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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 232 KB, 708x881, 409B32F7-437F-4F38-8406-1CC627411D21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19621494 No.19621494[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19621502

Mods please bring back /qa/ to keep these retards contained.

>> No.19621561

Laughing at Marx and marxist is a traditional /lit/ pastime.

>> No.19621610

No. No that’s pol you want. Go on

>> No.19621615

Why are they funny in absolutely any context. You can literally put those two dudes pointing at something with any theme and it is somehow funny

>> No.19621619

No. This is /lit/, I would expect a tripfag to understand this.

>> No.19621621

You are universally hated across /lit/.

>> No.19621633


>> No.19621639

I understand better than you because I’ve been coming here for about a decade now.

Then pack up and go back to your old boards

>> No.19621640

when did this tranny butterfly start shitting up /lit/, He wasn't here last year.

>> No.19621642

I hate you so much it’s unreal
I NEED to sniff your armpits

>> No.19621644

Look at the replies. Now imagine all this with people trying to kill you. Please understand that Stalin was right

>> No.19621645

This desecration of Prophet Marx (PBUH) will be prosecuted! Blessed is He, Prophet of Dialectical History, Amen.

>> No.19621646

>came here in 2011
>eternal newfag
that explains a lot

>> No.19621652

uh...can somebody give me a QRD on the tripfag, is he being ironic or is he a genuine bunkertranny?

>> No.19621655

i hate that whore but you're retarded if you think this cunt just started posting here this year, like any woman she is addicted to being treated vulgarly therefore she frequents this hellhole for over a decade now. truly consistency is the lifeblood of retards and cunts

>> No.19621657

Someone called him buttertroon earlier, I feel like there's a story there

>> No.19621660

She's been here for like 10 years.

>> No.19621663

>i hate that whore but you're retarded if you think this cunt just started posting here this year
I don't remember seeing this specfic tripcode until like a year ago. I filter every tripcode I come accross.

>> No.19621668

Butterfag is like Batman. She left years ago but someone else took her place. Her posting quality is even worse now so the larper is doing a bad job.

>> No.19621669

Are you one of those guys who open the catalog to like 12 threads because of your schizo filter list? Browsing 4chan with filters is the same as living under a rock. Only faggots filter. Real men take the RAW 4chan experience.

>> No.19621673

I bet you like it raw in the ass, faggot.

>> No.19621675

>I understand better than you because I’ve been coming here for about a decade now.
So you finally understand that nobody likes you? Including yourself?

>> No.19621686

From what I've gathered, she's an anarcho-syndicalist dyke midwit who uses /s4s/. Check this thread where she was eternally BTFO'd: >>/lit/thread/S19259922#p19259987

>> No.19621688

ive been browsing here for 13 years and in that time tripfags like yourself have never been regarded as anything but pests for doing exactly what you do

>> No.19621693

There was an Islam thread some time ago where she was BTFO hard by everyone as well. She kept repeating the same shitty argument lmao I think we broke her that day.

>> No.19621694

eh, we laugh at Marxist more so than Marx.

Anybody who actually believes in dialectical materialism and solely value form are booklets. It's more about how Marxist aren't coming here to discuss literature, rather they come here to re-affirm their view as a universal authority while accepting no criticism.

>> No.19621697

I’m not a tranny. I’m what they call a terf

Haha! Noob

>> No.19621709

The real butterfly would never describe herself as a 'terf'. She would say anti-tranny, pro-women things but she would never use the enemy's terms. Stop larping, kid. We know the trip changed and you're another guy.

