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18639297 No.18639297 [Reply] [Original]

Should I read that Caleb Maupin breadtube book? I think Maupin is a goof but then I see stuff like this and I just don't know anymore

>> No.18639345

AbiHON is low hanging fruit and you know it. Don’t make me /tttt/ schizobabble at you…

>> No.18639350


>> No.18639354

Also Maupin is a CCP/Russia simp that would gladly suck Stalin’s schlong so don’t trust him lol

>> No.18639379

An *American* Stalin, anon.

>> No.18639534

I really have had enough of this tranny shit. These people are fucking disgusting.

>> No.18639545

B-but, the trolling must continue. Don’t even think about ways to stop it!

>> No.18639551
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They are wearing a costume and playing characters on a stage.

>> No.18639555

Does anyone have that image that shows PTs obsession with Contrapoints?

>> No.18639559

She starts her philosophy video by fucking up the definition of metaphysics and people just slurp it up I just don't get it

>> No.18639570

I guarantee you you wouldn't even think about trannies if you gtfo of 4chan.

>> No.18639591

Maupin isn't a breadtuber. He is a tankie. Bread tubers when seething say that fascists and tankies are basically the same thing.

>> No.18639598

There's literally a tranny art gallery within the street I live in, but I guess I choose the live in a metropolitan city dominated by left politics.

>> No.18639612

>I guess I choose the live in a metropolitan city dominated by left politics.
I guess so anon.

You can also choose to live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere if trannies disgust you so much.

>> No.18639617

>fucking up the definition of metaphysics

>> No.18639618
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Authoritarianism is authoritarianism. Stated fairytale goals for the future mean little to nothing.

OP is talking about this book though

>> No.18639650
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Yeah I know he's not breadtube he recently published a book length hit-piece on breadtube hence this thread

>> No.18639659

metaphysics isn't concerned with existence, that would be physics. metaphysics is concerned with the underlying principles by which existence is made possible

>> No.18639671
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what a hideous abomination. I will say a prayer tonight that God wipes Western civilization off the face of the earth.

>> No.18639681

Man is a fucking beast without the strong boot of authoritarian state. This is why anarchists state don't last more than two days.

>> No.18639688

Someone post that excerpt where he accuses Vaush of being a sex addict and a pedophile.

>> No.18639997

post it you cowards

>> No.18640036

Judaism is a human traficking ring. Fuck religion.

>> No.18640065
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>anarchists state

And we are beasts! Thinking feeling beasts.

>> No.18640140

go home Abigail

>> No.18640462

That’s such a dumb fucking nitpick. Social construction is obviously an underlying condition which makes existence possible. She just chose language for a general audience instead of highly technical academic definitions.

>> No.18640490

that's not a nitpick it's genuinely wrong, wtf? and you're wrong because she literally gives examples of how we could exist without social constructions in her video with the "world -1" thought experiment. she was just wrong, she should have said the question was ontological. or is that too hard of a word for philosophytube subscribers?

>> No.18640492

It was over for her before it even began

>> No.18640761

Normal people look at this and think philosophy destroys the soul, which it does, for many people

>> No.18640798

philosophy enriches the soul

>> No.18640840

God Maupin is so unlikeable

>> No.18641873
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>> No.18641884


>> No.18641906

Then only death can bring you the ideal anarchist utopia. Human history is of mindless slaughter, only dumb fags think that they could transcend the history by being """morally good""" when all wars start to end greater """evil"""

>> No.18641925


>> No.18641938

I basically agree with maupin on everything including of course the cia leftism of “breadtube.” He is definitely a goof tho lol. I saw excerpts of his book posted on Twitter and was disappointed desu. Stuff like just tarring vaush as a pedo which yea of course it’s basically true but why sink yourself to their level? He could’ve easily been respectable and outclassed them by tearing apart their dumb state department talking points.

>> No.18641949

Do people actually use these channels bolster their philosophical insight? I was under the impression that these videos were meant to confer allegiance to whatever their cause is first and foremost using "select" thinkers as a lens, with the actual material as just an afterthought.

>> No.18641977

Trannyism has to be a form of masochism. Your entire identity is dependent on “passing” which is extremely difficult for any tranner to do and it requires lots of money. You must just be on edge all the time fantasizing about that one more adjustment to your appearance you need, then you can pass. Like bro just be a feminine dude, it’ll be way easier to come to terms with that than perpetually chase an unattainable ideal. But these people are deranged so they pick the self torture route

>> No.18642005

The final adjustment is a good necktie.

>> No.18642020


>> No.18642114

>Do people actually use these channels bolster their philosophical insight?
Only in so far as the 'philosophy' is used to 'own the chuds'. So yes, you're right.

>> No.18642120

Don't misgender a car.

>> No.18642125

Which is why no anarchist revolution will happen in the current state of the world. The US doesn't care if you are all horizontally governed hippies, it will crush you all the same unless you wield state power, the DOTP is the only way of securing a socialist revolution

>> No.18642143
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This guy is literally an AGP fetishist. It just so happened that trooning aligned nicely with his political inclinations; it effectively gets rid of the pain of being a WHITE MALE in a community that hates white males. His videos are always surface-level. I'm 90% sure that he does all of his research on Wikipedia, despite having a B.A. in philosophy. Sad!

