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18932606 No.18932606 [Reply] [Original]

>One of the greatest political novels of all time, being not only an intimate look at American political philosophy but also a revealing study of the American psychology that has held true to this very day

Like sure, it's a great book, but why the ABSOLUTE FUCK is there a chapter in the middle of it where the 60+ year old main character is revealed to be cheating (at least emotionally and most likely physically as well) on his faithful wife with a woman young enough to be his daughter and (ANNNNNNNNND!) it also revealed that this man's actual daughter is aware of this affair and encourages it because it gives her father the energy he needs to keep up in politics


>> No.18932626

Authors feel the need to tack on romance subplots to everything to capture that lucrative 16-25 year old female market audience.

>> No.18932646

I'm not quite sure that was true in the 1930's when this was published, but either way, why make it such a disgusting affair then? Why not make Doremus unmarried or at the very least not old enough to be Lorinda's father?

>> No.18932805

I don’t know about you, but that sounds hot

>> No.18932916

>it can't happen here
Then FDR happened.

>> No.18932944

Lewis wrote that book in the middle of the FDR administration. FDR is actually a character in the book and the opposite to Windrip's.

Lewis wrote because of men like Huey Long and William Dudley Pelley, not FDR.

>> No.18932976

What was Lewis's problem with Huey anyway? I've never understood it.

>> No.18932984


His "Share the Wealth" economics. Windrip's economic policies in the book are one-for-one what Huey Long said he would've done if he had been elected president. The disastrous effects of such policies shown in the book should tell you what Lewis thought of Long's economic thinking.

>> No.18933073

I've never read Lewis, I must admit, but I was under the impression he supported leftist—if not even Marxist or at least Marxian—economical thinking; to be opposed to Long based on wealth distribution runs counter to what I've thought of him. I though he disliked Huey because of his authoritarian and less-than-democratic tendencies to acquire and employ power in Lousiana, even if it was for the benefit of the public.

>> No.18933083

Can't say I've read much of Lewis other than this, but he specifically calls out Long for his "Share the Wealth" policy.

>> No.18933143

>Like sure, it's a great book, but why the ABSOLUTE FUCK is there a chapter in the middle of it where the 60+ year old main character is revealed to be cheating (at least emotionally and most likely physically as well) on his faithful wife with a woman young enough to be his daughter and (ANNNNNNNNND!) it also revealed that this man's actual daughter is aware of this affair and encourages it because it gives her father the energy he needs to keep up in politics
Perhaps because he thought that that's where we were headed. And perhaps also because we were already beyond saving at that point.

>> No.18933183


I wouldn't call intragenerational affairs the norm of any time period, let alone our own, anon.

>> No.18933790

It’s a reminder that just because someone shares the same “Good Politics” as you, that doesn’t make them a moral or ethical person.

>> No.18934492

If you want to be a writer, you must enjoy affairs. Cheating is the Literary Sin. Cheating is what makes literary intellectuals enjoy life.

Affairs are the soul of literature.

>> No.18934542 [DELETED] 


It shows that morality is not a safeguard against anything because morality makes no difference in social management. Morality neither stops bad behavior nor does its lack spoil good behavior.
Morality is nothing more than a distraction to keep people from monitoring the behavior of leadership, presenting a fake safeguard so that actual safeguards, or better yet, removing rewards for bad behavior, won't be tried.

>> No.18934565

I can understand saying morality isn’t the end all be all, but how can you say it has no impact on social interaction?

>> No.18934873

So I’ve had this problem for a while know when people say “old enough to be his daughter”

Every woman who is younger than the man in question is technically young enough to be his daughter. To pretend otherwise is to ignore biology.

>> No.18934892

I mean that, if the point of the book is to show how tyranny can come about in America, part of it might also be to show the effects of this tyranny in the lives of individuals.

>> No.18934912

Did you read the book? Doremus Jessup is meant to be the opposite of the majority that puts Buzz in power

>> No.18935184

It was a different time
No really, this meme fits the bill. This is what men did and they felt comfortable with it up until the 60s when women liberation/“sexual revolution” stuff made it fairly widespread for both side.
Didn’t they feature this kind of character in that Mad Men show?

>> No.18935204

Who the fuck asked you, worm?

