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File: 1.44 MB, 600x505, 123718237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1877108 No.1877108 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/'s favorite movies?


>> No.1877110

>cleverly disguised non-/lit/ thread.

oh u.

>> No.1877112


>> No.1877114
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>implying it was cleverly disguised

>> No.1877115

Mulholland Drive.

>> No.1877116

Wings of Desire.

>> No.1877119
File: 58 KB, 526x363, 1295404975341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to be a prick, but you summerfags need to stop using "implying" every time you greentext.

It wasn't implied if he stated it directly. You're misusing the word. Just a minor gripe, I know, but I see it every five seconds on this board and it's becoming an annoyance.

>> No.1877120

that cats eyes haunt me

>> No.1877123

Vanilla Sky
American Beauty

>> No.1877126


Everything else is mostly adaptations of my favourite books.

>> No.1877133

I stand corrected.

Le trou.

>> No.1877135

oh y'know all that TTLY INDIE STUFF

>> No.1877138
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>Implying anyone gives a fuck what bothers you

>> No.1877142
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There we go.

Thanks, /lit/. <3

>> No.1877153

Blade Runner (Mostly the Final Cut)
Good Night and Good Luck
The Baader-Meinhoff Complex
Fight Club
Black Swan
The Blues Brothers

>> No.1877164

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly

>> No.1877871


Are you 12? I suggest check out the Criterion Collection?


Also, they did make movies before the 80's and there are more more than James Patterson and RL Stine.

>> No.1877872

Harold and Maude
The Graduate

I also love Charlie Kaufman's films, but I don't love them enough to add them to my favourites.

>> No.1877878
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not updated

>> No.1877883

This inferior kiddie art has a whole board to itself, you know.

>> No.1877887

The Testament of Dr. Mabuse
The Great Dictator
City Lights
Three Colors: Blue
The Red Shoes

>> No.1877896

>inferior kiddie art

>> No.1877898
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>> No.1877900

holy shit

>> No.1877901
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Apocalypse now, Requiem for a dream, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Lord of the Flies, The Mosquito Coast, Little ashes, Agora, the dark knight, V for Vendetta, Hard Candy, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Sleepers, Trainspottig, 12 monkeys, Germany year zero, The Fight Club, Memento, Pi: faith on chaos, Cube, Magnolia, inception, Irreversible, Rashomon, Mulholland drive, the grapes of wrath, Open your eyes, Solarys, Alpha dog, The big lebowski, Life is Beautyful, Titanic, A Clockwork orange, Matrix, the ape's planet, Pulp Fiction, The Silence of the Lambs, the others, Dead Poets Society,Apocalypse now, Requiem for a dream, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Lord of the Flies, The Mosquito Coast, Little ashes, Agora, the dark knight, V for Vendetta, Hard Candy, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Sleepers, Trainspottig, 12 monkeys, Germany year zero, The Fight Club, Memento, Pi: faith on chaos, Cube, Magnolia, inception, Irreversible, Primer, Rashomon, Mulholland drive, the grapes of wrath, Open your eyes, Solarys, Alpha dog, The big lebowski, Life is Beautyful, Titanic, A Clockwork orange, Matrix, the ape's planet, Pulp Fiction, The Silence of the Lambs, the others, Dead Poets Society, 2001 A Space Odissey, Braveheart Braveheart.

>> No.1877904

Tree of Life

Are you not entertainned, is this not why you're here?!

>> No.1877905

As much as I like discussion of films on /lit/ we don't need a thread of this every week.

It's the same 12 people listing their same favourite films. We should talk about specific films/directors instead of listing again.

Ozu is the greatest.

>> No.1877912

The Princess Bride.

>> No.1877915

"I only watch intelligent movies for intelligent persons such as myself."

>> No.1877917

Crimes and Misdemeanors
The Truman Show
The Incredibles
Groundhog Day
Abre los Ojos
Goodbye Lenin!
Scenes from a Marriage
Scary Movie 3

>> No.1877925

The book is better.

>> No.1877927

Pulp Fiction
Lost In Translation
A Clockwork Orange
The Shining
Napoleon Dynamite
Donnie Darko
Inglorious Basterds
Marie Antoinette
2001: A Space Odyssey

>> No.1877936

"Blade Runner, 12 Monkeys and Star wars are the best movies of all time! Fuck Kubrick, he's boring as fuck. Moon was better than 2001."

>> No.1877953

synechdoche new york
harold and kumar escape from guantanamo bay
ghost world

>> No.1877959

Forrest Gump
Kiss Kiss bang Bang
Southland Tales
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai
The Darjeeling Limited

>> No.1877961

Stop being from 10 years ago.

>> No.1877964

>The Darjeeling Limited
That's like my secret fave movie.

>> No.1877975

There Will be Blood
No Country for Old Men
Apocalypse Now
Battle Royale

>> No.1878005
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>> No.1878071
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/tv/ here, brofist? Although I think J&J is full of worthless exposition, and Antonioni is a bore, the rest are superb.

>> No.1878075

holy shit you have amazing taste

are there many like you on /tv/?

>> No.1878081

Lol nope. I'm fairly certain both /lit/ and /mu/ have better taste.

>> No.1878087

It's kind of embarrassing how many times I've earnestly defended Step Brothers to people as 2deep4u but I honestly think it's subversive and brilliant

>> No.1878092

Yeah, I went there once and made a thread about some directors and I got laughed at.

Big up to the Claire Denis and Bresson. Very overlooked.

>> No.1878097
File: 139 KB, 777x1000, intrus-2004-tou-01-g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Denis has definitely been...hidden.

All the more joy when ones discovers her.

>> No.1878105

Rocky Horror Picture Show
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
The Life Aquatic
Pulp Fiction

>> No.1878167


Sorry guys, I'm probably just idiotic, but what website do you use to create these 3x3-posters?