>> No.18642165

It's the opposite : it's not done out of a hope for punishment, but out of a hope for better treatment, that their failure as men can be forged into success as women, because obviously if you fail as a man it's because you'd make a much better woman than a man.

In other words, trannies are incel class traitors.

>> No.18642174

All trannies are low hanging fruit, they're insane

>> No.18642399

You know I think I'll just put up with them. I don't even really mind the ones that pass, but the genderfucked abominations disgust me.

>> No.18642869

>Human history
Was normally stateless, fun and easy living

And yet here it is, happening right under your nose
The “US”? We are us, the “united” part is obscured and harangued, (essentially crushed as a matter of course) by a minority of overpaid and overfed bullies, but it is oh so tenuously held together, and is teetering oh so close to failing again, as all states do
Day of the pope? Establishing another state never works. A tanky government setting up in in DC would necessarily have to DELIVER socialism, radical democracy, to the people. You can run the military, the airports and shipping lanes, little organizational things. You need to read some Bookchin, tanky.

>> No.18642894

>Was normally stateless, fun and easy living
You are so insanely deluded. That you believe this explains everything about you.

>> No.18642903

>Was normally stateless, fun and easy living
Weird way to say that you have never picked up a history book.

>> No.18642908

Nothing wrong with reading a book, just make sure t pirate it instead of giving this midwit clown any money.

>> No.18642920

>>Human history
>Was normally stateless, fun and easy living
True, and since some peoples never evolved beyond this state and learned to endure and work hard, true equality can never be achieved. Only those peoples that evolved for millennia in developed states are fit to endure what's coming.

>> No.18642927
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I don't mind some trans folk but this one is a degenerative narcissistic leftwing retard and should not be posted on /lit/

>> No.18642930

>Was normally stateless, fun and easy living
In 1970 that's more or less what we would say about the Mayan civilisation of the classical period. Then some very evil person deciphered their writing and discovered typical carousel of alliances and wars between extremely hierarchical city-states, fitting Peloponnese in the classical period or Italy of late medieval just as well as Yucatan. The evil of history destroying the stateless, fun and easy living as pictured by archaeology and anthropology.

>> No.18642934

oh god you still post? arent you in a retirement home or something?

>> No.18642941

Lol there is no revolution coming to the US any time soon, let alone an anarchist one. Most people still associate anarchism with violence, robbery and general disorder. If you can't see that class consciousness isn't high enough then maybe you should go read some theory.

Also you say that replacing a state with a state never works, well maybe in the sense that the new state has never withered away. But I ask you, how long did makhnovia last? What impact did it leave on history? How many people even know it existed? If replacing a state with a state always fails, then replacing a state with nothing is doomed before it happens.

As a side note, calling me a tankie really isn't the insult you think it is. I'm honoured to be compared with the Russian and Chinese revolutionaries, especially since China will overtake the US long before any anarchist revolution occurs

>> No.18642957

You read Hobbes or something?
We lived in a state of nature, not work prisons, not wage slavery, not these imaginary states. I’ve read a lot of history. You actually come off sounding like you haven’t.
The Mayan kingdom state? PBBPF

>Only the slaves will survive…
The slave rebellion or climate change? Or the next madman’s pandemic?

>> No.18642985

>Wait WAAAIIIT. Stop trying! Go read forever!
Actually feeling guilty about this. I have read theory, but now I am reading strategy on how to raise class consciousness. Why aren’t you?
Read Bookchin, Öcalan, help hybridize it.
You are a tanky because you fetishize tanks, state power. Not socialist at all, though I do say “state-socialism” from time to time.

>> No.18643001

then why do all pre-state societies we've sound come off as completely totatitarian gerontocracies?
if anything stateless societies are way more brutal and less egalitarian than stateful ones
Hobbes turned out to be way closer to reality than Rousseau, his only mistake was calling it "brutish", if anything pre-state societies are exactly what gets off too in the later chapters of the Leviathan

>> No.18643004

wtf. This guy became a tranny? Is just fully trying to turn into contrapoints for youtube money?

>> No.18643023
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>a state. Governed by the elderly
I guess you just haven’t read anything in anthropology. Rousseau has turned out to be closer to reality than Hobbes

>> No.18643024

If you are actually studying class consciousness then you would realise that revolution in the US is nearly impossible. A global revolution will originate in the global South, where conditions for revolution are strongest.

I am a tankie because I realise that a dotp is the only way of securing a revolution. You, on the other hand, are an anarchist because you fetishism failure.

>> No.18643026

Living in nature is a constant state of panic. You're naive to think that there were no conflicts among tribes. Like suddenly everything changed with the arrival of certain thing.

And are you really going to ignore the history of human civilization which is drenched in blood and worst atrocities committed by any beast on this planet? Have you ever deeply looked at predators in nature?

>> No.18643047

Unite or we all lose, again, because of your fetish for avoiding a revolution.

