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/lit/ - Literature

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18939599 No.18939599 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best Greek works on aesthetics?

>> No.18939613
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>troons with that weird angle and filters to hide the jawline and adams apple

>> No.18939622

Who wrote that, Plato?

>> No.18939623

>philosophy tube
Is the channel any good? What sort of philosophy does he talk about?

>> No.18939630

Plato - Phaedrus, Ion, Republic
Aristotle - Poetics
Pseudo-Longinus - On the Sublime (he lived already under the Roman rule, though)

>> No.18939631

God, he's so ugly

>> No.18939632

He doesn't talk about philosophy anymore. Now he just imitates the good tranny but does it in a very creepy manish way. Someone post the chart.

>> No.18939636

>Is the channel any good?
>What sort of philosophy does he talk about?
They don't talk about philosophy

>> No.18939639

some of the videos are pretty good. I think this one is the most entertaining one I've seen:


You will need a certain tolerance for 'breadtube theatrical aesthetics' to not be put off by the stylistic choices but it's good content. They're pretty smart and have a 1st class philosophy degree so even if I disagree with them 94% of the time I find them worth watching.

>> No.18939652

Everyone clocks him as a tranny, I don't know why they try

>> No.18939653

It is philosophy though. Philosophy is, and always has been, a fucking joke. Trannypoints don't change that.

>> No.18939654

oh fuck i just unironically used the word 'content' to refer to internet media. i am now going to commit ritual suicide. thanks for all the good times /lit/

>> No.18939659

They might entertain people but the actual philosophical content is non-existent

>> No.18939665

Pseudo bragging about his knowledge of schizo philosopher who lived outside the U.S

>> No.18939666

I agree that (especially these days) it's more pop critical theory than genuine philosophy. Still a decent watch though and more intellectual than 99.6% of youtube.

>> No.18939681

Cute girl, a shame about the left-wing politics

>> No.18939688

does she pin her ears back?

>> No.18939694

quintessential /lit/

>> No.18939698

Stop it, it's honestly not funny anymore

>> No.18939699


>> No.18939708

>quintessential /lit/
How so?

>> No.18939712


>> No.18939716

when did lit become full of chuds?

>> No.18939722

take your meds and stop watching anime

>> No.18939729

horniness + heterodox politics

>> No.18939736

This crusty ass bitch sexually assaulted contrapoints and steals all of her ideas. Fuck this AGP whore

>> No.18939739

Troons are the essence of comedy. They combine the two great strands which have made men laugh for centuries: self delusion, and cross dressing.

>> No.18939742

>This crusty ass bitch sexually assaulted contrapoints
What? I thought they agreed with each other on political issues

>> No.18939745

it's full of leftists LARPing as chuds

>> No.18939758

No dude, Contrapoints deletes every tweet that Philosophy Tube replies to. Contra even banned discussion of PT on her reddit

>> No.18939760
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>They're pretty smart and have a 1st class philosophy degree so even if I disagree with them 94% of the time I find them worth watching.
If this isn't bait I hope you're a fucking teenager and if so you need to outgrow this less than midwit shit perspective. You are teetering over the abyss of being a reddit retard for the rest of your life. Redditors are the ones always making excuses for garbage, half because they let everything off the hook and want to be as "inclusive" as possible, and use disdain for elitism as some kind of ritual show of tribal solidarity to make the wider group accept them too, half because they want to justify their own unrefined taste, and their desire to keep feeling good without having to face the possibility that their current source of feelgood makes them an unrefined pig at the trough.

Your first instinct when someone criticizes something shouldn't be to assume it's bad either, that's the 4chan mental illness which can be just as stuntedly adolescent as the reddit disease. But at least people with 4chan disease occasionally and accidentally cultivate deep interests. When in doubt immature elitism still has more dynamism and growth potential than immature inclusivity. With reddit you are becoming undifferentiated pond scum eating lowest common denominator filth for the rest of your life. Change your ways now.

This is a good learning experience. PhilosophyTube is objectively bad, objectively puerile, it's almost deliberately bad, it's a manic narcissistic manchild selling sub-Philosophy 101, sub-Wikipedia babbling to primarily teenage girls so he can be an online influencer. He is not even the "sure he's not a professional but he loves the subject and studied it at a great school!" meme you think he is. He's a random narcissist who would start pontificating about atomic physics if you asked him about it at a party despite the fact that he knows nothing about it, just because he wants the attention. He has no shame, he is a literal whore for your attention. If you can't detect the stink lines of shit and cynicism radiating from this video you have let the normie poison into your heart and you need to purge it as quickly as possible. In the process you will learn useful life wisdoms like "oh interesting I guess it's possible to speak confidently and act as if you know something about a thing, and know nothing about it" and "oh that's unusual, I guess it's possible to have a fancy degree in something from a posh school and know nothing about it except how to pose to other people who know nothing about it."

This man knows nothing. You must not excuse and obscure his pathetic failures and shameless cynicism because you have an undifferentiated protoreddit brain that eats any slop poured onto its plate. You have a right to be discerning. You have a right not to watch "PhilosophyTube." You are a human being. But you have to start acting like one, or it goes away after a while and you just become a redditor.

>> No.18939766

This is true actually and PT made a whole video trying to preemptively protect himself from getting metoo'd this was just an escalation of trying to protect themselves

>> No.18939768

Stop promoting e-celebrity bullshit. These people are not your friends, they are grifters, narcissists, and a waste of time.

>> No.18939769

I regret to inform you that you are not a woman, but a delusional crossdresser.

>> No.18939775

okay this is based

>> No.18939781

? this is a thread about Greek Philosophy

>> No.18939794

holy based

>> No.18939801

Good post. He won't read it though.

>> No.18939811

What's wrong with being a crossdresser? It's /lit/ to make love to feminine guys.

>> No.18939820

thank for looking out for the young 'uns

>> No.18939849

???? I was there. I got the word.

Posts ... like you were talking to your mother.

(She will be seeing this.)