>> No.1878175


>> No.1878181


Oh, of course. Hoped I wouldn't need to do it, lazy as I am. Thank you!

>> No.1878196
File: 2.74 MB, 1500x2100, 5x5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

movieposterdb.com has somewhat standardized poster images (300p across).

Piano Teacher has been replaced by Sansho the Bailiff but haven't gotten around to editing it yet.

>> No.1878205

Synecdoche New York and Mulholland Drive are the only two films which have made me think as much as good books do.

>> No.1878212

"All of his favorite films aren't foreign? He must be 13!"
Your poster is hipster cred in one image. I'm surprised it wasn't accompanied by a Smiths or Bob Dylan song.

>> No.1878215

>implying a hipster who is actually good at being hip would admit to listening to the Smiths or Dylan

>> No.1878217

You underestimate the power of the hipster to deny the quality of any music produced in the last 20 years.

>> No.1878223

You don't know what a hipster is.
You have shit plebian taste.

>> No.1878245
File: 436 KB, 1496x1656, bumpityboo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the website is sweet, thanks

I'm looking forward to Tree of Life.

>> No.1878265
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>actually using the term plebian

>> No.1878274
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>> No.1878275


No he's fucking 12; and he is fucking 12 b/c there was 70 years of fucking film before the earliest one he named and there is a whole other world of film out there to fucking explore and yet he limits himself to fucking post-80's Hollywood, fucking defensive faggot.

Where's Butter's when you need a nigger shot in the dick?

>> No.1878299
File: 25 KB, 478x468, brofist3536544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's bottom right? Just looks like a girl eating sandw-


>> No.1878305

>Piano Teacher has been replaced by Sansho the Bailiff but haven't gotten around to editing it yet.
Replacing shit with shit.

>> No.1878314

could you be any more edgy and hurtful?

>> No.1878317

The Shawshank Redemption (#1, rest are in no particular order)
Da Vinci Code
The Breakfast Club
American Psycho
Fight Club
Zero Day
5 Centimeters per Second
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Back the to Future trilogy
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

>> No.1878333

The Empire Strikes Back
There Will Be Blood
A Fistful of Dollars
Blade Runner
Dawn of the Dead

>> No.1878352

All dem movies based on books. Clever.

>> No.1878375

Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Who Framed Roger Rabbit!?
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Marie Antoinette
Kill Bill
Paris Je T'aime

There are lots of movies I think are really awesome, but these are the ones I've watched more than once.

>> No.1878393

>Sans Soleil

>> No.1878422
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>> No.1878457
File: 167 KB, 1692x1179, 1307063096278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen here madboy

From the 60's and earlier, movies were nothing more than broadway plays captured on film. Every fucking love scene was accompanied by harp and violin sonatas, the camera angles were no better than sitcoms and the backgrounds were fucking paintings.

The art of film making has evolved and improved since the black and white with scratches all over and caption slides. Now movies are filmed on location, photography techniques are implemented with the filming, plots are thicker than "John Wayne dont take crap from no body" or "Charlie Chapman is so fannay" Would you argue that blackpowder rifles are better than modern firearms?

Im not saying nothing was good before the way modern films were made. I will say that Galaga or Super Mario is still a better game than brown n' bloom #200 even though I think they look great; but the majority of great films began when the camera began to rest on a shoulder and not a stationary tripod.

Broadway acting looks great on stage, and film acting looks great on fucking. film.

>> No.1878458


Yes, I can understand someone saying a Haneke films is shit (those same people would LOVE Funny Games), but if you can't sit through Mizoguchi film, enjoy it and think to yourself that you perhaps watched a film by one of the greatest directors, especially Ugetsu, Sansho the Bailiff, you're either a 12-year-old or a fucking retard.

Why the fuck does /lit/ troll itself?

>> No.1878473

Sure you are talking to >>1878305

Although the 60's saw several waves of cinematic innovations, you are over-reducing the capacity of cinema before this period. Dreyer in particular deployed fantastic camera movements as early as 1920's.

>> No.1878474

Confirmed for troll. No one can be that stupid.

>> No.1878477


Yes, b/c a green screen is not a fucking stage, fucking retard. Have you not ever seen a Ford, Bresson, Ophuls, Keaton, Eisenstein, Mizoguchi, Ozu or Kurosawa film (just to name a few)? Probably not. Nice defense there, idiot. In the name of 12 Monkeys, Star Wars and Blade Runner, all of which were "stage" films.

>> No.1878479

>From the 60's and earlier, movies were nothing more than broadway plays captured on film. Every fucking love scene was accompanied by harp and violin sonatas, the camera angles were no better than sitcoms and the backgrounds were fucking paintings.

Your knowledge of film history is kind of limited, I'm afraid.

>> No.1878480


I was agreeing.

>> No.1878481
File: 13 KB, 386x350, 01_600full-robert-bresson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I feel bad for you because it seems you're sincere and not just a shitty troll.

>> No.1878483

Lords of the rings

>> No.1878487

Maybe his knowledge of classic cinema is limited to Doris Day movies?

>> No.1878489

>Im not saying nothing was good before the way modern films were made. I will say that Galaga or Super Mario is still a better game than brown n' bloom #200 even though I think they look great;

I think his knowledge of classic cinema is limited to Nintendo.

>> No.1878492

You stupid, stupid fucker

Seriously, it's incredible how little you know about film if you believe that - incredible how little you know about American film, let alone your apparent complete ignorance of European or Asian film.

Thank you for making this post I guess because it made me remember a bunch of dope film-makers and films that were made before the 1960s

>> No.1878493


i think he had a good point, but too bad he didn't understand it. games these days don't have shit on zelda, mario and donkey kong.

>> No.1878495
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ITT: people who only enjoy movies about smoking french girls

>> No.1878496


oh, and megaman and i'm sure a couple of others.

