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/lit/ - Literature

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19541806 No.19541806 [Reply] [Original]

Memories of burning the village edition

Previous Thread:>>19533186

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent

Never going to be created.

>> No.19541815

I wish more fantasy series focus on the renaissance more than the Middle Ages.

>> No.19541819

>Memories of burning the village edition
t. Coithus Athjeari

>> No.19541822

>original drawn by akiyama uta
another anime OP

>> No.19541825
File: 2.89 MB, 916x480, honk.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

books for this feel?

>> No.19541827

>More anime

Here we go again.

>> No.19541831
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Reminder: Xianxia/Wuxia/Cradle/LitRPG/Progression is shit

>> No.19541832

>anime girl hidden behind tree
kill yourself moogy. your breath is worth less than dirt.

>> No.19541835
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Shit, I didnt even see her. Quite well hidden.

>> No.19541837
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King of /sffg/.

Simple as.
Fuck anime

>> No.19541847

>black and/or female writer
I do not read that book.

>> No.19541857
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/sffg/ bros, since I've been delving in chinkshit I also fell into the coom fantasy rabbithole.
So, I'm thinking of starting a coom lit general.
What are your opinions on this?

>> No.19541858

Why is the knife ears hiding? I thought they were depraved fiends who love human cock?

>> No.19541862

> Ugly, bespectacled whores
Those are his cousins or something, right?

>> No.19541869
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Threadly reminder to read Bakker. Start with The Darkness That Comes Before. The Second Apocalypse series is part of the /sffg/ canon. Not understanding Bakker memes renders you blind to most of the relevant discussion that goes on here.

>> No.19541877
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When this starts getting good?

>> No.19541878 [DELETED] 

Use the real general.

>> No.19541880
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Based and Consult-pilled.

>> No.19541882

You think that scaley one has scales on her vag?
I've seen a guy fuck a snake, so I guess she could work. But why would a reptile need mammaries?

>> No.19541888


>> No.19541893
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Fury of a Demon, Dragons of Terra #3 - Brian Naslund (2021)
This was much better than the second book and better than the first. Many changes were made which may upset a subset of readers, but I greatly appreciated them. The first two books were primarily quest based, which is ok, but not what I prefer. This third book is epic fantasy warfare, which I tend to enjoy more. It's not what I ideally initially wanted, but it more than sufficed. I still take issue with many things in the series as a whole, but this book went a long way to mitigate those issues, which surprised me. It seems I was unduly influenced by what I thought about the second book. Most of what irritated me was made suitable, despite still thinking that the science fantasy parts don't belong in this series.

Most of Parts I and II, or somewhat more than 50%, were somewhat better than ok. Halfway through Part II was where the fun really started going and continued to ramp up from there until the climax. The fun primarily came from what I saw as becoming less serious and more comfortable. Relative to the two previous books, what the characters did became much over-the-top, especially near the end. That may be cause for concern for some, though for me I was enjoying it in a good way with how ridiculous it became. The ending was one of the the most satisfying I've read in a very long while. As for the emotional mood of the ending, rather than putting something in spoilers, this tweet from him says it all, though do note that it does spoil what kind of ending it has. It doesn't do so in any specific way other than generally what to expect.

I may be premature in saying so, but I think Naslund is really beginning to come into his own as an author and establish his authorial voice. The first in this series, Blood of an Exile, his debut novel, definitely didn't read like that, so to me this represented a lot of progress on his part. Naslund says he'll be writing more books, so when/if they're published, I'll certainly give them a try. The series ought to have more readers than it has.
Rating: 4/5

>> No.19541894

Would Bakker himself be able to avoid being Dunyain'd?

>> No.19541899

>You think that scaley one has scales on her vag?
>But why would a reptile need mammaries?
It's coom fiction, that's why.

>> No.19541915

Migrate to the real thread. Abandon this false bot filter shit.

>> No.19541919

>Fury of a Demon, Dragons of Terra #3 - Brian Naslund
Nice to see the last book managed to deliver. Was worried a bit with how you reacted with the second book. Will be buying the series. The author’s tweet should be a good sign since he can take things in stride.

Have you ever thought of reviewing Mother of Learning? It’s a completed web novel.

>> No.19541961 [DELETED] 

Nice to see Naslund improve his writing. Did he ever fix his videogame geography problem from the first book? Or is that still an issue? I notice you single that out in the first review.

>> No.19541971

Nice to see Naslund improve his writing. Did he ever fix his videogame geography problem from the first book? Or is that still an issue? I notice you single that out in the first review but dropped it on the second and third review.

>> No.19542008

I hope it works out for you. I thought about rating the 2nd 3.5 and rounding down, but it wasn't quite enough. I may yet change my mind when I look over everything I read this year.

> Have you ever thought of reviewing Mother of Learning? It’s a completed web novel.
Yes, I've looked at it as it's one of the more mentioned in this general and probably one of the most read in the GR group. As I've mentioned before, I'm very wary of webfiction in general. Their primary draw to me seems to be people who just want constant fix over a long duration and aren't particularly concerned about anything else. Basically an addiction model.

I only read a little of it a year or two or didn't find myself interested. I do like the idea of magic schools and I've enjoyed other media with time loops, so in theory could be something that I'd enjoy. In practice it's often entirely different. Maybe I'll look at it again sometime, but it's very unlikely that I'd read it. I have little doubt though that if it was something I grew up with or was otherwise far younger that it'd have been something I enjoyed at the time. Not that stops me that much overall from enjoying more than I otherwise would. That's what I'd think to think anyway.

>> No.19542009

>So, I'm thinking of starting a coom lit general.
Don’t know why you need to make another General about fantasy when you can just discuss them here.
>What are your opinions on this?
Are they any good? I notice they sell like hot cakes on Amazon, and I doubt the cover art is to explain for that.

>> No.19542027

burning village is the shitshow that was last thread

>> No.19542050

Well, I don't like to mention the same stuff for multiple books. Maybe I should, but it just seems repetitive to me. Nothing is so much fixed, but it's mitigated a lot, or maybe I just became accustomed to it, by focusing on other stuff.

There's a lot of stuff like that I sometimes cut out of the what I write because I end up writing too much about it relative to how important I think it is. Sometimes it can be difficult for me to know when I'm doing that or not. The primary reason for the arbitrary length of a single post is so that I don't start meandering all over the place while rambling on. For example, I dropped this out of what I wrote about the third book because although I think it's true, I'm probably giving it undue focus:

I noticed in the two prior books that vomit was recurrent and that seemed to be the bodily function of choice this time. Five characters vomit at different points for different reasons, some multiple times, and vomit is present in various other ways. Other bodily functions continue be present as well in noticeable amounts. I assume the purpose has been to make the series grittier. I don't know how well it serves that role, since it only makes me wonder why all of it is happening relatively so often. Did I need to write it so much? No, but I did so anyway, in the same way the above was included. Maybe I just find to be more noticeable, though not in a bad way.

>> No.19542060

>I thought about rating the 2nd 3.5 and rounding down, but it wasn't quite enough. I may yet change my mind when I look over everything I read this year.
That seems fair, maybe time will either sour your view on the book or merely reinforced what you thought of it. And you don’t have to force yourself to read Morher of Learning. Just wanted to know if you were open to the idea. Any idea what you’ll be reviewing next?

>> No.19542064
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I really like the stories of the Metal Gear games. I'm not retarded enough to read a video game novel. Is there any real genrefic that fits the bill?