>> No.18939853

Any sources, or elaboration? That seems like a juicy bit of internet history.

>> No.18939870
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>> No.18939873

I am turned off by people that showcase their appearance when talking philosophy, or just about anything not beauty/fashion-related.

Comes off like they're trying to sell their looks and not the ideas presented.

>> No.18939922
File: 538 KB, 750x1213, AFBF91F9-D00B-4720-9093-67570C1746D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this post not the manifestation of what you called 4chan disease?

Also funny captcha

>> No.18939925
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poor contra. I enjoy her videos, even though my politics are her opposite.

men today are so emasculated that they become women. can I really be against trannyism when these "men" effectively are women? it's almost tragic.

i think it can be cured with lots of LSD and therapy.

>> No.18939934
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Trannies are inherently cringe dont really see them as people but more of a breed of brainwashed sumbhuman cattle. NPC biopolitical cliente democratic party and the pharmaceuticals. The lgbt crowd in general tend to be mentally ill people who fell from psyops and propaganda but trannies in particular have something very sick and degraded about them.
Bernie Bros, male feminists and ‘good guy’ liberals all support sex work, but for some reason they aren’t paying girls like me for sex

Copy Link
Four months before Violet, a 25-year-old transsexual with dollish cheekbones and a primary color wardrobe, moved to Brooklyn, she toyed with the idea of holding “a farewell tour” in her lifelong home of Portland, Oregon. Her approach to putting a bow on her 20-plus years in a city mocked for its liberal leanings was to collide her two disparate worlds: her friend circle of Juul-puffing mulleted Bernie Bros with her recent professional foray into sucking cock for cash.

“What if I put it out there that I’m available as a sex worker for people I know for highly discounted rates?” Violet, now a good friend of mine, recently tells me over FaceTime, recalling the logic behind her “maniac idea.” She admits it was both a stab at giving her friends a “last chance to fuck” while also raking in as much money as she could before she hit the Big Apple.

I mean at least the incels dont expect to be paid for it. And the grooming paedophilic proclivities of the community are fairly well known. If anything these people arent marginalized enough they are on a fucking pedestal. Im yet to hear one convincing reason why we souldnt ostracize the ifuck out of them and do everything to make them stay the fuck away from kids.

>> No.18939977

He was so hot before turning into a troons. Honestly the biggest reason for being against troonyism is bc it's an evil ideology turning handsome men into pseudo-women.

>> No.18939978

That woman has a huge jaw. It's not attractive, but she will breed you a strong son.

>> No.18939990
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Ah yes, What is some science or theory i can read which can help me check my privilege and learn more about the awful plight the diverse and vibrant culture of these warm body politically correct victimhood unit NPCs purpose engineered biopolitical clientele for the democratic party hr departments and big pharma, i mean these most noble and progressive of creatures? How can i be a better ally? How can i get over the deeply engrained heteronormative prejudices that make me feel uncomfortable abouth the beautiful and heartwarming display of diversity and progress in pic related?

>> No.18939998
File: 388 KB, 1080x1046, 1629558720512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, it's truly disheartening.
We must secure the future for cute boys.

>> No.18940061
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Hi I'm the original guy. I'm don't dispute that PhilosophyTube is a pontificator and an attention-whore. Virtually anyone with a half-way successful YouTube channel is (c.f. Fantano). I'm also not awestruck by their degree, despite what you seem to have read into my comment. For what it's worth I go to a University generally regarded as better than theirs. I'm not a devotee of the channel (don't think I've watched a single video since they transitioned, actually) and I don't think I've particularly taken to heart any of the ideas they've put across in their videos.As far as I'm concerned, they simply originate or regurgitate mildly interesting (if non-profound) theses and present them in an entertaining and high-production-value way. Sometimes the ideas they have presented have led me to seek out similar expositions from more rigorous thinkers, which is partly why I said I find them worth watching.

You are concerned that I am undiscerning. To this I would say; I do read the difficult, challenging texts that /lit/ adores, I do devote time to climbing intellectual Munros such as writing poetry and learning foreign languages - but (as is the case for 99% of people) it's not feasible for me to do challenging things all the time. So given that I know I'm going to watch shite on YouTube at least some of the time, as far as I'm concerned it's better that it at least be fertile shite. For me, channels like Philosophy Tube, that do engage with some intellectual topics, even if in a superficial/narcissistic/populist way do a reasonable job of filling this niche.

The extent of your fury bemuses me. Do you consider this channel to be a radicalising influence, taking in angsty young people and spitting out blue ticks? I suggest that if someone were to be radicalised by PhilosophyTube then they were heading that way to begin with. I personally trust my ability to engage with media, with ideas, without them infecting my thought.

It's ironic to me that one of the common threads of thought shared between both reactionaries and progressives in the present moment is the near reverence of propaganda and information hazards. Progressives live in fear of the 'alt right pipeline', reactionaries seethe at the 'globohomo agenda'. The honestly held belief that it is possible to dispassionately and hermetically interact with an idea seems to be a dying one. In any case, I at least still hold it.

>> No.18940074

I mean have you tried bringing up nietzsche or any western philosopher for that matter around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle? In no time you will see their beady stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating "wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Hasnt it been debunked as fake news pseudoscience?Why read books by dead white men when you could have been streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneygo? Didnt you know reading antything beyond YA literature is ableist towards people who are too retarded to read? How does this further the short term electoral goals of the democratic party?are you saying child sex workers arent real sex workers?Have you been taking your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training as per the domestic terrorism act of 2021"

>> No.18940080

I mean yeah this is the point I was making, progressives are terrified of people being redpilled, rather than having faith in the strength of their own ideas and argumentation. But reactionaries are no different.

>> No.18940094

>Plato's Ion and The Republic
>Aristotle's Poetics
>On the Sublime by Pseudo-Longinus
>On Style by Demetrius
>Horace's Ars Poetica
> Plotinus' Enneads 1.6

>> No.18940095

I mean if these people are going to call you a fascist for the crime of reading old books having thoughts unapproved by corporate media or not wanting kids to get molested then can 'fascism' really be all that bad?

