merely justifying your preconceived beliefs

>> No.18190868

and yet today we are struggling with people who believe in "community economics"

>> No.18190872


>> No.18191100
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>> No.18191136
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>> No.18191184

He's high as fuck here, doesn't know how to respond lmao

>> No.18191185

what if he's just indifferent

>> No.18191235
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Fuck citations, shit is nigger tier and the most onions thing that makes academics the most nightmarish shit too have to wade through in college.

>> No.18191242

Absolute tosh.

>> No.18191246

Very retarded quote.

>> No.18191267
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>> No.18191268

>Eve did. It's unfair to castigate all of mankind for the actions of a single wench.
Adam took the fruit too, dumbass.

>> No.18191275

>It's all made by people, for the purposes of controlling other people.
You really just had to throw away your entire "argument" for this cheap cop-out, huh?

>> No.18191282

>The Problem of Evil is basically gradeschool-tier philosophy, but Christianity has yet to come up with a better response than "God works in mysterious ways," which is just a fancier way of saying "idk lol."
They have, you just never bother to pay attention.

>> No.18191291

There is literally no reason to do research on the level of the crushed wojack, since no one even reads their work anyway. It's freeing when you realise that, just read the history of seers. The second you see more than a couple of footnotes per page, just bin it.

>> No.18191315

>Religion is considered true by the ignorant, false by the wise
Attributing a prescriptive to the "wise" is very much charlatanic and homosexual. Fuck the stoics.

>> No.18191371
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I miss Imperial Germany more and more each day.

>> No.18191381
File: 58 KB, 500x234, if-i-read-as-many-books-as-most-men-do-13401560~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They hated Thomas Hobbes because he told the truth

>> No.18191433
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"In early youth, as we contemplate our coming life, we are like children in a theatre before the curtain is raised, sitting there in high spirits and eagerly waiting for the play to begin. It is a blessing that we do not know what is really going to happen. Could we foresee it, there are times when children might seem like innocent prisoners, condemned, not to death, but to life, and as yet all unconscious of what their sentence means." - Schopenhauer

"We are like lambs in a field, disporting themselves under the eye of the butcher, who chooses out first one and then another for his prey. So it is that in our good days we are all unconscious of thr evil that Fate may have presently in store for us--sickness, poverty, mutilation, loss of sight or reason." - Schopenhauer

>> No.18191524

i can never find the source for these, most quotes like this are bullshit and have never been said or written

>> No.18191608

actually retarded lol

>> No.18191759

I have a couple of his books on my shelf but maybe I won't be reading them

>> No.18191894


>> No.18192197

how about you read him reject

>> No.18192298

Worth a hell of a lot more

>> No.18192399
File: 8 KB, 200x252, D8E46E9C-F33B-44EA-B349-5DCCE8B68EB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I don’t read therefore I am smart

>> No.18192404
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>> No.18192410

I wish christcucks would stop namedropping concepts they don’t understand.

>> No.18192414

Not what he said, maybe you should read less.

>> No.18192432
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>> No.18192541

That depends on where they're willing to put them (the testicles I mean...the women can be in the kitchen or bedroom).

>> No.18192565 [DELETED] 

> “Hemingway hailed Castro’s revolution as ‘very pure and beautiful,’” Fontova said. “He was also a guest of honor at many of Che Guevara’s firing squad massacres. Hemingway loved to watch Che’s firing squads murder hundreds of Cubans. Hemingway would watch the massacres from a picnic chair while sipping Daiquiris.”
Hemingway is so based

>> No.18192580
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>> No.18192607 [SPOILER] 
File: 178 KB, 575x551, 1620362840691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hemingway was an inspiration to the masses.

>> No.18192672

Its always funny when they respond with such confidence and then suddenly shut up when they can't think of an answer

>> No.18192689
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I don't practice the guitar and I'm basically fucking Santana, same shit goes for master philosophers. Based as fuck, only tryhard brainlets read, it's like how some guys compensate by working out a lot, dumb guys compensate by reading a lot and trying to deceive others by parroting what they read.

t. 98 IQ, at least I'm not a midwit!

>> No.18192691

Who cropped this shit? Awful

>> No.18192849
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>> No.18193320
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>> No.18193367

He didn't say that. He just said that makes him malevolent.

>> No.18193387
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>> No.18193413

Napoleon was relentlessly based.

>> No.18193425

Hell yeah. And start flinging your feces around when you get upset too, it’s real fun. Burn down the houses of people who annoy you.

>> No.18193447

But they *are* taking over

>> No.18193507
File: 42 KB, 399x547, wtf I love Mugabe now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mugabe? More like Mugabased, am I right?

