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/lit/ - Literature

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18768333 No.18768333 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever feel bad and embarrassed for self published authors?

>> No.18768340

atleast they're doing something with their life

>> No.18768351
File: 25 KB, 346x346, Y+tho+_fa6ccf690fe86393291e732da99a2f22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am actually jealous of them, I cringe at my own stuff and would never be able to show it to someone.

>> No.18768364
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>Pay the master killer his due and the Hunter will execute any target, carry out any contract, no matter how impossible.
>But when the Bloody Hand crime syndicate harms the innocents under his protection, they foolishly make an enemy of the one man they can’t afford to anger. The price of the Hunter’s vengeance is high—paid in blood and eternal damnation. Not even an army of crooks, cutthroats, and demonic creatures of nightmare can stand in his way.
Don't know how anyone could feel so comfortable releasing something so generic and cliched.

>> No.18768365

I respect that they are actually trying to do something about their dream.

>> No.18768366

this, everyone who even tries to create something worthwhile is a friend of mine.

>> No.18768372

I think creating something utterly abominable and cringeworthy and having to deign to own up to that as the defining achievement of your life is worse than just wagecucking and inevitably killing yourself, honestly.

>> No.18768379

>he doesn't have his own publishing company
you're missing out

>> No.18768404

Have worked in the self-publishing business for years (editorial services + self-publishing). The authors are some of the nicest people you will meet and everyone is uniformly excited to be achieving their dream with full creative control over the product. Many have fewer illusions about fame/money than the ones chasing traditional publishing contracts which in turn leads to a much more fulfilling experience

If your dream is to be an author/write a book you should really consider it. I get the urge to look down on self publishing but doing so only reflects insecurity about your own artistic ability/potential. 95% of people I've seen have had a great experience in the industry and the 5% who haven't, it's because of unrealistic and egotistical expectations ("I know a production assistant on Oprah, she's going to hook me up and get national exposure" etc)

>> No.18768412

Tis better to create cringe than to create nothing for fear of being cringe.

>> No.18768472


This is undoubtedly the truth

Why would it be better to be well known for being an unimaginative talentless retard than unknown?

>> No.18768503

attempting to create something is still praiseworthy in those consoomer times even if it's cringe.

>> No.18768599

Most of the time yes, it’s very embarrassing because it shows a total lack of self-awareness.

>> No.18768635


>> No.18768640

Not really because for the large majority of them it’s not a work of art or passion so much as a hobby or a hustle.

>> No.18768756

If you think the subject of OP's image is creating anything, you're retarded.

>> No.18768844
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Read my self-published novel. Thank you.


>> No.18768861
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cool shit my man.

>> No.18768900

>this, everyone who even tries to create something worthwhile is a friend of mine.
people don't survive on friendship, artists need time and time means that they need to get paid. If you have to spend more time marketing than writing people are paying for marketing, they're not paying for a book. But nobody who complains about subhuman trash swarming the market actually wants to look for shit autonomously and they would rather die than waste a fucking dollar on a book that isn't "safe" according to reviews, and reviews are written by women and children.
There's no escape from shitty media as long as people will believe that artists shouldn't get paid and won't lift a finger to find shit they like on their own. This ensures you'll only get shit by grifters whose effort is mostly spent on marketing, marketing wins, art starves, marketing sells, you get marketing and garbage for children because children and women are the ones who will evangelize your marketed product over social media with the #hashtag and #contests and all that shit. Art is shit today because if you spend 2 years writing a book you're guaranteed to starve while if you spend 2 years marketing a shitty paint-by-numbers consumer product that you whipped out in a month of work all over social media and research what kind of political activism to tweet about to earn maximum support you will sell your shitty book.
You blame money when the problem is consumer entitlement

>> No.18768910

Why do people self publish like this instead of just release it for free online or in the least if physical at cost? You would have to be vain to want anyone to pay for your novels really. authors who write for profit are faggots even schopenhauer roasted them

is this what he wrote? who reads this garbage you can tell there is NOTHING of substance in the whole book and just regurgitated tropes.

>> No.18768925

>authors who write for profit are faggots
but they sell more than authors who write for "passion" so that's what you will get until you hit the fucking bucket
you fucking penny pinching consumer larva

>> No.18768958

God there's nothing that makes me more fucking mad than this attitude
faggot nothing is free, people have to earn a living. even the fucking lone hermits in the mountains depend on people to give them food
that's how fucking life works, you need to feed yourself and making good shit takes time
if you don't have the means then you'll have to work, why the fuck would anyone want to work for people like you who are entirely hostile toward people who give you shit to read? why would I do anything for you when you're some kind of stray alligator whose only relationship with me is that it expects to be fed? You will never give anything, artists have learned to know this, if a company makes software for "free" they will starve and break down, projects fail, the only reason why shit goes on is because they receive some form of corporate backing, you know why? because if you ask money from people, organically, you won't get to the bare minimum requirement to make ends meet
people DESERVE shit woke entertainment propaganda, you DESERVE to get fucked by Google, you DESERVE da "joos" fucking you sideways and laughing all the way to the bank. You have spit on every person who tried to offer you something good at a fair price.
this shit makes me so fucking mad, I've rarely seen children this fucking entitled

>> No.18769161

You're trying so hard to be like McCarthy but frankly you don't have the command of dialect or idiosyncratic pacing to pull it off. Its especially damaging to writing that's trying to feel gritty because when idiosyncracies cross the valley into being mistakes, characters go from sounding real to sounding like a six-year-old in a school play. The writing over all would probably come across better if you didn't try to deliberately subvert the rules for writing dialog and just let things flow naturally.
Just something I noticed very quickly in the first few passages.

>> No.18769369

No, but that doesn't mean I won't be honest about their work. They make what they want, some of them are sincere, and more I suspect know it's hack-work. But most of life is hack-work. We all have to live – may as well do it writing, and maybe living out some genre fantasies while you're at it.

>> No.18769429
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>see someone on twitter self-publish their novel
>the cover looks like dogshit
>the synopsis is godawful
>excerpts are full of grammatical errors
>they actually sell books
>they get good reviews
>have 10 times more followers than you do
>their cringe self-promotion posts get lots of likes and retweets

How do you cope with the fact that you're just not in sync with the rest of humanity?

>> No.18769539

Self pub is for losers. Everyone knows that. The only books that are worth anything go through a process of being read by well-educated people at publishing houses who are TRAINED to find good work and interesting, important stories to tell to society.

Self pubbers are all pathetic pseuds who can't hack it when someone else looks at their work. KYS if you are even considering self pub.

>> No.18769551

haha ok boot licker

>> No.18769559

>books that are worth anything go through a process of being read by well-educated people at publishing houses who are TRAINED to find good work
damn heckin' right, imagine publishing a book without the insight offered by a degree in gender studies and a master's (ugh why can't they use another word?!) in history of white privilege

>> No.18769571
File: 22 KB, 789x750, 2a3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just got a rejection letter from Createspace Publishing

>> No.18769716

I really hate the fact that anyone considers elder lives more important than working-age adult lives. The 'muh women and children' thing is cuck-tier but at least you could come up with arguments for it from a practical perspective, old people are useless eaters who only cause problems and aren't supposed to exist. Human beings were not meant to live so long that they couldn't work and had to be supported by others.

>> No.18769800

Just look at this board. Loser self-pubbers pushing their shit. Think someone with a MA would even make it beyond the first two paragraphs of Call of the Crocodile? Mike Ma's garbage? Give me a break. Anyone University educated would immediately notice that 100% of self-published authors are complete and utter garbage. There is a reason why tradpub will have teams of editors and focus groups, reading teams, and years of successful books to model their storytelling after.

What does the self-pub have? Desperation? You are a desperate loser if you self-pub because you know your "writing" isn't even fit for toilet paper. It's pure garbage, you're garbage, and you should either tradpub or KYS.