>> No.19542075

I only ever read two longer coom stories online.
One was Dream Drive, by the guy who is in the good self published books chart from here with Contractor. It is a litrpg, by the time when those were all the rage. It was pretty good, the only one I ever read but mostly on published SF/F level, until later when he introduced the brother character who was too anime and broke my immersion too much. The guy felt straight outta Code Geas. Contractor was more consistent, but weaker than Dream Drive when it got good. DD also had almost no coomery funnily enough, I think it had only three sex scenes and they werent that much more obscene than what is common in sword and sorcery.
The other was called The Preacher or so. It was about a bonkers world where the dominant religion mindwipes all women at the end of the day, as religion gives a man the right to have a mentally virginal wife each day. The lenient men allow their woman to at least keep a diary, so they can remember at least fragments of their past life. It is about a priest of that faith conspiring with a woman by not wiping her mind, and trying to find the origin of the system to change it. The world and the ideas were excellent, I remember large dome cities connected with high speed monorails crossing the ocean. It had more sex, but was still overall less compelling. But maybe coom and interesting sci fi are just naturally at odds with each other.

>> No.19542076

>Is there any real genrefic that fits the bill?
Just want to be clear on this, but are you okay if the story is either fantasy or science-fiction or does it have to be Military science fiction like Metal Gear?

>> No.19542089

No, I don't know. I usually have no idea what exactly be until I've been reading it for a while. My mood plays an outsized role in that. I've tried in vain to do otherwise, but it just doesn't work and that's how it is. I currently have a very loose guideline which I almost surely won't follow for what and when I'll be reading all next year. It's mostly just to see how much I could read if I kept up a specific pace. For a general idea you can look at my "series" and "prelim" goodread shelves.

I'll probably be reading The Veiled Throne (The Dandelion Dynasty #3) Ken Liu next week. Rest of the month will probably be fantasy. Next month may be as well. I may try to read more books published this year before year's end. I'll eventually get back to SF as well but I'm just not feeling it right now. I'm open to suggestion about whatever, but I probably won't right now. Overall I'm still focusing on reducing how many books in ongoing series I haven't yet read. Probably anyway. It's all very much subject to change at any given moment.

>> No.19542104

Ironclads by Adrian Tchaikovsky has a similar feel, but it's a short standalone novella.

>> No.19542106

I don't really mind either, obvious military stuff is preferred but I like the action mixed with conspiracies and weird shit going on.

>> No.19542119

>I noticed in the two prior books that vomit was recurrent and that seemed to be the bodily function of choice this time.
Yeah, in the first review you said how the story focus on bodily waste and on sex, same with the second review about two young males. How was the antagonist? Didn't notice him in the review. You had your complaints about him not fitting in with the rest of the series and that he belongs to another.

>> No.19542145
File: 52 KB, 480x264, JannardStark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon, the first of his name, King of the Andals and the first men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the realm, I charge you to bring the King's justice to the false knight Gregor Clegane and all those who shared in his crimes. I denounce him and attaint him. (gasps, murmurs, and voices of outrage sound at court) I strip him of all ranks and titles, of all lands and holdings, and sentence him to death.

Any stories with this vibe?

>> No.19542148

That's still the case, but it didn't bother me as much this time. Having a bad scientist who single-handedly establishes creates a clockwork city, I don't think steampunk would be quite accurate, and otherwise is far more advanced than anything else in the setting is out of place to for sure. By the very end he evens talks about creating flying, underwater, and space cities in an otherwise mostly medieval seeming world. He's many centuries ahead.

>> No.19542152

Oops, should've read that over before posting.
*mad scientist

>> No.19542160

Why they always gotta ruin good coom with harem shit

>> No.19542176

A Song of Ice and Faggots

>> No.19542180

>Don’t know why you need to make another General about fantasy when you can just discuss them here.
Webnovels don't have a general but they're rarely discussed here (except memeing Reverend Insanity).
>Are they any good?
I just started reading Summoner by Eric Vall, the first chapters flew by pretty fast compared to other stuff I've read.
>I notice they sell like hot cakes on Amazon
Sex sells. Well written one especially.
I'll check those eventually.
>Why they always gotta ruin good coom with harem shit
Having a harem is a top male fantasy and you also get to expand and diversify the sex scenes.

>> No.19542183

A Game of Thrones (the book, or season 1 of the show) was so fucking kino. Why did it all go wrong?

>> No.19542212

So is he based or what?

>> No.19542242

>I don't think steampunk would be quite accurate,
Unless it had some strange focus on Victorian or Edwardian setting, which at that point it would be more of a Gaslamp fantasy than anything, its steampunk.

>and otherwise is far more advanced than anything else in the setting is out of place to for sure. By the very end he evens talks about creating flying, underwater, and space cities in an otherwise mostly medieval seeming world. He's many centuries ahead.
Seems like the author was trying to do a Sauron bringing industrialization or something like some people think Lord of the Rings was about

>> No.19542256
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Just got pic related. Is it as good or better than Wizards First Rule? I'm hoping it's more consistently interesting, since the middle portion of Wizards First Rule was so boring.

>> No.19542265

I have also dropped two other coom stories.

Upon a Savage Shore strikes a decent compromise between the amount of coom and the quality of the story. But as it is fundamentally a survival story about a crashed marine on a hostile planet with hunters in pursuit it naturally drops in appeal as he gathers enough ressources to construct a safe hideout and starts fucking the pursuers.

Surfacing and its billion other spinoff stories about horney drow have good characters and an excessive amount of coom scenes to rival any porn game, but the actual story is laughably bad. It is apparent that it was entirely written while masturbating.

These 2 are still better than 80% of the marker from what I have sampled, as every once in a while a published author gives me a craving for a well written sex scene by making a really hot fade to black, but then I check the indies and see it is all fucking garbage.

>> No.19542275

> Sauron bringing industrialization or something like some people think Lord of the Rings was about
I didn't think about that, but yeah, it could be that.

>> No.19542280

>There is a head on the pole
Unironically what the FUCK did the autist mean by it?

>> No.19542303

>Why did it all go wrong?
The producers were hacks since they couldn’t even figure out Stannis motive.

>> No.19542305

>Surfacing by A.S. Etaski
>Upon a Savage Shore by RipperFish (literotica)
Got it, I'll add them to my list.

>> No.19542340

>The Veiled Throne (The Dandelion Dynasty #3) Ken Liu next week.
That book has been hyped here a lot. Can’t wait to read it myself. And you got a rather eccentric ways to read books, but I can’t complain. Not that I got room to complain.

>> No.19542352

It's had a few mentions. One other said he was already reading. I was going to read it last month, but other matters interfered and for the reasons stated in what I wrote about it in book 2. I don't think it's been a lot.

What would you say the average/standard/normal way to read books would be?

>> No.19542356

Has any of the coom stories you have read ever been genuinly good when it comes to writing and characters? At least approaching classical published niveau? What are your top 3?

As I said I would really like to read smut on a genuinly good level, but until now the closest I have seen is Rothfuss, where the Wise Mans Fear part 2 has a random 200 pages of fairy sex and Paul Kidd's Ranger Trilogy which is not smut, bur enjoyable DnD fiction and very horny.

>> No.19542359

Based on what?

>> No.19542364

> read smut on a genuinly good level
Not that anon, but maybe read sff romance books?

>> No.19542369

Male canine genitalia.

>> No.19542409

Ironically, chinkshit like Against The Gods and Keyboard Immortal are decent on that, considering the chinese censorship.
Like I said here >>19542180 I'm reading Summoner by Eric Vall, I'll tell you more about it later.
>maybe read sff romance books?
Can you suggest some titles?

>> No.19542418
File: 23 KB, 300x147, ED880E48-49F5-41C6-A42D-4272D2FAFDA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these ones

>> No.19542436

I've finished 90 novels so far this year. I've read other stuff, but let's put that aside for now. With 22 days, including today, remaining will I make it to 100? It seems rather unlikely, but it could happen, especially if I focus on shorter ones.

I thought I would when I read them this year, but it turned out that I didn't like them anywhere as much as I thought I would. Others like them though.

>> No.19542447

No, it was just a general idea. I don't mix the two. If I want pornographic writing than that's what I read.

>> No.19542454

>I didn't think about that, but yeah, it could be that.
Yeah, I would just ignore it, or not think about it too much. It basically has the same meaning as Aragon's tax policies

>> No.19542471

People will believe what they'll believe.