>> No.1878499


So you're saying that you're a fan of Sasha Grey and know she almost contemplated her name being Ana Karina?

>> No.1878502
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Guilty as charged.

>> No.1878504


Holy shit, I know like three movies from that list, but i had to say that Cache is awesome.

>> No.1878517


What film?

>> No.1878520
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>I have to no-shit go to tatooine and the future in LA to make a sci-fi movie


>> No.1878521

There are mainstream hollywood movies from the 40s-50s were much more experimental than anything from the blockbuster era. I mean, just Hitchcock with Rope or Lifeboat for god's sake, how ignorant do you have to be?

>> No.1878522
File: 84 KB, 441x600, affiche_Double_vie_de_Veronique_1990_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1878524

Haneke was the one sending the tapes.

>> No.1878527

Seriously, like. Have you never heard of Orson Welles? It's not like Citizen Kane is a famous movie or anything.

I literally don't understand how someone who knows anything about film or even claims to care about movies can hold that opinion, it's literally fucking mystifying to me

>> No.1878530


'twas what i thought, but didn't want to mention blue....hate being wrong. even anonymously.

>> No.1878531

Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
Lady Vengeance
Revolutionary Road
Rules of Attraction
American Beauty
Little Children
Let The Right One In
The Matrix
Fight Club
The Chaser
Memories of Murder
Murder by Numbers
Spirited Away
King Kong
Inglorious Basterds
A Dirty Carnival
Pulp Fiction
Lost In Translation
Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Vanilla Sky
Eyes Wide Shut
Pretty Persuasion

>> No.1878532



>> No.1878533

repo man

love that movie

>> No.1878534

That's not even a troll statement; all of the diegetic source for the video are ruled out.

George mentions that he passed the camera without noticing it, which is exactly what happens if characters were somehow separate from the actors' awareness.

>> No.1878539

>American Beauty

stopped reading right there

>> No.1878540

Yeah. It's a pretty brilliant move. I had to watch the film a couple times before I figured it out.

>> No.1878542

uuuuuuuuuuuuugh that movie is so mediocre

it's not bad, but jesus how unexciting and uninteresting can a movie get without being bad

>> No.1878550
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And the way he demonstrates the voyeuristic (and even sadistic) nature of film is brilliant too.

Not sure if you are interested, but there's a site--mubi.com--that's sort of pseudo-social-network for cinephiles. Check out my profile if you want to see what the layout/features are like:

>> No.1878557


I still mourn the change... : (

>> No.1878559

About me:
>an image

Stop this shit
express opinions or SOMETHING

>> No.1878561

Yeah. Like, seriously you should be putting a lot of time and thought into creating your internet persona. Maybe throw up a Nietzsche quote or some cute haiku.

>> No.1878566
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Shit you even love The Devil, Probably. Can't imagine that film having much of a fanbase.

>> No.1878569

Do you have a Criticker account? That would be interesting to see.

>> No.1878570

2001, Brazil, wild strawberries, blade runner...

>> No.1878572

No. Already keeping track of ratings on mubi and netflix, don't see any value in doing it a third time.

>> No.1878611

Haven't seen any Weerasethakul? I can't guarantee you'll like him, but check out Syndromes and a Century. Prepare to have your soul sucked into the screen.

>> No.1878617

Aww yeah.

Syndromes and Uncle Boonmee are really great. That's all I've seen of his. Have you seen Denis' White Material?

>> No.1878634
File: 312 KB, 848x480, vlcsnap-2011-01-26-19h03m50s9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. I have seen every Denis except US Go Home (there was a Denis retrospective only a few months before I moved to NY, then there was a screening without Eng sub FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU). Although my opinion is that L'intrus is her pinnacle thus far and the subsequent movies are found wanting in comparison as she scaled back her elliptical editing, I still love them.

That sequence when Huppert is on the bike with armed outstretched and embracing the African sun...ecstatic.

Talking about Uncle Boonmee, I ended up seeing that 4 times in theater, twice with different girls and once with a bro. One of the girl liked it until she felt sick and threw up in the theater hallways afterwards. The other one was too confused to comment and I couldn't get a second date out of her. And I was aroused by the catfish scene every time.

>> No.1878640


I've been meaning to watch that. Thanks for reminding me. Think it's on the 'flix.

I stopped buying Criterion's just before it was released b/c I was going broke. Went broke and then had to sell all my Criterion's. I mean, I've got 6 thousand in my pocket now, but I have never - ever! - been happier when someone took their time to pay me for their purchase. Been like a week since some people haven't paid and I haven't said a thing......

>> No.1878646
File: 54 KB, 381x425, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had to sell all my Criterion's

How could you be happy?

>> No.1878656


I'm watching the ones that haven't been paid for, or were just paid for on Friday (also making the foreigners wait b/c they're not expecting them soon, anyways, and the Canadians are on strike - lots of Canadian customers), right now. Sorry I didn't make that clear. Just watched Woman in the Dunes and am now watching Viridiana. Also watched Fat Girl earlier. I don't know what's next. Still have about 150 left.

>> No.1878659

Good call for a date movie. I'd agree that L'intrus and Beau travail are her best, but again, everything she does is great.
> fat girl
> dat ending

some edgy shit right here

>> No.1878661


I sold Veronique a while back b/c I was intending to get the blu-ray, but that's around the time everything started going down hill.....

>> No.1878667 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 421x550, 1309057408877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's why I had to watching. Out of fucking left field.......


>> No.1878675
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled_200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O god, Double Life on bluray is, just sublime.

If civilization ends and I get to save one film from ravages, I'd pick that one without hesitation.

>> No.1878678
File: 16 KB, 421x550, rmesquida_8112_123_404lo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's why I had to watch it. I was expecting something due to that road trip home being so long and drawn ought, but, still - out of fucking left field.......

Sure, you can have my virginity, Mr. Killermanrapist, since the reaction of my mother to my sister losing hers, in the per chance chaos of the world, just cost them their lives.


