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/lit/ - Literature

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18347215 No.18347215[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is a public service announcement for all newcomers to /lit/ brought to you by a /lit/ patrician™. Those of us who have long called this board home have noticed a significant deterioration in posting quality and an influx of plebs in the last few months. We can attribute this to the fact that more people on going on 4chan with the coronavirus stay at home activities, but whatever we blame it on doesn't change the facts of the matter which is that plebs who don't belong here are shitting threads up.

Thus, this public service announcement was made for those who are determined to stay even if they are way over their heads. Here are some important things you need to get through your head if you are going to stay and post without being ridiculed. Take notes.

1. Under no circumstances will you ever praise or even mention any book taught in a standard high school curriculum unless it's clear that the book is already well-received on /lit/ (to account for the few good books/authors occasionally taught in some high schools like Shakespeare, Conrad, Nabokov etc. The vast majority of books taught in high-school are complete pleb shit.

2. Genre-fiction is pleb trash and anyone who reads it frequently should be curb-stomped. If you are going to post in bookshelf threads then take your GRR Martin et al., off of the shelf before you photograph it you retards. Don't ever mention genre-fiction unless its in a containment thread specifically for it.

3. Israel did 9/11

4. Don't ever defend yourself by trying to insinuate that the person ridiculing you for your shit taste is simply trying to get you to stop liking what they themselves don't like. This will instantly reveal you to be a mega-pleb. There is objectively bad literature and roughly 85% of the time people here are being honest with you when they say an author you like is trash.

5. Don't ever bring identity politics into threads on /lit/. We are here to discuss literature and not women or minorities. If you want to have a thread asking about favorite women authors thats fine but don't ever attempt to use "all white men etc" as an argument to detract from something. Also don't ever ask why literature from African authors isn't more popular (its mostly shit). Bringing up identity bullshit needlessly irritates even most left-wing /lit/ posters.

6. /Lit/s harsh attitude towards plebs and pleb books is a necessary and vital part of the board as it helps maintain a homeostasis of quality by weeding out and discouraging plebs from posting.

7. Anything by Douglas Addams, Harper Lee, Joseph Heller, Vonnegut, B.E.E., Bukowski, Palahniuk, or Orwell is complete pleb trash and not to be mentioned.

8. Start with the Greeks or Indians

Brought to you by a /lit/ patrician™. For those of you who are already patricians™, don't give up hope. For those of you who are newcomers, at least try to make it less obvious.

>> No.18347222

9. Make a Guenon thread at least once a day.

>> No.18347229


>> No.18347234

If people put as much effort into posting about literature as they do about complaining about the state of the board there would be a huge increase in quality, but that would require the complainers to actually read.

>> No.18347236

This bitch has some really fucking ugly moles above her tits

>> No.18347240

10. Make CotC thread at least twice a day.

>> No.18347252

>Brought to you by a /lit/ patrician

You are no patrician.

>> No.18347257
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This but unironically

>> No.18347263

11. Be Christian and shill moralism everywhere you go.

>> No.18347268

Why is Vonnegut bad?

>> No.18347288

Based in some ways but cringe in many

>> No.18347293

>Start with the Greeks or the Indians

Since fucking WHEN? The only thing even remotely India related that I ever see on this board is about Buddhism/The Buddha.

>> No.18347294

Who is he senpai?

>> No.18347297
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12. Always read local.

>> No.18347309

He's not. This board is full of people who dream of being gatekeepers and shit on anything accessible or remotely popular. Most of them seem to have never read much of what they rally against and are incapable of actual discussion on the topic, they just spew out a rant and if you ask questions regarding the rant the fall back to insult.

>> No.18347355
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12. Support the Harry Potter containment general

>> No.18347360

>He's not. This board is full of people who dream of being gatekeepers and shit on anything accessible or remotely popular. Most of them seem to have never read much of what they rally against and are incapable of actual discussion on the topic, they just spew out a rant and if you ask questions regarding the rant the fall back to insult.
Yeah, that seems to be the case doesn't it?

