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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 208 KB, 640x453, Young_theodore_kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19615991 No.19615991 [Reply] [Original]

Noted author and mathematician Ted Kaczynski moved to federal prison hospital, a step only taken with high security prisoners such as him when the illness is very grave.


>> No.19615993

when ted dies will /lit/ give him a sticky? I know ol corncob and pinecone will each get one

>> No.19616016

So no Technological Slavery Volume 2 I guess

>> No.19616030
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Oh shit. I wonder if he has any unpublished writing.

>> No.19616032
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A true genius

>> No.19616155

He's 79? I didn't realise he was that old. He might not actually live through this one...

>> No.19616207

We should send him a group get well soon card.

>> No.19616257

Does anyone have a link to that letter he wrote denying the whole "mk ultra" narrative?

>> No.19616272
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He is right about everything. His works have yet to reach its audience, his legacy will outlast many. He wrote for posterity, there are barely any mistakes in his jail publications, he is incredibly smart and a top strategist.

This news is almost opportune, I had gotten around to organize his scattered correspondences and recently garnered sufficient attention that I was contacted by others interested in this enterprise, even a journo contacted me for an interview. I'll pass. Over the past years, /lit/ has been decisive in the spread of his ideas and most importantly a place to discuss and share his latest publications and letters, which are often difficult to find.

Kaczynski is u

>> No.19616273

Gonna be hard to time the time that /pol/ deposited $12,400 into his commissary account.

>> No.19616280

I have it stored somewhere. keep lurking either this thread or ulterior tk threads, I'll post it as soon as i can.

>> No.19616317

Fuck. He was gonna release a revised version of technolgical slavery next year.
Anyone have a list of his interviews?
I personally found this one enjoyable to read

>> No.19616321
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>> No.19616346
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Ask and ye shall receive.

>> No.19616347

hope ole pedo joe pardons him so he can die in the forest

>> No.19616348

Is there anything about Ted and him being sold out by his brother?

>> No.19616375
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Ted no...


>> No.19616404

Very neat handwriting :)

>> No.19616407
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>Noted author

>> No.19616428


>> No.19616436

holy fucking shit it is so over bros

>> No.19616523

When he dies I'm going to get fucked up. Ted was one of the first pieces of political literature and probably the most influential on me. I wouldn't have gotten into Free Software and now philosophy and literature. I'm going to miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.19616532

First Linkola, now Ted...

>> No.19616550

Bros I can't handle it anymore

>> No.19616577
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He does. He said that he is working on a much longer book in the preface of Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How.

>II. This book represents only a part, though the most important part, of a longer work that I hope to publish later. I've been anxious to get the most important part of the work into print as soon as possible, because the growth of technology and the destruction of our environment move at an ever-accelerating rate, and the time to begin organizing for action is-as soon as possible. Moreover, I'm 72 years old, and I could be put out of action at any time by some medical misfortune, so I want to get the most important material into print while I can.

>> No.19616630

TJK: I seldom did that. I usually ate indoors, at my table in the cabin… When I was done eating, I would sometimes sit back in my chair with my feet up on the table and just gaze out the window for a while…

BVD: Could you see out the window?

TJK: Pardon me?

BVD: Could you see out the window?

TJK: Yes. That’s what windows are for…

>> No.19616638


I have the complete professional mathematical work in a binder. I even got his dissertation.

>> No.19616640

he seems to be against technology yet he wants technology to be used to save his ass. interesting...

>> No.19616648


>> No.19616650


>> No.19616661

The prison system has a legal duty of care. He’s not permitted to decline treatment.

>> No.19616662

Prisons can get in a ton of trouble if they don't take every possible measure to keep you alive. You wouldn't be allowed to refuse treatment on moral grounds.

>> No.19616725

i want to send him some books. How do i send him stuff

>> No.19616730

Doesn't seem worth it to me, he's most likely on his deathbed. At best, he'll recover, scold your handwriting, and then you'll be actively watched by your local feds until you die.

