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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 181 KB, 860x835, 2C9BFBC1-CDE6-46CF-A5EA-0ECD6F05344D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18555946 No.18555946 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18555950

There are just 12 users on lit at any given moment.


>> No.18555955

Is that really true?

>> No.18555965

how do you know this

>> No.18555964

I'm half of them. Don't ask me about my personalities, one of them will get pissed off.

>> No.18555973

kek i was about to type "all 12 are my multiple personalities"

>> No.18555989

fuck i wanna die. fuck i wanna die so much. fuck i love girls and i love girls and i love girls so so so very much

>> No.18556016

Can't sleep, too bored to read, just refresh /lit/ every couple of minutes. God damnit!

>> No.18556145
File: 311 KB, 505x559, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else underline frequently when reading philosophy or non-fiction in general? If I don't, I lose 95% of the info. I was wondering if there were any more efficient ways to retain information from books.

>> No.18556166

My schizophrenia is getting out of hand and at this point I can't find reason not to end it all, the most tragic thing is I used to be happy once.

>> No.18556172

just focus bro

>> No.18556176

can we please do better than boring anime pictures OP

>> No.18556195

i second this

>> No.18556206

I just reread until it's burned into my consciousness.

>> No.18556220

Sucks to hear that. Can't relate to your situation but wishing you the best brother.

>> No.18556270
File: 50 KB, 728x449, cryyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want jesus to like me but i keep letting him down

>> No.18556280
File: 27 KB, 296x370, 1623496225677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my gf more or less broke up with me unexpectedly, and on my birthday no less
to say that i'm sad and disoriented is an understatement

>> No.18556299
File: 289 KB, 1216x912, 1601958830980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too easily impressed and still scared of reading some books and adopting their ideologies.

>> No.18556300

so when they said "maybe tomorrow" that meant "no". I'll have to remember that for the future. guess I'll give them space now

>> No.18556318


I don't know the specifics of your lives, so I don't have more to offer than these platitudes, but I hope you all find peace and fulfillment.

>> No.18556359

it will happen when you don't know much
the more you read, the less likely it is to happen

>> No.18556363

Modern women have been tricked into wageslaving into their late 30s where theyll be put into a position of never being able to raise a family and are doomed to an empty, unfulfilling life of casual sex and other monetary distractions.

>> No.18556380

I have done nothing with my life to the point of humiliation, and if I died tomorrow it would have little effect. Not that I particularly want to, but it's kind of like how you don't care enough to notice the fly that was buzzing around and annoying you one day has now vanished (and died).

But, I am trying to find my path again and make some progress. So I suppose that *is* something.

>> No.18556406

I just realized the other day that the girl I'm dating is not one I have any particular interest in marrying. What do I do? I know now that the relationship is fundamentally pointless since it will never lead to any meaningful fulfillment.

>> No.18556407

sorry to hear that anon
happy birthday

>> No.18556416

thank you

>> No.18556505

enjoy the sex until you find a new girl that's better, then end it, then pursue new girl

>> No.18556537

Happy birthday! Don't worry it shall come to pass

>> No.18556543

>What do I do?
Settle? Don't be one of those faggots who don't marry and years later regret it because they never found a girl they were interested in.

>> No.18556668
File: 347 KB, 457x420, 1625023203908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm studying to become an engineer, feel torn between my career and my interests in writing and drawing, I fear the everpresent "he who reaches for everything obtains nothing" don't know what to do. here's a drawing lit bros hope ye like it.

>> No.18556678
File: 43 KB, 1095x568, 2021_06_29_138_Kleki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops.. >>18556668
wrong file

>> No.18556738

I hate my life. All I do is waste time instead of doing something productive. I want to read and learn new skills, not waste time online. I don't know how to make things better

>> No.18556739

/lit/ or not, I love Animal Man

>> No.18556765

I will not go to my mom's funeral. I hate her so goddamn much! She is a major source of my mental anguish and I wish she died. She never apologizes to me for anything, yet she expects me to apologize for being human. I wish she would burn in hell.

>> No.18556791
File: 2.57 MB, 1920x1080, Hadesportrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really happy the old myths are kept alive in an entertaining way. It shows people still care about the history of the world that came before them.
Even if you're not a spiritual person, the gods that were born from each civilization give you hints at what those people valued and who they were.

>> No.18556800

I wonder how many people on this site would have ended up a completely different political ideology if they had just been aware of a handful of unspoken rules about english grammar

Like, it's a known thing that people who get called racist, sexist or homophobic over innocent misunderstandings often shift further right as a result because they grow to view the left as hostile and the right as welcoming.

How many times has someone started down the path towards antisemitism just because nobody told them that that calling someone "jewish" is neutral, but "a jew" is hostile

>> No.18556804

I just want to cry. I'm sick of my life getting worse and worse. I'm sick of being alone and having no meaning in life. I can't handle much more of this

>> No.18556806
File: 489 KB, 839x744, 1597016612282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Said fuck it and decided to write in English, wrote
around 400 words in about an hour so far. It's a short story, gonna write short stories before I attempt writing a novel.

>> No.18556854

The reddit spacing is a nice touch.

>> No.18556859
File: 401 KB, 1741x1741, Coll-KushnerandCamus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sick of my life getting worse and worse
What are you doing to make it better? or worse?

>I just want to cry
then cry for a bit, you'll feel better afterwards

>I'm sick of being alone
>not having to worry about social obligations
>only responsible for yourself
>don't have to talk to anyone
>can do whatever you want
idk man being alone is kinda nice

>having no meaning in life
a couple dudes have wrote some books on that you know

>> No.18556869

I realized something extremely important. I'm always apologizing to authority figures and they never apologize to me. They've done wrong to me, but I get nothing.
Well, I'm absolutely done. I will never ever apologize ever again for the rest of my life. And when I am in authority, I will never ever ask anyone to apologize to me. Apologies and sorrys are gay, anyways. I get it when it comes to accidentally bumping someone, but every time I apologize it's because I angered someone in authority. Well, fuck authority and fuck apologies!

>> No.18556878

yea, I didn't realie how badly I fucked it up until I posted and realized "everyone is going to think this is bait." It's actually an honest question though. the stupidest most inconsequential misunderstandings often end up changing swaths of history

>> No.18556890
File: 7 KB, 329x153, sad anime girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish to be creative, I've always got ideas in my head. I just haven't found the right motivation to write more and more. I used to be a little edgelord and use it to express my obviously suppressed emotion, but now that im older, i'm nothing but apathetic. I feel... boring? I feel like when I was younger, I had so much more energy. Now, at least lately, I've really fallen off and given up. I'm only 19- I shouldn't be feeling this way.

>> No.18556894
File: 1.79 MB, 1294x1059, JunkoSachiko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh. Even if we all loved all Jewish people, they're raised to think everyone else is their enemy. They've got classes, museums and everything else to constantly rub it in their faces growing up and their in group preference is kinda obvious.
In the end I think it's not salvageable, but that's okay. All of us will die eventually and return to the chaos and remade in some form or another. Even their god will die. Under those circumstances all we can do is pity them. They can't take that money, power or prestige with them after all.

>> No.18556896

I dont follow what I really want in life. I dont know what I want in life. So I just end up doing nothing, full of indecision and a lack of motivation. As for being alone, I'd love a friend, a girlfriend, anyone who could care about me and help me.

>> No.18556898

How much activity unrelated to writing do you currently do?

>> No.18556899

This is less a problem for men than it is for women, women age out of marriage material at a far faster rate.

>> No.18556913

Considering the words "racism", "sexism" etc. were also invented by jewish scholars, its perfect /pol/ bait ngl.