Yeah, the animals are all so tense and anxious …
“Civilization”? That’s barbarity. We are living in barbarous times, not civility

>> No.18643048

>david graeber
partisanist anthropology is a cancer on earth
he did no field work and pretended to understand what anthropology was about
it's very convenient that the people who spend 0 time with their subject matters always come to these retarded rousseauist conclusions with no basis in reality while people who actually love anthropology and dedicate their lives to it always end up way more cynical
read hallpike on the conso, an actual anthropology of actual people living in the actual world based on actual evidence that is actually there rather than fanfic
and tell me this tired bullshit

>> No.18643056

>the animals are all so tense and anxious...
wow, you've never actually been outside whatever downtown you live in butters, have you?

>> No.18643067

>Yeah, the animals are all so tense and anxious
They don't posses the ability of self reflection. You're dumb as shite.

>“Civilization”? That’s barbarity. We are living in barbarous times, not civility
All I am saying that it were humans who spilled of that blood just like the predators in nature. It was the common man who pulled the trigger of his gun, it was the common man who raped, looted, tortured and killed. And where did he learned it all from if not from nature?

>> No.18643078

i noticed this. The video barely makes an argument about anything. He is always silently having you imply that you agree with these propositions that making distinctions between things is a thing you shouldn't do. He leaves it towards to end to imply that basically we should just not classify anything, or if we do we should do it how he wants to. He just mangles the idea and then assumes that you will do what he wants.

>> No.18643079

>Rousseau has turned out to be closer to reality than Hobbes
you are a massive retard

>> No.18643082

>then why do all pre-state societies we've sound come off as completely totatitarian gerontocracies?
Name one. Also, I would love to hear a definition of totalitarian that makes the slightest bit of sense in a "pre-state society".

>> No.18643086

If there was any hope of a successful revolution in my country I would be first in line to join it. But there isn't, and there won't be for many years because class consciousness isn't high enough. I have no issues in uniting with anarchists in a common goal of overthrowing capitalism, but in a revolution I would not risk defeat just because we might be seen as authoritarian. You either wield the state machine against capitalism or you will be crushed by it.

>> No.18643092

>name one
konso in ethiopia
>definition of totalitarianism in a pre-state society
an absolute society that does not tolerate any sort of disagreement and enforces absolute subordination on its norms through the limit to the access of any foreign experience.
there's no such thing as a konso state, it's the most basic tribal structure and yet it's ability to unleash cruelty and meyhem on its own members is cartoonish

>> No.18643103

She just flashes citations on the screen without quotes or anything liek she'll make a dumb fucking joke, flash Gender Trouble in the corner, you're just supposed to read the book and guess how her "joke" is supported by the text I guess. the thinnest veneer of credibility. half the shit she cites is like garbage grad papers and shit too

>> No.18643125

>The Mayan kingdom state? PBBPF
Before the deciphering of their writing, the dominant opinion was that any state they may have had was rudimentary and oriented around religion, with some stating they probably were stateless society to begin with(the ruins of Tikal etc. were believed to be temple complexes, not cities). Now the reason why anyone would conclude that any prehistoric society would be "stateless, fun and easy going", so you'd now be able to parrot it, comes from the very fields that failed in case of Mayans - archaeology and anthropology - and this was a failure that was of systemic type - their interpretative frameworks led them to believe this - and this failure was never addressed, they just batted it off and so now you can tell us what prehistory was like and we're totally supposed to believe you.

>> No.18643219

butterfly is in her 60's, just give her a break. she doesn't even read books her cataracts are too bad

>> No.18643237

>partisanist anthropology
>MY bias is bigger than yours!! NYAAAA

>They don't posses the ability of self reflection
Neither do you. Yes, of course violence happens, but the levels of depravity we have created for ourselves need not lead to what we have now. And this nail spitting vitriol and no one here possesses self reflection.

So you’ve never heard of the Amazon rain forests?

>> No.18643255

>but the levels of depravity we have created for ourselves need not *happen at all*
Derailed train of thought there.

>implying I don’t read
16 yeah olds.

>> No.18643305

do you feel bad seducing young vulnerable women? they are probably so scared of you. you can see the hesitation in their eyes, the disgust ripple over their brow
>You want to be gay don't you? Don't you want to be hip?
your scaly tongue scrapes against their neck. they shiver and do their best to look away. you grab their head and push down towards your hanging vaginal lips. the smell is strong even for you, but as they approach, the gagging starts. a nurse, fearing the worst happening in the cramped retirement home suite, bangs their fist against the door.
>Do it. You want to be cool don't you?
the young woman chokes back tears and resigns herself, and pushes her face into the abyss