>> No.1878687


That's why I was so fucking quick to get rid of the dvd (watched it one last time before I did, though), but I still haven't seen the blu.....

I imagine it would be the same with the rest of Kieslowski. I haven't seen Decalogue yet, but have seen everything else......the colors.......just look at your pic.....beautiful.

>> No.1878693
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled_380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>.the colors

I know ;_;

Somehow no amount of color-grading can match Idziak's filters...

>> No.1878700


I went to Poland and thought to myself "goddamit! How the hell did I end up here? Damn you Kieslowski! Oh, well, guess there's some history here that I can one day tell the kids, I never want to have, about......"

>> No.1878706

jeremiah johnson

>> No.1878730

are you getting these from dvdbeaver or something?

>> No.1878751

I love clever writing and experimental humour like in Annie Hall...

I love relentless suspense like The Dark Knight...

I love likeable and interesting characters like in Bonnie and Clyde...

I also love great ideas that capture the imagination and hold it hostage in a realm of many possibilities, such as Blade Runner...

I also like shameless escapism like The Lord of the Rings...

>> No.1878760
File: 118 KB, 610x914, Dramatic Squirrel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Beautiful Mind
Deep Impact
The Prestige
The Shawshank Redemption

>> No.1878777
File: 31 KB, 500x402, ZTRUMPTROLL1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


While I do admit that I enjoyed all of those films........

>> No.1878798
File: 1.25 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled_417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I captured these screens myself ages ago. It's from the Artificial Eye Bluray, although I did double dip into the Criterion too.

I do want to see Krakow someday. Am I correct in understanding that Warsaw has lost its historical allure after the double shock of Nazism and Communism?

>> No.1878819


Most everything was either spared restored. Still plenty of history there.

Now watching Ikiru. Protip: If you live near a Hasting's entertainment store, use your thinking cap.

>> No.1878831
File: 885 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled_302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that your store? Are you advertising?

>> No.1878847


No, it's a movie/music/book chain store and what I was doing is more like 'Steal This Book' than advertising............their bar codes are shitty stickers..........hello, Criterion. bye-bye $5.99 special movie.........$2, $20 books, too............love your pics. Can't wait to see the blu!

>> No.1878848


Haters gonna hate but Palahniuk is an excellent writer, deal with it

>> No.1878852


Yeah, I bet Fincher had nothing to do with the movie.....Do yourself a favor kid - put down mommy's boxed wine, turn off daddy's garage sale desktop and get your ass to bed.

>> No.1878853
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>> No.1878859


Ah, Blow-Up.........what are the 3 on the right?

>> No.1878862

>One of the girl liked it until she felt sick and threw up in the theater hallways afterwards. The other one was too confused to comment and I couldn't get a second date out of her. And I was aroused by the catfish scene every time.
Forever alone.jpg much?

>> No.1878871
File: 1.27 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled_372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hour of the Wolf is one of your favourites? Bravo. :3

>> No.1878876

hey, keep these awesome screencaps coming

do you have any from other films? by all means, feel free to dump them

>> No.1878877
File: 1.30 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled_91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I still hang out with the first girl. I actually salvaged that date (thank god New York), and it turned out she was sick because of her period.

We watched Trouble Every Day later. Her reaction during the sex scene was adorable.

>> No.1878879


Not bad. I watched it about a year ago and didn't recognized it.........know the other two on the right, by chance? Von Sydow didn't even cross my mind. I was thinking that guy that played the manager in the doors, shows where my mind's at..........

>> No.1878882
File: 50 KB, 447x255, aa8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dogtooth and Waking Life.

Yep! I loved it.

>> No.1878884


They're not going to get much better than that. Maybe Red w/ Binoche......

>> No.1878885
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled_225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dogtooth and Waking Life.

If you like Dogtooth Zooey, you should check out Attenberg.

>> No.1878887

If I have a film-star waifu it would be Catherine Deneuve. OP's pic reminded me of her for some reason. especially Catherine Deneuve from Repulsion

>> No.1878888


That's on the 'fllix, too, and have been meaning to check it out. Didn't even recognize Waking Life! I'm out of it............

>> No.1878889
File: 111 KB, 1184x720, Irènefu Regard Caméra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Red w/ Binoche
Lay off the squatz and oatz, /flit/, you're getting color-impaired.

>> No.1878894
File: 1.38 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled_145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel jelly it wasn't you who I saw Uncle Boonmee with together?

>> No.1878899


I don't get it. I think Red was - visually - his most best film. And similar in contrast to Veronique. I think screen caps of it would be wonderful.....or do you think Blue to be visually superior? Don't have the movie, so would love to just see pics.

>> No.1878902
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Only have this. The French BD release of Trois Couleurs was very lacking, so I didn't purchase them.

In terms of cinematography, I'd say it's Veronique > Bleu > Rouge. Sorry, I love Idziak too much.

>> No.1878907


Veronique has some of the greatest photography in any film, ever.

>> No.1878911


It's been a while, but I was thinking specifically of moments when she was in the judge's house.

>> No.1878915

>Named after a mispronunciation of David Attenborough

>> No.1878916
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>> No.1878917

/tv/ never can so perhaps /lit/ can explain something to me.

What in God's name is the appeal of Tarkovski?

I just don't get it. Maybe it's too deep for me. I'm prepared to concede that if someone can explain to me exactly what it is that is so entertaining about that man's films.

>> No.1878918
File: 114 KB, 1184x720, Irènefu Enjoying A Bukkake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what this has to do with my other reply, but yeah sure, I always had a thing for delicate Azn bodies.
>I don't get it
You said Red w/ Binoche. I'm guessing you were thinking of Bleu and just mixing up your colors, >03.jpg

>> No.1878919


Also, while I might agree that Veronique is possibly the most stunning, I know if I watched Blue and Red again, that my mind wouldn't change. Red is superior. A Short Film About Killing is visually more striking than Blue which really is a criticism....