>> No.18556929

Well, I got a job recently, but nothing else. Girlfriend is long distance, been going for a year but the honeymoon is lost and I'm not excited to be with her anymore, just anxious without her.
Not a lot of positive, I'm usually isolate. I moved state, so I don't really know anything around here. Just, very lost I guess, so no, I don't really do much.

>> No.18556943

anon, I'm jewish. I actually know what we're brought up to believe, and we're not brought up to think white people are the enemy. Fuck, I didn't even realize I wasn't considered white until I was in my early 20s, and even now I forget constantly.

>> No.18556945

Now you know why narcissists and sociopaths make up such a large share of successful and powerful people people across every industry, and why empathy and agreeableness are two of the least rewarding traits in life.

>> No.18556953

This is bait? You do understand that control over language and its interpretation is precisely what those in Power wield. They create the frame and the meanings as they wish. I recently saw a lib spend an entire interview continually derail a conversation to make a semantic point and control the language of the other person. I won't link because I'm mobile-posting but the point is with the Power comes the framing and the framing makes sure you never lose the Power by design.

>> No.18556960

Pretty sure hes talking about zionism

>> No.18556965

He never mentioned white people

>> No.18556967

I'm simultaneously overworking and underperforming in most aspects of my life. My father has been telling me he's proud of me, but I can't help but feel not only is it not true, if it were, I honestly wouldn't deserve it. I don't have the resources to do the things I want, or flesh out any meaningful relationships, and when I have the time to work on personal projects, I squander it pursuing meaningless things instead. I halfass at all instances of communication regarding the things technically most important to my life, yet I try vehemently to communicate internal feelings that once out will mean nothing to anyone else. After finally being able to go and meet some friends after lockdown, while I enjoy and relate to them, and highly value their friendship, the energy required for maintenance is unsustainable if I am to continue attempting to build my career, so I think I'll have to drift from them as my time dwindles. My only solace is that of my own making, but I don't know if it's enough. I'm tempted to stop doing anything sometimes, like stay in my room for a month or two and focus on only myself, but I don't have the balls to cut off everything I've worked to build up, even though it really all could come crashing down in a moment anyway. I both desparately want time alone, then once I get it, I never genuinely enjoy it. Only three of my friends are truly trustworthy, and of those three, no one can share time with me, outside of outings that felt more like an attempt at returning to a facsimile of a social life than one of genuine intention.
Enough pity party. I hope to find someone who can share time with me in a meaningful way and communicate well, and I need to find free time to do so. Then I can start building towards more long term goals. At least I don't have to worry about food and shelter for a couple of years.

>> No.18556976
File: 105 KB, 679x842, 1617560856248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I do wish we could all just get along. Like I get the idea behind borders not being important and the freedom of movement that follows that, especially when it looks like we're heading towards Moon and Mars colonization.
Like in person as long as I can do my death research I really don't care about your background, we'd probably get along fine, but I also celebrate European culture and love European festivals, music and so on and so forth. That...isn't really appreciated in society right now.
It's kinda painful that I'm doing all this work and research and if I hold up a banner for Evropa then a lot of people will screech at me.
Feels bad man, but as a person I wish you well and I really, legit do hope an olive branch gets offered somewhere down the line.
Warriors fight for eventual peace, you know?

>> No.18556997

Do you have enough time to go hiking, maybe pick up a hobby or hell even just take a 15 minute daily walk (or stop at a park bench)? I've found if I am apathetic or getting melancholic, a change in environment or an added attitude towards something removes it, though admittedly sometimes it is replaced by frustration, or other negatives, but those things are also conducive to writing, so it's a bit of a trade-off I guess.

>> No.18557037

what do you mean

anon, what I said applies equally to all ethnicities. The world is not my enemy

anon, it's literally just weird rules of grammar that don't get discussed because people dont go around discussing grammatical rules.

anon, I also wish we lived in a world where people taking pride in european culture wasn't contentious. One of my oldest friends is an irish dude who takes irish pride very seriously, but despite being the the literal embodiment of racial tolerance and understanding in my eyes, he's gotten mistaken for a nazi on multiple occasions just because of miscommunications

>> No.18557043
File: 144 KB, 1080x1350, 1614500124183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I think of the degenerate fetishes I have, and I wonder: how much of this is me simply acquiring new fetishes from 4chan, and how much of this is something that was always there, in the back of my mind, that would have lurked subconsciously in my erotic impulses if I were not made consciously aware of it?

In other words: was I truly "given" these fetishes by my consumption of the internet, and of media? Or did I just always have them, and if I had not been made directly aware of them, would they have lurked in my subconscious, and caused me to act without conscious knowledge when I engage in relationships with women?

And if the latter is true, am I not better off having these fetishes consciously, rather than subconsciously? If I actively know about them I can come to terms with them in a healthy manner.

>> No.18557051
File: 28 KB, 499x459, 1612933659517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The weight of me being an utter fuckup socially, in action and design, weighs heavy on my shoulders as of late.
Are people this complex, to be an ever spinning machine of variables numbering so high that the only way is to act without thinking?
Is this what being human is, to feel more than you think, and if you think but can't feel right it's just all fucked?
I feel like my best response besides going mad is curling up in a dark room until the horror goes. Every nerve whipped raw lies in a pile of agony, and I feel like the hope of things potentially stabilizing was a thin delusion conjured up by my mind just to get a week's reprieve from the sensation of every step being on broken glass
This feels awful, absolutely terrible. Since I set foot off the airport and back onto my home state on 01/01/2020 it feels like things have just been a grim, decaying clone of themselves
Don't mind me I just need to either eat all of this and let it wrap it's way around my heart and brain or spit it out on this board.

>> No.18557053

No fun to be alone.
No fun!

>> No.18557063

I increasingly feel like Trump was the beginning of something bigger, rather than an end in himself. That he was the start of something that will continue with or without him. A fundamental alteration of what the United States is, and how it functions.

>> No.18557069

i hope you're wrong but i know you're not

>> No.18557074

Do you believe this to be for good or for ill?

>> No.18557089

Many recognize him as a symptom of a greater, underlying problem

>> No.18557093

An empire dying certainly looks bad for those on the inside. Im sure everyone on its periphery have different opinions

>> No.18557100

Don't worry. When this fucker reaches the bump limit i'll start posting better shit then this tranime bullshit

>> No.18557103

IMO Trump is either America's Tiberius Gracchus or its Marius. Biden, the intelligence community, the established military brass, and the media are, therefore, equivalent to Sulla an the Senate, when they ruthlessly put down the populist revolt by the plebian classes that the Gracchi brothers had set off and that Marius had to a large extent taken advantage of.

But Sulla merely sowed the seeds of the Republic's eventual demise. In "saving" the Republic, he broke it beyond repair because of the extreme measures he took. So it was a simple matter for Pompey to come along, take control along the lines and measures established by Sulla, and put Rome right back where it never wanted to be: with a single man dictating the whims of the entire empire. And, of course, after Pompey came Caesar, and after Caesar came Augustus, and then the Roman Republic was gone for good.

America doesn't look exactly like Rome, but the parallels have become too strong for me to ignore. I believe the end of the American Republic is less than a century away. I believe America will be a true empire after that, ruled by an emperor who wields supreme authority.

>> No.18557160

Ayo mane fuck these niggaz finna bust a cap nigga shieeeet pussy ass niggas aint shit mane no competiton skrrrt skrrrt

>> No.18557173

don't try to get back with her. doing it on your bday is a sure sign she's a psycho

>> No.18557184

It's not reddit spacing you newfag retard, what the fuck is wrong with you?


See this, this is reddit spacing. Just using paragraph spacing in any other context than putting a space after quoting a post isn't it, and has always been a thing on 4chan, long before reddit existed. Retard.