>> No.18643331

Just imagine
you come home from work, a rough day. you hang up your coat and in slinks butterfly, on all fours as she has been all day, caked on make up falling off in bits.
"anon, I need..."
she turns her wide rump to you, pointed up into your face. even clothed it reeks.
"I need..."
she's sweating, and clouds of red collect anywhere her pasty, fishlike skin can be seen. you already know what she needs.
"pls anon"
either she drops her pants or they fall on their own, knowing what must happen. begrudgingly you remove your cock, erect out of a sense of duty more than anything else.
chubby fingers spread the ponderous cheeks, a yellow tinged string of some fluid webs between them, coyly hiding your goal. like the mouth of a hungry baby bird, her anus beckons to you.
you insert your glans and she begins moaning-- not wholly in pleasure-- and you can feel kernels of corn and other detritus grazing your urethra.
faster. harder. can't let it escape. if you pull out now, you'll just have to start over.
you coax the brown beast as butterfly moans louder, squeezing her sagged breasts in vain. just a little more. fingers clenching ass cheeks. minute farts escaping around your shaft. she's muttering something now, but you're. almost.
pushed out by a tidal wave of warm, viscous diarrhea. dangling, stained cock a witness to the tsunami of what once was a family sized portion of El Pollo Loco and drinkable yogurt. she's cumming, rubbing her vagina angrily-- but this is no vaginal orgasm: it is a pleasurable relief centered in the bowels, the fresh snow after an avalanche.
shit continues to pour, now only liquid, from her quivering anus. she thanks you
"thank you anon" *fart* "oh, thank you so much"
still on hands and knees, she leaves the way she came, leaving shitty cursive all over the wood floor. you proceed to the sink. in the other room you can hear the unmistakable sounds of a keyboard clacking.

>> No.18643339

didn't this guy get BTFO by some college teacher?

>> No.18643351

Anon that's a woman.

>> No.18643375

shut up faggot

>> No.18643710

stop normalising faggotry, that's a man, no matter how much he doesn't want to be one

>> No.18643742

Don't do that.

>> No.18643745

I genuinely don't care that she's trans, but I dislike her because she's a leftist

>> No.18643766

wait, who are you talking about?

>> No.18643780

PhilosophyTube, the woman in the OP

>> No.18643787

Caleb Maupin is extremely based and perhaps the only good American communist.

>> No.18643797

but philosophy tube is hosted by a man. the OP photo is a man…
do you need glasses?

>> No.18643798

>good American
>good American communist
what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.18643850

You are a complete retard lmao

>> No.18643867 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18643890

this you?

>> No.18643895


>> No.18643901
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>dog video is real

>> No.18643931

>tfw you went to college in Cali and work in SF
I see them every day, anon.

>> No.18644071

Going to San Francisco and being upset at seeing transpeople is like going to Mecca and being upset at all the Muslims there.

>> No.18644108

The world is a very scary place

>> No.18644188

>metaphysics isn't concerned with existence
Just when I think the userbase of this board can't get dumber in walks this guy.

>> No.18644192

>so you've never heard of the Amazon Rainforest
>while discussing the Mayans
What? The Amazon is in Northern Brazil and Southern Colombia. The Mayans were never further south than the Yucutan peninsula. They're 2,000+ km apart.

>> No.18644205
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Having trouble following along?

>> No.18644226

>the only kind of being is "existence"
metaphysical noob

>> No.18644322

It isn't you fucking retard, that's why there are dozens of metaphysical positions which reject existent things altogether. have you ever taken a class on metaphysics?

>> No.18644342

let me put it in philosophy tube terms because I have a feeling you need it dumbed down
>ethics: should we have cars
>aesthetics: what makes a car look good
>ontology: what is a car
>metaphysics: what allows cars to exist in the first place

>> No.18644423

stalin is badass, nigger

>> No.18644437

shut up, 14 year old

>> No.18644488


>> No.18644507

fucking god damn

>> No.18644784

i agree that he seems goofy (although less so than chapo types, which is great)
i've been thinking of picking up/pirating that book.
i just opened up the video to see what you were talking about.
what a stupid thing for him say.

logic = the study of inferences
metalogic = the study of the preconditions for inference
ethics = the domain of right/wrong
metaethics = the domain of the preconditions for right/wrong
physics = the domain of things that exist
metaphysics = ... fill in the blank

it's so obvious lmao
how? if you say you're gonna start talking about metaethics and then get into a discussion about why homos are gross, i'll call you out on it not being metaethical. same with this faggot and defining metaphysics as physics
ontological means metaphysical. she would've been wrong either way.

>> No.18645029

>Should I read that Caleb Maupin breadtube book?
No, is this a fucking joke? Ignore all of that shit, Maupin included, they're just a bunch of wannabe midwits idolized by a bunch of idiots and bankrolled by the allowances paid to those idiots by their parents.

>> No.18645471

>ontological means metaphysical
Read Heidegger

>> No.18645492

How many breadrolls do you think bother to rationalize the exploitative hypocrisy of Patreon use?

>> No.18645520
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>> No.18645526
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>I gottem again

>> No.18645531

>Was normally stateless, fun and easy living
>thinking tribes weren't pseudo states
me thinks me lady doth protest too much

>> No.18645545

okay then who do I read contra breadtube?

>> No.18645589


>> No.18645604

And his master

>> No.18645611

STOP having sex with dogs wtf is wrong with you??

>> No.18645619

we know you worship trannies we did not need clarification on that.

>> No.18645657

I’m saying the dog is modern man. This is your problem.

They weren’t. By definition.