>> No.18347362

Ok, this is now #13.

>> No.18347372

I didn't read any of this

>> No.18347374

>>He's not. This board is full of people who dream of being gatekeepers and shit on anything accessible or remotely popular. Most of them seem to have never read much of what they rally against and are incapable of actual discussion on the topic, they just spew out a rant and if you ask questions regarding the rant the fall back to insult.
>Yeah, that seems to be the case doesn't it?
Yes, it does.

>> No.18347390

I come here to laugh at gatekeeping fags like you OP

>> No.18347429

Bukowski's novels are not all trash.
Orwell can't be trash, I've only read 1984 so far and it sucks stylistically and as aesthetic literature but it remains important in a way that it's not trash. Probably his other books are like that too.

>> No.18347436

There are plenty of people who post about the Upanishads, particularly the Bhagavad Gita.

>> No.18347448
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mods sticky this pls

>> No.18347453

OP, post physique.

>> No.18347591
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>all these newfags

>> No.18347596

I was with you until you called out Orwell

>> No.18347650

I enjoyed 1984, Catcher In The Rye, TKAM and The Great Gatsby

I also really like Michael Cricthon

People like what they like. Being unable to accept that others have different likes is a symptom of autism

The Greeks were boyfuckers

>> No.18347666

#14 Gas all frogposters

>> No.18347700

You already got doxxed it's all up on a website right now

>> No.18347789

OP for trying to insert their vile pajeet agenda into an oherwise legitimate effortpost.

>> No.18347798

#15 hate the jezebels, still save the pic, still reply to the thread
#16 report and sage

>> No.18347803

those are rookie numbers

>> No.18347804
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Out. Get the FUCK out of our board.

>> No.18347867
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Both Vonnegut and Heller are found in this /lit/ starter kit. Are you supposed to read them but never talk about them? Or is this just a shit starter list?

>> No.18347881

Who's bich diss is?

>> No.18347896

Orwell is in some starter kit too but still for plebs and not to be mentioned according to OP.

>> No.18347900
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/lit/ is moechad turf

>> No.18347919

based OP

kys nigger tranny faggot kike

everything you said is wrong

>> No.18347924

You forgot to add that comics aren't /lit and belong on /co.

>> No.18347931
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You have zero humanity if you enjoy watching Moeshitter shows. For most of human history, the stories passed down for generations have largely been epics in the form of religious prose, poetry, or song. This is because people enjoy hearing a good story of heroes and warriors triumphing over evil, getting past obstacles and going on a long journey like the Odyssey or the Epic of Gilgamesh. From these old stories came derivations which birthed genres like comedy, tragedy, satire, romance etc. These ancient stories have persevered in the modern era and has given forth new stories in the anime industry. Romance and comedy come after because they too share these characteristics. But with Moetrash, you don't get any of that historical tradition. You have a group of cute girls doing nothing for as many chapters as possible. They do normal life activities like school or hanging out but contextualized with terrible satirical writing from a 40 year old otaku mangaka who never had a social life and thus can only guess how a young japanese girl would act. You as a reader are only observing boring and ordinary people and come away with no sense of awe or wonder. Really, you just consume a fictional character's life like a mindless normalfaggot browsing their favorite celebrity on IG. And while every reader has vicariously lived through the characters they enjoy, what does the moeshitter worship? A hero? A villain? A tragic character? No one. Just a retarded 14 year old chuuni girl written as a terrible overused trope. People who read moetrash are sad, pathetic subhumans - often from 3rd world countries - who live miserable lives and thus look towards moetrash as severe escapism and to experience normal life - the friends you never had, the girls you've never kissed, the activities you pussied out of. And this is why you should pity the moeshitter and their garbage.

>> No.18347934

It is a perfectly fine starter kit, you got to start somewhere. I would replace Slaughter House Five with either Player Piano or Mother Night and Blood Meridian with Suttree but that is just personal preference. If OP and his ilk had his way the board would just be a circle jerk. If you can not discuss literature which you do not like, you can not discuss literature.