>> No.18769807

as much as the books might be shit or boring, at least they went through it and completed something.
i bet a bunch of people here don't even dare to post in the "write what's on your mind" threads for fear of criticism.

>> No.18769815

Typical pseud hating on the educated while your self-published ass reads like a grade 6 book report. Pathetic. Self-pubbers are like the ugly women giving away nudes for free since their bodies are completely ugly and their personalities disgusting. Compare that to Amouranth or any other tradpub-type cammers out there.

Self-pub is pure garbage. All trash.

>> No.18769818

take your fucking meds, anon

>> No.18769857

I can't wait until that Gradner idiot, Mike Ma, that other idiot fucking shitkicker spammer and any of these other "muh self-pubber" types all get smacked in the face by reality and have to go back to working the drive-thru at Mcdonald's.

Tradpub writers are recognized as the cream rising to the top, this is why creative writing professors exist. Self-pubbers exist for the rest of us to laugh at as they try and pass off their schizoid ramblings and delusional crap as "writing" when it is nothing more than the manifestation of their hopelessness. A wake-up call will break these losers and hopefully return them to working stocking the shelves at Wal-Mart where their IQ level belongs, lol.

>> No.18769860

If you can't kick back and enjoy life after working most of your life to earn it, then why work in the first place?

>> No.18769878

You write a suicide note every day, compile it, self publish it online and shell money out to publish it, then publicly kill yourself in the most shocking way possible, perhaps in the audience of a bad play, then become a cultural icon for directionless self-loathing losers like yourself.

>> No.18769884

I think they are pretty admirable, honestly. They sat down, wrote their books, maintained creative control over them, and published. They published a book, and nobody can take that away from them. It might not be the best route if you want to make money off your writing, but if all you want is to write and share a book, self-publishing is pretty cool.

>> No.18769885

>How do you cope with the fact that you're just not in sync with the rest of humanity?
I do not cope, I live every waking moment in the fiercest seething hatred a man can conjure

>> No.18769937

>How do you cope with the fact that you're just not in sync with the rest of humanity?
Anon, stop caring.
Their opinion at large has no value and the norms will only agree something good is good if it is fashionable to do so anyway.

It is less that I don't fit in with society and more that society does not fit in with me.
>read by well-educated people at publishing houses who are TRAINED to find good work and interesting, important stories to tell to society.
You have to be trolling. They only publish what will sell lmao
It is just a normalfag accepting commonly told rhetoric they never question and perpetuating it.
Its normalfag shit so to be expected.

>> No.18769963

>Don't know how anyone could feel so comfortable releasing something so generic and cliched.
Americans, the anime industry, mac, windows, etc

>> No.18769971

Trad pub houses have teams of people reading stories and they find the best ones. They tell the best stories because they pour through the most work.

Self-pub is some loser in a basement writing garbage and publishing it strictly for vanity. If you're not a pseud vanity loser, you'd go tradpub and let your work be judged by, you know, EXPERTS and not retards in basements with dreams of being a writer when their IQ levels are clearly suited for putting fries in a bag or stocking adult diapers on the shelf in wal-mart.

I laugh at the losers on here and their stupid dreams. Grander lives at home with his parents so he can pump out garbage nobody reads, Mike Ma is a complete joke alt-right chud wannabe and that other boomer idiot is a delusional Canadian loser who will never sell one book. Almost forgot to mention Waldun, he will die alone in obscurity.

>> No.18770044

You are a moron, I don't know where to start explaining what a retarded statement that was.

>> No.18770055

This is bait lol, no one would seriously suggest not publishing a work that you could so easily publish yourself just because a company didn't like it

>> No.18770063

One day I will publish my diary desu: A NEET's Tale.

>> No.18770065

I salute self-publishers for at least pursuing a dream; and I also envy, to an extent, their ability to throw aside being overly self-critical of their own writing.

Would I do it? No, but I wish them well.

>> No.18770070

Sounds like you came close to the threshold of seeing what a cuck you are, but chose denial out of cowardice.

>> No.18770082

>not putting the interests of useless eaters who screw you over at every opportunity ahead of your own is being a cuck
it's clear that your parents beat you

>> No.18770087

i agree. i see self-publishers as people writing as a hobby or as a challenge. and for those people i don't see any harm in it.
but at the end of the day, they typically all share in common the fact that their books are total garbage

>> No.18770094

Will you kill yourself voluntarily when your capitalist master has exhausted the usefulness of your feeble body?

>> No.18770101

Well that’s why they make lowbrow pornographic entertainment for the barely literate. They have no ideal or internal faculty that constantly applies pressure to make you better.

>> No.18770108

If you submit your work to traditional publishers and it is rejected multiple times, you need to drop the delusion that you can write and get back to your McDonald's job.

>> No.18770114

You are so fucking simpleminded, obviously that was not my opposition to your retarded statement. My opposition is in the fact that it makes no sense and is actually a tool of the capitalist class.
>bro just work your whole life so you when you're old and suffering you can be unemployed while you do it!
That's what you're saying. You are not a revolutionary, you are not even a thinker. You are a pathetic faggot who thinks regurgitating shit the system tells you in a more annoying voice is rebelling.

>> No.18770121

That stupid pseud is probably a self-pubber.

>> No.18770124

>you need to do what I tell you
No, I don't

>> No.18770138

You realize that it is the fashions of the current majority that publishing houses which are for profit have to appeal to in order to function?
You sound so retarded.

Why would you even try to publish? just post your work for free online if it was for passion.

>> No.18770143

Retard. Go play some insect colony vr game

>> No.18770149

Self-pubbers are like that loser at the bar that says "someday I will do x" and everyone knows he's a loser. My investments in Tesla did amazing over the last few years while your average self-pubber are completely broke losers. They could have worked at McDonald's and invested in Telsa and been rich.

Instead, they're in mom's basement or living in a camper van, writing trash, still believing they'll "be something someday" lolololol

Fucking losers. There is a reason why mainstream authors look down on them and shake their heads.

>> No.18770150


>> No.18770155

are they though? lmao

>> No.18770172

>bro just work your whole life so you when you're old and suffering you can be unemployed while you do it!
You're seething so hard your posts are already unreadable. You claimed elderly should stop living because they don't work, which implies you think the sole value of people is in work. If that isn't a pathetic wagecuck mindset, I don't know what is. And if this wasn't your argument then you're not making any sense. Which, of course, you never were, a mouthbreathing retard only capable of spewing empty insults when words fail you

>> No.18770177


this guy has over 200 ratings. He's even 100x more successful than Gardner. even if his book is cringe, his bank account isn't

>> No.18770204

>Do you ever feel bad and embarrassed for self published authors?

Wasn't Moby Dick more or less self-published?

>> No.18770207

Proust was self published too

>> No.18770224

just fuck off to reddit, you illiterate faggot. You can't think beyond your political compass memes.

>> No.18770242

If I had to choose between writing cringey fantasy trash and writing nothing I would rather write nothing.