>> No.19616733

i've been in legsl trouble before. i'll be fine. not writing just books

>> No.19616780

Good. Rot in hell, bastard.

>> No.19616787

Debased and bluepilled.

>> No.19616791

He would have just as easily targeted you just based on the fact you were working at some low level computer store or something.

>> No.19616837

Seeing Ted write out a URL is weird. Does he have access to the internet in supermax, and if so does he use it?

>> No.19616842
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It was really a shame when Linkola died, his take on the coronavirus would have been a treat.

>> No.19616862

ADX Florence is one of the most brutal prisons on the planet, letters are the only way he's going to interact with the outside world.

>> No.19616865

He had one, albeit short. He said in an interview that the virus granted humanity some relief because it curtailed our wanton consumption, but (unfortunately) modern medicine would eventually beat it.

>> No.19616878

Sometimes I ask myself how much more effective would his message have been if he remained a law abiding professor and merely wrote about and promoted his anti-technological views. It's safe to say it would be less effective. His extremism is what launched him into the public consciousness. In the end he was limited by his lone wolf approach. He could have proselytized some disillusioned graduate students into being his acolytes in the crusade against technology. He was after all, right. We're living in the fucked up world he predicted and tried, futilely and absurdly and insanely on his own, to stop.

>> No.19616880

>high security prisoners
What the fuck is he doing to do? Craft a bomb while in prison? The guy isn't physically threatening.

>> No.19616882

High security can also mean high profile.

>> No.19616887

Samuel Butler agreed with Ted a century before Ted. Had Ted never killed anybody and created a spectacle around himself, his books would have a cult following but would never enter cultural consciousness. Like there's a Ted K. reference in Cowboy Bebop.

>> No.19616897

>he was right about everything
No, he was just a schizophrenic terrorist and tranny. You're not edgy, or tough, because you look up to that loser.

>> No.19616902

Based. Fml.

>> No.19616926

>Like there's a Ted K. reference in Cowboy Bebop.

The Teddy Bomber was a complete loser who had to blow up buildings because no one would pay attention to him any other way. So in that case, yeah, they got him pretty close to the actual Kaczynski.


9 minutes in is the actual Kaczynski.

>> No.19616945
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I don't know much about Ted. I know he criticized people that idealized hunter-gatherer societies. So what did he want our societies to look like?

>> No.19617035
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Not sure, but we can do advanced pre-industrial pretty well if we get that social revolution (and avoid the extinction event).

>> No.19617042

he doesn't have enough time left in his life for your books you self-important retard

>> No.19617204

um you can read when you're sick, and the books aren't mine, someone else wrote them and I would also be taking time and money to get them to him. all in all it's a very selfless act of goodwill and nobility. You sound upset

>> No.19617210

Back then no one saw it coming except long dead authors

>> No.19617266

All his influences (Ellut, etc) were unnoted before he published his philosophy along with the bombings.

>> No.19617277
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I am sad

>> No.19617284


"Every last tie". David did the right thing and so it doesnt' count as "selling out", as you have incorrectly phrased it. I seem to remember some old Platonic dialogue about whether a family member should act against another in the name of a higher justice.

>> No.19617323

Yes, that dialogue ends in aporia however. In fact, Socratea is quite hostile to the man who suggests that as well.

>> No.19617375
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This is the first death that will actually have an emotional effect on me.

I always wanted to write him a letter (in german) but I just couldnt come up with something worth writing him.
Now it wil be too late.

>> No.19617499

Funny, perhaps he’s in the same cancer ward as Joe Exotic.

>> No.19617517

It most likely better than most federal and state prisions. Nobody asking for paperwork, no gangshit, no stabbings, no rapes. Of you look at the imates it looks like /lit/s dream prision. Beats a ton of blacks by a mile.

>> No.19617518
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Same here. While Ted's ideas may not be perfect they're pretty admirable for me in a society of consoomer soys. Big RIP Teddy

>> No.19617574

>i am very smart

>> No.19617591

Goodnight, sweet prince.

