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18445086 No.18445086 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing the ideas and books of thinkers associated with the Traditionalist school, sometimes also known as the Perennialist school. Including but not limited to:

- Rene Guenon
- Martin Lings
- Seyyed Hossein Nasr
- Frithjof Schuon
- Ananda K. Coomaraswamy
- Julius Evola
- Jean Borella
- Titus Burckhardt
- Philip Sherrard
- Marco Pallis
- Michel Valsan
- Charles Upton
Also thinkers indirectly affiliated, influenced by, or similar to Traditionalism:
- Henry Corbin
- William Chittick
- Mircea Eliade
- Arthur Avalon etc

Here's a documentary on Perennialism:
An hour long interview with Julius Evola

And lastly, a talk by the most eminent Traditionalist around today:

old: >>18440045

>> No.18445093
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Who is Rene Guenon?

>René Guénon defies classification. . . . Were he anything less than a consummate master of lucid argument and forceful expression, his work would certainly be unknown to all but a small, private circle of admirers.”
—Gai Eaton, author of The Richest Vein

>“Guénon established the language of sacred metaphysics with a rigor, a breadth, and an intrinsic certainty such that he compels recognition as a standard of comparison for the twentieth century.”
—Jean Borella, author of Guénonian Esoterism and Christian Mystery

>“To a materialistic society enthralled with the phenomenal universe exclusively, Guénon, taking the Vedanta as point of departure, revealed a metaphysical and cosmological teaching both macrocosmic and microcosmic about the hierarchized degrees of being or states of existence, starting with the Absolute . . . and terminating with our sphere of gross manifestation.”
—Whitall N. Perry, editor of A Treasury of Traditional Wisdom

>“René Guénon was the chief influence in the formation of my own intellectual outlook (quite apart from the question of Orthodox Christianity). . . . It was René Guénon who taught me to seek and love the truth above all else, and to be unsatisfied with anything else.”
—Fr. Seraphim Rose, author of The Soul After Death

>“His mixture of arcane learning, metaphysics, and scathing cultural commentary is a continent in itself, untouched by the polluted tides of modernity. . . . Guénon’s work will not save the world—it is too late for that—but it leaves no reader unchanged.”
—Jocelyn Godwin, author of Mystery Religions in the Ancient World

>“René Guénon is one of the few writers of our time whose work is really of importance. . . . He stands for the primacy of pure metaphysics over all other forms of knowledge, and presents himself as the exponent of a major tradition of thought, predominantly Eastern, but shared in the Middle Ages by the . . . West.”
—Walter Shewring, translator of Homer’s Odyssey

>> No.18445100
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>Rene Guenon is the most correct, smartest and most important person of the twentieth century. There was no smarter, deeper, clearer, absolute Guenon and probably could not be. It is no coincidence that the French traditionalist René Allé in one collection dedicated to R. Guenon compared Guenon with Marx. It would seem that there are completely different, opposite figures. Guenon is a conservative hyper-traditionalist. Marx is a revolutionary innovator, a radical overthrower of traditions. But Rene Halle rightly guessed the revolutionary message of each of Guenon's statements, the extreme, cruel noncomformity of his position, which turns everything and everything upside down, the radical nature of his thought. The fact is that René Guenon is the only author, the only thinker of the twentieth century, and maybe many, many centuries before that, who not only identified and confronted with each other secondary language paradigms, but also put into question the very essence of language (and metalanguage).

>The language of Marxism was methodologically very interesting (especially at a certain historical stage), subtly reducing the historical existence of mankind to a clear and convincing formula for confronting labor and capital (which, in fact, was a colossal revolutionary and predictive course, because it allowed many things to be systematized and brought together into a single, more or less consistent, dynamic structure). Being a great paradigmatic success, Marxism was so popular and won the minds of the best intellectuals of the twentieth century. But R. Guenon is an even more fundamental generalization, an even more radical removal of masks, an even broader worldview contestation, putting everything into question.

- Aleksandr Dugin, author of Political Platonism and The Fourth Political Theory

>> No.18445102
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>“In a world increasingly rife with heresy and pseudo-religion, Guénon had to remind twentieth century man of the need for orthodoxy, which presupposes firstly a Divine Revelation and secondly a Tradition that has handed down with fidelity what Heaven has revealed. He thus restores to orthodoxy its true meaning, rectitude of opinion which compels the intelligent man not only to reject heresy but also to recognize the validity of faiths other than his own if they also are based on the same two principles, Revelation and Tradition.”
—Martin Lings, author of Ancient Beliefs and Modern Superstitions

>“If during the last century or so there has been even some slight revival of awareness in the Western world of what is meant by metaphysics and metaphysical tradition, the credit for it must go above all to Guénon. At a time when the confusion into which modern Western thought had fallen was such that it threatened to obliterate the few remaining traces of genuine spiritual knowledge from the minds and hearts of his contemporaries, Guénon, virtually single-handed, took it upon himself to reaffirm the values and principles which, he recognized, constitute the only sound basis for the living of a human life with dignity and purpose or for the formation of a civilization worthy of the name.”
—Philip Sherrard, author of Christianity: Lineaments of a Sacred Tradition

>“Apart from his amazing flair for expounding pure metaphysical doctrine and his critical acuteness when dealing with the errors of the modern world, Guénon displayed a remarkable insight into things of a cosmological order. . . . He all along stressed the need, side by side with a theoretical grasp of any given doctrine, for its concrete—one can also say its ontological—realization failing which one cannot properly speak of knowledge.”
—Marco Pallis, author of A Buddhist Spectrum

>“Guénon’s mission was two-fold: to reveal the metaphysical roots of the ‘crisis of the modern world’ and to explain the ideas behind the authentic and esoteric teachings that still [remain] alive.”
—Harry Oldmeadow, author of Traditionalism: Religion in the Light of the Perennial Philosophy

>> No.18445121

So Guenon received his initiation and knowledge about Sufism from Ivan Agueli who misattributed a text by Balyani to Ibn Arabi and generally was a drunkard.

What a meme LARP.

>> No.18445122

is this the general that will save /lit/

>> No.18445127

Guenon literally believes there's a man inside the earth that controls all the spiritual forces.

>> No.18445128

you got refuted in the previous thread you massive faggot

>> No.18445130
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Very interesting discussion here.

>> No.18445134

the arabic numerals were a dead giveaway that this book is a fake

>> No.18445138


>> No.18445139

Avoid this troll, I refuted him many times but he is still posting this nonsense.

>> No.18445140
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>> No.18445142

Buddhism stole from Advaita

>> No.18445145
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You never refuted me. You said it didn't matter and that Guenon MUST have read Ibn Arabi, without ever pointing to evidence.

You're grasping at straws. You're getting desperate...

>> No.18445147

>Oera Linda
Fake or real?
Most seem to agree that it is just fanfic.

>> No.18445150

Why are Chittick and Corbin included in this? Have you even read them?

Chittick and Corbin both explicitly say Ibn Arabi is not even close to Vedanta. And Guenon personally hated Corbin because Corbin didn't believe in traditionalism and the kali yuga, and Corbin succeeded in the university system, which rejected Guenon.

>> No.18445154

if the sanhedrin wishes to remove those names from the OP pasta, then i'm fine with it
I didn't make it so I don't care

>> No.18445170
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>> No.18445174


>> No.18445181

I refuted you 3 times:
1. When you falsely claimed that Guenon's Shaykh was Ivan Agueli. So I proved that you don't know how sufi initiation works.
2. When I told you about the many islamic references Guenon made in his later books.
3.When I asked you for the 11th time to quote from King of the World where Guenon said that midget thing and you weren't able to.