>> No.18557190

>on your birthday
shes a bitch anon. good riddance. i hope you get over her

>> No.18557191

>When this fucker reaches the bump limit

That'll be too late. These retards don't even wait until threads reach the bump limit. All year I've seen new ones pop up with 50+ posts while the last has lower than 300. They literally wait for these threads to get moderately close to the bump limit so they can start their own ones. I remember around 2018 when these would die and it'd take a few hours for a new one to appear. I even started a couple myself back then too, but anime OP is taking this to schizo levels.

>> No.18557196

dont look for the perfect girl. if you are happy with this one, thats enough. and besides, if youre not atleast 5 years into a relationship dont even think about marriage

>> No.18557199

start small. leave your phone and optionally stop masturbating. get rid off all the distractions, go outside and walk.

>> No.18557217

yeah, and a few years back these threads would routinely last 4-5 days. it is what it is, this place is in perpetual decline. also, generals attract spergs as a rule, and there's always someone who takes the creation of threads too seriously. I used to make a bunch too, and I miss the OP always being an artwork or just some cool random picture, sometimes funny, sometimes discussion provoking, whatever. fuck weebs, and before you ask, yes I know where I am. then again this is taking it too seriously as well, ultimately who the shit cares, the essence of the thread more or less remains. but fuck weebs though

>> No.18557218
File: 23 KB, 1875x304, BUmp limit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These retards don't even wait until threads reach the bump limit.
but the last few threads reached bump limit though?

>> No.18557223

the titan is dead. its children now feast on its maggots.

>> No.18557227

my uncle told me he once ate a maggot. he said it tasted like a potato chip.

>> No.18557232

Once again im shooting myself in the foot.

>> No.18557321

Whenever these threads are between 290 and 300 posts, try control/command-f "on your mind" and I guarantee you'll find another one with at least a dozen. I saw one recently with like 35 replies when the last was at 313 so something tells me the newer one wasn't created between the bump limit and those three posts.

>> No.18557338

It's partly hereditary, Jews bred with the intention to hone their already-existent in-group preference until it became so painfully obvious that hundreds of countries have kicked them out and the narrative by those countries (right or wrong) is the exact same every single time. This is why anons who have distant and diminished Jewish ancestry can't imagine that other Jews would think and act this way, especially because some /pol/tards think they're consciously taking part in a collective conspiracy.

>> No.18557357

I'm pretty sure those threads were created in an effort to not have an anime pic. I see them sometimes.

>> No.18557363

Rabbi Yeshua angry you are stroking your cock to whores getting fucked by jews and niggers?

>> No.18557368

whoever drew that picture should kill themselves asap

>> No.18557374

gas yourself schomo

>> No.18557466

Decided to quit software engineering and join the families occupation by getting a trade. There's something seriously wrong with office wagecucking and the people who do it.

>> No.18557472


>> No.18557503
File: 31 KB, 660x574, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got vaxxed
>tailbone hurts like a bitch
Wtf bros

>> No.18557511

>fucks around
>finds out

>> No.18557542

thats what happens when you get off of your fat ass after 10 years

>> No.18557601

What trade?

>> No.18557625

How long does it take to learn a trade? Guessing you were unemployed while picking it up but is it possible to learn one while also working?

>> No.18557635

You're right there was a back and forth between non-anime and anime OP threads for a while and a brief period when both were up and getting 100+ posts at the same time. Pretty much a battle between two schizos. But these days all the new ones are from the animefags though.

>> No.18557872

>How long does it take to learn a trade?
4 years
>Guessing you were unemployed while picking it up
yes, very fortunate to be able to stay at parents place


>> No.18557928

all this deleuze philosophy about schizophrenic rhizome mapping and shit really brings back my fantasy of having a schizophrenic twink boyfriend

>> No.18557935

the world is art

>> No.18557949
File: 385 KB, 378x600, 0B6C22EA-B798-4EC3-955B-BFDBE119607B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m hungry

>> No.18558074
File: 263 KB, 2231x2005, Modern Rome vs Carthage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I generally agree with your analysis anon but I don't think America will have an emperor. Not literally anyway. It will be exactly like the Principate where they try to keep the veneer of the republic despite it being a shame. They'll still be 'President'.

>> No.18558128

I'm tired of this

>> No.18558141

I feel like a have, in a past life, wandered through the cosmos unrestrained by space or time. I have seen everything. I swum between galaxy filaments, I saw dew forming in the morning of a distant planet and I witnessed the fusion of hydrogen atoms inside a star. I recognize all this beauty when I see steam rising from a kettle or when during a lonely walk in the autumn, wind sweeps the foliage on the sidewalks. I want to slow down my daily life to contemplate this divine unity as much as I can, but having to work in a meaningless job won't let me. It takes away the beauty of Being coalescing into the little things.

>> No.18558313

you can contemplate divine unity at your meaningless job you know

>> No.18558406


>> No.18558446

I might want to write a wild west story but I just feel as an American, that it’s been done already to the point of being predictable and cliché

>> No.18558453

You have to apply them to your daily life.

>> No.18558481

Is there a western you like?

Odds are it wouldn't exist, if some other author had let the fact that there's nothing new under the sun run his life. All creation is synergy.

>> No.18558491

It has been done to death, but don't let that stop you

Quit your office job and become a janitor. Sweeping and mopping are incredibly meditative acts.

>> No.18558600

who will write the first steampunk epic that will become emblematic of the genre forever... hmmm... me (yours truly)

>> No.18558604

I posted in the thread yesterday that I was panicking about my gf not responding to my messages and playing with a guy I don't know on steam. We ended up arguing again and she admitted she can't shake the thought I'm cheating on her. I asked why and she said it's because I wanted to make new friends, and she thought I'd meed some new girl and cheat on her in a spur of the moment thing. No evidence or proof - she just can't trust me. Maybe it wouldn't even have to end there. But she admitted she feels extreme jealousy over this, and that in the past after an argument she would purposely look for new guys to talk to. Just by this, I think it became impossible to continue. I see how this leads to her doing something stupid and using another guy to make me jealous, and that would be unbearable. But if she just can't trust me, it's only going to get worse.

I feel like shit but I don't see a better choice. If you don't trust each other, it's just not possible, you know. Also feel shitty for having to write this here since I have no close friends anymore, but hey, that's just how life is.

>> No.18558646

bpd. force her to go to therapy

>> No.18558658

It’s all so tiresome... they come in and whine, and i have to listen and try to solve their fucking problems. And when one is done, here’s the next, even worse than the one before. Can i please just be left alone? I wanna think my own thoughts. Stop filling my head with inane boring shit.

>> No.18558667

I convinced her to go to therapy which starts in a couple months
Beyond that I dunno what I can do
I just feel sad the closest relationship I've had with a person for almost ten years died for such an empty reason
Even if I try to vent about it, it doesn't really feel better

>> No.18558684

>listening to anything out of a womans mouth
Dude their speech contains negative information content. From her actions it looks like you just aren't Alpha enough, so fix that if you can (unlikely in 2021 (The Bible was the way it was for a reason)).

>> No.18558716

Even if she's BPD, BPD doesn't get a boyfriend who is neurotypical.
Anon's afraid of abandonment just as much as her. He panics when she talks to guys just like she panics when he talks to girls. If he gets her into therapy and she realizes she's too insecure to be in a relationship and needs to be single to work on her disordered coping skills, anon will be right back out there finding a girl to trigger his abandonment issues. He didn't get a girlfriend who makes him panic over abandonment because she had a similar panic out of nowhere. He chose her, and he's in this tit for tat battle because he knows what triggers his disordered coping skills and she can give it to him.