>> No.19617666

Anti-vaxxers when will they learn

>> No.19617697

he got the vaxx

>> No.19617722

Duality of man

>> No.19617736

>The murderous math prodigy told the woman that while he had been a “devout practitioner of celibacy,” he was ready to “relinquish this mode of self-denial” with her.
>“I’m through with depriving myself,” Kaczynski wrote on Dec. 10, 1995, to the object of his affection, who was living in the Mormon stronghold of Salt Lake City, Utah.
>The criminal planned to visit Tess the following spring and confided, “You are a very precious person. I never want to lose you or blemish our friendship in any way.”
>But Kaczynski never sealed the deal with his ladylove. He was busted April 3, 1996, at his isolated Montana cabin for a mail bomb campaign that killed three people and injured 23.
>But ironically, another woman sparked the virgin killer’s rage!
>In 1978, Kaczynski wooed a female supervisor at the factory where he worked. When the romance soured, he wrote “crude limericks” about her, a source said, and wound up getting fired. Kaczynski then began his “withdrawal from society,” and the first bombing occurred the same year.
>Even after he was locked up in the Supermax federal penitentiary in Colorado, he kept writing to Tess — swearing he was not the Unabomber and adding, “Don’t lose your faith in me. You are all I have to keep my spirits up.”

>Ted and the woman had a few dates in 1978, and that woman also gave the future domestic terrorist what FBI agent Kathy Puckett believes was his first kiss at age 36, she told legal analyst Lis Wiehl in the author's upcoming book "Hunting The Unabomber."
>Soon enough though, the woman rejected Ted as a possible partner.
>“Ted was extremely upset,” David Kaczynski reflected in “Unabomber - In His Own Words.” ”He wrote these limericks [...] these very unflattering, ugly sort of limericks about her and he posted them around the work site.”
>Puckett told Wiehl that Kaczynski struggled to even approach other women. She said that he had journaled "long agonizing passages that we took from the cabin about how he had a crush on a girl who worked at a gas station in Montana, and he bought a new pair of jeans in an effort to walk up to her, and he ended up sobbing in front of his campfire, because he couldn't bring up the nerve to talk to her."
>He also journaled about a failed attempt to join a singles hiking group.
I feel like self identified incels don’t get enough credit for how clearly we understand the source of our frustrations. Wonder if i will die a virgin also

>> No.19617825

lmao read more

>> No.19617837

He's against the technological system, not technology.

>> No.19617843

I seldom hear serious arguments against him.

>> No.19617845

> David did the right thing
Lol, no he didn’t.

>> No.19617847

Literally me

>> No.19617853


>> No.19617895

ted absolutely B T F O'd

>> No.19618078

>David did the right thing
Atrocious tkae

>> No.19618125

Ted's collapse theory is questionable. Ted has apparently never heard of space colonization.


>> No.19618146
File: 181 KB, 1094x1444, 4c27d279c643e89684f97ceea2f1891ecd33ae82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think /lit/ is not the correct board for /tttt/ed to get a sticky on...

>> No.19618148

>space colonization
Will never happen, ever. Go back to Plebbit

>> No.19618159

he should be stickied in /lit/, /sci/, /pol/, /g/

>> No.19618161

Can you upload it?

>> No.19618165

Stupid Ted. Should've watched Star Trek or something before coming up with his dumb ass theories.

>> No.19618176

>space colonization
oh fuck off

>> No.19618194
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I've seen anti-isolation activists tour the prison and come out saying they do it better than any other prison. There's worse ways to live.

>> No.19618218

Better than most dorm rooms desu

>> No.19618221

back to r/prequelmemes

>> No.19618227

lol no

>> No.19618248

damn... you are like.... genius or something....damnnnn

>> No.19618253

based and redpilled

>> No.19618254

Yeah because you aren't meant to spend 23 hours a day in it

>> No.19618266

>This is the first death that will actually have an emotional effect on me
same here.

