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[ERROR] No.18894797 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone ever written something like pic related, but from the opposite shore? Something that takes the scalpel of psychoanalysis and dissects the mind of the cookie cutter post-WW2 "intellectual"? The only thing that comes to my mind is Kaczynski's shit but that aspect is not the main thrust of any of his works.

>> No.18894804

Kevin Macdonald and e Michael Jones, maybe? They both seem to rail against psychoanalysis while using their own pet psychological theories

>> No.18894814

critique is an intellectual operation and so you can't really form a general critique of intellectuality that isn't self-refuting. You can only criticize a form of intellectuality that you have identified and shown to be bad, wrong, stupid, useless, false, etc. Nietzsche in Beyond Good and Evil is an example of this.

>> No.18894820

Shit like this ruined discourse forever. It made it into elaborate ways of claiming someone in not my team is a sexual deviant or dehumanised caricature of evil and ignorance.

>> No.18894827

It's called the hermeneutics of suspicion and it's fine when Jews aren't weaponizing it to use against everything they don't like.

>> No.18894855

>critique of intellectuality
I'm not a native speaker but the impression I got was that "intellectual" is the anglo term for that specific combination of a journalist and a lefty talking head who like to present themselves as the "voice of reason and morality" in public discourse, while people who actually use their intellects are either "professionals" (lawyers, engineers, etc.) or "academics" (historians, linguists, etc.)

>> No.18894860
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>Right wing

>> No.18894925
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Picrel criticizes psychoanalysis itself.

>> No.18894955

What did he find?

>> No.18895195

midwit moment

>> No.18895324


>> No.18895452

Psychoanalysis is only good as a rhetorical device for pathologizing your opponent:
scant real insight can be gained from it.
"La Trahison des clercs" by Benda argues that most 'intellectuals', whether they argue for nationalism, marxism or whatever, no longer care about a higher truth but only about political power.
Then a few years later, a bunch of French pedophiles and Jewish Marxists come to prominence, take that thought and inverse it by adding the philosophical equivalent of "and that's a good thing" to it.

>> No.18895486


"The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics" by Anonymous Conservative

Not written all that well (the guy obviously isn't a writer) but it exaplains a lot.

>> No.18895513

>Born into a Jewish family in Paris, Benda had a secular upbringing.[1] He was educated at the Lycée Louis-le-Grand. After a period at the École Centrale Paris, he turned to history, and graduated at the Sorbonne in 1894.[2]

>Benda reserved his harshest criticisms for his fellow Frenchmen Charles Maurras and Maurice Barrès. Benda defended the measured and dispassionate outlook of classical civilization, and the internationalism of traditional Christianity.

>Charles-Marie-Photius Maurras (/məˈræs/; French: [ʃaʁl moʁas]; 20 April 1868 – 16 November 1952) was a French author, politician, poet, and critic. He was an organizer and principal philosopher of Action Française, a political movement that was monarchist, anti-parliamentarist, and counter-revolutionary. Maurras' ideas greatly influenced National Catholicism and "nationalisme intégral". A major tenet of integral nationalism was stated by Maurras as "a true nationalist places his country above everything". A political theorist and a major intellectual influence in early 20th-century Europe, his views influenced several far-right ideologies; they also prefigured some of the ideas of fascism.[1]

>Politically, he (Barrés) became involved with various groups such as the Ligue des Patriotes of Paul Déroulède, which he became the leader of in 1914. Barrès was close to Charles Maurras, the founder of Action Française, a monarchist party. Despite the fact that he remained a republican, Barrès would have a strong influence on various following French monarchists, as well as various other figures. During the First World War, he was a strong supporter of the Union Sacrée political truce. In later life, Barrès returned to the Catholic faith and was involved in a campaign to restore French church buildings and helped establish 24 June as a national day of remembrance for St. Joan of Arc.

>> No.18895526

I would be interested in this as well. Maybe there exists something like that focusing on one intellectual who may serve as an example or symptom.
I'm thinking of a text like NIetzsche's first untimely meditation (On David Strauss) where he takes on a celebrated (in his time) writer and mocks him as an arch-philistine.

>> No.18895529

Do you have a point you want to make or are you just >earlylifeposting at me?

>> No.18895703

Psychoanalysis, like religion, has beneficial uses when applied on an individual, case-by-case basis

>> No.18895710

>Something that takes the scalpel of psychoanalysis and dissects the mind of the cookie cutter post-WW2 "intellectual"?

unironically The Culture of Narcissism

>> No.18895873

Triumph of the Therapeutic, Fellow Teachers, etc. by Philip Rieff