>> No.18445189

youre talking to a tranny m8
ignore and move on

>> No.18445200
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Continuing some discussion from the last thread

René Guénon does say that the West is the vanguard of decadence, but he casts the blame for this, and for all the evil in the world, on the underground action of the “Seven Towers of the Devil,”

Projected on a map, the Seven Towers form the exact contour of the constellation of Ursa Major. The bear, Russia’s national emblem, represents in traditional symbolism the military class, kshatriya, in cyclical rebellion against spiritual authority. Jean-Marc Allemand mentions, respecting this matter, “the forced militarization that inevitably accompanies Marxism and serves as its basis.” And he continues: “This excessive warlike feature—and utterly inverted in relation to the original and subordinate function of the military caste—is the ultimate result of the revolt of the kshatriyas; in this sense, the USSR/Russia is really the land of the Ursa.

Historically, we might consider Cultural Marxism still embodying this "rebellion" that lead to the overthrow of Tsarist Faction in Russia and now the dissolution continues in spheres that are more connected to the cultural and family life of Western Nations (Homosexuality, Trans-Sexualism, Homosexualism etc.)

Guénon never interpreted the East-West symbolism as a gross Manichean opposition between good and evil. As a profound scholar in Islamic tradition, he always took into consideration one of the most renowned ahadith, in which the Islamic prophet, pointing towards the East, stated: “The Antichrist will come from there.” Among the main centers of diffusion of “counter-initiation,” as Guénon pointed out the centers of counter-initiation are not located in the West; but there is one in Sudan, one in Nigeria, one in Syria, one in Iraq, one in Turkestan (inside the former USSR), and there are two in the Urals, well within Russian territory.

But as the Constellation of Ursa Major revolves around Pole Star (forming a Swastika in its revolving), Guénon suspected of a Secret Center and at least existence of one center

In later years of his life, Guénon suspected that there was an additional center of evil located in California (cont in my next post with Letter from Guénon to Arturo Reghini)

>> No.18445202

So Guenonians repeat things without understanding them?

>> No.18445205

fuck off newfag

>> No.18445207
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Letter from René Guénon to Arturo Reghini, Cairo, April 25, 1935

Letter from René Guénon to Arturo Reghini, Cairo, April 25, 1935

>"About the counter-initiation, I think you saw what I wrote last year on the 'seven tricks of the devil' in the review of Seabrook's book where it talks about the one that takes place. would find among the Yezidis, ie in Iraq. For the others, we are talking about certain regions located towards the borders of Siberia and Turkestan; there is also Syria, with the Ismailis of the Agha-Khan and a few other rather suspicious sects; then Sudan, where there is, in a mountainous region, a “lycanthrope” population of about twenty thousand individuals (I know this from eyewitnesses); more in the center of Africa, on the side of Niger, is the region from which already came all the sorcerers and magicians of ancient Egypt (including those who fought against Moses); it seems that with all this we could draw a kind of continuous line, going first from north to south, then from east to west, and so the concave side encloses the western world. Of course, this does not mean that there are no other more or less important centers outside these lines; you were talking about Lyon, and there is surely something in Belgium as well. As for America, the most suspect point seems to be California, where so many heterogeneous things are gathered; it is true that these are mostly pseudo-initiatory organizations, but there is surely something else leading them, even without their knowing it; the use of pseudo-initiation by counter-initiation agents, in many cases, appears to be less and less doubtful, and I intend to speak about it soon in an article, on the occasion of a story of so-called Rosicrucian organizations… - Regarding Iraq and California, there is a question that intrigues me quite a bit, because it obviously relates to an area that does not is hardly mine: it is that of the relations which seem to exist between these locations and those of the petroleum sources; unfortunately there are also some of these in your country, and wouldn't that be why (although there could still be other reasons) that it attracts some people's attention a little too much? Note also, in this regard, that Sir Henry Deterding, the head of the "Royal Dutch", is a character quite comparable to Bazil Zaharoff; it is even said that he would be appointed to be his successor ... "

>> No.18445211
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>There is a question which intrigues me enough, because it obviously relates to a field which is hardly mine: it is that of the relations which seem to exist between these locations and those of the petroleum sources; unfortunately there are also some of these in your country, and wouldn't that be why (although there could still be other reasons) that it attracts some people's attention a little too much? Note also, in this regard, that Sir Henry Deterding, the head of the "Royal Dutch", is a character quite comparable to Bazil Zaharoff; it is even said that he would be appointed to be his successor… ” There is a question which intrigues me enough, because it obviously relates to a field which is hardly mine: it is that of the relations which seem to exist between these localizations and those of the petroleum sources; unfortunately there are also some of these in your country, and wouldn't that be why (although there could still be other reasons) that it attracts some people's attention a little too much? Note also, in this regard, that Sir Henry Deterding, the head of the "Royal Dutch", is a character quite comparable to Bazil Zaharoff; it is even said that he would be appointed to be his successor ... " there are also some of these in your country, and is it not for this (although there could be still other reasons) that it attracts some people's attention a little too much? Note also, in this regard, that Sir Henry Deterding, the head of the "Royal Dutch", is a character quite comparable to Bazil Zaharoff; it is even said that he would be appointed to be his successor ... " there are also some of these in your country, and is it not for this (although there could be still other reasons) that it attracts some people's attention a little too much? Note also, in this regard, that Sir Henry Deterding, the head of the "Royal Dutch", is a character quite comparable to Bazil Zaharoff; it is even said that he would be appointed to be his successor ... "

>> No.18445217

It is said in Islamic tradition, that the soil used to make man's penis comes from Paris, France....

>> No.18445218
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Been a while since iv seen this meme type, post more

>> No.18445230

Where did you find this letter?

>> No.18445251

>Guénon suspected that there was an additional center of evil located in California
I lived in both San Francisco and Los Angeles for a couple years and I felt demonic energy

>> No.18445255
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But to understand what Guénon means by certain transference from Great Bear to Western counter-initiatic center, we must also consider Guénon's other writings and especially America as the "Land of the Sun" or House of the Sun

>“Logos”, that is, God, and the idea of Light. As to the name of Avalon, it is clearly the same as Ablun or Belen, that is, the Celtic or Hyperborean Apollo, so that the Isle of Avalon is only another name for the “Land of the Sun”, which, moreover, was at a certain period transported symbolically from the north to the west, a movement that is in conjunction with one of the principal changes that occurred in the traditional forms in the course of our Manvantara.

But this is Hyperborean Symbolism, but the Catasthrope that struck Atlantis concerns West Island, and Atlas is in the West and America is a heir to such Catasthrope. Guénon writes:
>This transference, like that of the sapta-riksha from the Great Bear to the Pleiades, corresponds notably with a change of the starting-point of the year: at first the solstice, and then the equinox.

(these quotes are from The Land of the Sun[1]
by René Guénon)

The Pleiades, in Greek mythology were the seven daughters/heirs of the Titan Atlas

>> No.18445260
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Add Guido de Giorgio and Elémire Zolla to the list. It doesn't really matter if their books are not translated, you learn Italian faggot.

>> No.18445263

>would certainly be unknown to all but a small, private circle of admirers.

Idk man, that describes Guenon pretty accurately to me

>> No.18445265

hey guenonfag, are you a vegetarian?

>> No.18445266

I can't wait to dive into de Giorgio in the future

>> No.18445267

Is this how counter-initiatic rituals look?

