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19812921 No.19812921 [Reply] [Original]

Never read this book in high school, I'm reading it now since it's a "classic" apparently and I just don't understand why its considered such.

Maybe for its time it was saying something, but in the modern day and age, this is just Babby's First: the Novel

>> No.19812926

I've noticed that the people who love this are usually right wingers. Probably they can identify with Holden. For most people it's a decent novel with a well written but annoying main character. You're not missing anything if you ditch it.

>> No.19812956

It’s a classic for being an older novel with an LGBT main character, that’s it

>> No.19812960

The conceit of Catcher in the Rye is that it is a transcript of a teenager's fear of growing up and becoming an adult. It's shockingly realistic from the perspective of a teenager. The flip side of that is that reading it for the first time as an adult, it seems puerile, and Holden is obnoxious, because all teenagers are obnoxious.

>> No.19812969

He's not afraid of growing up, he's afraid of becoming insincere and a hypocrite, something he associates with all adults, but not something he thinks is an inevitable outcome from growing up.

>> No.19812977

Do you even stop to think before posting? This book was one of the most read, most liked, books for anyone aged between 15 and 25 during the 20th century. The fact that you brought politics into this shows how rotten with ideology your mind is. It's called confirmation bias by the way.

>> No.19812991

it's a novel about paedophilic adolescence

>> No.19812996

>"Stradlater was a very sexy bastard."

Caulfield is bi af

>> No.19813004

ie, he's afraid of growing up

>> No.19813012

Naw, I'm a big fan of making everything gay, but men can recognize that another man is handsome without being gay or bi.

>> No.19813019

There's a difference between admitting another man is conventionally handsome and actually calling him a "sexy bastard" while you watch him shave with his shirt off.

>> No.19813021

I feel like that is a heterosexual compliment (I am a gay). Anyway, there are hundreds of "older novels with LGBT main characters" there is no reason to resort to Catcher in The Rye

>> No.19813023

Lmao, you have brain damage and attempt to lecture us on what is and is not gay?

>> No.19813029

Actually anyone who finds girls more attractive than boys has brain damage.

>> No.19813079

>The flip side of that is that reading it for the first time as an adult, it seems puerile, and Holden is obnoxious, because all teenagers are obnoxious

I feel like if anything, the book is better appreciated as an adult.

>> No.19813100
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>> No.19813131

so fucking BASED. i love gay people

>> No.19813319

Nice samefag

>> No.19813340

I went through the bell-curve meme myself. I thought it was the greatest book ever as a teenager, then I actually burned the book in college because I thought it immature and childish. Now as an adult I admire it and almost miss how I originally felt about it.

>> No.19813353

What do you like about it?

>> No.19813398

I probably would've gone through the same thing, had I read it when I was younger. But I only read the book recently. It is funny though that Catcher was one of those books everyone always recommended to me when I was a teenager. I definitely see how I would've identified with Holden as a teenager yet probably would've despised him later on. But reading it as an adult in my 30s I do feel a faint, vague nostalgia for my teens and sympathize with Holden, even as I recognize he is meant to be a bit obnoxious. It's like you said, teenagers simply just tend to be that way.

>> No.19813452
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>he doesn't know about /lit/ being 4chin's homocentral
Go back

>> No.19813455

You’re both wrong. Holden is observing that the guy is sex-obsessed. You’re falling victim to an outdated use if the word “sexy.”

>> No.19814210
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I think the artist listens to bright eyes

>> No.19814236

Holden was actually infatuated with his sister desu

>> No.19814288

This. It is obvious. Holden also describes himself as sexy. It basically means horny or sex-obsessed

>> No.19814339

>Butthole sun...

>> No.19814490 [SPOILER] 
File: 68 KB, 768x480, 1643219557054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did he r-pe his sister? This is the most curious aspect of the novel. Holden is a gamma male

>> No.19815453

Do you associate circles with assholes?

>> No.19816562

If he did have relations with her, it wasn’t rape

>> No.19816767
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>> No.19816781

you eat shit i bet

>> No.19816783

He was infatuated with her innocence more than anything.

>> No.19818011

What the fuck does r-pe mean?

>> No.19818343

Interesting to know that the book, which so many people dismiss as immature whining, not concerned with "real" problems, was written in part while Salinger was involved in some of the most brutal battles of World War II. Salinger landed at Normandy with pages of "Catcher in the Rye" in his pocket.

>> No.19818458

but, like you can say that about any outcast.

I don't get why it always has to be "right-wing this, right-wing that."

Taxi Driver, Joker, Patrick Bateman, etc..

What, outcast=right-wing?

>> No.19818465

much to think about after seeing this image

>> No.19818468

Probably that's why right wingers like it so much. For the rest? It's just alright. It's well written and Holden is realistic, but he's just annoying.

>> No.19818537

>right wingers are all fascist think-alikes!
>also they uh.. hate society and are outcasts?

>> No.19819015

It's definitely one of those books you had to read early to understand.