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18748838 No.18748838 [Reply] [Original]

Books to cope with the shame of being a 19 year old male virgin?

>> No.18748848

You're just 1 year late, ideally you should start fucking at 17-18 but the first year of college is your last chance to escape eternal inceldom. Late starters remain undeveloped and frustrated no matter how many whores they bang.

>> No.18748880

This, and it doesn’t matter how well you are doing in other parts of your life, your sexual inexperience will render you bitter and toxic to be around. I’m 22 but I already know there is no going back from this

>> No.18748903

The Bible. Get a woman and deflower each other.

>> No.18748912

There isn't much difference in % of virginal girls between christians and atheists, unless you pick some socially isolated mormon or amish. Catholic/protestant teenage girls are regular sluts.

>> No.18748920

Seems that lack of sex it’s somehow traumatizing, do you think that this angst acquired from sexual frustration could be used for artistic purpose in an efficient way?

>> No.18748929

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

>> No.18748932

Seemed to work well for Newton

>> No.18748935

Definitely, you need some extraordinary experience to become a standout artist. Trauma stemming from sexual inadequacy can be channeled into creative determination and inspiration. However, it's far more likely you'll just become a bitter schizoid.

>> No.18748973

ideally dont take advice from 4chan im 59 still a "virgin" since ive only fucked prostitutes benefits of nevada

>> No.18749084
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Coiled Serpent

>> No.18749126

bro, your 19. giving up now is insane. i was 21 when i lost it. Don't listen to the doomers on here. They just want to drag you down into their hovel.

My advice would be to develop a realistic workout program, aim to learn a new skill and find out your hobbies. Invest time and effort into them and use it as a vector to meet new people.

Seroiusly, become the best version of yourself. Or at least work towards it. Don't try to force some absurd fictional personality type onto yourself just figure out who you are, be authentic and find confidence in an understanding of your own strengths and weaknesses. If you make your whole life goal 'to have sex' you will just frustate yourself with fake relationships and meaningless (often one-sided) romances. work towards a better YOU and go from their there. it is a long and tough road but i beleive in you anon!!

The Doomers on here are selfish, nihilistic morons who want nothing more than to add to the ranks of the sex-less so as to confirm the absurdist incel ideology they have.

>> No.18749130

How many people have you fucked? And how many were cute?

>> No.18749134

Kek, Instagram tier bullshit
>live your best life
>be yourself

>> No.18749167

You can not be anyone but yourself. It’s cliche but it is also true. You can go on being a doomer and being miserable or you can actually try to enjoy yourself. I beleive in life!!

>> No.18749173

5, all but 1 were cute

>> No.18749188

You gotta take risks if you wanna win big

"If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss"

>> No.18749206

Based and true, anyone who disagrees is a crab trying to pull you down.
Also, women arent as bad as you think. Dont approach them expecting to get hurt, taking an adverserial stance to the opposite sex wont help you.

>> No.18749219

>enjoy yourself
>I beleive in life!!
>women arent as bad as you think
4chan shouldn't allow IP addresses with less than a year of lurking history to post, otherwise we have to be exposed to this kind of normalfaggotry.

>> No.18749474

Damn I'm glad i wasn't browsing this place too much back when I was a late virgin. You guys are fucking depressing

>> No.18749499
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Someone's been reading a bit too much Nietzsche am I right guys?

>> No.18749535

Been here ages geezer. just because your on this website doesn't mean you have to adopt some doomer ideology and push it onto others. normalfaggorty is being a slave to the globohomo world, I am in no way suggesting that. I'm suggesting that maybe you should actually try to find joy in living and change a few peoples lives for the better (including your own) so as not to get swallowed by it all.

I honestly hate you doomer-incel faggots. When I bought into that destructive self-hate it made me a worse and less interesting person and then wondered why people thought I was boring. OP is 19 and you all try to feed him bleak world views because in truth, you never actually tried.

this anon said it right. your all like crabs

>> No.18749555

>Also, women arent as bad as you think.
Yes, they are way worse.

>> No.18749577

You can get laid in college pretty much without trying. Present yourself half way decent and have a couple friends and it'll literally just happen. Everyone wants to fuck. I met my girl in my dorm and I had zero experience with women and it just happened. I was seriously spergy, and I'm not particularly attractive, but it just happened. It is not hard.

