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[ERROR] No.18784772 [Reply] [Original]

Agamben is the only major philosopher who is based enough to actually mount a substantial critique of the new medical religion and the growing techno-fascist takeover. Most "progressive" academics are simply lining up to take the jab and bow at the alter of the allopathic death cult without any critical thought behind their actions whatever.

"Where is the figure of bare life today in question in the handling of the pandemic? It is not so much the sick person, who is isolated and treated as never before in the history of medicine; rather, it is the infected one, or more particularly the asymptomatic unwell [il malato asintomatico], as he has come to be called in a contradictory expression — something that any man is, virtually, and without knowing it. At issue is not so much health, but a life that is neither healthy nor sick, which, as such and as potentially pathogenic, can be deprived of its freedoms and subjected to prohibitions and controls of all kinds. All men are virtually asymptomatic patients in this sense. The only identity of this life, fluctuating between sickness and health, is as the recipient of swabs and vaccines, which, like baptism for a new religion, define the inverted figure of what was once called citizenship. This baptism isn’t indelible, but necessarily provisional and renewable; the new citizen, always required to present his health certification, will no longer have inalienable, inseparable rights [inalienabili e indecidibili], only obligations that must be constantly decided and updated."


>> No.18784782


>> No.18784784

Zitto animale

>> No.18784795

il malato asintomatico

>> No.18784803
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I’m putting together a team with you Giorgio

>Our societies today are characterized by a universal algophobia: a generalized fear of pain. We strive to avoid all painful conditions - even the pain of love is treated as suspect. This algophobia extends into society: less and less space is given to conflicts and controversies that might prompt painful discussions. It takes hold of politics too: politics becomes a palliative politics that is incapable of implementing radical reforms that might be painful, so all we get is more of the same. Faced with the coronavirus pandemic, the palliative society is transformed into a society of survival. The virus enters the palliative zone of well-being and turns it into a quarantine zone in which life is increasingly focused on survival. And the more life becomes survival, the greater the fear of death, which has become increasingly visible again. Everywhere, the prolongation of life at any cost is the preeminent value, and we are prepared to sacrifice everything that makes life worth living for the sake of survival. This trenchant analysis of our contemporary societies by one of the most original cultural critics of our time will be of interest to a wide readership.

>> No.18784817

On the one hand I'm horrified how many people fail to see the obvious orwellian implications of a neoliberal nanny state that uses all the soft fruity of language of tolerance, inclusion, and kindness it has learned, from its tranny babby outer party elites, to advocate for a totalitarian "therapeutic" state that can diagnose and "heal" its citizens at will.

On the other hand I'm shocked and slightly heartened that everyday average American conservatives who don't have fancy educations, because their feudal overlords in Los Angeles and New York and Portland steal all the fucking money to send their shitbrained children to Bard and Berkley, nevertheless understand this, however dimly. It demonstrates that basic "don't tread on me" instincts really are just human instincts, deeper in the blood, easier to instill and harder to eradicate, than any mere theory of human rights.

In fact the weakness of theory and intellectualism are particularly evident in how the "look how educated I am!!!!" class, the class of rich little douches with three Master's degrees who studies Critical Sociology of Medicine and obsesses over every time a state tried to sterilise minorities throughout history, is completely blind to what's going on, as long as the state-corporate news keeps packaging it in nice colourful graphics with feelgood "we're all in this together :)" music for them. Again it shows that the heart and the values carried in the heart are infinitely more important than any pussy academics. It even seems like the more "educated" you are, the more retarded you get, as soon as you lose contact with the values of the heart.

If humanity survives the coming battles this will be remembered for all time as one of the most important crucibles of the human race, when we learned who we really are and reached a new level of self-understanding. Rootless "intellectuals" are a specific kind of cancer no future society will ever allow itself to develop.

>> No.18784837
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What are the incentives for registering oneself as such a controversial person?
Put another way, why would anyone want to know that the prescribed policies are not working? What is the money in a broken product, especially one that's sold in great numbers immune to liability?

>> No.18784851

Be the one to speak bullshit about pain until you or one of your parents end up suffocating in a medical ward, choking in your saliva a few minutes before meeting God, you retard

>> No.18784869

it's funny how the rednecks, schizos, ghetto thugs, and gigabrains are on the same side when it comes to covid. i guess the midwit bell curve meme holds some truth.

>> No.18784875

Agamben would be truly redpilled if his books didn’t shed tears over economic migrants and muslims all the time

>> No.18784880

99.98% survivability rate

>> No.18784889


>> No.18784892

Unless you're selected for assassination, hypernormalized over the past several decades, tax payers reflexively feel relief, know so and so must have been up to no good to catch so much heat

>> No.18784894

>it's funny how the rednecks, schizos, ghetto thugs, and gigabrains are on the same side
they are on so many things

>> No.18784901
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The homosexual and transgender identity is amply supported by objective science and data, coming from all sorts of fields. You name it brainscans genetics, quantum physics. Not even heterosexuality is backed by as much hard data.

>> No.18784917

Identity is fascist, it’s a lot more complicated than that

Science is intensive, we are Bodies without Organs and copulate in a million ways every second and commit to bazillionare-sexuality, speeding-vaginas flying through space expressing desire not as lack but producing-machines linking up like Spottemgottem and poosheisty

Read Deleuze

>> No.18784932

Vaccines as baptism.

Washing hands when you enter the modern day temples (commercial establishments)

Religious garments to hide your face (masks)

Hermeticism by isolating in your home, cleansing your body of sin/corona

Self-flagellation by avoiding entertainment and fun.

It's literally just a religion

>> No.18784976

>avoid directly responding
>outrageous, buzzword-laden unwarranted claims to signal your sophistication
>masturbatory prose emulating niche theory
>imperative command to read a dense french contemporary theorist without any provocation

this is why people hate /lit/

>> No.18785025

We all meet God retard

>> No.18785033

give up to control, you are already a submissive bitch.

>> No.18785053

The cities finance the rest of the country, numbnuts

>> No.18785147

Don't forget the resentment and the mark of Evil against the ''heretics'' (reasonable scientists that are not even radical but only impartial) and the irreligious opposers. I'm sure there is a lot more.

>> No.18785166

>the pandemic is being exploited to indefinitely suspend the state of exception and still a new regime
wouldn't it be to sustain, maintain the state of exception?

>> No.18785178

I wasn't allowed to visit my mom in the hospital while she was dying of an actual disease because there were tick toks to be made about the common cold. KYS.

>> No.18785206

Where is the techno-fascist takeover? It'd be a better alternative to what we have now.

>> No.18785223

too bad you can't eat money

>> No.18785228

pick one and only one you economically illiterate pleb

>> No.18785274


>> No.18785312

lol it's"supported" by a few "studies" and speculations...

>> No.18785341

Money is the whore of Babylon and the cities are diseased whorehouses

>> No.18785363

Good post, underrated. Couldn't have said it better myself.

>> No.18785372

Yeah wall street is totally on the level, trust the GDP lmao

>> No.18785798

we dont want your finance yehud

>> No.18785805

Did people get this schizo about the Spanish flu?

>> No.18785861

There is nothing radical about this. It is normal. That's what is really striking.

>> No.18785871

guess its a normal late capitalism feeling

>> No.18785899
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>And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
>And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
>Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Revelation 13:16-18

>> No.18785922

>bong hip replacement
explain this

>> No.18785931

Don't care, I will drive my tractor over your bones yuppy.

>> No.18785954

Tom Myers/Cum Town reference I assume.

>> No.18785963

It's not even real death, it's the image of death constructed by media in their automatic manner of creating thrills. Before the scare, no one even seemed to consider previous flu pandemics life-shattering, or remember them at all.

>> No.18785975

Probably. It birthed communism and fascism as a result.

>> No.18785984

>mark of Evil against the ''heretics'' (reasonable scientists that are not even radical but only impartial) and the irreligious opposers

This is the most horrible part by far:

If this shining beacon goes out, far too much hope will be lost

>> No.18785999

>washing your hands is a conspiracy
Now I've heard it all

>> No.18786004

Are online COVID heretics talking about Michael Yeadon much? I see Malone a lot but rarely Yeadon


I was impressed by him in this.

>> No.18786007

Agamben wrote his homo sacer just in time for it to be recognized as a proper piece of philosophy by academics of its time. It dealt with fascism and all it's dangers to a good degree so most left leaning people there could easily say: "Yes thats correct."
Now it's a few years later down the line and everything Agamben was warning about is falling into place. As if he was glimpsing into the future. Naturally he would critique the politics that are being installed.
Only now he gets blasted with smear by little fags like Benjamin Bratton who immediately put him into the Nazi zone just because he doesn't agree with the powers at the wheel.
It's almost comical how fast the narratives can change and how little most media people care about the breakneckspeed at which they have to shove around the overtone window.

>> No.18786022

Remember when neoliberal state control of every nuance of every aspect of everyone's lives comes, it will come speaking Benjamin quotes and jacking itself off on twitter and telling you to get all your information from MSNBC


>> No.18786062

One of the best essays seem to be only translated semi-automatically:

Must be sad to see that his life's work is noticed by few, that general public are as childish as ever (maybe even more than ever), and that “developed” countries readily crack on dissent like totalitarian states. What matters is not some political term, but stupidity and obedience, as usual.

>> No.18786072

There was some other little thing.

>> No.18786083

To think that people like Bratton have the audacity to write pieces like "how philosophy failed us" and actually are getting away with it and being praised is actually really depressing.
I can only hope that time will eventually sort out this trash.

>> No.18786108

Don't worry anon, we're headed towards another depression too.

>> No.18786132

It’s wild that 100 years after the Spanish Flu we are still having to argue how unethical it would be to track and require people to give up their medical status.

Except now people are so used to being monitored they have no issue with potentially creating two different classes of citizens as long as they’re on the “correct side.”


I have no philosophical take on this. Hell, I even got vaccinated. But I will not stop speaking out against the insanity of vaccine passports.

>> No.18786139

Dang that was good. Thanks for posting that anon.

>> No.18786171

So many words to say in an ugly manner what Plato said beautifully in a few sentences.

>> No.18786193

So many words to say in an ugly manner what Plato said beautifully in a few sentences.

>> No.18786399

Three posts about literally who. Go shill him somewhere else.

>> No.18786403

> What is First World War?
> t. burger

>> No.18786406
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>Philosopher says obvious thing in convoluted language.

