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[ERROR] No.18338076 [Reply] [Original]

im sorry but this book is just cool and epic and true

>> No.18338086

Based and 2015-pilled. You're such the anti-conformist op! You must have a lot of sex! I'm sure you read tons of books too!

>> No.18338085

Name five things found in it that are true

>> No.18338090
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>> No.18338097

You're 100% the type of person to vote for mein kampf in /lit/'s top 100 threads.

>> No.18338100

Basically I'm just gonna post him (evola!!)

I know.... UGH I know.... I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's just that I'm reading it is all


>> No.18338165

I approve of the title at least

>> No.18338199


>> No.18338237
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Revolt against the al hayat al dunya and embrace islam and tawheed. Fight the jews and the anglos, fight liberalism, fight democracy, fight degeneracy. Rush towards a glorious death satisfied, knowing your lord favours those martyrs who do not turn their faces until they are killed. And those martyrs will reside in the highest levels of paradise, with the prophets and the renewers of the faith.

>> No.18338272
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Based as fuck

>> No.18339185

if mein kampf is not at least number 88 what is the point of living

>> No.18339254

I quite liked the chapter about how the lower castes' work had a spiritual element to it too and by such it was above the slave's work, and that the slave was dishonoured by having work that was not connected to the spiritual world, and therefore slavery is widespread in the modern world because we just do work for the money and shieeet

>> No.18339285
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yea, i know, bro. evola is so epic

>> No.18339744


>> No.18339783
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>> No.18340467

It's getting sad at this point.

>> No.18340496

As someone who’s just getting into Evola’s “easier” books-
I know RAtMW and RtT have become memes but do the alt-right larpers actually read them or just parrot catchphrases like “RETVRN TO TRADITION” without knowing what it means? You never see them discussing the spiritual racism and occultism that seem to be intrinsically woven into his philosophy.

>> No.18340512

The larpers dont actually read. They build an entire narrative in their minds around the title. Thats how stupid they are.

>> No.18340560

I’d say even fewer of them have read it than e-commies have read Marx, mainly because actually understanding what he’s talking about requires abandoning or at least distancing yourself from your mindframe of rationalism and “normal” ethical approaches. I can’t think a LARPer would subject themselves to something that jarring just to look cool online. As much as his name has been sullied, Evola’s in no way comparable to the other baby’s first right-adjacent stuff they shill.

>> No.18340565

Understanding Evola would require them to abandon the materialism they hold so dear.

>> No.18340618

I’d say this pic is inaccurate because the online right seems to have recently stepped away from their quasi-spirituality (be it regurgitated Neetchee or “trust the plan” stuff) almost completely. Only a small sliver were into actual esotericism at any point, but I’ve noticed the TradCath/Ortho fad has gone silent in the last couple of months, and the sphere as a whole seems to be more blackpilled than anything else after the election, with the dumber people who used to buy into anything the frogtwitter greats said now just seething about trannies and election fraud. It makes me wonder what will become of them in the coming years as things continue along the gay and sanitized trajectory they’re taking.

>> No.18340621

I had to put Revolt on hold because it was too much and I was about to start a philosophy degree. Plan on returning at some point, maybe this summer. I read to a few chapters past where spiritual race is mentioned. It seemed to be a way of talking about culture so I didn't understand why he termed it spiritual race. Surely "culture" was already a known concept at that point? Culture seems equivalent, at least by my reckoning. He states that superficial aspects, like skin colour, etc., are not equivalent, all that remains is cultural values. I don't know

>> No.18340625

So holy based! Homer is surfing the kali yuga!

>> No.18340671

Probably 90% of what he says goes over my head but I interpreted his “spiritual race” idea as a people’s alignment with the values of the Gold/Silver/Bronze/Dark age, for example the Hyperboreans embodying the Golden Age and the modern Indo-Aryans being naturally drawn to its ideals. And how Jews shouldn’t be hated because they’re Jews, but instead because they’re natural thralls of the modernism indicative of our Dark Age. I guess you could explain a lot of it as cultural, but he seems to believe that blood is linked to spirit as well. I haven’t read his book on racialism yet so idk

>> No.18340690

>this book is just cool and epic and true
I want to call attention to the fact that regardless of what you think about Evola this is the correct way to review books on this board

>> No.18340722

Tradition is a dielect. You can never properly go back, nor can you stop progression. Give it a few 100 years, if we survive. The next Conservatism will be against not homosexuality or family values, but whether or not AI should be treated as people, or if leaving earth behind is ethical

>> No.18340724
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kek. Getting btfo'd by butters. I have no hope for OP.

>> No.18340785

Tradition is not conservatism. You tried to sound smart but showed that you’ve never read even the back cover of an Evola book.

>> No.18340801


>> No.18340811

Seethe harder, discord trannies.

>> No.18340816
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1) the first fifth of the book
2) the second fifth of the book
3) the third fifth of the book
4) the fourth fifth of the book
5) the fifth fifth of the book

>> No.18340820

Shut up, bitch

>> No.18340846


>> No.18340933

I'm so fucking tired of hearing about this shitty book

>> No.18341293

Coomaraswamy has some interesting writing on the spiritual value of the caste system, you might find these excerpts of his writing about caste interesting to read


>> No.18341853
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>> No.18341878
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>I’ve noticed the TradCath/Ortho fad has gone silent in the last couple of months, and the sphere as a whole seems to be more blackpilled than anything else after the election
I don't really follow this stuff that much, but that's strange to me. I'd think the whole point of being a TradCath/Ortho dude is that your time horizons and interests should be broader than a presidonkle election.

>> No.18341887

Like, I also understand they have issues with the Catholic Church in its modern form, but they've been around for a long time. Something like 2,000 years. I think you have to think on a longer timeline instead of getting really blackpilled and disappointed because of some relatively minor event in the grand scheme of things.

Don't you think?

Seems kind of superficial.

>> No.18342890
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>> No.18343442

Reverse Whig history is no less wrong. Spengler is a lot better.

>> No.18344126

>tradition did all the good stuff and, and
>uhhh tradition is when people do what i like

>> No.18344742
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>> No.18344761

Retards should be forbidden to read this book.

>> No.18346770

You're overestimating the average tradcath