>> No.18749598

Tell me how this happens when all classes are online and going outside is illegal.

>> No.18749666 [DELETED] 

cope and seethe

>> No.18749670

Same but 29 yrs old.

>> No.18749700

I remember I'm actually 28 and I outlevel all these kids in wizard powers.

>> No.18749772

19 is not that big of a deal. Don't listen to anyone who says it's too late or that you will inevitably become bitter. Being a virgin matters much less than your attitude about it.

>> No.18749776

Says the 23 yo virgen

>> No.18749801

>going outside is illegal
Where do you live?

>> No.18749813

Bro I've had my dick sucked by two chicks at once and I didn't lose my virginity until I was 20. It doesn't matter unless you let it.

>> No.18749820

why are you lying? is there nothing better to do in your life than lie to troubled young people in a place such as this? you will get laid in college if you are sexually attractive, true, but I don't understand how a guy of average looks (or sexual attractiveness) could just stumble upon pussy even in college. it just doesn't happen, I've never seen anything like that. it's extremely hard work, hundreds of hours of building social connections and then attending parties and social gatherings regularly to build trust with several women who then at some point MIGHT be in the mood for sex with YOU. it's entirely out of your own control and the result will only underwhelm you.

>> No.18749822

>he's 19

>> No.18749824

im 24 and i seriously just dont give a fuck
women chat me up but they're so boring i just tell them i don't give a shit about what they're talking about
i could lie and pretend to be interested in their snooze inducing chatter and fuck but i think im too honest for that

>> No.18749958

Read Shakespeare especially Titus Andronicus or Leo Tolstoy's The Power Of Darkness
There is literally no reason to cry when you see people you love getting mutilated.
Or if you don't want to scar yourself mentally I recommend novels and poetry skip philosophy most anons here can't stand reading it more then 20 pages at a time since it's not entertaining. History is pointless and religion is equally pointless and are for schizos that's because they are infinitely deep one biography on George Washington can be 800 pages long and you'll have another 40 presidents to read. One religion might have 3000 pages of laws (Judaism) another islam has 20,000 stories of muhammad it's infinitely deep and outdated.
Remember this is a literature board have faith in literature and you'll reap rewards. Like Oscar Wilde said ambition is the refuge of failure.

>> No.18749965
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Am I beyond saving if I'm in the same boat as OP except that I am 22?

>> No.18749982

No. None of you are "beyond saving." Stop worrying about it so much.

>> No.18749985

Most likely. You may still adjust sexually and socially (though you're already well on your way in the opposite direction) but the wasted teenage years already left your psyche scarred no doubt.

>> No.18749992

same, I think I am beyond saving at this point because all the major sex having opportunities (high school, first couple of years in uni) have passed me by without a single opportunity for sex

>> No.18749994

YOU have to do all these things but it's out of your control? You incels are so retarded man. YES, you have to try! Unsuprisingly women will want to fuck guys who try to show some kind of social aptitude and are at least interesting enough to hold conversations. it's not rocket science. Why spend your time putting younger anons down and selling them a lie that it's perpetually 'over' when in truth you never tried.

>> No.18750001

Stop poisoning minds with this garbage

>> No.18750002
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>> No.18750004

You do know that teenage sex wasn't the norm in the past for men?

>> No.18750009

Go fuck yourself, Facebook tourist. Unlike you, I have respect and understanding for the disillusioned Anons here and refuse to feed them bullshit.

>> No.18750013
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I have this problem but I'm gay and have performance anxiety and feel frustrated about my tiny dating pool

Anyone else?

>> No.18750014

how tall r u?

>> No.18750018

Why do you think that reading literature is better than philosophy?

>> No.18750020

>YOU have to do all these things but it's out of your control?
yes you have to do these things to even enter the stage of opportunity, but beyond that it's out of your control. I did all that stuff and nothing came of it except a morbid feeling that sex is a conspiracy against me and that people are not actually having sex.

>Unsuprisingly women will want to fuck guys who try to show some kind of social aptitude and are at least interesting enough to hold conversations

so why are utterly boring normies having sex (supposedly)?

>> No.18750028

A-anon, I...
182 cm

>> No.18750033

Whatever you do, stay away from porn. I lost my virginity at 18 but couldnt stay hard, and havent had sex since. Please dont watch porn.