>> No.18445272
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See pic related, Advaita is the doctrine of the Upanishads, and Mahayana borrowed from them which is why Mahayana resembles Hinduism

Go peddle your NPC annihilationist nihilism elsewhere

>> No.18445273

too many languages to learn

>> No.18445274
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In Reign of Quantity Chapter 37, Guénon writes of the Great Pyramid:

>10. Before leaving the subject of the Great Pyramid, attention should be drawn
to another modern fantasy connected with it: some people attach much importance to the fact that it was never finished; the summit is in fact missing, but all that can be said for certain about it is that the most ancient authors whose evidence is available, but who are nevertheless relatively recent, all describe it as truncated, as it is today; but it is a long step from this to the claim, as expressed word for word by an occultist, that 'the hidden symbolism of the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures is directly related to events that took place in the course of the building of the Great
Pyramid'; indeed, this is another assertion that seems singularly lacking in plausibility on all counts! It is a strange fact that the official seal of the United States bears the truncated pyramid, and over it is a triangle with rays, separated and isolated from it by a surrounding circle of clouds, but apparently intended to replace the summit. There are other decidedly strange details in this seal as well, and the 'pseudo-initiatic' organizations rampant in America try to make good use of them by interpreting them in conformity with their own 'doctrines'; they certainly seem to indicate an intervention by suspicious influences: thus, the number of the courses of the Pyramid is thirteen (this number reappearing somewhat insistently in other features, notably that of the letters of which the motto E pluribus unum is composed) and is alleged to correspond to th.e number of the tribes of Israel (the two half-tribes of the sons of Joseph being counted separately), and no doubt this has some connection with the real origin of the 'prophecies of the Great Pyramid', which, as we have seen, tend to treat the Pyramid as a sort of 'Judeo-Christian' monument, for reasons that are somewhat obscure.

>Ultima Cumaei venit iam carminis aetas; Now is come the final era of the Sibyl's song;
>Magnus ab integro saeclorum nascitur ordo. The great order of the ages is born afresh.
>iam redit et Virgo, redeunt Saturnia regna, now justice returns, honored rules return (or return of Saturn's reign);
>iam nova progenies caelo demittitur alto. now a new lineage is sent down from high heaven.

>> No.18445275

from Dugin:
The American Enemy

The Americans are building their world empire in which there is no place for us. It has no place for Great Europe nor Free Asia. It has no room for Russians, Germans, Frenchmen, Turks, or Chinese. This is the empire of the New Carthage in which reigns the killer, Moloch, slavery to usury, plutocracy, the omnipotence of speculative capital, the dogma of decline and decay, the abominable morals of profit and degeneracy.

They are taking away our past and depriving us of a future. We are bent over like a coil, and they want to uproot us from our native land.

There is no one upon which to pin hope. The government is distraught and weak. The enemy is strong and insidious.

Today, not only Eurasia, but the world spirit is decaying under the soft strategies of globalism.

But this will not succeed, for we are called to be the last bastion. If not us, then no one.

>> No.18445286
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What book is this?

>> No.18445292
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Following Madame Blavatsky´s death Theosophical Society was divided between Olcott, Judge and Mrs Besant, each of claiming succession by direct communication of the so called "Mahatmas". Eventually, Mrs Besant practically took over the leadership of Theosophical Society.

Annie Besant took the Theosophical Society towards a new orientation, maybe out of desperation or for other unknown reasons the society at large was desperate for "World Teacher" or "Maitreya" and thus "The Order of the Star in the East" was formed in 1911 which aim was to "to prepare the world for the arrival of a messianic entity, the so-called World Teacher or Maitreya"

The young man who was being raised to fulfill this role of "Theosophical" messiah was a Hindu boy named Jiddu Krishnamurti.

Mrs. Besant appointed herself as the legal guardian of Jiddu, also adopting his brother Nityananda, who was to fulfill some secondary mission (Nityananda ultimately died young without being able to fulfill his messianic enterprises of Theosophy)

Sometime between late April and late May 1909, at the private beach of the Theosophical Society Headquarters in Adyar, Chennai, Leadbeater encountered Jiddu Krishnamurti, a fourteen-year-old South Indian Brahmin

Leadbeater, a controversial figure whose knowledge on occult matters was highly respected by the Society's leadership, came to believe young Krishnamurti was a suitable candidate for the vehicle of the World Teacher – despite the boy's reputedly dull personality and lackluster intellect

Following the "discovery", Leadbeater began occult examinations of Krishnamurti, to whom he had assigned the pseudonym Alcyone – the name of a star in the Pleiades star cluster, and of characters from Greek mythology.

>> No.18445299
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In late 1910 the Theosophical Society published the first work "by Alcyone", a booklet entitled At the Feet of the Master. The book became very popular among Theosophists.
In April 1911 Besant founded the Order of the Star in the East. It was named after the Star of Bethlehem, signifying the proclaimed approach of the new vehicle of Christ-Maitreya in Jiddu Krishnamurti

Aleister Crowley wrote of the matter:
>The Black School has always worked insidiously, by treachery. We need then not be surprised by finding that its most notable representative was the renegade follower of Blavatsky, Annie Besant, and that she was charged by her Black masters with the mission of persuading the world to accept for its Teacher a negroid Messiah (1). To make the humiliation more complete, a wretched creature was chosen who, to the most loathsome moral qualities, added the most fatuous imbecility. And then blew up! (Quote from Magick Without Tears)

By the late 1920s, Jiddu Krishnamurti's emphasis in public talks and private discussions had changed. He had been gradually discarding or contradicting Theosophical concepts and terminology, disagreeing with leading Theosophists, and talking less about the World Teacher; public interest, and attendance at his speaking engagements, remained high

Finally, on 3 August 1929, at the Ommen Star Camp, Krishnamurti disbanded the Order in front of Besant and about 3,000 members.

Despite the changes in Krishnamurti's outlook and pronouncements during the preceding years (and more recent rumors of impending dissolution), the ending of the Order and its mission shocked many of its supporters. Prominent Theosophists openly or under various guises turned against Krishnamurti – including Leadbeater, who reputedly stated, "the Coming has gone wrong.

Krishnamurti then later on settled onto California where he also died.

>> No.18445300
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>> No.18445306
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>> No.18445313

From what book is "The Land of the Sun"?

>> No.18445315

>advaita is the doctrine of the upanishads
upanishads: the sky is blue and the grass is green
advaita: this must be interpreted, for it cannot possible mean what it actually says. the upanishads are saying that the sky is kind of like a string attached to a cloud and the grass is like a lake. the string touches the lake and this causes the clouds to be situated such that they cover the lake from the grass, making the sky and the grass appear different colors. if you removed the clouds then they would both be blue, but actually the clouds don’t even exist at all, so the grass and the sky are both blue regardless of the fact that the grass appears to be green.
guenon: woah I can easily write like thirty books doing this

>> No.18445316

>Chittick and Corbin both explicitly say Ibn Arabi is not even close to Vedanta.
They are not the only authorities on Ibn Arabi and Sufism. Titus Burckheart says that Ibn Arabis doctrine does come close to Vedanta in his book "Introduction to Sufi Doctrine" and Burckheart himself translated Ibn Arabis works. In the book "Paths to Transcendence according to Shankara, Ibn Arabi and Meister Eckhart" by Reza Shah-Kazemi, the author of that book also says they are comparable in many ways.

Other authors have written about other Sufis being close to Vedanta before as well. For example RC Zaehner when writing about al-Ghazali's work 'The Niche for Lights" in Zaehner's book "Hindu and Muslim Mysticism" writes "'Here at last Ghazâlî forgets to worry about the orthodoxy he usually chooses to parade, and declares himself a non-dualist of whom Śaṅkara himself might have been proud."

Lastly, Ibn Arabi's doctrine doesn't have to be identical to Advaita Vedanta in other for his works, and the books of Chittick and Corbin to be relevant to Traditionalism threads, I don't know why you pretend this is the case. Christianity isn't identical to Advaita Vedanta either but it comes up as something mentioned frequently in these threads.

