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/lit/ - Literature

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19424613 No.19424613 [Reply] [Original]

what do you listen to while you read?

what are you currently reading/listening to?

>> No.19424615


>> No.19424617

nothing. Why would you dilute your connection to the book.

>> No.19424625

Classical, sometimes ambient like Harold Budd

>> No.19424629

I'm often reading in places I can't focus without headphones.

>> No.19424630

Nothing and I refuse to read in public due to noise, the only proper reading setup is inside a soundproof room

>> No.19424641

la dispute
hotel books
some kind of jazz or lofi mix on youtube

>> No.19424645

Although you may want to read in an unaccommodating setting, you'd be doing yourself a disservice.

>> No.19424664
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>Microdose ecstasy
>read Paradise Lost/Divina Comedia/Faust/Blood Meridian/Moby Dick
>listen to this

>> No.19424672

based. either you take your paper books way out into the countryside where there's no noise and you can see the stars at night or you're ngmi

>> No.19424687

Nothing because you're giving you book a soundtrack, I like to read it pure.

>> No.19424689


>> No.19424693

and birds from by windod2twaws

>> No.19425249
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lofi hip hop radio - beats to relax/study to

>> No.19425253

Absolute CHADS

>> No.19426721

If the book is well written, I imagine my own music that suits the book. When I lissen to the wrong music while reading it it doesn't benefit the reading expirience. I tried it sometimes again to listen to music while reading but had no luck on finding the right music. I think, when the book is good, you don't need to lissen to music.

>> No.19426744

Imagine not listening to music only as a completely separate activity.

>> No.19426777

>go to random label
>go to vidoes
>play all
>usually 500 - 10,000 songs
>go from album ot album listneing to garbage
idk what the fuck this is

>> No.19426920

i just put my noise canceling headphones on without any music. if im just skimming wikipedia then i'll put on chick corea or something similar

>> No.19426934
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>> No.19426935

Right now I’m reading Crime and Punishment. I feel like Schubert and Bach are somewhat fitting.

>> No.19426952

Genuinely can't listen while reading, always end up paying more attention to the music. Gets in the way of the lovely feeling of just sinking into a book :/

>> No.19427024

Irrlicht, harmony in ultraviolet, The tired sounds of the stars of the lid, l'ile resonante, structures from silence, hosianna mantra, apollo.
Basically any comfy ambient-y album.

>> No.19427191

I put on ocean sounds if the neighbors are having sex too loud, otherwise nothing

>> No.19427280

bruh i should read more english literature

>> No.19427307
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Heavy rain & thunder 12 HOURS (NO LOOP}

>> No.19427348

Drone + minimalism. Anything else is too distracting. My reading habit is pretty much why my music listening has slowed down so much. That, and the fact that /lit/ is a much better board than /mu/.
Basically this but better

>> No.19427651

>Basically this but better
Do give some recs, I'm always looking for new music to listen when reading.