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File: 76 KB, 750x500, Positivism-v.s.-Postpositivism-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18969234 No.18969234[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Not necessarily the most influential schools in high level academic thought, but of the average person? I think that logical positivism, despite all of its glaring faults, has a massive grip on the thought of the average person. This is why New Atheists take "Logic and Science and Reason!!" as self evident and without question, and disregard all other modes of thought as navel gazing.

>> No.18969248

Normies? Jewish televisionism.

>> No.18969249

start with the greeks

>> No.18969257

Easily nihilism

>> No.18969316

Its like looking at a blank canvas holding paints and a paintbrush and going "omg this is so sad there is nothing on it"

>> No.18969339

Although many midwits have been captivated by naive Rick and Morty style nihilism I don't think anyone actually practices what they preach. In actuality most assume the intelligibility of the world through reason, and that the pursuit of science and social progress is inherently good. I also think that most people have not done the critical self examination necessary to realize that what they hold as self evident (rights, the value of liberty, social ethics) will be inevitably defeated by their own worldview.

It reminds me of an interview with a British women I saw, where she said "nothing matters. Now go get 'em girl!". A naive embracing of nihilism, followed by a completely contradictory affirmation.

>> No.18969346

I don't think this can be true because logical positivism is kind of based and I would have noticed those kind of people around me

>> No.18969438

Please do not slander the name of the logical positivists in such a manner. The “glaring problems” people say the positivists have were anticipated and refuted.
Please do not post on this board until you have read “Empiricism, Semantics, And Ontology.”

>> No.18969454

I think practically all 'sociopath' types are moral nihilists so there are a ton of them out there.

>> No.18969487


>> No.18969500

>What philosophical schools dominate the thought of modern laymen?

Some form of Proto-Romanticism, considering that they hold personal sentiment before all else. I say "proto" because Romanticism is an attempt at return and has to be willed where as the average person has never undergone a reckoning that estranged them from their assumptions about the world. That they make gestures toward "science" and "empiricism" are just that, gestures when really it could be anything.
The normie by virtue of their untouched naive episteme are structurally identical across all time periods. Truly the they are the real Trads.

>> No.18969698

All this woke shit falls under postmodernism. So postmodernism

>> No.18969753

Postmodernism has such a nebulous definition that the average layperson's understanding of it is "everything be relative n shit". I don't think postmodernism is as big of an influence on the general populace as people think.

>> No.18969767

Imagine being as stupid as you are. Go away, nigger.

>> No.18969777

Social constructivism is popular in contemporary analytic philosophy

and then there's Carnap who made metaphysics a free-for-all >>18969438

>> No.18969815
File: 45 KB, 341x500, 783189AD-22CB-4DAD-996A-1A91DFE82A23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked my professor this once. We were at a café downtown the morning after our philosophy program’s monthly open disputation, and we each enjoyed a cool Coke. My professor, bless him, seemed to breathe the blue air, and I remember watching him in silence and wondering how lucky I was to be even in his presence. Before I asked him the question he sensed it and scoffed. He scoffed, lit! “What philosophy does the modern layman ascribe to? Well my boy,” he said as he brought up his orator’s hands to help illustrate, when suddenly he was caught still. My heart dropped. Had his dropped? What was wrong? There we were, under the parapluie, and he was frozen! I didn’t know what to do. I looked around but everyone seemed busy in conversation. People skated by wearing headphones. “Professor! Professor!” I shook his arm but he wouldn’t budge. And then I remembered! Quickly I reached over his lap and into his bag for his worn copy of Taking Away From Tonight by Lucas Joel Thomas and I lugged it up and hit him upside the head with it. He budged! He breathed! He smiled at me, and ah’d. How could I not gush when he then put on his sunglasses and said, “That, my boy, is modern philosophy.”

>> No.18969854
File: 443 KB, 2048x858, Still_From_The_Film_Alpha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is too short. Do what feels good and makes you happy.
>Nihilism, or Defeatism really.
Life does not matter. Apathy is alright.
Just visit /pol/ to know.

>> No.18970214

he didn’t make metaphysics a free-for-all, he abolished it entirely. You have been filtered.