>> No.18786414

very true

>> No.18786416

This. Ask any gym bro or next door schizo and they'll tell you the exact same thing. Pseuds love to read it in complex language so they can feel intelligent while reading banal opinions.

>> No.18786428

Lucky for her then. Nothing is worse than seeing your mug before death.

>> No.18786432

This is one of the worst aspects of Agamben's takes. There is no state of exception here, it is rather the standard operation, the very order of things, only with the elements now becoming apparent when the forces have become too great - like the lever which snaps over the fulcrum and maims all those who had been applying the force. Compounding forces arrive like a shattered log and all its inset levers, nails, ropes, and pulley components. This is also the tale of the Gordian Knot.

The right's opposition to lockdown measures is much like the left's reaction to Donald Trump - they both desire a recurrent normalcy in which the impossibly destructive remains as it is: unseen, unspeakable. This is most clear where the libertarian and conservative groups had begun to identify anti-economically, and then quickly turned back towards the illusory economy. The same man who opposes the infinite money printers speculates on bitcoin.

Where one exists beyond death it is best to be the fool, to exist in that state of shock wherein catastrophe hits and one cannot name all of the mechanical laws seen, yet their truth is felt like divine reason. What would change if normalcy were to be restored? The return would be nothing more than the technological destruction of all things, and its ideological form which spreads like cancer. But hidden and deniable at least. One wants to return to this to deny all destructive mechanical events, all signs that death remains at the end. Or perhaps it is the opposite, we were completely at peace with the simplicity of death, even in the aseptic halls of hospitals, but now the war capacity hits us, the terror of the ugliest death. It is the cancerous form of medicine which is threatening, not cancer or any disease. The unlikely is feared, the great plagues which are no longer even possible, that which is injurious like war. No one wants to be maimed. But what is more threatening is the incapacity to die in peace. Thus the technological disease is perfect in its paralyzing force. We live behind the apotropaic symbols and constructions, and the repelling force of technology has finally forced us out of our own creation, disease-like.

If anything the pandemic has highlighted a great lack of distinction, the inability of any political position, and especially conservatism, to propose anything other than an exceptional incapacity. The law of technology thinking, both in its metaphysics and principles, is critique, and one recognises his technical efforts least where he is closest to the mechanical forces, where he exists at the periphery, far from the mechanical components. There is no defense against the technological defense structure, which exists in a permanent state of destruction and neutralisation. This is where one is confronted with nihilism and the deep sense of helplessness, the realisation of cruel fate where the innermost is turned against one's will and his very being.

>> No.18786434
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>tfw living through the endtimes

>> No.18786438

All that has occurred up until this moment exists to destroy any sense of recurrence.

One cannot invert a philosophy and expect it to have the same effects, or the same power. This is like the machine which will be destroyed if it is forced into reverse. For Schmitt the state of exception is not a negative, but rather a theological test of the state. It highlights the difference between legal measures and judgement, the law and the nomos, representation and the constitution. Democratic defense measures are the exact opposite of a state of exception. There is no situation in which democracy can initiate a state of exception, except as a revolutionary or subterranean force. Its law and nomos exist in kind, as one, and can only rise as a species force, as a totalising equality - thus the importance of nations, societies, territories, peoples, spaces; the relation to the elemental and mobilisation of forces.

The society of nations seeks both an absolute force of will - equal with the exploitation of the new world, of paradise - and a type of peace in which no trace of the destructive efforts will remain. Thus all the impossible moments of indecision amidst some of the most incredible providential events in time. Democratoc man wants Roman roads and palisades with the principles of indestructible nature - an architectural form which rises and then buries itself, like the forest floor and its moss. A Via Sacra which sinks into the thinnest layers of the earth, and yet free to all.

This will seem absurd, an impossible paradox - one certainly cannot expect technical man to have such capacity for the counter-intuitive - but it is what lies behind the democratic state's incapacity, incoherence, and intermittent paralysis - like the diseases which come and go in an alternate state of movement, a degeneration which occurs beyond the biological, as if fated. Even in the highest states of crisis, and the very inability to see the destruction employed, both in times of passivity and impossible effort, democratic man is both principled and free of any desire for ends. One is beyond the tragic, the comedic, even the catastrophic - much as Tocqueville said of the worker, whose concerns are not at all with work and the species pain experienced in the levelling of continents. Such men have their own providential fate; God is resigned, succeeded, for something higher.

>> No.18786441

In every great shift we see only the incapacity of what remains of the state to deal with such tests - whether in 1848, the World Wars, Russian and Middle Eastern collapse, or the technological pandemic (what appears to be a bioterror incident of some sort). The democratic West only has the capacity to mobilise, but increasingly towards an unknown. This is very clear with the pandemic, and what lies behind the constant reversals of lockdown measures and restrictions. What Agamben refers to as a permanent state of exception is exactly the opposite, the complete incapacitation of the governmental structures, attacking all of its remaining defense structures at the same time it attacks the virus, just like a regimen of chemotherapy.

It is of course fitting that Agamben's lack of foresight now puts him in the position of being a Schmitt-like figure, but only in the negative sense. He is falsely accused of being a fascist after himself opposing only the illusory aspects of democratic society - and without seeing the likeness of democracy and fascism - falsely accusing the old regime's laws, and so playing a part himself in the corrupting force of the mundane workd. In doing so he participated in the move towards technological neutralisation and the faceless state, of great spaces where there can be neither law nor even representation. The nomos or a state of exception are impossible here.

>> No.18786445
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And of course credit due to Jünger for his comparison of medical thought to cancerous growth.

>> No.18786451

dio cane gli italiani di /lit/
veramente, delle bestie senza dignità

>> No.18786466

In an ugly manner thanks to the amateur translation. According to
there is a slightly edited version:

You may wonder why in the whole rich and powerful Western world these are voluntary translated by some new age hippies and moonlighters (this is not just an English case), and not the press. Well, because a lot of good in the world has been made by complete loonies, not reasonable people, and now you can see another example of it.

>> No.18786507

>vaxxing and preventive measures are a religious cult
>but me and my schizo buddies with our conspiracy theories are totally sane and rational

fuck low iq poltards and fuck agamben. if you don't have anything intelligent to say shut up.

the only thing clear from this whole covid business is that our societies were completely unprepared to handle it and nobody really knows what to do now. everything else is schizo nonsense or arm chair theoretizing.

>> No.18786510

Has nothing to do with the translation but the presentation and thought process. Just an ugly accumulation of data.

>> No.18786514

>completely unprepared to handle it
That's what they want you to think, a sense of emergency

>> No.18786518

People have never had any power, any semblance thereof is sardonically imposed onto them as the crown of thorns by Yaldabaoth.

>> No.18786531

>That's what they want you to think

they? more like (((they))) amirite

>> No.18786542

>People have never had any power
We are ruled by TV. I know not the full truth of the Elohim; it's entirely possible that the little I think I know is completely wrong. What this Covid crisis has taught me is that we really are ruled by the talking heads on the television. Even if everything we're told by them is truth (with regards to Covid), the masses are so easily manipulated by what they have to say. I hope whatever Logos there be free us from this Hell. The blind lead the blind; but with the Logos there with us, we can be lead by the truth

>> No.18786597

>I like peasants-they are not sophisticated enough to reason speciously
t. Montesquieu

>> No.18786603

Look, faggots: the only PROPER solution to this virus would be to keep everyone locked up in their homes for like two months, with armed forces patrolling the streets.
But can ((they)) actually do that? Of course not, people would chimpout, because muh freedoms and muh rights.

So the alternative is vaccination, masks, testing and so on. There's really no other way.

Of course, you could say fuck sick people, let them die/suffer, but that wouldn't fly politically either, would it?

>> No.18786613

the weak should fear the strong. ywnbaw. guenon (pbuh)

>> No.18786614

Read Leo Strauss, particularly On Tyranny.

>> No.18786625

The answer is Sweden, but while ending globohomo and all the refugee and travel bullshit.
And perhaps nuking america.

>> No.18786626

I'm an atheist with a fairly decent knowledge of Christianity and the parallelisms are making me rethink my belief, or lack of belief system.

>> No.18786642

We were totally prepared to handle it. Despite all the talk about hospitals and vaccines, the only thing that does any real work to fight the virus is an immune system. Which is something that existed in people since the beginning, and gives no shit about any government decrees. To it, it's just another flu, another virus among the millions trying to interact with our bodies every single second.

Societies were not prepared to handle the self-sustaining media pandemic on such a sensational topic, and the bureaucratical lack of ability to stop and think. Mostly because media and bureacracy are among the main internal organs of modern societies.

Also, if you can't recognize /pol/ anonymous from non-/pol/ anonymous, please go back to the social network of your choice. It has names and avatars to help you.

>> No.18786664

So you think people are being hospitalized needlessly and they could get cured at home just as effectively?
Well, I don't have any reason to believe you over actual doctors, sorry.

>> No.18786712

Hate this
Are there any philosophers who avoid this and just write clearly and get to the point?

>> No.18786716

Yes. Check out Leo Strauss.

>> No.18786719

Excellent posts. The best thing I've read on the subject.

>> No.18786721

No, the PROPER solution to this would have been to simply do nothing and nobody would have even noticed anything, but it's getting close to being too late for that now

>> No.18786726

Anything in particular by him? Also he sounds Jewish, is he?

>> No.18786738

Anti-Semitism is poison for the brain.
Here are some recommendations:
Persecution and the Art of Writing
Natural Right and History
On Tyranny
The Rebirth of Classical Political Rationalism
What is Political Philosophy? And Other Essays
Six Essays By Leo Strauss
Political Philosophy: Ten Essays
You should also read Arthur Melzer's Philosophy Between the Lines: The Lost History of Esoteric Writing

>> No.18786767

> the only PROPER solution to this virus would be to keep everyone locked up in their homes for like two months, with armed forces patrolling the streets
Wouldn't work. Unless, of course, you drop nuclear bombs on 4-6 billions of people who can't afford such a exotic vacation economically. A single outbreak, and you have to start another quarantine, then again, and again, and again. Moreover, the modern level of comfort rests on many common workers doing their job, and a lot of these can't be stopped. It is absolutely laughable that people passionately discuss the voluntary sacrifice of their rights in the name of something, but they don't even think to voluntary sacrifice their comfort.

I know that some volunteers took disabled kids likely to be threatened by the virus from the care centers in which those volunteers worked to live together in retreats, but those were singular cases. “It is very hard to be simple enough to be good.” Has anyone from the so concerned masses offered to take the elderly out of retirement homes? Of course not, they are there because no one gives a fuck about them. When they die and become some growing number is stats, that's when it gets interesting, that's when they are worthy of a newspaper article and a repost. So let's just turn the homes into prisons, that's how we proudly deal with it together!