>> No.18935260


>> No.18935273

Wait, speak honestly, you think that men in the 20th century thought that extra-marital affairs were moral?

>> No.18935309

Affairs are ALWAYS moral, as long as the man is an intellectual.

Women do not decide who a man can and cannot sleep with, retard.

>> No.18935378

>book without sex
Wouldn’t sell

>> No.18935407

Males typically saw it as normal, still do, but more-so in the misogynistic ages.
There’s a thread up now with some old anti-feminist crank trying to make the case that it’s normal and good.
I advocate nothing here. Just saying.

>> No.18935432

I always knew that you had no knowledge of history, moth.

>> No.18935446
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You appear to have only knowledge of what the stoutly christian believes about such matters.

>> No.18935448
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>Males typically saw it as normal
What society saw affairs as "normal", please name one

>> No.18935479

Most "classic" writers are old, white men, and there's nothing old, white men wish for more than to cheat on their wives with younger women.

>> No.18935495

nigger take

>> No.18935496

New England urban centers, 20th century.
Kid, it’s in a damn book. This would be considered mildly titillating reading material to most people outside the bible belt

>> No.18935507

You are a shut in zoomer raised on anime with zero life experience or recent cultural norms

>> No.18935508

And your source for this is?… unless your claiming to be old enough to be from that past yourself.

>> No.18935525
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Butterfly, please just answer me this: Have you even read "It Can't Happen Here"?

>> No.18935540
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Numerous instances from various media.

Yes. January 2016

>> No.18935544

>Yes. January 2016

And what were your thoughts when, in the middle of a mostly political book, the author felt the need to interject with the character's affair AND that character's daughter's approval of that affair (meaning, the daughter approved of her father cheating on her mother?)

>> No.18935558
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I felt it was rather dated.
Funny how the main character was a middle aged man. The author was really only writing for that demographic.

>> No.18935562


This is an honest question (I want to know your answer to this honestly, without respect to the rest of the thread):

Do you actually think 60+ is middle aged?

>> No.18935713

There is nothing wrong with having multiple famoid lovers. Women don’t understand true love, so it’s fine to use that against them.

>> No.18935867
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So wrong.

>> No.18935891

Why did you ignore my question (>>18935562)?

>> No.18935900
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It’s a boring question.
What does it matter? Sure.

>> No.18935934

What fucking pyscho considers "60" middle-aged?

A woman in her twenties having an affair with a man in his fucking sixties is not mentally stable.

>> No.18935987

I don’t think you’re remembering the characters ages. His daughters are in their teens and twenties. The lover was 40+ as I recall.

>> No.18936002

Doremus was in his sixties, Lorinda was noted for being of "Sissy's class" but not being as wild as her.

Doremus was cheating on his faithful wife with a woman young enough to be his daughter.

>> No.18936023


>> No.18936035

I’m starting to doubt you read the book at all. Even if Lorinda was in her 40’s, as you incorrectly remember, that still makes her young enough to be Doremus’s daughter, who himself is in his 60’s.

>> No.18936056

Do you the first printing? That’s what I read.
I’m starting to doubt he’s sixty. Maybe it says he’s nearing 60. It’s trivial though. You have sexual hangups to work through

>> No.18936060

And you have hangups about being called out on books you never read.

>> No.18936067


>Do you the first printing?

What the absolute fuck does this mean? Do I the first printing?

>> No.18936076

>You have sexual hangups to work through
are you not disgusted by the though of a man cheating on his wife with a woman the same age as their own daughter?

>> No.18936090

Typing mishap, duh. “Do you have the first printing”. Is what I typed

I’ve already answered. Sort yourself out.

>> No.18936094

I always knew you were a sexual deviant

>> No.18936110

Marriage is sad. Bondage is sadness. I did not admire the character. Like I said, it’s dated.

I am homosexual, that’s a deviation. As an anarchist I don’t care for contracts of the state or church tying women to such beasts as property.
You realize some men resorted to cannibalism of their “wives” in harsh winters?

>> No.18936112

>You realize some men resorted to cannibalism of their “wives” in harsh winters?
How’s that deviation strike you?

>> No.18936113
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>Marriage is sad.

>> No.18936119
File: 76 KB, 850x400, 75D8E4D9-5507-4BB7-9003-BD72773AA651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love is joy. Marriage is a sale

>> No.18936124

Ask me how I know you're white. White people have ruined the concept of marriage.