>> No.19542475

>Webnovels don't have a general but they're rarely discussed here
If it makes you feel better, nothing has been discuss in the past few months due to certain people shitting up the thread. Just discuss it here since they’re gone now.

>> No.19542515

Haven’t read them, but I heard the author insert his femdom fetish in his stories. Is this true?

>> No.19542533

Oh, ok.
What do you guys think about Keyboard Immortal ( https://www.wuxiaworld.com/novel/keyboard-immortal/ )?
It's one of the only 2 chinkshit novels I'm currently reading.
The premise is stupid as fuck (chinese internet troll get isekaid to notAncientChina with cheat powers.) but there are no repeated arcs and plots, and more importantly NO FUCKING AUCTIONS (for now.....).

>> No.19542552

>protag meets gobbos
>doesn’t kill them


>> No.19542571

>protag meets gobbos
>starts a genocidal campaign on them
>He’s in the wrong because of it.
you can’t win.

>> No.19542581

Yeah. Wandering Inn was shit.
She got got people killed because she didn't want to kill shit trying to kill and eat her. She didn't even get remorse for those she got killed over her childish idiocy.

That book was such shit. Wasted so much of my time.

>> No.19542597

I dropped it prettt fast when I realized the inn wasn’t wandering, protag is a female gobbo lover, and it was literally just an inn

>> No.19542613

I thought it was going to be like Howl's Moving castle. I finished the first volume waiting for the damn inn to end up somewhere else, or after she fixed it up to an extent, the magic in the inn would return. Nope. Nothing.

it's just a fucking run down building.

>> No.19542625

if only the script thats in some of the margin art was elaborated a bit

>> No.19542636

Clearly the joke title went over all your heads. Being overly literal is a sign of autism. It's meant as "Wandering In", with a single one, but as an Inn for extra joke power.

>> No.19542639

>tfw watching videos about Napoleon and wishing flintlock fantasy wasn't shit

>> No.19542652

I've read published stuff worse than this one: https://mcstories.com/MonstrousRanch/index.html.. Your actual enjoyment may vary based on how much you like the fetish though.

Guns and fantasy just don't mix. I don't think you can make them mix. Someone's going to post an example of something they like but it's going to be bad.

>> No.19542654

>protag meets gobbos
>doesnt recieve gobbies

>> No.19542665

>but it's going to be bad.
Maybe for you, but not for others.

>> No.19542691

I got a different meaning from finishing the first volume.
It's an Inn where wanderers go to stay. Everybody that went there didn't really belong elsewhere.

>> No.19542693

Wandering in to what?

>> No.19542705

Spoiler: I haven't read a single page.

>> No.19542713

Well here is a Spoiler for you.
The Inn is Literally Named The Wandering Inn.
As in those exact words are painted across the front.

>> No.19542747

Read the first chapter, it was aight. Going to have to put this on hold until I finish another webnovel though.

>> No.19542756

>until I finish another webnovel though.
Which one? I'd like more good chinkshit.
I basically only read KI and ATG....

>> No.19542776

Try Desolate Era

>> No.19542779

I've tried it, but the first chapters didn't grabbed me at all....

>> No.19542790

It’s a western webnovel.

>> No.19542796

/vwng/ - visual and webnovel general

>> No.19542798

It's fine, I'm not racist I mean, I am, but only when I'm on /pol/

>> No.19542801

What about My Senior Brother is Too Steady

>> No.19542809

Ok, I'll give it a try.

>> No.19542850

I’m currently reading Virtuous Sons. After that, I’ll be reading red rising trilogy.

>> No.19542878

Do you already know that behind the chains of quantum mechanics is the divine work of God and a true door that is mainly used to encrypt and deny us its entrance but that one day we will know how to understand it and how to use it?

>> No.19542897

>Virtuous Sons
Noted down that too on my next-to-read list.

>> No.19542931

Maybe thats the right path. The problem is most of these are written by women for women. I grabbed Kushiels Dart as that is supposed to be one of the best ones to give it a try.
Yeah. It is an entertaining trashfire to be sure. >>19542652
Thanks. I don't really care about the fetish (like genuinly never thought about it), but maybe I'll try it for the quality.
Also Abercrombie doesn't get worse when he introduces cannons, but I have not read on enough yet for when guns arrive.
Maybe I will give Summoner a try, I am very very burned out on Chinese anything after reading the unabridged Journey to the West. Longer than the fucking bible...


Also a random thought: Fantasy is oddly a lot more virginal than Sci Fi. Dune books 5+6 outhorny like half the genre alone.

Most good writers are either devout Christians (Tolkien, Wolfe, Lewis), or quite to very feministic (Le Guin, Pratchett, Erikson), which means not a lot of sex is happening.
Also there are quite a few fat dweebs like Sanderson.
That or Sci Fi just has a lot more due to the closer entanglement with pulp.

>> No.19542950
File: 3.91 MB, 1503x5570, robertehoward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fantasy is oddly a lot more virginal than Sci Fi
You made me remember this pic kek

>> No.19542987

I'd argue that they fundamentally don't mix, from a theoretical storytelling perspective. Basically, I think that if you have guns, you shouldn't need magic to tell your story, and vice versa. And all the evidence I've seen points to it being a genuinely bad idea, because flintlock fantasy, as anon said, is shit. So no, I'd say any possible suggestions are legitimately bad, not just I-don't-like-them bad.

>I don't really care about the fetish (like genuinly never thought about it), but maybe I'll try it for the quality.
Don't expect too much; "better than some published stuff I've seen" isn't a high bar to clear. It's still harem-y. Probably the best of the best in terms of being "real" literature on there is one of these: https://mcstories.com/Authors/trilby-else.html

>Fantasy is oddly a lot more virginal than Sci Fi
Fantasy historically has sat on the back of Catholicism in particular, for one reason or another. I think the next generation of fantasy writers (if we get a next generation of fantasy writers) will be far enough removed from that, having influences like ASOIAF and KKC instead of LOTR and Narnia, that it'll catch up in terms of magical realm shit seeping in.

>> No.19543000

Not everything with guns has to be flintlock fantasy. There's tons of possibilities. What about magical guns or guns vs magic? It seems to me that you're just being intentionally exclusionary because of a grudge.

>> No.19543033

>intentionally exclusionary because of a grudge
I have a grudge against bad books and would like to exclude them from my life where possible.

>> No.19543038

I would provide examples where I think you're wrong, but there isn't any point when someone is so convinced.

>> No.19543099
File: 276 KB, 1125x1358, 1638577712041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wandering Inn
>Wandering in

>> No.19543178

Been a long time since I’ve seen this pic. Always remembered how much seething it would bring.

>> No.19543291

If you’re adding some coomer stories, add M.A.G.I Hunters by D. levesque. And the other David Burke.

>> No.19543297

>M.I.G.A Hunters

>> No.19543350

>the other David Burke.
"the other"?

>> No.19543358

Meant to say the other author I’ll recommend.

>> No.19543366

Oh, got it.

>> No.19543384

Reading Moorcock for the first time. I got the volume entitled simply Elric. I liked the first story. I'm now on the fourth and not feeling it as much. Got several hundred pages to go. Should I bail or does it get better?

>> No.19543419

I say power through it and stop reading for a day to collect your thoughts.

>> No.19543454

Never understood the pulp fiction authors got around here. They're fun to read and most of them are classics nowadays.

>> No.19543526
File: 277 KB, 1556x772, McD's cultivating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start of last book of Stellar Transformations
I'll be sad to see it go. I may read more recent IET stories in the future.
I'm probably 20% into the new Thousand Li book and it's good. It's nice to see the author improve as they go along, unlike Cradle's stagnation.

>> No.19543622

>bly 20% into the new Thousand Li book and it's good
Are you talking about the veiled throne?

>> No.19543625

A Thousand Li #6: The Second Storm.

