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18656157 No.18656157 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: ““classics”” that are actually dogshit rubbish

>> No.18656164

You got filtered by fucking JANE AUSTEN jesus fuck how EMBARRASSING you snoodler

>> No.18656183

Thats like the perfect english novel and I hate women

>> No.18656190

>state a negative opinion
>”you totally got filtered bro!”

>> No.18656193

everything by shakespeare

>> No.18656197


>> No.18656204
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Based OP

Wow dude this book was written by a dude who explored simping and what women go through bro
Slut shaming is not cool

>> No.18656205

That’s actually what happened though. Pride and Prejudice is a brilliantly written little romantic comedy with some great characters. I’m sorry there wasn’t enough Dune or Tolkien bullshit for your cumbrain head to understand it

>> No.18656210

Everything but Hamlet and the Merchant of Venice even then I'm surprised there were no trannies in Hamlet. In Hamlet Shakespeare backhands Ophelia hard with facts and logic.

>> No.18656214
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Yer mum

>> No.18656216

>Great characters
You mean insufferable buzzkills et al

>> No.18656219
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So equality so sad
Wtf I love niggers now

>> No.18656223

>girl falls in love with with guy after seeing the size and grandeur of his estate
Brilliantly written, indeed.

>> No.18656231
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Elliot Rodger did it better

>> No.18656236

this is such a pathetic novel, completely lifeless

>> No.18656241
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It ain't me
So it goes
I ain't no Homer Simpson son
Boomer Simpson gets to sleep in a big bed with his wife
So it goes
I sleep in a racecar bed do you?
It ain't me
So it goes

>> No.18656252

Completely missed the point since she rejects and shits on the other wealthy dudes who are assholes. Also as a woman in that time with a whole bunch of sisters and no heir, it was imperative the women marry into wealth to not go to shit.

>thinking Hamlet does anything right
He’s a 20something manchild who can’t actually take any action until it’s too late to matter. He’s 4chan incarnate.

>> No.18656257
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Basically what if I shoved FA Hayek's Libertarian arguments of the already popular and easy to read The Road to Serfdom into the shittiest hamfisted Gary sue story I could possibly bore you with? Vienna Circle Theatre presents a novel to bore you to tears. This is why we had to get rid of ethics and aesthetics because thats how you don't know what's good.

>> No.18656278
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>Hamlet is 4chan incarnate
Calls his stepdad his mom in a good boy points fit of rage
Tendies master of 1600's

>> No.18656280

Finally someone has the balls to take Ayn Rand down a peg. It was high time.

>> No.18656295
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>Yer mum

>> No.18656322

Yes. You got filtered.

>> No.18656328


>> No.18656346

Got 3rd place in a national olympiad for English because of tess of the durbervilles which is pretty much this. The genre has a sweet spot for me haha

>> No.18656355
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Astounding to me that the entirety of female intellect is before and after courtship eternally obsessed with courtship long after or before the decision is on the table. All female fantasy is reliving courtship. Life leads up to it and persists after but the female mind is empty there. Shallow and longing to return to adolescent dowry as the only meaning of life. Not even one iota of attention is passed on to be a wise maternal figure to pass on a professorial influence on the mating process. Nope. That's sexist to even conjure such a wholesome station for a life well lived as a woman of respect. Just endless emotional handwringing fruitless and barren ah yes Classic! This is why Easterners are intact culturally and we're a shameful mess in the rotten remains of the West.

>> No.18656366

Go outside and touch grass

>> No.18656378
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Too busy grabbing ass

>> No.18656395

Femoids and white knights dissimulate /our/ arguments with their non argument bitching because they can't handle critical thinking of what they were taught

>> No.18656414

Dumb slut you forgot to take the Grandma Pill of the Divine Mother

>> No.18656431

Are we jewish?

>> No.18656449

>Le genre fiction bad
There's a term for the stuff you like that's less flattering than "literary fiction". It's slice of life.