>> No.19618275

>le space colonisation
will never be viable

>> No.19618281


>> No.19618300

I didn’t come here to be personally attacked

>> No.19618332
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>space colonization

>> No.19618338

We can't do mail how the fuck do you expect space shit to work

>> No.19618344

I haven't read much Ted, but probably a mix of pastoral groups and agricultural settlements. This way of life can sustain a huge human population yet keep the earth in balance.
Why hunt wild animals when you can herd domesticated ones? Why pick berries when you can harvest a whole crop? I don't see why he would advocate for returning to the stone age.

>> No.19618484


>> No.19618536

i was being unnecessarily harsh but my point is that he has a very limited amount of time left on this earth and a person like him almost certainly has more than enough reading and writing of his own choosing to fill it. people tend to retreat into themselves when they are close to death and begin to let go of the external, you are being intrusive.

>> No.19618541

I hope his suffering ends.
disgusting commie troon post

>> No.19618737

Someone call the facility he was transferred to and ask for an update

>> No.19619003

>space colonization
not going to happen anytime soon
especially not with the atomized post-industrial societies we live in

>> No.19619055

It's feasible if the oligarchs form a breakaway civilization which recruits elite scientists and engineers into it's ranks and hordes all of their discoveries and inventions, in fact I am not unconvinced that this isn't already happening. Their plan for the masses, however, seems to be herding them into high population density slums which will inflict conditions on them that discourage reproduction, allowing for a controlled gradual global depopulation.

>> No.19619479


>> No.19619501

Not an argument

>> No.19619569

Ted was against complicated technology.
If you can make something in your shed then it's an acceptable piece tech. So probably a medieval/early modern period kind of societies are teds goal.

>> No.19619603

Butterfly you're beautiful... can you show us your tits please?

>> No.19619856

>writes the holiday the letter was made on.
Cute. I hope he memorized a holiday for every day and just does that with every letter.

>> No.19619946

Made me lol. That's how I lived for a year before I dropped out (almost done with undergrad now).

>> No.19619974

Me too. I had thought about asking him if there was anything worth saving from technological civilization that was non-technological, such as a set of values or something, but after finishing Anti-Tech Revolution I realized that it would be a foolish question and antithetical to his point that bringing down technological society must be the only goal.

I don't like Ted much as a person, but I respect his worldview and writings a lot. I'm going to be sad when he died too.

>> No.19619993

While I do agree with his prognosis, I also agree with the following:
>What no pussy will do to a motherfucker


>> No.19620170

Damn, I hope he's still kicking next year. If he dies, I wonder if it's possible to file a FOIA request on his confiscated writings since Ted says a lot of his writings were being held by the fed.

>> No.19620339

>Beginning in the spring of 1988, Mr. Kaczynski made several contacts with mental health systems around the issue of establishing relationships with women. He indicates that in 1988 he was suffering from insomnia and a renewed interest in getting advice and moral support to establish a relationship with a woman. He describes picking a psychologist's name out of the phone book and writing her a letter about his interest. He indicates that his decision to seek this type of counseling resulted after having a dream about a young woman. Upon awakening he had the idea that perhaps at age 45 it was not too late for him to establish a relationship, and at that point he thought of leaving his isolated life in Montana and finding a job and a female for himself.
> Following his visit to Dr. Goren and his belief that perhaps the potential of an ongoing relationship existed with her, he made the decision to acquire a more conventional career. He decided to attend school at the undergraduate level to obtain a degree in journalism. He corresponded with the University of Montana and subsequently was required to take the Graduate Record Exam. Even after he determined that there was not a possibility of an actual relationship with Dr. Goren, he took the exam anyway and reportedly scored quite well. He never matriculated to the University.
Pussy will make or break a mf fr fr.

>> No.19620385

Galaxy brained nigga over here. Take nots, boys.

>> No.19620390

>space colonization

>> No.19621179

and /out/

>> No.19621191

What the fuck did he contribute to science?

>> No.19621301

Back in like 2016 /pol/ found a way to, through one of his lawyers, to deposit money in his commissary account, which had historically been impossible to do via the usual channels. Several /pol/acks along with an EcoFascist group in Switzerland raised a tidy sum and sent it to him. However, this notoriety led to the feds permanently locking down his commissary account except for family and other individuals approved by name by the bureau of prisons.