>> No.18770265

The thing is that writing anything that isn't formulaic dime novel crap requires accepting the risk that it could end up being cringe

>> No.18770310

The consoomer is the overgrown grub of a shit-eating insect.
It doesn't really know it's capable of eating shit, nor it thinks that shit is high value food. It just gobbles. That's what it does.
The hand of the Author (saint and martyr of this story) feeds this pitiful animal some "content", distilled from pure human soul, out of pity, to make its revolting grub life more bearable. The Author (saint and martyr of this story) wants to grow food to turn the carcass-eating, shit-eating larvae into humans, because He's a good man and He wants to elevate lesser beings. He likes the idea of giving something to the world, and helping these wretched subhuman beasts become something not so disgusting and rotten. The overgrown, grub-like parasite gobbles the soul-distilled content and wants more, needs more. The revolting maggot, all-gobbling maggot will not pay of course, because worms don't know what money is. Maggots are after all infants, and infants do not have a place in life yet, they just happen, they sit there and gobble until they become adult. But the grub consoomer larva worm is perennially a child. The Author (saint and martyr of this story) doesn't know that yet, or thinks that may be the case, but in His goodness He is also naïve, and dismisses this possibility. It will take a while for Him to figure out. The larva thrashes desperately so that the Author (saint and martyr of this story) notices it and feeds it. And so He does, over and over. Nothing changes except His soul is depleted, and as this happens He is sacrificing some of his livelihood, because working also takes effort and He needs to do that to survive, and the grub larva demonic shit-eater doesn't pay after all.
The Author (saint and martyr of this story) realizes that His soul-distilled "content" doesn't change the disgusting, shit-eating larva into a man, and the fucking maggot-like parasite sometimes eats feces, those of other, nobler animals, sometimes its own feces. It's horrible. Sometimes it eats the feces before the soul extract, showing that it cannot tell one from the other. The Author (saint and martyr of this story) realizes that He's funneling precious soul extract into an unchanging larval abomination that will never change into anything better. It cannot even get any fatter. Its pathetic life does not improve upon eating the soul-distilled "content". So the Author (saint and martyr of this story) decides to just give it shit. There's no difference anyway. He harvests the shits He takes, the unusable shit He can't drop in the fields, something which takes far less work to produce and is of no value, and feeds this refuse to the larva so it doesn't die. The monster gobbles it. The Author (saint and martyr of this story) then finds someone who is interested in the larva. He doesn't care what the buyer will do with the shit-eating monster. He gives it away, because He's tired of wasting his time on this fucking fat thankless faggot.

>> No.18770327

maybe because your scared of writing cringe is the reason why you're ngmi

>> No.18770583

>they're in mom's basement
How very original

>> No.18770724

KYS failure, bet you released at least a couple books and found a part-time McDonald's job makes more than your ramblings of a 70 IQ "writer" lol

>> No.18770730

No, they set out and wrote something they like. Can't say the same with pseuds.

>> No.18770738

>I would rather write nothing
You already write nothing pseud. Just taking. A look at /wg/ proves that.

>> No.18770750

Sometimes, it's better to do nothing.

>> No.18770758

You can buy thousands of clicks and likes for about $10

>> No.18770931

It is better for the world that these fucking pseuds and delusional losers learn that nothing they produce is anything anyone wants to read.

Professionals at publishing houses have decades of experience reading and digesting books. They know and can help develop excellent writing into superior writing. Stories with great depth, amazing prose from those without traditional writing education, like Seth Rogen.

Seth Rogen proves why traditional publishing will always shit all over self-pubbed losers. Nobody wants to know what Gradner is writing next, or what dribble Mike Ma is putting out, or who is busting up Waldun's bussy. They want to know about funny jokes about Seth's Jewish camp, they want real people that matter. That's traditional publishing.

Self-pub? About as useful as putting your writing on here. You're useless and you know it. Order Seth's book and I guarantee you will have writing with depth, style, re-readability, wisdom, and poignant reminders that you are:
The less writing in /wg/ the better, because it finally means the retards and losers understand they are just pissing into the wind with their less-than-amateurish bullcrap that will NEVER be read, let alone someone willing to pay for some trash full of tropes and writing like a 3rd grader.

>> No.18770937
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Something is superior than nothing. Every faggot on here who convince themsleves of its inverse does so out of lack of energy and materialistic notions

>> No.18770964

>protect women, children, the elderly, and poor
I'm sick of this shit where you can kill a million young and middle aged men but it's problematic to show weakness or flaws in anyone else.

>> No.18770973

If you're a good writer, trad pub would publish you.

However, NONE of you can write. The /wg/ is smeared in hot feces every single time I open it. The level of communication I've seen on here doesn't even match up to that of an Alabama truck stop bathroom's scrawlings. Getting a lobotomy would be an improvement on the resident delusional losers here who think they actually have a chance.

Better to remain part of the audience and listen to the masters of the craft than to stand up, go on stage, and get laughed at by everyone until slinking back to a day job and admit to being the loser they are. Not a single writer even posts here, it's all pseuds and delusional faggots.

>> No.18771046
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i thought the same way but this anon is totally right >>18770101
I have so many friends from when I was a child who are trying to start fucking rap or electronic careers with soundclouds full of unequivocal trash. What is their goal even? Is it a rockstar fantasy? One of them told me about how he was trying to get a track with Tyler the Creator. Not one person listens to him, and he's a chubby dad that makes nerdy midwest rap with a pedo stache. It's hard to even find words to draw just how gaping the abyss is between them and absolutely anything you or I could ever do, just the fact that you have an internal mechanism telling you that you're trash transfigures everything you will ever do, but they don't question it even for a second, the caveman just thinks "me make song me try hard couple hour on weekends me make song with tyler da creator!"

There is not a thing to be jealous about. Unless you're jealous about animals for not having to suffer like you do. But that's just tunnel vision, they get nothing and you get everything

>> No.18771049

Very original

>> No.18771061

Stop being a pseud.

>> No.18771066

Settle down

>> No.18771070

>What is their goal even?
Can't it just be to create music? Why does everything have to be part of something greater? The art itself is the point.

>> No.18771087

Pseud about what? You know what that word means right?

Nobody is starting rap careers in adulthood or dreaming about Tyler features for the sake of joyous of self expression, cmon

>> No.18771094

The sooner these losers realize they are delusional, the sooner this board can go back to discussing actual authors.

>> No.18771124

At least those rappers can have style and make it, if you've been following the /wg/ here, you'd know /lit/ authors are even worse than dads rapping with suspect 'staches.

Fucking /wg/ is proof this place needs a whole gang of medication, or maybe the delta variant can clear it out. Something's got to give, as the quality of writing this board is exposed to wouldn't pass grade 3 English.

>> No.18771141

I don't think you're changing any of that

>> No.18771161 [DELETED] 
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Every single loser on /litl/ is outshined by pic related.
Yes, that is a world-class author. She's already got a two book deal and her first novel was out in 2019. A hit and was shortlisted for prize after prize.

Think anyone on /lit/ is going to make it? Fuck off, you're a delusional loser. Nobody is going to read your shit. KYS.

>> No.18771186
File: 40 KB, 640x599, 1606560331999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree /wg/ is awful but it's kind of a weird example because those threads have been infested with extremely mentally ill people for years now, that like writing high fantasy where there's no age of consent

>> No.18771190

>Black milliennial woman in Toronto
The books are guaranteed to have zero literary merit, this is just an identity checklist virtue signal. It's better to get rejected on merit than to have a sympathy deal based on your perceived victim status.

>> No.18771202

use a fake name

>> No.18771218

not that anon but show me ONE anon (and keep in mind you have warosu, TEN years of material to work from and thousands of different people), that can write half as good as she can. we'll compare the writing together. let's see what you got

>> No.18771224

F Gardner

>> No.18771233

Shame many /wg/ pseuds hate him for being an animefag.

>> No.18771241

they will make more money off it than you will off whatever weird experimental novel idea you have in your head that will never be written

>> No.18771245

ah is that why your novel never got finished?

>> No.18771286
File: 122 KB, 900x900, 1610931019123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zalika received an M.F.A in fiction from Columbia
I'm starting to think I should get one as well, just to make the connections in the industry.

>> No.18771290

What are you so fucking catastrophically butthurt about? Why are you so emotionally invested in a book, that by your own admission, almost nobody will ever read? Why is your anus bleeding because someone tried instead of sitting at their computer all day watching youtube? Also cool that you threw in that you are a psychotic, genocidal leftist

get therapy

>> No.18771303

>The /wg/ is smeared in hot feces every single time I open it
You must be getting lucky because I can't even find anyone who posts their work. Just an echo-chamber for lamentation and insecurity.

>> No.18771311

You post like a real winner, anon. Get your shit together, yeah?

