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19344262 No.19344262 [Reply] [Original]

Write What’s On Your Mind Thread.

Theme: https://youtu.be/JAVyKDDsM3s

Previous thread >>19323236

>> No.19344274

I want to write erotica but every time I sit down to write I get horny and lose focus.

>> No.19344569

I think I've come to a point in my life where there is no reason for me to go on doing anything. It feels like a giant wallpaper, vivid and almost real but now matter how many times I try touching, it is always just a wall.

And the strange thing is, I've accepted it somehow.

>> No.19344639

Butters, we know its you. You can just leave the trip on for fucks sake.

>> No.19345128

I want to quit this site cold turkey because I'm starting to get anxiety over being accepted among anons. I'm really not bigoted or a neet, but I feel like I needed to so you guys would like me.

Starting today I'll stop giving a fuck about what you think. Thank you for reading my blog post and good riddance.

>> No.19345154

It's always indecision and lack of clarity.
It's clearly at the point where I can ask her out, and even if it wasn't, there's literally no loss because in a week there will be another woman. But I can't for the life of me think of where the fuck to invite her out to?
Same with my writing, I want to write something, I have the time to write something - but which thing? There's no shortage of average ideas. Some disciplinarian will say it is better to pick one idea, even if it is unspectacular, and polish it than to not write at all. But I suck at 'polishing' ideas because I can never pose specific solutions to the plot/structure problems that are clearly flawed.
Even today I want to ensure I don't go empty handed to this party, but what do I bring? A bottle of wine? So unimaginative, so unthoughtful.
I will always be distracted by abstracts, by generalities, never crystalize the specificities. Always hypothesis, never action.
Always "something" never "this thing".

>> No.19345218
File: 445 KB, 512x512, 83AA3E2F-A911-480E-AC77-B89D6E90E390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe a name would help.


>> No.19345235

Kek, you were right. That trannie bitch just wants to be the center of attention.

>> No.19345253

Conservatism is the new punk rock.

>> No.19345258

How the fuck do people with something to say actually put that shit on the page in a coherent work of fiction? Completely blows my mind. I get pulling a Stephen King and putting a retarded story on the paper, and writing boring shit without anything to say. How people create literature is beyond me.

>> No.19345266

you didn't think that one through, did you?

>> No.19345269

Fuck you nigger, best of luck, and see you tomorrow, or next week.

>> No.19345270

Are you really that desperate in seeking attention that you would resort to making a second thread? How far does your narcissism go?

>> No.19345282

that's a cool image.
is it real or shopped?

>> No.19345288

What is it with you faggots and this General? A thread up was up for half and hour and yet, you decide to make a second thread. What is it with you schizophrenics?

>> No.19345532

I feel so trapped. I'm stuck here in this place. I can't escape. I'm so isolated. There's no way to reach out. The worst part aboutthe feeling is the total helplessness of it. I dont have that fire to keep going. I feel like I'm being dragged along by a current. I dont know what to do.

>> No.19345565

Why does every O.Henry collection have "A Retrieved Reformation"?
I've been trying to find a collection with "The Ransom of Red Chief"; Barely any have that but always have the former.

>> No.19345591

mods should allow two WOYM threads so people can choose the anime one or the normal one

>> No.19345600

Stop bumping this dead thread already

>> No.19345617

schizo animetranny

>> No.19346010

How do people listen to rap?

>> No.19346012

With Dre’s

>> No.19346013

With their ears!

>> No.19346026

by contributing to this thread you are supporting butters who goes insane every time she doesn't get to make the thread.
i hate the animeposter aswell but the other thread was made on time, fair and square.

>> No.19346034

Why did butters make this thread if another was already made an hour before?

>> No.19346035

Shut up animefag.

>> No.19346037

I honestly dont mind butterfly

>> No.19346041

It seeks attention, nothing more and nothing less. It has been making second threads for a while now, and forever seethes whenever no one picks its threads.

>> No.19346044

We know butters, do us the common courtesy and put your trips back on.

>> No.19346045

butters should be gangbanged by niggers

>> No.19346053

We all agree that Butterfly should be gangbanged by niggers, that has nothing to do with this.

>> No.19346055

It should be ban. It does nothing but shit up threads it appears in.

>> No.19346068

It wasn't made on time time nor was it fair and square. Stupid motherfucker did it early again so he could have agency over the WWOYM threads just like that dragon ball faggot. Butterfly is doing it the right way, linking the previous thread and adding a song for posterity so the users have music to listen to while they formulate their thoughts or just chill out to it.

>> No.19346069

like i said. shes been going crazy the past few weeks. crazier than usual.
she gets angry that the threads arent perfect and then makes her own but look at what she linked as the previous thread. its not even the right fucking one.
shes really losing it.

i hate the animeposter just as much as the next guy but this is what the "WWOYM Thread War" is, its a mess.
if you want to stop the animeposter you need to either beat them to it or make one earlier which although its a dirty tactic it worked last time for about a week.

>> No.19346073
File: 2.62 MB, 3264x2448, 20211104_212044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a picture of my feet satisfy that I'm not butterfly

>> No.19346074

The guy you're responding to is the dragonball faggot.

>> No.19346077
File: 55 KB, 800x1200, 362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also thank you butterfly for the effort you're putting in to save these threads. It's much appreciated

>> No.19346080

>which although its a dirty tactic it worked last time for about a week.
It didn't work at all since it made people make threads as early as 200 posts.

>> No.19346097

Yes it was made perfectly on time. just do the fucking math and check the timestamps.
The thread ended roughly 7 hours and 30 minutes ago and guess what? the new one was made roughly 7 hours and 30 minutes ago.
And look at the previous thread butters was linked. its not even the right fucking one. its literally 2 threads behind.

Butters seethed once again and decided to made hers late(roughly an hour later) and she fucked it up which she always does.
She's going insane.