>> No.18940096

Golden post

>> No.18940099

>today in angloworld

>> No.18940101

That doesn't mean you should lean into the fascist label though. Just like your old books and ignore what people might say

>> No.18940102

> can 'fascism' really be all that bad?

>> No.18940112

Why? Experience has clearly shown these people to be deranged, violence is the only language they understand. They want us broke dead our children raped and brainwashed and they think its all pretty funny.

>> No.18940124

cringe as FUCK

>> No.18940131

you talk almost exactly like Ignatius J Reilly

>> No.18940132

Fuck off fascist

>> No.18940140

I mean theycrossed a line the moment they started going after kids.

>> No.18940147

I think faggot's too nice of a word for you pozzed kultmarx screechazzoid more like it

>> No.18940150

Nothing wrong with fascism. Don't be a sensitive pussy.

>> No.18940155 [DELETED] 
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Join our new paganism server, all learners and believers are welcome.
-A channel where you'll find date converters and calendars for your faith
-Guides and ancient primary sources for beginners
-A channel to share pics of your sacred space
-Several roles for every brand of polytheist faith and philosophical school
-Theology, literature, history and philosophy channels
-A politically neutral community without idpol shit, trannies and ethnonationalist LARPers are banned on sight
Abrahamic believers and atheists may also join, but they have to agree not to proselytize or disparage the faith of the members of the community

>> No.18940172

>politically neutral community without idpol shit
>bans trans folks just for being trans

>> No.18940173

It's a consequence of the lack of moderation. Any space without strict moderation devolves into right wing antics.

>> No.18940177 [DELETED] 

"being trans" isn't something you're born with, much like sexuality it is something that you develop as you grow up

>> No.18940182

if >>18940172 is true then you guys deserve to fail, especially if it's not even ironic paganism and just an inbred attempt to derive clout from appropriating a dead culture

>> No.18940189

>the radical left is all about having moral curators to tell people how to think and act
fuck off back to california liberalnigger

>> No.18940191

Sometimes he presents a novel idea that is somewhat interesting to think about. That's only if you can tolerate the faggotry he displays in presenting such an idea - the dude has always worn fancy costumes and cross-dressed to garner attention. His opinions are always infused with your typical twittertard, flavour-of-the-month, corporate views. He has that patronizing, narcissistic tone of your typical cunt, what with his "I'm not going to tell you what to think, but how to think" (which ultimately ends up being telling us what to think).

>t. watched his videos before he trooned out to assess their value

>> No.18940199 [DELETED] 

>inbred attempt to derive clout from appropriating a dead culture
you call it a dead culture yet it survived for 2000 years and it is still widely acknowledged nowadays, not to mention many modern authors are still inspired by pagan culture

>> No.18940204

I mean im not transphobic its not my fault every last one of them just happens to be completely brainwashed and

>> No.18940205

It's about having standards. When you let even one monkey throw feces all over your kitchen, the walls will get stained with shit even if everyone else is being civilized.

>> No.18940206

Wow she's beautiful.

>> No.18940220

The left has always been against marginalized folks working fighting back against the violence of the dominant culture. You sound like a privileged white bro

>> No.18940225 [DELETED] 

Server where? What does this mean?

>> No.18940230

>you're not allowed to have an ethnoreligion but i can buy icons off of amazon and give money to joel osteen while roleplaying as a member of the knights templar

No one is trans, there's just normal people and those suffering from mental illnesses that have been inflicted upon them by malevolent forces.

>> No.18940231

Exactly, which is exactly why we should ostracize trannies and let them know they are not welcome.

>> No.18940232

>fight back against the dominant culture by finding the one remaining place in modern society you can still say "tranny" without getting fired or banned and whining that such an exception to the rule exists

>> No.18940235

Every left wing YouTube gets psyoped into being a tranny lmao

>> No.18940237

This, I wouldn't be so annoyed by trannies if they only stopped shoehorning their globohomo propaganda into every forum where they have a large presence. Gays and bis are chill on the other hand. I will edit the rules to allow trans people in, but if I find out you're shilling your agenda even once i'm not changing my mind again.

>> No.18940243

Gays unironically have a sort of mafia

>> No.18940248

I'm an atheist, I don't pray to icons whether Christian or pagan. Stop with the pathetic strawmans

>> No.18940256

Trannies are a fucking psychic poison, you are letting in a disease. Neo-pagan groups already have problems with degenerate hippies using them as an excuse to freebleed on the carpet and play hacky sack with drug dealers in dreadlocks while claiming it's a lifestyle.

>> No.18940262

And those trannies are still 10 times more /lit/ than Ben Shapiro. The right can't win even against the worst leftists.

>> No.18940265

The dominant culture is white supremacy christian supremacy and cisheterosexism. The mild discomfort you feel from having to check your privilege is not even one billionth of what marginalized folks such as PoC and queer go through from microagressions and having to live under the constant threat of white supremacist terrorism

>> No.18940270

I'll give them just a chance to try and integrate like Cyrus with Croesus, and if they disappoint me I'll throw them back on the burning pyre.

>> No.18940307

bad bait

>> No.18940320

I'm a registered Democratic voter but I come here and pretend to be a real nazi.

>> No.18940464

How did gender fluidity become synonymous with leftists and arguably their most ardent position these days, did it all come from feminism? Who are the main culprits of this?

>> No.18940482
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>> No.18940484
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Pic related is a CIA or pre-CIA manual on how to use entryism to dilute and derail organizations. They've been doing this for a long long time.

The entire New Left movement in the 1960s was probably 50% feds telling the other 50% of useful idiots to do drugs and listen to countercultural music (now on sale!), and talk endlessly about the unique plight of every last freak and weirdo in town (driving the "boring" white working class away and back into the arms of the status quo), instead of focusing on anything that works. Their motives were originally to prevent USSR infiltrators from getting easy footholds in American leftist movements but it has now expanded to be the general pastime of these agencies and their associated thinktanks, "initiatives" and "institutes."

