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18292545 No.18292545[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else feeling like the 21st century is like a boring interlude between the interesting 20th and 22nd centuries?

>> No.18292564

I'll live to see the turn of the century.

>> No.18292576

We need big war

>> No.18292585

Second half of the 21st century real AI's should get here and there will be more change than in the last 2000 years.

>> No.18292588

I remember talking to my internet friends about wanting a catastrophe or something to finally happen because I'm bored and they never replied.

>> No.18292623

>implying that there will be anything interesting in the 22nd century
Civilisation is finished, anon. You are living in the final days.

>> No.18292631

>Climate change
You will live long enough to see us as a species and as a planet make it or go down in flames. You are literally living in the most interesting and important time period in human history.

>> No.18292643

die, zoomer

>> No.18292657

Imagine telling someone to die because you're going to die before them.

>> No.18292666

We are entering a period of misery so profound that the entire rest of human history will recede into insignificance next to it. All that remains is the the state capturing the final pieces of total technological control over the population. The entire world, every part of your waking life, will be comprehensible and accessible only in terms of interactions mediated by digitally assisted state control.

>> No.18292670

Why are you guys so optimistic? I don't see us really making it past climate change with any of the political institutions from today surviving

>> No.18292680
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He tried to warn you.

>> No.18292681

It is you who is the optimist anon.

>> No.18292682

I'm a zoomer myself tho. I will be 97 on January 1st, 2100. I just don't like zoomers

>> No.18292685

Construction boom from coastal flooding is probably going to be good for developed countries. It's places like Bangladesh that are going to get fucking with starvation and displacement. Who cares.

>> No.18292690

>he doesn't think he's going to live to 100
You have to be optimistic.

>> No.18292693

Have you been asleep that past few years? And we're only 21 years into this century, there's time for all sorts to happen.

>> No.18292699

2020 was the real y2k. Things are only getting started

>> No.18292701

I simply assume climate change was invented by the state and academia and other powerful players. For one thing they can't really model any of the global climate accurately and predict it, it's just not possible, it's an astronomically complex system, you can't even measure it any real sense. For another they keep producing huge grifts of 'replaceable energy' that never actually do anything but get Gov subsidies, never produce fuck all. For another the way I see the powerful countries behaving, they don't seem to be acting like they actually believe climate change is happening, I'm pretty sure the real players know it's laughable bullshit. There is also the whole climate audit thing, Mann was shown to be basically making shit up and enforcing a kind of science mafia, and then refused to produce his data in court.

Climate change would be merciful compared to how things are heading anyway. Anarchy and starvation are constants of human history, what we are heading into is a new hell.

>> No.18292715


this, when I was younger I was scared shitless of climate change but now I believe the jury is out and at the very least it is overblown for political purposes

>> No.18292719

I will but I’d have to make it to 100

>> No.18292747

What's the point? Look at Biden. He's barely there and he's just 78.

So I only have until the 2080s at most and still be considered lucid

>> No.18292762

>or another the way I see the powerful countries behaving, they don't seem to be acting like they actually believe climate change is happening
I mean, the rhetoric is there, and China and the EU are trying to address it. America is behind because of how the oil companies own our legislature.

>> No.18292773

China recently overtook the entire combined OECD countries in total output

>> No.18292780

What convinced me is Canada and Russia maneuvering for position in the Arctic in anticipation of sea lanes opening up. The Russians wouldn't do that if it was just some made up crap.

>> No.18292783

Odds of surviving automation, let alone climate change are looking pretty dire as an autistic NEET in the UK, mate.

>> No.18292786

No, we need big suicide pact from all the war lovers

>> No.18292798

the arctic sea route is a total meme. considering the absolutely shitty conditions there - the path is only 30% shorter than the suez path AND there is literally no infrastructure there at all (as well as no incentive for anybody to live there). and ships do need to make stops en route, not for fuel, but for trading, to maximize trade. so just a shorter path won't cut it if there's nothing between the start and end point

>> No.18292863

automation will make society a worse hell than the congo and not because things will come crashing down but for the opposite reason all autonomy will be lost

>> No.18292865

A massive global shipping lane + a shitload of precious metals + related infrastructure are all good reasons to live there

>> No.18292869


>China and the EU are trying to address it. America is behind because of how the oil companies own our legislature

China does not give a shit about climate change, they are still in the process of industrialization and will do anything to catch up to the US and EU. Rhetoric is just that - rhetoric, and any action undertaken is not because they are concerned about global climate change but because the level of pollution in some areas domestically are out of control.