>> No.18750042

>182 cm
u're in a sweetspot where u can have actual benefits of limb lengthening(u can become 6'4) and plastic surgery.don't lose ur hope right now and screw up ur career.

>> No.18750045

I've been here longer than you, faggot. You believe your demoralized attitude is correct because it allows you to blame other people. It's a cope.

>> No.18750061

Get AIDS and bug chasers will be into you

>> No.18750062

This is mental illness

>> No.18750075

Are you the guy who wrote City of Singles and Shitkickers?

>> No.18750076

Based. And Blackpill Theory: Why Incels Are Right And You Are Wrong and Sexual Utopia In Power

>> No.18750086

I wish I was gay.

>> No.18750087


>> No.18750091

if u're autistic atleast give things like CBT a try.

>> No.18750094

Cock and Ball Torture?

>> No.18750106

Don't wish for it. It fucking sucks.

>> No.18750110

jokes aside plz don't screw up the oppurtunity of ascending right now

>> No.18750118

You don't have to deal with bullshit of foids. Consider it a blessing.

>> No.18750129

No lol, if I was I would have brought it up already

>> No.18750130
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/pol/ so you learn who did this to you (((them))) and who can save us (the God Emperor).

>> No.18750133

>You don't have to deal with bullshit of foids.
that also means the end of ur genes making it to the next generation bucko which is the same as suffering death.

>> No.18750154

>did this to you (((them)))
incels have always existed in societies .

>> No.18750160

But very few. If this was the middle ages we would mostly have trad virgin teens for wives. (((They))) corrupted our society and now want to genocide us with the vax. We are the few, the proud, the strong standing up to them.

>> No.18750161

BAP thread

>> No.18750162

NO YOUR NOT. Do not by into the incel crap. i was 21 when i lost mine.

>> No.18750165

Well you have the same posting style like that 43 year old normalfag shill who got kicked out of Reddit and is shitting up /lit/ now. Don't pretend you belong here when your posts stick out like a sore thumb, and stop bullshitting Anons you can't relate to. Thanks.

>> No.18750168

No, they're a new phenomenon.

>> No.18750173

You're spooked cunt. No one will remember you after one generation other than your name.

>> No.18750174

>(((They))) corrupted our society
y did women readily accept this then?perhaps the female nature was always like this all along and had to be contolled by the patriarchy(even religious jews supported that idea in their communities)

>> No.18750176
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I'm 21 and it doesn't get better
You should start accepting by now that you're a failure and need to stop chasing women
Find a hobby and work autistically on it until you're a master, then work again

>> No.18750185

care to explain y all organisms wish to pass their genes nigger?

>> No.18750193

I was a lot like the anons itt from like 16-19 but I decided that I was not going to let my virginity ruin my life, and sure enough I had sex not long after that. The only people bullshitting are people like you, but you're sadly too blinkered to see that

>> No.18750194


>> No.18750209

no they're not.It's just worser than b4 thx to technology,women's rights and simping.Moreover we're returning back to the caveman days of harsh sexual pressures instilled by women.

>> No.18750210

Animalistic desire planted by mysterious evolutionary forces to keep divine spirit enslaved in the prison of bodies.

>> No.18750215

You can not mind control other people, so yes a part of it is outside of your control. If you came out of it thinking sex is compiracy I can't help but think you never actually tried. You get rejected A LOT, even if your traditionally good looking. But, you just gotta get through it and keep on trying.

They have sex because they have common interests and THEY TRY. I talk to women about birds as i like going bird watching. they think it's interesting and it has unironically got me pussy.

>> No.18750232

>Animalistic desire planted by mysterious evolutionary forces to keep divine spirit enslaved in the prison of bodies.

Kys christcuck

>> No.18750273

Yes, they are new. Back then, men had many choices: forcey sex, paying a whore without getting jailed, arranged marriage, getting rich and getting a woman, etc. Now the only choice is to "impress" and to "click" with the woman with le dating and only 50% survival rate if they get married. The are many filters and requirements before a man starts a family that didn't even exist some decades ago.

>> No.18750281

I think they are both arts but philosophy gets outdated so reading it chronologically is pointless which anons do. My idea is that anons view it as history of thought instead of objective thought. I don't think it's an easy fix to say I'll study objective thought since it wouldn't be entertaining. Because once you have the truth no other philosophy book is fun therefore your sapping away your lives entertainment by rushing.