>> No.18970220

>he doesn't know about metametaphysics

>> No.18970306

nobody said anything about sadness Mr projector

>> No.18970336

what I'm getting at is that at people's foundation they are nihilists, most of them just never look that deep.
>In his study of meaninglessness, Donald Crosby writes that the source of modern nihilism paradoxically stems from a commitment to honest intellectual openness. “Once set in motion, the process of questioning could come to but one end, the erosion of conviction and certitude and collapse into despair” (The Specter of the Absurd, 1988).

>> No.18970371

I really enjoy the way you write! Good job, lad!
Essentially this; here's your answer, OP.

>> No.18970445
File: 126 KB, 800x1170, 61jeYMZhJ-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If looking to study this then read picrel along with a some of these books and you should get a good understanding of how widely held modern beliefs have developed but if you just want a quick answer that will also trash The New Atheists see this article: https://www.newstatesman.com/dominion-making-western-mind-tom-holland-review

The Theological Origins of Modernity by Michael Allen Gillespie

Sources of the Self: The Making of the Modern Identity by Charles Taylor

Inventing the Individual: The Origins of Western Liberalism by Larry Siedentop

The Theological Origins of Liberalism by Ismail Kurun

Seven Types of Atheism by John Gray

The Last Superstition: A Refutation of the New Atheism by Edward Feser

The Fall and Hypertime by Hud Hudson

The Meaning of and End of Religion, Wilfred Cantwell Smith

>> No.18970500

>Rejection of human exceptionalism
We feel pain and pleasure just like all other mammals, we're simply animals.
>Vulgar Libertarianism
You do you. If it doesn't harm anybody it's all good. Be yourself!
Enjoy yourself, live in the moment, carpe diem, yolo, etc.

>Humans are animals, they feel pleasure and pain, they should be free to pursue as much pleasure as they want, nothing else matters.
Essentially economics.

>> No.18970519

Whatever they see on their phone.

>> No.18970642

Militant liberal-progressive orthodoxy.
Selective postmodernism to reinforce your own and dismantle others (effectively believing in fairytales and defending them violently in way far more unsophisticated than any 'unenlightened past', all the while professing postmodernism or nihilism when it is of use).
Ideologies becoming labels/groups only, no intellectual engagement or coherency.
Primacy of identification and belief above reality.
Assumption of the existence of an singular opposing group to your singular group on every point (treat everything as a discourse-killing hyper-polarised bipartisan skirmish). You don't have a view or an knowledge of something, you have a group and I have a group, if you don't then I will make you because I need yours to contextualise mine and help me understand the world.
Assumption that other group is psychologically, morally, and intellectually in the wrong or broken (by definition of being other group).

But mostly people's minds and natures have been so thoroughly distorted and degenerated that they pretty much don't think and will just go along with whatever is put before them on social media and msm. It is easy to convince them by being loud and proud or authoritative. In the past you could at least trust sure instinct and independent-minded self-interest. Psychologically, the modern is a mess and can be understood more as a vehicle of run-off images and impressions of little substance derived from putting weight in intellectual and academic projects.

>> No.18970728

>Ideologies becoming labels/groups only, no intellectual engagement or coherency.
>Assumption of the existence of an singular opposing group to your singular group on every point (treat everything as a discourse-killing hyper-polarised bipartisan skirmish).
That's culture warriors, not laypeople. Normies don't obsess over ideology

>> No.18970860

>Postmodernism has such a nebulous definition
maybe to you

In literature it's cyberpunk, and more than that, it's the anti-hero, so 100% of modern books and movies

in architecture it's the ATT building: a parody of the past, a building that looks like a grandfather clock. buildings that resemble other things

In politics, it's this nonlinear warfare, where narratives keep changing, and dems and reps ardently defend positions they hated just the day before.

In art, it's everywhere, it's every sex joke in television. it's all the miscegenation in commercials.

postmodernism also has a monopoly on multiculturalism. It's the proponents of Buddhism in the west. the reason Kwanza is even a thing. why ethnic restaurants are revered

Any attempt at subversion: christianity being replaced by islam or the patriarchy being replaced by feminism, or white inventors being replaced by discovered black inventors. that's all postmodernism. a rejection of the modern

Queer theory and all this gay shit is all Lyotard. all this antifa, BLM shit is all Herbert Marcuse. All this critical race theory is all derived from critical theory which is postmodernist subversion.

You are a fish in postmodernist water. It's hard to make you see, you live in it