>> No.18645682

>I’m saying the dog is modern man. This is your problem.
oh I forgot anarchists believe that man is beast but shouldn't be kept on a leash
>They weren't By definition
A definition of a state is a nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. A tribe existed in a set of territory, with a constructed political system aka hierarchal (chief) in nature. These were considered distinct to other tribes thus were recognized by others. Fits all the criteria

>> No.18645705

Read more anthropology, I guess

>> No.18645744

Why do you read if you can't explain or reason the information you look at?

>> No.18645807
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Do I need to make a list of tribal names from around the world?
Here, read

>> No.18645813


>> No.18645867

I saw it.
I haven’t seduced any vulnerable women.
Well, it’s been two years since I offered myself to a recently divorced woman who needed a a little action. I don’t see her as vulnerable, just needy.

>> No.18645875

You are old and a predator

>> No.18645914

the state of being needy is a highly vulnerable you coping idiot

>> No.18645939

>I offered
>acceptance of said offer TBD
lol, you’re an incel

>> No.18645949

>here read a book where we cherry-pick certain society to showcase my ideology exist
Also double kek on using Amazonians and the french revolution as evidence of this, truly only a leftist could concoct this

>> No.18645957

She was in her thirties and perfectly happy to explore this side of herself.
We had three encounters

>> No.18645972

Cherry-picked to show that, among other places, the coastal tribes of Californian had multiple types of societies going at once, not just your cookie cutter one size fits all view of the world.
You don’t even remember what we’re discussing.

>> No.18646021

>three encounters
in which you offered and she politely declined? damn girl, take a hint

>> No.18646042

I remember /lit/ being more "leftist" when I visited it like 10 years ago so I'm so happy to see that's not as much the case now.

>> No.18646048

You purposely mistake my polite talk. We worked together.

>> No.18646049

>Have an autistic fit and can't even refute it without pulling out the library of pilpul
Lets re-examine the facts
Nigger butterfly: >Human history
Was normally stateless, fun and easy living
Me: No it wasn't tribes are just pseudo states
Me: gives a definition and demonstrates how majority tribes existed in a terrority that was governed in a hiearchal system (so political) and was recognized by other tribes thus fulling definition
Nigger Butterfly: .... well read a book chud
Me: Why the fuck are you on a reading board if you cant do the basic syntheziation that comes with reading books
>you are here
This entire discussion was on if most of human history we have been "Was normally stateless, fun and easy living" I demonstrated that majority follow a fucking hierarchal society with fucking geographic bounds all you have done is waste my fucking day

>> No.18646070

No. As I already said here >>18645972
Are you having that much trouble reading or is this shittake just you getting flustered and flinging poo because you wanna stop now?

>> No.18646133

You seem to be the only person not on track YOU asserted that most of history has been stateless I called your fat ass on that you have not shown any evidence that the majority of human history has been stateless
>the coastal tribes of Californian had multiple types of societies going at once
wonderful lets examine one of those tribes the Yurok
an excerpt form wiki
>"Yurok society had no chiefs, but in each village, a wealthy man known as a peyerk acted as leader, who was trained by elders. The peyerk's training would include a vision quest in which he would communicate with the natural environment and the spirit world. Peyerk from many villages came together to settle tribal disputes and also hosted tribal ceremonies. At these times, the peyerk would supply food and shelter for the Yurok people and special clothing for the dancers. Peyerk lived in homes at higher elevation, wore finer clothing, and sometimes spoke foreign languages."
While some tribes had a "sense of consensus" which is the only thing you think constitutes an anarchist society even the Navajo relied on elected leaders and geographic placement
>Traditional Navajo society was organized through matrilineal kinship; small, independent bands of related kin generally made decisions on a consensus basis. Similar groups still exist but tend to be based on locality of residence as well as kinship; many of these local groups have elected leaders.
Next the Cherokee, even there fucking wiki refers to it as a fucking government
>"Each village of the Cherokee had two governmental units: a white and red government. The white government was in power primarily beginning with spring planting season and maintained control over domestic affairs. There is evidence indicating that both men and women filled the role of chief. In the fall, which was considered the time of war, duties then generally fell on the red government."
Wow it almost seems like even your faggy indian tribes relied on hierarchal structure and leadership and were organized under such pretenses

>> No.18646161

Based Abigail destroys idgit 4chan faggots

>> No.18646212
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>> No.18646369

yes I purposely mistake it, I’m fucking with you. Jesus you’re not even a little fun.

>> No.18646485
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Lifted from the short short book already suggested to you for further read:

As I remarked, an anarchist anthropology doesn’t really exist. There are only fragments. In the first part of this essay I tried to gather some of them, and to look for common themes; in this part I want to go further, and imagine a body of social theory that might exist at some time in the future.
obvious objections
Before being able to do so I really do need to address the usual objection to any project of this nature: that the study of actually-existing anarchist societies is simply irrelevant to the modern world. After all, aren’t we just talking about a bunch of primitives?
For anarchists who do know something about anthropology, the arguments are all too familiar. A typical exchange goes something like this:
Skeptic: Well, I might take this whole anar- chism idea more seriously if you could give me some reason to think it would work. Can you name me a single viable example of a society which has existed without a government?
Anarchist: Sure. There have been thousands. I could name a dozen just off the top of my head: the Bororo, the Baining, the Onondaga, the Wintu, the Ema, the Tallensi, the Vezo...
Skeptic: But those are all a bunch of primi- tives! I’m talking about anarchism in a modern, technological society.

