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[ERROR] No.18844507 [Reply] [Original]

Admittedly standards have fallen.

>> No.18844525
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This is just the fucking worst man. what the fuck is happening to this world

>> No.18844539

It's not the fact that education has plummeted that depresses me, because who the fuck cares that retarded plebeians stay illiterate? What's really depressing is that unlike days of yore where being literate and caring about culture put you in a position of advantage, now being less of a retard gets you nowhere because it's only status that matters. We've gone back to old timey nobility, if you're not part of the elite you're going to be a glorified slave forever.

>> No.18844549
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Read this every night, finished it in 13 days. Its not that difficult, you don't need any complementary text. Anyone with a high school education should be able to read this. If you really want a challenge then read it in its original language.

>> No.18844555

Literally how? I'm from a third world country, and we were taught roman numerals, they were easy and fun to learn.

>> No.18844556

I just want mass upheaval at this point. I'm ready for wars, for the overthrow of governments, for civil unrest, for mass bloodshed. I'm tired of living in the end of history. Fukuyama was right and I hate him for it. I want to restart history again, even if it takes thousands of gallons of blood and mountains of skulls. I'm ready to put an end to the way things are, even if it takes great death. I'm deadly serious about that.

>> No.18844560

>Others claim it is due to immigration, whose intelligence is inferior to that of the native French. As a reminder in 2018, about 40% of babies were Africans.
Can anyone save Europe anymore lads?
France is too negrified.
the Anglos too whiggish,
the Germans too autistic
and the Slavics too slavic

>> No.18844562

>I'm from a third world country, and we were taught roman numerals, they were easy and fun to learn.
Same, I in the USA learned Roman numerals in public elementary school

>> No.18844577

If it's any comfort, global warming is coming, you will get to indulge in all the violence you want

Why do a people who allow themselves to be replace deserve to be saved? Let natural selection proceed.

>> No.18844578

its ok anon, I was 14 once as well

>> No.18844587

There will be bloodshed but it will be white people's blood. Sadly white people are entirely domesticated and emasculated so when the niggers will organize and start raping and slaughtering white people in the street with 0 remorse like the disgusting animals they are, white people will do nothing, they'll just freeze in fear like a weak prey animal who is cornered
they've already started destroying churches and monuments, they're bragging openly that white people are gone, it won't be long, white people are just accepting this passively because they think they will go extinct peacefully over the generations

>> No.18844589

>people who allow themselves to be replace deserve to be saved
the people never had a chance, the system was running itself before we were born and will continue to run after
we didn't get to choose to vote for this level of immigration
>b-but they elected the politicians though
come on, you know they're all globohomo. evne "right wing parties" are controller opposition

>> No.18844595

Standards haven't fallen. Education has been prolonged and placed behind many institutional hoops to extract more money.

>> No.18844630

To be fully honest with you, I think you are being overdramatic in your violent predictions. Still, the whites will not be a majority in any part of the world by the time 2200 comes along. They are too naive of a people.

>> No.18844641

>As a reminder,
Why are incels trying to pass off shit posts as legitimate articles?

>> No.18844651

Because retards believe it

>> No.18844652

this is a naive idea based on the assumptions that non-whites will behave like whites when whites will no longer be a majority

>> No.18844672
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>> No.18844677

>and the Slavics too slavic
they sent the first satellite and man into space

>> No.18844678

Depends on the area. In America, I fully expect Asians and Hispanics to take up the role of Whites, guilt and all, and the current dynamic will keep on rolling on. In Europe, you have to look at Islamic societies to see what will happen. Depending on how many Whites convert, it might be smooth or violent.

>> No.18844686

Catholics have had better odds of defending their statues and churches than Protestants. They did a really good job defending that statue of Louis IX in St. Louis last year. There might be a Catholic/Protestant discrepancy in what gets destroyed, especially since Catholics have Hispanics to draw on.

>> No.18844728

>Religion of Peace™ taking over Europe
>mass convertion of the nignogs who are not already Muslims
>not a violent development for whites
it's going to get ugly and not far down the line

>> No.18844735

What? Asians and Hispanics don't have replacement level birth-rates in the US. Most Asian countries and central/south American countries don't have them either and the ones that do are generally going to fall below within the next decade.

