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/lit/ - Literature

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18583162 No.18583162 [Reply] [Original]

I came to a conclusion that one of the best places to get intelligent and interesting woman might be a bookstore or a library. She will share at least one interest with you which is books. Maybe you are even going to match with your favorite genres. I want to try it.

Has anyone tried to approach girls in bookstores/libraries? If so were you successful? Any stories?

>> No.18583173

I can only approach girls at night clubs or parties when I'm drunk. Sober I don't think I could.

>> No.18583211

How often do you go to bookstores? You'd have to spend hours in there to coincidentally bump into a qt girl who also isn't an employee

>> No.18583226

Yes, meet my waifu there.

>> No.18583231

They’re a lot harder to rape to be honest.

>> No.18583239
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>intelligent and interesting woman

>> No.18583246

Will do, thanks.

Don't be disrespectful to my waifu.

>> No.18583251

>She will share at least one interest with you which is books.
yeah I don't think any of the local book sluts at barnes and noble are gonna wanna come back to my place to discuss Lolita, Evola, and Esoteric Hitlerism

>> No.18583259
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Fuck OP's simp bullshit, let's discuss how to get an esoteric Hitlerist gf.

No grungy skinhead pseuds either, I mean a real sorceress who has a good shot at communicating with Hitler at least (ideally summoning).

>> No.18583272
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>tfw ywn have a /lit/ bf who is really smart and well read
Yes I am a tranny

>> No.18583339
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you might be able to pick one up on /x/. there's a lot of girls on that board who do summoning and divination, I'm sure some of them are right wing and are willing to call upon the Arayan gods to resurrect Hitler to end the Kali Yuga.

>> No.18583351

Look for :3

>> No.18583454

Just join a /lit/ discord group.

>> No.18583502

>really smart and well read
Might as well dream of square circles.

>> No.18583523 [DELETED] 

I'm with Butterfly, boys. :3

>> No.18583526

This smart thing is relative, anon. I'm being serious.

>> No.18583528

>Maybe you are even going to match with your favorite genres
If only women could understand the classics

>> No.18583543

the library is my #1 drinking spot granted I am homeless

>> No.18583547

woops meant to reply to this post

>> No.18583548

So do you get to borrow books too?

>> No.18583567 [DELETED] 

Just think of a drinking, homeless guy in a library. You know that guy?

That's /lit/

>> No.18583571

Didn't know they existed desu
Idk some people are
I'm not but it'd be nice to have a bf who could teach me how to recite Chaucer...

>> No.18583610

Here’s why it’s a bad idea- if she says she’s “into books”, more likely than not it’ll means fantasy and young adult fiction. Maybe sally roony or John Green or some shit.

Then there’s the women who actually read the classics, but they won’t be good for you either, because you’ll constantly feel threatened by her intelligence and well-roundedness.

Just date a midwit, OP. Anything below is degrading and anything above is humiliating. Unfortunately you don’t get a lot of midwits in bookshops- it’s either Grisham-reading retards or Proustian experts.

>> No.18583625 [SPOILER] 
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>when he realises he's only dating Americans second foremost Proust scholar, not its foremost.

>> No.18583630

Why would you feel intimidated by that?

>> No.18583659

Because I’m cripplingly insecure and rather than address it Id prefer to project it onto my female companions

>> No.18583661

worst thing you could do for your mental health desu.

(but i'm open to be deboonked)

>> No.18583679

Hm that is a thing with women too.

>> No.18583734

>Then there’s the women who actually read the classics, but they won’t be good for you either, because you’ll constantly feel threatened by her intelligence and well-roundedness.
I have 0 problems with this, if I find a girl smarter and more well-rounded than me I am holding on to her for dear life

>> No.18583744

You're not meant to talk in libraries.

>> No.18583920
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maybe indie bookstores would be good but don't go to b&n and expect to see anything except YA landwhales

as an actual XX chromosomes haver, i torrent most of my books though, or buy specific used titles online. reading evola and devi rn.

i miss the /pol/ mega book dumps, can't seem to find them anywhere and i'm missing a bunch

but i'm not single so don't hit on me, you silly boys!! :)

>> No.18583944

post physique

>> No.18583950


>> No.18583951

Implying that I would want anything with a /lit/ woman that is into retardation.

>> No.18584003

If anything midwife are the most likely to be in bookshops. Really dumb people don’t read books at all and really smart people are rare in general.

>> No.18584018
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I've tried the movie thing, where you go to the other side of the stacks, and follow her down to where she pulls a book out and you pull a book out and you smile and she smiles and then you put the book back and she puts a book back and then she goes a little ways and removes a book and you remove a book, and you giggle and she giggles and then you put the book back and then she puts the book back and then you follow her down the aisle but she disappears into the women's bathroom, and then you take a little lipstick out of your pocket and boom you're trans, and you go in the bathroom, but in the bathroom there are three stalls and they are all occupied and you don't know which shoes are hers because you only saw her from a distance and so you just decide to go up to the first door and you are about to knock but suddenly you smell a swamp gas odor and you step back, and turn to the next door and as you tap on the door, a man's voice answers, "Occupied." and you draw back, and step quickly to the last door, and hesitate before knocking, taking a sniff, but you don't smell anything upsetting except for the male cologne and the swamp gas and so you tap, gently against the door of the stall...