>> No.19621367

>bull manure
I find his restraint from using profanity to be charming, sophisticated, and innocent in a certain way.

>> No.19621376


>> No.19621382
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He published peer reviewed mathematics papers

>> No.19621417

His mathematical work is at a genius level.

>> No.19621519

Hallmark of autism.

>> No.19621549

Hopefully medical technology can prolong his life.

>> No.19621603

Just watched a bunch of videos on ADX supermaxes and it seems like most inmates would rather be dead. If you're interested, watch Sammy "The Bull" Gravano's video on his time in the ADX, and then look for Robert Hood's comments below, since apparently he is a former warden and just decided to start answering questions there.

>> No.19621828

There's really nothing hypocritical about extracting something in return from an enemy who has originally wronged you.

>> No.19621874
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>tfw the last glimpse of nature Ted would see is during the transfer process and maybe outside of his hospital window if he has one and if he's even conscious at all
I hope in the afterlife there's a nice cabin waiting for him, or maybe he'd prefer to build one himself. Godspeed.

>> No.19623415

Well, let’s take a day in January, and let’s suppose I wake up about 3:00 a.m. to find that snow is falling. I start a fire in my stove and put a pot of water on. When the water comes to a boil I dump a certain quantity of rolled oats into it and stir them for a few minutes until they are cooked. Then I take the pot off the stove, add a couple of spoonfuls of sugar and some milk—made from powdered milk. While the oats are cooling I eat a piece of cold boiled rabbit meat. Afterward I eat the oats. I sit for a few minutes before the open door of the stove watching the fire burn down, then I take my clothes off again, get back into bed, and go to sleep. When I wake up, the sky is just starting to get light. I get out of bed and dress myself quickly because it’s cold in the cabin. By the time I’m dressed there’s a little more light and I can see that it’s no longer snowing and the sky is clear. Because of the fresh snow it should be a good day for rabbit hunting. So I take my old, beat-up, single-shot 22 down from the hooks on the wall. I put my little wooden cartridge-box, containing 16 cartridges, in my pocket, with a couple of books of matches wrapped in plastic bags and a sheath knife on my belt in case I have to build a fire in an emergency. Then I put on my snowshoes and take off.

>> No.19623419

First there’s a hard climb to get up on top of the ridge, and then a level walk of a mile or so to get to the open forest of lodgepole pines where I want to hunt. A little way into the pines I find the tracks of a snowshoe hare. I follow the trail around and around through its tangled meanderings for about an hour. Then suddenly I see the black eye and the black-tipped ears of an otherwise white snowshoe hare. It’s usually the eye and the black-tipped ears you notice first. The bunny is watching me from behind the tangled branches and green needles of a recently-fallen pine tree. The rabbis is about 40 feet away, but it’s alert and watching me, so I won’t try to get closer. However, I have to maneuver for an angle to shoot from, so that I can have a clear shot through the tangle of branches—even a slender twig can deflect a .22 bullet enough to cause a miss. To get that clear shot I have to lie down in the snow in an odd position and use my knee as a rest for the rifle barrel. I line up the sights on the rabbit’s head, at a point just behind the eye…hold steady…ping! The rabbit is clipped through the head. Such a shot ordinarily kills the rabbit instantly, but the animal’s hind legs usually kick violently for a few seconds so that it bounces around in the snow. When the rabbit stops kicking I walk up to it and see that it’s quite dead. I say aloud “Thank you, Grandfather Rabbit”–Grandfather Rabbit is a kind of demigod I’ve invented who is the tutelary spirit of all the snowshoe rabbits. I stand for a few minutes looking around at the pure-white snow and the sunlight filtering through the pine trees. I take in the silence and the solitude. It’s good to be here. Occasionally I’ve found snowmobile tracks along the crest of the main ridge, but in these woods where I am now, once the big-game hunting season is over, in all my years in this country I’ve never seen a human footprint other than my own. I take one of the noosed cords out of my pocket. For convenience in carrying I put the noose around the rabbit’s neck and wrap the other end of the cord around my mittened hand. Then I go looking for the trail of another rabbit. When I have three rabbits I head home.

