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/lit/ - Literature

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19952700 No.19952700 [Reply] [Original]

>at that moment, the heights grew exceedingly wuthering, to a point where even I started to a problem with it
What a fucking hack

>> No.19952716
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>in the end, I guess he truly was The Good Soldier
ummm, fr?

>> No.19952722
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are you that schizo from /ic/ that spams his work in every thread ?

>> No.19952757

>I recognize now, Socrates, that you are very correct, and this would indeed be a perfect city
>You are right, Glaucon, and I guess you could even say that this would truly be The Republic, by Plato, as translated by G. M. A. Grube, and published in 1997 by Hackett Publishing Company, Inc.
>Yes, yes...

>> No.19952768

>It's like I don't even know you anymore!
>Yes. I have become The Stranger.

>> No.19952774
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> Why did you do it?
> After all, I am a psycho... an American psycho!

>> No.19952784

>His boat was wet. He was cold. He was not having a whale of a time. At that moment he realized that Moby really was a dick.

>> No.19952789

>- It is a portrait, of a youth ... a boy, I believe.
>- Ah yes, I have been informed that it is a self-portrait.
>- Indeed? Now I see it ... a young man.
>- Yes. It is The Portrait of The Artist as a Young Man

I thought Joyce was supposed to be a genius.

>> No.19952849

>Oedipa settled back, to await the crying of lot 49
Wait a minute...

>> No.19953576
File: 37 KB, 660x716, Oh Dear Oh Dear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With a sudden, inexplicable feeling of trepidation I lifted the receiver.

At first, my straining ears could make out nothing, until — oh horror! — out of that awful, ominous silence emerged the sound of breathing. This was no product of human lungs, nor indeed could I possibly attribute it to any animal as yet catalogued or imagined by our zoology. It was a ghastly breathing — a wet, slow, sucking, fishy breathing — a blasphemous mockery of all earthly modes of respiration.

Then I heard a click, and the connection was broken.

I fell back into a chair. No longer could I cling to hope, and tell myself that those monstrous and indescribable forces had passed me by. No longer. Not after receiving the call of Cthulhu.


>> No.19953607

>Who was that on the phone, HP?
>It was Cthulhu, mom.
>And what did he have to say?
>It's a short story...

>> No.19953704
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>let's cry this Lot49: into Darkness

fucking serious?????

>> No.19953714
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>> No.19953738

>Penelope smiled for the first time in decades as he confessed to her, "Phew, this was quite the Odyssey!"
I expected a better ending desu

>> No.19953745

>He sat in the hospital bed looking at what remained of his arms: two bandaged shoulder stumps. A friend came by to visit.
>"Well, looks like you won't be needing those anymore, eh?" she joked.
>"Haha yeah," he replied. "I guess this is a farewell to arms."

>> No.19955490

>I cant believe you brought me all the way out here and all we ended up doing is trying to catch 22 chickens
Oh nononono

>> No.19955515

well, at least he still has his sense of humour.