>> No.18193515
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>> No.18193518

what book is this

>> No.18193520

The book of based quotes, obviously.

>> No.18193549


>> No.18193563

What a stupid fucking quote

>> No.18193579

>painted woodcut
What are you playing at here?

>> No.18193616

Lmao based, same with retards that shit their pants over pronouns

>> No.18193631
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>> No.18193635

He was a /biz/ guy all along.

>> No.18193662


>> No.18193669
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>> No.18193684
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> The Problem of Evil is basically gradeschool-tier philosophy, but Christianity has yet to come up with a better response than "God works in mysterious ways," which is just a fancier way of saying "idk lol."
Get a load of this midwit.

>> No.18193700

>98 IQ, at least I'm not a midwit!
Lol yeah, hobbes also says that ignorant people are dumb, but ignorant people who read ignorant books ignorantly become profoundly stupid. They erode away their ability to think for themselves
Either choose your books carefully or read nothing

>> No.18193702

How the fuck haven't you grown up out of your fedora phase yet? It's unironically CURRENT YEAR.

>> No.18193778


>> No.18193781

wow that was really based

>> No.18193814

>the problem of evil
Atheist moral objectivists are just pitiful victims of brainwashing who hate Christianity only because they think it is too harsh to gays and women. You are more religious than the religious with your moral dichotomies that seem to transcend even the divine.

>> No.18193830

I miss him

>> No.18193877

Refuted by evolution.

>> No.18193882

Do your biting the bullet on the Euthyphro dilemma?

>> No.18193901
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Exactly the thread I was looking for
Guess the book wagies

>> No.18193913

t. never read morals and dogma

>> No.18193952

>Crack open
Shut the fuck up

>> No.18193981
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>> No.18193998
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>When an ass climbeth a ladder you may find wisdom in women

>> No.18194019

Give Cardi B's a couple years. She is - after all - a pioneer in women's pop music who's smashing glass ceilings

>> No.18194022

Not him, but I don't trust people who do that as it just amounts to a definitional retreat to justify evil. It is conceivable, however, that God's morality is different to human morality in the same way that human morality is different to, say, an ant's. The Good from a God's-eye point of view is the good of the entire universe, so there can be no room for particularism or sentimentality.

>> No.18194031
File: 63 KB, 850x400, quote-whoever-said-the-pen-is-mightier-than-the-sword-obviously-never-encountered-automatic-douglas-macarthur-34-62-60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18194318

Didn't knew that they wrote orders to go to war with automatic machine guns

>> No.18194391

Diaz is an okay writer

>> No.18194403

Automatic Weapons > Pen > Sword

>> No.18194411

You must learn the Riddle of Steel.

>> No.18194412

Automatic weapons are not swords, was he a retard?

>> No.18194423

I think you can more than easily answer these questions yourself logically.

1) You make retards who don't coprehend anything, be functional parts of society, yet they don't understand, how, why, where, and what's of it. So I guess God is implied to be more retarded than caretakers?
2)We can """ought to""", except there are projections through human perceiving, cognitive and manipulating lenses + our ontological limitations.

Is this that hard? Or are you retarded?

>> No.18194432

Problem is that this quote is not end of the thought line, but a beginning. Yet midwits latch on it as a definitive note.

There are 1000x more philosophers who say otherwise, yet they are not quoted because their conclusions are not desired by midwits coomers.

>> No.18194434

Nice try anglo-saxon. Read Carlyle.

>> No.18194468

Another great quote from Mao:

>He [Qin Shi Huang] buried 460 scholars alive; we have buried forty-six thousand scholars alive... You [intellectuals] revile us for being Qin Shi Huangs. You are wrong. We have surpassed Qin Shi Huang a hundredfold. When you berate us for imitating his despotism, we are happy to agree! Your mistake was that you did not say so enough.

>> No.18194484

"When a woman's stomach gurgles and a burp issues forth from her esophagus after swallowing a man's cum, thou shalt know the last seal has been broken and 'The Last War' is to commence."
-John The Baptist, Revelatioins

>> No.18194585

>using human thinking to project human limitations and morality on the divine

>> No.18195119


Jumping through the biggest mental hoop of all time thinking "God has a plan, he is all knowing"

now that's embarrassing

>> No.18195126

I'm thinking so, such an obvious blunder.

>> No.18195175

I'm baffled at how retarded this board is. Read the quote again, it answers all these posts

>> No.18195593
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>> No.18195614

Adorno was such an autistic shitposter, lefties idolizing and /pol/lacks hating him have no idea.

>> No.18195699

why? he's obviously right.

>> No.18195715


>> No.18195893

The axis lost because they couldn't adapt to the allies shooting swords at them.

