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18669978 No.18669978 [Reply] [Original]

>Religion is dead
Any books to cope with this?

>> No.18669982

The Holy Bible

>> No.18669988

>Organized religion is dead
FTFY. Nothing can ever kill your own believe, OP. Atman is Brahman, and /thread.

>> No.18669996
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Jesus is alive. God is with us, OP.

Religion is not dead, anyway. It's just difficult, but it has always been difficult.

>> No.18670012

I think one of the essays in Houellebecq's Intervations 2020 was on that, but I don't recall which one it was.

>> No.18670019

To leap into barbarity naked.

>> No.18670030

Coursera's courses on the subject by Edinburg uni, its a MOMA btw and free.

>> No.18670050

Not only are they not dead, but we have only begun to witness the unfolding of what the religions were trying to articulate. The birth of God has barely begun. Get ready to see him

>> No.18670119
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>Religions is dead
>Says increasingly nervous fedorafag for the hundredth time this century

>> No.18670339
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>> No.18671319

>Religion is dead

Have you not seen all the christfag/Buddhafag/Islamfag threads posted here incessantly for the last two years or so? Are you retarded?

>> No.18671321
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>> No.18671348

They’re just LARPing. They don’t actually believe in Christianity, Buddhism, or Islam.

>> No.18671360

I believe in Christ

>> No.18671395

Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism

>> No.18671416


>> No.18671475

>American in the middle of a Great Awakening and the birth of the next great Protestant sect (Wokeism)
>Catholicism and Pentecostalism gaining a stranglehold on Sub-Saharan Africa
>Europe on an inevitable path to Islamisation
>Hindu nationalism becoming government policy in India
>Resurgent Islamic radicals across Muslim world
>Haredim Jews poised to become the majority in Israel soon
>Christian/New Age cults continually popping up in East Asia (China, South Korea)
What world do you guys live in, honestly? Religion is alive and well; if anything it is growing stronger.

>> No.18671481

It’s okay comrade. We’ll hang the last king with the guts of the last bishop. Don’t worry.

>> No.18671540
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Religion arises as a biologic reaction of mind to spiritual beliefs and the environment; it is the last thing to perish or change in a race. Religion is society's adjustment, in any age, to that which is mysterious.

Religion effectually cures man's sense of idealistic isolation or spiritual loneliness; it enfranchises the believer as a son of God, a citizen of a new and meaningful universe. Religion assures man that, in following the gleam of righteousness discernible in his soul, he is thereby identifying himself with the plan of the Infinite and the purpose of the Eternal. Such a liberated soul immediately begins to feel at home in this new universe, his universe.

> Religion is evolutionary man's supreme endowment, the one thing which enables him to carry on and "endure as seeing Him who is invisible.

>> No.18671556

>Any books to cope with this?
The Bible.

>> No.18671559

They larp pretty damn hard. Every hour of every day.

>> No.18671590

>>>Just learned recently that I was never baptized as a baby because the pastor was too lazy to come to the hospital
>Kind of want to do it regardless of never really going to Church
>Don't want to go through all the ritual bullshit

Is there a way that I can, I don't know.. get a speedy baptism? Like, can I do it in my own damn bathtub by myself?

>> No.18671597

Secular humanism and atheism can't compete in the long run. Religious couples have more children than nonreligious couples, and not by a small margin either, but by a lot. Not to mention the fact that "secular" Europe is quickly replacing it's atheistic native population with third world Muslims.

>> No.18671604


>> No.18671612
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>> No.18671640

Religion is personal. Grow up a little and figure out what calls to you

>> No.18672059

They are individuals and probably going through a phase.

>> No.18672064

Religanons.. please help.

>> No.18672069

I see the mandatory "anon who still thinks 4chan is a cultural bellwether" has entered the thread

>> No.18672096

>Any books to cope with this?

Fret not. The Church is a living thing, and it inevitably goes through it seasons.

Spring and Fall
by Gerard Manley Hopkins

(to a young child)

Márgarét, áre you gríeving
Over Goldengrove unleaving?
Leáves like the things of man, you
With your fresh thoughts care for, can you?
Ah! ás the heart grows older
It will come to such sights colder
By and by, nor spare a sigh
Though worlds of wanwood leafmeal lie;
And yet you wíll weep and know why.
Now no matter, child, the name:
Sórrow’s spríngs áre the same.
Nor mouth had, no nor mind, expressed
What heart heard of, ghost guessed:
It ís the blight man was born for,
It is Margaret you mourn for.

>> No.18672102
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>> No.18672123


>> No.18672302
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The Antichrist. F. Nietzsche


>> No.18672323
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Not even close dyke. Not even fucking close

>> No.18672328

I never said nor implied that. I call it like I see it, and I see a metric fuckton of religion related threads on here every damn day.

>> No.18672337
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>It's cope to have faith.
I was raised Protestant and I will die Protestant. Tradcaths who are ideologically Catholic and not actual believers are bad though, I agree.
>t. preparing to be ordained in two years

>> No.18672349
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>*MY* schizophrenia will breathe life into that old pastiche of fables and lies.

>> No.18672377

My faith will long out last your frail, diseased body. Christ is King and God will have His say in the End. Remember those two Truths and maybe you'll be given mercy when the judgement comes.

>> No.18672384

First Post Best Poast

>> No.18672386
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>maybe you'll be given mercy when the judgement comes
An entire religion of pure spite

>> No.18672387


>> No.18672407

"It is not Nature who is mute. It is man who is deaf."

"There is a fine old story about a student who came to a rabbi and said, "In the olden days there were men who saw the face of God. Why don't they anymore?" The rabbi replied, "Because nowadays no one can stoop so low."

>> No.18672465

I don't get the second one, are they not humble enough?

>> No.18672535

Yes, that's my take. Nowadays people think God is this grand unifying concept to be discovered by powerful intellects, as if we are all waiting for some final argument. Rather, my opinion is that God remains nevertheless, somewhere like a still small voice. When I found God it had nothing to do with all my education. I simply was pushed low, low, low, and then I tried praying. Then one morning God quietly revealed something to me, and I said, "Okay, let me try believing in this." Men of great intellect will look anywhere but in their own hearts.

>> No.18672562

>God will have His say in the End
Two more weeks, right? Based

>> No.18672564

>>Religion is dead
every thread on /lit/ is religious

>> No.18672595

I'd like to add to this discussion, my friends, that in judaic mysticism, there is mystical transport, trasncendence, not through an upward, ascendant movement but through a descent. As one of the texts says: ''He may be sought and found by them, by the descenders to the chariot, in the hour that they stand before the throne of His glory''.

Also, see how it is curious, despite all the repressed seething, there is in the link here, >>18672123, this aphorism:
>The religion of Jesus Christ, announced by the ignorant, made the first Christians. The same religion, preached by savants and doctors, only makes unbelievers today.
It is all the more ironic that the author favors reason and cannot see any of the implications in all of this.

>> No.18672637

>The religion of Jesus Christ, announced by the ignorant, made the first Christians. The same religion, preached by savants and doctors, only makes unbelievers today.
That is an excellent quote. Often I think that Fundamentalism is one of the great tragedies of religion today. They try to preach religion by way of materialism, and inevitably the children of Fundamentalists, just one generation in, reject their religion. My friends from the South soundly reject Christ, precisely because their parents tried to make pseudo-scientific/intellectual claims. It is grave error to bootstrap religion into science. I don't believe these people really believe in God. They did not go low enough. I don't know if that's slightly non-sequitur, but I think the framing is important.

>> No.18672694


The coran