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[ERROR] No.18851552 [Reply] [Original]

Any good books on why the sexual revolution was a mistake?

>> No.18851557

Convert to Islam, my brudda.

>> No.18851570

The Sexual Revolution(s) happened in the 1980s, and 1960s depending on the person.
Your graph shows something happening in 2008.

>> No.18851588

Economic depression? More addictive social media?

>> No.18851589

Social media is the problem.

>> No.18851593

You need to prove it is. It might be the problem but you need to show how it makes men virgins.

>> No.18851600

Both men and women have higher standards for sex. Women can get away with this since men tend to fuck anything that comes their way. Men cannot get away with this unless they work hard and devote tons of their attention to one girl on the off chance she might give some short lived sexual pleasure.

>> No.18851616

The sexual revolution led to the social acceptability of pre-marital sex which led to Tinder and the enabling of female hypergamy

>> No.18851625
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I'm 26 and I've never been in a relationship. Sometimes I dream about experiencing that.

>> No.18851628

>Any good books on why the sexual revolution was a mistake?
houellebecq for starters and randy thornhill for patricians.

>> No.18851632

I can obviously not prove it, but I will leave this hypothesis in your head nonetheless. I am far from an incel myself, I’ve had sex with over 10 different women, but social media creates an immense pressure on low confidence men.

Just imagine how life was in the past in a small village without the standards of beauty and fake photoshop shit you see on today’s social media. The youth would intermingle regardless of beauty standards, and the available pool of sexual partners was way smaller. People would also not engage in the levels of promiscuity that you see today in order to maintain their communities healthy.

>> No.18851639
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>Sex is a limited resource for males that the females control. That males try often and persistently to establish sexual contact with females, and that females almost always refuse these attempts, is not a fault of the system - it is the system.
>So what happened that we live in a male civilization today? In a nutshell, Meike Stoverock explains it as follows: Around 10,000 years ago people settled down with agriculture and women disappeared into private homes, where they looked after the children. From then on, men decided on the distribution of women. They invented marriage to contain male sexual competition and to secure access to sex.
>"This oppression [...] is the foundation on which today's states, political systems and cultures stand."
>"Culture, not evolution, has so far made women available to men - and women are breaking with it now."
>Men have to be brave when reading this book - because the biologist assumes that many of them will no longer find a partner.
>The biologist is likely to be right with her observation that the so-called Incels, the involuntarily celibate men, can be dangerous. Incels also exist in the animal kingdom.
>“They are the 'rest', the non-premium males who remain after the evolutionary screening process and have no chance of reproduction. This phenomenon has only been suppressed to this day by the male civilization that controlled and disenfranchised women."

This feminist confirms everything incels have been saying for ytears

>> No.18851642

Try leaving the house once in a while, friends. Almost all of my sexual partners have come from meeting people organically through shared interests and activities and only about 20% of them have been through apps/online and almost all of that was grindr so it doesn't really count. Women suck at online dating, you got to get out there in person.

>> No.18851643
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>Now Meike Stoverock makes suggestions as to what the coexistence of men and women could look like in a post-male civilization, a world order in which women tend to choose several alpha men in the course of their lives, but in which not every pot has a lid. She reckons with the institution of marriage, in which she sees an instrument for the oppression of women, and calls for a departure from the romantic notion that men and women can be happy in lifelong monogamy.
>Men who can no longer find women in this new world order should be cared for in other ways - Stoverock thinks about sex assistants and the role of prostitution, she describes pornography as a possible “socially acceptable support” for men.
>"Men who never or only very rarely find sex partners must be given ethical and socially acceptable ways of meeting their sexual needs."
>"A world order in which women tend to choose several alpha men in the course of their lives, but in which not every pot has a lid."
Are they really that stupid? Female was it also female choice when grug comes and takes over your village killing the men and taking you?
Dont they know about the gang rapes going on in societies with polygamie and rampant hypergamy?
Do they really think that suppressing the evolutionary drive of billions wont end bad? Dont they know what will happen when you have billions of pissed off young men who are not invested in society?
There is a reason why we have the cultural norms we have
heres the link: https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/zukunft-der-menschheit-evolutionsbiologin-viele-maenner.1310.de.html?dram:article_id=492817

>> No.18851645

>das kapital
daily reminder that the incel question is the final domain of class struggle, redistribution of pussy is a marxist imperative

>> No.18851647

People don’t meet organically anymore, that’s one of the problems.