>> No.18558800

I know that sort of theory exists, but honestly if she could just trust that I wouldn't cheat on her then there would be no problem. She confessed to me she talked to other guys out of jealousy, so why wouldn't I be worried? If she really deeply feels I may be cheating, then there's a chance she'll actually cheat and hit up some guy out of jealousy. I really trusted her 100% until she admitted she gets with other guys after out arguments out of jealousy. From there, it can only get worse, right?

I see what you're saying. In a major sense, it's a self-perpetuating problem where neither side can believe the other. But I only lost faith when she admitted there's no way she can fully trust me. How can you get anywhere when your partner doesn't trust you? That's why.

>> No.18559138
File: 170 KB, 1577x1536, c15dex3eesi41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw unironically reading The Ego and its Own instead of "working" (napping, masturbating, pretending to be productive) from home

>> No.18559152

then they both should go to therapy

>> No.18559171

can you come to a mutual agreement to work on developing trust on both sides in a healthy setting? discuss what you can both do to establish trust? maybe more activities together, promise to be more honest in talks with one another and always say what's wrong? work on becoming more emotionally open in your conversations? establish a pattern of "let's seriously discuss this and try to fix this" whenever one of you is jealous for no reason or acting psychotic? certain things can actually be done for it to get better.

>> No.18559182

If it's possible that would be good. I just don't know if it would work. Trust is earned, that's true, but isn't it the expectation in a relationship to trust someone where it counts? If not how do most relationships even function? Both sides would get consumed by anxiety at the slightest interaction their partner has with the opposite sex.

>> No.18559369

I just found out my ex is sleeping with someone knew less than 3 weeks after we broke up. She called me to tell me about it because she doesn't have anyone else to talk to about her feelings. I keep alternating between rage and despair. Since we broke up my whole life has started to crumble around me and I have no desire to anything. I haven't read a book, written a word on my stories, enjoyed a single one of my dumb little hobbies. All I've done is drink until I pass out, eat whatever is the easiest thing to find, sleep for 12 hours, and push myself through work. I've had two people offer to set me up with someone, but I don't want to inflict myself on anyone. I'm not going to kill myself, but I can't get the image of a noose out of my mind.

Luckily, my work offers a free, no-questions-asked mental health service that I'm going to utilize but at the moment I feel like I'm completely alone and meaningless. I feel like a starving man staring at pictures of food.

>> No.18559384

no, he's angry at me for jerking off after sending money to a girl on the internet

>> No.18559403

You have to go back

>> No.18559404

why did you break up

>> No.18559418

it’s possible. try to make it work.

>> No.18559422


>> No.18559462

I'll try then, I guess

>> No.18559469

After 7 years together we both knew it wasn't going to work. We liked each other to stay together but didn't have enough in common to make a marriage work. She accepted a job in another city and we split up, then got back together whenever she came back here. During that time I started a online relationship with another girl. Just talking online, but my ex found out about it and didn't take it well. That was the last time I saw her before she went back to her city. We've spoken a few times since then and she mentioned meeting some guy where she's staying. She knows he's just after sex, which she isn't looking for, but is still getting intimate with him. I have no idea how I'm supposed to feel or react to this. I want to kill him, but I don't want to be involved in her life anymore. I want her to be happy, even if that kills me. I don't want her talking to me, but I fucking miss her. I want to hurt her just to know that I still can. I don't she cares about me at all. I feel replaced.

>> No.18559488

Anon, you're up in here diagnosing her, describing your panic and how you react to the same situations the same way the person you diagnosed with BPD does. You're in this relationship because you chose this. It's a partnership. You don't trust your partner either. That's the point of the video game story you keep telling us like that is supposed to be a major crisis in a relationship for normal relationships. It is not just her in this relationship. You're an equal partner who does the same things she does in the same situation. It's not suddenly normal when you do it.
He'd probably prefer to keep putting his hand on the fire and saying it's hot and should stop being hot.

>> No.18559535

You have to go back

>> No.18559550
File: 62 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is right about everything

>> No.18559559

>I don't she cares about me at all. I feel replaced.
I bet she does care anon; she's struggling to get over you in the way that she can and who knows what's going on in her head. But it really does suck when one person in a breakup copes alone and the other starts fucking around immediately. Hard to stomach. She does care though and she won't really be able to replace you for a long time.

>> No.18559622

Thanks, anon. I don't know if you're right but it doesn't matter. I feel like I've lost a limb and I'm just staring at the stump thinking about how this is just how things are going to be from now on.

>> No.18559627

im 20 and balding

>> No.18559742
File: 26 KB, 500x367, D2EEF478-5906-4B9D-964F-F5C3DF088188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need a Catholic ISIS to put the world in order

>> No.18559755

You dragged out a relationship which was facing an impasse you never managed to overcome. By one year you should've known, even after a month whether the relationship could've become marriage way down the track. Maybe you guys got something out of the relationship which will last beyond it and maybe not. Still, she spent seven years with you which is very long and for it to end must have been for good reason. If you loved her you need to let her go.

>> No.18559802

How do you battle with anhedonia bros?
>inb4 have sex
I had these even when I was in long term relationships with regular sex.
It's like nothing bad is happening to me, but I just can't feel happy and have to think about everything in my life too critically. + the random suicidal thoughts.
Fuckin'ell I wish this was over. Surely next week I'm gonna feel like million dollars again.

>> No.18559803

So after the West's colapse will slavs rule over Europe, or are they going down too?

>> No.18559822

heh, would they mostly just bomb Europe and leave the rest of the world alone like a proper imitation of isis?
what are you doing on /lit/? you should grow up.

>> No.18559831

Read Blaise Pascal and even Dostoevsky. You're wrong bro

>> No.18559832

Slavs are taking over the NBA
they will replace the West and do what the West wasn’t able to do- reign over the blacks

>> No.18559837

> you should grow up.
Canned non-white response

>> No.18559872

I'm as white as they come, bitch.
my family tree is full of western Slavic names up to over 10 generations. Doesn't mean I'm a dumb poltard.
>inb4 Slavs ain't white
of course that's bullshit, only Finns are whiter

>> No.18559889

What's /pol/ wrong about?

>> No.18559904

My life is about to turn into misery. I escaped America 5 years ago and now it seems I will be forced to return there for who knows how long. My fiance landed a really good job that will require working in the US for most of the year. That country is a nightmare to me, everything about it except gun ownership makes me sick to my stomach. I'm honestly thinking about just blowing my brains out. She wants to have a family, I told her America is the worst country on the planet to have children, the shit they do to kids in that country is insane.

>> No.18559926
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Yes, I imagine they would mostly target the West for its apostasy

I’ve read Dosto, but what does Pascal say about it? Anyway it doesn’t really bother me if my ideas are considered sinful. As far as I’m concerned many of us Catholics are in a state of despondency - the churches are cucked so we miss the sacrament and are going to hell anyway. Why not take revenge on the world, we’ve got nothing to lose at this point

>> No.18559955

Most of what they talk about.
Blacks being inferior, Hitler being based, the Holocaust being fake. They give da joos way too much undeserved shit.
And on top of that, they think they are traditional or whatever, while most of them seem to be degenerate idiots themselves.. not even mentioning that the topics they discuss are pretty scuffed to begin with, it's not normal having your mind preoccupied with shit like that.
/his/ is the thinking man's choice for anthropological inquiries.

>> No.18559985

this is an anime website. that’s what’s on my mind by the way

>> No.18560008

Blacks are more aggressive and of lower intelligence generally, Hitler was a good leader who loved his nation, the Holocaust is being revised all the time albeit it's made harder by Jewish lobbying groups and laws that prevent investigating it. I disagree that they give jews "too much undeserved shit". Jews are a powerful people that work against the nationalist interests of /pol/ and as long as Jews have power, nationalists will be prevented from working towards their ideal state.
They value traditional values such as love of one's nation and the traditional family. They don't have to go full monks to have a traditional mindset.