>> No.18771312

>F Gardner
>the only person in the world that knows ZERO languages
point proven

>> No.18771313

If it makes you feel better, you probably would have just been a loner weirdo that didn't make any friends or network connections and just get a $100,000 wall ornament.

>> No.18771329
File: 146 KB, 1252x1252, 4536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can always sell the ornament

>> No.18771333

This desu.
There is more than enough worthwhile free material on the internet to fill the time of even the most voracious reader.

>> No.18771365
File: 8 KB, 584x271, 10101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw make over 60k a year from writing on royal road
feels good bros

>> No.18771369
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>> No.18771389

What are you so mad about?

>> No.18771394
File: 484 KB, 498x298, 1619135854807.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck. You have half the amount of patrons and nearly the same amount of gibs. Why are my patrons nothing but jews?

>> No.18771404
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My cousin writes young adult fap material for teenage girls she's self-publishes on Amazon and makes $20,000 a month.

>> No.18771415
File: 636 KB, 1536x2048, E7n8QiYXMAMro13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of self-publishing a book I've written. It's the first in a series of books that I hope to write, part of a larger science fiction story I hope to tell.

I'm trying to get it published the traditional way first--I'm actively in the process of writing query letters to agents right now. But I'm prepared for the possibility that it won't get accepted, so I'm trying to plot out other options. I've given some thought to Kindle Vella, Amazon's new service, just because I feel like I'd get more eyeballs on the story with the Kindle network than I would on some other site like Wattpad.

I have a somewhat decent social media presence, so I'd have a means to promote the book, too. I think releasing it serially might be the way to go, so I could increase the hype with each new release.

>> No.18771424

Hey, that's pretty good. If I had just picked this up blindly though I wouldn't carry on reading. I don't know, something about the dialogue I just didn't like. Although, saying that, I like the dialogue of the boy quite a lot. But overall, really quite excellent. Certainly a big step above most self-published shit and anything that normally gets posted here.

>> No.18771429

Not mad, just sardonic.

>> No.18771434

Call it what you want

>> No.18771446

"We walked hand in hand down to the waterfront. It was dark by now but there was ample lighting along the path. I could see she was shivering slightly, even with her coat on. I slipped my coat off and put it around her shoulders. "Won't you be cold though?" she asked. "I'll be fine, I've got ice in my veins anyway." That made her smile; it's kind of a joke saying around the hockey rink. As we walked, we came across a talented violinist playing a vaguely familiar song. We stopped to listen for a while, Sarah leaning her head against me with my arm around her. Some other people had stopped to listen as well, and when the song came to an end there was a long round of applause and the violinist took a bow. We moved on, looking out over the water. The light from the docks reflected off the water and made the waves seem to shimmer in the darkness. We came to one of our favorite places when we were kids. Its a tall, roofless lookout three stories tall that flies several flags. We climbed to the top and looked back along the path we had just walked, and across the water to the small islands just off the coast. It was cold and windy up there, and Sarah pressed herself tightly against me. I looked down into her eyes and said "happy birthday." She reached up and kissed me. I could hear the flags flapping in the wind and could feel the cold all around, but her lips were strangely warm."

I contend this small section, randomly selected from a trolling effort I wrote several years ago is vastly superior to anything that individual has ever written

>> No.18771483

What do teenage girls fap to?

>> No.18771499

Why, you of course anon.

>> No.18771516

>I don't know, something about the dialogue I just didn't like
Probably the attempt at southern dialect. It feels forced and stilted. Looking into the author's background, he's from Pennsylvania, so that's probably why.

>> No.18771520

Strong and scary popular high School boys who are really sweet and loving and may be a little bit nerdy

>> No.18771527


>> No.18771536

I want to write a book and I wouldnt mind not making any money off it but I would at least want a physical release.

>> No.18771607

>posting your own work
anon, I... do you understand the situation you're putting me in here? saying Retard is fine, but saying Retard to a Retard's face is another kind of depraved. not even that your writing is bad, but it's a paragraph with barely a sentence of dialogue and no conflict, it's boring all around, and there is nothing that qualifies this to be anything, not a short story, or verse poem, nothing but a fragment of a daydreaming larp written by some lonely anon

>> No.18771640

I'm a different anon, here's my contender:

“This likkle girl here, she love the plantain, yuh know,” she tells Sister Bernice. “It nah Christmas food but mi cook it on Christmas for her. I bring she back to Hanover last year for my niece's wedding, must've been Kara's second visit to Jamaicar. Nothing troubled her when she visit the first time but last year? Lawd. She had a sickness inna her belly that make she chrow up. Only thing she could keep down was plantain and she nah want Bredda's wife plantain, she only want fi eat what mi fry.”

>> No.18771654
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My therapist wants me to try and get my book published. Sadly, I don't know shit about marketing and have no online presence. I genuinely don't care about being successful or making money, I just want people to enjoy my stuff.

>> No.18771666

>I genuinely don't care about being successful or making money, I just want people to enjoy my stuff.
Then post it on here. If Gardner can convince some people to read his illiterate garbage, then I'm sure yours will be enjoyed by some.

>> No.18771683

Is not all fiction a daydreaming larp? And are not most (all) authors lonely? What exactly did you mean by "comparing the writing"? An entire work as a whole? You should be able to evaluate and provide constructive criticism on even individual paragraphs while reserving a different kind of criticism for the overall work (like the conflict).

>> No.18771684
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Umm, sweety, hate to be the one to tell you this, but using present tense is amateur hour in writing. You'd learn that if you'd gone to a creative writing class and studied the craft.

>> No.18771687

>Shit talking Gardner
Pseuds still seething.

>> No.18771691

I find it both too vague and factual. It's like you're describing the scene with no real involvement in it but at the same time you do not offer enough imagery or detail to paint a picture of what the scene feels like.
That said it's unfair to say it's any worse than the stuff that is getting published today on political grounds. I've read plenty of shit that was plain unbearable.

>> No.18771713

Learn how to use a comma Gardner

>> No.18771721

Maybe you should go back to school, then you might learn that what was written wasn't in present tense.

>> No.18771755

please I beg you stop posting this marisa.

>> No.18771789

Best of luck to you, anon. Catch your dreams!

>> No.18771809

There are services that offer to print your books for you such as IngramSpark. Do you research and find the best option for you when you are ready.

>> No.18771828

Not that anon, but it literally is:
>We walked hand in hand down to the waterfront. It was dark by now but there was ample lighting along the path
>I could see she was shivering slightly, even with her coat on
It has a few lines that could be interpreted as past tense, but since it leads off with present tense, the rest of those read like that.

>> No.18771831

There's nothing here that's worthy of respect. Any asshole can try, but the best of us are humble enough to practice the craft we choose before putting ourselves out there. This is the equivalent of a man slapping two rocks together and declaring himself to be a master bricklayer. This book is shameful and never should have seen the light of day.

>> No.18771833

I want to publish my books someday, but I worry that they won't be good enough. I want to make the writing and story as polished as I can before hiring editors and starting the process of trying to query and get published. But I worry that they won't want my books and I'll end up self-publishing that way it wasn't all for nothing.

>> No.18771836

better than tried and true garbage number 20001: the sequal

>> No.18771838
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Thank you friend. I'm determined to be great. I want to make great art, art that's true and good and beautiful.

I guess I'm just at a loss as to what self-publishing website is best. I've heard various things about Royal Road, Wattpad, Vella, and a couple of other places. If I do self-publish, I want to put the book in the place where I can get the most eyes on it.

>> No.18771849

More than anything, I admire and even feel jealous of the confidence that self-published authors have. I don't really read them often because the quality tends to be low. The publishing industry, fucked as it is, acts as a quality filter. Maybe not consistently but it still mostly keeps out the absolute trash.
I've read a couple of self-published things and I thought they were okay. And in some cases self publishing seems to be one of the few viable paths, like in niche areas like furry fiction.
Most self published authors are going to fail, but I commend them for putting themselves out there with usually no support behind them. It takes guts I don't have.