>> No.18940496

Here's a relevant link. Where does the money flow from? Always ask this.


>> No.18940497

>How does this further the short term electoral goals of the democratic party?are
The rest of your post is a bit schizo but I sincerely believe this is how 99% of Redditors/liberals evaluate things

>> No.18940502

I recognise this, it's from WW2, it was advice t workers in Vichy France IIRC. Well worth reading.

>> No.18940512

How does this line of thinking account for all the Marxist movements in America today which have won mass appeal among minorities and liberal whites? Even BLM was founded by a Marxist. If the CIA/FBI/whatnot is trying to dissuade people from becoming leftists they are doing a terrible job

>> No.18940519
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>> No.18940522

Because leftists don't actually possess social capital they just wallow in sanctimonious pseudo-intellectual bukkakes

>> No.18940526

kek marxism is completely sidelined in north america, if you go into a left wing classroom and start talking like you take Marx seriously you will be called a tankie and ostracized. lib idpol race/sexuality baiting is inherently anti-marxist

>> No.18940550

please avoid doing threads with trans as the illustration, it lures /pol/tards who already use this board as an outpost

>> No.18940556

The same tactics the OSS (protoCIA) developed during wartime were extended to the "cold" war against the USSR. A good book worth reading on this is The Beast Reawakens, which is about how the American intelligence services used anybody and everybody they could find who would even possibly resist a communist invasion or takeover in European countries. They fully perceived that they were still in open, just sub-kinetic war with the USSR. Their job was to create whatever future groups and organizations in these countries were necessary for making it a pain in the ass for the Russians to take them over or infiltrate them.

They created leading cultural organs to push a proto-neoliberal agenda as a robust cultural phenomenon/liberal democratic renaissance

Most of what they do is move money around to groups they think are already usefully undermining or propping up what they want undermined or propped up. Now imagine what this apparatus does when it isn't even fighting a cold war anymore, it has no genuine idealists left who at least thought they were saving America, it is purely old well connected lobbyists and contractors who would gladly encouraging the burning down a city if it meant they could buy up the empty lots afterwards.

Because it's not Marxist. In Marxist critical terms, the systemic effect of bourgeois ideology will always be to absorb everything about the intellectualism/"theory" of the left except the parts that actually require the breaking down of the bourgeoisie itself. In more practical terms, you can see why it's useful to turn studying Marxism and related theories into the prestige occupation of a mandarin caste of dandies who mostly live in New York and California, so embedded in the bourgeois system that they would (again) do everything but transform it, everything but break it down. They will go to any lengths, become any form of freak or promote any form of degeneracy, as long as it doesn't fundamentally change the social and economic structure.

If class analysis is actual correct, that there is a real class divide and thus class conflict between the power elite and the plebs, then you have just taken class analysis/class conflict theory out of the hands of the plebs and put it in the hands of wealthy roleplayers who go to Berkeley, a self-fulfilling process because this makes it untrustworthy and tainted in the eyes of the plebs who naturally despise wealthy Berkeley socialites and their spoiled children.

A left without actual leftism was always the goal. "Class reductivism" is now used as a slur within the "left." The DSA is bought and sold, it's a party machine that only exists to give big donor bonuses to Cenk Uyghur and screen actual threats to the existing party structure. The BLM leftists you're talking about are mindless lumpenproles who promote casual mass micro-prostitution.

>> No.18940559

I don't get it people post pics of pretty women on here all the time why is this one a problem?

>> No.18940565

Basically the predictable world were it was communism v capitalism got phased out for a free for all of total technical modification unrestrained warfare on the noosphere.

Its not that i hate trannies or gays but the unbearable horror of mass biopolitics and psychiatric power and propaganda. contrast the old notion'queer' identities as countercultural, exposing the 20th century nuclear family as an artificial biopolitical norm. To now where 'queer' identities, are used to re-legitimize those supposedly discredited notions about the 'authentic self', as the pre-ideological truth of the subject that must be discovered through 'objective', 'scientific' authority and made public.

And how 'sexual liberation' is an imperative. Onlybecause all sexual impulses must be exploited and commodified and used to win elections. You have to have children in pride parades and drag queen story hour because we gotta be provocative (as with all 'culture war' issues none of this is organic it is an arms race between think tanks and propaganda operatives) . and there is no room for ambiguity and you cant talk about how identity is always socially constructed performative and at least in part always based on trauma(even amongst 'normal' heterosexual people, let alone the trads which are really just another perversion created by the system).

>> No.18940567

>Marxist movements

They are liberals.

>> No.18940582

Which just proves bringing class to a racewar is like bringing a knife to a gun fight.

>> No.18940626

rephrase this statement in a way that a human being can understand it

>> No.18940632

>'queer' identities, are used to re-legitimize those supposedly discredited notions about the 'authentic self', as the pre-ideological truth of the subject that must be discovered through 'objective', 'scientific' authority and made public.
It's so manifestly and obviously "worst of both worlds," the worst of bourgeois reification and bourgeois state worship mixed with the worst of merely destructive/deconstructive leftism, with none of the good sides of either (old bourgeois genuine love of self-mastery and liberty / old leftist genuine hatred of stagnant bourgeois institutions that leave people silently excluded from representation), that this alone is proof that the modern "left" is blind deaf and dumb.

It's like the sex worker thing. Sex work is prostitution. There is literally nothing less Marxist than prostitution. Marxism is all about reclaiming the alienated forms of society and ideology by raising consciousness of them until they are recognized as contingent human creations, thus freeing the human creator from the tyranny of alienated, reified forms and practices. The entire biting critique of Marxism is based on applying this notion to labor, abstract labor, the most essential act of man, his creative activity in its pure potential, and how it has been crystallized into the abstract money-wage-value of mere "labor," which in turn reduces the human individual and its limitless creative potential for work to an abstract lever-pulling automaton. "Sex work" proposes taking those alienated forms so deeply into oneself that one's own physical body and most intimate sexual and romantic drives, the right to love and family and community and childbirth, become yet more micro-atomized abstract components of "the economy."