>> No.18646495
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Anarchist: Okay, then. There have been all sorts of successful experiments: experiments with worker’s self-management, like Mondragon; economic projects based on the idea of the gift economy, like Linux; all sorts of political organiza- tions based on consensus and direct democracy...
Skeptic: Sure, sure, but these are small, isolated examples. I’m talking about whole societies.
Anarchist: Well, it’s not like people haven’t tried. Look at the Paris Commune, the revolution in Republican Spain...
Skeptic: Yeah, and look what happened to those guys! They all got killed!
The dice are loaded. You can’t win. Because when the skeptic says “society,” what he really means is “state,” even “nation-state.” Since no one is going to produce an example of an anarchist state—that would be a contradiction in terms—what we’re really being asked for is an example of a modern nation-state with the government somehow plucked away

>> No.18646614

the book "metaphysics," where the word comes from, Aristotle says was about "to ōn" (the Being, on the pattern of "the living")
which is where the word "ontology" comes from
they're all from the same place

>> No.18646651

So you recognize that stateless society always get buttfucked by chad capitalist ones and yet you believe in them
You people are truly suicidal by nature.

>> No.18646734

Do you have a link?

>> No.18646738

Yes you should read it OP

>> No.18646756
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Somewhere in that short book, was a mention on all the differing ways tribes in the Americas live side by side, switch back and forth, and even practice different ways within a tribe, warrior class being hierarchal with a leader, the rest of the tribe a council or consensus directed group. Can’t find it. He does have more to say about the people in Madagascar he studied. They’re interesting too.

Anyway here’s a video that touches on some of the themes you’ll no doubt find in this >>18643023 book. Which will also answer your questions. You probably won’t do any research so you can claim victory

Pic whatever

>> No.18646776

>Anarchist: Well, it’s not like people haven’t tried. Look at the Paris Commune, the revolution in Republican Spain...
All large scale revolutions and the societies they replace them with, even the most peaceful and reasonable ones (like the Edmonton 1919 general strike) must install a government afterwards, or dissolve society (which they'd never do) on the scale we know it.
The only way beyond the Nation-State is through it.

>> No.18646813
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No, I acknowledge that it is an inherent desire for humans to want to return to our State of Nature and recapture that Golden Age (poorly named by Virgil) a way of life the majority want, in one way or another, and if united and balanced, we could actually achieve.
Pic related is an example of peoples who escaped city life for its barbarity to live in an advanced lifestyle (called primitive by the tax collecting warring statists). “Nobel savage” indeed. Nothing could be more “trad”.
Like I mentioned in the last post about the mixed system tribes, Star Trek resembled this. A starship has to run on a hierarchical system, but everyone else on earth lived without government

>> No.18646835
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Your memory is so short, and you like to point out the heft of the Leviathan monster.
>is through it
And so, Direct Democracy, sans capitalist market economies, for the Leviathan is two headed, can bring it down

>> No.18647328

And the man who recommended you learn ancient Greek and study Aristotle for 10 years to take his classes differentiates between the ontic and the ontological.

>> No.18647338

Why do faggots waste so much time embracing retarded shit like communism and anarchism. We need more Hellenistic philosophy because everything past them has been utter garbage.

>> No.18647352


Well, he already fucked the definition of "she", so not a big jump from there.

>> No.18647361

Heidegger is a retard though

>> No.18647363

There's no such thing as an "anarchist revolution." Revolutions simply replace one ruling class with another. The anarchist creates conditions where they can no longer take orders from anyone. It doesn't require revolution, but courage. Nor would an anarchist ever support "socialism" - which is just another form of dictatorship, even worse than capitalism, because the state controls every aspect of your life. Socialism always is, and always will be, slavery to government rations. The main problem with anarchism is the fact they take too communistic when they really don't have to be or even should be when the point of anarchism is not be ruled by anyone - not even other anarchists.

>> No.18647368
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Ovid's Metamorphoses (Rolfe Humphries trans.)

The Four Ages

The Golden Age was first, a time that cherished
Of its own will, justice and right; no law,
No punishment, was called for; fearfulness
Was quite unknown, and the bronze tablets held
No legal threatening; no suppliant throng
Studied a judge’s face; there were no judges,
There did not need to be. Trees had not yet
Been cut and hollowed, to visit other shores.
Men were content at home, and had no towns
With moats and walls around them; and no trumpets
Blared out alarums; things like swords and helmets
Had not been heard of. No one needed soldiers.
People were unaggressive, and unanxious;
The years went by in peace. And Earth, untroubled,
Unharried by hoe or plowshare, brought forth all
That men had need for, and those men were happy
Gathering berries from the mountainsides,
Cherries, or blackcaps, and the edible acorns.
Spring was forever, with a west wind blowing
Softly across the flowers no man had planted,
And Earth, unplowed, brought forth rich grain; the field,
Unfallowed, whitened with wheat, and there were rivers
Of milk, and rivers of honey, and golden nectar
Dripped from the dark-green oak-trees.