>> No.18771858

"We walked" is literally past tense. Walked is the past tense of walk. I swear /lit/ is genuinely full of retards

>> No.18771861

Going by these two >>18771365 >>18771389 you should throw your lot in Royal Road

>> No.18771866

50 shades of grey: what is aftercare

>> No.18771869

>It was dark by NOW
Go ahead and explain how that's past tense.

>> No.18771891

the darkness of the dark night was getting darker as the dark alleys noises grew ever more distant in the darkness behind them, the night was too dark for protagonists like he thought to himself as he brooded darkly

>> No.18771897

>It was dark by now
>it was dark
>it was
Was is past tense, genius. The description is that is was dark at that point in the story.

>> No.18771899

You’re both right. The tense is messed up. “It was dark by now” and anything else like that should be changed.

>> No.18771910

Not dark enough

>> No.18771911

I'm not sure what website would give you the most visibility or reach, but Amazon is other option to consider. There is also Inkitt.

>> No.18771917

"It was dark by this point in time" sounds a lot more clunky. How would you change that sentence?

>> No.18771923

just think of how a posh british person would write it and make your book so awfully unbearable to read only a niche group of pretentious pricks will comment on it on their biweekly cult classic hunt meeting

>> No.18771929
File: 248 KB, 1920x1080, 1627319412146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm definitely considering Amazon. As I mentioned above, they have this new "Kindle Vella" service that allows you to release your novels in serial format, one chapter at a time.

I have actually been a fanfic writer in the past, and fanfiction is basically serialized fiction. I can't think of a single fanfic that was released as one big work; it's always a chapter at a time, separated by days or weeks (or months if the author falls behind). And what I've learned is that if you time your chapter releases accurately, according to the hype level of the preceding chapter, you can rapidly amass a pretty big audience and get lots of comments and fan interaction.

I think a similar approach would work with original fiction. Heck, Dickens and Tolstoy both released their masterpieces serialized. The Pickwick Papers took over England, people would obsess over the next installment of it. Serialized fiction, done well, can lead to a massive audience.

Combine that with Amazon being fucking everywhere, and Kindle Vella is increasingly something I'm leaning towards.

>> No.18771930

Took the words out of my mouth

>> No.18771934

>It was dark by now
>dark by now
>by now
Now is present tense, genius. The description is that it is dark at this point in the story.

>> No.18771958

>it is dark by now, protagonist exclaimed for no reason other than to sate readers

>> No.18771964

"Now" was being used in a meta sense of that point in the text, not that what was happening was taking place "now". It's "now" now, not "now" now.

>> No.18771972
File: 85 KB, 315x641, 1423461062947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Professionals at publishing houses have decades of experience reading and digesting books. They know and can help develop excellent writing into superior writing. Stories with great depth, amazing prose from those without traditional writing education, like Seth Rogen.
>They want to know about funny jokes about Seth's Jewish camp, they want real people that matter
too subtle

>> No.18771979

Actually, "was" was being used in the meta sense, to fast forward the reader to the events happening in the present, not that it happened in the past. It's "was" was, not "was" was.

>> No.18771987

Another anon here chirping in on a trivial subject . . . it should be 'It was dark by then', or just 'It was dark'.

>> No.18771994

You guys are fucking me up. I feel both of you are correct and that the original writing was just shitty at conveying itself.

>> No.18771995

Wrong, the sentence was deliberately structured grammatically incorrect to bring a more conversational tone to the relaying of the story. So brave and innovative of the author.

>> No.18772011

thanks anon

>> No.18772014
File: 38 KB, 640x360, 1502689225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a third party has appeared

>> No.18772028

"A third party has appeared now"*

>> No.18772047

is it necessary to get an agent if you want to attempt trad publish?

>> No.18772057

the dark darkness of the very dark night was getting darker and darker as the dark alley's dark noises darkly grew ever more darkly distant in the darkness behind them, the dark night was too dark for dark protagonists like he thought to himself darkly as he brooded darkly

>> No.18772096

So after seeing the grammar autists and reading the story it feels like the story just shifts between past and present. This is one of the other sentences
>"It's a tall, roofless lookout three stories tall that flies several flags."
That's pretty much dead on present right? I'm an esl so would like help. I'm not sure if the story is bad or the grammar autists are retards

>> No.18772117

The trouble is the lookout still exists. So it is the description currently, even though the story takes place in the past.

>> No.18772152

Why would you not write it as "it was a tall, roofless lookout three stories tall that flew several flags" or just "a tall, roofless lookout three stories tall that flew several flags"? I don't understand why you would describe it presently if the story is in the past

>> No.18772171

Although, I do like some commercial books a lot. Walter Scott was popular in his hey day, Melville wrote a few commercial adventure novels, HG Wells is fun (although nobody reads his late stuff which is good too), and the early American pulp writers are great, along with Joseph Conrad. Market stuff like that not woke shit.

>> No.18772198

He turned a corner, onto Trash Alley, where the lowest of the low liked to get down and dirty. Darkshadow had heard about the scum that littered this alley: they liked to hurt kids and women. Some of them were even child molestors. And what was this? Just now someone was molesting a child right behind a dumpster.

"That's right," smirked the molestor. "Just keep on crying. Seeing kids in pain makes my boner harder."

Darkshadow cracked his knuckles. It was a sound familiar to all child molestors of Trash Alley: it was the sound of Darkshadow opening a can of whoop you-know-what. The child molestor gulped once and turned around.

"This ain't what it looks like, mister, we was just playing a game-"

"Here's a game," said Darkshadow, seizing the molestor by the throat. "It's called hide-and-go-screw-yourself, mf-er."

>> No.18772200

Let's take another example. "Last week we took a trip and saw the Lincoln Memorial. It is a giant statue of Abraham Lincoln. We had a lot of fun." This would be correct, whereas if you state "It was a giant statue of Abraham Lincoln", you would be implying that it no longer is. Maybe another anon can comment on which is technically correct, but usually even if you are describing something in a past tense story, if it still exists in the way you are describing it, you can use present tense. Same would be true if you are describing a person as having certain traits in the present tense even if you are talking about something that happened in the past.

>> No.18772257

a book licker if you may

>> No.18772267

>It had gotten dark
>It was dark
>It was getting dark
>It was dark by that point
All of these work without fucking up the tense and potentially confusing the reader.

>> No.18772270

>"seizing the molestor by the throat"
UM EXCUSE ME, that is present tense, it should have been "as he seized the molestor by that throat"

>> No.18772275

>I don't understand why you would describe it presently if the story is in the past.

"We were walking by the river and watching the swans. The river is filthy now. Look out the window, you can see it from here. But back then it was clean and nice. The swans were beautiful, and there were ducks too, and the air was fresh."

The character paused here, lost in memories. A sad look came over his face suddenly. Perhaps the contrast between what was and what is discomforted him? I do not know. I am only the narrator. I can only say a few things about what was and what is, and what may yet be. I move forward as I can, step by step, examining the fictions that present themselves.

>> No.18772277

I assume they want it to be exclusive? I really didn’t think anyone read any of those other ones like royal road or watt pad or whatever but I might look into Amazon’s one.

>> No.18772282

He turned a corner, onto Trash Alley, where the lowest of the low liked to get down and dirty. Darkshadow had heard about the scum that littered this alley: they liked to hurt kids and women. Some of them were even child molestors. And what was this? Just now someone was molesting a child right behind a dumpster.

"That's right," smirked the molestor. "Just keep on crying. Seeing kids in pain makes my boner harder."

Darkshadow cracked his knuckles. It was a sound familiar to all child molestors of Trash Alley: it was the sound of Darkshadow opening a can of whoop you-know-what. The child molestor gulped once and turned around.

"This ain't what it looks like, mister, we was just playing a game-"

"Here's a game," said Darkshadow, seizing the molestor by the throat. "It's called hide-and-go-screw-yourself, mf-er."