>> No.18560034 [DELETED] 

Let's be real, the only tranny here is you

>> No.18560055

I don't trust scientists enough to get the corona jab. I don't care if I'm risking the health of some boomers.

>> No.18560061


>> No.18560097
File: 142 KB, 720x903, IMG_20210606_125758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blacks being more aggressive really is just a cultural thing, and it's the burger "blacks" mostly anyway. There aren't many blacks here in Slav Europe, but I know a few and they are some of the most chill people I know, some are pretty clever too, studying in prestigious universities (positive discrimination for blacks isn't a thing here).
Man, I'm not here to argue with you, but protect yourself from /pol/ bullshit before it fucks with your thinking too much, >>18559955 those digits don't lie.

Just btw, talking about blacks as one people is bullshit anyway, there are quite many black ethnicities that I can't even name (bit pro tip: Senegalese chicks are hot as fuck) and they are very different. Similar to saying "white people" (maybe also throwing in the semites), but perhaps even more off.

>> No.18560141
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>blacks being more aggressive really is just a cultural thing
Whatever the cause, the effect exists, and it's not their job to care about the cause.
> it's the burger "blacks" mostly anyway
Not really, same stats in London (pic)
>Man, I'm not here to argue with you
That's fine I was just replying to your comments.
> talking about blacks as one people is bullshit anyway
Nah, groups exist with general characteristics. Of course subgroups can differ, but trying to remove groups altogether doesn't make any sense when data supports defining characteristics. No one thinks they apply to every individual, they're just a handy tool because it's too costly to do case-by-case analysis.

>> No.18560163

>they are some of the most chill people I know
naturally they don't chimp around aggressive, short-tempered slavs like they do around limp-wristed western europeans
>some are pretty clever too
compared with slavs, i imagine they seem like geniuses

>> No.18560165

Oh, you are already fucked in the head, never mind.
Just think the facts through more thoroughly. It's too easy to hate and cover it in 'realism'. There's a reason why actual anthropologists aren't racists, and it isn't them being of the chosen race :)

>> No.18560177

>How do you battle with anhedonia bros?

>> No.18560194

I’m in a very similar boat, Anon. I want to spend a lot of this summer working on my writing and other media projects but always feel like my familial or friend obligations take up too much time, and when I do have free time I end up online or consuming media instead. Having thousands of projects to do is rough.
But you are not alone in your suffering. A lot of what you said was incredibly parallel, almost word for word my own situation. At this point it’s all about soldiering forward in the hopes of making progress. That’s really all you can do.

>> No.18560231

I'm not racist. You sound too scared to think so maybe that's why you're scared of /pol/

>> No.18560285
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no one is scared of /lol/
those people are genuinely mentally impaired

>> No.18560306


>> No.18560315

Thetis wrote a treatise noting wheat is silver like the sea;

>> No.18560326
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I'm need of a laugh. The only author that has been able to make me laugh so far is Gogol. Any suggestions?

>> No.18560377
File: 312 KB, 591x334, vibin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same, except im 18. Shaving today, fuck this my bed has went from 65% sweat, 35% cotton to being hair held together by sweat. its in my keyboard, it comes out in clumps im fucked bros.
covering up the mirrors.
>pic related, me after i get fucked up enough to forget about the hair loss

>> No.18560389

Well you keep spazzing out about "fucking with my thinking" so it sounds like you're projecting your inability to resist being taught by memes. I just think they're correct in what they say. I'm not even right-wing, nationalist, or even into politics.

>> No.18560401

>I'm not even right-wing, nationalist, or even into politics.
and you are most likely not over 18, so you shouldn't be here. I also used to believe in pol bullshit when I was ~16, but that's a long time ago and I'm not an edgy retard anymore

>> No.18560421


>> No.18560466

You still sound very immature, so I don't think you ever grew up. You just changed who tells you what you to think.

>> No.18560540

point out something that sounds immature to you, besides calling pol lol and posting a photo of a poltard who pissed himself.
I'm willing to question myself, but you are asking me to accept literal bullshit, so that's a long shot.

>Hitler was a good leader who loved his nation
Even if this was the only thing you posted, it is so deranged. He was a charismatic leader who's party managed to partly and temporarily tackle a crisis. "His" nation was Austria which he annexed. But most importantly he introduced absolutely schizo racial theories and committed atrocities that keep hurting right-wing thought for years on end.
The nazis did all the vile shit that they accused the Jews for, but even more.

>> No.18560606
File: 89 KB, 862x485, sda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day I will leave this wretched place. I hope you will too.

>> No.18560647

>point out something that sounds immature to you,
That you keep calling me underage because I have a different view than you. You see the world very in very black and white terms which is immature
>he introduced absolutely schizo racial theories
He didn't. These were very mainstream views before Hitler.
> committed atrocities that keep hurting right-wing thought for years on end.
This is true, I never said he was perfect. I said he was a good leader who loved his nation. He wasn't a great diplomat and I don't personally like Hitler. But that doesn't mean I don't understand why someone would like him. I suggest you grow up and understand that people have different views and interests. I see why people may like Churchill, Lenin, Stalin, Raegan, Thatcher, Trump, Biden, etc. You just keep spazzing out because people like things that you dislike and therefore they have to be 16.

>> No.18560684

omg, this website still exists


>> No.18560716

* I don't keep spazzing out, you are making this up
* This is not about being triggered by different worldviews. It's about replying to a fag who approves of /pol/. It's not the first time I've seen pollocks saying anyone who opposes their views is unable to accept "different opinions".
>You see the world very in very black and white terms which is immature
Heh, are you actually talking about yourself in the second person right now?

this is the last post I'm exchanging with you

>> No.18560722

I accept your concession anon

>> No.18560749
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>> No.18560784
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Dreamed that I was watching Jesus carry the cross from far above, descending a small hill, bare stone, infernal afternoon heat, he leaned on a boulder at a hairpin bend, right on the edge, the crowd caught up to him and what looked like a small child approached him and tried to hammer the crown of thorns to his head with a couple of small nails, he hammered the first in but wanted to hammer the second backwards, it would not go in and the child started screaming and revealed himself to be a malformed old man with a beard.

>> No.18560785

Is there any advice/guideline on writing mixed-narrative? i.e. the main character is narrating their life, but you want to also have moments that are external/not narrated.

Do you write non-narrated portions in italics, or what?

>> No.18561042

What should be my excuse for not attending my friend’s wedding? It’s across the country and expenses aren’t even paid. I can afford it and I’m not doing anything else but I just don’t want to go.

>> No.18561065

Fuck. I just realized I was supposed to RSVP by mail by tomorrow…I thought it was email…

>> No.18561078

Is there a rash of this happening, or have you just been asking the same question in multiple threads?

>> No.18561081

Tell them you're not going. Send a gift. It's probably all they want.

>> No.18561095

I asked like twice in other threads.

I think I probably missed the RSVP deadline already anyway…

>> No.18561163

you really should grow up

>> No.18561166

Tell them you are not coming. They set the RSVP date so they don't pay for meals etc for people who won't show.

>> No.18561182

I’m sure I could call and tell him “I’m coming/I’m not coming.” I just feel so guilty about it for some reason.