Whereas you can study any literary movement and have fun from romantic poets to gothic novels to the naturalists and beatniks and it doesn't matter where you start as humanity is endless and virtues and skills are all different. You'll never reach an end to literature and you have endless conversations relating to the stories and ideas that philosophy can't deal with. For example I read a poetry book about deafness in war or Zeus being a sexual predator which I surmise if you don't waffle on a philosophical essay on these would turn into 2 or 3 maxims and the fun is ruined.

>> No.18750304

That's a nice perspective anon.

What is the Truth for you? Have you found? How do you know what is the Truth? Will I be able to recognize it when I will discover it?

>> No.18750312


>> No.18750321

>Yes, they are new.
what was the timespan of " Back then" buddy ,2000 years,3000 years? dude that is nothing compared to the time frame of our evolutionary history.cuckoldry is literally what propelled our evolutionary divergence from other primates.U can thank the ur ancient female ancestors for u having some amount of brain for that.

>> No.18750329

seethe moar

>> No.18750331

this post screams "I love science"

>> No.18750335

>cuckoldry is literally what propelled our evolutionary divergence from other primates.
Elaborate. Because the way I see it, monogamy is the cornerstone of modern civilization.

>> No.18750336

Based femsluts advancing the species by fucking around

>> No.18750357

MODERN civilization, yes. But that anon is talking about a much more remote time

>> No.18750373

I know some truths so I'll just give ideas that are obscure and no one can profit off them. Like tragedy is probably the solution to a pampered society by making them suffer without actually suffering. Once they experienced suffering they'll listen more by being afraid of suffering. It also makes people less nationalistic by showing them the bad qualities of the country and countries with more tragic histories have more materials for tragedies. Lesser quality tragedies will probably be due to lying and since it's so easy to translate a play it will get less international staging because of its dishonesty.
How to find the truth? Just look at the qualities of what your reading and look back into childhood if you disliked history as a child you'll probably weren't meant to read history books.

>> No.18750387

That's just an opinion

>> No.18750426

based anon, I'm still a virgin at 25 but I'll never lose hope. we're all gonna make it. don't buy into doomer inceldom, those are nihilistic hedonist faggots who are unironically consoomers. are you a fucking despisable consoomer? don't think so anon
also, any tips on how to find good clubs around your town? I write a lot of poetry but have no clue where to find other people who enjoy it.

>> No.18750445

>Elaborate. Because the way I see it, monogamy is the cornerstone of modern civilization.
yes and no. yes because there is an incentive for every man to work hard regardless of the way he looks(assuming he does not look like quasi mogo or that sort) as the reward is guranteed for honest and hard labour thereby having a functioning "civilization" (assuming things like wealth inequality doesn't exist that is).some anon made a copypasta elabortaing this that i don't have right now.
However it is also stupid from an evolutionary perspective as many men (and women) will end up passing down their "average" genes to the next generation and this process will continue on and on until a major calamity like the black plague turns up on ur doorstep and wipes out half of ur population .Again this is just one tiny thing .there are many other problems like the ones illustrated in the movie idiocracy.when degenerates outbreed u risk losing ur entire species permanently .However there are also things like stupid behaviour exhibited by females like in the case of the irish elk that can wipe out a species(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_elk)) but selection by females in humans is very much different than that of the irsih elk.

>> No.18750455

Pump cold iron to pump hot chicks kid.

>> No.18750461

>Yes, they are way worse.
not in the way he thinks though

>> No.18750497

I approach it from a "respecting another man's property" kind of thing. That's a principle in civilized society. There's also the fact that marriages with promiscuous women end up in divorce more often depending on the number of partners they've had.

Also, I'm not sure how idiocracy is necessarily relevant as the problem there would be in smart people not reproducing willingly. At the beginning of the film, if I recall correctly, a retarded couple is seen as having many kids while a couple of high IQ people is seen as deciding not to have them.

>> No.18750509

ok gymcel, you know you have already look masculine in order for lifting to work. babyface + fit body looks ridiculous

>> No.18750536
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>never improve
>never try
>never work
>never live
You literally deserve all the suffering you experience everyday, and I'm not talking about picking up whores

>> No.18750575

>Books to cope with the shame of being a 19 year old male virgin?
I'm 38 and not an hour ago got the number of a 19yo chick lmao I'm presently reading Vladamir Nabokov's Look at the Harlequins! if you think it may help you.

