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[ERROR] No.18834313 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a catholic but afraid of being put into the cringe group called "tradcaths"

What do I read to avoid being associated with them?

>> No.18834319

Just be well read and sensible and you're fine. Tradcath is generally a cope-insult for those who aren't able to deal with Thomists, so they don't have to deal with the arguments put forth properly.

>> No.18834321
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Start with Queer Theology

>> No.18834322

Easy, stop believing dated myths. There is no Christ, there is no God. After your death nothing will happen, Welcome to reality.

>> No.18834327

you can start with the encyclicals of our Holy Father, friend. don’t let heretic larpers claim the mantle of tradition.

>> No.18834331

Read a critical analysis of the bible

>> No.18834338

stop caring and release yourself from performing on social media
Hold whatever believe you want but never do so because you want to fit in
You owe no one an explanation but yourself

>> No.18834342
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>I'm a catholic [...]
>What do I read [...] ?
Start with the Bible and then read some of Luther and Melanchthon's works.

>> No.18834347

Tradcaths are called that because they are fundamentally dishonest. No traditional Catholic would waste his time arguing on a nsfw image board to soothe and inflate his ego and identity.

>> No.18834348

Being chill with gay people is probably sufficient.

>> No.18834361

> I’m a Catholic but only if nobody thinks that’s not cool

>> No.18834366

The bible

>> No.18834368

Get TOPPED by a pagan

>> No.18834385
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>proves the existence of 57 prime movers
Pssht, nothing personnel, kiddo

>> No.18834387

Good thing we're on a blueboard then. Besides, Christians have a long tradition of saving prostitutes, drug users, and other degenerates; why should they stop with losers like (You)?

>> No.18834393

Stop being a christcuck.

>> No.18834397

Well if you aren't "tradcath" then what are you, modern cath, aka Vatican II? You support gay marriage, massive third world immigration, and a scaling back of every punitive aspect of church doctrine?

>> No.18834406
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>he thinks he's doing God's work by evangelizing on an imageboard for anime degenerates FOR FREE
Oh nonononono

>> No.18834423

have you seen you Pope, retardo?

>> No.18834451

I support him
I support vatican II

>> No.18834459

There have undoubtedly been people on this very board that became genuinely christian because other anons were posting about it so much. This is in fact exactly the sort of place in which it's easy to recruit people to religions, cults, and political movements.

>> No.18834472

The attacks on "tradcath larpers" is a psy-op by leftists to prevent people from knowing God. If you fall for it, you deserve to be shot by communists.

>> No.18834478

Most goys do some work for free but usually only if its meaningful (which, incidentally, is why janitors are so pathetic; they're work is ignoble, they presumably don't have an actual job, and they only do their work for some sense of power). Showing salvation to wretches is noble work, where ever it is done.

>> No.18834479
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So you're an NPC then lol

>> No.18834482

It's literally impossible to be a catholic who isn't retarded if you regularly browse 4chan. You don't have a clue about your faith if you think there's nothing wrong with being here.

>> No.18834485

Why do you think that and does it also apply to Twitter, Facebook etc?

>> No.18834497

Yes. True catholics would stay away from social media in general except to stay in touch with family.
>inb4 pope
The pope's twitter account is run by the gestapo of the Holy See, they are not practicing catholics and probably even jews as well.

>> No.18834499

Shut the fuck up moron

>> No.18834502
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I'm going to become the first 4chan Catholic saint after my martyr death at the hands of jannies and mods.