>> No.18647383


>> No.18647399

Anarchism is libertarian-socialism. You just mean the statist variety of course.
Anarchism is a challenging to all unjustifiable hierarchies, and interested in achieving maximum autonomy for all. But there has to be some unity there, so it’s been admitted that we need consensus building direct democracy

>> No.18647421

Socialism will always be statist by design. Socialism literally calls for a society, a form of economic association that organizes production in a way that ensures everyone has their needs met. You can not do such a thing without planning, without some state bureaucracy allocating the rationalization of resources. Literally impossible.
>challenging to all unjustifiable hierarchies,
This is such a stupid way of thinking about this. Ideologies themselves are hierarchical - letting spooky ideas such as "anarchism" guide your life's choices is peak mitwit. Your goals are simply utopian altruism. You honestly don't have to give a fuck about anyone but yourself. Also, this non-sense about "autonomy" is also pretty cringe. People don't need you to tell them what they need to have in life. They should figure that out for themselves.

>> No.18647428
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>> No.18647445

What colour/kind of underwear do you wear?

>> No.18647486
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I just told you anarchism is a branch of socialism. You advocate nothing but separatism, hermitism. You’d do well enough in such a world.
You don’t need a state bureaucracy to allocate supplies already handled by the people. Direct Democracy is needed to make things run, but that’s not bureaucracy.
Justifiable hierarchies would necessarily stay until no longer needed.
Goals, dreams of Utopia, are important to a society. But you don’t care about any of this. You’d be more than welcome to go love in the woods

>> No.18647491

I want to see that fight

>> No.18647518

the study of existence is ontology, it's not a nitpick.

>> No.18647537

That's the study of being, while we're nitpicking.

>> No.18647539

Maupin is the other side of cringe. So no.

>> No.18647549
File: 45 KB, 850x400, quote-socialism-is-a-new-form-of-slavery-alexis-de-tocqueville-72-27-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just told you anarchism is a branch of socialism.
Its not - anarchism has nothing do with socialism. Socialism is just another world for slavery.
>You don’t need a state bureaucracy to allocate supplies already handled by the people. Direct Democracy is needed to make things run, but that’s not bureaucracy.
Direct democracy would still require a bureaucracy though. You need administrators to allocate resources. Also, because socialism eliminates price signals, and commodity production, you would need one to plan the economy. More so, you basically would have use force to stop people from owning private property and being capitalists. That is just absolutely fucking retarded - you would cause so much unnecessary violence to enforce such a thing.
>You’d be more than welcome to go love in the woods
I'd be more welcome if people like you died, or at least, grew up. Stop being retarded, and think for a second. Stop wasting peoples' time with with clerical-liberalism. Men are driven by their passions; they don't want direct democracy, they want any of the non-sense you spew - they want to be left alone. The world has had enough idiotic people, like yourself, trying to socially engineering men go against their human nature. Its just pure non-sense that has only led to ruination. People are more than welcome to just kill you, and murder your worthless ass, and not waste anytime with your stupid social causes.

>> No.18647557
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LARPing as a 16 year old? Should this get a person banned from here?

>> No.18647586

You are fucking retarded. Rich you're saying this when you're a fucking anarchist - calling people 16. Are you fucking serious? We don't need your retarded philosophy. We need another Italian Renaissance - we need engineers, entrepreneurs, and Nietzchean heroes. We don't need you stupid dime a dozen sociology major trannies telling us what to do with our lives.

>> No.18647591

The anarchist is just a secular christian, a pious atheist with an infantile servitude to humanity. A pathetic nursemaid for worthless paupers. Stop being such an emotional little bitch, and let men take care of themselves. They don't need your help, they don't need to care about your stupid fucking books and philosophy.

>> No.18647620

yes, the board has declined massively over the past 10 years, well spotted

>> No.18647623

Declined? How did it decline when everyone just grew up?

>> No.18647626

but dont most trannies also reject the standard metrics of success when it comes to their new gender? like if you think about it the other way around, you dont see many FTM trannies going off being some crazy macho man and starting a family - they are usually just skinny looking femboy types.

>> No.18647632

>I don't mind some trans folk but
Stop enabling this behaviour

>> No.18647757
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>> No.18647893

>telling us what to do with our lives.
That’s the WHOLE AIM of anarchism. Geez
If we can get this going, we will have a Renaissance, I assure you.

>> No.18648679

You're getting a state whether you like it or not.

>> No.18648730
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>> No.18648781

You go Abigail! I speak for all of /lit/ when i say we support what you're doing here :) <3
Go butters!!! Trans rights til i fucking die!!! <3

>> No.18648963

How embarresing. I don't like contra but find it funny how he ghosts the boring breadtube wannabes and has engaged more with the golden one. Almost makes me respect him.

>> No.18648974

I wouldn't be surprised if they collaborated (to some extent) on those earlier videos, so saying that the aesthetic was stolen is probably a stretch.