You don't understand that coronavirus is just a glimpse of what happens in nature out of our control because you believe in stereotypes about science being able to deal with everything (in fact, real science is a complete opposite: it's knowing what you don't know, the exact form and features of the frontier of knowledge).

>> No.18786774

Despite what you think hospitals are not a vital support function for life. I would even say that if all doctors were to disappear tomorrow, the world would instantly get 10 times better

>> No.18786826

The Left supports every measure for COVID like vaccines and lockdowns because the entire Left today is just about begging to be foot soldiers for The Party. They desperately want to be included in the globalized world order after having been atomized for the same system so they just obsess over representation and diversity to find a place within it. COVID is no different, they don’t even care about neoliberal technocrats controlling every aspect of life as long as they can take the moral high ground with them for the “safety of the people” or whatever

>> No.18786867

Unironically yes, the solution was to do only a few measures that were proven to work beyond a reasonable doubt, which means not much. That indeed means letting current octogenarians die a year earlier than expected on average without destroying the lives of the mass of healthy people not just for a year but the foreseeable future. Meanwhile soon to be octogenarians would benefit from previous research and better suited immune systems. Here in France people below age 65 age seen an increase in their life expectancy over covid and those just after are at a standstill.
We are systematizing, normalizing and setting precedents for
>increased mass surveillance
>the end of medical secrecy
>mass scare tactics
>easy designation of neo-kulaks to point all ills at, even contrary to all sane advice (mass injection of leaky medicine increased the chance of deadly mutation)
>the constant flip flopping and display of incompetence of "experts" and "authorities" all the while passive compliance to them is going through the roof under the guise of "trusting science", and putting in place an omerta on independent researchers (even with incredible credentials since people care so much about them now) or just plain self reliance. See the ridiculous coverage of Raoult who was right about everything from the start
>preventing the treatment of illness based on corruption (yes, giving chloroquine and ivermectin is as useful as the jab with comparatively zero side effects, and would have been innocently useless at worst, much cheaper too, but didn't go in the direction of the powers that be and their cronies)
>renewal of border blockades
>the use of coercitive measures that aren't even proven to work (those useless semi-lockdowns the only result of which is terminating what remained of small shops)
>using billions of people as lab rats with extravagant contractual terms where they couldn't give informed consent and have no recourse afterwards (see the leaked contracts)
>manufactured, extreme economic crisis
>the end of millions of healthy lives over those artificial changes of lifestyle, if only through increased divorce rates and the resulting destroyed childhoods, for extremely dubious benefits
This is the end result of the hygienist obsession.

>> No.18786892

Dimwit alert!

>> No.18786906

This is not literature

>> No.18786909


>> No.18786924

>inalienable, inseparable rights [inalienabili e indecidibili]
Why did this retard type it out twice

>> No.18786939

Bratton will be canceled for "antisemitism", for shitting on "Mark Booker" (Luke Turner).

>> No.18786977

it's a "translator's interpolation" - to say, basically, I can and cannot translate this.

>> No.18787014


>> No.18787039

Yes, there was even an anti-mask movement

>> No.18787048

>responding bait with bait is bad
yea ok lamo

>> No.18787056

>COVID is no different, they don’t even care about neoliberal technocrats controlling every aspect of life as long as they can take the moral high ground with them for the “safety of the people” or whatever
Is it just the moral high ground or do they also think they will get a spot at the table?

>> No.18787069

Even they can't be delusional enough to think the latter.

>> No.18787070

Wagner posting is far more annoying.

>> No.18787071

Spot at the table, that’s why they shilled so hard for Bernie despite claiming to unconditionally hate Democrats. There’s nothing they want more than to push the DNC left and govern things themselves

>> No.18787082

This is a weird unimportant grievance, but shouldn't the meme read, indefinitely install the state of exception instead of suspend? I'm esl, but surely suspend would be imply the ending of the SoE, or maybe my problem lies in me not understanding what is meant by SoE itself.

>> No.18787105

Was bluepilled but this muh booster and muh delta shit is making me skeptical. They will hang this shit over our heads as long as possible

>> No.18787128

>muh booster
Anyone that bothered to put one hour of reading into it months ago knew that technology would require yearly shots (if not more for vulnerable people), although few predicted how fast the protection dwindled over time.
I wonder how many more people would have been skeptical had they known they were taking a semestrial subscription. Now Israel is unpacking its third dose on a massive scale (adult population is already almost all double dosed).

>> No.18787207
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This but unironically still reading all of it

>> No.18787217

I hope throat singing and didgeridoo becomes our new liturgy. In Coof We Trust

>> No.18787227

Writer: Italian; Opinion: discarded.

>> No.18787231

So is Syphillis

>> No.18787238

>proper solution
All policy enforcers stopped caring about that years ago

>> No.18787242


>> No.18787443

Yeah I made the same observation here >>18785166

>> No.18787504

shoo, Jude, shoo!

>> No.18787620

I can see some interesting points here. Especially the case with technology, with subterranean forces that were active but people ignored or couldn’t even see. Measuring one’s temperature at the treshold of stores, facial, fingerprint recognition, documents and bureaucratic data allowing one to acquire things, move about, hygienic passports. What is the difference? I’m still sure that all of this is rationalized. Take this brilliant observation of your posts for instance:
> There is no defense against the technological defense structure, which exists in a permanent state of destruction and neutralisation. This is where one is confronted with nihilism and the deep sense of helplessness, the realisation of cruel fate where the innermost is turned against one's will and his very being.
People can only accept and their neutralized wills are passive and molded by the very impression of the State’s commandments.

>> No.18787641

Ah I should also point that it is very intriguing the observation about destruction and neutralization. It is happening with the internet, social media. Alternative information becoming more fringe, censured, being destroyed. The persecution, the hunger to extend and neutralize these “dangerous”, “threatening” invasors betrays a hidden active will with a direction.

>> No.18787867

I'm scared bros...

Will technology really be the spanner thrown in the dialectical character of history, either in the Marxist or in the Hegelian sense? All throughout history, we've seen states being created, citizens protesting against their respective governments and toppling them over. This has become significantly tougher as technology progressed. North Korea has total control over it's citizens (or at least the seeming illusion of total control), the USSR disbanded but became an oligopolist paradise... What is the last time we saw actual citizens revolting against their government and taking over? This barely happens anymore, because technology is becoming increasingly capable to either wire people's brains a certain way (therefore prohibiting people to think 'with their gut') or, if that fails, completely socially exclude them.

On the one hand, I am still somewhat hopeful. Technologies like social media have created an enormous marketplace for ideas, as well as a means for people to organize themselves, and thus propagate their antithesis to others. As long as platforms don't follow a certain narrative (globohomo shit in the west, communist party shilling in the east, etc.), but are free and open (and with the option of being anonymous), there might still be a chance.

On the other hand, technology will form the next generations. Babies are virtually born with iPads in their hands, and algorithms will make sure they grow up 'the right way'. Even if that doesn't happen and they become dissidents through independent thought, it will be easier than ever to exclude them from society, be it by a social credit system, a QR-code society...

Is taking the Walden-pill and staying 'off the grid' the only viable option?

>> No.18787871

beyond_woke_and_problematic is cruising for memes on lit

>> No.18787924

Is there a pdf of this book somewhere?

>> No.18787930

>Is taking the Walden-pill and staying 'off the grid' the only viable option?
That's what Uncle Ted tried and look where he's now. There is nowhere to run. Stand and fight.
Whatever you think about the origins of the coof, they are using it to enact technocracy. Look up the video of the Dutch politician describing Lock Step.

>> No.18787933

I’m not that sure about freedom and intellectual diversity in social media. We kind of still have it to an extent, but see what is happening on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, people being banned without any open discussion for the content they post (not criminal content but theoretical, intellectual, informative - this is too obvious with the contestations of the pandemic measures). I’d also like to remind the cases when archive.org was threatened to lose most of their content, countries forbidding torrents, I think libgen every now and then needs to change its domain.
I don’t think there is much to do even though in any case I would advocate for doing something. The only hope I envisage, which is not that much of a hope but a kind of historically determined step, is its own “natural” destruction.

>> No.18787954

i saw a throwaway reply on /pol/ that referred to the news as having fully transformed into a form of entertainment and i've been thinking about it a lot since. not only is this i think the correct assessment but much of the panic is actually full identification with the medico-horror-thriller social media-cinematic entertainment we're all watching (willing or not)

>> No.18787971

I remember sometimes at the end of last year some glowing agency worker wrote about how people were more accepting of the manipulated fear and state of emergency depending on how much "disaster" media they had consumed (pandemics of course but also climatic episodes, nuclear warfare, zombies, etc), although he admitted it was only his informal questioning of a hundred people.

>> No.18787982

mass media was limited to newspapers and periodicals, none of which were national. the insanity now compared to the swine flu pandemic is a vivid illustration of just how thoroughly social media has penetrated into the international conciousness

>> No.18787987

Not the other poster but yeah it makes a lot of sense. This is the strategy of cult formation.

>> No.18787992
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>> No.18788004

>the only two options are vaxxmaxx and 5G-magnet seekers
you're part of the problem

>> No.18788011

google the word "iatrogenic"

>> No.18788019

Leave and never come back.

>> No.18788028

the best question to ask the faithful now (especially since the new normal trope has fallen to the wayside) is that if you look at this whole circus, you know this will get used again, next time for a specific purpose and the only question is what. so do we play along now or draw the line to prevent future remakes (re-infections?)

>> No.18788043

Since this is a coronavirus thread, I've been bringing up statistics as usual and I've been told that "there are videos where cities burned thousands of dead in the streets because there was no room in cemeteries", of course no direct experience but Facebook posts. This somehow counters the fact that the vast majority of the dead were ill 80 year olds, and that every healthcare institution was declaring whatever death as a Covid death because they were getting paid to do so.
Can someone illuminate me about this?
I'm not very polarized about the virus, since the SARS strain has hit China other times. I think it's a real thing but it's blown up way out of proportion. Am I looking at mortality wrong when official sources say survival is over 99.5%? I'll probably get jabbed in the future but definitely not now, I want to at least see if there are any long term side effects.
People get extremely worked up about this IRL and I'm not going to discuss it any longer.

