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19061701 No.19061701[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can we turn this around?

>> No.19061710

Because its hard as fuck to learn that shit, and schools are taught by women for women so when boys should be learning this shit they tune out. I did.

>> No.19061723

I was referring to niggers like you in my OP. You should KYS and never speak again so we don't have to hear your retarded gibberish. It would really improve things for those of us who are at least at the intelligence level of a 14 year old.

>> No.19061740

>ligma male energy

>> No.19061764

200 years ago, English speakers were not talking about parts of speech at all. Only a few educated people knew all these terms and even fewer used them regularly. It isn't important to know what parts of speech do. All you need is to put words in a sentence that makes sense.

>> No.19061785

it do be like dat tho

>> No.19061820

I overheard a group of white tween boys at the grocery store about a week ago speaking in something resembling AAVE. "Bruh we gotta be deadass outta here for real come on bruh whatchu doin man for real" It sounded like something I would expect kids to say as a joke when making fun of the way Black people talk but no, they were complete serious. What is happening?

>> No.19061849

>All you need is to put words in a sentence that makes sense.
They don't do that because they're too stupid to do it.
The first thing you should do is stop capitalizing black because that was another change they made to degrade English. It was only last year they made that change; you should not have adopted it at all. The best thing I can think of to reverse this trend is to destroy social media and memes.

>> No.19061860

das racis tho

>> No.19061876

it's fine if we can capitalize White too, since White Americans and Black Americans are ethnic groups could easily be considered deserving of the status of proper noun.

>> No.19061880

Why not capitalize it? I've capitalized Black and White for years. It's not something I adopted recently. They're races. I hate it when they capitalize the others but not us though. I have kept Jewish lowercase as a joke once when I was having an unfriendly political debate online but I don't think anyone noticed. I don't actually have anything against Jews though. It was just in response to the other person's disrespect toward my own kind.

>> No.19061881

That chart is missing articles

>> No.19061890
File: 80 KB, 519x544, grant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White Americans
Isn't that kind of redundant?

>> No.19061896

that ship sailed 60 years ago

>> No.19061907

Capitalize it when it's a noun, don't when it's an adjective. It's mostly used as an adjective, so don't.

>> No.19061909

A nation is it's founding ideals. America is for Whites of good character only and since the people that made they change weren't White nor of good character, the Hart-Cellar act is illegal and no non-whites are citizens.

>> No.19061921

What if he capitalizes White, Yellow, Red, Brown, Coffee-Colored, Off-White, Beige, Pink, Charcoal, and Blue too?

>> No.19061933

>A nation is it's founding ideals
No sweatie, nations are people, not ideas. America is not a nation, merely a state that houses several nations. Civic nationalism is a liberal spook.
>the people that made they change weren't White nor of good character, the Hart-Cellar act is illegal and no non-whites are citizens.
autistic nitpicking, it's way too late. stop clinging. this country is no longer ours.

>> No.19061934

>A nation is it is founding ideals
>that made they change
>weren't White nor of
You are the problem.

>> No.19061948

I wouldn't say they're not citizens. I'm just saying they aren't Americans. About 20% of Russia's population isn't Russian. There are also Chechens, Ukrainians, etc. and they're citizens of Russia but not ethnically Russian. About 45% of America's population isn't American. They're citizens but ethnically Mexican, African American (the descendants of slaves, foundational Black Americans, whatever you want to call them), Cherokee, Arab, etc.

But yeah Hart-Cellar was a horrible tragedy and we should do what we can to stop the bleeding and then begin healing.

>> No.19061958

>this country is no longer ours.
Yes, in the same way that Greece under Turkish occupation was no longer the Greeks'. We are occupied but we can take our country back, or at least part of it. There are still over 150 million Americans in the US. It's far from over.

>> No.19061980

That's because the Ottomans actually allowed the Greeks some level of autonomy and didn't flood Greece itself with colonists. That is however what they did to mainland Anatolia which used to be entirely Greek. Now it's a country called Turkey. That's more like what they're doing to us.
>we can take our country back, or at least part of it
Yes but we're in a much tougher spot than ottoman greeks desu

>> No.19062002

A simple ethic virus would do most of the work, at the very least it would force a few years of segregation during which a new one could be made, which would prolong the split indefinitely.