>> No.18584110

you're on /lit/ you're not a real woman. Something is wrong with you on a spiritual level, basically undateable heheheh

>> No.18584141

Underrated reference

>> No.18584164

I don't see what the big deal is about rape. It's just a dick in your hole for a few minutes. It's nowhere near as bad as murder, cancer, or getting flirty eyes from a fat chick. And really, women can't be raped since the vagina is designed to accommodate cock. Only men can be raped. If a woman is penetrated anally against her will, she's just experiencing male rape, which is an excellent learning experience for her, to discover the struggles that men go through.

For women, rape isn't a big deal. It's just typical female exaggeration to get attention. They all fantasize about rape so they actually enjoy it. They just want to trade in their "victim" status for clothing and jewelry and don't want to give sex away for free. Really, the only punishment for rape should be to pay the equivalent of the going rate for whatever sex act was performed with a local prostitute of equivalent attractiveness. Since it's the same punishment, why would anyone rape a Feminist instead of a beautiful woman?

Those fat ugly feminists that scream the loudest that "no means NO," are actually hoping to limit the amount of sex the genetically gifted attractive women get. And, in so doing, hoping that some hapless male starving for sex will find himself scraping the very, very bottom of the barrel where the fat and ugly feminist will finally have the chance to scream, "YES, FUCK ME HARD."

Hey fat ugly feminists, it isn't going to work. You only really have one option. Lose the weight, learn how to use make up, and get an overhaul of your personality. In some cases you may need extensive plastic surgery to have any hope of getting my cock rammed into your ass. In some extreme cases, it is entirely hopeless and you should just give up. If you are this last case, try having sex with animals if you find you can approach them without scaring them away.

>> No.18584166

excellent post, 10/10

>> No.18584209
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>I came to a conclusion that one of the best places to get intelligent and interesting woman might be a bookstore or a library.

>> No.18584305


>> No.18584317

I'd fuck you in the ass anon
you better watch out
I'll rail that fucking prostate so hard that you'll break up with your girl friend and move in with me on the same day.

>> No.18584379


>> No.18584482

how do you get a gf tho. havent figured that out yet.

>> No.18584487

settle for a bf

>> No.18584502

You'd better be pumping out those future white ubermenschen.

>> No.18584515
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>in B&N last week for first time in years
>bought Dune
>want to check out manga to see what their collection is like
>some qt autist girl is kneeling looking at something
>her mom is hovering behind her, looks at me looking at them
>360 and walk away
tfw no autistic qt manga gf br0s.. I'm moving soon but might try going to B&N's in the future to slurp on that Starbux and hangout n read maybe write sum and see if I can get any cuties.. book worms are probably more conservative too

>> No.18584521

a busty friend? busty women are too intimidating. they think they are soooo special because they have big jugs, even though its not like they did anything to get them but be born that way.

>> No.18584529

come on anon
a guy can treat you better
plus, he'll actually care about your feelings

>> No.18584548

Stop trying to abduct 7 year olds.

>> No.18584552

Name and address or it’s not going to happen.

Yeah, you’re right.

>> No.18584553

If she likes you, there's no harm.

>> No.18584566

>intelligent and interesting woman
pick one and only one

>> No.18584568

Are you retarded?
Smart women become scientists or ride the cock carousel and then trap some simp to provide her with wealth in her older days.

>> No.18584570

Oh for christ sake say hello and fuck off with this shit

>> No.18584594
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im sorry anon im not gay, i wont be your bf.

>> No.18584606
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I do what I want, punk.

>> No.18584662
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>excuse me, is that Infinite Jest?
>that's my favorite book!
>do you want to grab some coffee with me later, maybe some tennis?

>> No.18584664

Repressing it would be even worse

>> No.18584671

>dating anyone above a midwit is humiliating
Well, at least you're honest about yourself

>> No.18584676

I hope she produces mixed race babies just for you, anon

>> No.18584682

I had to study this film for my high school English class and it ruined it for me

>> No.18584692

I bet you do, Chaim.

>> No.18584704

Excuse me madam, but if you are aquatinted with Wallace such as I, you would know him to be a charlatan. My presence at this establishment marks only my need for toilet paper, and I’ve found all of Hegel’s works used. Gooday Madam

>> No.18584739

>Nose ring
>Infinite jest
>Filthy kuffar
By Allah....

>> No.18584811

Most likely both. I know a few, and talking to them has forever turned me off smart women.