>> No.18788046

Vaccines are bad? Covid is worse.

>> No.18788054

by nature you can't predict a revolution until it's already happening, because if you could it would absolutely be prevented

>> No.18788065

makes me think of zizek's old riff about how people are obsessed with doomsday scenarios because they can picture the world ending easier than they can imagine an alternative to global capitalism

>> No.18788070

>Stand and fight.
I'm with you, but WHERE and WHY should we fight for demoralized vaxxcattle?

>> No.18788073

>the national security state is bad? communism is worse.

>> No.18788078

>Am I looking at mortality wrong when official sources say survival is over 99.5%?
You should be looking at long term consequences too. There are "Covid survivors" who can't run anymore without getting gassed quickly or don't have taste/smell months after getting the disease.

What do you propose, smartass?

>> No.18788089

It's pointless, people have no brain of their own.
You could literally have organized bands of wild niggers start destroying every European monument or rape every white woman they find on the streets and people would just accept it. At best the authorities would tell white people to stay inside.

>> No.18788094

I agree with you, but there is still a class of being that is suffering abominably under this system (animals, for one). When and where do we fight? How do we overcome the dopamine-fried inertia of 300 million cattle?

>> No.18788098
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Anywhere. You don't fight for the cattle, you fight for yourself and the people that stand with you. You fight for a future. You can't save the cattle. Read pic rel.

>> No.18788099

the cremations were hype photos from india's wave earlier this year. made for gruesome images to western eyes but cremation is the normal method of disposing of a body for hindus (and the upper crust choice at that). in any given year you could have flown a drown over the same spot and taken the same picture. the guardian ran photos of NYC's indigent cemetery and claimed it was mass graves of victims, but the city regularly buries unclaimed corpses there because there's just not enough morgue room to keep cadevars around until the next of kin can be located. both are totally normal scenes transformed into doomsday icons independent of their actual quotidian nature

>> No.18788108

Would moving to another country and putting it all behind you running away? Is it running away, when people who actually live here fritter their time away on escapist memes and counter-narratives?

>> No.18788113

ruined romania

>> No.18788121

there's no where to run. even if you abandon all social media, television, etc every person around you is indelibly linked to the network. there's no opting out of the technological system

>> No.18788128

Where would you run to? It's a global system, it's happening everywhere. You could run to some off grid place in Siberia and buy yourself 10 years but it would still catch up to you.
His enemies did

>> No.18788133

How do I, as a lone schmuck, even begin to mount an effective resistance to the techno-leviathan? I see no way out

>> No.18788138

There are still many spaces left in the world where a man can live quietly without being jacked into the Mainframe. There's more to this Beast than just some tourist bar having wi-fi

>> No.18788143

ted's recommendation was a sabotage campaign

>> No.18788146

Or people just don’t like getting sick....

>> No.18788153

Before the coof I would have agreed with you. What's happening now you cannot run from. Going totally off grid and being completely self-sustainable would buy you a few years but nothing more.

>> No.18788155

>or maybe people just [mundane preference]
Lol no the time for these umm sweeties is over, dude.

>> No.18788159

I have options. But I would hate to leave without fighting, but I wouldn't even begin to know how, where, who, or what to fight.

>> No.18788160

I have lost all hope that people can change.
Even if one advocated for something edgy like eco-terrorism a-la Ted K, it would be immediately seized and spun in such a way to reinforce the narrative.
Just look at vegans, they're an army of holier than thou psychopaths who completely took over the animal ethics discourse, they just had to exist and have the spotlight pointed at them for a second to reinforce the narrative that eating meat is good. You can dismantle any initiative by looking at the (unavoidable) retards and ridiculous people joining the ranks. If you kick them out you will be destroyed for not being inclusive and you'll have no chance to spread your message because - sadly - the only militant people today are the mentally ill. Look at that image where women were protesting about something in the '60s compared with the women protesting now. Those were normal women vs. mentally ill psychos. You can't gatekeep anything anyway on the internet, and if you allow them in you'll be represented by these people.
Meanwhile the same mechanics allow people on the right side of the fence do be openly hateful an racist or diddle kids or whatever and they'll be treated as bad apples or simply ignored. You literally cannot win this game, social media apart from direct manipulation from corps is very "democratic" and it works entirely by the action of the masses. There's no snowball effect on social media, you cannot do something and impact the world because more and more people will follow. You just have a critical mass of a large, homogenized soup and say something that is designed to get a lot of approval and you'll get a lot of approval. The individual or a small group of individuals has zero power because people do not have to be convinced of anything anymore, you just have to see that 90'000 people agree with your post. Whether they're fake or real it doesn't matter, it's safe to agree with the 90'000 upvotes post.
Have you seen how people watch political discussions? They watch them as entertainment. The politicians just bicker uselessly and say big dramatic sentences that mean nothing, of course it's always been that way, but people just watch this for the spectacle. Sometimes I've asked people to repeat what they just heard on TV and they couldn't summarize anything.

Honestly the only thing I can think of is fucking off to East Europe where people still go to church and accept the negatives of that.

>> No.18788173

Our society is sick. Rather than let it undergo purgation we hold it hostage in an artificial suspension of “normalcy”

>> No.18788174

>renewal of border blockades
god i wish

>> No.18788177

I agree, but as one man against the tide, there's still a heroism in resisting. I definitely wasn't talking about social media campaigns to redpill the normies in 2021. What kind of a fucking mook do you think I am?

>> No.18788179

>the guardian ran photos of NYC's indigent cemetery and claimed it was mass graves of victims, but the city regularly buries unclaimed corpses there because there's just not enough morgue room to keep cadevars around until the next of kin can be located. both are totally normal scenes transformed into doomsday icons independent of their actual quotidian nature
I was told about the NYC photos probably. Thanks, so it is bullshit after all.
Even if it wasn't common practice I'd have assumed that if you took every person who died in NYC and threw them in a mass grave it would look dramatic

>> No.18788192

>What kind of a fucking mook do you think I am?
I don't think you're a mook, but the internet is literally the only tool, social media or not. You cannot organize anything in the streets. When they organize spontaneous protests like 3 people show up. As I said even dramatic shit like eco-terrorism would be useless since it would be spun to show that only crazy people are against the system. Set yourself on fire as protest somewhere? You were depressed or something. Mentally ill. Just in case, mental illness. Bunch of niggers on Twitter will cheer that another incel is dead and they'll get 203000 upvotes.

>> No.18788198
File: 220 KB, 1600x665, teen-rebellion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the men in suits are controlling our lives
>it's, like, a techno-fascist takeover
>dude, it's like a new religion, whoa

What is it about people in their teens/early 20s (and older manchildren) that makes them act like NPCs?

>> No.18788205

>Honestly the only thing I can think of is fucking off to East Europe where people still go to church and accept the negatives of that.
Why do you assume Eastern Europe will be spared?
Whatever they want you to do, do the opposite, is a decent starting point. They want you plugged in? Disconnect. They want you to stop seeing people? Meet with people. They want you to stay indoors? Go outside.

>> No.18788222

t. NPC

>> No.18788229

>bro let's just trivialize real concerns about the future of life on this planet lmfao *jerks off to feet*

>> No.18788257

>Why do you assume Eastern Europe will be spared?
They seem to be a little more wary about this bullshit than Western Europeans and they're generally more conservative and religious. I'm not religious but I see country-wide religiosity as a good thing at this point.

>> No.18788273

I don't disagree but anything that's part of the EU will succumb to the current system. This is global, its enactors are globalists, and even Eastern European politicians have sold their souls to them. Your best bet would be Belarus but it's near impossible to move there. But even Belarus and Siberia will fold eventually unless the tide turns.

>> No.18788279

If the battlefield for this war has dilated to encompass the whole world, then I won't beat myself up for "running away."

>> No.18788285

There is nowhere to run. What will you do when you've established a life somewhere in the woods and 10 years later the globalist military comes to take you away?

>> No.18788293

kill myself probably

>> No.18788296

Then at least die fighting for what you believe in instead of doing it like a coward.

>> No.18788298

I just need to get out of the nerve centers of this system man, recuperate outside its major organs and gather my bearings. I feel the noose tightening for me and my "countrymen" (my best friend is vaxxed, no questions asked, his father, a die-hard Trumper... vaxxed, no questions asked). I do not have money here, if I stick around all my energy will be devoted to making ends meet and paying taxes to a satanic elite for a thoughtless, flouridated population that warranted these kinds of draconian measures in the first place

>> No.18788303
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Why do you doubt his re-manifestation?

>> No.18788304

Idk Russia has nukes they might just tell the west to fuck off eventually. Not that Russia doesnt have a lot of it's own problems but they're different problems

>> No.18788305

Why? Who does he owe his life to exactly, if he wants to innawoods for what time he has then it is his right

>> No.18788313

I understand, I am in a similar situation. But you underestimate what you're talking about. How will you go off grid without money? You can't do it unless you have the means to.
Honestly it's porobably the only thing that can save us.

>> No.18788314

No one, fuck the cattle, let them suffer in the hell they've created. I just can't get the animals out of my mind.

>> No.18788321

I don't want to help anyone here, I just want peace for myself. I would be fighting against the people close to me. They are perfectly aware of what is going on and how the future is shaping to be, they're just accepting it.
What am I supposed to do? Get myself arrested or make a fool of myself publicly, have my mother die of heartbreak, my brother fired from work for associating with a crazy person? I've talked about these things over and over, nobody is going to do anything. My brother was horrified when they announced gay sex classes for his kid, now he's sending him in. He's like "I don't want my kid to grow up alienated" (like you, he thought) So he chose to participate and he'll likely keep functioning this way. I just want to fuck off somewhere and live even 5 years of my life without having to powerlessly watch everything I love be destroyed by people I hate while everyone is cheering. No two sides of a fight, nothing, just an overwhelming majority cheering while everything is destroyed.

>> No.18788323

Russia is just as pozzed. They want to be a new global superpower and that can't happen without subserviance to the globalists. Same for China.
It's his right but it won't help. Better to go like the soldier at Pompeii. Unless you're a woman, then I understand wanting to flee.

>> No.18788324

Oh I never said I'm going off the grid, but relatively to where I am now, it might as well be. It will be enough just to get away from corporate propaganda, niggers, and tough-talking pussy Americans who treat each other like shit but lick boots like they're spitshining

>> No.18788334

While I sympathize to some extent, this is just a huge cope. Why do you care about those that would betray you in a heartbeat? But yes I'm aware of the situation, my family is the same. I don't fight for them because they wouldn't do the same for me, I fight for myself and what I believe in.