>> No.19623426

On arriving there I’ve been out some six or seven hours. My first task is to peel off the skins of the rabbits and remove their guts. Their livers, hearts, kidneys, brains, and some assorted scraps I put in a tin can. I hang the carcasses up under the shelter, then run down to my root cellar to fetch some potatoes and a couple of parsnips. When these have been washed and other chores performed—splitting some wood maybe, or collecting snow to melt for drinking water—I put the pot on the boil, and at the appropriate time add some dried wild greens, the parsnips, the potatoes, and the livers and other internal organs of the rabbits. By the time it’s all cooked, the sky is getting dark. I eat my stew by the light of my kerosene lamp. Or, if I want to economize, maybe I open the door of the stove and eat by the light of the fire. I finish off with a half a handful of raisins. I’m tired but at peace. I sit for a while in front of the open door of the stove gazing at the fire. I may read a little. More likely I’ll just lie on my bed for a time watching the firelight flicker on the walls. When I get sleepy I take off my clothes, get under the blankets, and go to sleep.

>> No.19623443

Rest in pieces, luddite faggot.

>> No.19623470
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I also achieved certain satisfactions that I hadn’t fully understood or anticipated, or that even came as complete surprises to me.

The more intimate you become with nature, the more you appreciate its beauty. It’s a beauty that consists not only in sights and sounds but in an appreciation of…the whole thing. I don’t know how to express it. What is significant is that when you live in the woods, rather than just visiting them, the beauty becomes a part of your life rather than something you just look at from the outside

>> No.19623479

>Put all hope out of your mind, and masturbate as little as possible; it drains the strength.

>> No.19623483
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He looks like Kyle rittenhouse

>> No.19623495
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>wanted to write him a letter this summer
>kept putting it off
>now this happens
let's collectively pray for him

>> No.19623501


>> No.19623521

What is the best way /lit/ can send him a get well soon card?

>> No.19623527

No u

>> No.19623619
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Common prig

>> No.19623669

Is he only accepting pre-industrial medicine?

>> No.19623694

Lol what a fucking faggot thinks he can tell other people what to do

>> No.19623696

More like kylos rittencasa.

>> No.19623699


>> No.19623700

>in the name of a higher justice.
Ted was the one defending higher justice, fuck his oversocialised cuck brother.

>> No.19623716

Actually, Ted was a murderer who thought he had a right to own the whole planet. The only injustice is that he avoided execution.

>> No.19623718

Good, hopefully his luddite followers will join him soon.

>> No.19623740

>The state is higher justice.
What a fucking boot licker.

>> No.19623756


Despite of lying faggots like >>19616897
and reddit scifi fans like >>19618125

>> No.19623763

Why would Ted even suggest to buy his "Anti-Tech" book from Amazon? This letter is not from Ted.

>> No.19623768

I'm surprised he stayed alive for so long
For a man like him death would be a great pleasure
And I'm sure they've kept him alive because a martyr does a great deal for a cause

>> No.19623772

Not an argument

>> No.19623776

This isn't a debate, go watch your Star Wars movies.

>> No.19623780


>> No.19623781

I will. And there's not a thing you can do about it :)

>> No.19623809
File: 273 KB, 736x483, 1639936132447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His analysis is spot on, but his solutions were questionable and ineffective. The root cause is not technology per se but the system that completely relies on science and technology to create profit. Baudrillard got it right.

>> No.19623830

anti tech bros how can we recover

>> No.19623851

He was a terrorist, a murderer and a schizo. Let him die.

>> No.19624179

the post that destroyed anarchoprivitism

>> No.19624303

Fake news. Where’s the envelope stamped by the CO DOC?