>> No.18445319
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Leadbeater (who was called Sirius) and Annie Besant were identified in Crowley in Moonchild and various other writings as Black Brothers themselves. They had a Messiah, Jiddu Krishnamurti. Crowley writing:
>The Black School has always worked insidiously, by treachery. We need then not be surprised by finding that its most notable representative was the renegade follower of Blavatsky, Annie Besant, and that she was charged by her Black masters with the mission of persuading the world to accept for its Teacher a negroid Messiah (1). To make the humiliation more complete, a wretched creature was chosen who, to the most loathsome moral qualities, added the most fatuous imbecility.

Leadbeater was also convicted for sexually abusing male children. He was most likely a homosexual pederast

Crowley also published under pseudonym a "Crisis" of spirituality back in then when these people were trying to declare a Negroid Messiah for the world to worship. Similar to George Floyd worship we see today

This quote is from Crowley's essay "The Black Messiah"
>“White men and women must choose between these alternatives: Will they yield, content to be the black man’s slave, after having been his master? or will they stand to, and reply by an energetic spiritual reaction, which will restore the threatened equilibrium of the races?

>The white champion has appeared, He who, under the aegis of the Spiritual Masters of the planet, has proclaimed the Law of Thelema, the Law of Love, comprehended and directed by Will: the Law which bids each man pursue the proper orbit of his destiny, and develop himself around his own true centre of Light, will bring back welfare to his own race, and establish Peace with Victory upon the Earth.”

(See the Essay Gerard Aumont Aleister Crowley The Black Messiah)

>> No.18445324


>> No.18445340

were guenon and evola vegetarian? i couldn’t find out from google.

>> No.18445344

No. We know for sure that Guenon used to eat fried pigeon.

>> No.18445354

The book is "The Advaita Tradition in Indian Philosophy" by Chandradhar Sharma. It's pretty good.


He has chapters in it that explain original Buddhism, Abhidharma Buddhism, Yogachara Buddhism, Madhyamaka Buddhism, Advaita Vedanta and Kashmir Shaivism

His opinions on them in that book are as follows:

Advaita Vedanta: based and red-pilled, the most logically consistent and fullest explication of the truth, the essence of the Upanishads
Original Buddhism: he interprets Buddha as originally propounding Upanishadic non-dualism, like just like Coomaraswamy does, most Buddhists reject this interpretation
Abhidharma Buddhism: he thinks its wrong, contains errors and it misunderstood Buddhism
Yogachara Buddhism: he also thinks its wrong and contains error, but he notes that the original Yogachara of Asanga is close to Upanishadic absolutism than the subjective idealism of Dinnaga, Dharmakirti etc which he condemns
Madhyamaka Buddhism: he has a fringe interpretation of Nagarjuna where he thinks Nagarjuna was an absolutist that regarded there to be an existing eternal Absolute with its own reality and essence/nature, almost all Buddhists completely reject this interpterion of Nagarjuna though, under this fringe interpretation he praises Madhyamaka but he still says Advaita is correct that the Absolute is itself the innermost Atman.
Kashmir Shaivism: he criticizes it and says that it has nice-sounding ideas that are poetic that it's full of logical contradictions that stem from it taking a bunch of ideas from Advaita while simultaneously trying to supersede it.

The section on Advaita is very lucid and well-written.

>> No.18445368
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It would be too lengthy to go deep into this subject, but the American Freemasonry is a Perverted Teaching.

The Blazing Star of Freemasonry in America is Sirius Star (Second Sun, or the Black Sun)

It is associated with certain Osirian revival rites (Star alignment with the Great Pyramid of Giza. Orion (associated with the god Osiris) is aligned with the King’s Chamber while Sirius (associated with the goddess Isis) is aligned with the Queen’s Chamber.) and counter-initiation

It concerns the Seven Stars of Pleiades as the heirs of Atla (those who survived the Atlantic catasthrope)

It has nothing to do with Hyperborean Tradition, the Primordial Tradition, whole United States is a Heresy and Heir to the Atlantean Catasthrope, those vestiges being relocated to America, and perhaps the Egyptian Obelisks that also which were brought there were part of the same Heliopolic Sun worship cult

Same catasthrope will await America, it is a Masonic experiment to re-enact the Atlantic Tragedy in the New World for it is by definition a nation devoid of any ties to any sort of Primordial Tradition and Truth.

>> No.18445372

>Teacher a negroid Messiah
I have long suspected this was the gameplan for america. sort of like George Floyd ya know

>> No.18445374

*Asanga is closer to

>> No.18445382

what do you think about the Aztec Tradition? It's still alive and they all thought Cortes was Quetzalcoatl
Even Schuon thought the Native American tradition was legit

>> No.18445387

posting Schuon speaking Italian again (based)

>> No.18445390

Can you explain what the meaning of the black sun is? I’ve read a bit of Serrano but I still don’t get it. I see how it fits in with some other things but I don’t get what it actually is in plain terms.

>> No.18445391
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It is about Black Brotherhood and counter-initiation versus true initiation. Leadbeater (who was called Sirius) and Annie Besant were identified in Crowley in Moonchild and various other writings as Black Brothers themselves. They had a Messiah, Jiddu Krishnamurti.

This lineage continues even today. Apart from their obsession with the Sirius star

Leadbeater Brotherhood. (Ironic is the Lead's associated with Saturn and the "Brotherhood of Saturn" name, considering it was the heaviest element known to ancient alchemists. Little did they know about Uranium)

Make no mistake, folks. This "Star of Initiation" has nothing to do with what Crowley or Guénon meant by initiation or the star of A∴A∴

It is the Dog Star of those who are under the dominion of Reason. It is the star of those who can be called "Dogs of Reason" for they have declared the bastard of Svastika as the Child of Wisdom & Understanding.

The Dog Star.

This is what the Star and Sirius Star of United States Seal is about.

Sirius Star was associated with new age fringe groups and pseudo-religious organizations like Theosophy as the "Light of Reason"
>1. "Sirius was called the `Dog Star.' It was the star of Mercury, or Buddha, called the `Great Instructor of mankind.'"

This sort of great "illuminator" is also directly referenced as the light of Reason, the inverted Lucifer the "Manas" of Theosophical pseudo-religious concepts.

For example, the Black Brother identified by Crowley as Leadbeater who tried to usher in Krishnamurti called himself "Sirius" and it is the Star of Black Brotherhood.

Sirius, the Dog Star, is directly referenced as Crowley as the "Dogs of Reason". Choronzon Club is a good example of this lineage too (Frater Aquarius -> Brayton -> Frater Shiva)

Book of the Law about Sirius:
>shall fall down into the pit called Because, and there he shall perish with the dogs of Reason.

Behold within, and not above: One star in sight!

Leadbeater himself was a convicted child pederast pedophile.

Why do they rape children? It is the Sirian rite:

Crowley quote

'"Oh, how superior is the Eye of Horus(ANUS) to the Mouth of Isis(VAGINA)!". Diary 1913 about a boy showered with "foaming seed": "While the other in his orgasm receives the waters." "Let it be no sin to us to have buggered the virle bum." "While the priest thrusts his thyrsus between boyish buttocks, All is accomplished; come Holy Dove!" http://bluepyramid.tripod.com/index/id4.html.. "The Equinox" IV;2, Maine 1998, 405.

>> No.18445426
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Black Sun of Vril is not the same as the Black Sun of Sirius.