>> No.18788335

Pompei was clearly worth defending to that soldier, what are we defending?

>> No.18788340

you've got a bit of that old warrior blood in you, I know the faggot low T/IQ cucks reading this will laugh, but it's true, it doesn't matter that whatever natural masculinity we had has been flouridated to muck, it's still a fact. I hear you on the family stuff man.

>> No.18788348

>I just can't get the animals out of my mind.
On this. I like animals but all action you can do is individual. You want to be vegan or whatever? Sure do that, but don't delude yourself, it's just about your conscience. You will never change anything. Way more meat than you could possibly eat is thrown in the trash by supermarkets, there is so much surplus that it doesn't even matter that you don't eat meat or whatever the fuck. I don't do it out of ideology, it's purely my own ethics. I have given up long ago believing I could make a change in any possible way. If the future wants everyone to become vegetarian or eat the bugs, they'll make it happen, but it won't be because YOU inspired a change anyway. Actually the only change you will inspire is for meat eaters to double down on consumption. People are so entrenched in their own ideology that they will double down as soon as they know an opposing idea exists.

>> No.18788351

If you don't go completely off grid, it will catch up to you much sooner than you think. There is no escaping it. You think some shithole village will not ask you for vaxx passports eventually? If they're forced by the government they have no choice.

>> No.18788354

Our souls and our integrity. It doesn't have to be material stuff we defend.

>> No.18788371

I understood this years ago mate, all I know is there are people currently profiting off demon-tier horror and misery and I cannot feel comfortable living a comfortable life knowing it. Me ordering the salad at Applebee's isn't gonna trigger a revolution. I do it for myself.

The people I couldn't give a fuck less about. Imagine me wanting to die for a tribe that has never, ever hesitated to let me know I don't belong lol. All I care about is the suffering of the invisible, like me. Is that selfish? yes. It's also fucking based.

>>>18788324 (You)
True to an extent, but you're vastly overestimating how Americanized the rest of the world is, sorry man but some mountain village in Lithuania isn't gonna be telling me to mask up for the local babushkas any time soon

>> No.18788385

What are you doing, anon?
You seem to be excited about telling people to fight this good fight and go down kicking. What are you doing except pushing people off a cliff? You know it's useless, and the "warriors" of the past had a good reason to fight, there was no inevitability at the end, not even after death, they had an afterlife to reward them. Nobody here has anything to defend. Do you hope someone will go nuts and do something epic?

>> No.18788389

How would his soul be worse off innawoods than living and seething in Babylon

>> No.18788395

Why do these issues always come back to /pol/brain nazi LARP for you faggots? Nationalist populism is more bugbrain retardation. Hitler was a degenerate whacko and dissolving yourself in a modern totalitarian overhead is weak-minded fulfillment.

>> No.18788411

I'm sorry I'm not as demoralized as you are. I told you why I fight, I'm not an atheist. I'm just being realistic. Running won't help, it will catch up to you and you will be in the exact same situation, except wondering if it would have been different if you had stayed.
Despite my family and most of my friends being a lost cause, I have found likeminded people around me. We are prepared for whatever may happen.
If you think running away will be better, by all means do it. But you'll be living a life of constant fear, you won't get the repose you're looking for.

>> No.18788413

I've accepted to cope this way, at least for a while. While I do sometimes dream of fucking off and buying property somewhere in a bulgarian village (for anyone curious, you can get like 1 km squared + a ratty old house to fix up for like 25-30.000 euros), I've just accepted that for now, I'll finish my degree, get some work, etcetera. I try to take pride in the small "acts of resistance", like using a flip phone, not being on social media, lifting and reading more than consuming any other media. Maybe one day, if I'm too fed up and the globohomo agenda keeps progressing, I'll run away.

I hope it won't be too late by then.

>> No.18788418

This is an esoteric Hitlerist board.

>> No.18788423

Because he was the only person who came close to success since the 18th century, it's natural he has remained a lightning rod for discontent

>> No.18788426

you have a support network, the rest of us are lone monads floating through the muck.

>> No.18788427

I can't speak for him but to me obviously making a stand is better than fleeing.
You love deepthroating globalist propaganda don't you?

>> No.18788434

Re-read my post
>Despite my family and most of my friends being a lost cause, I have found likeminded people around me. We are prepared for whatever may happen.
It's only a small group. I don't get to see them daily. You can find similar people around you, but you won't find them either staying in your room nor fleeing to the middle of nowhere.

>> No.18788462

why is this thread still up?
don't you poltards have your own containment board?

>> No.18788464

>obviously making a stand is better than fleeing.
Making a stand achieving what? I am not against making a stand, I am saying that making a stand will achieve nothing but actually help establish the current situation. Whatever you do will be nothing but fodder for the narrative. People have already labelled me as a conspiracy theory nut for debating a few things. I'm probably also labeled a retard and a Nazi for expressing concerns over idpol shit taking over. As I mentioned before this found some resistance but people need basically 0 convincing to embrace whatever ideology nowadays. What the media says, they believe. If they perceive the majority agrees, they agree too. If they don't agree, they will be scared to disagree.
I'm sure that if we were 10 year in the future I'd already have been reported to the Stasi equivalent.
On the other hand I can go somewhere that is still not pozzed and live mornings and evenings around people who at least theoretically share my values, and do not talk like drones and whose identity isn't just consooming shit media that I can relate to less than ancient fucking culture from thousands of years ago.

>> No.18788465

why does it bother you so

>> No.18788466

Fuck you, retard. You weak cucks have sabotaged the ethos of resistance and subversion and turned it into a homosexual race wank larp fantasy because you can't stand on your own. You're being played with groupthink mind virus chicanery harder than anyone else.

>> No.18788470

Sorry bro, were we interrupting your Guenon/Lolita/Pynchon thread? Suck my fucking cock, faggot.

>> No.18788490

because it's not literature and it's cringe and low iq, even by lit standards

>> No.18788517

I guess it's one of the few advantages of the situation. There hasn't been mass migration in Europe. Different in the US with their ever porous border.
However the current outsider population in Europe would be an issue anyway, and is growing (comparatively to the natives) so blocking migration is only delaying the issues. Anyway you'll soon regret of time of complaining about Arabs if they install the panopticon society.

>> No.18788537

>There hasn't been mass migration in Europe.
lol what, where I live they have literally doubled in the past year

>> No.18788546

I see no falsehoods in this post

>> No.18788549

>Anyway you'll soon regret of time of complaining about Arabs
Muslims were never a factor. They were just used to help remove the last shreds of Christian identity (Muslims are offended by this Christian thing, remove it) but new generations are already absorbed by the new shit. There was a first gen that was a bit reactionary but I'm sure this phase is over.

>> No.18788550

Agayben is fucking stupid.

>> No.18788605

Look man, you do whatever you think is best. I completely understand your situation because mine is not very different, including the remark about the Stasi (I've made this exact comment but make it 5 years). But I can guarantee you that wherever you run, you are taking with you that which you are running from. You will not find the peace you are looking for somewhere in some remote village. Those people will not want you there, you aren't like them, same with Californians fleeing to conservative states in the US, and the only reason they aren't pozzed yet is because globohomo hasn't reached them yet. But that won't last.

>> No.18788623

>this is your brain on globalist propaganda
keep seething, tranny

>> No.18788625

Anon, I know it won't last. It's about dying then versus dying now.

>> No.18788635

Paraguay is a good place to run to. I lived there for a bit in my youth. Beautiful country, good people, what degeneracy exists there is excusable, even admirable defects, teenagers having a lot of sex and getting pregnant young for example. Not the endlessly stagnant mana of western youth.

But lets stop with the doom and gloom about resistance here. Yes, the Empire is global, but what does it mean to be global? If you look at global trade, roughly 80 percent of all value is transported by sea. This can be seen in the increasing desolation of "flyover country" the world over, as what was previously the heartlands becomes the periphery, while power is concentrated into a few global port cities. It's a general rule that conquering warrior types come from the periphery, so in a modern context this perennial law can be applied to mean that any warrior movement will have to come from land-locked, mostly rural poverty. I think America is overdue for a Yihetuan Movement myself.

And stop shaking in fear of opposing the entire world. The entire world is passive, its neither here nor there, and has no deep convictions besides a desire to follow power where power presents itself. Xenophon commanded 4000 Greek hoplites through Persia when the entire world was against them, and lived to tell about it. Cortez with only 400 well armed soldiers ended a great Empire. What they had was surprise, and a few well armed well trained men without options. Maybe the entire world is against you, but the entire world is spread out around the entire world, so if you make a decisive blow at a single point, nothing can be done to oppose you.

Around 80% of world trade is done by water. Of that, almost all of it passes through two central choke-holds: The Suez and Panama Canal zones. Those two points are the arteries of the beast, and if you can cut them, even with a small knife, it will hemorrhage.

>> No.18788667

>(meme quote) (buzzword) (buzzword)

>> No.18788698

>those people will not want you there
If you're not a dick then they dont care

>> No.18788722

Talking to a cousin of mine a while ago he said the same thing, if we find the need to move out, then Paraguay would be a good choice.

>> No.18788751

>>pour vivre heureux vivons cachés, Florian
If you don't mind living with extremely limited social contact (which isn't an off possibility on 4chan) you could just hide in plain sight and play dumb the few times you are confronted.
The problem is that we are entering a "whitelist" society, so not being blacklisted might not be enough. You'll have to explicitly bow down to the globohomo. The number of those not immediately following the incentives for that will be small enough that chasing them is a possibility. The "sanitary" passes are a important step in that direction.

I agree that the periphery is where the future comes from, as it always did. People that will be branded as barbarians by the current powers.

>> No.18788807

>The problem is that we are entering a "whitelist" society, so not being blacklisted might not be enough. You'll have to explicitly bow down to the globohomo.
This is explicitly why people want to run.

>> No.18788820

This started as an okay thread then turned into /pol/ faggotry

>> No.18788844

You started as an okay person then turned into trans faggotry

>> No.18788959

Oh, there's a big collection of English translations that I missed:


>> No.18789494

>kill oneself
>be born again in this shithole

>> No.18789593
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I have mixed feelings, in one hand we are going to be witness of the end of times, in the other hand we are going to LIVE through those times.
Any books that describe this feeling, besides obviously Revelations from The Bible.

>> No.18789713

Biden put a Jewess in charge of the CDC right before the lockdowns. Cohencidence?