>> No.1878924


Have you ever seen Andrei Rublev? Solaris? Stalker?The Mirror? Check it


Actually, I know what out of my Criterion's I'm watching next.

You need an attention span, dude. If they have to always talk or blow shit up, then film is not your thing.

>> No.1878926
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Nothing 2deep about his films, you just either enjoy their pace and dreamlike atmospheres or you don't, and take what you will from them.

>> No.1878928

I heard they might be getting released by Criterion soon, which would make sense since they already have Veronique.

>> No.1878929


You're right. Fucked that up twice now in the same thread.

>> No.1878930

I've seen Andrei Rublev, which I admit I had trouble following, and Stalker. I found neither more than mildly interesting.
I don't believe that attention span is an issue. I very much enjoyed My Dinner with Andre, and literally nothing happens in that film.

>> No.1878933
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>A Short Film About Killing is visually more striking than Blue

That's a tough call. Although I think I'd give Bleu the nod, even if it's largely due to the increase budget from working in France instead of Poland.

The scene where Binochefu hears the theme and drift in the pool in fetal position makes me wish I can be reborn.

>want to watch Syndromes and a Century
>get bored
>fastfoward to fan extractor
>now feel guilty

>> No.1878934


They talk, have an interesting converfuckingsation.

>> No.1878935
File: 97 KB, 513x755, city_of_god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to see this movie.

>> No.1878938


I'm sure most of us have. Not like it's a fucking obscure film. It's in the imdb top 20, I think.

>> No.1878940

They talk in circles. Everything you need to know about the conversation can be figured out in the first half-hour. That film is much more about their personalities than it is about the contents of the conversation.

>> No.1878944

I wasn't trying to sound like I'm the only person that has seen it, just that if you haven't seen it, you need to drop everything and watch it right fucking now.

>> No.1878948


Whatever you want to call it..........

Anyways, any Eurofags on? What is that show called that comes on the Arte channel that pairs two celebrities from two different countries - the Delpy and Udo Kier one is the one I remember most - and it's mostly like My Dinner With Andre. Loved that show. Never missed it while I lived there. Wish we had the Arte here in the states.

>> No.1878954


It's an international pop films w/ some real world credibility like it's Tupac, or something.....wasn't criticizing it, was just sayin' fairly well known.

If you like City of God, check out La Haine. About the streets of France lol, but it is good. One of Vincent Cassel's first films and it was directed by Tatou's love interest, Mathieu Kassovitz, in Amelie.

>> No.1878958

how did this thread go so long without any kind of mention of this movie? Probably the best foreign film I've ever seen.

>> No.1878962



Streets of France is like me saying streets of US

>> No.1878965
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Yep, Frenchfag here, Au coeur de la nuit/Durch die Nacht. Cool show, Arte was hipster gold even before hipsters existed.

>> No.1878966

So you're admitting to being a hipster?

Because only hipsters know what hipster taste is.

>> No.1878968

>Probably the best foreign film I've ever seen.

Because you've never seen a fucking foreign film outside of the imdb top 250 or the 21st century? The move content was fantastic, the directing was good and the acting sucked. Have you seen Gran Torino? Yeah, that's how good the acting was.

>> No.1878969
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Homo Erotic Film Dicussion.jpg

I love how often this film is frequently shot through a second lense: rubber ball, windows, magnifying glass, etc. Then I realized that perhaps because Veronique loves to do this, she is able to realize she is being filmed when she breaks the 4th wall in this shot.

Alex trying to use her as a source material for his book/marionette show may have also helped her capacity to breach the screen. Alex is very much the God-Director character of the film (a recurring figure in Kieslowski's mythology), pulling the strings to the puppets much like a director directing actors. Veronique sees Alex, who is supposed to be hidden, in mirror reflection during the show. Maybe she somehow also sensed Kieslowski?

Admittedly this is an unorthodox interpretation, but that's the effect of the movie after a dozen viewings. Krzysztof Kieślowski and his long time story buddy Krzysztof Piesiewicz share the same first name. Coincidence?

What about Kieslowski dying of heartattack for his art?

>> No.1878976

I've seen lots of foreign films actually. I didn't think the acting sucked. It wasn't perfect yeah, by a long shit, but for the most part I could feel the tone and the attitude of each character so well just based on the setting and the writing that even the bit characters felt believable.

>> No.1878981

fickibg typis

>> No.1878982
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This is now a thread about superior regards caméra (is there an actual English term for this? Look to camera?).

inb4 Godardfags posting Karina.

>> No.1878986
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Excuse the hostility. How should I abashedly put it--it's entry level. Not that it's a bad movie (it's quiet good), but after even seeing a few dozen great foreign films, then going back to it, it's hard to justify it as one of the best.

>> No.1878991
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Thanks, learned something today.

>> No.1878997

I can verify that it is in fact a pretty entry level foreign movie. Still pretty obscure in terms of the general public but that's usually a dumb standard to work off of. I wouldn't call it the best movie ever, but it's still definitely my favorite if that makes sense.

>> No.1878998


F for Fake? Can you name the fuckers? I've seen thousands upon thousands of films which is hard to store in your memory, especially a single shot....

>> No.1879005
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They're all pic related brah.

God I love trolling him with that one.

>> No.1879009
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This is now a best psycho's in film thread!

>> No.1879010
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This is what it feels like every time you post that.

>> No.1879018


Just given you another excuse to post a pic........btw, i bet you fap to the pics if you're man or dike......

>> No.1879021
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Every time I watch it I just fall in love and lose any urge to do that. No homo.

>> No.1879025
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Windows, windows everywhere.

>> No.1879027
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Weronika tearing off a string while singiNNNNNNG...

>> No.1879028
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..A string is later given to Veronique, with which she traces out the rhythm of her heart.