>> No.18851649

holy based green texts.women are literally feminazis

>> No.18851651

In a word: marriage.

>> No.18851661

and the best way to solve that is by staying inside and bitching about it online right?

Start a book club, go to a bar, or a gallery, or a museum, a social centre, literally anything.

Women are horny and want to get laid too, you just have to find someone with at least one thing in common with you and you do that through interest groups/places.

>> No.18851667

I’m not one of the incels here, but what you’re proposing is not realistic for people under 30.

>> No.18851669
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The works of E Micheal Jones

Same, gonna be 24 tomorrow
Feel like a corpse

>> No.18851672

im turning 28 in five days and i've never had a gf either, dont have friends or a career either and i dont even have the energy to fight it cause i've wasted the best years of my life anyway

>> No.18851674

That's clearly caused by the internet.

>> No.18851675
File: 701 KB, 855x924, Lenin the incel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Lenin was an incel and misogynist.

>> No.18851677

>Population Density and Social Pathology (John B. Calhoun, 1970)

>> No.18851678

Pandemic aside, what about that is unrealistic for a healthy person in their 20s?

>> No.18851683

That young people share any of the hobbies you mentioned.

>> No.18851692

You think that there are no people under 30 who like reading, drinking, art, or history?

Most other people commenting on the thread are listing their ages as mid-20s, I really don't see what your point is?

>> No.18851700

You are incredibly naïve.

>> No.18851702

Society has become so pussified men are now afraid to act out our man-ness to get pussy. We have become like a domesticated animal, totally meek and afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing and suffering the backlash. It would be totally possible for me to get some ass, but it would require me to act out the arrogance that this world so desperately has tried to pummel out of me.

People are afraid of being me-too'd. Saying or doing the wrong thing and having some cunt blow up your whole spot over social media, or going to the police. It's now not worth the risk because some vindictive bitch could ruin your life over an ATTEMPT of getting some pussy.

Put simply, acting as a socialized human being in this world is at ends with having the swag required to get a girl.

>> No.18851705

Holy based

>> No.18851708

Implying that this is reoccurring is stretching this a bit too far. None of my friends read or care about culture at all. People do obviously drink, but not in the way you implied, especially when they’re young.

>> No.18851709


>> No.18851712

i work primarily with other young people and the only thing they talk about is their gf/bf and where they went on holiday. i've never met anyone who reads, likes art or history. i used to work in a club and most people there come in groups or friends and there's no opportunity to just approach a woman and even if you did you wouldnt be able to talk to her because the managers intentionally raise the music volume. bars are filled with low class football hooligans

>> No.18851714

Go to Asia, Africa, South America and find a woman who will adore you.

>> No.18851716

Then please enlighten me, oh wise one. Because it seems like you don't have a coherent argument right now.

>> No.18851717

I wonder what a relationship is like or what it's like to kiss a girl. It feels unrealistic just fantasizing about it, maybe I can pay someone one day to experience something like that. Very houellebecqesque.

>> No.18851731

I moved to a small town and I have found it very difficult to make friends. People espouse hobbies as a way to meet people but it's really not that simple. You specifically need a hobby that naturally has people come into contact in groups. Reading, art and history are mainly solo activities, and hobbies in which groups are necessary usually have a majority of people who are of the same sex in the group. So I like skateboarding, but most people who skateboard are male, so it's not that useful to meet members of the opposite sex.

In my experience the binding factor is drinking and drug use that brings groups together. If you want some friends or some pussy you just got to get some drugs.

>> No.18851733

I agree bars can be very hit and miss and filled with morons but that doesn't mean they should be written off entirely.

As for the rest of what you said, I don't know what to tell you, maybe you just live in a shit place filled with basic people? Move to a city with some actual culture and it's not hard to find people engaing with it.

>> No.18851737

You have no idea how braindead the average zoomer is fr no cap:)

Just get a whore and speak to the w*men around you. Eventually you'll start to resent them and even more so resent the world.

>> No.18851741

I accept your defeat.

>> No.18851743

i live in london and it's very hard to find people to engage with. most people here are barely surviving. i dont really expect any actual advice from you since you're a turbo normie but you need to understand not everything is as simple as you make it out to be. if it was incels wouldnt be a thing

>> No.18851744

You're not wrong about the partying thing.

As for the small town, that's rough, I've always tried to live in cities where possible because even if the accomodation is expensive there is at least stuff/people to do.