>> No.19062005

Did Greek children ever start speaking in whatever the equivalent of "bruh fr desu bruh dat shit cray im finna fuck shit up" way of talking? What's the Turkish version of that?

>> No.19062014

Ethic virus? I hope I'm misunderstanding you. Are you talking about biological warfare? I don't want them dead. I just want us to have a country again. Can't we just pay them to leave and/or draw borders around where people already live?

>> No.19062019

kardeşim gerçekten dürüst olmak gerekirse kardeşim bu bok delisi bok yiyip bitireceğim

>> No.19062022

You are naive; niggers will never leave except by force, since most whites are too kind-hearted and niggers are too stupid to make a country for themselves even with aid. Death is the only way.

>> No.19062029

At the very least deport them to Africa or their own country in the south. Genocide isn't just monstrous. It's not necessary. Nobody has to be exterminated.

>> No.19062035

You are actively being genocided right now, stop being such a spineless faggot.

>> No.19062041

I can't tell Greeks apart from Turks.

>> No.19062043

I was unfortunate enough to accidentally hear this song yesterday and the way these women speak made me want to puke
Anyone who says “lowkey” should be ejected into outer space

>> No.19062054

Oh good this is an Ottoman empire thread now. Venetians and Rûm not welcome.

>> No.19062060


>> No.19062065

Lowkey is actually really old slang. I think it comes from Italian Americans from New York

>> No.19062077

What you're advocating isn't necessary and only drives sensible Whites away and associates those of use who want to stand up for our people but aren't like you with, well, you. Our elites would vastly prefer fedposters they can easily demonize over people like Jared Taylor or Alain de Benoist.

Wow, this is really horrible.

>> No.19062080

You'll never stop being nothing more than a larper.
Fix your masturbation problem before talking about genociding blacks on 4chan, retarded american piece of shit.

>> No.19062086

These are all of the people that can't structure sentences properly. There should at least be a rule on this literature board that you have to speak proper English; retards should have their posts removed.

>> No.19062089

>proper english
I'm going to shove a copy of Saussure so far up your ass you'll learn a language

>> No.19062098

>retarded american piece of shit.
Ah you don't live with black people so you don't understand the severity of the problem.
I don't care about having good optics for the rabble. "Deportation" is as good as genocide because they will all starve to death without aid anyway

>> No.19062116

This poster was not the me, the OP, but I agree with what he said exactly.

>> No.19062128

chu gonna do bout it bitch ass nigga

>> No.19062138

>having good optics
Doesn't matter if your policy proposals are irrelevant. Maybe 20% of voters could be convinced to mass deport their neighbors to "save" your race or something. Well below what you'd need to be anything other than a useful psyop to frighten people into voting to fight racism, eliminate free speech, ban weapons, etc.

>> No.19062140

this video is incredible

>> No.19062172

My argument was supporting you dummy.

>> No.19062185

I'm not the other poster you cretin

>> No.19062203

As if engilsh isnt a stupid language by itself. You niggers murdered singular pronouns

>> No.19062228

God I love watching white people seethe that immigrants speak their language better than they do. White boys don't read

>> No.19062236

Very brave and original stance

>> No.19062257

I know you are not, I was responding to the guy who wants Africans deported and I said deportation and genocide are the same thing.


>> No.19062265

You probably fantasize about getting railed by "white boys" desu

>> No.19062272

You're both retarded, on par with unreformed marxists who think the revolution is coming. Your ideas only matter as thought experiments for the state to correct against in advance.

>> No.19062282

Enjoy living in South Africa

>> No.19062312

You too buddy. Let me know if your plan to undo 70 years of population shift by asking the people on the 'losing end' to vote against it works out. Remember that time the Romans voted against there being Germans all over Italy? Me neither. It was more of an "Oh that's okay, I'll just take up celibacy and study scriptures" kind of deal

>> No.19062327

>by asking the people on the 'losing end' to vote against it works out
Where the fuck did I say this retard. You are arguing with your imagination.