The Sirian Black Sun is Chaos, concerns Anus, the Qliphoth - connected with the Pleiades star cluster and Sirius

The Vril Black Sun is the immovable center - the Hyperborean center of center, the original polar

It is initiation vs counter-initiation


>> No.18445440

Is this based on actual ancient texts or just some modern pervert’s interpretation?
>The Vril Black Sun is the immovable center - the Hyperborean center of center, the original polar
Yes but what does that mean? You haven’t actually explained anything. You basically just gave synonyms.

>> No.18445452

>Yes but what does that mean? You haven’t actually explained anything. You basically just gave synonyms.

Read King of the World by Guénon, especially the chapters related to Melki-Tsedeq; Luz: Abode of Immortality; The Supreme Center concealed during the Kali-Yuga;
How I can explain the Supreme Center, Primordial Center?

>> No.18445465

>Is this based on actual ancient texts or just some modern pervert’s interpretation?

I would consider it counter-initiatic perversion of Tantric sexual rites and using it for their advantage

>> No.18445470

>How I can explain the Supreme Center, Primordial Center?
If you knew what you were talking about you would be able to explain it in straightforward terms. I’m sure you’ve made long enough walls of text on here for other things.
>read this entire book instead
I think he will end up doing the same thing you’re doing right now. That is; not actually explaining anything directly but still trying to make it sound profound anyways.

>> No.18445472

This is my translation of a passage from an article which appeared in "La Gnose"(1910), wrote by Marnès, a magazine where Guenon was the director. Maybe you guys will find it interesting:
"The most important of the alphabets we have considered here, for the moment, is the one called 'watan'. This alphabet, which was the primitive writing of the Atlanteans and the Red Race, whose tradition was passed on to Egypt and India after the catastrophe in which Atlantis disappeared, is the exact translation of the astral alphabet. It comprises three constituent letters (corresponding to the three persons of the Trinity, or the first three Sefirots, which are the first three numbers from which all the others were born), seven planetary and twelve zodiacal, a total of twenty-two characters... This is the alphabet that Moses knew in the Temples of Egypt, which becomes the first Hebrew alphabet, but which will change over time, to be lost forever in Babylonian captivity. The primitive alphabet of the Atlanteans was preserved in India and has come down to us thanks to the Brahmins; as for the Atlantean language, it was divided into several dialects, which may have become independent languages in time, and one of these languages reached Egypt; this Egyptian language was the origin of the Hebrew language, according to Fabre d'Olivet. "

>> No.18445477

His book The Roman Tradition is a masterpiece.

>> No.18445487
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forgot pic

>> No.18445510

No, I won't be able to explain it straightforward terms in a few single paragraphs

You do understand that the whole bulk of material of Perennial Philosophy and Traditionalist School concerns the Primordial Tradition

You are literally asking me to to somehow give you a quick rundown of all the material, scholarship and research by Guénon, Evola etc.

It is something impossible. No, I cannot answer your impossible demands, at the best we can talk about concepts of those chapters and books which discuss the matter

>> No.18445517

Thank you anon

>> No.18445521

>then Sudan, where there is, in a mountainous region, a “lycanthrope” population of about twenty thousand individuals (I know this from eyewitnesses);
Is this what he is perhaps referencing?

>In the folklore of western Sudanic peoples, there is a hybrid creature, a human who is nightly transformed into a cannibalistic monster that terrorizes people, especially lovers. The creature is often portrayed as a magically powerful healer, blacksmith, or woodcutter in its human form, but recognizable through signs like a hairy body, red and gleaming eyes, and a nasal voice.[6]

>> No.18445553

No, I’m simply asking you to explain what the black sun is. I’m familiar with the context. You don’t seem to be able to even give the slightest hint of knowledge of what the black sun actually is. Have you actually grasped the content yourself?
You treat it as some unknowable thing that defies logic and communication. People with a good understanding of a subject don’t treat it like that.

>> No.18445555

Yes, we have this types of folk stories also in Eastern Europe. I think that Guenon considered this to be a psychic thing and the "transformed human" to be more like the ghost of the actual human, rather than his body in flesh and bones.

>> No.18445593

I think we should make sharp and definite distinctions between Atlantean and Hyperborean traditions.

The Vedic tradition, in its original form, was Hyperborean. See for example The Arctic Home in the Vedas and other books that deal with certain Polar symbolism.

All truly traditional civilizations have their beginning in Hyperborea and Polar symbolism.

Even Guénon underlines and outlines this distinction. The Atlantean period is a later, the civilizations of "Atlantis" (be it what it may historically) suffered a Catasthrope

Atlantis was a later center from Hyperborean tradition and it was transmitted there.

Guénon deals with this distinction in full at least in his book "Traditional Forms & Cosmic Cycles"

Hyperborea and Atlantean are two different qualities and traditions. Atlantean is in the West, HYperborea in the North.

Guénon explains:
>Hyperborea obviously corresponds to the North, and Atlantis to the West; and it is remarkable that although the very designations of these two regions are distinct, they may give rise to confusions since names of the same root were applied to both. In fact, one finds the root under diverse forms such as hiber, iberor eber, and also ereb by transposition of letters, signifying both the region of Winter, that is, the North, and the region of evening or the setting sun, that is, the West, and the peoples who inhabit both….The very positions of the Atlantean center on the East-West axis indicates its subordination with respect to the Hyperborean center, located on the North-South polar axis. Indeed, although in the complete system of the six directions of space the conjunction of these two axes forms what one can call a horizontal cross, the North-South axis must be regarded as relatively vertical with regard to the East-West axis, as we have explained elsewhere.

>> No.18445596

>- Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

Good interview with his son, talking about ''Guénon, Coomaraswamy, Schuon, Burckhardt, Pallis and Nasr''


>> No.18445603

Which Black Sun we are talking about?

The Black Sun mosaic on the floor of Wevelsburg, perhaps the Black Sun or Sirius as the Second Sun? Perhaps the Black Sun that is supposed by Newtonian Gravity to be the center, immovable center of Galaxy?

What are you even asking? I cannot tell you what Serrano means by Black Sun, I have never even read Miguel Serrano's book, he is some esoteric Hitlerist

>> No.18445607
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Why was he so happy

>> No.18445621

You seem to be lost, this isn't the genital worship masonic thread.

>> No.18445624

The floor mosaic

>> No.18445633

The same parts about petroleum keep repeating. Can you post the rest of it?

>> No.18445664
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The Wevelsburg Black Sun mosaic was designed by Karl Maria Wiligut alias Weisthor

Wiligut, who also called himself Ara-Hari Weisthor, was considered the "Secret King" of Germany (a title he conferred himself) and this Black Sun consisted of 12 Sig Runes

Wiligut inner circle (according to Yrjö von Grönhagen) consisted of 12 members. These included Rudolf Hess and Himmler among other nazi members.

Wiligut told Grönhagen:
>I am the last Jarl, Weise (meaning wise) Thor, the descendant of the great God Thor who is called Ara-Hari or Wiligôt. I have founded The Nordic Ring of Wisdom - Der Nordische Ring Des Wissenden - that includes 12 of my greatest disciples. Reichsführer Himmler is one of them. Another one of them is the dear friend of our Führer, Rudolf Hess.