"You don't understand," the molester pleaded. "I wasn't molesting this boy now, I was molesting him. And by the statue of law, you can't hold me accountable for acts that happen in the past, only the present."

Darkshadow loosened his grip while coping with this knowledge right now, until the molester found leeway enough to fall back to the ground.

>> No.18772296
File: 167 KB, 1280x841, bavaria_w1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they may want it to be exclusive. But maybe that's the price you pay for your audience.

I don't actually LIKE Amazon. Bezos is a fucking dweeb and I loathe a lot of the things they do. But it's hard to deny their reach. You have to go where the eyeballs are, you know?

>> No.18772298

What is a pervert buzzword.

>> No.18772311

the narrator can be in the present describing things that happened in the past, whilst also commenting on things that exist today.

>> No.18772335

So in the original story, the protagonist is the narrator describing a past event. Does that mean the story is actually in present tense but the recount of memory is past?

>> No.18772366

In the original story I think it was just a slip or poor word choice, 'It was dark then' would have been better. But the situation you describe could obviously happen.

>> No.18772382

I can clarify that. The story is part of an email correspondence in which a person is describing events which recently occurred to a person and asking for their advice and input, whereupon the next email will be essentially narrated at a future point in time, like entries in a journal which represent advancing points of time and may include references to both past events and current ones.

>> No.18772383

>You should be able to evaluate and provide constructive criticism on even individual paragraphs while reserving a different kind of criticism for the overall work (like the conflict).
I'm that anon you replied to, and that is my criticism, dude, there's more to writing than bare prose. Even in fragments of a greater story, there ought to be a premise transfiguring every moment (for example in, pick any play, plays are easy, we'll take Shapespeare's Macbeth, the premise is that ruthless ambition leads to its own destruction and there's no fat about this, there's nothing you can pick out that isn't integral to this idea) and characters rising the conflict in some way, set up to make that an absolutely inevitability, etc, but What you wrote CAN'T be anything. It isn't just a paragraph, and there's nothing in it to care about. There's no characters, no premise (again, in the Lajos sense of the word), there's no conflict, it's just imaginative practice. It's not even interesting either, and I agree with this anon completely >>18771691 again it's not bad writing, but it's not anything else either.

>> No.18772400

Hey, you cheated!

>> No.18772415

>You have to go where the eyeballs are, you know?
Agreed anon. How many words and how often do authors publish on there?

>> No.18772447

Within that paragraph there are several things which connect to the wider theme of time, childhood, relationships etc. Again, you don't have the wider context of the story so you can't be expected to critique those things one way or another, so if your only comment is "I need more to be able to have anything of substance to say" then so be it.

>> No.18772471
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>> No.18772482

If you ever spoke to an agent or an editor for more than five minutes you'd hear them say something among the lines of "I reject so many good books because the market isn't there."

>> No.18772488
File: 77 KB, 750x1000, 15CABF68-4C44-47DB-B7AD-39A206E8FB16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I only have 5000 words. Likely just as horrible as his prose and plot

>> No.18772500

Sure, if you think this passage is absolutely integral to the story, then my only legitimate criticism is that it's a totally static scenario unless there's something going on that I missed. However, I don't even see the point in comparing your writing to anything because all I would need to do (imo) is scroll through a pdf until I found an example of anything dynamic happening, any transition, rise in conflict, and I would be totally sunk into my opinion that it is infinitely better writing and then you could use our ensuing argument about that as an example of dynamic dialogue to use in one of your stories. Also as I said it just feels bad to argue about someone's writing with them, which is why I'll also say that I liked this sentence
>I could hear the flags flapping in the wind and could feel the cold all around, but her lips were strangely warm
even if lips being warm isn't all that strange, the idea was good, juxtaposing the two at the very end

>> No.18772568

i dont know why anyone over the age of 14 is involved in any way with /sffg/ garbage. it's cringe and just bad. it's like reading the same book over and over 100 times. i cant even tell one of them apart from any of the others--it's all the same shit. you have to have mental retardation to read more than 3 in your life.

>> No.18772636
File: 971 KB, 2199x1237, TL_US_War_Afghanistan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't looked into it yet. I'm going to give traditional publishing a bit more of a chance first. I'm trying to get up to 30 agents queried, and I'll see how they respond. But I suppose it's time to start poking around on Vella, seeing what it's like.

>> No.18772646

Literal cope.

>> No.18772710

That's cool. Best of luck in your literary journey, anon.

>> No.18772819

Rural PA has a similar dialect

>> No.18772881

kys self-pub supporting faggot. You read drivel and your mind is mush as a result. Go back to reading buzzfeed headlines on digg.

Captcha: 8NGGA

>> No.18772884


>> No.18772900

Pseud would imply I would give self-pubbers a chance. All schlock. Refuge washed up on an empty beach of despair. Losers venting into a void of ink on paper, as that is the only power they have in the world to ruin a blank sheet. Absolute fail-to-launch. If you're chasing a dream after 21, you are the dream. You're unwilling to admit, the successful in this world have it ingrained in them to succeed. If you end on a place like /lit/ as a writer and not a reader, you have already proven to be a failure. Your silent shouts into the emptiness of your non-existent audience; in practice, you will end up an embarrassment to your family. Right click -> delete. It's the only way to be sure.

End it anon, kill the delusion that you are a storyteller. You are nothing, anon, and everything you have written has reached less people than a commercial for ass wipes. A used 1983 Datsun will get more clicks in a day than you will in a year. Your shit is never going to sell and women will laugh as your book sits on Amazon with 10 reviews.


And he doesn't even know.
>anon, I...

>> No.18772902
File: 2.82 MB, 5472x3648, 50bmw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Settle down bro, have you ever power-shifted 3rd and got sideways? It's adventurous bro!

>> No.18772915

seek help.

>> No.18772940


>> No.18772945

Old loser fuck off, weebs half your age don't care. Loser. KYS.

>> No.18773117

I will write about a specialist assassin that only kills women and children.

>> No.18773125


>> No.18773138

kill yourself

>> No.18773157

Humorless fags don't write anything interesting.

>> No.18773172

Who does your book covers? They're really great and I dig the aesthetic.

>> No.18773178

Idly thinking about shitting out 10 or so sci fi/fantasy trash books to get a catalog going, that's what I've read a bunch of these people say you have to do. Have a nice big catalog of stuff that people just snap up for nearly free prices, although I still don't really get how the kingmaking in this thing works since I doubt it's a lottery. And who says you can't actually write anything good? Sure the genre is inherently limited but at the end of the day the right person can make a story about almost anything turn out decent.

>> No.18773217

Die slow and in pain you utter human trash. Your book is shit and you are garbage. Die.

>> No.18773365

>Seth Rogen
what the fuck....

>> No.18773377

why would you do this at all if you respected the art?

>> No.18773411


>> No.18773422

lol fuck off, you fucking narcissist. just kys

>> No.18773451

>why would you get paid for graphic design if you respect the art of painting?
>why would you get paid to make a jingle for your boomer uncle's local tv commercial if you respect the music?
>why would you pay your rent editing youtube videos for children if you respect cinema?

some people like writing and wish they could earn their living doing it, and if they can also produce something truly artful that will be remembered long after they're gone, that's awesome. But if they never do produce such a work, then at least they got to earn a living writing while they were here.

>> No.18773471

Are you my girlfriend?

>> No.18773478

NTA but I swore to God if I cannot do art then I'm not lifting a finger for society. Imagine having worked on your skills and having to cuck all that effort into some cuck job for this shitty society while shit like 50 shades becomes an all time bestseller and people get awards for being black
I'd rather spend the rest of my life in and out of jail or die of starvation
FUCK this shit, I will never work.

>> No.18773489

if that's how you feel then obviously that's not something you should do, but that other anon doesn't seem to mind. or at least was considering it.

>> No.18773493

>>18773451 #
Yeah I'm pretty sure they don't do that on purpose and yet these people don't think about it before bothering them.