>> No.18347935

Holy based...

>> No.18347943

#17 >>18347924 and this goes for manga too.

>> No.18347945

Based. Moepedos deserve the rope.

>> No.18347950

>Israel did 9/11
Is this the most original meme you can come up n 4chan? newfaggot.

>> No.18347960

> /Lit/s harsh attitude towards plebs and pleb books is a necessary and vital part of the board as it helps maintain a homeostasis of quality by weeding out and discouraging plebs from posting.
Thus,You've given them an understanding mindset and now they will never leave.

>> No.18347971

It's just a statement of fact, retard. It's so we don't have to even bother discussing it.

>> No.18347972
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Heller and Vonnegut are fine but they're entry level. Insufficient for patrician status to be recognized.

>> No.18347973

Also OP, add the regulatory loliposting. It would scare off anyone from reddit.

>> No.18347981

>we don't have to even bother discussing it
Grovelling excuse. You have sub 80 iq and from the philippines.

>> No.18347990
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>> No.18348000
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>> No.18348001

You know what faggot if I were from there you should be worried I'd box your fucking ears. 9/11 is not literature, you're the one to be making excuses for being so retarded you fucking idiot. It's not your fault but you need to find your place and know it.

>> No.18348006
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It has to be lewder than that.

>> No.18348019
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>> No.18348020

>9/11 is not literature
Kek another retard outed himself. I knew your OP post sounded vaguely retarded and after a little confirmation, I was on the spot. Learn how to use punctuations too kid.

>> No.18348027
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>> No.18348044

Absolutely based. Pbuh btw.

>> No.18348047
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>he thinks I'm the OP
You have to go back.

>> No.18348057
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See what I can do, phone nigger.

>> No.18348072

New here and this is the first post I see, very cool community you guys got here I’ll try to fit in. I came to ask where should I start with Nietzsche

>> No.18348092

Gardener is undoxable. He doesn’t care.

>> No.18348095

>where should I start with Nietzsche
Start with the Greeks.

>> No.18348097
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I can do that on my phone

>> No.18348098
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>> No.18348127

You know the thread has low quality if the non native english speakers can participate in.

>> No.18348131

>participate in

>> No.18348140

Seems OK to me

>> No.18348152

1984 was Orwell's worst work.

>> No.18348198

Holy based you showed them.

>> No.18348223

It's literally no different from 2013, look into any thread in the archives from that time, it's exactly the same.

>> No.18348238

What high schools teach Lolita?

>> No.18348239

>You know the thread has low quality if

>> No.18348270

>You know the thread is low quality if the non native english speakers can participate in it
Fixed it for you anon. Great wisdom but plebs can't see that.

>> No.18348315

What is your point?

>> No.18348327

You wrote this entire list and made no mention of a certain Tripfag who is kind of hot, but also incredibly irritating? Are you, yourself, a new friend?

>> No.18348328

>You know the thread is low quality when the non native english speakers can participate in it

>> No.18348383
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Why is this thread still up?

>> No.18348386

Yeah, this is the level of the board now.

>> No.18348450

>Learn how to use punctuations too kid.
the irony

>> No.18348495

He might when he sees his family's passwords

>> No.18348525

You mean kind of horrifyingly ugly? To the point that many think she's a man? Wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.18348535

If also works

>> No.18348540

You're too braindead to get the nuance.

>> No.18348546

excellent bait. Thrawled all the retards

>> No.18348553

>>>He's not. This board is full of people who dream of being gatekeepers and shit on anything accessible or remotely popular. Most of them seem to have never read much of what they rally against and are incapable of actual discussion on the topic, they just spew out a rant and if you ask questions regarding the rant the fall back to insult.
>>Yeah, that seems to be the case doesn't it?
>Yes, it does.
Why do you think that is?

>> No.18348591

>influx of plebs in the last few months
try the last five years, newfag

>> No.18348635
