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19650886 No.19650886 [Reply] [Original]

What's the greatest book you ever read?

Hard Mode: No religious texts.

>> No.19650913

I don't know about the single greatest book. Infinite jest did make me feel like I was reading something truly great though. That feeling has only been replicated a few times by The book of Isaiah, Revelations and Ecclesiastes. But you said no religious texts. I don't know of many other novels with such power.. maybe Brothers Karamazov and some Murakami short stories... and some Hemingway stories. Maybe a Kobo abe novel or a DH Lawrence novel.... or Eliot's poetry... ugh fuck you OP. there's too many to choose from

>> No.19650916
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>> No.19650921

Gilgamesh or Gatsby

>> No.19650923

For me it's The Brothers Karamazov, followed by One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.19650932


>> No.19650935

Nice non-argument.
What's your favourites, then?

>> No.19650937


>> No.19650939

What's reddit about gilgamesh you retarded ape

>> No.19650951

My favorites are books actually written in English instead of a fucking translation
Reddit loves Gilgamesh because they think it btfos the Bible or something retarded like that

>> No.19650957

Fiction? Probably Dead Souls

>> No.19650960

>he cant read languages except English
that's a pleb for you

>> No.19650963

>Assuming I read in English only
>Not even showing your favourites

>> No.19650970
File: 129 KB, 1410x793, hidethepainharold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reddit happens to love universally beloved thing, so thing is now Reddit
Contrarianism is one hell of a drug

>> No.19650971 [DELETED] 

Yes I'm sure you two speak fucking sumerian and advanced russian and Spanish. Fucking niggers

>> No.19650978

>advanced russian
I'm learning regular Russian, but I didn't know about Advanced Russian. Is it better? Should I switch?

>> No.19650985

Ah yes, the extremely niche language that is Spanish
>Still not telling which ones are your favourites

>> No.19650988

The Crossing

>> No.19650994

Yes, if you're learning regular Russian you cannot read Dostoevsky until you've graduated to advanced (significantly above C2) Russian

>> No.19650997

Yeah, you’ll be able to read Pushkin with your eyes closed

>> No.19651004


>> No.19651007

You read a fucking translation shut up. My favorites include writers from my own country and not shitty translations of bad pop lit

>> No.19651009

>Reading with your eyes closed

>> No.19651014

Like which ones, my friendly neighborhood anon?

>> No.19651020

I like Swineburne's poetry

>> No.19651024

Not either of the other two guys. Who are your favourite authors?

>> No.19651032
File: 60 KB, 336x500, Algernon_Charles_Swinburne_by_William_Bell_Scott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro this motherfucker is just Michael Cera

>> No.19651040

Honestly, my favorite’s Suttree. Maybe I’m a brainlet, but if I could only read one book for the rest of my life, it’s Suttree.

>> No.19651053

Swineburne, Quincey, Villon, Petrarch, Svevo, Verlaine and if you want novelists, Kafka, Bannfy, London.

>> No.19651059

It's Dosto high school reading?

>> No.19651068

It's garbage regardless. Sentimental tirades against nobody

>> No.19651086

What has Dostoyevski ever done to you?

>> No.19651098

I just don't like his unrealistically neurotic characters, very obviously only there for debate. He should've written philosophy. He's a good comedian and the story can sometimes be quite interesting but it lacks the rhythm of a good narrative. I don't dislike him as much as I've made it sound. His heart is certainly in the right place and his observational qualities are exceptional but when it comes to actual writing, he's not very good.

>> No.19651120

You didn't answer the question though, isn't he a typical high school read for Russian speakers?

>> No.19651147


>> No.19652184

It's popular to reduce this book to just being about a spoiled kid who grows up to be an ungrateful man, but it really is a beautiful book on the unconditional love of a parent.
I watched an animation of the book with narration by Shel himself and the ending makes always makes me cry like a bitch

>> No.19652223

Don Quixote

>> No.19652299


>> No.19652398

War & Peace

>> No.19653316

Dao De Jing

>> No.19653326

>monolingual Bible retard mad about Reddit

>> No.19653332

Heh, you really showed them kiddo!

>> No.19654135

Anna Karenina

>> No.19654158

Titus Alone

>> No.19654250


>> No.19654373

Unironically Harry Potter.
Most people don't realize the immense depth of the books, they are extremely well written and ponder many important philosophical questions of our time. And it has so many strong female characters and lgbt representation

>> No.19654385

Moby Dick

>> No.19655608


>> No.19655629

The Sirens of Titan

>> No.19656534

Hahaha only read 2 books.

Gatsby is the shittest book of all time. I bet youre a mutt who read it at school. I cant believe people even talk about it. Should be forgotten.
For me: War and Peace. With Cristo and Lolita close.

All very exhilarating I was travelling during W&P and CoMC and couldnt put them down probably missed out on some cool things but they were so good. Lolita was just read in ome sitting on a weekend.

>> No.19656562

>Part 2 and 3 never ever
How to cope?

>> No.19656616
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Patrician Peake connossieur. For me it's Titus Groan> Boy in Darkness > Gormenghast > Titus Solo

>> No.19656631

Embarrassing post.

>> No.19656689

>For me: War and Peace. With Cristo and Lolita close.
Gatsby's much better than all three of those. You have bad taste. Are you a geek?

>> No.19657980

>you are only allowed to have the same taste as me, otherwise you have bad taste

>> No.19658028

The library of Babel

>> No.19658135

Don Quixote or midnight's children by Rushdie.