Can you provide specific examples of legislation within the last 10 years that has been significantly altered or amended at the behest of oil lobbyists to benefit the American oil industry? Or are you simply spewing a narrative that you have been spoon fed? BTW I am not implying that you are wrong about oil lobbyists, just checking to make sure you know what you are talking about.

>> No.18292877

Based and tedpilled

>> No.18292893
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>tfw the federal government is literally going to be writing your ToS for all mainstream platforms while also collaborating with tech companies to monitor your every move
How are you planning to hack your social credit scores guys? I just hope that Biden, in his august wisdom and mercy, doesn't monitor my 4chan posts when I try to rent a house.

>> No.18292956

no, you were literally alive during the dawn of widespread internet. people have never been this easily connected before and it has radically altered how we do everything from business to romance and even platonic friendship. this shit is a bigger deal than the combustion engine or Enlightenment. assuming our garbage planet actually has a future, it might be that we are viewed as the first "modern people" in a couple hundred years the same way we view Early Modern yuros versus 1500s peasants; we are the intermediate phase between the 19th century retarded monke and the new man of tomorrow, we are characterized primarily by:

>almost total abandonment of traditional religion partially due to media saturation (many westoids have borderline replaced religion with literal nigger worship but that's another can of worms)
>sexual propriety totally scrapped
>the first time people can instantly communicate with others on the opposite side of the planet and with ease for cultural exchange, half of boomers didn't even have landline phones and it was highly limited
>now nearly everyone carries a multimedia device capable of shit people couldn't imagine 2 decades ago

it goes on and there are many negative aspects to all this like big data/government surveillance but you're insane if you think we live in unremarkable times. this is literally the whackiest point in human history by far. who can say what the future will be, but I think you'll have as easy a time understanding it as a byzantine corn farmer transported into the middle of a 2009 miley cyrus concert. you have residual 19th century monkey brain.

>> No.18292971

That's exactly what war is.

>> No.18292974

Isn’t every year an interlude by that logic OP?

>> No.18292977

There's not going to be a next century.

>> No.18292981

>spreading rumours on the internet
I cry every tim.


>> No.18292982

i hope they make me suffer as much as possible because it will purify me for my sins

>> No.18292985

War is exactly a suicide pact between war lovers? :3

Something makes me think otherwise.

>> No.18292990

>byzantine corn farmer transported into the middle of a 2009 miley cyrus concert
He'd just think he was at the Hippodrome, but with more sexual immorality and flashier lights.

>> No.18293055

Literally this. There's nothing new under the sun. Most we've accomplished is to take the retardation of the past, make it the basis of our society and exaggerate it to absurdity.

>> No.18293142

based chinks

>> No.18293154

>priority for school admissions and employment
>easier access to cash loans and consumer credit
>tax breaks
>denial of licenses, permits, and access to some social services
>less access to credits
>ineligibility for government jobs
>no access to private schools
All of these things are common in Western countries, we just call them "Credit Score", "Academic Transcript", and "Criminal Record" and nobody cares if you visit your grandparents or not.
I thought China was supposed to be the bad guys, but it mostly seems like they're just a cheap imitation.

>> No.18293177

Ernst Jünger said that 21st century would resolve the contradictions of the 20th century that it couldn't resolve. You should be proud of living in the 21st century

>> No.18293213

Who knows what you might be able to do with modern technology.

>> No.18293220

The 21 century has just begun, It is a quirk of the time keeping, since Jesus started His ministry at 30 years.You have to add a generation or so to see the major changes, it is call a long century.
The long XIX century ended in 1921, after the end of the Russian and German civil wars. The long XVIII century ended in 1815 with the Council of Vienna. The long XVII century ended between 1714 and 1721, with the end of the Was of the Spanish Succession (Spain demoted, Britain and France promoted) and the Great Northern War (Russia ascendant, Sweden demoted and place for Prussia opened).
So the long XX century ended at least around 2014, with the Corona case being either the XXI beginning in full or century XX definitely ending.

>> No.18293228

Why is /lit/ the designated "virgin freak shares his retarded opinions about his boring life" board? Fuck off, you massive faggot.

>> No.18293241

Most people don't lose it.

Especially academics/generally smart people because they're always developing and refreshing their minds. Some of the greatest minds have produced their greatest works in the 80s.

>> No.18293381

go back

>> No.18293384

The more I read about what this guy said in this board, the more I think he was a complete retard.

>> No.18293414

this guy gets it. It's over.