That there are whores going around claiming to be Marxists is not an ideological confusion, any more than a man willfully molesting his children and claiming to be a moral person is an ideological confusion. It's insanity, it shows that the man is fucking gone. You can't "clear up his confusion," you have to acknowledge the extremity of the conditions that created someone so insane.

That's the modern left, all insane neoliberals who have been cognitively brutalized and retarded by their cushy existences and conveniences. For that person to say they're a leftist is like a rapist saying he's an upstanding member of his community. Whether he really believes it isn't even relevant at that point, he's useless as a neighbor.

>> No.18940633

he's a turner diaries fag

>> No.18940639

>muh freaks, muh degeneracy
Next time just say you want queer people in gulags so people won't need to go through your moralistic wall of text

>> No.18940652

If that's what you got from his post then you deserve to be thrown in the gulag for having a reptilian brain

>> No.18940657

based. if someone tells you they are marxist ask them if they are pro-sex work if they say yes they are a liberal who adopted the "marxist" moniker because they think it signals some level of virtue

>> No.18940659

>if you go into a left wing classroom and start talking like you take Marx seriously you will be called a tankie and ostracized
Desu you live in a fantasyland. Lefties in America religiously worship Marx. Go on Twitter right now and you'll be flooded with pro-Marx memes.

>> No.18940664

Good news, you being a queer degenerate freak ended up creating the gulags within your stagnant bourgeois world order, so I won't be the one running them. That makes all the difference, right?

At least you got to party and listen to "Kidz Bop Dance Party #94" for a generation or two and play Pokemon Go, and your mom and dad worked their whole lives so their tax dollars could be redistributed to rich tax dodgers in California and their queer degenerate freak kids could go to music festivals. That was probably worth the hell we're about to enter, administered by tranny apparatchiks.

>> No.18940679

I said "take marx seriously" not meme about him on social media. Also I literally went to one of the most leftwing universities in the country and called myself a communist openly, there was literally only two other people in the department who did the same

>> No.18940696

Lmao go back to your stupid Leftbook page kiddo

>> No.18940710

do you think she shaves her pubic hair?

>> No.18940724

nice try

>> No.18940732

There are lots of tankoids and bootlickers of real socialism on Twitter

>> No.18940750

My point is that there is a TON of Marxist/leftist forces in America. I consider the Marxists to be the #3 threat to the nation's safety. The fact you guys think you are sidelined minority boggles my mind.

>> No.18940759

It's not. All the videos are wikipedia tier summaries with no substance or understanding, and he still gets that wrong. More like a springboard for political and social takes dressed up in some sense of academicism which he quickly moved almost exclusively to.

That said, literally no one gets philosophy right online so it's not special. Actually the bar is so low for these people that they openly have no idea what the fuck they're talking about on any topic.

>> No.18940767

Yes and they are completely ostracized from the "leftist" movement in the US. the only brand of Marx allowed is cucked de-classed counterrevolutionary virtue signalling. Send any dem voting leftist a passage of Marx that disagrees with something they believe (they won't have read it before, obviously) and watch the fireworks
>ummm Marx isn't perfect you know
>well then I guess he was wrong?
>he lived like 150 years ago his theories are a little outdated

>> No.18940784

>afraid of Marxists in America

>> No.18940787

Yeah but not when they think they're women. It's a totally different thing. Women are for marriage, love, and family. Feminine guys (necessarily younger than 25) are for lust and cute hanging out.

>> No.18940818

Yeah and good standards would be to not police meaningless details of language and go out of your way to kill discourse and bury its corpse. Ideological fanatics have no place.

>> No.18940869

50s liberalism at least sold people this grand fantasy of something greather than themselves think rockefellers family of man. Current day liberalism is based of shame and terror

>> No.18940908

It seems you didn't understand his post at all and reduced it to a pop politics binary you're comfortable with (which has exactly nothing to do with his post). But everything else aside the simple fact remains is that PhilosophyTube really has no idea what he's talking about it so there's no point watching. This applies to all Youtubers to be fair.

>> No.18940918

Don't talk shit about Dr. Sadler

>> No.18940927

it doesn't apply to Cuck Philosophy

>> No.18940936

>>bans trans folks just for being trans
Probably because they shit up the place with histrionics and social hierarchies. You can't have an open, neutral community with them in it unless they are self-aware which none are without being self-hating and even more unhinged.

>> No.18940942

>which has exactly nothing to do with his post
what is a subtext?

>> No.18940971

Deleuze and guattari on the need to make do with the available materials. Culture as reparative fantasy makes up for the damage done to the object. Jd salinger and rockefellers family of man literature as the idealized language of family love.v brecht and hegel on the severe style which makes the abscence visible. Whats worst about todays considerably cruder liberal discourse is that its like living with horribly abusive parents who rape you and beat you and then apologize and tell you nothing will ever make up for it which is jusr an excuse to further...then tell you candy are good for you and make you eat candy until you puke make you horribly afraid of the other kids

>> No.18940977

>thread about greek aesthetics
>100+ replies about unrelated retarded political discussion
the absolute state

>> No.18940988

Summed it up perfectly. Actually, I’m happy leftists have begun to champion “sex work” as one of their primary positions, because you can easily discern now who is a real Marxist and who’s just a liberal with a Hello Kitty hammer and sickle sticker. Hint, most of them are the liberals.

>> No.18940990

>Deleuze and guattari
Kill yourself.

>> No.18941000

>whores bad mmmkay

>> No.18941010

Deleuze is far superior than any Marxist crackpot.