>> No.1879032
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Alright I'm asleep.

>> No.1879034

mmm thanks a lot

You should definitely check out The Decalogue, and even his earlier works. The idea of Veronique comes from an episode in the Decalogue about a young opera singer with a heart condition who has to choose between singing and accepting that she will probably die because of it or to get the operation but quit singing. Veronique and the Decalogue is Kieslowski at his best.

Kubrick on The Decalogue:

I am always reluctant to single out some particular feature of the work of a major filmmaker because it tends inevitably to simplify and reduce the work. But in this book of screenplays by Krzysztof Kieslowski and his co-author, Krzysztof Piesiewicz, it should not be out of place to observe that they have the very rare ability to dramatize their ideas rather than just talking about them. By making their points through the dramatic action of the story they gain the added power of allowing the audience to discover what's really going on rather than being told. They do this with such dazzling skill, you never see the ideas coming and don't realize until much later how profoundly they have reached your heart.

>> No.1879036
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Watching Shining again?

>> No.1879037
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forgot pic, the proto Weronika/Veronique

>> No.1879038
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Seen it. This has been going on all night:
>hey check mubi
>i'm on mubi
>hey check out Joe
>I love joe
>hey check out white material
>I love white material

It's still strange to think that Kieslowski died the same way. He made Dekalog and the two Short Films in a single year. Three Colors took two. Rouge is a fitting swansong a la Van den Budenmayer Concerto.

>> No.1879041


>> No.1879042

Early Summer is the worst movie Ozu made. It is also one of the worst movies ever made.

Decalogue has only a couple genius episodes, which are the ones that latter turned into full length movies. The others are decent at best. The first one could have been written and directed by a 15 year old.

Hour of the fucking wolf is the worst movie Bergman ever made. It is also one of the worst movies ever made.

The New World doesn't belong in this discussion. Nor in any discussion that is supposed to discuss good movies.

>> No.1879044

Don't go expressing those opinions on /tv/, or you'll be called a hipster until you're forced to change your trip like a coward.

>> No.1879045
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You have potential. Now do the same for Kubrick, post it on /tv/, and see what happens.

>> No.1879046


Someone already made something similar >>>/tv/16857978

>> No.1879049

i lol'd
______ is the worst _____ [he/she] ever made. It is also one of the worst movies ever made.

>> No.1879054

If you haven't, you should see "Notre Musique" by Jean Luc Godard. Most of his films go over my head. I'm sure what he's saying is very interesting and couched in a lot of yummy anti-humanist French theory, but I could never follow him. But "Notre Musique" is much more subdued, as autumnal works tend to be. It's Godard's last attempt to use art to (more or less) renew the world, even while admitting that all artists (himself included) are frauds. It's earnest and farcical, sewious business and ludic. It's just about Godard's last chance to say something important and he does, even as he calls his voice into question.

>> No.1879057

I find it hard to believe that anyone's taste could consist entirely of foreign movies.

It's like being a weaboo.

>> No.1879061

It's hard to belief because it's not true.

>> No.1879062

I think it's just hard to get excited about American movies because, Americans demand conformity and the movies that get produced reflect that. This is one of the big problems with movies. If you want to write a novel that explores American neurosis, all you need is pen and paper. If you want to make a movie, you need funding from moneyed interests that are overwhelmingly conservative.

>> No.1879065

Reading through this discussion on Kieslowski is making me cream my proverbial panties. Nicely done, guys.

>> No.1879068

But that doesn't mean that there aren't fantastic American movies out there. Look at PT Anderson and Stanley Kubrick. In my opinion, all of their respective films are fan-fucking-tastic.

There still are a load of shit ones, though.

>> No.1879073
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>> No.1879078


Look at their filmography. Look at Gilliam's filmography. While the studio heads are not philosophically conservative, they are likely fucking Jews and only care about the money. And they know American's, stupid American's, stupid as they are, like stupid fucking movies so that's where the money is.

No, I'm not joking. Jews really do run Hollywood. Not just a fucking stereotype. Why there are so many Jews in Hollywood when there are only 13 million in the 7 billion world.

>> No.1879079

Because they take care of their own, unlike most other races.

Anyways, sort of off topic, your name has got to be one of the most infuriating things I've seen on this board.

>> No.1879080

Plenty of Jews in Europe as well, you know.

>> No.1879086


I wasn't trying to make this one of those conversations. I like Jews as they tend to be liberal and atheist/agnostic, but you're outright wrong about them being in Europe........Most of them are Israel, a lot of them are in the US and a few of them are in Europe.


I believe there are even more gypsies than Jews in Europe........

>> No.1879088

I was talking about the film industry.

>> No.1879089


Why is that?

Everybody takes care of their own. We don't do it in the US because OUR OWN is not white. If everyone was white, we would be a totally different country.

>> No.1879094


I can't think of a single fucking Jew in the film industry in Europe.........please, enlighten me.

>> No.1879100

King of /b/ and I is nigger, you heard? is just a name I use to mock /b/ and what it has become and ........A bunch of Republican, racist, retards when /b/tard was originally someone who mocked such a thing. I'm not going to defend myself all night or anything, but it doesn't mean anything more than that. I use the word nigger, have lots of niggers in my family, I voted for a nigger and if i'm around a bunch of racists I stop using the word nigger and defend a nigger......come at me, bro

>> No.1879102

You're the one who brought up Kassovitz earlier. He's usually very vocal about being Jewish. Most of the biggest European producers are as well. In this regard, Paris is not that different from New York.

>> No.1879106


No, I just brought up kiewlovski.....quite ignorant of kassovitz, i'm afraid.

>> No.1879109


>> No.1879112


fuck i'm retarded. so we've got one.........

>> No.1879116


You want to do a back-and-forth? I'll start with Jews that you don't know are Jews like Penn and Johannsson, who are a couple.

