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1897908 No.1897908 [Reply] [Original]

Life is hard and cruel. Man is made to suffer. Every person should do only what is best for them and their progeny and loved ones to survive this world in the most comfortable manner.

What school of philosophy would this statement be most closely related to?

>> No.1897918

Oh! That's Linkinparkism.

>> No.1897923


>> No.1897927

The School of Loud Bawws

>> No.1897929

A misanthrope would not wish for mankind to survive in a comfortable manner.

Misanthropes are not necessarily angsty or pessimist, they just don't like humans, 'sall.

>> No.1897930

cynicism or assholism

>> No.1897939

This isn't a philosophy, it is an attitude. You might benefit from reading the philosophy of Ernst Junger (specifically his concept of the Anarch) or you might enjoy Nietzsche (although, it would probably give you an undeserved sense of superiority--and have the woeful consequence of inspiring you to make threads where you believe you have discovered some real truth that ''sheeple'' haven't) The dimension of ''comfort'' also throws off the first part where you say life is hard in cruel, because can it be so hard and cruel when comfort is a possibility? You are basically just saying that selfishness is a virtue--so you might like Ayn Rand.

>> No.1897944

>likes dancing, trout-fishing and gibbons, GSOH
Need more to go on OP. There isn't enough to hint at an underlying philosophy there beyond a fuzzy sense of self-interest.

>> No.1897945

I'm not saying it's all miserable. I am saying that people suffer no matter what. Happiness is fleeting, contentment is as well. A closer approximation of the human condition is indeed suffering, anxiety, impetus, and generally bad feelings. It's what drives human beings to do things. Think about it. A happy person would sit on his ass all day. I know I would. An unhappy person feels the need to be out working and creating a better life in general. It's natural selection at it's finest

>> No.1897949

That sounds buddhist.

A buddhist would generally not be supportive of this, though:
>Every person should do only what is best for them and their progeny and loved ones to survive this world in the most comfortable manner.

So you're an objectivist buddhist.

Or in other words, an unholy abomination.

>> No.1897951

Well it sounds like you subscribe to the really basic idea of ''natural selection''. I really suggest that you just read more, and live more. Do you personally feel like you've suffered a lot? Anyway, Buddhism might help you as well.

>> No.1897953

I don't believe in sheeple. Second I said most comfortable, not comfortable. Third I never feel superior, only better equipped. Fourth I agree selfishness is a virtue.

But self interest is the crux of it. In fact it's the point.

>> No.1897955

>A happy person would sit on his ass all day. I know I would.

But happiness requires being engaged with and invested in society.

>> No.1897956

I'm pretty confident I've seen much more of this world than you have friend. And I didn't learn it in a book either

>> No.1897960


It combines a freedom to act derived from the innate superiority of oneself with a sensual yet chaste love of the market.

>> No.1897963

Yes, generally. But what if a person was happy no matter what? House repossessed? It's cool. I live in a dumpster? No problem. I have to eat three day old garbage? I'll probably survive. I like garbage anyway. Think of the implications if everyone was like that

>> No.1897967

I doubt this very seriously, and you have no reason to base that on. I have traveled quite a bit, lived in very diverse conditions, experienced many complex relationships, tested fundamental aspects of my character such as sexuality, philosophy, etc. I have been in and out of prison, I have been clinically dead and revived. I have lost my best friend, and been in true love. I have learned very little about life from books. The reason I think I know more about life than you, is because I don't make broad, cliche statements about life and then insist upon them. How old are you?

>> No.1897972

Huh. From your posting I would have thought you were about 16.

>> No.1897977

And I am 100 years old and I've never read a book and I know more about everything than anyone.


>> No.1897992

I'm old enough to not have a trip on 4chan and/or argue who's had more life diversity. I only wanted to point out that I have seen a lot and this is what it's boiled down to

>> No.1897997

What if people could fly under their power? What if people could do magic? What if people shat gold bricks and diamonds?

We could talk what ifs all day, but *actual* people aren't happy when their lives are shit, and they aren't happy sitting around all day doing nothing.

>> No.1898010

That's exactly my point. People are made to suffer. It makes you do things, like create a better life. In other words: "Bad feelings are good for you." It is almost anti-western thought to think that but it's true. You are not supposed to be happy or content and you never should be

>> No.1898015

Buddhism (as a philosophy)
slight hints of Sufism

>> No.1898024


I think you're too simplistic in your reasoning for why people actually do stuff.

>> No.1898025

I have this radical idea that there's more suffering in the world than their needs to be and it's not ok to be ok with that.

>> No.1898032

No, your point was "A happy person would sit on his ass all day. I know I would." But that's not true - in fact, that's like the biggest indication that someone is profoundly *unhappy*.

Bad feelings aren't good for you, they are a sign that something is wrong in your mind, your life, your relationships, or etc. Suffering doesn't ennoble, inspire, or drive you - it does the exact opposite.