>> No.18941016

Yeah, Marx has become an empty memetic shell used for identitarian branding and irony. Actual Marxism is hardly found anywhere in modern leftists. Just because they parade the guy as a god doesn’t mean their worship is valid, any other religion will tell you about heretics

>> No.18941052

>mass appeal
What? They are the ones who follow the status quo most closely and religiously. Putting 'Marxist' in your Twitter bio doesn't mean anything. I'm not American but my basic politics are like my country's 1950-60s workingclass social democracy and nationalism, and even I'm totally unrepresented today because of how the stage is set and things are polarised artificially. Marxists are more often than not retarded populists but imagine how thoroughly dismantled they are that you have these awful people being the face of Marxism today. There are serious, respectable leftists but very few these days and I've noticed they are constantly under attack by the main, not even for disagreeing (they would be excommunicated for that), just not emphasising idpol and moralism enough for their autistic (usually predatory) tastes.

I don't think this is entirely the CIA's fault. Leftists in them already had this obsession with power and a game of overturning, and were very open to 'anything goes' tactics (including discarding integrity, coherency, and consistency) in pursuit of this. Through it they have long lost any moral or intellectual grounds as well as any selfawareness.

>> No.18941054

Marxism is in its own way to the dustbin of history

>> No.18941116

Not something you can make up from nothing and reduce the whole post to. The poster very clearly didn't understand what was being communicated to default to such a mindnumbing, lazy cliche that the other showed no indication of.

>> No.18941192

Weird theatre kid, nothing more.

>> No.18941202

>China exists
Not quite yet it seems

>> No.18941207

his videos are ore about theatre and typical leftist politics, the actual philosophical content is rather minimal

>> No.18941255

>He doesn't talk about philosophy anymore.
his last video bibliographie

Elizabaeth Adetiba, “Caster Semenya and the Cruel History of Contested Black Femininity,” in SBNation
Sandra Bartkey, “Foucault, Femininity, and the Modernization of Patriarchal Power”
Simone de Beauvoir, Le Deuxième Sexe
Rhea Bhatnagar & Olivia Little, “TikTok creators are promoting dangerous eating disorder tactics to young users -- and the company is letting them,” in Media Matters For America
Simon Critchley, Infinitely Demanding
John Duncan, “Making a Girlboss: Patriarchy, Social Reproduction and Neoliberal Subjectivity”
Eli, “When Thin Is A Trans Requirement,” in Autostraddle
Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish
Michel Foucault, Power/Knowledge (ed. Colin Gordon)
Jules Joanne Gleeson, “How Do Transitions Happen?” in Transgender Marxism
Lakeisha Goedluck, “Apetamin: the illegal slim-thick wonder drug that preys on black women’s insecurities,” in Gal-Dem
Dimitri Gutas, “The Empiricism of Avicenna,” in Oriens
April Herndon, “Collateral Damage from Friendly Fire? Race, Nation, Class and the ‘War Against Obesity,’” in Social Semiotics
Cressida Heyes, Self-Transformation
Poh’lad Za Hranice, “Transcendental Subject Vs. Empirical Self: On Kant’s Account of Subjectivity,” in Filozofia
David Hume, A Treatise on Human Nature, Book I, Part IV, Section VI
Kimberly Hutchings, “Choosers or Losers? Feminist Ethical and Political Agency in a Plural and Unequal World,” in Gender, Agency and Coercion
Rebecca Jennings, “The $5000 Quest for the Perfect Butt,” in Vox
Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason
Immanuel Kant, Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals
Nigella Lawson, Cook, Eat, Repeat
John Locke, Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Book II, Chapter I
Maintenance Phase, “The Body Mass Index”
Maintenance Phase, “The Obesity Epidemic”
Anna North, ““I am a woman and I am fast”: What Caster Semenya’s Story Says About Gender and Race in Sports,” in Vox
Jonah Peretti, “Capitalism and Schizophrenia”
Adam Phillips, On Wanting to Change
Helene Shugart, Heavy
TyTalks, I'm Black...Not Black| The Societal Beauty Standard for Black Women
Heather Widdows, Perfect Me
Naomi Wolf, The Beauty Myth

>> No.18941279

>Rhea Bhatnagar & Olivia Little, “TikTok creators are promoting dangerous eating disorder tactics to young users -- and the company is letting them,” in Media Matters For America
>John Duncan, “Making a Girlboss: Patriarchy, Social Reproduction and Neoliberal Subjectivity”
>Eli, “When Thin Is A Trans Requirement,” in Autostraddle
>Jules Joanne Gleeson, “How Do Transitions Happen?” in Transgender Marxism
>Lakeisha Goedluck, “Apetamin: the illegal slim-thick wonder drug that preys on black women’s insecurities,” in Gal-Dem
>Kimberly Hutchings, “Choosers or Losers? Feminist Ethical and Political Agency in a Plural and Unequal World,” in Gender, Agency and Coercion
>Rebecca Jennings, “The $5000 Quest for the Perfect Butt,” in Vox
>Nigella Lawson, Cook, Eat, Repeat
>Anna North, ““I am a woman and I am fast”: What Caster Semenya’s Story Says About Gender and Race in Sports,” in Vox
>TyTalks, I'm Black...Not Black| The Societal Beauty Standard for Black Women
great philosophy you got there

>> No.18941290
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>have you tried bringing up nietzsche or any western philosopher for that matter around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle
Yeah, that’s how I get laid

>> No.18941330

That's a man baby

>> No.18941352
File: 111 KB, 900x747, 1619744529779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking based

>> No.18941591

kek what is that shit

>> No.18941671

is it true he transitioned to stop being accused of raping another tranny?
asking for a friend

>> No.18941673

Yes but Deleuze is a Marxist himself

>> No.18941692


>> No.18941699

yes watch his male trauma video if you want evidence of him coping with metoo shit he wants to keep covered

>> No.18941713

See >>18939870

>> No.18941737

no he isn't stop insulting him like that, being influenced by Marx is not the same as being a Marxist

>> No.18941974

this post prove that there are people who just cannot be saved.

>> No.18941989

I think Olli met up with contra in London when they first were starting off. Then he adjusted every video to match contras style. Clearly went full on trans fetish stalker and fell into a deep identity crisis.