>> No.18293539

Climate change has been studied for over 80 years now, and automation has arguably been around for much longer. Even AI has been around for 50 years.

>> No.18293583

>lose points for cheat in online games
Minecraft anarchy servers BTFO!

>> No.18293600

love from murrica mr.Xi

>> No.18293669

Even assuming the bizarro predictions of the GIEC to come true (ie the guys with track records on par with astrology) we are looking at a relocation of a few farming areas (in the direction of more farming potential by the way), a reforestation and a few adjustments in city building. The area actually at risk from floods are minimal and mostly in shitholes like India that have ever had any issue mass relocating people through their history. Not to mention even this unlikely scenario would happen over decades.
Anyone that believe in Hollywood disaster movie scripts out of "climate change" is a tool that will enthusiastically promote government powers to fight a strawman.
Arguably the greatest political change out of it would be the actual opening of northern shipping roads. Russia would become very rich out of this. Places largely relying on current intermediate commerce (Gulf states, Egypt, Singapore, Panama) would go on suicide watch.

>> No.18293708

whatever my example was shit but the idea stands. you dorks always think you can pull out the empathy card like it's pokemon on people from vastly different locations and time periods with alien mindsets (because humans are just le blank slate), yet you'd start shorting out at some of the shit afghan mountain people think and do in 2021. talking to third worlders can truly be like talking to a space alien, or prehistoric man at times.

>> No.18293720

The fact you believe China cares about climate change says a fucking lot about how well their propoganda is working.

>> No.18293736

I think that history will start to slow down, coinciding with the decline in fossil fuels. Less ability and need for conquest, less resources to fight over, less drama and action. Hopefully I haven't made any of you a pessimist haha

>> No.18293793

>Less resources means less friction to acquire said resources
Anon are you sure you thought this through

>> No.18293813

Meant less fighting, thanks

>> No.18293868

Yes, the first two decades is sufficient time to write off an entire century.

>> No.18293896
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TFW you will 100% be DEAD DEAD DEAD by the year 2100

>> No.18294037
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>two more weeks and science juice will work promise

>> No.18294051

Try going outside sometime.
Alberta has lost several winters in the past few years. This is a place where normal is lots of -40 days.

>> No.18294087

Not even that guy, but technology has fundamentally changed the way we exist in the last 100 years, and it is accelerating.

You are an absolute retard if you can't admit that technology has been the fundamental driving force that shapes how we live.

>> No.18294093

We're heading for global fascism though anon. That will be exciting. We already have fascism in the west and china but we're going to come together as a planet!

>> No.18294110

If we don't have fossil-fueled agriculture millions or billions will die.

>> No.18294229

Mouse and Keyboard gone in 30 years
Loss of cross-language literacy thanks to real-time translation tools
Rocket launch accident caused by space debris
Quality of procedurally-generated storytelling (animated films, video games, novels) indistinguishable from human writing

just my vague predictions

>> No.18294306


The powerful players aren't doing anything because they're a bunch of fucking idiots.

There is no wise captain in charge of this crazy ship.

>> No.18294334

Stop using /pol/ as your only source for geopolitics.

>> No.18294599

I have apoe4 so nope. Heart attack in my 60s pls

>> No.18294630

Muh science

>> No.18294642

For me it's Dave Smith. Bill Clinton destroyed free speech with the Telecommunications Act of 1996 which consolidated all media into 6 major companies so they could better control the propaganda. Now the state controls social media. We live in fascism anon. This website is one of the only bastions of free speech there still is online.

>> No.18294648

Actually they are. They're having us eat plastic and spraying round up on the vegetables which lowers birth rates and sexual dimorphism. Population control is the real solution to the problem of pollution.

>> No.18294700

This is the last century and I hope it is.

>> No.18294824

No. I think things will get even more lame, static, and inert from here on out.

>> No.18294836

That's just totalitarianism, not fascism though

>> No.18294852

The Age of Aquarius is just getting started, anon. You shall see things unprecedented in this world.

>> No.18294896

China is fascist. We are fascist-lite. We have:
>government and business run together
>taxation of the middle class to benefit the state and the rich
>rigid social norms enforced by blacklisting
>a one party system
>controlled state propaganda across social media and telecommunications companies

We are missing only ultranationalism and a beloved figurehead.

>> No.18294910

Is fascism without modern technology even possible?

>> No.18294922

Define modern. Was the 1930s modern? Or are you meaning relays, telecommunications, and computers?

>> No.18294979

Nationalism is an integral part of fascism. "International Fascism" seems contradictory.