>> No.18561185

Can one of you verbally abuse the shit out of me? I keep slacking on reading and doing homework and I just browse 4chan all day. I cant seem to motivate myself so can someone just absolutely tear me to pieces with words. I've really been a lazy piece of shit recently

>> No.18561193
File: 514 KB, 600x1066, dosto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am in love with a woman who has told me no. there are good reasons it could never work. this doesn't stop my heart from hurting for her. the feelings she had for me make it worse, that we shared some tender moments together. i can only dwell now on what little we had, what could have been had things been different, and what, were i to make the right one in a million move, still could be, also knowing i will never try again, never risk the fouling of that little love of hers i've got.

sometimes you meet a person you know you could give your whole life to, someone you know could always represent what's good and what's worth fighting for. it's going to be hard to forget her. but i know in time i will.

>> No.18561208

Bitch boy wants to be verbally abused eh? Not enough cockswabbbing huh? Take my 10-inch swollen veiny throbbing thistle you lazy piece of bussy fuckmeat.

>> No.18561209

So you're going to cost them money to feel less guilty?

>> No.18561215


I wish I could delete this site

>> No.18561227

Well, for one I'm not diagnosing her with BPD. But also, try to imagine it from your end. You're with someone, and it's going well for a while, like 3+ months. But she casually drops hints that she thinks you're cheating on her a lot. You ask if she has any evidence or proof. She says no, she just feels that way. What's more, nothing you do really solves the problem. So whether you choose to trust her or not, she's not going to trust you. Would you have a relationship with someone who could place no faith in you, even if you wanted to?

That's the problem. I'll admit I know little about relationships, but I at least believe partners are supposed to afford a basic level of trust to one another, and this is what holds them together. If that safety net isn't there, what's to stop things from falling apart at the first problem? That's what this comes down to I think. Maybe you think a trustless relationship can still work. To me it sounds impossible. That's the issue here.

>> No.18561230

I've got a week off work in mid-August. Me and the lads are shooting down to Cornwall and ravaging all ciders and pasties that come across our way

>> No.18561244

No. I’m saying I was supposed to return the physical invitation with RSVP yes or no by tomorrow but I forgot and so if I really wanted to, I could probably call him today or tomorrow and say yes or no.

They’re filthy rich though, like extremely rich. That’s one of the reasons I don’t want to go.

>> No.18561248

You guys have one female friend and fall hopelessly in love with her, it's sad

Read a book you stupid ass bitch. You worm without will. You disgrace us all.

>> No.18561256

Just call him and rsvp that way, it's not a big deal

>> No.18561258

Doesn’t help me decide if I should even go or not though. I don’t want to. I just feel so damn guilty about it.

>> No.18561285
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I can't tell what the fuck bit me all down my legs. I scratched the bites a bit but not too much; nevertheless they're all big swollen itchy and painful and a few have developed a sizable blister or scab in the middle. I think I've ruled out everything except mosquitoes and spiders. I sure the fuck hope it's not the latter because I'm scared of spiders and it would have had to be in my room to have bit me. I can't figure out which it would have been and some of the bites don't fit the bill. Mosquitoes and a bad allergic reaction to the bites makes the most sense but I've never had a mosquito bite this bad or one that blisters as far as I can remember. I guess it doesn't matter what it was if it wasn't bed bugs or fleas or something like that; I'll just keep rubbing neosporin and after-bite and wait for them to heal.

>> No.18561294

me too i hate this fucking site so much why am i still here... it's been 8 years....

>> No.18561302

it was me. i bit you

>> No.18561312

In about two weeks it'll officially be 10 years for me.
Oh those naive days of being a summerfag discovering /b/...

>> No.18561332

>You guys have one female friend and fall hopelessly in love with her, it's sad

not the case. although this did describe me in my teens. of the several women in my life, including a couple open to me sexually, it was the one who showed the least initial interest in me, with whom it was clear i had the least chance i grew to fall in love with.

>> No.18561346

i think i started browsing /b/ in 2008-9 or so, when i was 12. 4chan took my life.

>> No.18561358

why did you do that anon?

>> No.18561363

I remember when I was a kiddo, I would just go with the flow. When going on a vacation, I wouldn't have an idea where I am, I would just be there. When going on walks with the parents, I wouldn't even be aware of my surroundings, even if I were a 20 minute walk from home, I wouldn't be able to find it, that's how much I went with it.
At school, I would just do what I was told and in the cinema/theatre, I wouldn't even be aware of what film/play I was on, I just watched it and let it pass.

It's kinda fucked not having one's own motivation, but there's something charming about this naivity.

>> No.18561365

Same. Except I was 14 back in 09

>> No.18561429
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this one is real smooth, DAMN

gotta thank me later though <3

>> No.18561439

What the hell does “black tie optional” mean?

>> No.18561456

my life would be a lot better if i had fetal alcohol syndrome

>> No.18561489

If that's part of a dresscode, it seems pretty obvious don't it.

>> No.18561496

suck, death

>> No.18561504

No. Why not just call it “black tie event”. Optional seems to make things unnecessarily vague.

>> No.18561505

we complain about normies being addicted to instagram and tiktok but aren't we subjected to the exact same dopamine addiction on this site

>> No.18561522

But why?

Basically it means if you aren't wearing a tux you should still look fancy as fuck

>> No.18561534

tired of all the fags complaining about this site while browsing it as if addiction were even real lmao

the virgin weak-willed spiteful addict poster VS the chad casual imageboard enjoyer (me)

>> No.18561545

The first step to overcoming an addiction is admitting you have one

>> No.18561558

the first step of not being a faggot is to stop projecting your personal failings unto others

>> No.18561570

So like black suit and black tie even if no tux and bow tie?

>> No.18561600

I feel like the 21st century is the year of the grand finale of human civilization. Like all of the past 10,000+ years of human history have been leading up to this century, and this is the century in which history will end. Whether it's a happy ending or a sad one, it will come in our lifetimes.

>anon, every time period has people who think this way
>global warming
>genetic engineering
>AI/ML and automation
>the Internet
>ecological crises
I'm telling you, this is it, this century is the one which will determine the future of the species.

>> No.18561613

Based and checked

>> No.18561614

Should I feel ashamed about lying?

>> No.18561620
File: 160 KB, 898x507, 34230894777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


<3 guys... this is my jam <3

I think I'm in love

>> No.18561622

>But why?
i don't know. maybe it's a self-defeating mechanism in my head. as far as my conscious mind can tell it's because she was the one who was perfect, flaws and all. made just for me. her personality aligned with mine. we were comfortable with one another, and yet i was also driven to be my best self in her presence. she was serious in a way i understood but she could laugh. she was beautiful. and as the obsession set in i found beauty in her every last tic and mannerism. who can say why these things happen? i just want to hold her again. she was at the centre of my life for some time. moving on will require learning to live for someone else, even myself again. the problem is i will have to forget her, quit returning to pleasent memories as i am now. and that's scary. because even her absence is a kind of presence, and it feels less alone to dwell on someone gone. if i let her go completely, i am left truly alone, without even someone to feel sad over, and bare naked life is hard to take coming down from the highs of love.

>> No.18561639

Yes, but also, shame is not so bad. Everybody lies. It's a question of how bad you have lied.

>> No.18561648

Yes unless it's absolutely necessary to protect someone else.

Lying is like eating processed food. Everyone justifies doing it by saying "just this once" or "just as an exception." But you will gradually notice in life that there are two types of people, those who eat almost no processed food and those who eat almost exclusively processed food. All lying draws you into being a liar. It weakens your soul against "small" immoralities and "petty" sins when those are actually the most dangerous.

The reverse works out too. If you resist being a dishonest self-serving person, even in a situation where it will slightly hurt you or deprive you of some small pleasure or convenience, it may feel like you've done nothing except take a little hit for no reason. But in ten years when every moral act you make flows from the last and into the next and you feel like your life is actually part of a moral continuum, where you take yourself as seriously internally as you take others and hope they take you, you will be glad you built that inner life up brick by brick, just like the people who eat mostly natural foods just seem holistically healthier and happier even if conventional science can't put a finger on it.