>> No.18773498

I read the first chapter and thought it was pretty good. I have a question though: in a post apocalyptic future, why would we "return to the economic scale of the early 20th century"? I like the flavor of it, but it seems to be the opposite of what would really happen. What's the reasoning behind this and is it addressed later in any detail?

>> No.18773577
File: 237 KB, 482x589, 48928439248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't respect the art.

>> No.18773681

I'm subscribed to your youtube channel. Swamp thing was cool

>> No.18773697

>Try and self-publish.
>Feel like my writing is shit.
>Some asshole plagiarizes it.
Don't know if I should be flattered or pissed.

>> No.18773710

Based as fuck.

>> No.18773719
File: 2.49 MB, 3456x3456, pc pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read my self-published story, please.
Thank you.


>> No.18773726
File: 254 KB, 801x710, 1621435601504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's completely free btw.

pic is from the upcoming comic adaptation

>> No.18773737

incredible amounts of seethe ITT

>> No.18773797

Keep sipping the Kool aid, tranny

>> No.18773869


>> No.18773899

I feel embarrassed for every author/writer that isn’t me

>> No.18773902

No genre is inherently limited, how could it be?

>> No.18773939
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>> No.18773969

#3 in 15-Minute Literature & Fiction Short Reads
#81 in Single Authors Short Stories
Congrats anon

>> No.18773985

Remember when /lit/ posters planned a get-rich scheme by releasing erotica on Amazon and reviewing each other's work to make them seem popular?

>> No.18774004
File: 110 KB, 1050x825, Fuck IT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, I'm very proud of it.

>> No.18774059

A poorly written promo, which doesn't inspire high hopes with the book, but the cover art is really solid, as far as cover art goes these days. I cringe sometimes with self-published authors, but self-publishing is becoming more common for successful authors and isn't just cringe. It's a way to maximize profits and minimize bullshit. It sounds like a good plan.

>> No.18774416

Does anyone here self-publish erotica? How much do you make?

>> No.18774470

Creative success isn't going to make anyone happy - get a new therapist called a minister.

>> No.18774503
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>> No.18774583
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Not at all. Nothing embarrassing about creating something you're proud enough to share with the world. Especially if you do it in a way that might make you money and guarantees you creative control.

>> No.18774611

If you can't kick back and enjoy life without spending most of it working then why live in the first place?

>> No.18774622

>Post is two paragraphs long

No one is going to read this shit

>> No.18774652

are you out of a job? is that why you’re shilling this so hard?

>> No.18774653

>How do you cope with the fact that you're just not in sync with the rest of humanity?
I don't.

>> No.18774729

Not them, but countries like Venezuela fall back on precious metals like silver as currency for the layman due to their inflation being so high that paper money is essentially worthless. So I'm guessing that maybe the author was implying they've resorted to using old coins that have silver in them? I'm guessing though and it may just be for aesthetics.

>> No.18775364
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I do the covers but my ability is limited.

It's mostly aesthetics as another poster said, and to get the story moving. I figured coins would be more durable / sentimental / like an old western.

>> No.18775940

I have an MS and a BA. The BA is in literature, the MS is in a specialized field. I know no one cares, but this idea that educated individuals have some sort of higher standard by nature just isn't true.

Yes, an overwhelming majority of self-published works are low effort and bad. I'll go even further and say that a large minority of traditionally published books are equally bad. However, this notion that self-published works are inherently worse than any other published work simply because of its lesser status is absolutely not true. The barriers to entry in writing are just so much lower now, so we must become accustomed to this reality while still maintaining a critical mind.

Works must be judged on their value, their merit, their purpose, their artistry, regardless of the avenue for publishing. It is the only way we can be truly loyal to the craft as a whole. The moment you filter based on brand or medium is the moment you acknowledge that the work itself takes a backseat to your very narrow view of what writing should be. Don't limit yourself in this way, you have nothing to gain from it.

>> No.18776041

Nice trips.

Anyone here try erotica short stories? How'd it go?

>> No.18776097


>> No.18776148
File: 172 KB, 1080x968, potential.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf redpill me on royal road RIGHT NOW
is it really that easy?

>> No.18776505

Duly noted, but since modern coins carry zero inherent value and scarcity would be non existent >>18774729 would make a lot more sense

>> No.18776714

>The moment you filter based on brand or medium is the moment you acknowledge that the work itself takes a backseat to your very narrow view of what writing should be.

Well I think writing shouldn't be Episode 83,404 of a Sonichu fapfic saga which is the type of thing that gets self-published and the kind of shit trad filters out. It's not perfect but to pretend there is zero use for such metrics is retarded.

>> No.18776725
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>> No.18776734

Protip: if you can't think up a reason for a detail, don't point it out. Nobody's going to question the use of coinage in the story but if you give them an incomplete reasoning for it its going to stick in their mind.

>> No.18776747

>soulless Hunter stand in for self-inserts with a "humanizing" quality as vapid as protecting the innocent
>high schooler names like Bloody Hand crime syndicate, Darkblade, etc.
It's clear just from reading the blurb that this guy read one of those "How to Build a Novel" books, followed the outline word for word, and cranked out this generic piece of schlock in a month or two. What a snore. Don't get me started on that horseshit he pretends to call a review stapled on his cover.

>> No.18776762

That's not what I'm saying. All I'm saying is that the medium is not always indicative of quality. The correlation is strong but it is not a casual relationship.

>> No.18776770

Someone's gun.

>> No.18776915

Blatant exposition on background information isn't a chekhov's gun you TvTropes browsing retard.

>> No.18776982

Hes saying the opposite dummy. Don't put random shit in your book for no reason that you will never cite again and that has no purpose whatsoever. Otherwise you'll end up like a worldbuilder hack like Sanderson.

>> No.18776986

Huh, cool.
Gtfo you adhd zoomer

>> No.18777181

Self-pubbers are dreamers and losers.

Authors are University educated people who write, then, finding the humility, submit their work to another University educated person for review. Once enough people agree that this work is worthy of a read, it is published.
>World IQ is dropping
Self-pubbers and their ilk are just like anti-vaxxers. They believe their views are equal and worthy of consideration. In reality, humanity would be far better off it we put them on their own little island and let Darwinism win.

>> No.18777311

No, they are creating something. It may be shit, but so is the world. In a way, that just makes them more godlike.

>> No.18777365

Redpill me on Sanderson.

>> No.18777565

>Do you ever feel bad and embarrassed for self published authors?
No, they get to call themselves published authors. Most of us will never even get to that point. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.

>> No.18777846

To succeed you need to be aware enough to develop good taste and have the ability to self-criticise, but mad enough to think you can actually craft something great, push through the internal doubts and actually do it.

>> No.18777880
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>Self-pubbers are dreamers and losers.
>Authors are University educated people who write, then, finding the humility, submit their work to another University educated person for review. Once enough people agree that this work is worthy of a read, it is published.
>World IQ is dropping
>Self-pubbers and their ilk are just like anti-vaxxers. They believe their views are equal and worthy of consideration. In reality, humanity would be far better off it we put them on their own little island and let Darwinism win.

>> No.18778096

>In reality, humanity would be far better off it we put them on their own little island and let Darwinism win.
In other words, let them just put their novels out there.. and let the market decide if it's good or if they need to learn some humility.

>> No.18778108

>Yes, an overwhelming majority of self-published works are low effort and bad. I'll go even further and say that a large minority of traditionally published books are equally bad. However, this notion that self-published works are inherently worse than any other published work simply because of its lesser status is absolutely not true. The barriers to entry in writing are just so much lower now, so we must become accustomed to this reality while still maintaining a critical mind.
I agree. The best part of self-publishing is that everyone can publish. The worst part is that everyone can publish.

>> No.18778550

Not ripping off Assassins creed at all with that font

>> No.18778622

>The best part of self-publishing is that everyone can publish. The worst part is that everyone can publish.
How the fuck can it be the worst and best part? That makes no sense.