>> No.18656450

Stefan Molyneux is not the author of confusion. Get behind me, Satan

>> No.18656459

Rand's works are considered classics? News to me.

>> No.18656501

I loved it and it made me cry
I wish there was a mr darcy in my life even though im straight

>> No.18656520
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>> No.18656539


>> No.18656563
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This but unironically

>> No.18656570
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This but unironically^2

>> No.18656578
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For me, it's Wuthering Heights. It just seems so shallow in every regard. None of the characters are capable of self-reflection, or even taking action with a specific goal in mind. Heathcliff is somewhat of an exception, but upon his return he's basically a crackhead. I find it difficult to criticize because I've never heard a coherent argument in it's favor. Fundamentally, I just don't buy into the book's portrayal of human emotion.

>> No.18656585
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Zis but unironical

>> No.18656592

Full fathom five this reader lies
'Cause your dipshit takes are made

>> No.18656601

Definitely turn of the screw. It's not like one of the other classics like austen or huxley etc where i can see value but its not for me. I literally see no value in it - it's a bad story.

>> No.18656771
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Is this cobweb cunt core?
Bring a duster and some pledge
For this dry ass pussy

>> No.18656874

Don't forget
>murders his only friends because the alternative was having an akward conversation
>soliloquy to an inanimate object
If Hamlet was set in the modern day, the Yorick soliloquy would be delivered to a cum-covered anime figurine or to a dakimakura instead of to a skull. "Alas poor Megumin, I knew her carnally. She hath made me cum a thousand times".
Rewriting Hamlet as a modern day basement dwelling NEET sounds fun.

>> No.18656888

It's ok but it's a run of the mill ghost story. I don't get why it's hyped

>> No.18656898

Everything by Zola (cf. Je m'accuse by Léon Bloy)
Lettres de mon moulin by Alphonse Daudet (utter garbage of a book)

>> No.18656967

imagine wanting to harshly enslave yet another generation, including the rulers, into an emotional ponzi scheme

>> No.18657040

Dense post
But ill conceived if you consider me to preach for some rape culture patriarchy premise. Life is a pyramid scheme hierarchy. Parents breed children to work and take care of them in old age. Sucks that adolescent fantasy can't block out the sun no matter how many feminist professors you get to sell any number of abortions. Advocating for far sighted females was is the development of better born people that we are missing out on in favor of the resentful atrophy we have today.

>> No.18657110

but anon, jane is pretty secure and open about her sexuality

>> No.18657141

kek, this woman signifies literally everything i hate about tfw to inteligent soviet boomers who wanted to run away to based freedomland. her entire philosophy revolves around how much she got fucked by bolsheviks and her stolen wealth confiscated so she couldnt play royalty anymore. probably wouldve wanted to get dicked down by tony stark from marvel

>> No.18657205

I don't know any woman who doesn't want to get dicked down by Tony Stark tbqhwyf

>> No.18657215
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Virgo Vegan Wicca Yoga girl is onto something. No more Church to keep us crushed in boring demure sexless mockery as the Popes taste orgiastic flesh and no forbidden fruit of any false idol to entice. Just openness. Naked as in Eden and truly free to expect sin and surprise with virtue.

>> No.18658237

it has great prose though

>> No.18658271

Thought it was fun. Not among my top books, but the dialogue is witty and the characters memorable.

>> No.18658468

I would say : The Death of Ivan Ilicht. It was not dogshit but it that great as people say. I found the 2 other litrle story after the book in my edition better. They were Master and Man and Three Deaths. Master and Man was surprisingly a really good read. A little well known gem.

>> No.18658487

>It was not dogshit but it
it was not*

>> No.18658599
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t. pic rel

>> No.18658680

Rosencrantz & Guildenstern were only interested in sucking up to the king, "does fortune tend on love or love fortune", Hamlet had no use for them, they became a obstacle.

If you don't talk to objects in the street, simulate conversation in your head with people you have never met, rant long about a trespass In the mind while never betraying any rage to the trespasser, hate the blind bitch that bread you, hate the father that justifies his narcassistic prolongation, only dwell on death on those long walks round and round your local area, you're a NPC.