>> No.1879125

Yeah, the only people who take care of their own in America are the uber-rich. They have the highest developed sense of in-group identity and are among the only groups in America that have developed a sense of class-consciousness. Most poor white and poor blacks identify themselves as whites and blacks first.

>> No.1879127
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I feel like i missed an awesome thread.....

>> No.1879144

The Tree of Life
The Fountain
Black Swan
There Will Be Blood
Punch Drunk Love
The Thing
The Prestige

>> No.1879160
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>keep seeing Vanilla Sky in this thread

>> No.1879164
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>The Tree of Life

Greatest film i've ever seen.

>> No.1879166
File: 8 KB, 570x533, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raging Bull
Seven Samurai
The Seventh Seal
Andrei Rublev
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
There Will Be Blood
The Shining

>> No.1879182


the book was fine but the movie "ugh, i gotta destroyah the chamba of secret because Hitler, ugh"
>Andrei Rublev
christian ultranationalist drivel. works as an allegory for the artists and ideologists of the stalin era without stoppid to be christian ultranationalist drivel loved by christian ultranationalists.

>> No.1879194

Leon The Professional
2001: A Space Odyssey
Apocalypse Now

>> No.1879196

Is this just a /lit/ thing to use quotations instead of greentexting, or are you guys new to 4chan?

>> No.1879197

>harold and kumar escape from guantanamo bay

what the fuck. even the first one was better.

>> No.1879200

what is your image from?

>> No.1879204


Atheists and pretty much always have been even though my parents weren't. I don't give a fuck about Tarkovsky's religion - I know he was a Christian faggot and I also know that he was not a fundamentalist and was only a "Christian" as a sorta rebellions against communist Russia. Watch his fucking films. Watch Andrei Rublev. There really aren't many films that can compete. And trust me. I wanted to hate him b/c he was a "Christian". Said that after Stalker was my first movie. Making excuses not to like and b/c I couldn't really get into it originally. But then I watched Solaris, then Andrei Rublev and then I understood and I gave Stalker another go.........

I can't really recommend any of his other films b/c either, like Ivan's Childhood, they're not really his, or like The Mirror they're really hard to follow, but he has earned his rep.

>> No.1879208


You better not be a femanon......only anons I still respect unless that fucking post.

>> No.1879224

The reason why you think there are no Jews in Europe is because you only think about the smaller, artistic independent productions. But just look up the heads of each big European studios and you'll realize it's the exact same thing as in Hollywood.
Gaumont and Pathé, two of the oldest and biggest ones in the world, for examples, are owned by two Jewish brothers. But who gives a fuck anyway.

>> No.1879241


Yeah, that tells me nothing. 6 mil in Israel, and 5 mil in the US which leaves 2+(-3) in the rest of the world.......that link had nothing to do with Jews studios in Europe.

13 million..........I respect them b/c they're mostly liberal and atheist, as I've already said, but why don't you have any respect for the fact that such a minority, one of the smallest even before the holocaust, has earned such a respect around the world? Nothing really special about them. Chicks tend to be hot, guys short and fucking retarded and that's about it and, yet, the whole fucking world is scared to death of these pissant curly-haired fuck.....sounds like a great acting plan to me!

>> No.1879266

I was merely pointing out that there is also a lot of Jewish people involved in running the European film industry, not just in America and Hollywood, as you've previously stated. I don't even know what the fuck you're rambling about anymore though.

>> No.1879299
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I just watched Korol Lir which is an Russian adaptation of King Lear. My God it was depressing, might have been the most depressing movie I've ever seen. It was pure darkness. Even the fool and Kent were gloomy. The only radiating light was Cordelia-

and you know what happens..

Also does lit know any good place for well written movie reviews? I usually read the imdb user ratings, but its hard sorting through.

>> No.1879329


>> No.1879345
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i really liked these

>> No.1879347

Omnibus films? Yuck.

>> No.1879423

return of the jedi
blade runner
fight club
the matrix
pulp fiction

>> No.1880577

>implying hes better than everyone else

>> No.1880581

You're the worst kind of person

>> No.1880588
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Lol this is still here...gotta love how slow /lit/ is.

I still have some screens.

>> No.1880595
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That kind whose taste intimidates you?

>> No.1880597

Hey look everybody! Sexism!

>> No.1880599

Inb4 Problem Child 1, 2 or 3

>> No.1880604

The kind that chooses movies to call his favorite because he knows that they are obscure and will make him look smarter than those stupid average people that pick popular movies

>> No.1880609


Yes, I''m a white male that hates whites - Republicans - and males.

>> No.1880610
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I was under the impression King was drunk during this entire thread...look at the jew rant at the end...

>> No.1880612

Oh know, she likes critically acclaimed films that most film lovers love
you're a hipster

>> No.1880616

One Synecdoche bro.

Other favourite is the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

>> No.1880621

So you're sexist and racist

>> No.1880622


I was piss drunk. Just woke up and I'm on Pacific time. 'Twasn't really a rant, though. Just a little truth.

>> No.1880624
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Actually, they are just his favourite movies. And they aren't very obscure if you cared to venture outside of Fight Club and LotR. Stop being so insecure.

>> No.1880627


So you're one of those, huh? You want to turn this into an anti-white thread? Fuckin' Republican faggot.

>> No.1880630
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I was on opiate and marijuana too...although you were becoming really hard to understand as the night went on.

We should do this more often...Cinephile Sundays on /lit/...because, well, if you had one look at /tv/...

>> No.1880631


What are the two top ones on the very left, anyways? Don't recognize them.