>> No.19621711

The Modern Diogenes

>> No.19621713
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>EXTREME attention seeking tendencies, off the charts, this point cannot be exaggerated enough, bad enough that you post pictures of yourself, let alone tripfag, on an anonymous image board
>desperate feminist need for validation, to prove to others and yourself you are capable at things usually associated with men
>constantly show extreme arrogance and insecurity to a degree where ive seen you sperg out and double and triple respond to people who rustle your jimmies
>"not like the other girls" mentality
>attachment to things and ideas on the basis of extremely shallow surface level analysis
>so shallow, narcissistic, and desperate for attention, that your posts have become predictable enough to set your watch by, ie the "im a female lesbian guys look at me" and the "im mad my parents made me go to church >:(" posts you make like clockwork >only exception to your format posts are when you unironically just turn a thread into a general discussion of yourself
>when you arent getting enough attention you literally just pick a random thread, usually about book you haven't even read, usually admittedly, and start making off topic posts and shit the place up

thats you, in your entirety. every single aspect of you is defined here within the confines of these meme arrows. there is no subtleties, no nuances, or secrets hiding behind closed doors waiting to be discovered, this is it. this is who you are. one life, and this is who you choose to be.

>> No.19621717

Post a selfie, prove you're buttefly.

>> No.19621721

Pretty much this, it's no fun to discuss Marx's books when bunkercucks spergout at every critique. They also mix their theory with history so if you disagree with them on the whys of history they will also spergout. They basically was a discussion that leaves no room for anything but Marxism-leninism to explain everything despite their being load of literature and theories besides Marx.

>> No.19621724

Kek based

>> No.19621726

The story is that that someone is tranny chasing asshole
>and in that time tripfags like yourself have never been regarded as anything but pests for doing exactly what you do on /b/

Hence the phrase I just used. I don’t acknowledge transitioning as a thing. It never takes place. I feel sorry for their psychosis

>> No.19621730

This guy made "her" seethe. See: >>>19621680

>> No.19621731

so...are you a boy (penis) or a girl (vagina)?

>> No.19621732
File: 127 KB, 469x737, 7A03FB00-1E29-46CA-9C6F-55358D897E69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove you’re not an asshole. Then prove everyone else here isn’t an asshole

>> No.19621738

what are your top reads buttercuck?

>> No.19621747

You don't convince me. Work on your larp, bron

>> No.19621767

No one on this entire fucking board likes you. YOU even hate yourself, butternigger, because you keep coming back to a place where you are universally despised (and for a good reason). Your presence in any thread immediately condemns it to turn into a fucking shitfest. Kill yourself and never, ever come back here.

>> No.19621782

i like you butterfly. I'm always eager to see what books you recommend. Don't let these other retards get you down

>> No.19621785

I’m not changing my mind for you.

I liked Memoirs of Hadrian, I like Gore Vidal’s fictions, Stendhal, Orwell, Le Guin, Tove Jansson. I need to read more.

You’re leaving?

>> No.19621793


>> No.19621796

I only post on /lit/ and you are, even considering all the christian larpers, retarded zoomers and frogposters, by far the worst of the lot.

>> No.19621803

Yes, you deep fried stick of butter, you DO need to read more. It is evident to everyone you are a literal retard and have never in your entire time on this internet messageboard provided anything of even the slightest amount of worth.

>> No.19621804

I also enjoy taking 4chan bareback.

>> No.19621805

>I’m not changing my mind for you
You're doing a bad job attempting to sound like butterfly.

>> No.19621818

This thread makes me so happy. Butters used to regular bully me due to my lack of readings, i have only read Socrates and Descartes. I was assigned Nietzsche, Plato, and the like in college, but I never read them (regretted it). She would regularly bully me with other tripfags and namefags. She said I was a fraud, like a fat guy browsing /fit/, I closed my laptop and cried. But today you guys gave me confidence to stand up to her, thank you.

>> No.19621821
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I read a variety of other things, lit pseuds don’t.
I don’t rag on you about it though.

>> No.19621824

Further proof the new butterfag is another guy. Guy's a fraud.

>> No.19621826
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>> No.19621827
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>> No.19621831

Feminist magazines and tranny blogs don't count as reading, you human turd

>> No.19621834

Alright Mr. Margarine, I know you are a little slow, but the quote function is used for, well, quotes -- and not complete fabrications. I don't expect you to remember or even understand this, but it should be said. Perhaps you would feel more at home on facebook, given your age.