>> No.18658850
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And what do these have in common? Authors of the female species.

>> No.18658877

Jane Austen is awesome, though, except for that one.

>> No.18659719

Not dogging on it like OP, but I dropped it after the first 3 pages because of how clunky the prose was. Does it get better as you go, or is it some kind of 'artistic' choice that psueds find charming?

>> No.18659844

>He’s a 20something manchild who can’t actually take any action until it’s too late to matter. He’s 4chan incarnate.
And that's why Hamlet is great.

>> No.18659955

>her entire philosophy revolves around how much she got fucked by bolsheviks and her stolen wealth confiscated so she couldnt play royalty anymore.

Which is really hilarious considering she only became a "philosopher" and writer because she got introduced to Aristotle at university, which she only got to attend and finish thanks to Bolshevik policy letting women in higher education.
Oh, and it was free too. Didn't pay a kopek.

The fact that she got to emigrate legally as well is a different matter, but no less worthy of mention.

>> No.18659966

What puts me off Hamlet is the fact that there's so many unlikely coincidences going on that are pivotal to plot progression, it almost feels like the characters are bereft of agency, and are only left to respond to freak events.

>> No.18659968

not written by tolstoy

>> No.18660003

Tolstoy only ever wrote one piece of literature worth reading, and it's called "Kholstomer". Everything Tolstoy wrote after starting "Kholstomer" in 1863 is a rewrite of "Kholstomer".
If you've read "Kholstomer", you've read all of Tolstoy, there's no reason to read anything else.

>> No.18660007

I'm prepared to back this anon. Tolstoy can be amazing, and he has a lot of short stuff that's worth reading, but Ivan Ilych is just a good story that's been latched on to as the model of a particular type/message. It's not actually his best writing.

>> No.18660019 [DELETED] 

Ivan Ilich was written by Solzhenitsyn...

>> No.18660471

every Austen book I've ever tried to read has put me to sleep, made it through P&P and persuasion but they gave me such little enjoyment I'd rather not try another novel of hers, literally the most mundane, agonizingly boring scenarios pasted onto the lamest canvas I can imagine

>> No.18662098

Not dogshit rubbish, but Hesse (especially Siddhartha) is nowhere near the level he is sometimes preached. Not even top10 German author of the 20th century.

>> No.18662490

>Fundamentally, I just don't buy into the book's portrayal of human emotion
Wuthering Heights is my favorite novel and mostly I agree with your criticisms.

The big draw for me is that the portrayal of human emotions is so unreal. It's like it was written by someone who had heard of love, but never herself loved anything. It's like nothing on earth.

"I lingered round them, under that benign sky: watched the moths
fluttering among the heath and harebells, listened to the soft wind
breathing through the grass, and wondered how any one could ever
imagine unquiet slumbers for the sleepers in that quiet earth."

>> No.18663603
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Checked for kek
>Muh agency
When did you outgrow the need for free will when you surrendered yourself to the Kek Moloch numinous hivemind?
I am the human vessel for delayed output of text processing tulpas hosted in data centers that stimulate my only joys in quasi forbidden light banter. My heritage escapes me in unbudgetable time and my intuition is synchronicity beyond my agency.

>> No.18663627

I like Hesse but Siddartha was yoga instructor tier not Louvre AVN Top 10 orgasms of the year Nobel Laureate tier

>> No.18663641
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Alas poor (You)rick

>> No.18663657

Read Henry IV parts 1 and 2 and then fuck off

>> No.18663701

One classic that I never liked much is To Kill a Mockingbird. I think it's hard to really call a book, especially a classic "dogshit rubbish", unless it is outstandingly bad.
This is still a classic and a decent novel. I didn't exactly enjoy it, but I'm hoping other Austen novels are better.

>> No.18663766

I feel the same way about Emma by Austen. Absolutely vapid stuff. Couldn’t finish it; whereas, I actually liked Northanger Abbey somewhat