(This is found in the Book by Grönhagen)

Wevelsburg was supposed to be an initiatic center remiscient of primordial center, or immovable center. This account is given:

>After a further visit in April, the castle was officially taken over by the SS in August 1934. The Wewelsburg began its new career as a museum and SS officers' college for ideological education within the Race and Settlement Main Office, but was then placed under the direct control of the Reichsführer-SS Personal Staff in February 1935. This transfer reflected the increasing importance of the castle to Heinrich Himmler and the germination of his plans for an SS order-castle, comparable to the Marienburg of the medieval Teutonic Knights. The impetus for this changing conception of the Wewelsburg came almost certainly from Weisthor, who had accompanied Himmler on his visits to the castle. Weisthor predicted that the castle was destined to become a magical German strongpoint in a future conflict between Europe and Asia. This idea was based on an old Westphalian legend, which had found romantic expression in a nineteenth-century poem." This described an old shepherd's vision of a 'Battle at the Birchtree' in which an enormous army from the East would be finally beaten by the West. Weisthor brought this legend to Himmler's notice, claiming that the Wewelsburg was the 'bastion' against which this 'new Hun invasion' would be broken in fulfilment of the old prophecy.

Quote from: Page 186 from Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke © 2004: OCCULT ROOTS OF NAZISM. Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology

So it seems that this is what the Black Sun of your Floor Mosaic chiefly means. See also the Personal Seal of Karl Maria Wiligut. They were trying to establish a center with Wiligut as some sort of Secret King occult influence, perhaps Hitler as outer avatara

>> No.18445702

kek I never have the time to partake in these threads

>> No.18445730
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Wiligut personal seal.

Notice also the Dragon's Head symbol similar to Blavatsky posted in previous thread

>> No.18445747
File: 46 KB, 408x554, Qaf-et-les-Myseres-du-Coran-Glorieux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All truly traditional civilizations have their beginning in Hyperborea and Polar symbolism.
This was true for a certain period of time. Do you think that only primordial traditions pure and simple(which are polar) are traditional? Or do you also accept revelations and Prophets as reactualizations of those traditions but in a certain historical context, to certain groups of people? As a matter of fact, in Islam there is a reference in Ibn Arabi's work and probably in islamic esoterism in general about the Pole and a Polar Mountain. I am not an expert on this subject but I found a book in french, made by a guenonian/valsanian who apparently wrote about many interesting things from sufism and tried to make parallels between them and Guenon's work. This is a quote from the book(see pic related): "The word which designates the path is sabîl ; one of the meanings of sabîl is jihâd . The traditional expression fi sabîl Allâhi , commonly used for alms, also means "in holy combat". The color of the holy battle is red, that of the fire bird on the Polar Mountain, symbol of the Glorious Koran and of the power of qaf."
So many interesting books that aren't translated though, maybe we should all learn french...

>> No.18445750

The letters are found in full in this link.


Use google translate

>> No.18445782

>Do you think that only primordial traditions pure and simple(which are polar) are traditional?

I don't think these exists in pure form anymore. Only the traditional religions are representatives of primordial tradition, but in a second in rank sense

What do I mean by second in rank sense?

Guénon explains this hierarchy from the point of view of Islamic tasawwuf: what concerns the members of Afrad is different from those under the jurisdiction of normal Sufi masters or traditional religions, because the Afrad have a master who is Al Khidr and the members of the Afrad are considered outside of what one might call a "jurisdication of the Pole (al-Qutb)" (The highest point in Sufi orders and even for example some other tradition like Judaism, even though they use different terms)

>Khidr/Khezr is one of the Afrad, the Unique Ones who recieve illumination directly from God without human mediation; they can initiate seekers who belong to no Order or have no human guide; they rescue lost wanderers and desperate lovers in the hour of need. Uways al-Qarani is their historical prototype, Khezr their ahistorical prototype.

Khezr is the embodiment of primordial tradition itself and Al-Khidr being the "Master of the Afrad", who act independent of the Sufi/Islamic Qutb and may not even be known by the Pole (for example, Moses in Judaism, was regarded as the 'Pole' (al-Quțb ) of his age/or Pole of Judaism)

The number of Afrad is indeterminate and uknown and they might be in occultation/secret.

Guénon gives this comparison:
>Following comparison is sometimes used: a prince, even if the prince excercises no function, is nonetheless higher in himself than a minister (at least if the minister is not himself a prince). In the spiritual order; the Afrad are analoguous to princes and the Aqtab (Al Aqtab) to ministers. Khidr, in this case, being of course, the King Concealed as the Master of the indeterminate number of Afrad (princes).

So it is impossible to recognize these, but they do exists, and one could argue that Primordial Tradition still exists, but is in occultation/hidden, until it re-surfaces again.

>> No.18445794

And the Polar symbolism is also associated with the Pole (al-Qutb), the immovable center of which all revolves

So the polar symbolism is not strictly related to historical Hyperborea that was said to be in North

>> No.18445819

Interesting, are you that guy who added me on discord?

>> No.18445834

No, I don't use discord, I only shitpost on /pol/ and here

>> No.18445878

Where did Guenon wrote about the Afrad?

>> No.18445897


Letter from Guénon March 14, 1937
>Al-Khidr is properly the Master of the Afrad, who are independent of the Qutb and may not even be known by him; it is indeed as you say a matter of something more ´direct´ and in a way outside defined and delimited functions no matter how elevated they may be; and this is why the number of the Afrad is indeterminate. This comparison is sometimes used: a prince, even if the exercises no function, is nonetheless higher in himself than a minister (at least if the minister is not himself a prince, something that can happen but which is not all necessary); in the spiritual order of the Afrad are analoguous to princes and the Aqtab to ministers. This is only a comparison, of course, but all the same it helps somewhat in understanding the relation of the ones to the others

>> No.18445912

Is this from those 2 french editions of his correspondences?

>> No.18445926

Also in this letter to Evola he discusses Afrad:

>2 August 1949
>Cairo, Egypt

>Melchizedek corresponds, in Islamic esoterism, to the function of the Qutb, as I have otherwise explained in King of the World. On the other hand, El-Khider is the Master of the Afrad, which are found outside the jurisdiction of the Qutb and is said that they are not even known by it; in this regard, the Koranic story of the meeting between El-Khidr and Moses (Surat El-Kalif) is otherwise very significant. The way of the Afrad is something absolutely exceptional, and no one can choose it on his own initiative. It is about an initiation received beyond the ordinary means and belongs in reality to another chain (perhaps you can find an article of Abdul-Hadi in which he deals with these two chains, even if his definitions are not perhaps very clear).

>> No.18445937

I cannot remember where the first quote is from, but I am absolutely certain it is a Guénon quote.

The other Afrad mention is from his Evola letter correspondence

>> No.18445983

alright bros im reading King of the World right now

i'll report back in an hour or two when i'm done. it's only like 70-80 pages so it's a light read

>> No.18446155
File: 89 KB, 449x720, fishing2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The full implications of this Wiligut's identification of Thor is not also properly understood by many Nazi occultists

Pic related is the famous scene of Thor fishing the Jörmungandr/ Midgard Serpent or World Serpent is a direct reference also to Stooping Dragon and the Leviathan or the Seven Headed Dragon.

Both the Beast's head is an Ox head, and so is the Ox head used to fishing it. This might relate to counter-clockwise and anti-counterclockwise swastikas found on Wiligut's seal so as to activate the potencies

Both are fished up by Ox Head, now, the letter Aleph in Hebrew is also associated with the Swastika. It is also the counterwise and clockwise Swastikas that are represented in the Wiligut seal. In the occult traditions, they are sometimes considered the Active and Passive potencies

Wiligut and other occult forces were activating the Enochian Apocalypse of John Dee and Stooping Dragon, especially the Nazi Wiligutian Black Magicians, but I cannot prove this. Just my speculation when it comes to Wiligut's seal and certain other symbolism of his

What is sure that Stooping Dragon was aroused and bloodshed ensued, even Grönhagen ends his novel with the following words:
>Hitler is dead. Himmler has killed himself. All the others have met their Doom.