>> No.18789736
File: 12 KB, 183x275, beholdapalehorse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philip K. Dick's novels are good for this. None of them exactly, I think, predicted the current mess we're in, but overall the mixture of the mundane, the plucky average bourgeois schmuck living his day-to-day life and trying to just get by best as he can, with the increasingly dystopian and the heartless political rulers presenting a fake picture of reality to the masses, is PKD all the way through. He even had Bible-like experiences himself.

"Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said" is one of my favorites. Also, at times like these, the works of conspiracy theorists are surprisingly relevant. William Cooper's "Behold A Pale Horse" is far from right about everything, but he was warning about the socialist U.N.-backed takeover of the planet decades ago, and even was talking about the risk of bioengineered pandemics then forced vaccines in some interview of his with CNN (when CNN wasn't quite so pozzed as it was now and was willing to give people like him some airtime, even if it was just to see what "America's crazy conspiracy theorists" think).

Get this: in the 1990s, he was warning about how the threat of Islamic fundamentalist terrorism on the one hand, and of White supremacist/patriot/militia American domestic terrorism on the other hand, would be used to justify disarming the American people and furthering the creation of a totalitarian police state.

This is going to sound like FaceBook boomer stuff more fit for /pol/ or /x/ but it's worth looking through if it piqued your interest. I'll dig up the relevant quotes in a second.


>> No.18789742

>Get this: in the 1990s, he was warning about how the threat of Islamic fundamentalist terrorism on the one hand, and of White supremacist/patriot/militia American domestic terrorism on the other hand, would be used to justify disarming the American people and furthering the creation of a totalitarian police state.
Thanks for the answer and information, by the way.

>> No.18789747

Times are shit and future seems worse, but I wouldn't go saying its the judgement day coming. Especially when nobody knows the day.

>> No.18789763
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>Ruby Ridge, the Waco Massacre, the attack against Patriots and Militias, and other acts of aggression against the American People who might combat this fraud are acts of war. These acts are designed to demonize fundamentalist Christians, Jews, Moslems, the lawful Militia, and anyone else who might fight in defense of the Constitution or Freedom. These terrorist acts deliver a message to the American People that any opposition to the new world supra government will be met with overwhelming force and the complete genocide of the enemies of socialism.


>MAJESTYTWELVE stated that the first terrorist attack in the United States would occur in a large city such as New York or Los Angeles. Based upon that statement I accurately predicted that it would occur in New York, and it did when the World Trade Center was bombed.

>MAJESTYTWELVE stated that terrorism would continue until the American People consented to be completely and thoroughly disarmed. The document stated that the second major target would be, "somewhere in the heartland such as Oklahoma City". The actual target was not named. Since the document was not specific as to the actual target and its location I did not predict Oklahoma City... but my prediction of continued terrorist attacks including major attacks upon the "heartland" of America was accurate.

>The World Trade Center bombing, the bombing of the Oklahoma City Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building and mass shootings by mental and ex-mental patients of large numbers of men, women and children (Stockton California and many others) were, and will continue to be intentional acts of war designed to spread terror and a feeling of helplessness. Most of the ex or current mental patients who have perpetrated these acts are in fact innocent victims of mind control projects that are in activation to further the interests of the socialist new world order.

>> No.18789771


The demonization of the lawful Militia following the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City caused many People to abandon the cause of Freedom. The sheople were psychologically "shock" programmed to believe that the Militia and Patriots were the cause of the bombing even though the FBI issued a statement admitting that there was absolutely no Patriot or Militia involvement of any kind whatsoever.

The FBI appears to have orchestrated the attack upon the World Trade Center. Information was printed in the New York Times that proved the FBI taught the terrorists how to drive the van, build the bomb, place it in the building, and detonate the bomb. One of the FBI operatives/informants attempted to secure permission from the FBI to substitute inert ingredients so that no explosion would take place and no one could be injured. The Senior FBI agent in charge denied the request. The informant taped all of his conversations with FBI agents. A transcript of the applicable tapes was printed in the New York Times. The judge refused to allow the tapes to be presented in court in defense of the FBI operative/informant and, as usual, he was thrown to the wolves.

The attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building was designed to affect the "Heartland" so that no one will feel safe. These acts in the manner of Hegel's Dialectic are leading to a need for the elimination of the Rights of individuals and the disarmament of all peoples so that the world supra government can step up to provide the solution which will be artificial safety and security from terrorism. Thesis against antithesis equals synthesis. One result, there were many more, was the Omnibus Counter Terrorism Act which followed that gives the President the power to label any group or organization a "terrorist organization" and to arrest, imprison, and/or deport any political opposition, without trial, without Habeas Corpus, and without explanation of any kind.

If these acts of terror do not succeed there will be more bombings, chemical, or biological attacks. They will escalate in the destruction, maiming and killing of men women and especially children. More shootings at shopping centers, restaurants, and schools will occur. As a last resort, if all else fails, the Illuminati are prepared to detonate an atomic weapon in a large American city such as New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles. A war may be promulgated in the Middle East in order to provide the excuse needed to explain terrorist attacks upon the United States of America to the American sheople in order that they will accept personal disarmament in the interest of peace and security. (Not long after we posted this paragraph President Clinton attempted to justify another Middle Eastern war but was embarrassed on national television by students, during an "Town Meeting" at a well known and very large American University, who made it quite clear that his war was racist and totally unacceptable... BRAVO!)

>> No.18789776

Idk Russian Revolution was pretty predictable and look how that went anyways. Arguably the same with the French Revolution as well.

>> No.18789778

Since the United States Army's announcement of the inoculation of all of its personnel with Anthrax vaccine I can safely predict that the next large terrorist event within the borders of the United States of America may be biological using Anthrax as the agent of destruction and death. Anyone care to take me up on this with a substantial bet?

Saddam Hussein was trained by the CIA. Saddam Hussein was put in power in Iraq by the CIA under George Bush. The United States armed Iraq and gave Saddam Hussein the technology and scientific knowledge to create weapons of mass destruction. The United States sold Anthrax to Iraq.

Saddam Hussein functions as the big "bogeyman" of the world so that the UN can cement its authority over so-called sovereign nations. That is why Saddam Hussein was not killed during the Gulf War. His purpose is to function as an "Anti-Christ" to create terror in the minds of the sheople of the world. The Gulf War actually helped Iraq solve a serious population problem that was also in line with the goals of the new world order. Saddam was only going by the script given to him and played his role very well.

A best selling videotape called "The Late Great Planet Earth" concerning prophecy and narrated by Orson Wells (once again he plays a significant part in the mind control of America) was shown on television and sold worldwide for several years preceding the Gulf War. It showed a Muslim "antichrist" as the clone image of Saddam Hussein, uniform, beret, and all. Even the facial features of this "video antichrist were those of Saddam Hussein.

The goal, of course, will be the destruction of national sovereignty worldwide, the establishment of a one world socialist government under the United Nations, disarmament of all nations, and the establishment of a world police force.

The Gulf War was actually rehearsed every year for many years in "Operation Bright Star" which actually named Kuwait as the "small nation" which would be attacked by a "larger neighbor nation". Operation Bright Star was outlined thoroughly in a book published by Arco Press entitled "U. S. Rapid Deployment Forces" several years before the Gulf War took place. In the book Kuwait was named as the small nation that would be attacked by it's larger neighbor nation. Saddam Hussein played his part well... and you wondered why we never killed him. Ask the Illuminati's George Bush.

The terrorists attacks which will be launched in the United States will be blamed upon middle eastern religious fanatics, Christian fundamentalists, white supremacists, Patriots, or Militias. A more immediate result of these operations will be the increased use of military forces, weaponry, and equipment such as tanks and armored personnel carriers in civilian law enforcement, the suspension or elimination of Habeas Corpus, the elimination of jury trials, the attempted disarming of the American People, and the institution of martial law with show-trials conducted by a tribunal of judges.

>> No.18789806
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William Cooper, who wrote this stuff I just posted in 1997 at the link of hott.com (Hour of the Time) I just gave, was a Naval intelligence whistleblower who claimed to have seen these documents as a young man who climbed up the ranks of Naval intelligence, served in the Vietnam War, and was preferred for these roles due to his youthful membership in the DeMolay International, a fraternal order similar to/loosely affiliated with the Freemasons, named after Jacques de Molay of the Knights Templar.

>> No.18790114

There were two Russian revolutions in the same year. The first one was predictable and widely applauded, the second one wasn't. No one really cared about Bolsheviks as a political party competing with others.

>> No.18790125
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>> No.18790186

You seem unhinged. Yes I think people masking up is no more deep than people trying to protect themselves & others. You think during the spanish flu people weren't masking up? .

>> No.18790319

>Majesty 12
>Majestic 12


>> No.18790358
File: 8 KB, 251x201, APOOPOOHAPPY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are compelling, persuasive arguments that masking is not as effective as thought, and with the masks frequently used, possibly not really that effective at all except in preventing droplets of saliva from getting out. In fact, here's an email from Fauci himself:

>Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, replies to an email from Sylvia Burwell, who was health and human services secretary for three years under President Barack Obama. Sylvia asked for advice about wearing face masks while traveling. Anthony Fauci's reply is dated February 5, 2020: “The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material. It might, however, provide some slight benefit in keeping out gross droplets if someone coughs or sneezes on you. I do not recommend that you wear a mask, particularly since you are going to a very low risk location.”


Asymptomatic transmission is extremely rare, if not totally non-existent. It's much rarer than the news has made it seem, and in fact some very commonsense, practical, qualified doctors -- such as Dr. Michael Yeadon, immunologist, former head of Allergy & Respiratory Research at Pfizer, and also an ex-Pfizer VP, as well Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, a Thai-German-American microbiologist, have pointed out the obvious fact that quarantine is supposed to be of SICK or INFECTIOUS people, as well as that if you're not showing symptoms of a disease, you're obviously highly unlikely to be sick or infectious.

In other words, if you don't feel like you have a flu, you don't need to call in sick from work or wear a mask. However, for COVID-19, which is comparable in mortality to a flu -- OK, it's much bigger just by proportion, but it's still overall <1% mortality rate -- we've decided that it's somehow different. Even if you don't show symptoms, apparently, we need to "quarantine" you.