>> No.19621836

It's obvious and pretty sad

>> No.19621839

Both slander, for the record.

>> No.19621843

if by verity you mean miscellaneous garbage solely because its written by women, and children's books

>> No.19621846

Holy fuck butters you are so fucking disgusting. Wash your god damn shit-stained underwear

>> No.19621872

No, history, sociopolitical, ecological and even some basic economics. Oh and some philosophy.
I’m not a student cramming for any accreditation, so it’s another point of ire for these bourgie kids.

Do you know what slander means? Oh , you posted it. Kys

>> No.19621877

This reads like a bad parody of butterfly. Pure cringe.

>> No.19621880

No, butters, I think you need to review slander, since you keep fucking slathering shit all over your underwear

>> No.19621902

I have never nor will I ever give you content for your disgusting fetish

>> No.19621915

But butters, it's in the picture already posted. You took your attention whoring activities a little too far one day and for whatever reason decided to post on this image board multiple pictures of your disgusting garments.

>> No.19621923


We need more irl shitposting.

>> No.19621944

Noooo think of the heckin workerinos. They have nothing to lose but their chaineronis.

>> No.19621945

But it’s you who posts this. You who used my old trip. You who has a fetish for this.
You’re a bad liar. Give it up, turd burglar

>> No.19621947

Why does Marx make chuds seethe endlessly?

>> No.19621948

Marx is an author. You'd know that if you read.

>> No.19621954

So how did Marxists react to workers losing their jobs from the not getting the vaccine?

>> No.19621955

Why do trannies love Marx? He would've loathed them.

>> No.19621958

Cold war propaganda is still on. Weird how they think liberals are practically commies, they say “commie libs”. They’re programmed to believe they’re not even liberal themselves

>> No.19621962

No, butter (as in, the buttery consistency of your feces haphazardly skidded along your silken undergarments), only the largest attention whore on 4chan could post such images.

>> No.19621963

Marx would have beaten a tranny to death if he ever met one. But you have to remember, trannies are not some unique type of person, trannies are just fat incels who were so lonely they went prison gay and developed retarded fetishes.

Imagine all the dumb shit a fat discord incel can convince himself of. Of course there are going to be subtypes who think they're revolutionaries.

>> No.19621965

So you're not only a tranny but also into scat? Disgusting.

>> No.19621968

nobody is seething but marixist

>> No.19621986

>Everyone is in a cult but me!
How is Marxism not solipsism at this point?

>> No.19622009

At the failing economy and general cultural malaise?


>> No.19622015

That's right, you are a dyke, not a Marxist.

>> No.19622016
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>At the failing economy and general cultural malaise?

>> No.19622021


>> No.19622048

Kek yea sure, are you going to pretend you didnt post the other attention seeking photos too?

>> No.19622069
File: 98 KB, 400x634, 9D145F92-C743-4894-9B26-7DB17DE4B82F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s right. I’m based, and not a dumb troll.

>Joe Biden is a-okay, man. Things are lookin up!

>> No.19622073

What you think of Bakunin's anti-semitism and Russian nationalism?

>> No.19622077

Every leftie worth a damn was a nationalist. Luxemberg, Lenin, Mao, Stalin, etc.

>> No.19622078

That's wrong, you are an attention whoring faggot, which is certainly unbased

>> No.19622086
File: 461 KB, 1147x645, 2B35A4E8-6A25-4020-87A2-9A1DE72E2227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too am against banks, usury and accumulative currency

And Zionism, but that’s more to do with nationalism.

>> No.19622091

Very nice, subtle joke - obviously made by a scholar and a gentleman. /lit should learn and stop just calling these monkeys retards.

>> No.19622098

I see, so you are a national socialist; based

>> No.19622099

Was a jew without a nation
literally revolted and overthrew the actual nationalists and instituted internationalism
See Lenin

>> No.19622101
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>> No.19622102

Lol you fools can’t make that shit stick.
Authoritarianism nationstates are the polar opposite of the anarchist project. Get over it.