>> No.18941996

He's fucking gross looking

>> No.18941999
File: 783 KB, 2093x1581, 43D1EB8A-3C4C-49C3-9337-E6648A09DE70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone here wants to laugh at this troon.

>> No.18942351

Why tf does this thread keep getting bumped if no one is posting in it

>> No.18942404

It's me, I'm posting

>> No.18942492

>China exists
Literally a fascist state.

>> No.18942521
File: 90 KB, 899x590, chinacommunists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are quite blatant about their ML philosophy and how they see themselves on track to achieving a communist society. Picrel is not a fascist country, it is a VERY Marxist one. I would love to hear your logic in calling them fascist. It seems to me that you just don't like what Marxism looks like in practice.

>> No.18942525

Seeing quite a few people say this lately. Did Tucker call them fascist or something? Why has everyone settled on that label

>> No.18942735

I called them fascist on twitter and it seems to have really caught on

>> No.18942772

next time use greentext and maybe proof read your post. this was a nightmare to read

>> No.18942886


>> No.18942900
File: 42 KB, 680x838, E5hCd26XoAEXhEg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i openly called myself a chudcel and everyone applauded

>> No.18942910

if China is Marxism in Practice then it's little different from the heckin neoliberal west, except even with uglier buildings and even less culture, why is this an ideology worth fighting for?

>> No.18943103

We lost him bros

>> No.18943126



>> No.18943225

Kant being followed by Nigella Lawson in a bibliography is truly evidence of the clownworld hypothesis.

>> No.18943277

Nigella is better actually. I'd like to see Kant make a beef wellington for a dinner party while also doing a mushroom risotto on the side for the vegetarians.

>> No.18943420

good posts

>> No.18943428

probably a naughty little landing strip

>> No.18943462
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The thing about trannies is they are the biggest examples of "incels" in the world. Thats why they use the insult so much- partly because they are unimaginative, and partly because it stings them so badly. They know the feeling of being unattractive, unremarkable losers no one wants to have sex with.
Even trannies dont want to fuck trannies. Thats why you see them complaining so much about "cis" women (and men) not wanting to touch them.

They think they are somehow gaming the system. No one wants to touch them as men, so they think they will become a bisexual "woman," and then both men and women alike will magically change their minds about them.

Of course, you, me, and everyone else with any common sense knows this isnt true. But these are desperate, loveless grotesqueries.

Putting a wig on one of these creatures just serves to make them even more unattractive, because its clear that they are mentally unstable.
Partially to blame are the women who support them online, even though its only for imaginary internet points. The trannies think this is an indication that their master plan was a good idea, when in reality, even their most arduous supporters would vomit if they saw the tranny naked. After all, even with hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on plastic surgery, they still just look like a gross parody of some whorish woman.
All of this just further melts down their already malfunctioning brains, and they become enraged and lash out at people who refuse to entertain their moronic roleplaying. All this does is change the general feeling about them from pity and nausea to hatred.
Eventually, this breakdown of delusion.exe leads them to suicide. "This will show them!" they think to themselves. But, in the end, no one cares. Trannies have never contributed anything to society

>> No.18943477

Do people who enjoy philosophy eventually turn into trannies? Or is it generally just left wing people regardless of taste in books.

>> No.18943556

Good post although slightly infected with 4chan mental illness itself.
Not bad reaction, although slightly disregarding some of the shit pointed out. Like how youtuber in question is not just superficial, but blatantly empty and wrong.

Of course 4chan schizos only like the first posts.

>> No.18943565

Shit bait

>> No.18943593 [DELETED] 

reported :)

>> No.18943670
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>> No.18943673 [DELETED] 

see you in 3 days :)

>> No.18943676
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Niggerfaggot mad

>> No.18943695

That's exclusive to internet trannies. There's an infamous street in our city where in the late hours of the night after the bars close all the drunk trannies go out and get into fights, often with other trannies with whom they have a feud.
People got used to just sitting around and watch the shemale bash each other.
Most are drug dealers or prostitutes overall just a trashy bunch.

>> No.18943741

>Progressives live in fear of the 'alt right pipeline', reactionaries seethe at the 'globohomo agenda'. The honestly held belief that it is possible to dispassionately and hermetically interact with an idea seems to be a dying one.
I wouldn't phrase it in tribal terms like progressives vs reactionaries. But yes, this was a long held belief in the 19th century. But the wars and easy deception of the populous in the 20th century proved everything but most people being capable of critical thought. Which is necessary to navigate multiple contradictory ideas, or - in my opinion - multiple conjected realities.

I would say both reddit and 4chan have a big group of people incapable of critical thought. While on reddit they manifest in people easily accepting the popular opinion, on 4chan they manifest in people easily following the contrarian ideas. Both platforms however do have a minority capable of critical thought. Because of the way the platforms are built/work - where on reddit likes conjure authority and on 4chan to a lesser degree endorsing reactions to a post - the critical minority has an easier time being vocal on 4chan. This causes that minority to be larger on 4chan than on reddit.

>> No.18943820

savage and based

>> No.18943851

>Do people who enjoy philosophy eventually turn into trannies
According to Plato, it's only people who don't have the inherent disposition for philosophy (intelligence, discipline, temperance) who ruin its reputation by supporting things like transgenderism, and basically appearing as scum to normal people.

>> No.18943852
File: 2.61 MB, 2204x1390, old_philo_tube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another PT episode
I've been watching Olly's videos since he had like 2000 subs. The most interesting thing is that -- at some point in 2015 or so (don't nail me down on this, I won't go back through his videos to check) -- you can really see when his professors started laying on the SJW garbage. Up to this point, his videos were pretty good.
I think the beginning of the downfall were the "Race, Part 1 & 2" videos. Before that he legitimately seemed like a normal person. Sure, there was a little bit of left-inspired content, but it was more the exception than the rule, such as the Homophobia video. Today, PT has dropped basically all discussion relating to general philosophy. The channel is just another outlet for culture war content now. Check the old videos for yourself. It's almost a little sad.