Also, these doctors, and other experts being censored by Big Tech and not given any airtime on the mainstream media, have also pointed out how asinine, if not outright sinister, it is to force vaccines on populations at a very low risk of dying from them. The average age of death from COVID-19 in the West is ~73. The majority of COVID-19 deaths (as much as 96%, in some studies) had multiple pre-existing conditions (most prominent among these being obesity), as well as were Vitamin D and Zinc deficient. Why don't we recommend people take Vitamin D and Zinc to keep their immune systems safe?

Also, why do we push the vaccine to kids and preteens, when they are more likely to die in a car crash, and about as likely to die in a lightning strike?

>inb4 "tl;dr faggot lol'

OK, good luck then lol.

pic related

>> No.18790621

>particularly since you are going to a very low risk location
Because she is "going to a very low risk location". In any case this doesn't refute anything I said. Still not anymore a religion than when people wore masks during the Spanish Flu.
> in fact some very commonsense, practical, qualified doctors -- such as Dr. Michael Yeadon, immunologist, former head of Allergy & Respiratory Research at Pfizer, and also an ex-Pfizer VP, as well Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, a Thai-German-American microbiologist
So a couple doctors... I can list many more that disagree. I see no reason why I should take your word that these two individuals are more qualified than the majority of doctors that disagree.
>it is to force vaccines on populations at a very low risk of dying from themThe average age of death from COVID-19 in the West is ~73. The majority of COVID-19 deaths (as much as 96%, in some studies) had multiple pre-existing conditions (most prominent among these being obesity), as well as were Vitamin D and Zinc deficient.
We already do it for other diseases to protect those that are vulnerable like the immunocompromised. No one is denying that the vast majority of deaths are the elderly or those with pre-existing conditions. I don't particularly want to see my grandparents & other older relatives die.

>> No.18790629

>I will believe some doctors, but not others, as consensus is what determines validity


>> No.18790637

byun chul hack

>> No.18790664

Thank you for this

>> No.18790711
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There's no use arguing because this isn't a type of thing, in my opinion, where arguments change people's opinions. Only if you're already predisposed to be skeptical of the mainstream media, will you get what I mean, and look out for information that confirms your worldview. Basically, both you and I are stuck in confirmation bias, only seeking out info that confirms both our views, and I doubt either of us will budge. But I'll go on for the hell of it and since other people might be enlightened a little bit by the argument.

Even your grandparents have less than a 5% chance of dying from COVID-19 according to some statistical projections, though. That's relatively huge, compared to the flu, but guess what -- the ones who die were the unhealthier ones on the verge of death in a few years anyway. Old people also die from the flu -- particularly, again, the unhealthy ones with pre-existing conditions, and/or already in the hospital or in nursing homes -- it comes in and kills them off.

Where do we distinguish between how many excess deaths of the elderly and already very unhealthy are required to lock down everything and ruin life for the healthy, fit, and younger? The flu kills tens of thousands a year in the US, COVID-19 has killed hundreds of thousands (and many of these -- a HUGE amount, can't remember off the top of my head, but I can find it if you wish) were from Democrat governors letting COVID-19 infected patients be put in nursing homes, which is itself very sinister and suspicious.

>Because she is "going to a very low risk location".In any case this doesn't refute anything I said. Still not anymore a religion than when people wore masks during the Spanish Flu.

That wasn't the only thing said in the email. You dodged all the other things in it. Also, in the beginning of the pandemic, Fauci and the CDC were saying precisely that masks are not really necessary for healthy people, and are typically used by people already sick/infectious, or people like doctors and nurses who are involved, for instance, in surgeries, and don't want saliva droplets to do nasty things like enter people's innards while they're being cut open and infect them.

The mask, in my opinion, is a sort of placebo, meant to make everything seem more scary than it really is. Psychological warfare. "Everyone's wearing masks, therefore something very dangerous must be going on."

>"okaaayyyy... and what's your proof for that?"

What's your proof Fauci and the MSM are reliable and trustworthy when they've flip-flopped numerous times on whether we should wear masks, whether or not we need booster shots, and so forth? If you can take this leap of faith to trust them, why can't I take the leap of faith of distrusting them?

>"as we get more knowledge and the pandemic progresses, we learn more. There's nothing sinister about it."

Then, at minimum, you have to admit they could be wrong right now and update/change their recommendations again as time goes on.

>> No.18790722

Also this post >>18790629 is effectively my response to "Why should I trust Bhakdi and Yeadon?" Furthermore, if anything, they're more trustworthy because they've LOST public respect and their reputation for saying what they've said. Moreover, this is apocryphal, but Yeadon says many of his colleagues agree some time of medical mismanagement is going on, lots of examples of inane recommendations that seemingly don't make sense to them as doctors, but they keep their mouths shut and their head bowed down because they don't want to embarrass themselves, risk their reputation, maybe even be criticized by the board of directors/management and lose their job, as has happened in the most dramatic scenarios.

>> No.18790807

I love when you people show your true colors.
At least I got to bury my parents. You'll be buried by yours (under your birth name).

>> No.18790826

Fucking Montesqieu talking about specious reasoning

>> No.18791077
File: 55 KB, 731x395, Screenshot (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is everyone so depressed in this thread? Things are really going to kick off in the next few decades when capitalism grinds to a halt. There's going to be plenty of fun, so stop moping and get ready for it.

>> No.18791081

>when capitalism grinds to a halt
Just lmao

>> No.18791278

I just want this to end...
Everyone just keeps their head down because they do not have any energy left to deal with the media and covid busy bodies. It is so depressing.

>> No.18791291

>You think during the spanish flu people weren't masking up?
The majority wasn't. That is indeed the case.

>> No.18791300

i cant tell whos trolling who anymore

>> No.18791318

The CDC released a report in 2007 based upon two decades of studies of mask use in asian countries and their conclusion was:
>disposable and reusable masks are more trouble than they are worth
Because they are only slightly effective when used properly, which no one ever does, and they also provide a false sense of security which leads to unsanitary behaviour.

Also something worth mentioning, I used to work in tunnel construction and during the construction process we had wear properly sealed respirators because of silica dust (10 microns) whereas covid is around 1 micron. If any workers showed up without a completely shaven face they were forced to shave before entering the tunnel, as the slightest amount of facial hair would prevent the mask from being a clean seal.

>> No.18791322

Anon, we are all in this together... just wear your mask to signal that you are a good person.

>> No.18791327

I stay at home and only go out after dark. Doing my best to avoid people now that being an introvert is socially acceptable (and encouraged) :^)

>> No.18791372
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Exactly! thank you for the response -- it's even better than what I was saying, and I either forgot or didn't look at information like this sufficiently. I was lukewarmly saying they may not even be that effective, but what you're saying (that they are completely useless for anything except keeping spit droplets from getting on other people) is even more accurate, I think.

This whole pandemic is so terribly mismanaged, and the authoritarian over-reaction to it so great, that people are brainwashed into thinking it all has to be valid. It's basically the Big Lie propaganda technique: tell a lie so huge that people will believe it, because they can't believe you'd lie about something so big, then keep repeating the lie. And the maniacs behind it are obviously sadistic, sociopathic, and utterly conscienceless. The terrible fact is that it could inspire you to become sadistic and tough and mean yourself, when you get so disgusted at how everyone seems to go along with it.

>He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become Alex Jones. And when you gaze long enough into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
Freddie Nigger

>> No.18791397

>and the authoritarian over-reaction to it so great, that people are brainwashed into thinking it all has to be valid
The crazy thing is how willing people are to police each other. People against masks are straight up called murderers. Anti-vax/anti-maskers are considered to be a criminal class, and all the blame for government mismanagement of covid is now shifted to them.
How long until we are forced to walk around with yellow stars? Lmao.

>> No.18791415

Hate to break it to you, but the magicians don't actually saw their assistants in half on stage

>> No.18791420

Capitalism is long dead

>> No.18791625

I think this is very true, everything can be rationalized, even the flip-flops on masks and vaccines being safe then unsafe can be rationalized as a learning process, or perfection through experience which will ensure things go better in the future. But at the same time this is much like the person caught in a lie who must convince himself of a false memory and world in order to avoid punishment, or simply being found out.
And one can never take another at face value, especially when upstanding character is so rare. Most of the people calling for restrictions and even dancing for medical tiktok are hurting, they are experiencing a deep existential crisis. This is clear in the migration out of the cities, as well as the refusal to go back to work, and now the nurse 'heroes' who are quitting en masse, refusing vaccination, or just refusing overtime and restrictions. This will not only end in an economic disaster but also medical since many hospitals are short resources to begin with and many are limiting emergency room services.
This is something of an unspoken revolt against technology.

>> No.18792326

Yes they do

>> No.18792496

Honestly that's why they also mandated social distancing. AFAIK the masks are just meant to prevent droplets of spittle from flying around when you breathe or talk.
Anyway the shitty masks and social distancing in combination are supposed to do something for airborne diseases in an emergency situation (assuming Covid is an emergency) for the general population that (as you said) will never be able to do something more complicated.
My concern is what's going to happen if you're constantly living short on oxygen, because they do cut you off pretty substantially. I wonder about the long term psychological effects also, hugging people is becoming some kind of taboo thing, maybe we'll grow antennae so we can do like other insects do.
And of course the complete destruction of Western economy, that's going to be fun in a few years.

Anyway I'm not getting too worked up about the cuckmuzzle. I also enjoy not having to smile to people, I can sneer in disgust all I want in public. It's the fucking experimental vaccine that concerns me and with the pass shit I assume I won't even be able to buy food without soon.

>> No.18792549


Shut up pussy

>> No.18792555

It's 99.5% actually.
They even made a laughable article on how the "facebook memes" that said 99.8% were "wrong" and it was "actually" 99.5% which "may not look like much" but "spread over the whole population is quite significant"

>> No.18792567

Many countries tried that (Spain, Italy, Canada, Australia, China, etc.) And they still had massive outbreaks in winter 2020 and right now.

Widespread lockdowns don't work. They never worked. They've never been used in this way ever before in the history of human kind, this is the real experiment.

>> No.18792574

Your average redneck and your average immigrant have one thing in common: they don't trust the government entirely.

"Intellectuals" like to mock these people and in thus particular case use their lack of education to imply that their ideas are stupid and dangerous, but they ironically completely fail to understand their point: government and politicians should not be blidnly trusted.

>> No.18792620

>On the one hand I'm horrified how many people fail to see the obvious orwellian implications
You are naive. They perfectly understand. They're just too scared to fight back.