>> No.19622112

Butters, your heart is in the right place, but you are an anarchist retard at the end of the day. Perhaps some time you will mature out of your middle school phase (although, time is indeed running out -- better do it before you hit menopause!)

>> No.19622114

And that's why the anarchist project will stay a pipe dream

>> No.19622117

>Joe Biden is a-okay, man. Things are lookin up!
The 4.2% unemployment rate says yes, things are looking up.

>> No.19622151

A fellow neolib? On /lit/?

>> No.19622155

Its more common than you think

>> No.19622159
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>> No.19622162
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if you knew anything about economics you would know that that 4.2 unemployment rate is just a 95.8% enslavement rate. "employment" is not a good thing. a better future is possible.

>> No.19622166

For the longest time I thought I derived simply happiness from the knowledge that Wil Wheaton is suffering. Now I realize, it's more than happiness, it's power.

>> No.19622171

>Employment is enslavement
Biden isn't forgiving your student loans, and stop having a victim complex.
Trump agrees - the vaccine is good. You should take it :)

>> No.19622173

Ideally everyone should have some "vocation", just not in the sense of being a slave to the neoliberal system

>> No.19622177

it's well known that the fascist bureaucrats have made it so that number understates real unemployment, like their nonsensical "CPI" does not capture inflation

>> No.19622184
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Not everyone is a burgermutt, retard
Trump is and has always been just as much an establishment shill as is Biden anyway

>> No.19622194

>the fascist bureaucrats
>Democrats (or Republicans for that matter) are fascist
When the whitoids are no longer there to drag us down, we will teach you the meaning of fascism.

>> No.19622196
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>> No.19622201

I don't think you understand the meaning of that word

>> No.19622206

they usually aren't funny they're low effort but in this instance it's funny

>> No.19622210

fascism is just capitalism where the companies call the shots, so yes, they are fascists

>> No.19622211

what do you call an order which creates money out of thin air backed by nothing (since 1971), would (and has) killed millions in order to force the whole world to buy us treasure bonds which are worthless to keep the dollar up, has all the global shipping lanes under lock and key, has control of the financial transaction infrastructure (SWIFT), has to use its made up funny money to spend 1 quadrillion dollars on the military (in order to "produce" and "increase GDP") which then necessitates endless war and destruction, gouges people with inflation and is able to pass this all off as normal, respectable and good? it's the perfection of fascism. you're not smart or threatening. the nazis and mussolini were retards and children compared to the anglo americans (when they weren't haven't their leashed yanked by them that is)

>> No.19622216

>Muh establishment bad!
You need to stop being retarded. Your fringe internet politics will never motivate voters. Stop being a bum.
With Biden I got a
>A 1,4000 Check
>Massive vaccine role out
>Extended unemployment benefits
>Pause on student loan interest
>A childcare tax credit
>Rent relief
>Free school lunches
>A repeal of Trump's muslim ban
>A repeal of Trump's LGBT+ executive orders
>Extended unemployment benefits
>Obamacare subsidies
>Executive orders to strengthen the National Labor Relation Board
>Afghan pullout
>An infrastructure bill
>In a permanent increase in food stamps
And now the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention 1ct.
Biden has satisfied my needs; I don't really give a fuck what you twitter retards think. You don't vote, and you're not ever going to be politically relevant. Go outside and touch grass, thanks

>> No.19622221

liberal democracy

>> No.19622223

>Neoliberalism is fascism guise I swear
China has a military too, I suppose they are also fascists? Braindead logic.

>> No.19622226

You're retarded and have no idea what you're talking about. Stop logging onto twitter, and stop getting your political takes from fringe nobodies and weirdos on ther inernet

>> No.19622228

Man I really hope this is bait
But I know that even here there's people who think politics isn't all bought and paid for so I wouldn't be surprised if it weren't

>> No.19622233

That's not what fascism is at all retard, that's the communist strawman of fascism, just like saying communism is when the elites are rich and the rest equally starve.