>> No.19624345
File: 319 KB, 1446x1646, E8A079CB-979D-4A0F-A711-EAACE28BBFE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That letter is fake

>> No.19624378

he prints...imagine thinking this guy was intelligent

>> No.19624390

That does at least resemble his signature, so someone has put some effort into faking it.

>> No.19624507

>"but I was never tortured by the CIA"
why are you like this /lit/

>> No.19624581


>> No.19624603

Space colonization will only make things worse.

>> No.19624609

>snitching on familiy
>the right thing
these are the leftist ted was talking about

>> No.19624610
File: 174 KB, 1359x552, Screenshot 2021-12-24 140007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This doesn't feel right

>> No.19624689

Reading this gives me an interesting feeling—a good one. It's not a "misery loves company" feeling. It's more of "that was a man, like me. Look at what he accomplished. Look at what he has suffered. It's not so bad." It feels like reading a haiku translated from Japanese, except it isn't shitty.

>> No.19624750

>ecofascists send their lunch money to Ted
>Ted shits on fascists
Kek, rightoids are so dumb it's hillarious

>> No.19624761
File: 534 KB, 1284x1597, FGHQK1TXEAIi65W (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im reading an interesting book written by Ted calleds Truth vs Lies if anybody is interested

he's a good psychologist, Ted, very sharp mind. its a sort of autobiography. very interesting stuff


>> No.19624772

im reading Truth versus Lies. an autobiography of sorts by Ted Kaczynski published in 1999. pretty fascinating stuff >>19624761

>> No.19624842


>> No.19624881


Turns out he sent mail to prominent geneticists, including ones involved in early mRNA tech and Epstein . . . with this Ghislaine trial, wonder if he isn't a loose end

>> No.19624938

I just got a 50€ gift card for christmas and ordered the finnish translation of the manifest.

>> No.19625132

You post this but ted also did not take nintendo switches and marvel movies into account. Perhaps his views on technology would have changed if so.

>> No.19625215


>> No.19625218

This desu<span class="fortune" style="color:#d0aa01">

Your fortune: Krampus is coming to your house![/spoiler]

>> No.19625219

If there is one single thread not to disgrace with your presence, this would be it, you fucking shitstain

>> No.19625278

me too

>> No.19625332

cool thanks

>> No.19625442

Ted haters BTFO

>> No.19625499

>Krampus is coming to your house!

>> No.19625923
File: 540 KB, 720x563, 1630008254486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technophile BTFO<span class="fortune" style="color:#aad001">

Your fortune: You're on the naughty list![/spoiler]

>> No.19626165
File: 2.79 MB, 4000x3000, 20211224_154516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19626487

philosofags ask these kinds of questions and wonder why nobody takes them seriously

>> No.19626490


>> No.19626516

Ok, ill bite, why is he in prison?

>> No.19626523

And /lgbt/

>> No.19626685

He’s the infamous unibomber. Send bombs to some people. I forgot how many died, but it was a low number.

>> No.19627371

Why not?

>> No.19627428

Strange, is he some kind of muslim or what?

>> No.19627730


>> No.19627733

>do we spend our capital fixing our countries
>nah let's send it to an arrogant terrorist who wasn't even on our side

>> No.19627739
File: 11 KB, 226x223, 1640467029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19627749

has anyone really engaged with Ellul since Ted? he seems bizarrely ignored

>> No.19627756
File: 84 KB, 904x864, tired_of_your_shit_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bull manure
Couldn't he just say bullshit?

>> No.19627760


>> No.19627763

why not?

>> No.19627765

It would be impolite.

>> No.19627773


>> No.19627778
File: 9 KB, 400x400, 340bb41acf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck bros, it will be such a dark day when he dies....

>> No.19627787

>I thought technology was bad but then I played Zelda: Breath of the Wild (TM)

>> No.19627897

spacecucks gtfo

>> No.19627904

Redpill, Kaczynski, are ALL alt right memes tranny memes?

>> No.19627934

He only killed about half a dozen people, but he did seriously injure a lot of people that survived them.

I really do have to give Teddy K. credit. He was a man with a vision and acted upon it. Same with Timmy McV. I don't endorse the loss of life, but hey, they made a difference.