Muslims and especially sub-Saharan Africans on the other hand are having tons of children. Since the US so heavily relies on immigration, that's where bulk of your future Americans are going to come from.

>> No.18844743

Well, the moral of the story is that you either go the China/Myanmar route or you go the France/Sweden route. Both are bad, but until the Muslims get their fanatics under control, it is the reality.

>> No.18844755

>Most Asian countries and central/south American countries don't have them either and the ones that do are generally going to fall below within the next decade.
Doesn't matter, there will be more than enough immigration from those areas to bolster the US population for decades to come. There's a good chance that with climate change most of LatAm will try to move to America and Canada, so I doubt a lack of immigrants will ever be a problem.

>> No.18844764

God what a fucking shit world we're going to live through. I hoped I'd be dead before it came to this. What a miserable time to be alive.

>> No.18844785

You overestimate Islam's power. It grows through violence and birthrates, it's not attractive to anyone who isn't born into it. There are, to this day, millions of people living in the Arab World who express interest in converting to Christianity, because Christianity is an attractive religion for the curious and the compassionate. Islam is not.

The next Pope could declare that the Arab World needs to be forced open for Jesuit missionaries, and the whole game could change.

>> No.18844798

>Christianity is an attractive religion for the curious and the compassionate.
The africans who are invading Europe are neither. They are the perfect vehicle for Islam's growth through violence and birthrates.

>> No.18844800

>who the fuck cares that retarded plebeians stay illiterate?
You're one of those retarded plebians.

>> No.18844807

If that happens then the US will look like LatAm and things are definitely not going to keep just "rolling on", lmao.

>> No.18844811

I have learned much more autonomously than I ever did in school, I read up on various topics regularly as a kid. Nobody ever forced me to do it. Fuck off.

>> No.18844816

You underestimate them. You underestimate everyone. And you overestimate Islam's appeal. Nigeria, in particular, is probably going to be majority Christian in 50 years, purely because Christianity keeps moving forward in the country even in the face of rampant persecution by Islamists. When Christians are killed it doesn't discourge the Church, it fuels it.

>> No.18844822

Couldn't the same thing be said about Islam? All the drone strikes in the Middle East fuel radicalism both there and in "Western" countries like the UK.

>> No.18844833

You forget to mention that Christian africans are killed and thrown off the boats.

>> No.18844838

Did it fuel converts, though? It feels like it didn't. Basically nobody converts to Islam. You're born into the religion. Conversion is the big difference between Christianity and Islam. I more than once have seen stories of people deep in Muslim countries who have converted to Christianity and beg for help because they're afraid their families will kill them if they find out. I have seen Christian converts from Islam cast out and abused by their Muslim families. You almost never see the reverse. Conversion is Christianity's most powerful weapon and it's the reason I think Christianity beats Islam in the end. The allure of it to people outside of it is unmatched with any other religion. You never hear stories of people converting to Islam or Buddhism or Hinduism like you hear of them converting to Christianity. The discrepancy is formidable.

>> No.18844880

>and the Slavics too slavic
there's nothing wrong with that

>> No.18844883

You might have a point. I'm reading a bit and I'm seeing a different picture from this angle. I am not sure if Christianity is enough of a force to dampen the violent trends that are shaping up, but it's not as clear cut of a picture as I thought.

>> No.18844914

Holy shit, it's fucking real.
The democratization of intellectualism (and intelectual movements) was a mistake...

>> No.18844920

You would be astounded at what happens when Christianity begins to take hold in a family, or among a population. It's almost like magic. Or maybe it is magic. Maybe Christianity is true, and God Himself really is working for the Christians.

>> No.18844925
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>Implying arabic numerals are easy to read
Don't worry, it will only take a few decades to come full-circle.

>> No.18844951

Unironically you need Jesus, or at least read the gospels or ecclesiastes.

>> No.18844961


>> No.18844967

Do you have any examples or stories to tell?

>> No.18844985

of course he doesn't - he's a christian, the most rapidly dying religion in the world

>> No.18845000

>he's a christian, the most rapidly dying religion in the world
But that suits my reactionary tastes.