>> No.19062358

>come up with hyper-retarded non-starter policy proposals like eliminating half of the US population
>uh where did I ever say they would be implemented through a political process I'm just sniffing my farts
Yes my point exactly. Irrelevant proposal. Or you're a fedboy looking to meet a ticketing quota

>> No.19062386

We won't win through voting. Most major changes throughout history have not required support from the majority of the population. Demographic change in the US certainly never appealed to most Americans. I don't think some kind of genocide is the solution either though. I think that's monstrous and unnecessary. I'd rather us just carve a place for ourselves out of this dying country or put policies in place that are designed to restore our historical demographics, something like Greg Johnson's concept of a peaceful slow cleanse.

>> No.19062388

>Yes my point exactly. Irrelevant proposal. Or you're a fedboy looking to meet a ticketing quota
you are just weakling projecting your inability to do anything on to me. If there is a will there is a way. You clearly have no will, so you won't ever be able to do anything.

Now fuck off

>> No.19062405

>I don't think some kind of genocide is the solution either though. I think that's monstrous and unnecessary. I'd rather us just carve a place for ourselves out of this dying country or put policies in place that are designed to restore our historical demographics, something like Greg Johnson's concept of a peaceful slow cleanse.
This country was founded by a literal military Junta. You embarrass your forefathers with such latent faggotry. Deportation works and it was done before.

>> No.19062408

Oh you can absolutely move to the middle of nowhere and be largely left alone by the imperial government. Just keep to yourself. But don't expect to exercise any influence over what happens an exit away from you on the highway.
>if there is a will there is a way
Yes there is a way to fedmax and get put in the best prison

>> No.19062414

Why deport such that they just end up in Britain or France? It's time to just kill the niggers, it's clear that they neither want to nor could participate in society.

>> No.19062419

what is the difference between an adjective and an adverb

>> No.19062424

While I don't support mass deportation of citizens, especially those who have been a part of our historical population (what do you want done with the Indians?), deportation is better than genocide, which I am extremely opposed to. There is no need to murder innocent people.

>> No.19062431
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>something is conceivable therefore it is viable
If you ever go past shitposting you guys are going to get rekt so hard when you find out the USG has infinite money and manpower to fight nazis.

>> No.19062434

Fuck off you retarded coward. Go pander to fags and spics while you are at it.

>> No.19062438

Can they fight a virus? It doesn't seem like it. Now those in the field estimate that it would take two weeks to make a synthetic antibody for any virus, but clearly the government is incompetent.

>> No.19062441

Neither policy is viable. No more than a fraction of the pop. would vote for it. And you won't do shit. And if you did you'd only be useful to the cause of what you're opposed to.

>> No.19062449

I want us to have control over our own destiny. I don't merely want to be left alone as an individual. I want my people to thrive.

You can keep them out of Europe. Why would you want to kill them? They're people too. Like all groups, there are some good ones and bad ones. Just give them a place to call their own. I wish more people would understand that we can love and defend our people without being the bloodthirsty sociopaths ADL propaganda depicts us as.

>> No.19062454

Your (mind) virus would only infect maybe every 10th white person. Too bad they mostly live in integrated communities where they'd be isolated and neutralized by unsympathetic neighbors and authorities.

>> No.19062457

>I want my people to thrive.
Time to ask the UN to be given a mandate to settle in British Malvinas. I recommend having a war chest of several billion in assets to get the proposal expedited

>> No.19062458

Is the way I see you how neocons see me?

>> No.19062482

>And you won't do shit
I will have more children and probably donate to AmRen but you're right that I don't plan to get seriously involved in politics outside of talking to other people.

A biological weapon could potantially backfire catastrophically. That's a terrible idea. I should probably just stop talking to you. I'm glad you care about our people but you're very misguided. I hope you never do anything foolish.

>> No.19062500

Do you simply guess where commas ought to go?

>> No.19062510
File: 68 KB, 750x600, aCzDa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like all groups, there are some good ones and bad ones
It is not surprising you would use that shitty fallacy. Some groups are worse than others because the individuals of that group are more likely to be bad than individuals of other groups.
Who cares about convincing people?

>> No.19062569

I've never understood these White Monster memes.

>> No.19062593

>have impractical political ideas and theories
>have no interest in convincing anyone
Oh that's fine then.

>> No.19062695

>he thinks slaves can be convinced
You must be one of them

>> No.19062736

uh sweaty, you call it incorrect english, I call it african american vernacular and it's valid :)

normalise simplified tribalspeak