>> No.19543748

You got a list of self-publish authors that’s good? I know there’s a chart that’s posted every now and again, but people have said it was unreliable.

>> No.19543773

>I'm probably 20% into the new Thousand Li book and it's good. It's nice to see the author improve as they go along, unlike Cradle's stagnation.
Ah we're in bizarro land

>> No.19543832

That chart is some guy's personal chart he labels as a /sffg/ chart.
I personally only follow a handful of self-pub 'progression novels' but other people ITT can better help with webnovels like RR/wuxiaworld/etc stuff.

>> No.19543871

it honestly doesn't.

>> No.19543951

there is basicslly nothing on RR worth reading

>> No.19544046

Other than Wheel of Time what good chosen one stories are there?
I feel like it's not all that common to write chosen ones nowadays.

>> No.19544083

Has anyone here read The Wizard Knight by Gene Wolfe? I'd heard it was supposed to be a classic of sort for the fantasy genre so I'm kinda surprised how the first part of it reads like a typical isekai anime.

>> No.19544097

Finished the dark tower for the first time recently. I think the ending is good.

>> No.19544099

There are a number of western isekai novels where the author most likely didn't have the slightest idea of their existence and most predate its Japanese popularity by many years.

>> No.19544112

I'm just kinda suprised by the similarities, especially of those that are usually used to deride isekai. For example:
MC gets complete bullshit powerups for free
MC instantly starts getting mad pussy after being isekai'd

>> No.19544115

It just goes to show that with the right author anything can be made great.

>> No.19544143

true enough

>> No.19544191

I can only vouch for three stories on Royal Road: Mother of Learning, Virtuous Sons, and Saga of the Cosmic Heroes. The last one is written by someone from /lit/ though, /sffg/ might not like due to the fact that protagonist is a woman.

>> No.19544360

> weeb book cover

>> No.19544589

Looks like Halo is getting its own tv series. Trailer came out two hours ago, seems promising.


Interesting enough, Halo live actions trailers always seem to capture Halo’s setting perfectly.


>> No.19544594


>> No.19544601

we are getting to the point where vidyas are becoming the ubiquitous sociocultural medium, whereas books are seen as obsolete by most.

this is why i became a gamedev: because i want the masses to actually hear what i have to say. they certainly wouldn’t if i were just to publish some random fantasy novel that would be buried by the crush of FotM wokeshit.

>> No.19544609

This is why Disco Elysium was published as an indie video game even though it was written by a novelist. Books are fading in popularity and don't reach the younger demographic

>> No.19544662

>Halo live T.v adaptation
I'm actually curious on how they would handle it. The producers have the lore from so many books and games, not to mention they also have the budget, I really can't see how they could fuck it up.

>let's not discuss a military science fiction series with multiple novels on /sffg/
Why are you like this?

It does seem that video games are slowly replacing books in telling a story. I don't know if this is the consequences of publishing companies being nepotistic gatekeepers or reading books in general being a dying trend.

>> No.19544688

>Disco Elysium
>Video game
chosoe one

>> No.19544767

It is a video game.

>> No.19544785
File: 158 KB, 578x862, GI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've finished Good Intentions by Elliott Kay and Succubus Summoning 101 by M.E. Hydra. Both of these are just porn from cover to cover. They are great but its easy to get tired because there is barely any plot.
I also tried Scholomance by Logan Jacobs but that was just Harem Potter with a shitty school and 2-3 coom scenes per book. I've been searching for some new ones and i'll check the ones mentioned itt.

>> No.19544832

We should really make a chart for this.

>> No.19544844

The Belgariad and The Malloreon

>> No.19544923 [DELETED] 

Might as well, who should we add to the list? Other than >>19541857 >>19542075 and >>19544785

The War of Powers by Robert Vardeman
The Bloodsong series by Asa Drake (pseudonym of Dean Anderson)
Demon in The Mirror by andre offutt
The Atlan Series by Jane Gaskell
There's also Tanith Lee but she's a femalecoomer and I don't know if /sffg/ would like that.

>> No.19544929
File: 294 KB, 802x1200, Demon in The Mirror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well, who should we add to the list? Other than >>19541857 >>19542075 and >>19544785

The War of Powers by Robert Vardeman
The Bloodsong series by Asa Drake (pseudonym of Dean Anderson)
Demon in The Mirror by Andre Offutt
The Atlan Series by Jane Gaskell
There's also Tanith Lee but she's a femalecoomer and I don't know if /sffg/ would like that.

>> No.19545043

Fem coomers can be fine so long as they have good taste, like Bujold. If they're fem coomers but also into the utterly juvenile bad boy cliches then they're just cringe.

>> No.19545076

>like genuinely never thought about it
You talk like a fag

>> No.19545101
File: 208 KB, 783x1315, 71Hn-Je6A4L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

older stuff mostly yes
can't wait for Fantasy to circle back to epic high fantasy chosen one stories after the current fads die

>> No.19545116

I want to see a new book so epic Blind Guardian has to make a concept album based on it

>> No.19545122

Surprised John Norman and his Gor the Counter Earth series isn’t on the list.

>> No.19545136
File: 523 KB, 2560x1845, the dwarves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very based
Here is a song by them which flies beneath many radars:
They did the theme song for this mediocre action rpg.
It is based on a very popular pulpy Fantasy series here in Germany.
It has an English translation, but honestly, there is better even from Germany. Very derivative of DnD novels.

>> No.19545234

Not goin got lie, I actually enjoyed the video and music. Wish more of these existed. Would be a good way to promote books. Is the series worth checking out?

>> No.19545262

Sword of Truth, I guess.

>> No.19545270
File: 90 KB, 1000x750, vLci2Ve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh it depends. Markus Heitz is not a good writer, not at all. But the dwarves is undeniably his best work, which evens out to average quality.

The main pitch is that there is a huge ass gate in the north, which guards the realms of the weak races (elves and humans and so) from the evil races (orks, goblins, drows etc). This gate is held only be the might of the dwarves, and they are under constant siege by all the mights of hell. I don't remember that much about it, but most story arcs seemed to have something to do with supply runs to get rare metals for the garrison (there are like 4 different rare metals, palladium, adamantium and such all with different magical properties)

It has good characters, fun dwarves which are halfway between warhammer and lotr, and an extremely comfy start. The main character gets brought up in the abandoned mine where a mage has his magic school. Sooner or later he leaves because dwarves can't learn magic (?).
The chapters inside of Lot-Ionans mine are like Hobbington without the pacing problems, very good.

The series however is very long, and in places it definitly shines through that Heitz is actually a hack. So only read if you like Dwarves, or anything else in the pitch itnerests you.

>> No.19545293

>So only read if you like Dwarves, or anything else in the pitch itnerests you.
Oh, I’m reading this. Been dying to read a fantasy books from the perspective of a different race other than Humans and this series seems to hit a sweet spot on that. Are the translations okay? There’s no problem with them?

>> No.19545307
File: 289 KB, 1366x2061, 1613251822326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but if you want more of that, try the Gotrek and Felix novels by William King. The viewpoint character is primarily Felix, the human, but there's a lot of emphasis on the contrast between Dwarf culture and human culture, which is an early point of tension between the two characters. Warhammer novels get a bad rap, which they mostly deserve, but William King manages to make it shine. Although it does take him a few stories to really hammer out the character dynamics, the first half of the series starts off as collections of short stories, happening as Gotrek and Felix progress toward their destination, a city called Karak Eight Peaks.

>> No.19545316
File: 207 KB, 880x1384, the_elven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read them in German, so I can't comment much on that. The British like the translation, so I assume it is decent enough. German generally translates well into English, something about the cumbersome way we construct our sentences makes them seem sophisticated in direct translation.
I still kek about this piece of elven fetishism reviewing as a deep epic on English amazon.

