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18294175 No.18294175 [Reply] [Original]

How does one enhance creativity?

>> No.18294437


>> No.18294448

Creativity is a result of intelligence. This is why blacks are so conformist and consistently do what duh othah niggahs be doin. It is very difficult to find an interesting, unique, independent-minded black.

>> No.18294462


>> No.18294464

shut up racist slut

>> No.18294469

How is he wrong though?

>> No.18294480

So far these are not the kind of replies I wanted. I'm pressing the reset button in this thread right now

>> No.18294484

if you can't tell you are retarded

>> No.18294486
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Creativity is a result of intelligence. This is why women are so conformist and consistently do what the other women are doing. It is very difficult to find an interesting, unique, independent-minded womn

>> No.18294491

I’m a white man. This is also why women aren’t creative (contrary to what the culture would have you believe). The female IQ is about five points lower than the male IQ.

>> No.18294497


>> No.18294499

No I'm not black
How is he wrong?

>> No.18294500

I would imagine it takes practice just like every other thing in the world. Start painting, writing, playing the guitar etc

>> No.18294502


>> No.18294505

By NOT taking drugs. That's for sure. You'll become dependent on them.

>> No.18294515

Typical woman response. Go shill for blacks at the next BLM riot like the woman you are.

>> No.18294525


>> No.18294532

lmao seething black woman

>> No.18294537

lol retarded americans peed on the thread
the fuck is wrong with them

>> No.18294548

you look like the faggot of twitter category
go back
clean the thread

>> No.18294563

Oh I get it you're a pajeet

>> No.18294579

rent free

>> No.18294585
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>> No.18294595

OP has started a race war
well OP the answer is to start getting bored more

>> No.18294605

Pathetic. Racism needs to be conquered with fraternity or the US will crumble.
Difficult to do, but there's some things you can do to improve the inputs:
1) Read a wide range of non-fiction
2) Read philosophy on that wide range
3) Poetry every now and then
4) Meditation - I liked the gateway experience
5) Plant-based psychedellics - shrooms have helped a lot

>> No.18294609


>> No.18294615

The negro invented jazz anon.

>> No.18294616

where to start listening to that stuff? I like the sound of sax

>> No.18294620

Blacks are inferior to whites. They are more impulsive because of their simian brains, and this is why they love committing crime so much.

>> No.18294625

>Pathetic. Racism needs to be conquered with fraternity or the US will crumble.
The reason the US is crumbling is because of the mixing of incompatible peoples. Why do you think all the elites are massively into migration? It keeps people from being able to come together.

>> No.18294628

Jazz is dogshit, so I don’t see why that matters. They also invented purple drank and the knockout game.

>> No.18294635

>muh race
the truth is,both of you will be beaten by a black dude half to death in a fist fight and won't do shit while he fucks your wife and daughter in one go.

>> No.18294644


>> No.18294651

/pol/tards are the reddit of 4chan
just uncensored and edgier for the sake of edge.
The collective need to sound the loudest one in the bunch is still there

>> No.18294656

>muh race
>blacks behave like rabid apes and rape your family
Uhh I'm not sure what you were trying to accomplish by saying that, thanks for proving my point I guess?

>> No.18294663
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>> No.18294672

Expose yourself to new things and ideas. Depending on your craft and goals, look into small daily exercises to boost creative technique, if you want something structured. Lean in to idle time by just doing something for art's sake.

In general, not sitting on /lit/ all day would be a big first step.

>> No.18294674

Clearly has never done acid before

>> No.18294678

the point that you are insecure and won't say half the shit you type on the internet
you won't match the opposition physically, if it comes to a fight. You won't be able to debate them because of your inferior muh race muh nation muh intellect deformity and the fact that you are an overweight weasly twat who is invaluable to the society and find comfort in feeling pride in color and nationality because the rest is unreachable to the fucking loser you are.

>> No.18294681
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>> No.18294683

Lol get a load of this theorylet. You probably don't even know how to play an instrument let alone basic music theory.

>> No.18294686

So what excellent works of art have you produced on acid?