>Εἰ γάρ κεν καὶ σμικρὸν ἐπὶ σμικρῷ καταθεῖο
>καὶ θαμὰ τοῦτ᾽ ἔρδοις, τάχα κεν μέγα καὶ τὸ γένοιτο.
>If you should put even a little on a little, and should do this often, soon this too would become big.

>> No.18561651
File: 81 KB, 500x559, I want to be by your side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18561661

see a doctor

>> No.18561666

I’m lying just so I don’t have to do things for someone that I don’t want to do.

>> No.18561668
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>> No.18561671

Sure you do

>> No.18561694

why would anyone willfully browse 4chan without being addicted

>> No.18561695

Same. I developed some "awareness" in later years due to necessity, but most of my life was just like that, floating through life

>> No.18561718

Still can't decide whether it's based or not. I certainly get stressed more often now.

>> No.18561720
File: 1.41 MB, 852x831, coma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty cool how filaments/branch-like structures are so common in nature, from living beings to cosmic structures. Spheres are also common and pretty nice, but I feel like filaments hold a deeper truth.
I wish I could understand the physics behind this shit. Is there any book on "general morphology" exploring strucutres with analogous forms or some shit like that?

>> No.18561725

Based doomerbro. Mmmm what are we gonna do with our time left together sweetie?

>> No.18561752

I wouldn't call myself a doomer; we might make it. It's just that we'll see if we will within this century.

>Mmmm what are we gonna do with our time left together sweetie?
Judging by your tone, sex

>> No.18561760
File: 74 KB, 564x1020, 766-7667803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the last pic I will share

just wanna let you guys know, this is my waifu

I'm out <3

>> No.18561772

because it's one of the best content aggregators on the internet if you know how to use it, plus a nice place where you can come and say absolutely anything you want, and a place with uniquely honest expression encouraged by the format. if this site dies, it will be a halfway step to the death of the internet as a whole
a better question is, why would anyone willingly browse almost anything else on the web, especially social media

>> No.18561783

pshht, don't ruin the moment

just look at my waifu >>18561760

>> No.18561792

everything about her is perfect

>> No.18561798

You're so new it hurts, but I feel jealous too

>> No.18561804

weebs to the gulag

>> No.18561805
File: 49 KB, 628x687, __tanaka_yubiseiharukana_ever_17_drawn_by_otoki_raku__29d0f9c4687c1b9443080d363daa6990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about my waifu?

>> No.18561811

literally me, because I'm a faggot manchild get it?

>> No.18561823
File: 80 KB, 720x729, A8843F56-9B7A-4398-BB1C-128F0A5843A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime website.

>> No.18561826

I respect your waifu <3 but I only have feelings for my waifu

>> No.18561831

it isn't, in fact

>> No.18561860
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Hey, I'm just a brainlet, but studying algorithmics made me feel like getting interesting insight into certain things. I mean, it's the study of effectively solving problems, which is what evolution did in many cases. Branch-like structures are very practical in many different ways.
But known algorithmic tricks pop up in very unexpected places in nature quite often. Like this thing if you are interested https://www.pnas.org/content/pnas/115/51/13093.full.pdf, which compares a mechanism in flies to a famous probabilistic data structure.

>> No.18561876


>> No.18561887

I'm supposed to self isolated because the boyfriend of a flatmate tested positive within 48 hours of staying over at our place but who hell respects these rules? I'm going to work tomorrow and I'm not telling anyone anything.

>> No.18561891

I'm a fan of triangles myself

>> No.18561898

I think maybe i am finally gonna be able to enjoy working out. I worked out today, whole body, and I feel fantastic. I hope it sticks this time.

Also: ice water is very, very nice.

>> No.18561906

u guys don't get it

just listen to this song >>18561620

and then look at this picture >>18561760

and then tell me again that you don't feel anything

>> No.18561905

That's why I don't tell people about my STDs. Well done on infecting the flatmate's bf.

>> No.18561912

you know what they say- every triangle is a love-triangle when you love trangles
youtube videos on fractals come to mind

>> No.18561936


>> No.18561960
File: 1.62 MB, 432x283, HofstadterPointAnimation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a couple Hofstadter points

>> No.18561975
File: 56 KB, 600x405, E40hEmoWEAQhZ50.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fellow based man. If I were a (real) girl I would spend a comfy hand holding life alongside you. I am not even sure if I will manage to outlast the next ten years. If history really does end during this century, if things get really bad, I believe we might be able to handle it as individuals. With it I mean our own deaths. No pain does suffice, nor reduce the splendor of the human being. I will try to embrace my death alongside the death around us. At the end we are all together.

>> No.18562038

Pray for me.

>> No.18562075

The first boards were /a/ and /b/

>> No.18562110


>> No.18562138

Who is she?

>> No.18562149

coming here really makes me feel a bit better about myself. just look at these two losers: >>18558604

>> No.18562158

lucy - elfenlied

>> No.18562174

supremely low iq post

>> No.18562178


>> No.18562185


>> No.18562192

I could beat every single one of you to death with my bare hands.

>> No.18562199

dial 8, champ.

>> No.18562206


>> No.18562212


>> No.18562225

Alright. I decided I’m just going to send back the RSVP checked No and leave it at that. It will arrive a few days late but since I’m not going, it won’t matter. I’ll come up with some excuse if he calls to find out. I don’t know why I’ve been worrying about this so much.

>> No.18562234

*POW* Dead on impact.
*BAM* Another one

>> No.18562239

which one are you the guy who's approaching his 30s that plays video games with his gf on steam or the guy who remains friends with his ex-gf

>> No.18562242

*teleports behind you*
Eat this, chump.
*rips massive brap and suffocates you to death*
Yeah, better luck next life with your so-called strength.

>> No.18562260

you quoted me but i'm neither of those things

>> No.18562320

eat a dick.

>> No.18562498

That is intellectually lazy, and cowardly. Just tell them you don't want to. Be a more direct person. Speak your mind and speak it honestly. You may have trouble with it at first because people have gotten used to this meek, dishonest persona you have laid out for them. But in time, people will respect you more.

>> No.18562563
File: 1.78 MB, 3600x2512, 2010.324.237_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18562724

For some reason I hate the term “world building”, evokes a similar disgust in me as “content”.

>> No.18562918

I hope that every anon who feels lonely, undesirable, atomized, alienated can overcome these issues.
I cant stand this anymore

>> No.18563003
File: 92 KB, 780x900, 1619578052243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomorrow I will be an official adult according to the laws of my country. I have to give up my childish ways and say goodbye to you all now. Some laughs were had, got some good book recommendations, got into some heated arguments, etc etc. Most of you are absolute retards but some of you guys were nice, I will never forget you guys. Good luck to all and goodbye

>> No.18563030

see you tomorrow

>> No.18563104

I miss the army something fierce lately. It makes sense since the novel I'm writing is like an excision of my entire experience in Afghanistan packed into one day, so if course it's going to bring up some feels. I remembered offhand just now one one of the amazing experiences I had over there. We were short timers and less than a month out of rotating back home after 10 hard months of grueling patrols, firefights, and bombs. There was no fear anymore at that point, just acceptance and even peace.

