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18426834 No.18426834 [Reply] [Original]

I am reading Man and His Symbols for the first time and it feels like I am really broadening my intellectual horizons. It's like wading into unmapped territory, there is so much unknown about the mind, and Jung's ideas almost feel mystical.
Do any of you keep a dream journal to study the symbols that your unconscious produces?
Is there anything about Jungs ideas that arent taken seriously by modern psychology that I should be aware of?
Where to go after man and his symbols?

>> No.18426971

>Do any of you keep a dream journal
I do but it's incoherent

>> No.18427103

have there been any reoccurring motifs or symbols that stand out?

>> No.18427135

I can't really think of anything, I struggle to recollect specific details so symbols are mostly out. A recurring thing is that my dreams seem to often take place in enclosed places (subways, rooms, underground) or at night but that's about the only thing I can say without starting to cherrypick.
I'm not being regular enough with the dream journal though so that's on me.

>> No.18427223
File: 76 KB, 737x506, Jung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is, I think, characteristic of our psychology that we find on the threshold of the new age two figures who were destined to exert an immense influence on the hearts and minds of the younger generation: Wagner, the prophet of love, whose music runs the whole gamut of feeling from Tristan down to incestuous passion, then up again from Tristan to the sublime spirituality of Parsifal; and Nietzsche, the prophet of power and of the triumphant will for individuality. Wagner, in his last and loftiest utterance, harked back to the Grail legend, as Goethe did to Dante, but Nietzsche seized on the idea of a master caste and a master morality, an idea embodied in many a fairhaired hero and knight of the Middle Ages. Wagner broke the bonds that fettered love, Nietzsche shattered the “tables of values” that cramp individuality. Both strove after similar goals while at the same time creating irremediable discord; for where love is, power cannot prevail, and where power prevails, love cannot reign.


>> No.18427233

Why wouldn't you choose Wagner?

>> No.18427308

I was just reading a part in man and his symbols where Jung mentions his correspondence by letter to Neet's hot sister.

>> No.18427326

Best book to start with Jung? Color me intrigued, he seems to have inspired a lot of people who I find interesting.

>> No.18427351

I kept a dream journal for a few years and one thing i can remember popping up was the setting of my childhood house and being in school/psych ward and trying to navigate through their corridors filled with people and them being labrynthine and almost impossible to get out of but finally escaping

>> No.18427362

Currently learning how to draw so I can have illustrations for my dream journal

>> No.18427366

Man and his Symbols or whatever it's called. Literally written to introduce people to his system.

>> No.18427375

I highly reccomend 'the psychology of cg jung,' by Jolande Jacobi. It is a broad overview of his salient ideas and work. Jung's actual texts can be a bit jumbled. It feels more like a conversation or lecture than a book (because many of his works are literally just lectures adapted to text). Jacobi offers a systemic and careful walk through what's important. From there you can begin with whatever interests of you from Jung himself; you wont find yourself as lost when he mentions things you havnt learned yet.

>> No.18427393

Did the dreams stop or at least noticeably diminish in frequency when you escaped/began escaping?

>> No.18427489

definitely man and his symbols, very comprehendible. It is THE intro book to Jungian psychology written expressly for that purpose.

>> No.18427502

thats cool. i wish i knew how to draw. I want to sketch nature like russel crowe in 310 to yuma.

>> No.18427517

I've actually really been enjoying the 'lecture' style of his writing in man and his symbols. It really lends itself to being read aloud.

>> No.18427520

Post a vocaroo of your favorite passage, nice and loud please:3

>> No.18427522


>> No.18427530

You sound like someone who's never read a book before.

>> No.18427566

Nah, dig them up in a second. I think they would transition into different environments/scenarios. But most dreams I had would be usually in my childhood home

>> No.18427645

Maybe not my 'favorite' but I like it because it represents what I find exciting about psychology, how much unknown there is.

>> No.18427679
File: 60 KB, 753x184, 1622246135124.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based anons. I want to order the Red Book, will probably buy the readers edition since the other one is huge and like $200

>> No.18427698

I'm actually thinking of buying the $200 one because the illustrations are splendid, I think it's worth it

>> No.18427720 [DELETED] 

I'm sopping wet UwU

>> No.18427905

Where can I begin with Jung? I have no prior reading

>> No.18427932

-> >>18427326

>> No.18427999

ngmi zoomer if you cant even scan the thread first

>> No.18428447

Semi-relevant ramble:
Last night I had an unpleasant dream, I was defingering people because I was a paycho in a castle and then my mind started to break down into pain and regret because I realized I had denied strangers the opportunity to create art, I rarely wake up panting... this life altering dream manifested at a time when I was drifting towards an emotionless and cruel dog eat dog mindset -to the polar opposite.