>> No.19545350

I think Heitz is an okay writer, but by God are the scenes in his books asspully sometimes. Book 2 in the Albae series ended on such a ridiculous note I couldn't continue

>> No.19545392
File: 178 KB, 800x1177, 800px-Galle_crater_352S24_352S26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Sagan's works worth a read?

>> No.19545412
File: 34 KB, 484x680, 1638407636712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone watched Patrick Rothfuss' twitch stream yesterday? Apparently he made viewers donate 333K to a charity in exchange for a glimpse into his third book, and then he backtracked lmao. The kingkiller subreddit is fuming right now

>> No.19545417

the only one more cucked than rothfuss is his fans

>> No.19545420

this is why you should only read books written by dead people

>> No.19545452

The absolute state of Rothfuck fans holy shit

>> No.19545609

Because Gaylo sucks and Gaylo threads got shit on when they were new because it was a shit game, newfag.
The HARD SCI-FI Gaylo trilogy by Greg Bear was good.

>> No.19545649

Unironically dead people write good books though.

>> No.19545696
File: 29 KB, 305x499, 51xE238Tb0L._SX303_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My opinion of him dropped a lot after Wedora. Such a shitty unfocussed books. Literally just a DnD session with 2 players and without any direction.

German Fantasy has quite a lot of series from the view of nonhuman races, with a lot of distinction actually. Idk why.
My favourite German fantasy is Die Orks by Peinkofer, about two orc brothers doing orc stuff. Has some nice buddy cop stuff going on. Sadly pic related has no translation afaik.
Michael Ende is undoubtedly the best, after that you have stuff like Cornelia Funke and Walter Moers, but there are a lot of B tier authors writing about orcs, dwarves, demons and dragons after that here.

There is also one hilarous series Die Dämonen by Tobias Meißner. The first two books are an excellent tale of a demon invasion from the view of two demons, one possessing the human king and one leading the charge. Felt very Heroes of Might and Magic inspired with the Inferno Legion.
The third book goes completely off the rails, is set in a desert, has legal rape squads called the inseminsators and a futa demon assraping a priest until blood is running from the walls. Never seen a series go from good to trashfire so fast.

>> No.19545830

Dont see anything wrong with that.

>> No.19545861

This is golden, he blames covid, the global rise of facism and his children for his creative dysfunction, and tries to roast his community manager for holding him to his promise.
What a scumbag.

>> No.19545878

Do the books end on a cliffhanger or is it just that there are more topics unexplored? Ive been wanting to read the Name of the Wind for a while now and have been putting it off only because I thought book 3 would be out soon. If WMF doesn't end on a cliffhanger I might consider picking it up.

>> No.19545894

>we are getting to the point where vidyas are becoming the ubiquitous sociocultural medium,
I'm afraid you're right.
>whereas books are seen as obsolete by most.
For the newer generations, that's for sure (except for /litf/ags).
>Both of these are just porn from cover to cover.
>They are great but its easy to get tired because there is barely any plot.
I like to have plot with (eventually) porn, not just porn, or plot that exists only to justify porn.
Personally, I think of (some) visual novels as a good example of this:
If you remove the porn, the plot makes it worth reading anyway because it can stand on its own merits.
If you add the porn, the overall story gets even better.
Yeah, I'm writing down everything from both threads, keep them coming.
Also, like >>19545043 says, fem coomers are welcomed if they're good.

>> No.19545957

>sociocultural medium
It's not videogames. It's social media sites.

>> No.19546031
File: 106 KB, 500x400, ab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading a scifi book about a guy becoming a space privateer
>read like fifteen books of adventures about the mc and his gf and his crew
>the mc is suddenly trapped in stasis for 20 years and when he gets out his gf was older and pregnant with another mans kid until she had a miscarriage
>he decides he still loves her and simps for her so hard she gets back with him
I am never reading anything by this cuck author ever again

>> No.19546210

What author?

>> No.19546211

>he doesn't tell us what the series is called

>> No.19546230

Privateer Tales by Jamie Mcfarlane

>> No.19546275
File: 11 KB, 200x200, BF3A88CA-E615-4502-940F-D88F5F6E656D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jamie Mcfarlane
He does look like a cuck.

>> No.19546333

Outside of Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter Miller, is there any post-apocalyptic stories worth reading?

>> No.19546349

Try the Darkness that Comes Before by R Scott Bakker.

>> No.19546365

lucifer's hammer

>> No.19546446

Not post apocalyptic.

Will check it out.

>> No.19546526
File: 47 KB, 500x529, 1496769166995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo, why did nobody tell me Wheel of Time was so based? Volume 4 is basically nothing but hot babes fighting over the dudes. Berelain is hot as fuck and kicks Faile's shit in to ride Perrin's dick. Elayne is basically a quivering virgin mess for Rand. Now this is the kind of fantasy that's based.

>> No.19546538

yeah it's great however my one complaint is that it should have mostly been focused on Rand,Mat and Perrin as the main characters instead of a ton of others.

>> No.19546615

This talk about German Fantasy has made me wonder if /sffg/ has ever made a list/chart of fantasy or science fiction books from France, Spain, Germany, or even somewhere like the Balkans, Eastern Europe?

The only German authors and their series I know are Bernhard Hennen's Die Elfen and Markus Heitz's Die Zwerge. Other than that, I supposed Lem, Carl Chapek are the only other authors I know, and that's because /sffg/ talked about them at one point. I know some other anon said he finished reading some Mexican fantasy book and talked about it here.

Should we make a list for foreign authors?

>> No.19546678

>Should we make a list for foreign authors?
Why? Not dismissing the idea outright, but it’s seems rather pointless to do since not many people here can speak two languages. But if you insist, I suggest adding Valerian and Elric. They’re not books, they’re comics but they’re the only French sff I can think of right now. Hopefully others will add to the list.

>I'm writing down everything from both threads, keep them coming
I’m surprised the other thread even offered recommendations considering they look down on those type of books.

>> No.19546726

Pretty sure people talked how good it is and only contrarians talked shit about it.

>> No.19546735

>Not post apocalyptic
Not my problem. Read Bakker.

>> No.19546751

>Read Bakker

>> No.19546764

Leviathan falls wasn't the great ending I was hoping for.

>> No.19546774

Not my problem. Buy his books now.

>> No.19546781

Why? Wasn't that the final novel of the series.

>> No.19546796
File: 39 KB, 750x448, push.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of which, Rand's schizo descent into insanity is very /lit/-tier as well. I don't know what shit will go down in the infamous books 7-10 but the first half of WoT at least is verified based, good as both genre fiction and as something greater.

>> No.19546847

It’s good that you like it, the descent isn’t talked about enough here. Also the problems, at least for me, about book 7-10 is more that they’re slogs to read though. I genuinely believe if Robert Jordan trimmed the fat on them, it would have been okay.

>> No.19546930
File: 1.76 MB, 400x206, 1639142175989.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Volume 4 is basically nothing but hot babes fighting over the dudes. Berelain is hot as fuck and kicks Faile's shit in to ride Perrin's dick. Elayne is basically a quivering virgin mess for Rand. Now this is the kind of fantasy that's based.
Fuck, you made me remember that people actually hate the series of “misogyny”. Never fails to make me chuckle to see women bitching about it. Especially with book 7.

>> No.19547025

>infamous books 7-10
The plot moves at a snail’s pace and almost nothing really happens, I actually think you can remove an entire book from the series, and nothing will change in the end,

>> No.19547043

The Expanse: A Telltale Series Is a Prequel Story to the TV Series

Telltale Games has announced that it is working on a video game adaptation of The Expanse, the critically acclaimed sci-fi TV show. This new game is being co-developed by Life Is Strange: True Colors' Deck Nine and will put players in the shoes of Cara Gee's Camina Drummer and will explore locations beyond The Belt.


>> No.19547076

The new Amazon TV series of WoT is made by a self-proclaimed feminist who so far has cucked all the dudes and made Nynaeve/Egwene have all the cool moments as per GIRL POWER. They even made it so the Dragon could possibly be a girl, to make it "equal" and not sexist. It's embarrassingly bad.