We were on the return leg of a 25 mile movement out to a village to do something or another. Whatever it was, it doesn't matter. By that point in deployment we were a finely oiled machine and tough as fucking nails. Our savvy fucking platoon sergeant had a hit on his sixth sense and decided to take us as the crow flies back to the COP. This meant going up and down mountains rather than following the natural flow of their valleys, the point being that the Taliban had 100% seen us go in, so if they were gonna hit us it'd be on the way back while we're tired. So here we are walking up mountains when there's a perfectly good valley we could be walking in and for some reason I'm fucking loving it. I'm having the absolute time of my life. My body is nearly spent from humping a hundred pounds of gear, but as the sun is setting over those barren, craggy mountains there's some little kernel of myself held in reserve in the back of my mind, and this kernel is doing nothing but observing and enjoying the observation. I identified "myself" as this kernel. I felt like I was riding on the edifice of an autonomous machine. My body hurt and it wanted to stop but I found I could just keep going effortlessly. I try to shy away from this kind of language, but just being there with my brothers, these guys with whom I'd been through the realest shit I'll ever experience in my life, as the sun sets over a country full of people who want to kill me, it was almost transcendental.

I miss that, and I'm sure I'll never experience it again. As I write this I am filled up to the brim with gratitude for having touched on that kind of peace, if only for a moment.

>> No.18563122
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I have to leave this place soon. I'm losing my fucking mind.

>> No.18563420
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My relationship with my parents are pretty splintered. My father more so than my mother. Every time we argue its always about how he had to struggle to get to where he was etc etc and how I'm being an ungrateful child and how I've not worked a day in my life. From my side it's always about how he barely even connects with his children and goes so far as treat his children like his peons. I can barely make my point across when he's mad but I have to give it a try. It's frustrating as fuck.

>> No.18563593

You know, I just ordered a samsung galaxy tablet for reading, instead of an e-ink reader. It's bigger than a Kindle, and able to read PDFs without problems. Can't wait for it to get here

>> No.18563604

I can’t wait for the next anime thread :)

>> No.18563609

Stop caring. It's literally all you have to do. Within 40 years, society is going to collapse because of global warming, and globohomo/liberalism/etc dies with it. Just relax. Time is on your side.

>> No.18563658

Suck off a shotgun

>> No.18563663

making it now :p

>> No.18563665


>> No.18563675

Bro it's just a cartoon image...

>> No.18563741

It's more than that, it shows to other people that we aren't serious. Don't you want people to take you seriously?

>> No.18563789

>taking 4chan this seriously

>> No.18563840

Anon, you will never be as beautiful as her.

That it? Count yourself lucky. It gets others harder. Fades away though.
Not looking forward to this Indian/delta variant

They’re always wrong

>> No.18563935

I'd recommend Kouji Kumeta.

>> No.18564182

Bro if you’re losing whole fucking clumps go get checked out because alopecia is supposed to be progressive. Hell, it could be something you can fix

>> No.18564189

>if this site dies, it will be a halfway step to the death of the internet as a whole
lmao what the fuck are you talking about? there are maximum 500 people on each board, statistically speaking. if this site died no one would even notice.

>> No.18564256

should i read evola the hermetic tradition or is it a meme

>> No.18564270
File: 162 KB, 369x342, 1619726110963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do english onomatopoeia sounds/look worse than jap,korean, almost any other language?

>> No.18564280
File: 40 KB, 558x146, Capture d’écran 2021-07-01 à 08.34.50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so true

>> No.18564312
File: 167 KB, 252x329, 1618160430741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well nips use onomatopeia all the time, those so called to adverbs, don't they? jirojiro, kirakira, nyanya, dokidoki, etc. They must be good. English speakers don't talk like that, so it's not needed.

>> No.18564319

What are some western languages that are so full of onomatopoeic words like Japanese?

>> No.18564372

using language is some kind of occult weird magic when you really think about it

>> No.18564395
File: 58 KB, 720x537, 1620174251193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"he who reaches for everything obtains nothing"
Imagine letting a single sentence hold you back. Just because it is written doesn't mean it's true. I myself hate the drive towards overspecialization in sentences such as yours or the ones like "jack of all trades, master of none...". With motivation you can be great in multiple areas, just don't sit in front of the TV and your PC when you get home. Kafka had a job and wrote in his off-time, many such cases. Nobody is there to enforce stupid rules, so don't let them bring you down.

>> No.18564430

I didn't mean that loads of people would notice or care, obviously. I meant that it would lose a lot of value to me personally, and a bunch of others who aren't retarded

>> No.18564455

I wish I had a shit ton of money so I could spread propaganda about incest and bestiality to show those woke people how delusional their tolerance and how similar they are to what is happening in "anti-LGBT" nations.

>> No.18564457 [DELETED] 

i miss you and i hope that one day we can make happen cool things without fucking it up... i believe we can, i really like you as a person beyond the sex shit and i always wanted us to connect on that level
i went to the district we always went to yesterday accidentally and i passed by the skinhead bar where we always went kek. i don't know if you were there though, i was too afraid to check. i looked to my right and suddenly i saw your metalhead best friend whose dick you're always sucking metaphorically and probably otherwise. he was walking down the street. i thought hmmmmm
and today it just so happened was talking to a guy who works at the studio you're working at and i was like haha do you know X? with this kind of haircut and tattoos. he said yeah i see who that is! it made me feel a bit nostalgic. i really don't mean anything bad

>> No.18564465

>i miss you and i hope that one day we can make happen cool things without fucking it up... i believe we can, i really like you as a person beyond the sex shit and i always wanted us to connect on that level
>i went to the district we always went to yesterday accidentally and i passed by the skinhead bar where we always went kek. i don't know if you were there though, i was too afraid to check. i looked to my right and suddenly i saw your metalhead best friend whose dick you're always sucking metaphorically and probably otherwise. he was walking down the street. i thought hmmmmm
>and today it just so happened was talking to a guy who works at the studio you're working at and i was like haha do you know X? with this kind of haircut and tattoos. he said yeah i see who that is! it made me feel a bit nostalgic. i really don't mean anything bad

>> No.18564467 [DELETED] 

i miss you and i hope that one day we can make happen cool things without fucking it up... i believe we can, i really like you as a person beyond the sex shit and i always wanted us to connect on that level
i went to the district we always went to yesterday accidentally and i passed by the skinhead bar where we always went kek. i don't know if you were there though, i was too afraid to check. i looked to my right and suddenly i saw your metalhead best friend whose dick you're always sucking metaphorically and probably otherwise. he was walking down the street. i thought hmmmmm
and today it just so happened that i was talking to a guy who works at the studio you're working at and i was like haha do you know X? with this kind of haircut and tattoos. he said yeah i see who that is! it made me feel a bit nostalgic. i really don't mean anything bad... hope to see you soon

>> No.18564520

it is in probably more ways than you might know desu

>> No.18564536

More than anything else, I find the "Jewish conspiracy" theories on 4chan frustrating because they feel like a distraction. They feel like a diversion of hatred away from the people who most deserve it: people in positions of power who make decisions behind the scenes. I'm talking about people in executive and manegarial positions of power in finance, in entertainment, in politics, etc.. CEOs of Hollywood companies, Wall Street companies, hedge fund managers, that sort of thing.

Are a lot of them Jewish? Yes. Are ALL of them Jewish? No. And if you chalk everything wrong with the world up to the manipulations of the Jews it's going to get you venting your anger at the wrong targets. That little old rabbi who walks down the street every day isn't the reason you can't get a job and you're up to your eyeballs in debt. A random Jewish person on Twitter isn't responsible for the banks getting bailed out. The Jewish conspiracy posting almost feels like a psyop by the elites. It's yet another way for the people with power and money to distract those who could hurt them away from focusing attention on them. This frustrates me. I want people's anger directed at where it ought to go.

>> No.18564548

How so?

>> No.18564554

>Jewish conspiracy
it's all bullshit.

>> No.18564558

New thread

>> No.18564633

I agree, the whole thing really feels like a psyop. It doesn't help that most jews are neurotic little shits though.