>> No.18936136

I’m as pale as a ghost
Have some perspective

>> No.18936139


Kill yourself, colonizer.

>> No.18936146

>literal psuedoscience
Jesus Christ…

>> No.18936154
File: 2.07 MB, 1483x1719, B5E9F48B-49BD-448F-8423-7B8EFC1EA520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s my favorite history book.
I’m no colonizer

>> No.18936155

As a white person the most moral thing you could do is offing yourself.

>> No.18936167
File: 68 KB, 427x630, 086BB9A0-D2BA-450A-80E2-0694823F6CA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf? Science. Geologists date the sites the evolutionary orthodox can’t wrap their heads around it and cover it up. It’s weird scientism that’s preventing real science

>> No.18936173


Do you ever wonder why those books aren't recommended by actual intellectuals?

>> No.18936178
File: 207 KB, 708x1060, 94E8BA4B-0F61-46CB-92C8-7B6588975018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey hey, guess what?

>> No.18936188

>David Suzuki

It's not good that you look up to men on the sex offender registry.

>> No.18936191

I just told you why. Science that goes against the orthodox.
Explain why the geologist data are ignored in each case.

>> No.18936198

Because it's not actual data, it's psuedoscience.
>t. Geologist

>> No.18936216

Isn’t this the ORANGE MAN BAD book?

>> No.18936225
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No. See >>18932944

>> No.18936307


See https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/17/books/review/classic-novel-that-predicted-trump-sinclar-lewis-it-cant-happen-here.html

>> No.18936313
File: 1.74 MB, 2560x2595, 69450A8E-570B-48A0-BC71-0DB63112AAA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sinclair Lewis is a genuine prophet!

>> No.18936317

Says the pseudoscience cultist

>> No.18936326

You got a debunk link yet, Mr. Geologist who doesn’t believe his own science?

>> No.18936362

Why do you believe the one "geologist" against the tens of thousands of university educated geologists in the world?

>> No.18936381
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You didn’t watch the video. It’s several geologists over the course of years concerning several finds. Footprints, tools, finger bones, skulls, etc. It’s not like this debunks evolution. Evolution just takes longer

>> No.18936392

Because adultery is the marrow of western civilization. It is what makes us different from for example the Muslims who frown upon it and punish that behaviour.

In the west it is legal and an exercise in freedom. Of "following ones own heart" no matter what.

>> No.18936437
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>Speaking ill of the Kingfish
No thanks commie/standard oil

>> No.18936482

what can i do with a political science degree?

>> No.18936494

You can take part in ruling the world.

>> No.18936610


This is true, and unbearable. Writers are outrageously dull people.

>> No.18936615

French. It's expected.

>> No.18936617

Affairs are never dull. Even if the people involved are themselves full, the affair itself is interesting for the pure fact it is an affair.

>> No.18936647

Interesting for normie scum maybe.

>> No.18938270

You fucking kikes are so tiresome.

>> No.18938312

So a 33 year old man and a 30 year old woman are dating and you believe he’s old enough to be her father? Retard

>> No.18938384

I think it's that angry South American.

>> No.18938436


To women, perhaps. It really is a highschool, hen-party mentality. Sexual relationships and dalliances mean precious little to a person's character. It's amusingly bourgeois to think them fertile material for exploration.

>> No.18938863

Biologically it is possible given modern medicine

>> No.18938917
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>Sexual relationships and dalliances mean precious little to a person's character.

Ah, the good old “You should be happy I’m with you now, don’t worry about my past lovers”

>> No.18940291

Cheating is based

>> No.18940333

Even those directly uninvolved on the tyranny are shaped for it.

>> No.18940427

classic educated liberal fear/loathing of any sort of self-organization by the working class done without the expert administration of educated liberals

>> No.18940954

As they should. The peasant mob is one of the most destructive forces in the world. It cannot create, it only consumes and destroys.

>> No.18941074


>> No.18941856

Apparently you're ignoring biology if you think he isn't old enough to be her father

>> No.18942557


>> No.18943009

>I'm not quite sure that was true in the 1930's when this was published
It was. It's been true since the 19th century.

>> No.18943646

You’re really undershooting the starting point of the paperback