>> No.19547099
File: 51 KB, 524x468, no thanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they bother making these games that might as well just be movies? Who fucking plays them? If I wanted to watch a movie I'd watch a movie, the video games that actually get popular are 100% gameplay, like Fortnite or Amogus. They'd make bad movies, but the games are bad anyway, so what's the difference?

>> No.19547276

I gave up on the WoT TV series. I'll probably see it after the season is over, but I have zero expectation for it at this point. And I wouldn't be surprised if it were cancelled after season 2. I'm more interested in the Halo TV adaptation from this post >>19544589 wonder if Paramount+ will somehow fuck it up or actually deliver a decent adaptation to the series.

>The Expanse: A Telltale Series Is a Prequel Story to the TV Series
Don't know how to feel about this. Pretty much echoing what this anon >>19547099 said. Why not just make a TV movie about it? instead of some interactive video game?

>> No.19547279

Give me recomendations

>> No.19547300
File: 453 KB, 680x403, mentally untouchable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend this to all readers of both self-published and wuxia fiction.

>> No.19547305

Telltale has a history of picking whatever ip is popular and making a choose your own adventure game out of it. They pump them out as fast as possible to the point of being overextended and were facing bankruptcy.

>> No.19547318

I'm pretty sure they did go bankrupt, and they either got bought out and brought back or this is some other company wearing their skin.

>> No.19547446

What are you looking for?

>> No.19547720

>I personally only follow a handful of self-pub 'progression novels'
Name them, I want to see what the whole issue is about them.

>> No.19547759

The Scar is pretty decent by China

>> No.19547798

There’s no issue. Just idiots seething that people read different things than them.

>> No.19547878
File: 67 KB, 525x525, disdain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The issue is that chinkshit reads like fucking this >>19543526 and doesn't belong on a board for literate people.

>> No.19547907

So seething that people read different things, then?

>> No.19547914

Seething that you read trash.

>> No.19547965

Just let people read whatever they want.

>> No.19547975

If you want a hugbox you should get off my website, faggot.

>> No.19548033

I really do t understand your obsession with what other people read in their free time.

>> No.19548039
File: 26 KB, 500x500, BEYOND MAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waste your time reading whatever trash you want, but don't come and shit up MY thread with it.

>> No.19548046

>The Expanse: A Telltale Series Is a Prequel Story to the TV Series
Is it just me or are the graphics terrible? Even their walking dead Game was better visually.

>> No.19548080

that moment when rand tells nyna that he knows he is self-destroying but it is what it is and leaves her speechless and just leaves

>> No.19548101
File: 1.64 MB, 1280x800, Mount & Blade II Bannerlord 2021.12.10 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could this work as a cover for a short story?

>> No.19548143

Yeah, it could, why?

>> No.19548156

man you niggers have had your own bakker core general, but since that has been rancid shit you come crawling back here to shit the thread up
rope for you, or fuck off at last

>> No.19548172

Because I might use it then lol It's called "Knight's Revenge". Just wasn't sure because the graphics might not make it serious.

>> No.19548175

>>19548046 They do look terrible.

>> No.19548203
File: 2 KB, 155x54, you niggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And bakkerfags can fuck off too, all of those niggers are retarded shills.

>> No.19548224

This is what absolutely ruins the series for me, it's full of dull segments that don't achieve anything - they're not fun to read, they don't have particularly good prose and are essentially fluff. And there are so many of them that it seriously detracts from the overall story.
Maybe my dislike of the series stems from not having read much fantasy aside from LotR, but it really drags at times. I will say that it does have some very good moments and the overall plot and concepts are good.

>> No.19548309

>If you kill the villain you become the villain

>> No.19548378

Hate it when that shit happens.

>> No.19548511

>Just wasn't sure because the graphics might not make it serious.
You could always commission or use a public domain picture.

>> No.19548618

I honestly would have tolerated a bit more if it didn't feel like Jordan was just trying to pad things out. Because that's what I felt when reading those books, like the author was trying to extend the series a bit more than it was supposed to.

>> No.19548663

Was there ever a reason on why he did that? Seems weird to have the first six or so novels move the plot along only to forcibly stop it arbitrarily on the seventh and extended story far more than it was supposed to.

>> No.19548733

>I don't know what shit will go down in the infamous books 7-10
Going to save you the burnout from those books and just say this: You can skip
The first third of 7 (besides the prologue)
the first half of 8 (aside from one scene)
a fair bit of 9 (good bits scattered throughout and an awesome ending)
all of 10
the first half of 11

Hopefully it will help you not undergo the same burnout as the rest of /sffg/

>> No.19548830

So the whole skipping an entire book isn’t a meme?

>> No.19548902

Just check the other thread to see what you mean and they’re still obsessed.

>> No.19548972

Humanity can travel vast distances and quickly terraform planets (hundreds of years)
There are many planets that are habitable, humanity has too many planets and too much space

>> No.19548976

For me? It really isn't a meme. I honest to God feel that book 10 could be removed in its entirety from the series, and nothing would change in the end. Maybe someone else could argue for it, but overall, I feel like book ten is the worst book of WoT. How it manages to be devoid of any progress than book 8 will forever elude me.

>> No.19549018

Anyone read any of these? A couple look interesting, but most of them obviously don't.


>> No.19549033

Realistically unless a scifi universe is like billions of years post-FTL then space should be empty, nothing more than little mining stations on every 100th planet

>> No.19549063

Why is that?
I think I'm going to exaggerate the number of planets available which are within the habitable zone, underestimate how much it'd cost for each planet to be terraformed and also obviously they'd have very fast FTL with a low energy cost
That said, now I'm worried cause it'd probably be hard to actually detect the planets that are habitable since obviously you can't detect them from earth and I doubt sending ships at FTL to every system you suspect of being terraformable would be inefficient
I wonder how expansion would work

>> No.19549078


>> No.19549177

So you writing a soft-science space colonization story?

>> No.19549178

Consider that you need all of the following AND you need most of these conditions to be false on already inhabited worlds
A) Stellar conditions which render it habitable
B) Local conditions which render in habitable
C) Economic conditions which render it habitable
D) Political conditions which render it habitable
E) Social conditions which render it habitable
F) Technological conditions which render it habitable
G) Logistical conditions which render it habitable

>> No.19549259

Before a certain level of technology interstellar expansion is effectively impossible, and after a certain point it's pointless. Those two points may actually overlap.
Consider the fact that there's effectively infinite resources just in the Earth's crust and on the seafloor that no one has bothered to tap into because it'd be too inconvenient. Now expand that out to asteroid mining and intrastellar colonies on Mars or the Moon.
What exactly would drive people to expand?
There's already an unbelievably gigantic amount of space on THIS planet, let alone the rest of the solar system!
What kind of expansionistic fanatics would sweep out and occupy a dozen solar systems let alone millions? It's not like there's any materials out there we don't already have plenty of in our home system.

The only explanation for massive expansionism is religious or political fractionation causing some sort of perpetual galactic-scale war. But that doesn't actually make much sense since all the reasons for said war don't and can't exist. Even if there were a trillion humans, each of which lived for a million years, and every single one of them was willing to fight to the death for their own personal planet there's STILL be plenty of room!

And that's not getting into brain uploading/VR/nerve stapling shit which could completely remove the vast majority of demand for material resources.

Hell, even in some sort of nightmare dystopia where humanity migrated to and completely devoured and entire solar system every 100 years, doubling and splitting into two massive hordes each time, it would STILL take over 4000 years to work through this galaxy alone!

>> No.19549311
File: 62 KB, 750x734, 8C623D79-5199-4C5D-887A-53271706A72E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for any sci fi combat books with a human male/female xeno romance subplot. All I find are femcoomer books or xeno/fantasy harem books. I just want something that fits close to pic related.

>> No.19549397

It’s paywalled.

