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18929042 No.18929042[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

friendly reminder these 4 are the greatest musical geniuses in history, anybody who disagrees is a posturing pseud

>> No.18929048

where is bladee???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

>> No.18929054

Nigga, you're the posturing pseud

>> No.18929057
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>Nigga, you're the posturing pseud

>> No.18929063

No Fredric Fucking Chopin?

>> No.18929064

>I MUST reply with wojacks
Try forming your opinion once you braindead wanker

>> No.18929073
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>>I MUST reply with wojacks
>Try forming your opinion once you braindead wanker

>> No.18929082

>No Monteverdi
Fake and gay

>> No.18929083

absolute state of wagnerfags

>> No.18929092
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>absolute state of wagnerfags

>> No.18929107
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I like Mendelssohn

>> No.18929192

>no Giovanni Pierluigi

>> No.18929205

You must surely be joking

>> No.18929211

Rachmaninoff was pretty cool.

>> No.18929212
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I wasn’t.

>> No.18929215

where my /baroquebros/ at?

>> No.18929219

Lose Mozart
Add Brahms

>> No.18929316

Haha. Only on 4chan someone would put Wagner around these three people.
Wagner wasn't as important as you think. He had a great influence, sure, but mostly in conducting. In music, he was like some meme baby's first composer -- Wagner influenced some musicians who then grew up from him and called him a hack.
Why would you put him around the actual great men like Bach, objectively the best and most influential composer who changed music forever, something like Greece's Socrates but less annoying and retarded?

>> No.18929319


>> No.18929827

>let 'Good Music' = 'Western Art Music'

>> No.18929831
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> of course, does it even need to be said?

>> No.18929839

Based. Piano > everything.
Also this, romantic era was just better.

>> No.18929845

>not even a 'books for this feel'

>> No.18929856
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Baroque dominates
holy kek, OP is kind of a chad I gotta admit.

>> No.18929893

Wagner is a hack. The four best should be Mendelssohn, Mahler, Meyerbeer, and Schönberg.

>> No.18929903

Swap wagner for vivaldi and i agree.

>> No.18929908

Based and accurate

>> No.18929927

Schubers Lieds>Anything else ever composed

>> No.18929932
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>He had a great influence, sure, but mostly in conducting.
Lmao, imagine exposing yourself for knowing nothing about classical.

>> No.18929952
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Terrible b8, you are not even trying.

>> No.18929969

>It seems to me that music in Western Europe is going through a sort of phase of transition. For a long time Wagner was the only major composer of the German school. This man of genius, from whose overwhelming influence not one of the European composers of the second half of our century has been able to escape, stood there in splendid isolation, so to speak. And just as was the case during his lifetime, now, too, there is nobody who could replace him. True, there is in Germany one highly respected and esteemed composer: Brahms, but the cult of Brahms is more like a way of protesting against the excesses and extremes of Wagnerism. For all his mastery, for all the purity and earnestness of his endeavours, Brahms can hardly be said to have made an eternal and precious contribution to the treasure-house of German music. Of course we can also point to two or three other outstanding German composers: Goldmark [8], Bruckner [9], the young Richard Strauss [10]; indeed, here one should also mention Moritz Moszkowski [11], who, in spite of his Slavic name, lives and works in Germany; but, on the whole in the classical land of music one can sense a certain scarcity of talents, a certain lack of life and stagnation. The only place where there is true life is in Bayreuth, in this centre of the Wagner cult, and whatever our attitude may be to the music of Wagner, it is impossible to deny its power, its fundamental significance and influence on all contemporary music.
- Tchaikovsky interview 1892

>> No.18929972

surely you mean Petzold?

>> No.18929977

Shittier Italians.

>> No.18929981
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James Brown shits on these honkies.
None of you actually like them, you just pretend to because they have prestige in society and you think it makes you smart to say you like them

>> No.18929998

Anyone who likes listening to Schoenberg is a sick pervert

>> No.18930002

>t. artistically uneducated reactionary philistine

>> No.18930021

what's some good books to help me understand music bros

>> No.18930022

One of these is not like the others
Spoiler it's Wagner, not because he sucks but he just didn't have the range and depth of the others. He deliberately cultivated spectacle and emotional manipulation through chromaticism and "advanced harmony".

>> No.18930032

Tchaik was pretty based for mentioning Bruckner, who was really not to his taste, and Mahler, who was in his mid-20s at the time. Not sure about how the other two have held up.

>> No.18930036

I mean young Strauss, not Mahler

>> No.18930040

I always forget, what's the title of that book where a dude analyzes dozens of encyclopedias about various subjects, and then lists the most often mentioned geniuses for each category (philosophy, music, sculpture, painting, maths, biology etc) ? I remember that for music, the author asked a musician friend what the list would look like, and the answer was
>Well, first Beethoven and Mozart, obviously
>Who got to be third, Wagner or Bach?

>> No.18930048

I would drop Mozart and Wagner for Monteverdi and Brahms any day.

>> No.18930056


>> No.18930061

>>Well, first Beethoven and Mozart, obviously
>>Who got to be third, Wagner or Bach?
It's really just subjective between Beethoven, Mozart, Bach and Wagner. Many will say Beethoven or Mozart first, many others are obsessed with Bach or Wagner. It's always pointless to try and prove one to be better.

>> No.18930080

Weird thing is as I've gotten older, Mozart has lost a lot of his charm for me. Obviously he was a god, with his mastery of phrase and balance, but he seems too smooth for me these days. The clarinet quintet remains the most wistfully beautiful thing ever written, but I find myself heading towards meatier stuff.

>> No.18930096
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>muh old shit
nobody cares.

Uematsu has more GOTY songs.

>> No.18930124
File: 190 KB, 850x1024, 850px-Richard_Wagner_by_Caesar_Willich_ca_1862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone actually explain to my why you consider Wagner to be bad or overrated? All I've heard so far wasn't really fulfilling. I want to hear more about what you think of his thought as expressed in the operas, rather than his formal technique.

>> No.18930125

Very odd. I can only recommend you try to look for the deeper form in Mozart's works and see that his motifs aren't as flimsy as just form and balance, if you haven't already.

By chance, what do you think of his Haydn quartets?

>> No.18930128

It's not about better, the author made it clear in the book, it's about the most mentioned in works dedicated to that field. He mentioned this anecdote just for fun, I guess, that his (violinist?) friend guessed exactly the order which they found by skimming through these encyclopedias. Do you have any idea what that book might be?