>> No.18429136

Yes I have a dream journal but I only have 1-2 recurring dreams. Also I dont remember all my dreams so I just write the ones I remember asap. I think Jung's ideas aren't very scientific, but I don't really care, because they've helped me assimilate better with myself.

>> No.18429174
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wotan is one of the most based things Jung ever wrote.

>> No.18429269

Jung is a fag. Freud is also a fag but at least he's an intelligent fag.

>> No.18429424

I've got a copy from when it came out and it's one of my prized possessions. It's fucking huge too!

>> No.18429472
File: 51 KB, 660x574, 1611023605681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it a limited edition? Do you think its going to go up in price?

>> No.18430039

Does Jungian personality count? Because I know a lot about it. Not MBTI, just what MBTI tried to be

>> No.18430587


>> No.18430661

>Do any of you keep a dream journal to study the symbols that your unconscious produces?
fuck I'd love too but I don't, I just analyse my dreams. I'll share a dream I had the other night:
>hanging out with YT waifu at home speaking Spanish (she makes Spanish videos), suddenly an old high school friend shows up showing us a night visor or something like that, she keeps jiggling and I'm starting to get jealous. Later I heard voices coming from my garage and people cheering, I peep through the window and I see qt and friend making out. I'm furious and I grab my knife and I stab that asshole in the neck, suddenly I realize that he looks like my cousin.
It has some personal meaning so I'm not gonna share it with you my analysis but I feel that most of my dreams are just a ratatouille of everyday life + high school memories. I used to dream a lot about sex though, probably because I'm a 27 yo virgin.

>> No.18430724

What a schizo Jung was to write the Red Book, also with all these calligraphy and drawings? I guess not any people in common sense would do this.

>> No.18430774
File: 948 KB, 1000x1711, Carl Jung reading guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't add the drawings for like 10 or so years after he wrote it. There's the huge one with the drawings on Amazon then there's the "reader's editions" which is recommended to start with because the art will confuse you since it comes later.

>> No.18431177

I mean, this book is still a wonderful piece of man's thought even apart from the drawings.

>> No.18431181

I've just started on the Red Book - anyone have finished it? Thoughts?

>> No.18431194

Jung was a celebrity doctor with a guru status at that time. If he was alive today, he probably would be one of these people that hung out at Epstein Island once or twice. My advice is to dismiss his later cultist shit entirely.

>> No.18431219

post a wishlist

>> No.18431271

He would be Jordan Peterson -esque. Both have insights and tap interesting sources but only scratch the surface then also gatekeep and substitute them for reductionist psychoanalytic and self-help crap, respectively.

>> No.18431382

please shut the fuck up with this nonsense

>> No.18431521

t. Butthurt Petersoy fanboy

>> No.18431557

I kept a dream journal for a while but grew bored of it.
Last night however I had a dream where I bought a condom at the store, just a single condom. For the rest of the dream I kept thinking about how I needed to go and buy more condoms but I never did.

>> No.18431816

Reminder anon

>> No.18431842

lmao imagine dismissing someone just because jordan peterson reads him.

>> No.18431848

A few nights ago I actually dreamed about reading the book Man and his symbols. I guess I should really read it then.

>> No.18431862

Maybe some day, but it’s been more or less the same price (~120-150ish) since I bought it in 2009

>> No.18431905

Anybody here find themselves recalling certain dreams years after they occurred?

Sometimes this happens and it surprises me each time. I find myself recalling the atmosphere of that dream and several details of it without anything happening that I could say had caused me to remember it.

I have had some dreams in which something has happened, and I have reacted in that dream not in pure ID form (e.g., sex dreams when young) but on a moral and intellectual level. These dreams have stuck with me and caused me to occasionally reflect upon waking and realise the error of my ways, or highlight how my imagined dealings with people are not harmonious with how I ought to behave in real life or how I would feel comfortable behaving in real life.

>> No.18432182

Very interesting, what could it mean?

>> No.18432908

Wanting to feel smarter than others

>> No.18432936

>There is no difference in principle between organic and psychic growth. As a plant produces its flower, so the psyche creates its symbols