>> No.18845130
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>If the high growth rate continues, China may become the country with the most Christians by 2030.
>Protestant Christianity is probably the fastest-growing faith, with at least 38m adherents today (about 3% of the population), up from 22m a decade ago, according to the government’s count. The true number is probably much higher: perhaps as many as 22m more Chinese Protestants worship in unregistered “underground” churches, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Notre Dame. As China also has 10m-12m Catholics, there are more Christians in China today than in France (38m) or Germany (43m). Combined, Christians and the country’s estimated 23m Muslims may now outnumber the membership of the Communist Party (92m).
What the fuck

>> No.18845154

france got destroyed eva just told me so. the first time i went to the luvre i wasnt impressed because i had met you

>> No.18845164

China annihilating the Uyghurs and being mostly chill with Christians will be the reason that Islam will not overtake Christianity as world religion, and yet still rightoids seethe at China.

>> No.18845167


>> No.18845169

Yeah who cares. It's not about intellect, it's memorisation.

>> No.18845183

god shut the fuck up man history didn't end in the middle ages when there was the literal black plague and 99% of people could not read, it's not going to fuckin end today. Worst case scenario, human get extinguished like trilobites and something else evolves out of whatever survived and in a while you'll get your fucking roman numerals again

>> No.18845191

What you think is culture today it's not really culture. Knowing math is the contemporary equivalent of knowing latin in the middle ages, so start studying: smart people read the Greeks and know STEM. If you only do the first, you're a J.K.Rowling-tier glorified high school teacher who knows nothing and think they can babble about everything.

>> No.18845200

I have two editions of the a rather authoritative statistics collections and the numbers on China's religious demographics are a bit different
>non religious/atheist 47%, traditional Chinese religions (this means Taoism, etc) 28.7%, christians 10%, buddhists 8.4%, animism and other folk beliefs 4.4%, muslims 1.5%
>non religious/atheist 52.2%, traditional Chinese religions 21.9%, buddhists 18.2%, christians 5.1%, muslims 1.8%, other 0.8%
So I'm not sure which is right.

>> No.18845266
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>I'm tired of living in the end of history. Fukuyama was right
for the billionth time
fukuyama admitted he was wrong about "the end of history"

>> No.18845463
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>and the Slavics too slavic
Seethe, Angloid.
Space is Slavic.

>> No.18845520

Liberalism must be eradicated in all it's pernicious forms. I'm so serious about this that I'm even against public schools or the standardized education that everyone just takes for granted because mass education will always eventually entail lowering standards. It's built into the system so the entire system must be scrapped and we must look to our ancestors for guidance.

>> No.18845587

You sound like a narcissistic autist. You basically want to destroy the world so that you can exert your will to power and see it operate to your liking. Are you really this stupid or are you just 15?

>> No.18845622

Not him but I have read 5 nonfiction books in the last two weeks and I'm being told I am retarded by people who haven't read anything longer than a social media post since high school, or anything analytically ever, whose entire world view is shaped by facebook, not even TV, and whose idea of culture is shitty telenovelas at unspeakably high volume and Marvel movies.
The vast majority of people should be made illiterate and sent to work in the fields, it's the only thing that suits their level of intellect.
This configuration with basic social mobility so that people who aren't complete mouth breathers can be picked up and made into something useful.

>> No.18845630
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Ivan, wake up. It's 2021.

>> No.18845700

So you want to send people to work camps because they called you retarded and they don’t value education?

Is this just a fantasy? How do you believe this?

>> No.18845719


Education has been damaged by businesspeople and non-educators dictating what is best.

Trust educators to decide the policies and programs, and we'll see the trends reverse.

>> No.18845733

*returns from America to save u*

>> No.18845734

Yes people this retarded have no right to literacy and democracy. Public education has failed spectacularly and it only spread an epidemic of Dunning-Kruger syndrome across the masses

>> No.18845741

The purpose of education is to serve capital hence all the emphasis on STEM.

People either have a love of learning or they don’t. Those that do will become educated on their own volition making use of whatever they can. Those that don’t will either excel and serve capital or will fall through the cracks.