>> No.19622236

Try reading the work of the major economist of the NSDAP, Gottfried Feder, and see if you still think that Fascism = Corporatism in all cases.

>> No.19622237

>all politics is bought and paid for
Who fucking cares, retard? Politics is for power, and you're such a fucking child you can't even live in reality to see that. Neoliberals are just smarter than you, and realize that, that's why they're so powerful. They're not NEETS like you who don't organize,and endless whine and complain like a bitch like you do. Learn how to have some human agency, and stop blaming your failures on others instead of yourself

>> No.19622238

there is no democracy. the fascists specifically moved everything important away from the political sphere to the legal and opaque bureaucracies. you cant vote the CFR out of power

how the fuck can anyone compare the Chinese to what i just outlined? Typical liberal formalistic garbage

you are going to Hell I hope you like it hot

>> No.19622242

We have identified the biggest schizo on lit

>> No.19622243

I applaud you, excellent bait

>> No.19622247

>how the fuck can anyone compare the Chinese to what i just outlined?
They have a military and they sell bonds bro, they are Hitler 3.0

>> No.19622248

Its not even bait - you're just retarded, and you spend too much time on twitter. Go outside, turbofaggot

>> No.19622251

Now you're overdoing it, it was good up until this point though, but better to stop now

>> No.19622254

>you are going to Hell I hope you like it hot
I'm shaking in my boots as we speak. These empty threats really are going stop me from voting for Democrats. No, actually, you should keep making more and more threats - I love the CIA, the FBI and the police - they would love to have a talk with you.

>> No.19622256

fascism, in essence, is the endless war state, the destruction of organized labor, the enthronement of monopoly capital and a culture of irrationality and mysticism. now tell me why that cant coexist with an empty bourgeois parliament which is nothing but a rubber stamp? in fact that represents the ultimate evolution of the concept to a higher level. dogmatists are always outpaced by history

>> No.19622261
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>> No.19622262

>anon is actually pulling the "ill call the cyberpolice on you" card

>> No.19622264

>fascism, in essence, is the endless war state, the destruction of organized labor, the enthronement of monopoly capital
Can you stop being a psued. Do you even read what you type before you post? When is the last time you've even been a to a strike or helped organized labor? The AFL-CIO has down more for workers than any of you twitter trannies combined. You don't do anything, you're bums who regurgitate the most basic shit from freshmen, undergraduate sociology courses. Please stop

>> No.19622268

>fascism, in essence, is the endless war state, the destruction of organized labor, the enthronement of monopoly capital and a culture of irrationality and mysticism.
It's really not, it's the strawman of fascism you invented in your head because you're too lazy to open an actual book

>> No.19622272

can you explain why china had to buy billions of treasury bonds after 2008 to stabilise the us economy? why the us Navy controls the water around the first island chain and has bases everywhere around china? Dont bother replying, igaf

>> No.19622273
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Seethe more.

>> No.19622276

Why would you need to call the police when glowies monitor these websites

>> No.19622278

Hey butters, have you heard about the greatest author of all time, John Updike?

>> No.19622279

That is, in essence, the commie strawman of what actual fascists believe. Think about it: the ideology you just described objectively sucks ass. It makes no sense for people to voluntarily call themselves fascists (or whatever subset you want, natsocs etc). Perhaps the actual views of these people differ from the strawman you were led to believe they follow.

>> No.19622282

did you just seriously invoke the AFL-CIA? holy crap!

I look at things dialectically and not taken from a grade school dictionary in typical scholastic fashion. fascism can only be understood on that basis, after all it was invented and made prominent by renegade eclectic marxists

>> No.19622287


>> No.19622294
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Why do socialists act like people are suppose to care if the CIA off'd a bunch of communist low lives? Communism is a violent, reactionary ideology that needs to be violently eradicated. CIA did its job.