>> No.18778642

Self-pubbers are the most pathetic people, allowing them to post their drivel was a mistake.

>> No.18778671

So then that's the worst part. How would that be the best part?

>> No.18779541

Nah this is worse because it's delusional and they have no eye for taste or quality. But I guess if people weren't delusional nothing would ever get done.

>> No.18779566

After having my first book (non-fiction) published I started self-publishing fiction. Traditional publishing takes at least a year, Amazon takes a week. Self-publishing pays higher royalties and starts paying out sooner. I like writing but I like strippers more, and strippers care more about my money than my reputation as a writer, so I self-publish. I don't understand why anyone would prioritize pride over handfuls of tits and ass.

>> No.18779893

Fucking useless pseud. For one, you're lying. For two, even if you wrote, it would be utter crap since you have no education. KYS you delusional fucking loser.

>> No.18780126

You make more money than the top 10 best rated fictions on the site with tens of millions of views? Somehow, that doesn't seem plausible

>> No.18780281

Maybe it's porn. It's always plausible when it's porn.

>> No.18780462

Only thing worse than a self-pubber is a self-porn pubber. KYS fucking loser pseuds.

>> No.18780475
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No I feel bad for losers who spend all their time on an anime forum bitching about other people actually doing shit with their lives though

>> No.18780742

i wouldn't call this something but i'm sure they have a fulfilling life, yes

>> No.18780944

What’s the alternative really? Literature as an art is in dire straits, at least in the English speaking world. It really feels like nothing good can be made, and nothing good certainly can get published and most definitely not widely read. Meanwhile, people are desperate to escape their day jobs and NEETdom. The obvious thing to do is accelerate into writing wish fulfillment style fantasy/sci fi and whatnot.

>> No.18780956

The founder of 20booksto50k makes more than a mil a year with his autistic marines in space books.

>> No.18780989

I tried to get into that Facebook group and they wouldn't let me. Next time I'll just lie.

>> No.18781192

Fuck, now i gotta kill myself because a random person on the internet told me that even if i CONSIDERED self publishing i should off myself. Gg world

>> No.18781204

People like this exist

>> No.18781217

I wish I could write something people liked. Doesn't have to be life-changing, even if they just think it's good popcorn. Someone gotta make the popcorn.

>> No.18781227
File: 33 KB, 709x861, combatfortownofjaspen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its tough going out there and show the world your writting. I wrote 7 boooks, picrel is my last and people here on /lit where very critical of my art

>> No.18781748

>start new job
>sit down at desk
>old black man, maybe 50ish sits down in the cube next to me
>hey howdy I'm Anon,
>oh my name is Anon too
>well, old black same named man, what do you like to do?
>I'm actually an author
>yes, I write fantasy novels.
>proceeded to pull up his self published book on amazon
>I'm writing the sequel now, need better cover art.
>so.. you must be a huge fantasy fan then? big on Tolkien and the like?
>God no, I don't even read. I just like to write.
>writing is easy, just write about strong women of color beating up dorks.
>is that what it's about...?
>it's kinda cyerpunk fantasy he says.
>he starts to try and read me some
>I say i'm feeling unwell and leave for the day
>never see him at the office again

>> No.18781777

I've met a few boomers like that as well. They usually grew up watching movies from the 70s and 80s and just want to write stories similar to those. And since self-publishing and writing is easy (to do in general, not well) compared to making a movie, that's usually the route they go.

>> No.18782280

Based old black man writing more than /lit/ ever will.

>> No.18782503

In their dreams maybe. The guy barely stays afloat through donations from his pseud loser fans. His writing is shit. He is shit, and NOT a real writer. Just another self-pubber loser living a delusion.

>> No.18782576

Stop being a pseud.

>> No.18782678

Self-pubbers are NOT authors. Self-pubbers are the equivalent of an idiot running into a room full of people listening to a storytelling expert on stage and interrupting them with drivel.

Traditionally published books go through a highly selective process where the chaff is separated from the worthy reads, publishing houses only release the best and most important things to read to the public, they act as a filter of what is actually WRITING vs what is actually TRASH.

If you self-pub, you are automatically admitting your work would never impress anyone with even a BA, let alone an MA. You are admitting your work isn't good enough to impress the educated, nor is your work able to stand on its own. If you self-pub, you are automatically admitting your work is DRIVEL and not even worth to be used as TOILET PAPER.

Fucking pathetic dreamer pseuds, you are NOT authors. You are fucking losers DREAMING that you are writers when being a writer REQUIRES AN EDUCATION AND 10+ YEARS OF SCRUTINY FROM PEERS. Fucking losers here think because they can poorly string together a few words that someone would actually read their garbage.

Fuck you, kys, losers. Bring /lit/ back to discussing actual real authors.

>> No.18782834

Why do people worship gatekeepers?

>> No.18782900

Put your shit in a toilet you fucking loser. Your writing is trash, you are trash, your work belongs in a gutter or toilet and not in a book. Save the paper for actual published authors, loser, unless you use it to cut your wrists to spare us your ramblings that chase the educated away by the 3rd paragraph.

>> No.18782922

I self-pubbed after everyone's favourite (((virus))) fucked my book deal. I will agree that there's a lot of junk on the market from us self-pubbers. I've acted as a reviewer for self-pub awards, and even the cream of the crop there was underwhelming. I, however, made sure to put as much money and effort into my work to ensure it wouldn't fall into this category. Took a tremendous amount of time, money, and effort, but my product is virtually identical to what you would see from a trad publisher. Would not recommend it for most, though. The time spent marketing and making stupid little decisions is overwhelming if you want to do it things right.

>> No.18782986

Loser, your shit would never get beyond the slush pile. Post link to finished work?
>he won't because he's either LYING or he already knows his writing is trash
Pathetic fucking pseud.

>> No.18782998

>Better to remain part of the audience and listen to the masters of the craft than to stand up, go on stage, and get laughed at by everyone
I cannot imagine being this insecure. Just give it a shot, anon, I promise no one will laugh

>> No.18783044

You know nothing. The great reads of modern times are VALIDATED BY THE EDUCATED, NOT BY THE CROWD OF PEASANTS.

>> No.18783071

I wish /wg/ was filled with people who actually make an effort like you anon, instead of devolving to copypastas, arguments about tripfags and anime shit

>> No.18783117

> “He stays up with me in the front, he don’t smell anything. Hey don’t you got any salt or butter or anything to put in this?” Miller scooped up and let fall his soup to demonstrate how thin it was. “Don’t even taste like anything.”


>> No.18783353

My fucking god dude, you've been seething in this thread for 2 days straight. Get a fucking life.

>> No.18783405

How new are you? /wg/ wasn’t around until last year, and I doubt you even know what good writing is.

>> No.18783433


>> No.18783796

>denying facts because they hurt your feelings
Several people make a living writing and publishing on Amazon, anon. The very book that started this thread has thousands of reviews, which means the author is playing his bills with it.
For any anons in love with "the art", follow Edgar Rice Burroughs: "If people were paid for writing rot such as I read in some of those magazines, then I could write stories just as rotten." He's got a legacy.

>> No.18783841

Can you elaborate please?

>> No.18783847
File: 501 KB, 1125x1381, 4A5FEFE6-0AC9-4275-B281-5ABDF6AB52EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh money
Why didn’t he just go through a normal publisher then? You can get an advance and retain certain rights, with an air of authenticity.

>> No.18783942

The educated will get to weigh in on it in 50 years or so. Right now the paying public gets their say.

>> No.18783958

Nta but the completely stilted and disjointed dialogue whiplash between talking about his son to complaining about the food sounds amateurish. It reads like a line out of a sitcom, there's no cadence to the delivery that makes it sound organic.

>> No.18783994

I’ve been published several times, chud. I just don’t associate my identity with 4chan or /wg/ which has been dead for a while now.