>> No.18943888

lmao do you think imma read all that fr fr

>> No.18943907

PT raped Contrapoints.

>> No.18943922

Someone post the evidence for this

>> No.18943928

Cannot tell if this is the dumbest fucking opinion I ever read or the dumbest fucking bait I ever read

>> No.18943931

It's pasta retard

>> No.18943955 [DELETED] 

Extremely based. The fact that this simple post triggers so many people is prove enough that it is accurate, even if posted as bait.
t. white male

>> No.18943969

Extremely based. The fact that this simple post triggers so many people is proof enough that it is accurate, even if posted as bait.
t. white male

>> No.18944261

youre a boomer idiot.

i recently graduated from a large public university in liberal and visual arts. i am not a marxist but i have read marx as well as spinoza, foucalt, some hegel, heidigger, etc.

whenever you introduce basic marxist ideas these people totally collapse and act like youre from mars. they are basically all intellectually bankrupt. literally they dont even know what intersectionality is beyond the buzzwords, let alone basic social science, much less Marxist theory. Some of these people base their whole pracitce and identity on feminism.
The only people who had any idea about any of these subjects were the professors in the philosophy department (and not even most of them) and they actually had the same distaste towards these faculty that I did.

Basically, the idea of any of this being ideaological or political in any way is an illusion It is ONLY fashion. None of these people, either the "marxists" or anti "marxists" are arguing about anything because they dont know anything about the things they say they are arguing about. Its pure style, no substance.

>> No.18944274


>> No.18944418

>The dominant culture is white supremacy christian supremacy and cisheterosexism.
Elaborate with sources or go back to redit.

>> No.18944438

>Basically, the idea of any of this being ideaological or political in any way is an illusion It is ONLY fashion.
Interesting take. Heard this from somewhere else or original thought?

>> No.18944456

I'm republican but bait ppl with lgbtq and commie talk

>> No.18944462


plato - Symposium, Hippias major
ps-longinus - On the Sublime
Callistratus - Ekphrases

key terms:


>> No.18944636

>The honestly held belief that it is possible to dispassionately and hermetically interact with an idea seems to be a dying one. In any case, I at least still hold it.
I don't think anyone denies the possibility of this. The reason they make a fuss about it is because they are not concerned with themselves or any particular intellectually solidified individual, they are concerned with groups. These pipelines do exist at a group-scale, by nature most humans, simple minded as they are, will be contaminated by psychic waves, so these things actually are problems at a greater scale.

>> No.18944947

this desu

>> No.18945074

like 3 other people itt already made the same observation

>> No.18945286
File: 252 KB, 500x684, 1600124762685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come here daily for these once-a-year thunderdome style savagings of strangers by other strangers. Today I am not disappointed.

>> No.18946240


>> No.18946262

his main points are:
>kant was racist so therefore all of his contributions are irrelevant and you should read ta-nehisi coates instead
>there aren't enough women in the history of western philosophy so it should be disregarded and everyone should just watch contrapoints instead
>old white men of history have nothing to contribute because they never lived around trans bipoc, ergo all gnosis is fundamentally a product of being gay and black in the 21st century

>> No.18946296

Pretty much true.
Literally every single sizable discord community eventually gets infected with at least one of these parasites who shoehorns in their sexuality or activist garbage. Open discussion and humor are then stifled as they will just jump in and derail anything that goes against their twisted world view with their sanctimonious, self indulgent dribble.

>> No.18946305
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>> No.18946315

>white male
Let's see the Early Life section

>> No.18946332
File: 33 KB, 600x612, 469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butterfly says: Fuck trannies!

This post was brought to you by Cool /lit/ Nigga Crew on 4chan dot com

>> No.18946356

I'd let him suck my dick to be honest.

>> No.18946364

anyone with a normal males level of T would

>> No.18946370

Giga Chad moment

>> No.18946493
File: 21 KB, 288x252, 1602620389412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>called myself a communist openly

And I bet there was NO social cost for you doing so.
That's the main concern. You should have been openly mocked, ridiculed, had your ideas challenged, destroyed and summarily expelled for being such an idiot. You should be treated like your Fascist Nazi counterparts. But instead people just smile uncomfortably or tolerate you because they themselves are sympathetic or ignorant to the evil ideology you adopted.

>> No.18946602

People did challenge my ideas, and there was some level of social ostracization. None of the professors were Marxist. There were probably 4 Foucauldians but no Marxists

>> No.18946615
File: 108 KB, 655x918, 1603291310621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>goes into Detroit suburb
>screams "all blacks are NIGGER animals who need to be hung along with their children!"
>gets knocked out
>see the fact that I triggered these people and got knocked out is proof that what i said is true

>walks into an airport
>gets arrested
>the fact that I triggered these people and got arrested proves these people are Islamophobic
You're too stupid to engage with any further than to just tell you that the best thing you could do to redeem yourself from your idiocy is to end your life.

>> No.18946665

As someone who has actually read all the major Greek works on aesthetics and a good portion of the minor ones, it is mostly garbage. There is an interesting line of thought about beauty that goes from Plato (Hippias Major, Symposium, Phaedrus, Phaedo) and broadens out into a semi-religious school of thought across the middle Platonists into Plotinus (I would strongly recommend reading the entirety of the Enneads in this order: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Enneads#Plotinus's_Original_Chronological_Order ). I don't think it is at all worth reading the texts that come between these two unless you are REALLY interested in studying the development of this particular line of thought.

The rest of it is a bunch of shit tbqh. Aristotle via Horace did have a fair bit of influence on subsequent drama... as for Longinus you are better off just reading Burke and Shaftesbury.

>> No.18947476

Gawd that thing is so fucking disgusting.

>> No.18947518

i want to breed jenny so bad bros its unreal

>> No.18947530


>> No.18947546

That's right.

>> No.18947675

Don't remind me of her she's too perfect

>> No.18948147

I think somebody needs to man up and sexual assault Philosophy Tube to bring balance to the force or something.