>> No.19622299

fascism is mostly corporatism and corporatism does not mean private businesses control the government

>> No.19622302

>I look at things dialectically and not taken from a grade school dictionary in typical scholastic fashion. fascism can only be understood on that basis, after all it was invented and made prominent by renegade eclectic marxists
That's a lot of words just to say you're a pseud who doesn't read books

>> No.19622305

fascism is in fact the rightful heir of marxist thought

>> No.19622306
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>> No.19622309

marx would be disgusted by cork

>> No.19622310

After reading Marx, some of Engels, and Mao, I agree with this statement.

>> No.19622324


>> No.19622325

1) it doesnt “suck ass” for the people it empowers (middle class ideologists and shock troops.) there are a bevy of middle class stooges in america who would recoil at the term “fascism” but are giving it every support with a different coating

2) in the original experience, people called themselves fascists because it meant something only formally, history then went on and defined it in its actual material essence from which it may take on a different name but be preserved in a higher form

typical dogmatist. it’s you who doesn’t read and is philosophically inept

no that would be a populism which roots itself in the symbolic order of the heterogeneity of antagonisms not only reducible to a position within a given mode of production

>> No.19622331


>> No.19622344

>no u
Yes that's about what I expected from you, you're like the dropout stoner who thinks he's got it all figured out and when people call his bullshit, he sayd "just be more openminded bro" lmao

>> No.19622363

You are so far up your own ass with academic formalism you cannot form one fucking thought for yourself. You above everyone in this entire shitty thread are a mindless animal.

>> No.19622374

Again I was right about you >>19622264

>> No.19622380

you’re a formalistic (liberal! gasp!) who believes the entire definition of something is contained in semantics. so what gentile or mussolini or some other theorist wrote is the be all end all. you don’t even know that it is exactly this kind of thinking which makes it so that a new work on fascism is published every decade trying to “get at the truth” or “create a taxonomy of fascism” (griffin, bauman, the whole field of “fasciology”)

>> No.19622386

Just stop - you are not persuasive. You literally are just a retard emulating twitch debatebro tactics. Get the fuck over yourself, psued.

>> No.19622390

I cannot believe I share a board with people this mindlessly retarded

>> No.19622394

More strawmen, great. I've never even put forward my position here, only called out your bullshit.
>you’re a formalistic (liberal! gasp!) who believes the entire definition of something is contained in semantics. so what gentile or mussolini or some other theorist wrote is the be all end all
That's not what I believe at all. But even if it were the case, it doesn't change the fact that your own take on fascism is even more retarded, being neocommunist propaganda. You're doing the exact thing you're accusing me of. Absolute pseud.

>> No.19622397

notice how you have nothing of any substance to post, you haven’t even read any of the people I just listed or even heard of them. you do exhibit the typical anti-intellectualism of a fascist, so good job you have remained true in spirit. all you need is to shed the dead letter of the Gentiles and buy some bitcoin

>> No.19622403


your words have no value (like the US dollar)

>> No.19622410

value is a social construct and the US dollar certainly has it (for now)

>> No.19622412

You have said so far nothing of actual substance. If i read to someone a 700 page book on formal logic, that is meaningless information in the context of an actual discussion. You cannot simply say "I define the ideology you believe in to be x qualities, which are all bad, ergo you are bad". You are wholly dishonest.

>> No.19622414

Neither do yours, so do us all a favour and go back to redddit

>> No.19622421

Why don't you pretend the word isn't there and address the points made? You're constantly strawmanning and doing exactly what you accuse others of. I hope you're baiting.

>> No.19622425


>> No.19622446
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>> No.19622449

Butters you forgot your trip

>> No.19622453

social democracy in europe is fascist objectively
trotskyism and all of its derivatives and agencies are fascist as well
the frankfurt school were the theologians of middle class reaction (but make it “cool” and “hip”! and “left!”)

All of these groups, along with orthodox fascism’s remnants, with a mix of jesuits and habsburgs, culminated in the US empire we know today

>> No.19622455

I like it raw in the ass too.