>> No.18195916

I have a hard time believing a man of that intellect couldn't differentiate between lose and loose.

>> No.18195929

supremely based

>> No.18195932

unbelievably based

>> No.18195984

in terms of predicates yours is far more assuming than his.

Of course it depends on your definition of god. and if there is a catagorical difference between mortal and divine, which is usually agreed, otherwise God is a meaningless terminology in itself.

the idea of godlyness implies difference from nongodlyness. therefore ascribing mortal limitations on the divine is oxymoronic.

the problem here is what we define god as A PRIORI.

>> No.18196197

Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.18196204
File: 87 KB, 950x695, 17991037_1621334011228641_2969786126249515073_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the (you) kind stranger! Here's a funny meme!

>> No.18196359

Look at that dude's noggin.

>> No.18196373

I am a youth minister. I know many, many "Christians", mostly Catholic but occasionally Protestant who don't know even the most basic things about Christianity. I'm not talking about Bible trivia, I mean basic concepts like who Jacob was. It's baffling.

>> No.18196466

Best quote itt

>> No.18196589

So it's like rock, paper, scissors?

>> No.18196597


>> No.18196611
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This is the only Mussolini quote i have. Dunno about the rest of his philosophy but he was right about anarchists.

>> No.18196618

What's the source on St. Augustines quote?

>> No.18196631

Thats because of his massive brain

>> No.18196638

>Implying Mao would even get closed to heaven
straight to the deepest circles of hell

>> No.18196658

he's pretty good when you ignore his shit about jazz. His criticisms are great, but he constantly has to resort to utopianism in his critiques of the Enlightenment, because he cannot let go of the idea of socialism, even though the logical conclusion of his philosophy is that socialism is impossible. In Prisms, he basically agrees with Spengler that decline is terminal, but that socialism will inevitably prove Spengler wrong (though there is no indication for this).
But if Adorno were to draw this final conclusion, he'd simply become an extremely reactionary conservative, and he cannot admit that to himself.

>> No.18196661

Blah blah I’m another faggot

>> No.18196679

Pure basedness. A natural, logical observation. And nowadays saying it makes you a radical.

>> No.18196685

I heard somewhere that also because of their teeth he thought they are inferior

>> No.18196694

"[Administration] covers the surface of society with a network of small complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd. The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided: men are seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting: such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to be nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd." —Alexis de Tocqueville ('Democracy in America')

>> No.18196699

-William Falkner.

>> No.18196806
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>> No.18196836

fpbp. larping atheists on suicide watch, etc.

>> No.18196925

Good but fake

>> No.18197035
File: 68 KB, 758x1024, salazar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Possibly for some a transitory or permanent association of material interests, the Nation is to us, above all, a moral entity, shaped over centuries and through the labor and solidarity of the successive generations, linked by affinities of blood and spirit, and to which, we could very well believe, is providentially attributed a specific mission in human history. Only by the weight of countless sacrifices, by common and united struggle, by shared identity and genesis, only by that collective patrimony, only by that spiritual communion is one morally grounded in his duty to serve the Nation and give one's life for it. Everything for the Nation, nothing against the Nation."
- Salazar

>> No.18197391
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>> No.18197967

actually a great quote - shed the normie bullshit and become the ayyy you truly are.

>> No.18197990

Man we need some of that gas in America

>> No.18198035
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>> No.18198180

I absolutely must read this man.

>> No.18198220
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>> No.18198227

And that's a good thing

>> No.18198264

I must have the name on this book, urgently

>> No.18198367
File: 69 KB, 750x750, peace between the races.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am officially no longer angry at Mugabe.

>> No.18198381

based Minazo poster

>> No.18198527

I thought Ezra Pound was a black woman lol

>> No.18198559
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>> No.18199459

How does Powell negotiate the quality of what is produced?
A lot of the worlds greatest artists are poor. A lot of music acts who provide formulaic works the public finds appealing are rich.
A lot of wealthy people simply own land or houses and do nothing.

>> No.18199645

If it was inevitable, why did he have to force it.

>> No.18199660

I agree lets get rid of the ruling class

>> No.18199673

t. Pseudius Maximus

>> No.18199778
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>> No.18199924


>> No.18199931

it doesn't. it somehow presupposes that god is a human rather than a deity.

>> No.18199981
File: 56 KB, 480x600, bd99cc265add529b8866d957101884a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn that's a good one

>> No.18200059 [DELETED] 

now we know what mark twain would have thought about the desiderata

>> No.18200068

When I was midwit, I thought this was trying to prove that God does not exist, after reading and escaping midwitdom, this is literally proving God exists.

>> No.18200076 [DELETED] 

Mencken's Dictionary of Quotations.