>> No.18845744

Whites in the Americas will be a footnote of history in a few hundred years. They’ll be talked about the way people talk about Clovis.

>> No.18845747

>So I'm not sure which is right.
You're not meant to. All governments are evil malware meant to distract you and siphon your energy.

>> No.18845753
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This is why the West allows its own destruction.

>> No.18845756

Some lineages chose to breed other traits than the ones you love. Those lineages are favored by the systems our lineages built, because our lineages had rotten apples in them, and nobody believed the warnings.

Ban baby torture rituals and remove any subhuman who commits such heinous acts, and partakes in such culture.
But noo, gotta go with wordsalad TV tells you. God's chosen people, antisemitism, racism, islamophobia etc.

>> No.18845757

China is not “mostly chill with Christians”. They tolerate a Christian underclass because it doesn’t tend to stir the pot and specifically because those Christian converts are only those who won’t stir the pot. You still can’t be a Christian and be a party member. Christians, even when they do stir the part, tend not to set off car bombs.

>> No.18845758

The only way the west will defeat Islam is by reading the Qur'an and the Hadiths whilst not being threatened by Muslims.
First we need to protect the intellectuals that try to understand it and then you show disdain for the
Female genital mutilation, slavery, no sculpting, painting, gravestones, music, fashion, sports, drinking, dancing, singing, theatre and if they act out in violence deport them

>> No.18845760

Asians would have to reproduce quite a lot. They're still a smaller portion than blacks, iirc.

>> No.18845774

>French Education

>> No.18845775

>defeat islam
Are you aware that islam exists in other nations?

>> No.18845793
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Eternally based.

>> No.18845800

Stupidity is taking hold again. Roman numerals are being removed from the Louvre. Books are thrown out of school libraries onto the wet pavement. And that is something very bad –– isn't it? In the golden ages of art, only handful of magisters could read and write. Art has always been a privilege of the noble and powerful. And now, art is returning to these hands. The masses anesthetize themselves with beer and fiddle, while the elite feast on Mozart and talk platonic forms. The brute remained crude, despite all the education that was dispensed. Fuck museums, fuck libraries, fuck public education, fuck monkeys in disguise –– put them in chains.

>> No.18845804

/lit/ will (rightfully) ridicule this but the truth is, the majority of people here are embarrassingly bad at math, physics, etc. and cope by making fun of "muh stemtard bugmen"

>> No.18845817


>> No.18845826

Wrong. They’re different hands and the modern nobility hate beauty.

>> No.18845835

It's alright; not your fault you were born sub-80 IQ and failed highschool.

>> No.18845843

Once it's revealed that fundamentalist Muslims would destroy the Taj Mahal for being a mausoleum then it's already on the decline.

>> No.18845854
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>it's the end times reeeeeee

>> No.18845867
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Indeed, this is not the end of the world, only the end of Western hegemony.
We are on the cusp of a new, better world where the peoples of the world are free from the yoke of gweilo barbarians.
I trust the CCP’s wise leadership.

>> No.18845886

All of the current nobility hates beauty? So you know every single member of the nobility?

>> No.18845915

Enough of them, yeah.

>> No.18845922

the current nobility is a bunch of degenerates, they are nothing like the torch bearers of the past

>> No.18845965

I'm not interested in destroying the world, I simply recognize the conflict inherent in a multicultural society insisting on a single curriculum. Education is cultural transmission and it must necessarily be simplified or dumbed down if it is to assimilate multiple groups of people.

>> No.18846044

Astronauts still have to learn the Russian alphabet before they go to space. It's due to the need to use the Baseduez rocket I believe. As you say though, I imagine this shall be phased out with the increasing irrelevance of Russia.

>> No.18846069

>Baseduez rocket
Top kek

>> No.18846304

Kek forgot about the filter.

>> No.18846334

>posted in my comfy bed on my phone
o-oh me? No, I don't want to do anything. I just want to read headlines and cheer from the side.
>why wont anyone do what I want them to do?!