>> No.19549507

>sci fi combat books with a human male/female xeno romance subplot.
This shit is so niche, anon, that I can't offer you any good examples other than Halo fanfics examples or self-publish coomer books.

>> No.19549582

A princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Also the rest of his Barsom Series. Other than that, I got nothing. Most of the alien romance being publish right now just seems to be female coomers. I mean fuck, I just googled alien romance and Planet of Desire by Robin Lovett pop up. It reads no different than those supernatural romances that were all the rage when twilight was first published. And I don’t even want to try Amazon since I know I’m just going to get literotica.

>> No.19549602

Easily bypassed

>> No.19549861

>It reads no different than those supernatural romances that were all the rage when twilight was first published.
Do women writes just have no creativity whatsoever? Or since they know they’re going to sell well, why even bother putting creativity into their stories.

>> No.19550058
File: 1.88 MB, 1200x1529, image_2021-12-10_232930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet his breath stinks

>> No.19550063

Any updates on how book? Or are we never going to get it?

>> No.19550067

I'm sure we'll all have a great time reading it with our grandkids

>> No.19550086
File: 255 KB, 600x498, 1626254331371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice he said "when," not "if" last time he commented on it. Any day now...

>> No.19550090

What fucked with him more? The TV show, or the way he writes his story?

>> No.19550098

bold of you to assume that it's him being fucked with rather than us
the book is written and he's just holding out for a laugh

>> No.19550120

Nah, I disagree he completed the books. From what I remember, Martin has an absolutely shit way on how to write stories since he doesn't plan them out.

>> No.19550124

The show for sure. He actually talked about it in some interview how the writing process during his years working for film and television bothered him. Namely that he first had to write a summary that he could show to execs, before sittting down to then write the actual script. Once the summary was on paper, he'd lose a lot of motivation to write the script, because to his mind it was like writing the same thing he had already written all over again, only longer and more elaborate. We know he gave the cliff notes version for his intended ending to Dumb and Dumber and it stands to reason that doing so hampered his enthusiasm for writing it out in longform.

Besides that, it goes without saying that if he ever had a financial incentive to sit on his fat ass and write, that went away thanks to the show too. He'll be buried in a coffin made from pure diamonds even if he never writes another word and lives another fifty years.

>> No.19550130

he did write elden ring, or at least create the worldbuilding for it.

>> No.19550139

>Elden Ring is being directed by Hidetaka Miyazaki with worldbuilding by fantasy novelist George R. R. Martin, best known for his A Song of Ice and Fire novel series. A fan of Martin's work, Miyazaki contacted him with an offer to work together on a project, giving him the creative freedom to write the overarching backstory of the game's universe.

>> No.19550146
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His input on Elden Ring was fairly minimal if memory serves, just a bit of background lore and his part was presumably finished years ago. In any case it's not like he doesn't do anything at all these days. He's still editing Wild Cards; he even keeps fiddling around with ASoIaF side content, like fleshing out the Targaryen genealogy. But he procrastinates working on the main story, which is what people actually want from him.

>> No.19550156

>But he procrastinates working on the main story, which is what people actually want from him.
Because he fucked up the story. His tendency to kill off characters fucked him over when he killed off a character he needed later on.

>> No.19550186

>We know he gave the cliff notes version for his intended ending to Dumb and Dumber and it stands to reason that doing so hampered his enthusiasm for writing it out in longform.
I still don't believe the ending we got was what Martin intended. D&D keep changing shit for the show for no reason. Like with Shireen's death.

>> No.19550209

I figured anon. Thanks. How about just Sci-fi combat with romance sub plot, any recommendations? I’ve been thinking about reading the Galaxy’s Edge series because it scratches the sci fi combat itch and I’m hoping it has glimpses of romance sub plot.

>> No.19550236

They changed shit as it pleased them, true. But some of the twists have Martin's handwriting all over it, right up to the finale. Hold the door, Dany going mad, and others were definitely part of Martin's original vision for his books. The fact that some were not well received may have killed his motivation too. Imagine if you planned to write dozens of chapters about your hot warrior princess's slow descent into madness and pat yourself on the back what an awesome deconstruction it'll be - only to learn ahead of time that your audience seems to hate the very idea. So what do you do? Rewrite everything in whitehot panic? Stick to your guns? Or just stop giving a shit, because you're already richer than most kings in history and have only a few years left to enjoy your fantastical wealth?

>> No.19550256

There's no way he can actually enjoy his fabled riches sitting under an existential sword of Damocles to the magnitude of never finishing your life's work. I wouldn't be able to just fuck off like that, and I'm a failed writer myself.

>> No.19550294

>Galaxy’s Edge series
I remember a few anon talking about and praising it. That should be a good indication on how it is.

>> No.19550308

>But some of the twists have Martin's handwriting all over it, right up to the finale.
I just think Martin would have done it in a more nuance and subtle manner than D&D hamfisted attempt.

>> No.19550322

This. The end that we all saw coming a mile off could have been kino if it wasn't utterly mangled beyond all semblance of suspension of disbelief by Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dumbfuck.

Btw, why isn't there a meme of D&D as the sóyface pointers? That would be gold.

>> No.19550341

>Martin would have done it in a more nuance and subtle manner
Yeah, no. Martin had the subtly of a sledgehammer. Martin subverts tropes simply to subvert them. Anything beyond that is giving him way too much credit.

>"I killed Ned because everybody thinks he’s the hero ... sure, he’s going to get into trouble, but then he’ll somehow get out of it. The next predictable thing [someone] is going to rise up and avenge his death ... So immediately killing Robb became the next thing I had to do.


>> No.19550354

The red wedding was Kino though.

>> No.19550362
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why did he add all that gay shit to his books?

>> No.19550366


>> No.19550372

He has his pronouns in his twitter bio, the real question is hwy are you surprised?

>> No.19550399

he looks gay

>> No.19550402

I believe if Martin had done it, the reaction would have been more mixed than negative. The way D&D did it was just plain idiotic and was one of the main reason why Game of Thrones fell off its throne in the pop-culture world.

>> No.19550423

It's amazing how fast Game of Thrones fell from the number one pop culture obsession into absolutely nothing

>> No.19550432

>Game of Thrones fell from the number one pop culture obsession into absolutely nothing
Shame when you think about it. It dominated the decade and its barely even talked about. But I did like that D&D got fucked over hard for fucking Game of thrones.

>> No.19550437

percy jackson was a big part of my childhood.

i'm just disappointed that he's overdoing it. he could have stopped at nico and it would've been alright, but he's going full pozzed from what i can tell.

>> No.19550442

Does he even have a choice in the matter? Unless you're some bigshot with a multi-million series who can ignore modern trends, aren't you subservient to the publishing companies?

>> No.19550452

Do you have any links on the first part of your post? Something that explores the idea? Like assuming we have a level of technology that would be capable of achieving FTL, terraforming, etc we'd be able to utilise the resources on this planet in x or y way
That does doesn't sound right to me as someone brought up on popsci from the early 2000s
I had a reason that was similar to your religious/political explanations but it's a bit too cringe to say
i'm ignoring that
i'm ignoring that
Kind of but not really, basically yes

>> No.19550480

i just wish he didn't fag up the books man

>> No.19550484

And I'm saying he might not have wanted to fag it up but was told to do so by an editor or the publishing house.

>> No.19550492

It's Disney Hyperion. Do they really want that gay shit in their flagship series?

>> No.19550493

>Do they really want that gay shit in their flagship series?
Did you not watch the Star Wars sequel trilogy?

>> No.19550503

name on gay main character from the sequel trilogy

>> No.19550507

He has his pronouns in his twitter bio. He absolutely chose it himself.

>> No.19550525

From the novels:
Moff Delian Mors
Sinjir Rath Velus

From the Sequel Trilogy:
Poe Dameron.