>> No.18584830

Intelligence increases the likely hood of mental illness. Kindness,maternal instincts and loyalty are far better characteristics to value in a partner.

>> No.18585065

I wonder how much time you would stalk libraries for women without being banned from them

>> No.18585081

Two weeks. That's what by ASBO says.

>> No.18585087

Isn't the average IQ of /x/ like 75?

>> No.18585181

All women are whores, but especially the ones found in bookstores or a libraries

>> No.18585192

Undersecret of the chans: b8 has to be subtle

>> No.18585208

I kek'd

>> No.18585626

I used to sell /lit/'s starter kit books in my cunt. and the fucking retarded aspie bitches on meds that would show up to pick up infinite jest or pessoa was astounding. before they came to our destination for the sale i would look them up online and each was a mental nut case

>> No.18585670
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t. Dave Rubin

>> No.18585899

But I just dilated. I'm a real woman

>> No.18585938

/X/ average IQ is like 120

>> No.18586060

In my town the library is full of scummy chavs and homeless who go to charge their phones and use the internet.

>> No.18586085

You're never going to have sex anyway so I don't understand why you're even pondering this

>> No.18586089


>> No.18586090
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>you’ll constantly feel threatened by her intelligence and well-roundedness.

>> No.18586111

watermelon head looking ass....

>> No.18586121


>> No.18586122

>and then you take a little lipstick out of your pocket and boom you're trans
My sides
Thanks for make my day anon

>> No.18586141

At least you have a library in your town

>> No.18586150

ITT: insecure incels who couldnt handle considering being with anyone smarter than themselves.
Better get a dummy you can emotionally manipulate because you're just a piece of shit deep down

>> No.18586157

Sorry but I only date the girls from the books, not their readers or writers.
Too light anon

>> No.18586164

>girl tries to start conversation with me
>give one word answers and say goodbye as quickly as possible

anyone else do this?

>> No.18586168

Thats literally most people in lasting relationships tho

>> No.18586195

Yes, it just means you're gay

>> No.18586197

You mean Savitri Devi? That's just pure autism.

>> No.18586209

oh does it make you feel better to believe that? and let me guess, you'd want to be the smart one in the relationship wouldnt you. weak beta

>> No.18586216

There is literally not one female on earth that is more intelligent than me

>> No.18586226

No, 'cause no one wants to approach me

>> No.18586318
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>> No.18586333

You've summoned the tranny, hi anon
I'm not even a fake woman sadly :(

>> No.18586350

the only people I see going into bookstores are fat retards. Also all the books I can get in the bookstore are shit so no.

>> No.18586492

Blame sexual dismorphism of humans, not anon. Men feel more comfortable when they're in charge of things (or at least in an illusory manner), thus if you want a lasting relationship the man must be comfortable. The emotion of a strong woman trickles down from how good her man feels. Also women don't know how to handle power, the less you know she'll try to berate her man because she knows more words than him.

>> No.18586499

Meant this >>18586492 for above, not the gay one lmao

>> No.18586506

>girl tries to start conversation with me
not my life. can't relate. a girl I was dating like 4 years ago contacted me but she has a bf now so I didn't reply. why even bother.

>> No.18586513
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>tfw you realize that she does this with every guy who buys IJ

>> No.18586517

>brown hands types this

>> No.18586526

>black hands typed this

>> No.18586565

>b me
>in bookstore
>nice looking young lady in store with family
>looks at me
>panic mode
>look at manga
>she comes over
>dont look up
>leave store contemplating suicide.

y am i like this?

>> No.18586572

I met the only girl I ever loved in a university library. She was reading the same course textbook that I had ('realism and anti-realism' by Brock and Mares), so I asked if she was in my year. She was doing a joint honours degree (eng + philos, me straight philos). Were together 2.5 years but my own degenerating mental health eventually pushed her away. I think now she's an English teacher in London. It can happen anons.

>> No.18586621

>if I find a girl smarter and more well-rounded than me I am holding on to her for dear life

That's the point, she won't want you

>> No.18586624

what's her address?

>> No.18586676

True. Smart women are just more stuck up, politically correct, and callous than normal women.

>> No.18586679

Also that's a setting where people expect to be approached. bookstores and libraries are not that setting.

>> No.18586684

Why am I not at home trying to find a used copy online in this hypothetical?

>> No.18586946

youre right, discord is garbage and the better alternative would be to go outside and start doing the things you always wished to do

>> No.18586973

> Monkey hands typed this

>> No.18586989


>> No.18587039

>threatened by her intelligence

This is something that feminists have decided is true and been telling themselves for a long time.

>> No.18587074

Wonderful shitpost, anon, thank you

>> No.18587115

makes sense to me

>> No.18587122

constanza-pilled strategy

>> No.18587357

Sounds right, but how can you meet intelligent and curious guys irl?
The nice thing about /lit isn't the ideas of people here or their opinions, but the fact that they look for something greater than our bland reality. And that's not a trait you can find outside easily