>> No.18846338
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>knowing Roman numerals makes you're smarter

>> No.18846356

>The purpose of education is to serve capital hence all the emphasis on STEM.
This is spot on. The people serve the capital. Sophistication is not necessary in order to code or to engineer. Higher education has become a certificate. Education itself doesn't serve capitalist interests. Some poltards in this thread are already blaming immigration but how many native muh whoite peepol actually read and educate themselves? Most of muh wyt rayce watch Netflix and sports ball for entertainment. They are not spending their spare time reading and writing novels. They shake ass for Tiktok much like baboons. The hole in the human bottom is more interesting than anything else

>> No.18846370

You don't know this. The game has changed anon, you don't see all that's at play.

>> No.18846376

I bet France is going to use Arabic numerals in the future

>> No.18846387

>having a rudimentary understanding of culture makes you smarter
Yes, yes it does - and not only that, but also indicates that you are smarter in general. Roman numerals are the sort of thing that any half-way conscious and inquisitive mind will pick up on already in childhood, and the fact that people do not really does indicate extreme stupidity, that these people are barely conscious.

Not a day goes by where I am not overjoyed that I didn't have regular access to the internet until I was 15. I cannot even begin to imagine the horror it would wreak on an even younger and more plastic mind.

>> No.18846438

Normies go to museums for one reason: to take selfies with the famous art and then post about your love for #culture on facebook, because you are #verysmart
Have you ever looked at a painting or work of art and felt that epiphany that only great art is capable of giving? Have you ever felt utterly bewitched by these relics of the past, that you'd keep thinking about them after leaving the museums and then later that day, and then later that week and so on over the years?
Well normies don't experience this, they literally just want to see the big thing on the catalog and take a selfie with it or whatever they can do to materialize some proof that they have been in the place in front of the popular masterpiece because being there physically and showing proof that you participated is what they imagine is the value of museum-going.

>> No.18846749

Even as an American I learned Roman numerals in first or second grade.

>> No.18846788

I see what you did there.

>> No.18846823

This, but it isn't good news either.

>> No.18846885

It will be phased out but only because Russia and China have decided to build there own space station. So theoretically within the next decade there will be the ISS (or ISS 2.0 because I think they are decommissioning the current ISS soon) and the Chinese/Russian Space Station.

>> No.18846888

This article is bullshit. There is not really a good way to compare academic levels or whatever when what you learn, how you learn and in what format the tests are given have changed so radically. At best its someone in the present looking back on a test that was easy back then and going "WOOOOAH I don't know any of this (1950s trivia) elementary schoolers must have been so smart!!". Also, no, 40% of French babies are not african you dumb fuck. How the fuck do you even believe that obviously made up number.

>> No.18846902

It's not that it makes you smarter, it's that roman numerals are such an elementary part of education that the fact grown adults can't figure them out shows that something went wrong along the line. Especially since so many are getting lost that the museum has to completely do away with roman numerals.

>> No.18846911
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>the Baseduez rocket

>> No.18846917

I don't anon. Did they have multiple choice tests in the 50's? If they did were they used as ubiquitously as they are used today? Scantrons make it easier to pass tests and there is less a need for mastery of a subject.

>> No.18846920

ARE you ready though? Do you have a rifle you can consistently hit moving targets at 200 m with? How far can you ruck with 100 lbs on you in a day? Do you have a group of tightly knit friends you can trust with your life? Do they have rifles, are they fit?

>> No.18846925

The Italians might still have it in them for another good go.

>> No.18846929

... the man typed furiously, angry at the picture he had seen on the internet.

>> No.18847116


>> No.18847118

>no not my hecking roman numberals!

>> No.18847128

you probably don't even know what testosterone levels do to the body retard. It isn't a 1:1 measurement of "manliness"

>> No.18847148

>it's that roman numerals are such an elementary part of education
are they? is a change to a more efficient system used literally everywhere else too much to ask compared to keeping a few numbers in an art museum and maybe running the risk of a few getting lost for a couple of minutes?

>> No.18847376

If you insist that reading Jünger, watching cuckold pornography, and spending all day on /pol/ passively begging for the world to end because you have not managed to find a place in it due to being a profound coward is 4chan, and calling that unfathomably gay, cringe and edgy reddit, then yes, I prefer being reddit, regardless of what kind of unbelievably faggy tribalism you put stock in with regards to preferences in internet procrastination.