>> No.18294687
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Again, thanks for proving my point, you're not doing blacks any favours here if that was your intention
>the point that you are insecure and won't say half the shit you type on the internet
We're not all like you, faggot
Keep seething, mutt

>> No.18294690


>> No.18294693

This is exactly my point. Malcolm X understood that Islam transcended race but for the wrong reason, it's because it's so male-dominated. Every society needs to exclude someone, radical inclusion is a myth, but if we choose women we can buck the racial issue.

>> No.18294694

Coltrane is the most famous sax man.

>> No.18294699

I brainwashed a harem of underaged girls and got them to murder people for me.

>> No.18294702

>you won't match the opposition physically
Even if that were true it would only be because whites fight honourably and blacks fight like hyenas
>You won't be able to debate them
Because they lack the intellectual capabilities to

>> No.18294703

>The negro invented jazz anon.
I remember Hesse shitting on jazz and calling it shit "music" with no beauty or meaning for dumb people
I have a degree in music theory and education in conducting and I wholeheartedly agree with Hesse.

>> No.18294719

not him but i have created very trippy visual art videos after mushrooms but i wont share it

>> No.18294730

Sounds like hesse was a lyricspleb who requires narrative constraint to appreciate music.

>> No.18294773

So zany weird things constitute creativity?

>> No.18294777

acid doesn't magically unlock some latent creativity.

>> No.18294786

you tell me, define art is art objective?

>> No.18294791

I like how you removed all Jewish influence on Jazz.


>> No.18294794


>> No.18294802

and yes there are many studies of this you clearly don't know what you are arguing.

>> No.18294833

You mean fucking negros out of their ownership and money?

>> No.18294879

The perfect hedge for the untalented, who cannot create a work of beauty themselves. So they stick to creating wacky things and insist that because beauty cannot be articulated it must not exist... or in your case: everything is "beautiful".

>> No.18294894

So if someone feels creative because of acid or whatever, they are now creative?

>> No.18294907

According to the Big 5, trait openness is creativity. Psychedelics immediately and permanently cause trait openness to increase. Personality is permanently altered toward being open, creative, and novel.

>> No.18294929

Yes it does, it's literally a cheat code.

t. Creative job, began using acid about a year and a half ago, and have been absolutely crushing it ever since.

>inb4 ur not really creative because reasons

>> No.18294946

You dont create while youre on acid you dumbass you create the art after taking the acid lol

>> No.18294963

Ooooohhh that makes sense.
And here I thought that if a person produced a good piece of art, or thought of a different solution to a problem, or played some situation in a unique way for their benefit, they were creative.
I guess I should get with the times huh.

>> No.18294990

Yes, and to do so you need trait openness. Otherwise you would be fine with the conventional way things are done. The ego death and peeling of the veil of reality is what causes psychedelic users to then question everything all of the time and be open to conspiracies.

>> No.18294992

Forgive my ignorance o drug user. You see I used a lot of acid too way back. Many would produce music while tripping. Many would do "creative" things after the trip. Acid has its place: getting you out of a rut and rare enjoyment for celebration. Long term acid use cause it makes you "creative" is retarded. It makes you dull is all.
I think you would be crushing it doing a variety of other activities too (of course within limit). Like lifting. Or taking up a hobby. Or just drinking lmao if you must consume a substance.

>> No.18295008
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Then they would see the hidden side of the world, and the power that we all have to create everything that is seen. You need to be willing to change your perspective from “What did I do wrong” to “What can I do to be a better person?” Without accepting and embracing everything that is wrong with the world and allowing yourself to question everything, you cannot evolve.

Anyone can do this by reading “The Tao of Pooh” by Joseph Campbell. It’s an amazing book that reveals so much to you.

>> No.18295021

I've read myths to live by and the power of myth already. I'm not a huge fan of his way of encircling his points instead of just saying them. I prefer Jung on mythology because of this.

>> No.18295194

Also I'm the pope-bankers conspiracy guy in the other thread. Now read that creepy ass shit where the pope and the bankers are working together to change international and national laws to benefit us little guys.