>> No.18792623

>Widespread lockdowns don't work. They never worked. They've never been used in this way ever before in the history of human kind, this is the real experiment.
Local lockdowns can work if the disease is detected very early. Talking city sized at most, and enforced militarily. Since the powers that be in the west denied the existence or potential severity of the disease for three months the lockdown after that were useless. Remember how panicking about covid in January 2020 (that is at the time when it was a rational thing to do) was racist and the "hug a Chinese" bullshit?

People well connected or well in line with the current public institutions are much more prone to falling for propaganda because they broadly identify with those institutions. Imagine if even half of the measures taken against covid had been taken by someone like Hitler. How much more defiance would there be in the smug morons posting on social media about every unvaccinated person dying and wishing there were more. When Xi ordered a very local lockdown around Wuhan he was treated as a madman in the western press.

>> No.18792626

>the "hug a Chinese" bullshit?
holy cringe, white people really did this? I can't imagine being Asian and having pasty fat white women try to hug me for solidarity

>> No.18792658
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>> No.18792670

>if you don't take the shot the virus will evolve
does vaccination even prevent the onset of new "variants"?

>> No.18792673

Viruses are "evolving" (not really the best term here) all the time. The current jabs do not stop this at all, only put more pressure on variant selection. The virus is more likely to mutate into something dangerous by vaxmaxxing with the current injections.
I can see the self satisfied expression on whatever moron made that picture.

>> No.18792678

>The virus is more likely to mutate into something dangerous by vaxmaxxing with the current injections.
Can you explain that in layman terms?

>> No.18792723

By January it was already too late. COVID has been in circulation outside of China since October 2020.

And yes, you're right. Localized lockdowns, not city-wide. Much less country-wide.

The fact that such drastic measures aren't taken for outbreaks of Ebola or AIDS (when it's method of transmission was unknown) should raise some questions from the regular popluation.
>Imagine if even half of the measures taken against covid had been taken by someone like Hitler
He did with Tuberculosis and disabilities. Hell, his eugenics bullshit was all about maintaining "purity" and "cleanliness".
There is a somewhat prevalent theory between skeptics that the vaccine puts more pressure on the virus to become more virulent. Basically since vaccinated people are less prone to present symptoms and transmit the virus, any mutation that evades vaccination (or transmits easier) will become the prevalent strain

>> No.18792882


>> No.18793303

Nature is neutral.

>> No.18793342


>> No.18793356

Vaccines obviously select for vaccine resistant mutations

>> No.18793621
File: 8 KB, 287x176, rothschildsclintons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100%. Then the media gaslights you by taking sensible stuff that dissenters are saying, and calling them "far-right lunatics who can't appreciate the suffering of minorities." It's the Zionist Jewish anti-White far-left takeover, ironically, and it's taken me years to accept this since I didn't want to be thought of as a /pol/-tard or neo-Nazi. Hitler sucked, sure, but so do the Rothschilds & co. who run everything.

Pic related, Lady Lynn de Rothschild and Sir Evelyn Rothschild with the Clintons. To be a "far-right White nationalist anti-vaxxer" is now like being a Jew in Nazi Germany, complete with the Antifa/BLM anti-White Kristallnacht to intimidate Whites and inculcate a sense of fear into us goyim. Funded and supported by Jewish banker George Soros, of course.

>> No.18794612

>The fact that such drastic measures aren't taken for outbreaks of Ebola or AIDS
Don't forget H1N1 and SARS.

>> No.18794702
File: 78 KB, 600x421, seattle-police.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no, the world has never seen this before, it's the end of freedom !!! The medical control state is coming
>Chicago, along with many other cities across the United States, closes theaters, movie houses and night schools and prohibit public gatherings.
>San Francisco’s Board of Health requires any person serving the public to wear masks and issues strong recommendation to all residents to wear masks in public.
>Salt Lake City officials place quarantine signs on front and rear doors of 2,000 homes where occupants have been struck with flu.
>Public health officials begin education programs and publicity about dangers of coughing and sneezing; careless disposal of “nasal discharges.”

>> No.18794708

Damn, I am having the opposite problem. I am hoping my shit dad dies so I can get my inheritance. The motherfucker isn't even dying as he gets sicker. Hopefully the booster shot offs him.
Also condolences to your mom, but I have a bad relationship with both of my parents.

>> No.18794726

> ics, quantum physics
tf did you just say, faggot?

>> No.18794749

Technocracy is better than Democracy, anyway. If that's their end-game, then let's go.

>> No.18794759

>To be a "far-right White nationalist anti-vaxxer" is now like being a Jew in Nazi Germany
*is now like being a kulak in soviet Russia

>> No.18794851
File: 15 KB, 316x202, ep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The homosexual and transgender identity
Imagine basing your identity on what you want you to fuck.
The concept of "sexual identity" is one of the biggest forced memes in history.
Trannies are literally engaging in biological warfare against their bodies. HRT is the commodification of secondary sex characteristics. Capitalism is literally deconstructing the human body and reconstructing it so as to turn every aspect of it into a market commodity that you have to buy back from pharmaceutical companies. These people literally allowing themselves to be reconstructed according to the logic of the market rendering them completely dependent on technologies created by pharmaceutical companies so that they can become life long sources of profits for these companies.
Can you not see the absolute insanity of this?
The market is devouring all nature and culture and incorporating it into itself, transforming all that is into objectively and rationally quantifiable market commodities and completely subordinating them to the logic of the market.
Transgenderism is the evilest thing I can imagine.

>> No.18794872

no, the market is. the market is satanic

>> No.18794874
File: 494 KB, 1024x768, heidegger-crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are there any philosophers who avoid this and just write clearly and get to the point?
Heidegger. Not even kidding.

>> No.18794905

Yeah, you're right.
I meant that transgenderism is the evilest thing imaginable, in that it, as the most outstanding way in which the market has begun to deconstruct gender and our bodies, demonstrates that the market is the the anti-christ.

>> No.18794937

what do you guys think the survival rate be if didn't wear masks, went on lockdowns from time to time etc like we have done?

>> No.18794950

I know, it just needed to be said: the market is satanic. the market is evil, a world-eater. Klages was right about everything.

>> No.18794956

I don't give a fuck about the meme flu, if the government actually cared about public health they'd shut down fast food businesses

>> No.18794967

0.5% of the total world population is still a shit ton of people you retard

>> No.18794982

The survival rate is the % of people that survived having contracted the virus. Masks and lockdowns are to prevent people from getting the virus, it doesn't change the severity of the symptoms. So it would be the exact same. I can't believe this even needs to be explained

>> No.18794988

Yes, in that vaccination prevents it from spreading as much, and each time it spreads there is a small chance of a new variant being created

>> No.18794998
File: 81 KB, 828x619, icecreamfordementia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good correction.

>> No.18795035

you are right, i wrote it wrong. although you are assuming the virus would spread equally when in reality infection prevention measures are more strongly respected by and around high-risk people, so i think the survival rate would change but i wasn't talking about this

what i was trying to get at, is to understand what measures if any would have been reasonable to stop this virus, and on the other hand how strong would a virus need to be for it to warrant the kind of measures that have been put in place for this one

>> No.18795069

No, a vaccination that doesn't offer immunity increases variants. That's basic biology retard.

>> No.18795089

>0.5% of the total world population is still a shit ton of people you retard
but that's implying that the entire world population contracts the virus, the statistic is on people who actually fall ill with coronavirus

>> No.18795459

If no measures were taken to prevent the spread because 'durr 99.5% survival what's the big deal' then it would spread to the majority of the world population

>> No.18795527

i'm waiting for the persecution against information that goes in opposition to the GLOBALLY imposed measures, banning medication, demanding vaccine passaports, etc.
if you think it is just the same (2,000 homes in quarantine holy fucking lol) you are an utter imbecile, btw you haven't left your house have you?

>> No.18795851

>To be a "far-right White nationalist anti-vaxxer" is now like being a Jew in Nazi Germany
do you realize how pathetic & womanly it is to play the victim all the time? rightoids should understand this better than anyone since they’re all about muh masculinity, and yet they don’t

>> No.18796177

Understandable. I had a complicated relationship with my father and felt nothing when he dropped five years ago. It was different when my mom died because I loved her. They both left me money, though.

>> No.18796183

It would still be the common cold.

>> No.18796195

This seems right to me but I find it hard to believe that it was ever any different.

>> No.18796207

You mean to say he discovered what everyone on this site was saying before the "pandemic" began except turned it into overly-verbose pseud drivel? Based!

>> No.18796522

>in that vaccination prevents it from spreading as much
But it doesn't? The mask and stay at home is forced.

>> No.18796724

What the fuck? Are you retarded? The entire left is about playing the victim. Don't gaslight me, retard. Everyone can play identity politics and the race/gender card except for White males? Do you even realize how stupid you sound right now? Get off the Internet, consider how stupid you are, then come back and write something that makes sense.

>nahh shieeettt mane Blacks ain't in a shitty state cuz all the dads leave their children and we all smokin meth and doing fentanyl and our kids joining gangs and shieettt, it's because the White man is keeping us down yo. We don't have any self-responsibility, we's oppressed

>> No.18796748

>>1879585112. Those who are most sensitive about “politically incorrect” terminology are not the average black ghetto- dweller, Asian immigrant, abused woman or disabled person, but a minority of activists, many of whom do not even belong to any “oppressed” group but come from privileged strata of society. Political correctness has its stronghold among university professors, who have secure employment with comfortable salaries, and the majority of whom are heterosexual white males from middle- to upper-middle-class families.

13. Many leftists have an intense identification with the problems of groups that have an image of being weak (women), defeated (American Indians), repellent (homosexuals) or otherwise inferior. The leftists themselves feel that these groups are inferior. They would never admit to themselves that they have such feelings, but it is precisely because they do see these groups as inferior that they identify with their problems. (We do not mean to suggest that women, Indians, etc. ARE inferior; we are only making a point about leftist psychology.)

14. Feminists are desperately anxious to prove that women are as strong and as capable as men. Clearly they are nagged by a fear that women may NOT be as strong and as capable as men.

15. Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist’s real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful.

et cetera

>> No.18796751

edit** meant for >>18795851

>> No.18797117

It's over, everyone

>> No.18797223

>The entire left is about playing the victim.
Yep and it’s just as pathetic when they do it.

>> No.18797884

Can't you read instead of writing inane unworthy posts?

>> No.18797894

I've been meaning to check him out, actually
Where do I start with him?

>> No.18797992

bro the common cold doesn't have >15% mortality rate among old people

>> No.18798013

Its been a year and a half

>> No.18798017


>> No.18798102

This worries me to quite some extend.