>> No.18200144

I agree, lets do this through free markets, free trade, reducing regulation, and in general laissez-faire economics :)

>> No.18200370

Dumb take.

>> No.18200407
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>> No.18201603
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Based and ted-pilled

>> No.18201810

alien muthafucka died in '61, thats an impostor

>> No.18202388

Deism is based. You're a retard that believes in magic.

>> No.18202421

That's actually kind of hilarious

>> No.18202430

Better than the new cover for God Emperor of Dune.

>> No.18202499
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>God is a being

>> No.18202560

good post

>> No.18202579


>> No.18202607

>gets his arsed kicked by superior infantry, cavalry (tanks), and artillery

>> No.18202675


>> No.18202718

based jew unironically

>> No.18202804

this enrages the theorycel

>> No.18202927
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>> No.18202952

The Eternal Kraut does not even disguise his intent to destroy European civilisation.

>> No.18202974
File: 54 KB, 850x400, quote-woman-is-a-temple-built-over-a-sewer-tertullian-56-0-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18203032

This is silly. It completely ignores free will.

>> No.18203076


>> No.18203118

this is the most cringe thing i've seen in months

>> No.18203119

The events that took place in the Garden of Eden is explained perfectly by the Gnostic tradition and tells of the goodness and omnipotence of God the Father. Even since those days mankind has been offered salvation from earthly constraints.

>> No.18203439

The larping about Germans being natural "heroes" (while the French are sybarites and Brits shekel shufflers) was always embarrassing but was made retroactively cringe of the highest order by the defeat.

>> No.18203561
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>> No.18203649

Remarkably based

>> No.18203679


>> No.18203741

Did you know that redditors drink water, eat food and breathe oxygen?
Good luck, faggot.

>> No.18203750
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>> No.18203786

How can someone be omniscient and not in control of our every action?
inb4 quantum physics disproves Laplace's demon
Even if our world is non-deterministic, you do not control how a wave function collapses.

>> No.18203791

this is the single most based thing i have ever seen in my entire life.

>> No.18203799

LMAO no they don't they drink soi, eat bugs, and breathe city smog

>> No.18203816
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>> No.18203850
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>> No.18203874

Hate that pedo but holy based

>> No.18203933

You would suck the dick, hot from a child's ass, because it's attached to someone who hates Americans. You must be English.

>> No.18203989
File: 70 KB, 850x400, quote-i-m-not-for-women-frankly-in-any-job-i-don-t-want-any-of-them-around-thank-god-we-don-richard-m-nixon-110-1-0128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless Nixon.

>> No.18204009
File: 16 KB, 220x297, 1580419582792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Napoleon is the idol of midwitts. The repercussions of his attempts to appease his conscious have irreversibly degraded humanity itself. Democracy's foundation is wishful thinking.

>> No.18204075
File: 91 KB, 1125x1006, Bateman from Kazakhstan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is at least the best normalfag internet comment.

>> No.18204085

Good cannot exist without evil.
It's either both, or the void.

>> No.18204109


>> No.18204122

Based. Reminds me of this:
>"I have found strength where one does not look for it: in simple, mild, and pleasant people, without the least desire to rule—and, conversely, the desire to rule has often appeared to me a sign of inward weakness: they fear their own slave soul and shroud it in a royal cloak (in the end, they still become the slaves of their followers, their fame, etc.) The powerful natures dominate, it is a necessity, they need not lift one finger. Even if, during their lifetime, they bury themselves in a garden house!"
- Nietzsche

>> No.18204180

>"I'm a corporate raider," I whispered lasciviously into the cordless phone. "I orchestrate hostile takeovers. What do you think of that?" and I would pause before making sucking noises, freakish piglike grunts, and then ask, "Huh, bitch?" Most of the time I could tell they were frightened and this pleased me greatly, enabled me to maintain a strong, pulsing erection for the duration of the calls, until one of the girls, Hilary Wallace, asked, unfazed, "Dad, is that you?" and whatever enthusiasm I'd built up plummeted.

>> No.18204302
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>> No.18204391

This is the guy who shapes the current political discourse in the US. Just think about that for a second.
>negotiate the quality
First, cringe jargon.
Second, he doesn't need to. Un-parasitized value is always better then parasitized value, no matter what that value is or how much of it there is.

>> No.18204759

The ability to restrict yourself is a freedom.

>> No.18204972


>> No.18205017


>> No.18205040

i fucking hate citations.

>> No.18205055
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>> No.18205062


>> No.18205138

did he have dementia? what the fuck is this quote even trying to say. bunch of nigger shit

>> No.18205149

holy shit

>> No.18205396