>> No.18834501
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>> No.18834505

rent free

>> No.18834506

I'm not a catholic so I'm not going to argue the pointbut literally everyone is online now. You're basically saying only monks can be catholic

>> No.18834509

>t. jew

>> No.18834510
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>> No.18834515

Rod dreher literally has a twitter account lol

>> No.18834517


>> No.18834519

Ted Kaczynski wrote a book using a typewriter

>> No.18834535

And anon sermonizes on 4chan

>> No.18834540

I do not believe you are a Catholic
this thread seems to be bait to disparage Christianity

>> No.18834597

Newbie here. For the very first time I'll quote the Bible:
>And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
>But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
>Matthew 6:5-6

>> No.18834638

What's wrong with traditional Catholics? I genuinely have no idea, I've never interacted with any.
I'm just a normal guy reading theology, a guy who'll soon be baptized, but I do think we are all called to be saints and traditional Catholicism doesn't eradicate the potential of sainthood. What, they go to TLM? What's wrong with that? They read Aquinas? They like cardinal Sarah? What's wrong with that? As long as you believe in the Church, as long as you learn theology, history, help others, focus on salvation, try to not sin... What's wrong with that? Why are they bad? Because they like TLM and pray rosary a bit more than others, and like to get the Eucharist on tongue?

>> No.18834667

It’s all just Catholic with various methods of mental gymnastics to justify it. They should really just cut to the chase and find Orthodoxy already.

>> No.18834675
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and from the Son

>> No.18834685

There’s a small minority of people online who call themselves “TradCaths” while either LARPing or having anime Twitter avatars. The thing is, these people are a small minority even within the Traditional Catholic sphere yet because people in places like this inhabit online spaces 24/7 (and are no better really) they make derogatory comments about Trad Caths at large. In reality, they’re just two fringe groups of internet addicts, one making a much larger group look worse and the other taking them on that basis. It’s pathetic all around really.

>> No.18834706

I feel like they're conflating two different things as well. Like 6 years ago people used to say 'Deus Vult' as a meme about kicking Muslims out of Europe or whatever. This was a separate group, and not even serious, than the people on Twitter obsessing over being more trad than thou.

>> No.18835697

Saint Pope John Paul II

>> No.18835698


>> No.18835840
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Take the Schizopill

>> No.18835855

4channel is advertiser friendly sweaty :^)

>> No.18836040
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"Tradacath" is a meme-term used by people who have run out of arguments, and thus need to use ad hominems

Jesus Christ tells us we are going to be made fun of, and insulted, because we are following His teachings: "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me".

So don't regard their insults, only follow the Truth. Make sure you do not fall into schism (eg. sedevecantism, SPPX-only, "novus ordo mass is invalid", "vatican II is not a magisterially binding ecumenical council"). Besides that, follow the universal magisterium, pray as much as you can, fast and perform acts of charity, go to confession, partake in daily mass if possible, be charitable in your evangelism, and be steadfast in the faith. God bless you.

>> No.18836168

Since very few people will give you legitimate recommendations and just use this as a religion culture war /pol/ thread, here are mine:
A Theology of Liberation by Gustavo Gutierrez
The Conservative Soul by Andrew Sullivan
The Name of God is Mercy by Pope Francis

If you think Pope Francis isn't actually the pope and you're allowed to disregard everything he says, you've already lost to the tradcath rabbit hole.

>> No.18836185

Fuck you all. Being a tradcath is okay if not cool.

>> No.18836188

>I'm a catholic but afraid of being put into the cringe group called "tradcaths
It's okay, you're clearly post Vatican II. And lapsed.

>> No.18836217

Normal trad Caths are usually just leftovers from the way things were, the same way that some people will say the old wording for prayers. They're grandfathered in to practice. There are traditionalist groups which are less favoured, because they're doing things which directly contradict the See, but even the most egregious ones like SSPX, the Church tries to woo back.
There's an internet meme of trad Catholicism though, which isn't particularly well informed for a traditionalist or Vatican II Catholic, and is probably Protestant sex tourism more than real faith or grace.

>> No.18836245

>frog poster
>cares this much aboiut what others think
i dont think you should worry lad, you've got plenty of cringe to spare a bit more wont hurt

>> No.18836252

t. satan

>> No.18836696

Don't need to read anything. Just go to church, volunteer with the Knights of Columbus or Legion of Mary or whatever, and conduct yourself in such a way that you improve the public image of Catholics.