>> No.19627972
File: 283 KB, 714x834, qsdfza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, ask me how I know your balls haven't decended yet & your encephalisation index is lower than that of a macaque

>> No.19627993

I hope he'll be fine. If he dies people won't fucking stop talking about him, even taking him seriously.

>> No.19628035

Does anyone know what he thinks about covid mania?

>> No.19628063

It saddens me that he won't experience freedom anymore
Can we send him letters? I guess the feds dont allow fanmail<span class="fortune" style="color:#ec117e">

Your fortune: Happy Kwanzaa![/spoiler]

>> No.19629161


What a stupid sentiment.

>> No.19629459

trim your nails

>> No.19629470

where r u

>> No.19630157

I don't think you fully comprehend the extent of his intellect. He created a new type of mail bomb. He was a child prodigy. He's physically weak but never underestimate someone mechicanically inclined.

>> No.19630169

he's very autistic

>> No.19630457

Lol, his handwriting is very similar to mine.

>> No.19630477

>For undergrad

>> No.19630499

>so he can die in the forest
That would really be mercy and Biden would gain some decent points.

>> No.19630515

he is genuinely the best e-girl filter there is.
More than Mishima

>> No.19630545

based fortune

>> No.19630550

if he does die it'll be the 3rd "famous person" to die in my lifetime that I felt a kinship with after Lou Reed and Norm.

>> No.19630563

Ted is not a dogmatist.
In industrial revolution and it's consequences he even states that to he views using technology in order to end technology is a perfectly acceptable practice.
Kinda like Lenin's motto: the capitalist will sell us the noose we will use to hang them.

>> No.19630587

cant wait for this to be posted on ticktok for newer generation leftists and capitalists who have never seriously read a word by him act sad about it and post the first line from isaif on their profiles as commemoration

>> No.19631611

It’s all diseugenic, the West is a planetary diseugenic sink. IQ is plummeting. Space exploration will not happen.

>> No.19631619

Kek. The word is dysgenic

>> No.19631639

He could have gone down in his security rating. From what I've seen most of the time they don't want t to keep people in supermax it's meant only as last resort punishment fro people who have done particularly bad stuff to other prisoners or staff. I do believe he got out of the death penalty by arguing reduced capacity or something like that so him being transfered to one of the BOP's mental health facilities is inline with that

>> No.19632339

>better known for other work

>> No.19632346

No he didnt, he said the exact opposite. Using technology will just make us dependent on it again. Nonetheless, he said his idea is non achievable without technology

>> No.19632375

Why are you guys celebrating this man so much? He killed innocent people.

>> No.19632466

I'll never forget the Louspammer ("he's pointing to us") on /mu/ who started a new thread just as Lou was reported dead

>> No.19633043


I'm in front of the Federal Medical Center in Butner where Ted is being held captive. I thought I would drive by and say hello. I didn't actually go inside though.

>> No.19633051
File: 515 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20211224-071731_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can send him mail. Here is the address.

>> No.19633057

The problem is something inside of man that allows us to create such a thing in the first place. There's no system that could fix us except one that does not allow us to just bee ourselves :^) Only the inhumanity of fascism could save us from humanity and it's hard to see that as an improvement. Both are worse, like slaveman cheezwiz said.

>> No.19633075

I was gonna write him a letter as part of my research for my master's dissertation, but then I thought being on a handful of American intelligence agency lists wasn't worth it.

>> No.19633184
File: 435 KB, 810x535, eat the bugs ted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh, based department??

>> No.19633188

Greta eco-fash arc incoming.

>> No.19633191


>> No.19633478

I think you're spot on. Humans turned to this inhumane way of living because of a fear of death and kept at it through social inertia. We know it will cause the destruction of everything living, but will continue down this path regardless

>> No.19633598

He didnt have a solution. He said it himself that his goal is impossible to achieve

>> No.19633605

Poor kid. Imagine her future in 10 years. I hope she gets forgotten and has a normal teenage life