>> No.18750602

The very worst of incels who do nothing to try and improve themselves and live neet lifes on their families buck do coagulate here, but it's unfair to act like improving yourself will naturally lead to sex

>> No.18750609

Read a book. It's always been the norm.

>> No.18750616

It won't all of a sudden materialize a woman in your bedroom (no such method exists) but it can substantially improve your chances of success with women.

>> No.18750626

>Also, I'm not sure how idiocracy is necessarily relevant as the problem there would be in smart people not reproducing willingly. At the beginning of the film, if I recall correctly, a retarded couple is seen as having many kids while a couple of high IQ people is seen as deciding not to have them.
the very reason the low iq people exist is because of monogamy of their close ancestors (the ones who lived in the last 2000-3000 years ).Moreover the highly intelligent couple also didn't seem to be happy with their arrangement either(the women marrying someone when she is close to 30) and had just accepted her situation for the sake of having children(which she really didn't like and would've preferred someone better than him if granted the oppurtunity) and the marriage obviously ends up disastrous.
>There's also the fact that marriages with promiscuous women end up in divorce more often depending on the number of partners they've had.
yes but there are also loads of cases where women who were mostly single b4 their marriages end up cucking their husbands if they happen to be ugly and have the oppurtunity to do that.Its just built into the female nature to seek better and stronger genes for ensuring their genetic survival.

>> No.18750637

True, but the odds have never been as skewed against your favor than today.

>> No.18750645

this.even if one fails at the end the man can have some amount of dignity and a healthy life if he continues to be physically active.However he must do everything he can to forget about the fact that not having children is just as same as death

>> No.18750654

just lift bro

>> No.18750658

There is no way you could know this

>> No.18750684

Okay, the odds have never been more skewed since the beginning of written history.

>> No.18750686
File: 24 KB, 556x655, D18B92B7-4480-48CE-B4D3-3F24EAEA4346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeff Nippard has a baby face, mini sized at only 164 cm and has still managed to catch some absolute stunners. Point disproved.

>> No.18750706


>> No.18750714

there are obviously exceptions however r u sure she is not cucking him?

>> No.18750718

yeah the over 2 million subscribers and fame probably have nothing to do with it. he looks retarded anyways with his height and face

>> No.18750719

>there are obviously exceptions
Then stop complaining and become yet another exception

>> No.18750743

>being this insecure
jesus christ, man.

>> No.18750749

>Then stop complaining and become yet another exception
ever heard of outliers nigger?why do u think so many men hitting the gym ,learning "game" ,embracing the 'dark triad' and making a lot of money end up getting cucked or can't even find a women?Look at chinks and pajeets for instance.Looks matter big time

>> No.18750761
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Haha virgin! Look at the virgin dork everybody!

>> No.18750840
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>never experienced sweet high school romance
>never fucked prime tight teen pussy
>thinks he's gonna sigma grind his way to chadhood in his twenties
Giving false hopes to incels is far crueler than letting them embrace the truth. Your personality is pretty much set in stone at 18, you may lock yourself in gym lifting weights 3 hours a day or autistically force minor character changes but you already are what you are at this point. Normoids had completely different adolescent experiences and development, you'll never fit in.

>> No.18750868

absolutely terrible advice

>> No.18751039
File: 226 KB, 3402x2265, NINTCHDBPICT000155388891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading this shit always gives me a sinking feeling in my stomach
I unironically going to join my local gang so I can live a few days and then I get shot dead
Fuck this life, fuck women and fuck you nigger

>> No.18751082

that is just life which demands only the best of the best

>> No.18751112

Demoralization thread: Do not read.

>> No.18751135

>Demoralization thread: Do not read.
how is it demoralization when chads are doing their job of outbreeding untermensch incels?life is beautiful,smart ,creative and sophisticated and its better to have it that way.

>> No.18751161

kill yourself demoralizer

>> No.18751175

seethe subhuman,seethe

>> No.18751176

pretty normal by todays standards. i wouldn't worry about it and just focus on yourself and a girl will follow eventually. ignore incels like in this thread who will try to make you miserable like them and carry on

>> No.18751182

Have sex

>> No.18751183

you know maybe if you spent less time trying to upset people on the internet and more time talking to girls you might just lose your virginity. just an idea :)

>> No.18751184
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19 is not that late, it is still very young. I was 29 I kid you not when I lost mine. How did I achieve this? By working out and studying Game/PUA and doing night and daygame until I started getting girls. Now I'm early 30's and have slept with a couple dozen women and have a hot 19yo gf. You can do it with hard work. Not saying it will be easy.