>> No.1898036

Close to Cynicism

>> No.1898037

Yes but Stoics thought you could realize happiness through perfect action



>> No.1898043

Well originally when I said live more it wasn't even coming from an idea that I had lived more for you and was admonishing you to get on my level, that is just general advice..i think it came across wrong..but I generally think that the only way to enrich a philosophy is to actually live in the world and when I hear people who say that life is nothing but suffering, I can't help but feel like they are missing out on the nuances of this..having said that..I think life is truly defined by its suffering, but I disagree with the idea that this means you should only look out for number 1..mostly i disagree because I think that it doesn't work...usually whenever i have only tried to look out for number 1 i have inadvertently created circumstances that turned out to be worse for me..it seems paradoxical, but helping others is really the only way to help yourself..but maybe you're on to something when it comes to family...honestly the ways family have deteriorated is really regrettable.our western supposedly liberal ideas about the ''brotherhood of man''' have only created a weakened sense of brotherhood instead of expanding our feelings of brotherhood..it all seems to play into this idea of individualism..the truth is that if we insist on viewing ourselves as individuals, we only end up isolating ourselves and making ourselves all the more vulnerable to groups who would team up and exploit us..most liberal ideas make themselves appear like they are so caring, but really they serve the interests of those who would control and exploit men.

>> No.1898044
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>Man is made to suffer.
>I am saying that people suffer no matter what.
>implying this is Buddhism
According to the Buddhist philosophy, suffering is caused by attachment. Once you rid yourself of that attachment, you're a lot less miserable.

>> No.1898048

Sounds like objectivism... Ayn Rand was mentioned previously. I agree with that person.

I suppose objectivism is a "philosophy" but it certainly wasn't penned by a philosopher.

>> No.1898051

>You are not supposed to be happy or content and you never should be
Do you mean a) the purpose of human existence (if it exists) isn't happiness, or b) the purpose of human existence is unhappiness. Because I'm reading that both ways.

>> No.1898052

I couldn't disagree more, unless a person is seriously depressed. Maybe it's different for you, I won't argue that. But hatred of a mess and embarrassment of people seeing it is the only reason I clean my apartment, just as an example. Also, I could work at starbucks 30 hours a week and live, yet I strive for more because there is some force driving me to do better. An unexplained metaphysical force urging me forward

>> No.1898058

Couldn't disagree more with what part of that?

>> No.1898059

I would argue helping other people is "looking out for #1" because it indeed does help you. I would also agree western culture is fucked up. Moving away from your family to never return when you're 18 is too soon.

I'm not saying either. Only that unhappiness is a fact

I'm going to read some Rand. All I've heard of her is rehashed internet gobbledygook. I shall make up my own mind

>> No.1898064

That someone who is unhappy sits on their ass. Anxiety is the other side of the coin of depression

>> No.1898086

social darwinism or any generic pseudointellectual garbage parroted by politicians and pundits

>> No.1898096

Fascism, National Socialism.


>> No.1898107

It's not any of these in the slightest. It makes me wonder if you two understand words.

>> No.1898130



I think simply stating that it's a means to an end isn't true. Some people actually want to do stuff, not to make themselves happy, but to simply do it. A 'will to create', if you will, but that's too grandiose a term.

>> No.1898143

>everyone should do only what is best for them
>survive in the most comfortable manner


>> No.1898167


Why not? If comfort includes your own sense of morality, isn't that what everyone does anyway?

>> No.1898173


>> No.1898186

It belongs to a wide range of different sects in the prolific school of philosophy known as severe mental retardation.

>> No.1898193

Kind of, yes. But not quite the same. I argue there is no shield from misfortune, unhappiness, misery.

You're only proving me right son

>> No.1898257


>> No.1898485

1 Geneology of Morals by Friedrick Nietzsche or anything else by him.
2 Plato's Gorgias: specifically Socrates dialogue with Callicles
3 Familiarize yourself with Ayn Rand and Libertarianism

call it whatever you want.

>> No.1898782

>Familiarize yourself with Ayn Rand and Libertarianism

translation: i don't want to be take seriously. nice troll there, buddy.

>> No.1899558

It's called Schopenhauer, OP. Read it and weep. Essentially, life is suffering and we're all fucked and a Buddhist-style system where we can deceive ourselves about reality and be slightly happier than we would without it. I love that guy. Well, I love to hate him anyway.

>> No.1899567
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There are selfish people who hate Ayn Rand, capitalism, progress & civilization - if your feelin that vibe, try Max Stirner, Wolfi Landstreicher, and while not exactly praising "selfishness", but raising the individual above any collective form - try Freddy Perlman.
Seriously, what WE want should come first, and then extend that to our loved ones. I see WAY too many people sacrifice themselves for the sake of others, be it country, god, family, relationships, and they're just miserable.

>> No.1899574

this statement is shit and has nothing to do with philosophy.

>> No.1899595

Adam Smith's self interest in The Wealth of Nations

>> No.1899627

>Life is hard and cruel
>I'm on 4chan, and probably in college

>> No.1899674
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College? In this economy? Yeah, I wanna spend a bunch of money to get a degree I wouldn't be able to use anyway.

>> No.1899692


It's the fact that working at starbucks is fucking shitty you silly goose