>> No.18648977

I’m not trans. No one is technically “trans” because there’s no such thing.

>> No.18649026

that "friends and colleagues" thing is pretty weak. She refers to all three of them as friends and colleagues. She only switches to just calling them colleagues after referring to them having suffered professionally, so colleague would be the more apposite term. And she's said friends and colleagues multiple times already and it's bad writing to keep using that phrase over and over again

And if you're parsing word choice that carefully, it suggests weakness in your overall argument

>> No.18649033

You're right, but I will believe it anyway.

>> No.18649045

Are you a TERF?

>> No.18649056

Okay, so what about everything else?

>> No.18649070

She is 50 years old lesbian shitposter on 4chan so take your guess.

>> No.18649236

Yeah, i only say trans because that's how the issues are all framed irl and because 4chan incels need to be talked down to or else they'll not get what you're saying.
Either way, keep it up queen :) <3

>> No.18649456

if you watch PT's video where he talks about his girlfriend abusing him he is very clearly trying to get out in front of some potential metoo allegations. He basically frames half the video as "sure, I haven't been great to women, but I recognize that it is a result of an evil bad woman who was mean to me when we dated so it's okay". when she transitioned my first thought was oh damn now they can't metoo her. literally a sociopathic genius of social manipulation

>> No.18649458

trans rights

>> No.18649469

Simping for CCP and Stalin is based tho

>> No.18649476

faggotry always been normal
you are being a fucking faggot right now for example

>> No.18649578

something existing /= something is normal
seethe about it, faggot

>> No.18649625

okay Olly

>> No.18649637

Contra should expose the bong

>> No.18649836

she is but she hates that word and will sperg out about it

>> No.18649894

>caleb maupin
>how bread tube serves imperialism
so a leftist cuck complaining about how other leftists aren't anti-white and self-hating enough? fascinating stuff.

>> No.18649904

Caleb Maupin is about two degrees from being an ethno-nationalist

>> No.18649914

Maupin considers white guilt politics to be odious, nice try though retard.

>> No.18649932
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ahh there it is. the requisite dose of butterfly cringe just on time.

>> No.18650181

Aristotle says Metaphysics was studying "to ōn;" "studying to ōn" is called "ontology" in Greek.
which is explicitly distinct from studying "to phuōn," the study of which is physics.
... because "ontic" and "ontological" are completely different categories of adjectives.

>> No.18650187

yes, i know that heidegger wanted "ontic" to be like "Seiende" and "ontological" to be like "Sein"
but that's not what they mean.

>> No.18650196
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>Could I be out of touch?
>No, it is the philosophical literature which is wrong
well I can't argue with that

>> No.18650294

being a philosopher has nothing to do with being a competent greek speaker
also, there are zero (0) philosophers other than heidegger that think "ontic" and "ontological" meant "Seiende" and "Sein"

>> No.18650308

coincidentally there are also zero (0) philosophers that came after Heidegger worth reading. but yeah ontology is usually defined as the "study of being" as opposed to metaphysics which is closer to "the study of being's underlying principles/conditions"

>> No.18650384

I have watched Caleb vs Cultured Thug """debate""" and it's funny how much fascists and communists have in common. And how much respectful they're towards each other from face to face.

Tankies are the disgrace of leftism. In fact Tankies are fascist left wingers.

>> No.18651093

>coincidentally there are also zero (0) philosophers that came after Heidegger worth reading
Look at this retard

>> No.18651222

name one (1)

>> No.18651294
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Maupin is a dengist NPC who repeats himself constantly
Philosophy tube has absolutely no understanding of philosophy
Read capital and cockshott instead
t. Marxist Leninist

>> No.18651366

Why is this thread up?

>> No.18651774

>Read cocksnot
really? weird group of people in this thread. has anyone actually read any of the book?

>> No.18652472

How are there still unironic Leftists in 2021. What is there to even do as a leftist except shill for Chungus China or cut your penis off while reading "theorists" with no connection to empirical reality?

>> No.18652486

Make Red Alert-style music videos


>> No.18652544

Well, if you're a communist, you might think everyone has something in common with each other. But the more Marxist types, I feel, tend to think people with right-wing politics have been misled / duped etc. So what's the point of arguing to "win" or "dunk" on somebody? He's trying to win over the audience.

Either way, from the perspective of liberals, fascists and communists ARE the same people. They can't tell them apart because liberals think everything that isn't liberal is right wing, so tankies are "right wing" to them. Or they contrast their ideology with "authoritarianism." But liberalism -- from a human moral perspective -- is no worse than fascism. It just means fascism "over there." Belgium was a liberal society when they were going over to the Congo to chop the hands off little girls because their fathers didn't meet their rubber quotas.

When the U.S. imposes sanctions on other countries, which leads to infants to starve to death or die from lack of medicines, that is somehow for the liberal not "authoritarian."

Cecil Rhodes openly said that colonialism was a way to reduce pressures at home which could lead to an open class war. When Germany had no access to colonies to exploit it was forced to enact fascistic terror against its own people to restore profitability (by crushing labor) and prevent the inevitable communist revolution. It was colonialism turned inward.