>But what about Weisthor? And the Wise Ring of the North? (Der Nordische Ring Des Wissenden)

>Is he still alive?

>Is he still spreading those teachings of madness to unsuspecting students or some other political parties?

>Will the World ever know who was his principal employer who wanted Men to destroy each other so fervently?

>The Green Dragon.

>> No.18446164
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Both are fished up by Ox Head, now, the letter Aleph in Hebrew is also associated with the Swastika. It is also the counterwise and clockwise Swastikas that are represented in the Wiligut seal. In the occult traditions, they are sometimes considered the Active and Passive potencies

These letters are believed to have derived from an Egyptian hieroglyph depicting an ox's head to describe the initial sound of the West Semitic word for ox, preserved in Biblical Hebrew as Eleph 'ox'

>> No.18446205
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thanks for doing the good work, some of the people in these threads are pathological liars and samefags, and that's why the threads stagnate. better to have critical voices.

i do admire guenon but do any other traditionalists think he went a little nutty toward the end of his life? he was a man after all, maybe some of the attacks he perceived by others were not completely true "anime is real" magic fights

i think this is the full picture here, i'll post the other ones so people can decide for themselves

>> No.18446210
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here's the smaller one

>> No.18446219
File: 636 KB, 1438x1034, guenonfag rec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the one where guenonfag recommends a book that admits advaita is cryptobuddhism

personally this one is my favorite

>> No.18446227
File: 1.09 MB, 1336x2792, patrick olivele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is another of guenonfag's former favorites patrick olivele saying that there is no one philosophy in the upanishads

he's also the biggest upanishads scholar and translator

>> No.18446319

who knows stuff about the Aztec tradition?

>> No.18446333

What about the Green Dragon and Quetzalcoatl

>> No.18446460

Guenon also noticed the link between nazis and counter-initiation, this are some quotes from his correspondances:
"What is true is that, at the start of the Hitler affair, there is not only Trebitch Lincoln, but also Aliester.Crowleyand a certain Colonel Ettington"
"In any case, what is there it is certain that, at the time of Hitler's "advent",Crowleywas present in Berlin; besides, he has under his direct orders, in Germany, a strange organization called "Saturn-Loge", of which I have quite extraordinary notebooks."

>> No.18446490

I honeslty don't know much/anything about the Aztec traditions

In this post: >>18445255
>>“Logos”, that is, God, and the idea of Light. As to the name of Avalon, it is clearly the same as Ablun or Belen, that is, the Celtic or Hyperborean Apollo, so that the Isle of Avalon is only another name for the “Land of the Sun”, which, moreover, was at a certain period transported symbolically from the north to the west, a movement that is in conjunction with one of the principal changes that occurred in the traditional forms in the course of our Manvantara.

But this is Hyperborean Symbolism, but the Catasthrope that struck Atlantis concerns West Island, and Atlas is in the West and America is a heir to such Catasthrope. Guénon writes:
>This transference, like that of the sapta-riksha from the Great Bear to the Pleiades, corresponds notably with a change of the starting-point of the year: at first the solstice, and then the equinox.

It is my opinion, that Atlantean traditions, that consist of the East-West axis are bound into suffering of Catasthrope periodally

Why? Because Sun sets in the West and rises in the East etc.

They are horizontal traditions. Quetzalcoatl was said to come from East. Etc.

While the Primordial Tradition was about Polar regions and of the land were sun never set.

Aztecs suffered a Catasthrope, whole Native American traditions suffered a catasthrope. And in the last stages there were some very degenerate human sacrifice cults which perhaps was not in the beginning

>> No.18446524

It is hard to understand Crowley's role in the Golden Dawn without reading the account give in the Temple of Solomon the King.

Crowley also chose Leo as his personal sigil and also associated it with Caput Draconis, the head of the Lion-Serpent, the Beast 666.

So yes, Crowley quite consciously associated himself with the 8th Head of Stooping Dragon, the Seven were Set in Motion so as to destroy the Golden Dawn (in Golden Dawn ritualism, the Serpent Apep attacks the Supernals).

8th head is also the Daath, numerated 474 in Kabbalah. Crowley writes of it:
>Daath, Knowledge, the Sephira that is not a Sephira. In one aspect the child of Chokmah
and Binah; in another the Eighth Heads of the Stooping Dragon, raised up when the Tree
of Life was shattered, and Macroprosopus set cherubim against Microprosopus. See 4 = 7
ritual supra. Also, and very specifically, Liber 418. It is the demon that purely intellectual or rational religions take as their God. The special danger of Hinayana Buddhism.
>To the beginner, though, Daath seems very helpful. He is glad that the Stooping Dragon attacks the Sanctuary. He is doing it himself. Hence Buddhists make Ignorance the greatest fetter of all the ten fetters. But in truth Knowledge implies a Knower and a Thing Known, the accursed Dyad which is the prime cause of all misery.

>> No.18446624

ok just finished. pretty interesting read.
>midget in the center of the earth
clearly the anon who said this has not read the book kek

I'll leave you all with the last sentences of the book, which is a quote from de Maistre
>We must be ready for an immense event in the divine, order, which we are traveling toward an accelerated speed that must astound all those who watch. Redoubtable oracles have already announced that the time has arrive.

>> No.18446689

Cortes is often associated with Quetzalcoatl fwiw

>> No.18446708

speaking of Crowley, I recently read the Sufi of Rome, which is Evola's table talk, and he says that Crowley's 33rd degree is illegitimate and thinks very lowly of him in general.

>> No.18446727

here's a question for /trad/
how do you reconcile Traditionalism and computers?

>> No.18446740

Evola has written an literal essay of Crowley, can be found here


I think Evola thinks quite highly of Crowley, at least in this essay. I haven't read the Sufi of Rome.

>> No.18446746

Sufi of Rome is a fraud.

>> No.18446792
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nice, Cologero is the fucking man
best /trad/ blog on the internet, hands down.
>Evola thinks quite highly of Crowley
pic rel
he said the one thing he liked about him was that he was an alpinist
>Sufi of Rome is a fraud.
I don't think so. It's hard to find info on Frank Gelli but he became a legit Anglican Priest.

>> No.18446795

Do you mean Aztec religion, or Traditionalism flavored around Aztec religion? Because you can't really reconcile the two. Aztec religion, and Mesoamerican religion in general, is a form of process philosophy (technically all Paleo-Siberian philosophy is, but we have the most from the Mesoamericans), and Traditionalism is ultimately focused on stasis.

I could blabber on about Aztec religion but this isn't really the thread for it.

>> No.18446833

i don't know anything about it and was just curious about it from a /trad/ perspective

>> No.18446845
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>> No.18446877

Nice video

>> No.18446883

The Arab Sheik reference of Crowley is a possibly reference to his memoirs:

This is from Crowley's Confessions:
>As to my study of Islam, I got a sheikh to teach me Arabic and the practices of ablution, prayer and so on, so that at some future time I might pass for a Moslem among themselves. I had it in my mind to repeat Burton's journey to Mecca sooner or later. I learnt a number of chapters of the Koran by heart. I never went to Mecca, it seemed rather vieux jeu, but my ability to fraternize fully with Mohammedans has proved of infinite use in many ways.

>My sheikh was profoundly versed in the mysticism and magic of Islam, and discovering that I was an initiate, had no hesitation in providing me with books and manuscripts on the Arabic Cabbala. These formed the basis of my comparative studies. I was able to fit them in with similar doctrines and other religions; the correlation is given in my 777.

>From this man I learnt also many of the secrets of the Sidi Aissawa; how to run a stiletto through one's cheek without drawing blood, lick redhot swords, eat live scorpions, etc. (Some of these feats are common conjurers' tricks, some depend on scientific curiosities, but some are genuine Magick; that is, the scientific explanation is not generally known. More of this later.)