Tip: Find a mentor who is good with girls.

>> No.18751187

Nasty post but true.

>> No.18751191

Also learn how to do dating apps properly, it is easier than going out. Good well-taken pics are key.

>> No.18751192

>Game/PUA and doing night and daygame
This is even more pathetic than inceldom desu

>> No.18751198

>outbreeding untermensch incels
Yep, you've never seen a vagina.

>> No.18751203

Fuck you faggot

>> No.18751207

It's just fancy way of saying going out and talking to girls. Will turn you into a man.

Or stay foreveralone.

>> No.18751213

yes and a lot of them have already tried their level best in getting a gf and have miserably failed and all of us are just sharing what actually works and what doesn't

>> No.18751235

It's a sleazy psychological exploitation, preying on the dumbest and most gullible bitches after they've had ten drinks and reek too much for Chad. 9 out of 10 still tell you to fuck off I'd bet. Probably a difference in temperament but I see celibacy as more dignified option than debasing yourself like this for leftover pussy and coping for awkward youth.

>> No.18751258

Nah, you're just trying to upset them and make them lose hope. That's all it is. Just admit it, loser.

>> No.18751277

That's right. But there's a difference between Catholics super into the Bible and Catholics in name only. I think the anon is talking about the former.

>> No.18751283

>Nah, you're just trying to upset them and make them lose hope. That's all it is. Just admit it, loser.
recommending to potentially use plastic and limb lengthening surgery when someone has a realistic chance of ascending sounds hopeless?

>> No.18751287

"PUA" has a bad rep as there are some scammers who sell magic tricks to get girls (don't work). Good game is literally just talking to girls in a non cringe ways and improving yourself both physically and in terms of confidence. It's not about tricks, you can't trick a girl into liking you or wanting to fuck you. They have evolved discernment.

Game is about learning the lessons your dad should have taught you but didn't.

>> No.18751288

You honestly believe there are decent looking catholic women under 23 who are "super into the bible"? Come on.

>> No.18751304

>muh high school matters post

>> No.18751316
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>lessons your dad should have taught you but didn't
Right in the feels, asshole.

>> No.18751317

Normies don't obsess over "muh teen love" like you faggots do.

>> No.18751328

A lot of 'game' is some variant of 'be an apathetic asshole'.

>> No.18751342

Don't worry about it too much, anon. I lost my virginity at 19. I was tired of being a virgin and fucked the first hambeast I saw at a house party. Once you cross that line and stop worrying about never having had sex it's easier to get laid. First few times it wasn't with very flattering women, but you gradually get into it and manage to fuck people in your league. The less you worry about it the more successful you are.

>> No.18751359

lost virginity at 25
you can stop being an incel at any moment and unless you're genetically fucked, you can become a chad by sheer will alone
pathetic subhumans will deny this and play a victim, but it's the truth.

>> No.18751361

No all that dark triad stuff doesn't work unless it's naturally you. You do need to become non-needy though (long process). Neediness is repulsive to women.

Good game is not 'game' at all, it is "invisible". It is the abandonment of 'techniques' to being an authentic confident self.

For most people this will take 6 months-2 years.

>> No.18751366

>it's entirely out of your own control
Well, only the half which includes the other person.
>it's extremely hard work, hundreds of hours of building social connections and then attending parties and social gatherings regularly to build trust with several women
This part IS under your control, as is how you present yourself. Some people have an easier time, yeah, but unless you're hideous or gravely mentally ill you don't get to blame your (complete) lack of sex on having bad luck.

>> No.18751415


>> No.18751481

you are but a child

>> No.18751483

>genetically fucked
Define "genetically fucked"

>> No.18751600

As a 24 years old virgin, I'd say so. Although it depends on one's mindset, so there might still be hope for you.

In my case though, I've already developed intimacy issues. So even if some woman threw herself at me, I probably wouldn't feel comfortable having sex with her anyway.

>> No.18752437

you need to detox your brain, get rid of the americanism