>> No.18295205

by getting good genes bro.If u're a subhuman it's over

>> No.18295216

>The Tao of Pooh” by Joseph Campbell
Hoff wrote that

>> No.18295222

midwit detected.
Many men are dumber and smarter than women because distribution of iq (and many other traits) is more scattered in men than women.

>> No.18295227

life experience

do yourself a favour and go outside OP

>> No.18295236

Right like how you have the little pp and I have THE BIG PP.

>> No.18295241

>I think you would be crushing it doing a variety of other activities too
Yeah no shit. It isn't a fix-all. Work still takes discipline. I'm just saying it helps.

>> No.18295249

u're wearing a dildo tranny.u'll never be a man

>> No.18295262

You are a pedophile and you create the trannies and that makes your little pp the h a r d pp.

>> No.18295307 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18295312

>education in conducting

>> No.18295433

paraphrasing david mamet
>creativity = idea + not enough time and/or materials

>> No.18296265
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By one's volition, regardless of means; this is why solitude in particular, and anything that augments one's potential in general, should be reserved only for magnanimous individuals who remain optimal within high engagement rate, not for psychotic, obsessive compulsive degenerates.

>> No.18296272

Why is this swastika backwards

>> No.18296309

if you're talking about doing something different or new, remember that everything that can be written has already been written, so just pick some stuff that has been written less than usual and plagiarize those and add some spice from yourself. i dont know... dont know how well it would work. its an idea doe.

if youre talking about doing more creative work... oh god.

>> No.18296314

you write like an idiot

>> No.18296332

maybe. maybe just that time or all the time. hard to say.

>> No.18296395

How stupid do you have to be to believe that.
Addiction is not real.

>> No.18296414

Quite the contrary.

>> No.18296683

lmao just be urself nigga

>> No.18296710


>> No.18297015

but what if your self rather leaves something to be desired?

>> No.18297330

Take THC edibles and then spend 16 hours edging. Repeat every 2-3 days for a few weeks.

>> No.18297342

Beauty is all around you. As Tupac said, even a rose may grow from the concrete. A true creative writer is a channeler. They pick up what is going on and transmute it into words. You have to get lost in the wonder of the world.

I admit this sounds a bit faggoty but it's true!

>> No.18297363

Blacks are pretty creative though. They make plenty of music and dance, and a lot of vernacular come from blacks. Some of the best jazz players were black (a genre that requires a ton of on-the-spot creativity).

Not individualist =/= not creative.

>> No.18297415

The conceptual iteration in that sketch is one of the backward (destruction) meeting the forward (construction), hence the hollow flame of the latter.

>> No.18297451

by not spending any time on the chans, reddit, facebook etc etc

>> No.18297452

I agree that its retarded to take acid to try and make yourself creative. Someone who is truly creative will be creative with or without taking acid. IDK its just a drug man it feels good and is fun to do lol

>> No.18297516

>IDK its just a drug man it feels good and is fun to do lol

>> No.18297531

I’ve 2 friends that study music. Jazz is super important

>> No.18298127

black saint and let my children is peak music

>> No.18299212

>degree in music theory
glorified math degree LMAO

>> No.18300004

mental illness.

>> No.18300414

stop masturbating

>> No.18301326

1. Read a book
2. Read a sentence
3. Analyze every verb/action of the sentence
4. Try to see why it's so special that the author bothered to write it.
5. If it's plain and nothing happens in it, dismiss it, if it's a novel action, write it down and keep it for later and combine it with something else for even more novelty, for example "he sent a money to space" what is special about this? You already seen rockets fly into space, so nothing special there, but you know what's special? There being a monkey in the place of a man. That's where the author was knocking with that sentence's novelty, a monkey being an astronaut. Fuck you know what just let it be I am too brain damaged for this shit

>> No.18301336

Living life. You cant be very creative without having experiences of your own

>> No.18301362

Go outside

>> No.18301379

Many monkeys have been sent to space

>> No.18301403

This guy complaining about blacks while they blow his GF back out behind him, fucking loser.