I personally don't know what to think of it. But immediately after studying under sheik of Sidi Aissawa, Crowley supposedly received the Book of the Law from a person/being/entity called Aiwass.

The similarity to the name Sidi Aissawa is close in my opinion. The reception also happened in Cairo, few decades before Guénon locate there.

>> No.18446898

Flavius has some good vids

>> No.18446901

Have you read Rudolf Steiner's The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness?

It has interesting passage on Vaccines/Vaccination:

>The time will come — and it may not be far off — when quite different tendencies will come up at a congress like the one held in 1912 and people will say: It is pathological for people to even think in terms of spirit and soul. ‘Sound’ people will speak of nothing but the body. It will be considered a sign of illness for anyone to arrive at the idea of any such thing as a spirit or a soul. People who think like that will be considered to be sick and — you can be quite sure of it — a medicine will be found for this. At Constantinople the spirit was made non-existent. The soul will be made non-existent with the aid of a drug. Taking a ‘sound point of view’, people will invent a vaccine to influence the organism as early as possible, preferably as soon as it is born, so that this human body never even gets the idea that there is a soul and a spirit.

>The two philosophies of life will be in complete opposition. One movement will need to reflect how concepts and ideas may be developed to meet the reality of soul and spirit. The others, the heirs of modern materialism, will look for the vaccine to make the body ‘healthy’, that is, makes its constitution such that this body no longer talks of such rubbish as soul and spirit, but takes a ‘sound’ view of the forces which live in engines and in chemistry and let planets and suns arise from nebulae in the cosmos. Materialistic physicians will be asked to drive the souls out of humanity.

>[ These last two paragraphs have had select words or sentences quoted to characterize Rudolf Steiner as being either ‘pro’ or ‘anti’ vaccine. Every human being needs to examine these statements closely and of their own free will. Firstly in the light that the words are an English translation of notes taken at a German lecture. And secondly, as only a part of a much larger thought. In your research, be sure to use our Search feature to find other documents where ‘vaccine’ is referenced, and also other words like, ‘vaccinate’ or ‘vaccination,’ and ‘inoculate’ or ‘inoculation.’ Think ... Feel ... Will. See next paragraph. – e.Ed ]

Spoopy stuff. Then again, wasn't Steiner himself counter-initiatory with his ariosophy bullshit hogwash?

>> No.18446956

I have not read any Steiner besides the small bits about his battles with Hitler and co. and how he was spying on their meetings via remote viewing

however, I have read his vaccine stuff that you posted, which is certainly an interesting topic in [Current Year]

>> No.18446964
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>people will say: It is pathological for people to even think in terms of spirit and soul. ‘Sound’ people will speak of nothing but the body.

Ragnarok really is approaching isn't it

>> No.18447058

to the anon who warned me about Tibetan Buddhism two threads ago
i just contacted them and will look into the matter over the next year.

>> No.18447067

Don't let them touch you

>> No.18447086


>> No.18447096
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>"The Man with the Green Gloves", Green Dragon, FOGC, Dag Dugpa Clan
All of this is connected with the Black Lodge of Tibet. Lets go:

>Dag Dugpa Clan
The Dag-Dugpa Clan, also known as Drukpas or the "red hat sect", is an obscure group of Tibetan Buddhism.

The term "Dugpa" is used for someone who is a master of the dark arts, male or female, who uses tools such as Hypnosis, Neuro-linguistic programming, Hegelian Dialect, Hallucinogens and other mind control techniques designed to trap a person in the realms lower astrals. The Drukpas are not only masters of the Left Hand Path, but also masters of the Right Hand Path. They are masters of duality.
The Drukpas' practices are much more in line with the customs of the ancient shaman religion of the peoples of the East and are what could be called a "black magician" version of Buddhism, including the Tantrism (sexual magic) they practice is a type "black tantrism" and it is said that in certain ceremonies they eat human flesh in their rites.

Drukpas are considered to be the most versed in witchcraft and black magic. They inhabit Western Tibet and Bhutan, and, oddly enough, not even Chinese Communists mess with them. They are supposed to be the most fearful black magicians. Some ritualists, like Mircea Eliade, who visited the borders of Tibet, confused the Dugpas' rites and practices with the religious beliefs of the Eastern Lamas. Esoterically, it is known that the Drukpas sect, in which one of the most prominent dark members was publicly known by the name of Mao Zedong.

For more informations:

>"The Man with the Green Gloves"
The "The Man with the Green Gloves" belonged to the Dag Dugpas Clan (and Green Dragon). Hitler allowed himself to be led by this man who taught him to crystallize everything negatively and corrupted him.

Using astral projection, these people travel through alternative realities of our world, advancing or retreating from their current position. Moving along the Earth's axis, taking a four-dimensional step on each side, they enter the "Lodges". Traveling on the Right Hand Path grants entry to the White Lodge, where angels and light beings await. But these insane people turn to the Left Hand Path, guiding their souls to the Black Lodge, a place of darkness where evil sorcerers and terrible demons live. They crave earthly immortality and want to become the gods of their own worlds, but, due to their proximity to the forces of darkness, many of them began to degenerate and some even lost consciousness, turning themselves into evil forces.
His local dwelling is in the mystical kingdom of Agartha, in a vast cave complex in the underground of Tibet. Which is inhabited by demons called Asuras.

>> No.18447099
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I'm going to have them initiate me into Kalachakra

>> No.18447114
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Thoughts on Swedenborg?

>> No.18447139

The myth of the “Black Sun” which was able to win a central place in the neo-fascist movement and displays similarities with the Tibetan Rahu myth from the Kalachakra Tantra, can be traced to the inspiration of Wiligut and his milieu among others. In a commentary on Wiligut’s runic writings, a pupil, Emil Rüdiger, mentions an invisible dark planet, Santur by name, which is supposed to influence human history and to be able to be microcosmically linked with the energy body of an adept. Appropriate yogic exercises (rune gymnastics) are recommended for producing “high intelligence effects” . Just how seamlessly such “rune gymnastics” can be linked to tantric exercises can be seen in the writings of Miguel Serrano, the father of “esoteric Hitlerism”.

It is thus not at all the case that there is no historical foundation for hypothesizing an occult Nazi — Tibet connection, even if it is publicly denied by one of the protagonists of the “SS Schäfer Expedition”, Bruno Beger. Nevertheless, an occult interconnection between the SS and Lamaist Tibet of the dimensions in which it is currently portrayed in a large number of neo-fascist and esoteric publications has to be described as a post facto construction. This construction could, however, we repeat, fall back on an esoteric ambience in which Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS, and other high-ranking Nazis moved. Thus the well-known, historically proven material has at any rate been sufficient to create new and very effective myths. In the Nazi- Tibet connection , we are thus dealing with a process of myth creation and not a historical set of events. In such processes, there is a blending of historical facts, the stuff of traditional sagas, straining for effect, and imaginary, visionary, religious, fantastic, and personal elements until it all binds into a resistant pattern and anchors itself as such in a culture. It is not unusual for different mythologemes to become fused, and this is exactly, as we will show, what has happened in the case of the Nazi — Tibet connection. Here, racist Nazi myths have been fused with elements of the Tibetan Shambhala myth and with sexual magic practices from Tantric Buddhism.

In this process of myth construction it should also not be underestimated that the meetings known to have occurred between the Dalai Lama and former SS members (Schäfer, Harrer, Beger) have occult significance alone by virtue of the fact that anybody who mentally negotiates an esoteric network interprets a meeting with the Dalai Lama as an occult event.

>> No.18447151

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