>> No.18294993

I mean tech developed since the industrial revolution.

>> No.18295003
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It is. First of all, its own definition:

International Fascism is a type of right-wing political movement and the political representation of a section of this movement in other countries, which originated and spread after World War I under the impact of the German Nazi Party (NSDAP) and, to a lesser extent, other European right-wing extremist parties. International Fascism is characterized by its hostility towards political movements (e.g., socialism, liberalism, communism, anarchism).

>> No.18295005

Business and government being a cooperative entity to steal from the middle class is the part of fascism I dislike. The entire woke-agenda is just a plot to keep the middle and lower classes hating each other. It was pushed because the tea party libertarians who hated the politicians and the 99% socialists who hated the bankers were dangerously close to realizing the bankers and politicians are in bed with each other. The fact that the CIA just put out a woke ad should tell you that I'm right.

>> No.18295015

Wanting to export your political philosophy is something I understand. It's still nationalistic.
What I wouldn't consider fascism is a system that disregards its own nation and its welfare in favour of internationalism.

>> No.18295023
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It's something I find despicable, so I don't think it would necessarily satisfy the historical, philosophical and political justifications for a positive article. But that's me, that's my political ideal.

>> No.18295041

The pope is currently the head of an organization attempting to create an international banking-business-governmental standard right now. The difference of this new form of fascism is that it is pushed by corporations who are buying governments.

>> No.18295049

You're using fascism as a slur for totalitarian political philosophies

>> No.18295058
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This revolution is being achieved through the twin agendas of the Federal Reserve (American Treasury) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) which are in turn being funded by the Rockefeller and Rothschild families.

God Bless Pope Francis. He is trying to alert the world to the tyranny and corruption of the current corporate-financier oligarchy. Yet many will take his warning to heart, so much so that they will change their ways, or at least vote according to the policies they believe...

>> No.18295064

>it's not the kind of fascism where I get a white virgin wife and a car

>> No.18295069
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The Nazi death camps, and communist regimes weren't dictatorships of the people; they were state-sponsored genocide.

The Holocaust, nothing less than the murder of 6 million innocent human beings, was a state-sponsored mass slaughter.

So if you want to call a government dictator, that's fine. But if you're gonna say that the state is tyrannical, that it's tyrannical and oppressive and a dictatorship, then you're automatically attacking socialism, because socialism is totalitarian...

>> No.18295070
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>> No.18295090

Yeah maybe the Pope and the USA and China and International Finance are all Fascist, or maybe you're using a ridiculously overbroad definition of that word because you are a lolbert who can't into real political philosophy.

>> No.18295093

The Vatican bends over for the neoliberals. Why do you think Pope Francis was photographed kissing ni**ers' feet?

>> No.18295094

Bank of America and Visa are both members anon.

>> No.18295103

>The Holocaust, nothing less than the murder of 6 million innocent human beings
Um sweatie it was actually 11 million, you're forgetting the gypsies and the gays

>> No.18295107

Also the rothschilds and rockefellers lmao

>> No.18295117

I'm thinking I'm right and you're just mad because you romanticize the family propaganda.

>> No.18295118


>> No.18295147

no because it isnt

>> No.18295352

No, it's not. Totalitarianism, as a concept, is inherently modern. The powers that were in Antiquity, the medieval period, etc couldn't exert their will to a fraction of the extent a modern "liberal democracy" can.

To oppose totalitarianism is to oppose technology, and vice versa.

>> No.18295391

Screencapping this

>> No.18295420
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>> No.18295434
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Global warming is real but theres no real evidence it is man made.

>> No.18295440

Western civilization will largely if not entirely disappear this century. I don't know what interesting things you're expecting to happen in the next century.

>> No.18295441

>Quality of procedurally-generated storytelling (animated films, video games, novels) indistinguishable from human writing
Indistinguishable from hack writing

>> No.18295474

Stfu retard

>> No.18295480

Honestly sounds more like neo-liberalism.

>> No.18295531

I might be retarded but its because of all those nangs, besides who cares induces the change if, the century's still boring, I feel like we're in an american tv drama thats been pushed too many seasons and all the episodes are just repetitive filler, DO SOMETHING TONY SOPRANO

>> No.18295557

Doesn't matter, we have to adapt or see our life quality decrease drastically.

>> No.18295586
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> a generation of overweight drone pilots, to replace the effeminate fags we have.
Kek. Forget it, there is only one way.

>> No.18295596
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thats such a great painting. I just looked it up, theres more to it

>> No.18295599

just quit smoking...