>> No.1880633
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>discussing films with bleu

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.1880634

Ashes and Diamonds
The Good the Bad and the Ugly
Scott Pilgrim
Fight Club
The Dark Knight
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Jurassic Park
Sweeney Todd

>> No.1880641

Those are pretty fucking obscure movies for the english speaking movie goer. And there is no way that those are his actual favorites. A favorite should be a movie that you can rewatch over and over again and love every single time. Not one you saw once and then talk about to look smarter than everybody else

>> No.1880644


Well, no better place to do on 4chan than /lit/ and we've already got enough post 80's Hollywood trolls in here as it is....

>> No.1880650

Damn good list. I will have to check out Ashes and Diamonds though

>> No.1880651
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled_69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mirror, Tarkovsky
Colors of Pomegranate, Parajanov

>And there is no way that those are his actual favorites. A favorite should be a movie that you can rewatch over and over again and love every single time.

Absurd statement. You make it sound like 100 years of art cinema was purely advanced for the sake of ostentation rather than the enjoyment of cinema.

>> No.1880655
File: 968 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled_312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I chuckled.

>> No.1880658

Groundhog Day
The Truman Show
Friday Night Lights


>> No.1880674


Ashes and Diamond is widely panned, but it's one of the only films in the Criterion Collection I didn't enjoy.........Check out Come and See, it's more your speed if you think that is a good list for all time best films (which makes you a fucking retard).

>> No.1880679 [DELETED] 


Friday Night Lights, the show, I think is one of the best Drama's ever on network television....putting that on your list as a movie makes you a cinenigger---------gtfo of here.

>> No.1880691
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>Ashes and Diamond is widely panned


I thought it was fine...but just look at what it's grouped with.

>> No.1880714


The word I was looking for would be an antonym of panned...........a bottle of scotch and a 16 beers will leave you with a severe, mind-numbing hangover.

The only film I ever like of Wajda's was an obscure film called Landscapes in Battle which I saw on the Arte channel when I was in France (it's a German/French channel).

I don't know. Ashes and Diamonds just seemed really fake to me. Due to both the acting and directing. Like one of those terrible shows when the actors falling back way before the punch ever gets near him. And then there's a sound effect......

Perhaps I'll give it another chance. I only watched it once. Maybe it just wasn't what I was in the mood for.

>> No.1880720

In the Mood For Love
Yi Yi
Apocalypse Now
Chungking Express
Lost in Translation
Crimes and Misdemeanors
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
Spirited Away
Rush Hour

>> No.1880724

I though Danton was quite good

>> No.1880731

You should download A Brighter Summer Day. It's Edward Yang who did Y-Yi but it's 5x better and I really like Yi-Yi.

There's only one shitty torrent of it available but it's worth it. I hear criterion may have acquired the rights to it, so hopefully we'll see a release sometime.

>> No.1880736
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I know what you mean. I would describe it as...rigid.

Plus it's about an overstylized resistance fighter trying to get some pussy, although I can't say I don't fantasize strolling through some ruins with a cute girl and stumble upon a half-defaced poem to which I knew the final words to.

>> No.1880740
File: 65 KB, 950x637, oldboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl f
>no Oldboy

The fuck, /lit/?

>> No.1880744


Yeah, I had it, but never watched it. Too bad the high bidder paid immediately as I am in the mood to give it a chance. Maybe it's on netflix. They have quite an extensive collection of Criterion's. Or did, anyways.

>> No.1880750

I started to watch that at some point but the quality was too par to sit through 4 hours of. Here's hoping for a Criterion release.

>> No.1880753


Mr. Vengeance was the best in the trilogy

>> No.1880758


Yeah, he hasn't watched that. He's only watched the one the 4chan list told him to watch.....

>> No.1880759


I don't see what's terribly good about it.

>> No.1880767
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled_295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's got some interesting mis-en-scene, the kind of violence that would make Fight Club proud, and a tweeeest.

>> No.1880777

>fight club

Your opinion is invalid. Also the twist was soap opera level.

>> No.1880801

Drive Angry

>> No.1880815


>> No.1880818

just watched the enigma of kasper hauser

pretty damn good

>> No.1880834
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Sorry, I was just ironically pointing out why people like it.

>> No.1880837


>> No.1880854
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled_451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seen Strozek?

I'm not too keen on the early narrative, "weird" Herzogs. For me his greatest triumph will always be Lessons of Darkness. Shots in the aftermath of the First Gulf War, film glides over the ravaged Kuwaiti desert decorated with mirror pools of oil, some so large that they appear to be oceans. Towers of flame, caused by retreating Iraqi forces sabotaging pumpjacks, litter the landscape. Firefighters move giant, beastial machines to quell the flames; deep focus collapses the planes, engulfing the machines and crew inside an inferno. All of this is accompanied by hypnotic classical tracks and Herzog's rhythmic Bavarian voice.

>> No.1881448
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>mvq this thread is still here

>> No.1881455

Grave of the Fireflies
Donnie Darko
Fight Club
The Prestige
Super 8
The Kings Speech

>> No.1881481
File: 26 KB, 320x340, (audrey).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is slow as fuck, probably because its tenants are too busy discussing high literature like True Blood and Game Of Thrones on /tv/ these days.

>> No.1881501

The Exterminating Angel
Smiles of a Summer Night
Grande Illusion
Rules of the Game
The Marriage of Maria Braun
La Dolce Vita
Short Cuts
Blue Velvet
Requiem for a Dream
Dude, Where's My Car?

>> No.1881522
File: 41 KB, 271x268, wayfarers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should come here to talk about movies and only go back to /tv/ for Audrey threads.

>> No.1881541
File: 22 KB, 240x260, home improvement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ - Television & Film

i don't think i've posted on /tv/ since 2009

>> No.1881546
File: 1.02 MB, 1883x2400, Annex - Hepburn&#44; Audrey_033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they have audrey threads over in /tv/?

>> No.1881561

all the time, she's the new summer glau

>> No.1881905

so has this hit the bump limit or not?

>> No.1881910

looks like it hasnt

>> No.1882031
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled_266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>get baked
>listen to Requiem mon ami
>this thread still here