>> No.19550530

>Poe Dameron.
you are mistaken

>> No.19550541

Nah, they're setting him up to the be gay character. This shit is a bit more obvious in the extended universe when in a guide, if he had a significant other, all it said was "partner" to describe his potential lover
And here's an interview.

>> No.19550547

There was some story about his editor (who he married iirc) not being harsh enough because they were close/ romantically involved but I'm not sure that's it.

>> No.19550550

>setting him up to the be gay character.
doesn't count

>> No.19550551

Be ignorant, just don't be surprised when it happens.

>> No.19550556

i won't care because star wars is shit

>> No.19550571

>Editor and writer have a secret relationship.
>Company doesn’t do nothing even though it’s hurting the series.
I thought they were strict or something?

>> No.19550588

If anything she probably encouraged him to pad it out, because the series was bringing bread on the table after all.

>> No.19550619

I mean what kind of civilization would have advanced FTL and not also fusion reactors, nanotechnology, biotech, AI, immersive VR, etc...?
What's the point of space travel?
Can be performed by robots
with bio/nanotech you can make anything you want out of water and carbon, with fusion you have infinite energy
>living space
Population control combined with any of the above removes almost all need for additional resources or living space.

And if you do go with political/religious breakaways, the technology immediately PRECEDING FTL space travel is FTL MISSILES, which sort of put a damper in the separatist movement idea.
It's possible to imagine some specific sweet spot where interstellar colonies are formed, but it could only ever be a brief moment. You're not going to have an advanced scifi civilization just NOT come up with a few of the things on that list after a few hundred years, unless it's an extremely central part of the setting concept like Dune.

>> No.19550627

Science fantasy is more realistic than hard scifi when you really think about it.

>> No.19550633

In a way science fiction itself only exists for a brief window. Everything before and after is magic or might as well be.

>> No.19550646

For all intents and purposes, intersectional feminism and gay pride are the new state religion among the upper middle class and academics in the West. Even people who don't actually believe in the state religion will feel peer pressured to at least pay lip service to it, perform all the proper rites and offer sacrifices. Hence the entire state of modern Western entertainment. Just as bards, writers and performers of previous ages were expected to adhere to Christian values, they are now expected to adhere to gay and feminist values. Why would you expect Riordan to be a heretic? It doesn't pay to be a heretic. Just look at Orson Card and how many opportunities he has lost because of his heresy.

>> No.19550663

This is why I'm not sure if Will Wight is hard core Christian (he is from northern Florida) or if he's just very canny. His contemporaries like John Bierce tried to add this stuff because it's the orthodoxy but his readers hated him for it.

>> No.19550679

I wish more books involved progression and advancement of technology.

>> No.19550685

>It's a "guy reincarnates in a magical 17th century equivalent but teaches them fucking crop rotation" japanese series

>> No.19550690

those are called isekai and they're based, you don't know much about anime do you lol xD

>> No.19550691

But why?

>> No.19550709

There’s no coming back from this, right? We’re just heading deeper and deeper into this fucked up rabbit hole.

>> No.19550723

>We’re just heading deeper and deeper into this fucked up rabbit hole.
Yup, and there's no brakes on this wild ride.

>Even people who don't actually believe in the state religion will feel peer pressured to at least pay lip service to it, perform all the proper rites and offer sacrifices. Hence the entire state of modern Western entertainment.
The sad thing is you ain't wrong. But it still doesn't matter since as some celebrities and authors found out, they will still be persecuted for not adhering more strictly to whatever fucked up agenda they cooked up.

>> No.19550743

>no brakes on this wild ride
It will stop once the circular firing squad starts targeting the people on top instead of the people on the bottom and middle.

>> No.19550791

If any people on top is caught in the crosshair of the firing squad, it's because they fell out of favor with the ruling group and are made examples of for the rest of the group.

>> No.19550808

Then what the fuck is stopping people from just making false accusations? You overestimated the intelligence of the top group. They’re doing this for money and easy PR.

>> No.19550816

Absolutely nothing stops them, which is why there's so many thrown around. Do you live in a universe where people aren't constantly getting hit with the #metoo over some completely uverifiable bullshit they allegedly did in 1977?

>> No.19550824

>Do you live in a universe where people aren't constantly getting hit with the #metoo over some completely uverifiable bullshit they allegedly did in 1977?
No, I just refuse to believe this anon >>19550791 claim that the top group is some machiavellian geniuses. They’re retards playing with fire and the monster that they created will turn on them. And in som cases, they already have.

>> No.19550828

Hyperion is actually good.

The problem with /pol/ is that they’re overly paranoid. Yes, shit is fucked bad in the world, but in reality and not in the warped minds of fat neet incels, the majority of the population will revert to right-leaning centrism when times get hard. There isn’t a global conspiracy manipulating the strings. It’s pretty much what it looks like: US and Europe, China, Russia, the Mideast, Africa, the Subcontinent, all vying for power against each other. The tranny globohomo fad is not that deep-seated that I don’t think most Americans would capitulate to our common national identity in event of a Depression or World War like crisis, Besides, almost all liberals except for the most delusional far-left retards are completely sick of BLM. You can only coddle people so much.

>> No.19550831

You're falling into the same trap as that anon in thinking it has to be one or the other. There's both, there's plenty of elitist retards who failed upwards, and there's plenty of overtly malicious actors.

>> No.19550839

>elitist retards who failed upwards,
Yes, that I agree.
>and there's plenty of overtly malicious actors.
But, with a few exceptions, they’re also retarded. Not even disagreeing with you, but it cannot be denied that some are just missing common sense.

>> No.19550841

The vast majority of Americans leans right-leaning centrism. They only espouse the leftist/liberal rhetoric to feel good.

>> No.19550866

What prompted the rant, anon?

>> No.19550872

Maybe, just maybe, it might be in response to the previous seven or eight posts? I know, crazy.

>> No.19550878

Well, all I have to say is
You capture my thoughts perfectly on the matter.

>> No.19550884

I feel it’s overblown as well, not help that everywhere I go, it’s force into the small talk discussions I have with people. Shit, it’s even infecting 4chan of all places.

>> No.19550897

>Science fantasy is more realistic than hard scifi when you really think about it.
A shame no one is writing about it more. I do feel like science fantasy is underrated and underappreciated.

>> No.19550907

>D&D got fucked over hard for fucking
Aren’t they still producing those star wars movies?

>> No.19550910

New thread.

>> No.19550913

God, no. They were dropped fucking hard.

>> No.19550925

But they’re still producing the adaptation of the three body problem.

>> No.19550957

>People who fucked off are posting it.
Was their thread that shitty they came back crawling?

>> No.19550971

>Starring Benedict Cumberbatch as Wang Miao

>> No.19550994

They’re really spamming it.

>> No.19551023

Had to check to see if it was real.

>> No.19551038
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Way too British.

>> No.19551149

The other thread is only Bakker. Every second post is either shitposting or lore discussion about PoN. Are these people refugees from some shitty PoN subreddit where they got banned off or what?
There isn't even comparison of Bakker to other authors there, only Bakker, Bakker, Bakker.
The neet equivalent to Harry Potter twittergirls

>> No.19551184

Don’t they post from images from some Bakker subreddit? Why are they even here if they have Reddit.

>> No.19551195

Honestly, I just think they’re from some discord at this point. It’s the same shit every thread.

>> No.19551222

The entire series is structured like this:
Man walks into a bar, starts boasting about his childhood and how he became the gigachad of magicians, how many chicks he fucked and how he was cucked by the love of his life.
There is an obvious and needed twist approaching which takes it from power fantasy with really good prose to an actually good story, but Rothfuss prolly realised himself he is too dumb to write that twist, so he is stalling.

>> No.19551587

>really good prose
Occasionally, but he clearly tries way too hard all the time to force it and it often just turns to purple prose.

>> No.19552333

I never had read a book before what you guys recommend what do you think is really good

>> No.19552384

At this point he just needs to hire a ghostwriter to novelize the end of the TV series for him.